MEDFORD MAIL TRtftUNE, aCEDITORP, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 19.10. Medford Mail Tribune Comploto Series: Thirty-ninth Year; Dally, Fifth Year. ytTBZ.ISKXD DAIJVT SXCEPT SATUH DAY BY TXE MEDFORD PBXHTXHQ 00. THE HANLEY DECISION, A consolidation of the Medford Mall, MUbllahed 188; the Southern OrfKon tan, ntftblldhed 101: the Democratic Time, established 1S7J: the Aahland Tribune, established 1S. and the Med ford Tribune, established 1808. KOnOK rUTNAM, Editor and Manatcer Entered aa accond-claaa matter No vember 1, 190, at the poatofflce at Medford. Oreeon, under the act of March , 1876. OfflclarPaper of the City of Medford. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year by mall t.OO One month by mall Per month, delivered by carrier, In Medford. Ashland. Jacksonville, Talent, rhoenlx. Central Point, Oold mil and vroodvtlle Sunday only by mall, per year.... .SO Weekly, ono year ...ISQ ara.ll Z.estA Wire ITnlted The Mall Tribune on sale at the Ferry News Stand, tun Kranclsco. Portland Hotel News Stand, Portland Bowman News Co. Portland. Or. W. a Whitney, Seattle. Wash. Hotel Spokane Neva Stand, Spokane. ' rostaire Rites! t to U-pate paper , 12 to 2pacre papor, -e 14 to SC-pate paper.. ...3c BWOSK CX&CSTXllLZXONI Averace Dally for Norember, 1901 December, 1909 January. 1910 February, 1919 Harcfc CiroulsMOBl S.100 17. 2 2,200 ....... 6 K 7 S 2.22$ 2.225 2.290 2.2S0 2.2S0 2,150 35.. 9 .. 20 21 , 22 , 32 34 , 10 1.350 11 2,30 12 2.280 ( 2,289 IS 2,358 l 2350 Total deductions ... jti. ........ 28 , 29 20 31 1.700 1.842 1.93S 2,121 2.250 2,280 2.300 2.250 3,350 3.300 3.250 2.250 2.300 2,250 2.259 2.280 2.250 .80,850 1.360 Nat total 59.690 Averare net dally 2,203 XBBTOB9, OXMOX. Vetrouolts of Southern Oregon and ort&ern Caltfomla and fasteat-ffrow- ur city in Oregon. TPoBiSatlon. ADrtL 1910. 8699. Banner fruit city of Oregon Rogue lver applea won aweepatakes prise and jue ox "Apple Saga et the World" it National AddIo Show. Stokane. 1909. Jlerue. River peara broucht highest meets m ail marKei or we worm dur ing the past five years. Write Corns ercUl Club for pamphlets. Cheap way to boost a town hol ler for help when you don't need it. Nest to a sucked orange, try a second-haml one-lunged automobile. A mean tariff California bandits holding up its "baby," the Espe.e. A , great cloud huug over Rogue Hiver valley from smudge pots. The way to find the hornet's sting bo an assembly candidate. There'll bo something doin' when Teddy gets home. np HE supremo court has again shown its friendliness toward the people of this section by construing the law so as to thwart the efforts of the community in the condemnation suit against Mr. Hanloy. It finds that the construction of a pipeline through his property would work "irreparable injury" to the cattle ranch, though a jury, who viewed the premises, assessed the daamge at $650. Medford faces a serious situation. A year of effort has been wasted, and the problem is no nearer solution than a year ago. All the work must bo done over again. There is no doubt but that tho right of way can be eventually secured, that another jury will place nominal damages upon the property, that another appeal will bo taken to the sirpreinc on some technicality and another Avinter go by before decision and still other appealsfol low. A holdup program gnu be successfully carried out with the aid of the law's delay indefinitely. "With the suit for condemnation is mixed up tho suit brought by Mr. Hauley against the city to compel the municipality to cany out the contract made with him for Wasson canyon water, wherein the council contracted for 250 inches for $25,000, and the people repudiated the con tract at the polls. If the condemnation suit doesn't pro duce technicalities enough, the damage suit will. It is good public policy, good business policy, good health policy;, to settle this water controversy, and settle it now not waste any more timo in lawsuits. Medford must have water, must complete its water system, must end the present conditions. It will cost the city more to waste time in litigation than it will cost to- settle with Mr. Hanley, even though it be a "holdup game," as niauy believe. Within ten years the city will need the additional water purchased, any way, and it will then be worth double its cost. BEAUTIFY YOUR STREET. BOOSTERS ON BLOCK DAY Citizens who contracted with ladies of the Greater Medford club for shade trees to be planted in front of their homes are strangely lacking in public spirit, when they refuse, as some have done, to accept the trees. "Toll us nboiit tlila Ulock Day scheme? Wlint Is It nil about?" quor led Mr. Justarrlrcd Eastornor. "Ia It soino got-rlchqutck, doublo-your-wlhl-cattorT" "Not so: bellovo mo," replied Mr. Ullthcsomo noostor, as ho buttonhol ed Mr. Easterner, "but It Is ono ot tho best Investments with surest roturus imyono over had tho opportunity ot grasping."' "Do toll," gasped Mr. Easterner, mentally plunging somo ot hla sbeckels Into this Koldon opportunity about to bo presented to him. "Now, In tho first plnco, tho surest thing about this Block Day plan Is that It Is backed up by tho Indies ot our Groator Medford cluball hus tlers nro born, not made, and these ladles aro hustlers of tho gonutno brand. Why, mnu, Just look at theso beautiful parks, greon boulovards, this fine granite drluklng fountain, theso avenues so soou to bo shadod by rows ot stately trees all tholr work" 4 "Well, and how about this last schema ot tho ladles?" romlndod Mr. K gtvntly liupresRCd by tho civic on orgy ot tho ladles. "Oh, yos, you boo. tho ladles not tho, library boo In their bonnet, and applied to Andrew Cnrnoitlo for a city library, but, according to his opin ion, a town does not draw a library, until tta eltUenn an n wholo manifest an aching desire for It, olthor show ing this deslro by book or money contributions, " 'Ulock Day'o tho thing,' said our ladles, 'for reaching ovory family In tho library project. Tho hoarty co operation wo shall rocolvo will moro than convince Androw.' "An envolop with 'For Library Fund' on It will bo loft at each house In town and will bo colloctod with Its contribution, next Monday evening, April 25, by tho ladles. Now you know," concluded Mr. Uoostor, "that any amount Invested In a library speculation will bo tripled In social and Intellectual returns to this town." "Sure thlngl I'm In for tho Ulock Day," said Mr. Easterner, as ho walk ed down Main street, a gladder and a wiser man. BURNS AND LANGF0RD TO MEET IN SEPTEMBER SAN FRANCISCO, Oil., April 20. Tho attempt to match Tommy HORACE T. JONES OFF GOVERNMENT PAYROLL Directed by Commififioner Den nett of the treneral land office, nix uurns ana faaui uingiora by cable more special agents of tho dopart was attended with confusion, but now mont of tho interior for Oregon and everything seems to lmve been Washington were yeslerdnv remov- straightened out. . . . -iff was i.m. fc v I 1 i ! avM ed from office because of the mil Nothing doing Statement 1, or assemblyites. Breakers ahead Evangelist Oliver then the comet. A great exhibition John D. trying to go through tho needle's eye with tho "Laird of Skibo" ringing the bell. Two hundred autos 'will welcome the Portland visitors at Medford "What other city can do it? There aro three kinds of bees in Itoguo Hiver valley Honey bees, busy bees and Macabecs. A Triflo Sarcastic Gold Dill Nows: Central Point is now a sub urb of Medford. Bedford's Annanias club will soon givo its "annual ball." Fishing sea son is on. The latest thing for dry-land farmers Colonel Holer's rain barometer. Three shifts on the Pacific & 'Eastern One coming, one going, one working. Tho .Shasta Limited from Jackson ville contemplates making a dash ev ery two hours for Medford in tho near future. Eor two months and more the ladies have been trying to deliver the trees. They have repeatedly notified prop erty owners that the trees were ready for delivery, have even carried the trees in their autos to the various places, only in some instances to have them refused. Avenues of shade trees should line each street. Theyi not ordy improve the looks of the property, but increase its value, as land on a shaded street is worth more than land on treeless streets. Trees add to the attractiveness of homes and cities, and a city grows faster and is more desirable with many shaded avenues. Grape street, Holly street, Ivy street, North Central avenue, East Main and other streets, now! treeless, ought all to be planted. The ladies of the Greater Medford club are doing a great work in trying to beautify Medf ord. They have un- selfishly spent and are spending much time and energy i jn improving the appearance of dingy streets and trans-j forming the crude village into the city beautiful, and de serve the hearty co-operation and support of everyone. Those who withhold it should be ashamed. The city charter should be amended so as to give the council the authority to force shade tree planting on all streets, and a program of compulsory beautification car ried out. It is practically settled that tho. lion-dollar appropriation for their Canadian and tne negro will meet in salaries and expense having become the ring at Richmond, near this city,' exhausted. Until more funds shall on Soptember 5. The affair will be bo available through congressional handled by the Mission Athletic club, notion there will be hut two special agents operating from tho Portland Buys One Hundred Acres. and Seattle headquarters. W. O. ASHLAND, April 20. Frank Good in Oregon and C. R. Arundell Spraguo of Centralia, Wash., an old- in Washington, timo chum of D. U. Grant, has ro- At tho head of tho list of men who eently acquired possession of tho were temporarily let out appears tho Hrooks tract, formerly owned by E. nnmo of Horace T. Jones, whose D. Briggs. This proK5rty is east of connection with the Medford land town and comprises 103 neres, -13 cases, the Blue Mountain conspiracy of which is bearing orchard. Mr.'easo involving Binger Hermann, and Spraguo will remain in this vicinity other well-known Oregonians; the for somo time ntteuding to the do- Los Angeles conspiracy case, in tails of this purchaso and incident- which somo of tho loading financial ally enjoy the benefits of an outing' magnates and professional men of in Southom Oregon. His venture in the City of Angels were involved, and this singlo transaction involves a more recently his nppearauco as n consideration of $22,000, beiug one witness ncninst Sccrotnrv Hnlllneor of tho most important realty deals in tho trial of chnrges submitted by of recent date in this neighborhood, L. R. GInvis, have made him n well and a purchase that means a greater known figure in the state. development than over for that lo- enlitv. nankinH for Health. STATE 18 10 SUE FOR Stnto Law Which Provides Money Laying Seven Years In Bank With out Claimant Is to Bo Enforced. SALEM, Or., April 20. Assistant Attorney General I, II, Van Wlnklo today took tho first steps nocossnry to collect 11 ,52 1.1 8 ot deposits ly ing In various Oregon banks without clatmnntH, and which, according an act ot tho legislature passed In 1907 belongs to tho stato. Tho flrot caso will bo tiled In Multnomah county today by Mr, Van Wlnklo against tho First National tmukut Portland to rocovor.tG806.l5. Tho action Is ono resembling es cheat and Is brought under a stat ute which provides that when n do post has laid In a bank for novon years without a claimant tltlo to It shall pass to tho stato and It shall be placed In the common school fund and be applied for tho benefit of the public schools, Tho caso Insti tuted agalnot tho Portland bank will be followed by others ngnlnst banks In every part ot tho-stato which hold deposits that have not boon drawn upon within seven yean, Tho First National bauk of Portland has tho largest Inactive deposit, tho Ladd & Tllton bank ot Portland Is second with 12371.46. The Jackson County bank of Mod forfd Is on tho list and tho stato will endeavor to subject $470,58 ot Its doposlts to oachoat proceedings. Tho Dutler Uanktng company of Hood Hiver has $100; tho Capital National bank of Salem, $322,08; tho First Hank of Joseph, $25; tho Farmers' and Traders' National bank of La Grande, $970.33; tho First National bank ot Prlnevlllo, $131.43; tho First National bank of. nosoburg, $40; tho La Grande National hank, $312.56, and tho Security Trust & Savings bank ot Portland, $331.80. Somo banks, Including tho First National bank ot Rosoburg, whoso reports formerly showed largor sums of unclalmod deposits, havo recently found claimants for thorn, which was ono of tho principal objects for tho enactment ot tho law, Tho roason t lint action has not been started soon er to collect theso sumo Is bocausoj mo law was uoncicni until amonaoa by tho 1909 legislature. NORMAL INITIATIVE WILL SOON BE OUT Special Mootlnu of Ashland Commer cial Chili to Do Called to Consider Launching Move ASHLAND, April 20. A xpuoinl mooting of (he AhIiIuiii Commercial blub will ho called at uu uiuly dale to consider the mnttor of formally litunching tho initiative utiuipnigii In holinlf of uu appropriation for tho Southern Oregon Slate Normal school. Committeemen havo boon ut work for many weeks currying on eorrespoiidouco mid laying out plans. This committee is now ready to put up its report and rouommoiidntionn to (he public, hunro an early mooting will be called to hear It, mid to toko such notion as may be doomed wise nud necessary in tho promises, PASADENA JEWELERS ENJOIN AIRSHIP INVENTORS CINCINNATTI, Ohio, April 20 A suit to enjoin tho Wright Drothors from manufacturing or selling aero planes was filed In tho federal court hero by Charles Lamson ot Pasadena, Callfornl. Lnmson In tho suit charges that Wright llrothers' Infringe on a pat ent for a box kite whtch Lamson and his brother patented a number of years previous to tho Issuance of tho Wright Patents. During tho Los Augoloa aviation moot In November, Lamion and his brother, who aro Jewelers In a small subarb of Panndona, qalbtd upon Glenn CurJIss who lias had several spats with tho Wrights In connection with patent Infringements and ex plained that ho hold patents on a warping dovlco, which tho Wrights claim to havo created. Tho result of tho co.iforonco be tween tho Lnmsons and Gurtlss was not mado public. It was announced soon afterward by lamson that ho would bring suit against tho Wrights. When Lamson patented hlo box kite, ho entered n proviso In his application for a patent to tho effect that tho klto could bo driven by power and bo son con structed as to carry a man. "Hasklns for Health." THE ROCHESTER ELECTION Alphonso vs. Gaston. Alnhonse Johnsing Ah shore does like dat Gaston Jeffries. Gaston Jeffries Oh, tho mutt I T The "China roosters" nro in full wplumngo in tho valley. Thoy seem vie with tho splendor of the blos $ioms that cover tho valloy. '$ So many people tried to get into !phe club at Vienna, Bwnna Tumbo J'as carried fifty feot out of his way. ' 'That portion of Lane ocunty In cluded in tho proposed county of Neemlth has never named a county judge, and it has been twenty-four years since it had a county commis sioner. The Douglas territory taken sever had either a Judge or commis sioner. And yet some people wondor why the people of that section are so anxious to create a new couaty. Coming events cast their shadows ahead. The gen eral protest against the Taft tariff, the unhorsing of Uncle Joe, the success of the insurgents, the election of demo crats to congress, the retirement of Hale and Aldrich, all symptoms of the revolt against the administration and its policy, indicate probable insurgent success in the coming congressional elections. The overwhelming victory of James, S. Havens at Roch ester Tuesday, over a republican in a strong republican district; democratic, success in Massachusetts a few weeks ago, under similar circumstances, show the extent of pub lic resentment against the now tariff. The people do not agree with Mr. Taft when he says the tariff law is a "good law." They do not accept his complacent view of the work of the old leaders and stand-patters. They do not sanction broken pledges. Hale and Aldrich see the handwriting on the wall and so are getting out of the way of the coming storm. TJncle Joe still continues to splutter and swear, an Ajax defying the lightning, but it will strike him, put him out of power. The old regime is passiang away. The spirit of political independence is abroad. The republican stalwarts pro claim the republican insurgents democrats and read them out of the party organization, and nobody knows what con stitutes a democrat. People are learning to look at both old'pnrties as organizations for pie instead of for princi tIcs And upon this troubled sea of politics comes Roose velt, a lead pipe cinch for another term if he wants it. - -- - - You Can Be Independent Buy An Orchard Tract Eden Valley Orchard Subdivided This famous bearing Orchard has been sub-divided into small tracts and sold at roasonablo prices. If you are looking for positively the best thing in the northwest in a small orchard, this is your chanco to got in right Most Profitable Investment TO BE POUND IN AMERICA Well informed business people from all parts of tho United States and Canada are looking to the Rogue River valley for safe investments. Years of experi ence in buying and selling orchard land fits us the better for suvhur investments that will yield largo returns. Our properties havo proven worth. Wo can assure you that you take no risk when you purchaso one of the 30 to 100-acro orchard tracts located in the famous Eden Valley orchard. Wo sell tracts to suit, plantod to tho best commercial varieties of bearing trees. You aro assured of a splondid income tho first year. Wo cau stato positively that this, is tho best chance for solid, sound investment to bo found in America. A. high-class bearing orchard of proven worth is certainly a moro profitablo investment than waiting for trees to grow on land that novor produced fruit. You are sure of big roturns almost at onco, cither as a grower or by re-selling. Come and let us show you. , 0 Secure an Income At Once PROVIDE PLEASANT EMPLOYMENT, You can buy as many acres as you desire, build a liome on ground commanding a view of tho entiro val- daily mail, and live within easy roach of tho business and social life of tho metropolitan city of Medford. ley enjoy the electric light and power, telephone, ( A climate unsurpassed anywhere. Magnficent Homesites ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS A small bearing orchard, planted to tho best com mercial varieties of trees, will provide tho most fas cinating as well as healthful and profitablo employ ment, and insures an income of from $500 to $1000 per aero each year. Hero is solid investment, and tho income or profit from salo is sure. John D. Olwell EXHIBIT BUILDING MEDFORD, OREGON