MlflDtfOItD MAIL TRIBUNE, ME UFO UP, 0U1300N, SUNDAY, APllU 24 J 930. 13 LEWIS DEFENDS HIMSELF AND WOMAN'S HAGUE Unlvonttty City, St. LoiiIh, April . To Iho Million I liuvo n oopy of your pupur of (lio IIOlli nil., coiitnlnliiK an editor-, Inl, "Olhor l'coplo'H Monoy." Under ( ordinary clroimmtancoH I would imti nimwor tho editorial, but I nut con-1 vincod (hut, nu n pultltHliur of an in fluoiitml daily nowHpnpor, it wijh written with no donlro or Inlontloii of liolntf otliur than fair, and uudor a lulmindorntnndlng of tho fnotR. I will nimwor tlio editorial, thornforv, nitd roquoBt that you rIvo tlio hihiio publicity, iih n janitor of fnlniona, to tho nnawor that you liavo to tlio orlnlnul nrtlolo you printed. In ,tho first place, tho innttor of tho formor rooplo'n Unllod Slate bank, which won not n federal iiiati tutlon nml did nut violalt! any fod ornl laVH, In ho woll umfomtood aiul known now nn to nood llttlo ooinmoiit on my pnrt, wo havitiK won every fliuglo Biiit in connootlon with that long nml blttor slrugfjlo, tho Huprctno -court of tho Htnto of MUouri having declared in itn final jtnlgmont that tho nppolntmont of n receiver for it wan nn otitrnRO nml unlawful nml atinoHHod tho wholo thing ngniiiut tlio nt'nto of MiHHouri; tho government having dinminfted Itfl nulla and wa having rofitflod to accept tho din miflnnl nud enrriod tho milts tip to tho Httpromo courtt domnnding Hint thoy lie tried ittNtond of dismissed nitd the supreme court of tho United States liaving recently hnntlod down it do cislon that the dlflmlfwnl wan a enm ploto vindication. Tho wholo ques tion involved wnn tho right of n pon rtal offielnl nt tho instigation of pow erful enomlen, to detroy nny nmn or Inntltutlon in tho United Stntcn by depriving hint or it of tho two if 'tho Unltrd StntcH mull for nny rea on nntiNfnetory to Hint postal of. floinl nnd with no appeal on tho part of tho neciiHed to nny Ameriottn court. In our inattom tho polof fico dopnrtmont brought forward Him claim that it made no difforonco ns io whnthor thnro wnn guilt or inno cenco, thnt tho iiro of tho mniln nan n privilege in which no citizen had nny right whatovor, a privilego granted only nt uf franco nnd nt tho good will of tho postinnHtcr-Ron-ornl could bo withdrawn for nny roniton Ratlnfactory to hint, and that (linro cntlld bo nn nnnnl frntn W.a decinlon. On -thin basin, our publl-) cntioiiH, which wo hnd built up through ycnin of offort, vnlued at J milllonx of dollars, wore Huminnrilyj fliipproflKod, our banking ,'nHtitutiou doHtroyod nnd it took nn dvor three' yearn of dcKpornto legal naltlcs, at' an actual ciihIi Ions nnd oxpenno of moro thag $2,000,000, to overthrow thin infntnoiiH poHition on tho pint of tho govornnient nnd to cntnblinh our rightH nnd n couiploto vindica tion nnd tho right to go boforo con gross for nn indemnity of $2,000,000 of actual cash Ionr forced upon us.' Now, in rcgnrd to tho Amonouii Womnn'H League. Thoro nro more' than a hitndrod magazines, luputnblo and of unqttostionod Btanding, asso ciated under tho plnn. It mnkcu no protonno of being anything but a strictly biminoflB plnn. Nobody U asked to pny for or invest ono sin gle dollar to Hocuro momborHhip in tho longuo, Thoy nro required to so licit or flcouro a given nmount of! BubHcriptiona, which ontitlos thorn to Hfo mombornhip, with ronlly llttlo ov no offort on their pnrt, tho longuo recoiving ono-hnlf tho subscription prico nnd tho publishers tho other Jinlf. Tho funds roeolvod by tho league from tho momborHhip require ment bocomo trust funds and aro iisod for tho oroction of beautiful little club hotiHCB for womuii throughout tho country nnd for tlio oroction and mnintounnco of tho grent university nnd nrt noqdeiny, whtoh now has probably moro sttt dents than nny university in tho Unitod States, and having nt iU head tho foremost artisto of this country and Europo. Tho publishers benofit directly to tho extent of re ceiving 50 por oont of their subscrip tion prico for onch Bubsoriptlon. If a tnombor continues her offorts at tor nho complotos hor montborshli), tho ontlro amount of commission which tho longuo would rocoivo is credited to hor, to bo invostod in roa'l ostnto proporty, or sho has tho privilogo of withdrawing it if sho 'wialioa, So far as tho articl'oa in tho Rural Now Yorkor nro concornod, tlioy nro doliboratoly fnlso, nnd thouu attacks havo oontlnuod for sotno time, tho oditor of that pnpor hnving ttoither tho honosty nor tho courago to publish tho fncta which havo boen fiiippliod to him in each case. At tho tlmo the nrtlolo whioh you reprint was written, tho oditor of this pn por know porfootly woll, boonuao ho had boon fully ndvisod in regard to it, that those pooplo had boon ten dered tholr monoy in full with inter est a year ago last February aud that a demand was mndo for moro than $100 additional on top of tho Interest and principal, although I had alrondy assumed tholr loss in onneotlou with tho former People's United HtatoH bank to hiivo thuiii from Iohh, and that Hioho notes nip rosonl a total loss to mo, in that J hnd nssumod their Iohh nnd was paying It 'out o my own personal pookol, having paid last year over ifiOO.000. rained hv tho sale ami mortgngo of my own pornotinl prop erly, on those old losses nun odii gntionii. Thoro is absolutely nothing com. pulsory nboul your having n chap tor houso of tho Amoricnn Womnn's longuo in your city, but it is a mat tor of great credit nnd prido to 4i tho cltlon throughout tho country who havo alrondy socurod thorn and to tho mnny hundrods of ndditionul ones which aro now going up. It simply monns that tho subscription monoy which is now being paid by tho pcoplo of Oregon and being sent out of Oregon to pny for eiiHtorn magaxiuon would stay, to n largo ux tent, in Oregon nnd bo expended to n largo extent in your city, for the building and maintenance thoro for tho womon in your city of n beauti ful club house. Vory truly yours, : ; E. Q. LEWIS. 8UMMOXH. In tho circuit court of tho state ot Oregon for tho county of Jnckson, Kfflo h. Taylor, plaintiff, vs. Cory C. Taylor, defendant. Suit In equity for divorce To Cory C. Taylor, tho abovo namod defendant: In tho namo of tho state of Oro gon, you aro hereby roqulred to ap pear and answer tflo plaintiff's com plaint agnlnst you, now on fllo In tho abovo entitled court and causo, on or boforo tho last day of tlio tlmo pro scribed In the order for publication of summons heroin, to-wlt: On or boforo tho 30th day ot May, 1910, snld dato being tho expiration of six (J) weeks from tho day ot first pub-! Mention ot this summons. And If you fall to appear and an swor, for want thoroof tho plaintiff will npply to tho court for tho rollof prnyiul for In snld complaint, suc cinctly stated as follows: That tlio bonds of matrimony ox littlng between plaintiff and dofond nnt lio forovor (Unsolved, abrogated and sot aside; that plaintiff bo award ed tho caro and custody ot Armond Taylor, minor son of plaintiff and do fondant; that plaintiff bo awarded such nn nllownnco of dofondant's proporty ns may appear to tho court I equitable and just, nnd that plaintiff j hnvo Judgmont thorofor, to bocomo effective In tho ovont of dofondant's coming, nt any tlmo, within tho Jurisdiction or this court: that tlio J costs nnd disbursements ot this suit j bo taxed to the dofondant, nnd that, plaintiff hnvo such other nnd further j relief ns to tho court may nppcnr Just' and oqultnblc. j This summons Is published In tho Medford Mall Trlhuno by order of I tho Honornblo F. M. Calkins, Judgo of j tho abovo entitled court, which said order was mndo and entered ot rec ord on tho 13th day ot April, 1910, and tho first publication horoof 1b tho 17th day of April, 1910. W. B. PHIPPS, s Attorney for Plaintiff. Hasldns for Health. Tender Feet NEVER COMPLAIN WHEN IN A PAIR OF MEN'S 'EASE" SHOES. You will find thorn as oasy on your foot ns an old pair of sllppora, nnd for sorvico you will novor see their equal. That may Boom like an im possible combination in ono pair of shoos, but you will find it in tho Mont "Enso" shoos. Mons "Enso" uppors aro not rondo of tho ordinary stiff, bark-tnnnod Ioathor you aro used to in work shoos. It reminds you of glovo Ioathor it's do soft and pliable You oantrnvol through mud nnd slush nil day long and then put your shoos undor tho stovo for an all-night's drying without injuring tho Boftnoss and pliability; of tho Ioathor. '"Hotter work stiooa man novor mndo." The Wardrobe Farmers & Fruitgrowers Building IF you'll notice the various illustrations of Kabo Corset Btylcs, you'll realize why Kabo Corsets arc rec ognized as the leaders in bringing out the latest things. Correct in form, they arc also the most com fortable and durable corsets made. Wc give ypi the broadest sort or guarantee of satis faction and ' protect your dealer in carrying it out. Ask to sec our Kabo Maternity Supporter; and if you are stout you'll be interested in the Kabo Form Reducing Corset ; it reduces the figure to graceful lines without uncomfortable binding. This Style $2.50 ONE reason for many women failing to appear stylish lies in the corsets they wear. No woman wearing a Kabo Corset can fail to make a good appearance if her gowns are properly fitted. A Kabo Cor set will work won ders in correcting tho defects of a poor figure. Kabo Maternity Supporters give health and comfort to women who await the Stork. All goods abso lutely guaranteed. $2.00 THE most stylish line of corsets is the Ka bo There is not a now, up-to-date fashion in Parisian gowns that hasn't a coun terpart in a Kaho Corset. These corsots aro mare ac cording to advance infor mation received direct from the source of fash ions in Paris. Ask to see our Kabo Ma ternity Supporter; and if you are stout you will bo interested in tho Kaho Form Reducing Corset; it reduces tho figure to graceful lines without un comfortable binding. Styles similar to this for $3.00 and $3.50 --AirrnvT rj.' C ed to find that their f iguro is so different, so1 muqh bettor, when thoy put on a Ka ho Corset. It is always notice ablo to othere. Kabo Maternity Supporters area groat blessing to women who expect tho Stprk. All Kabo goods aro protect ed by tho most liberal guaran tee. This Style only $1.00 HHP l Exclusive Agency For KABO CORSETS Extensive Stock to be Handled We have just received a large shipment of 'these justly cclebratCorsets. ' It will please our friends and patrons to know.that a complete' stock of the.; best styles will always be found in stock. More Kabo Corsets are sold in the United States than any other brand made.. A trial will make you a regular customer. , y We invite you to come and see the new Kabo Models and incidentally to look over the goods we carry in other lines. You'll be pleased with the qual Respectfully, HUTCHISON & LUMSDEN. When You Buy -It of This Store we will guarantee it to be the best in the market for the price HUTCHISON LUMSDEN The old settlers are still trading here and the new ones are getting the ha bit. Y'OU may be sure of being up to the last minute if you wear a Kabo Corset. Besides being the most dura ble and comfortable corset, a Ka bo has the popular advantage of leading in Parisian styles; always comfortable and you are easy in the knowledge that there' are no brass, eyelets to rust and the steels are guaranteed against breakage. , This Style $1.50 CwrrUM 1900. Kabo Corart Co. TN CORSETS, the J- questions of style, comfort and durability haye been solved better by the Kabo Corsets than by any other. It's hard to say in which of these things Kabos are best; but you are safe in all of them when you buy a Kabo Corset. No matter what your figuro is, there's a Kabo model that will improve your appearance. Guaranteed not to rust nor break. Stout women should wear a Knbo Form-Reducing Corset; adjusted quickly after it is on; comfortable; and they really reduce tho figure. Kabo Maternity Supporters are the greatest blessing for mothors-to-bo. Ask your dealer. ThisYStyle for $1.50 III 1 1 KS?(KSioij, I jJ YOU'LL find .such an endless variety of corset modeh in the Kabo line that your requirements will be met without annoyance or trouble of any kind. In the matter of style Kabo Corsets are first in the field with the new est things; absolutely, correct because made under, instructions received direct from Paris. We guarantee you com plete satisfaction.- No matter what model Kabo you buy, you may return it and get satisfaction it it isn't jast what you want. We protect the dealer, so you should Insist on ex changing till you get what you want. Stout women should wcara Kabq Form itcducing Corset; those ex- pecting the Stork should we"- a Kabo Maternity Supporter. $1.25