Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 18, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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I'x-CoiimiliiHloiior Tho twin Hiluy
wtH u MuitTo rtl vMlor Monday.
Block day Im your opportunity.
Goorgo W. Trofron of AhIiIiiikI wiih
at .IikiIshoiivIIIo on profoHHlonul Ijtiu
Iiiohh Monday,
John M. WllllaiiiH of Eugene1 I4 In
Mudfurd on it IniNinoHH trip.
W. W, Halo of OrantH Piinb wn in
Modford on bimiuoDH Monday.
Ho roady to receive Block day on
volopon. Mrif. Mamlu Box of Jacksonville
wiih In Mcdford on bufiluoHH Monday.
Komuiiiliur tlio eoltngo pruyor
mooting In your district tonight.
County Judgo Noll wuh in Modford
from Juokxoiivlllo Monday on tlio
tnattor of tlio location of tlio Crater
Lnko road.
Wliitinnu'H dollolouu chocolutoH and
confoctloiiH at tliu Morrivold Shop.
Tluwu lotH in tlio Quouu Anno, Ad
dition aro tlio boat over, coniddoriiig
prioo and terms.
C. C. Clnrko and Charles Miller of
Auhlnud woro Modford visitor Sun
Tlio Modford Printing Company
Iibh added n bludory and now docs
all HortH of bludory work.
Block day bout invoMtmont known
for your money.
Judgo W. E. Crowes of Soattlo ur
rived Sunduy evening to lo6k after
Ida business interests horu, Judgo
Crowes iu ouo of the attorneys in the
litigation ovor the Cardwoll estate,
amo to tho Roguo Hivor valloy for
that purposo, fell in lovo with tho
country, invented and in now ouo of
Don't loHt your Block day envoi
opo. John II. Cnrkin, attonioy at law,
over jncknon County Dank.
Mm. I). II. Drcwory loaves thin
ovonlng for Portland on a vinit to
bor mothor.
A fino collection of tho recent fic
tion at tho Morrivold Shop.
Willlami' Carnation tnlcum powdur
at Weal Sido Phnrmaoy.
Twenty-fivo rolla of wall pnpor for
COo at .Modford Furniture Co.
In tho ciibo of tho City of Mcdford
vtt. Noah Lyons, accused of disor
derly conduct, tho fino was placed at
$25. Lyons booamo involved with
two would-bo patrons of tho Soattlo
lodging house, and iu tho ensuing
frnciiM not only lost tho fiiiht, but
landed in tho strong, but not tender,
nnna of tho law.
Tho Union livory atnblo in reopou
ed and will bo horenftor operated tin
a feed and boarding stable. It. E
Onunyaw, proprietor. 2-1
Architects supplies, drawing pa
por, etc., otc, at tho Morrivold Shop.'
ll. it. laylor, who is now locatoi
in uio Appiogaio section, waa in
Modford Monday morning on hia way
to Urnnts Pass.
Twenty-fivo rolla of wall paper for
OOo at Modionl Furniture Co.
Old bookB rebound by tho Modford
Printing Company.
T t . . . .
iiomomncr uio coungo prayer
tnoottng in your district tonight.
Colonel It. C. Washburn of Table
Hook, It. C. F, Astbury of Gold Hill
and II. H. Trouson of Eaglo Point
woro Mcdford visitors Sunday.
Why pay cash for lota whon you
can got them on oaay tonus in tho
Queen Anno Addition T
William Von dor Hellcn of Eaglo
roint was iu Medroru on biiHineaa
A comploto lino of Old Hamnshiro
bond, tho finest stationery made, at
Uio Aiodrord Printing Co.
L. L. Lorimor of'Pairviow, Okla
Iiotnn, arrived iu Mcdford Sundny.
Air. l.onrnor is a brother of Harry
Lorimor and intends to mnko his per
manent homo in this section.
t Do you liko fnnoy atatlonoryt
Tho Mcdford Printing Company onr
rios it.
All stylos of legal blanks nt tho
Mall Tnhuno office Ovor a hun
drod fonns. ,
Privnto board at 110 East flth st.
Strictly first-cliisa.
Trespass notices for snlo at Mail
Tnhuno office
Commissioner Pattoraon was horo
Mondny with nthore of tho county
board on tho mattor of tho location
of tho Crator Lnko road.
Hob Dow wiib an Intorostod spoo
iniov for nn inning or two at tho
ball gnmo Sundny.
If you wnnt to doublo your monoy
In ronl oWnto, Quoon Anno Addition
is tho snfo plqoo.
C. E. Farmer of Grants Pass was
among thoso who attoi)dod tho "al
leged" ball gnmo nt tho Modford
wounds Sunday.
Logal blanks' for snlo. Mail Trib
uno office,
Jnmos Owons, county oommis
slonor, was n, Modford visitor Mon
day. nomombor tho oottngo prayer
mooting in your district tonight.
W. II. Shattuolc of Contrnlln,
Wash., ia horo looking ovor tho val
ley. Cnntain Gordon Voorhlos is in
Modford looking aftor business in
torosts. Haakina for Health.
Cnrrlck Major, "Bony Han" In "Gin
gerbread Man," Purchases Part of
tho Stewart Tract.
Another woll known opora nlngor
Iiiih hecoiuo no ImproHHod with tho
Ixmuty ami pniiBlbllllloa of tho Hoguo
lllvor valloy that ho Ima purchaaod
a ploco, will plant an orchard and
mnko a homo whoro ho can rotlro
between sonnonu and enjoy llfo,
Carriole Major, ono of tho stars of
tho "Ulngorbroad Man,'!' who plays
tho character of "Mnchavallun Fudco"
u dealor In black art, necond hand
curaca and ovll omens," Is tho latent
addition, to Modford'a operatic col
ony. When horo a year ago ho wait
chnniK'd with tho country and bouan
negotiations for a tract. This visit
ho purchaiiod, through Mono Dnrkdull,
1G .1-1 ncrei of tho Stewart tract, ad
joining Hate brothern' orchard on
tho foothills wont of tho city.
Noarly ovory opora troupe that has
Mtopped any time In Mcdford la do
IlKhtud with both city and valloy, and
umially no mo one of tho stars makes
nn Invoattnent.
Kcno rtallroad & Lumber Company
Buys Up Much Property and Will
Improve Big Lumbering Planned.
f 4-f -f
National League.
At New York Honton-Now York
gamo postponed; rain.
At St. Lou'w Chicago-St. Louis
gamo postponed; rniu.
At Cincinnati Pittsburg-Ciucin-nati
gnmo postponed; rain.
Atnorlran league.
At Boston WnHhingtou-Iofttoii
gnmo postponed; rain.
London Market.
LONDON, April lS.Doclincs : An
aconda, 12; Amalgamated, ; Bal
timore & Ohio, 1-8; C. 0., ft; I).,
1-8; E. P., 1-8; Illinois, i2; M. K. T.,
1-8; Norfolk, Vi; 0. W., 1-8; Penn
sylvania, 1-8; St. Louis, Vi; U. S.,
1-8; Wabash, 1-8.
Advances: C. A., 1-8; D. X., 1-8;
K. X., ft; L. N., Vi; N. P., 1-8; N.
Y. C, 1-SrS. P., 3-8; U.S. Q., Vi.
Much Interest Displayed In Grants
Pass Over4 Rumor That Southern
Pacific Intends Bulldinn to Coast.
GRANTS PASS, April 18. flovcral
years ago, when the subject of a
railroad south from this city was pro
posed by Ounn and Draper, they ask
ed for land for a tormlnal in this
city. Tho proporty was solectcd by
thorn and a number of our citizens
put up 11000 of the purchase price
nnd the railroad peoplo put up tho
balance, $1800, and according to
agreement tho deed was taken In tho
name of a committee representing
those who paid tho $1000. From
time to tlmo tho road promoters bad
been In this city, since, having large
mining interests In tho southern part
of this county. They kept their rail
road franchlso alive and protected
their right of way, and consequently
they were nt all times iu a position
to do business.
On Friday morning their attorney,
A. C. Hough, of this city, received a
letter Instructing him to secure, if
posslblo, tho terminals ground, they
offering to pay back tho $1000 and
interest thereon, as they expect to
need tho property for railroad pur
poses In tho near future,
Llttlo Is known In this city as to
what Is going on, but that tho South
ern Pacific is In the deal, as mention
ed last week, is surmised. Tho next
move will bo watched by Grants Pass
people with interest.
PCTTIHP Dl AUG Cf)D kn"' 8oiUtl nml 1,artIand and nil j fanied noguo lllvor valley. Let evwry
ULI IIIlU I LnilU rlllt cltlzon of this valley lend a holplng hnnd In ranking tho display wortlir
ninrninT r-ian hp i nt. ! '"t'T'ii'-'dlate points, so that our cx-'ot tho occasion. Lot all pull togolk-
HIV! I HI. I Hnlrf IfHn IV h"'lt w,n 1,0 et",n hy thousands ofer nnd soo to It ovorythlng Is doe
UIUIUlUI I nlll I1LHU I people. Tho Southern Pacific will
, make a special effort to bring In
1 everybody to soo tho wonderful ex
position of the products of tho fnr-
If Plans Do Not Miscarry, This
Year's District Fair Will Be Best
In History of the Valley.
which may contribute to the slice
of tho fourth annual exposition et
tho two great fruit counties of Oregon.
erhaouscr lumber railroad for tho
transportation of tho products of tho
Every Night This Week
Hotel Arrivals.
At the Mooro -J. W. Armstrom,
Corlnn; 11. F. Ivey, Soattlo; C. C.
Clnrko, Ashland; nruce llrlon, Port-
t, mill to outBldo markets
F. ltoyco, norkeloy; W. R. R. Mot-!
mnn nnd wife, Missouri; J. W. Rlod j
ffwT'SLiErrs: Ekr-oS ! Cottage Prayermeetlngs
laud; N. S. Rosonthal, Chicago; II, M.
Kd wards, Doston; C. E. Farmer,
Grants Pass; Charles Miller, Ashland;
A. P. Andorson, Now York; J. A.
Rohortson, Tablo Rock,
At tho Nanh Thomas Mullln, Cin
cinnati; V. W. Halo, Grants Pass;
J. W. Chuto, Uorkoloy; J. R. Cohn,
Chicago; John M. Williams, Eugeno;
IF. M. Edwnrds, Doston; W. H. Shat
tuck, Contrnlla; V. S. Nathon, San
Francisco; A. P. Andorson, Now York
N. G. Howard, St. Paul; J. W.i Dorry
and wlfo, Nod wood; Walter Chrlstnln,
Tncoma; D, C. Sholdon, Minneapolis;
Fred Mnrao, Portland.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or,, April 18.
J, King, innnncor of tho Keno Ilnll
road & Lumber company, arrived hero
Inst night In his automobile to tnko
chnrgo of tho company's proposed
work In this vicinity.
This compnny Is n branch of tho
Gold Hill Railroad & Lumbor com
pnny, which Is operating extensively
In that section. It recently organized
and Incorporated horo nnd purchased
tlio McCormlck sawmill and light
plant nt Kcno, IS miles southwest of
this city, to bo opernted under the
nnmo of the Pokegnma Railroad &
Lumber compnny. In ad Jltlon to buy
ing this mill and the proporty, which
contains sovornl hundred acros of fine
timber, It has slnco purchased about
2500 acres of tlmbor In tho finest
sugar and yellow plno bolt In tho
Klnmath country.
Tho Potter sawmill at Pokegnma,
23 miles farther southwest of Kcno,
has also been purchased by this com
pany. It Is now being dismantled
and tho machlnory Is to bo taken to
Gold Hill to bo Installed In a mill
thoro. Now machinery has been or
dered from tho cast to bo brought to
Kono within tho next few weeks. This
will bo Installed In a new mill at this
plnco and will have a dally capacity
of 250,000 feet of lumber.
The old steamer Canby, which has
been used by tho McCormlck peoplo
for transportation on tho Klamath
river between horo and Kcno, is be
ing rcmodolod and new machinery
placed thcroln. This boat will bo
taken to tho lower Klamath lake,
where It will be used for towing logs
and tho transportation of lumber.
Machinery and material has been or
dered for a now boat to ply on tho
rvler In plnco of the Canby. This boat
will bo 25x100 feel. A smaller boat,
10x50, will also bo built for tho up
per Klamnth lake, for tho use of tho
compnny and general traffic purposes.
Wnrlr will nnmmnnrn within n fnxv
dovs on tho three mllos of locKlnc' 0n Monday, tho 11th inst., after through here last Thursday on his
railroad for tho bringing of the saw-!v;nt'K for the Mail Tribune, I .took way to Butte Falls.
tnt?n fmm tha Mmi.or ta th mlii.M,M stnSc for Butte nl,8 nmving Mrs. Frank Tungate of Jackson-
TUPPER In Medford, April 15,
to the wlfo of Lowell Tupper, a
MAYFIELD In Medford, April 17.
to tho wife of J.. Mayfleld, a daughter.
Hasklns for Health.
The District Fair association met
recently nt tho Grants Pass Commer
cial club rooms, E. T. Staples of Ash
land and J. A, Perry of Medford
coming down specially for tho pur
poso, Bays tno courier, 'ino com
mercial club will now assist tho com
missioners In making tho necessary it
arrangements for holding at Grants
Pass next October tho most at
tractive fair ever hold In southern
Oregon. Every farmer, gardoner, fruit
grower, stock raiser and miner
should begin now to mako prepara
tions for exhibiting tho best that!
skill can produce. Attractive preml-l
urns will bo offered, Jackson county,
has promised to exhibit the most
wonderful display of pears over plac-,
ed on exhibition. Josephine county,
should double ihcr efforts of two
years ago. Wo certainly can show
fruit, vegetables, grains, grasses,
lumber products and stock, cattle,
hogs, horses and colts which would i
bo hard to beat in any country. The
fact that the Commercial club Is go
ing to manage the fair is a guaran
tee that it will be of a very pronounc
ed success. Everybody get busy.
From now on full particulars will
bo published in the county newspa
pers and every citizen of Josephine
county should take a part. So come
along, Williams Creek. Applegate, Il
linois River, Sucker Creek, up the
river, down the river and every sec-
tlo not tho county.
The mining men of tho county
should make an ore exhibit -which I
will do Justice to the rich mineral
districts of the two counties. Ex-'
curslon trains will be run from Spo-'
A Biogxaph Comedy Drama.
Thrilling Indian War Picture.
A Symbolism.
Excellent Music.
One Dime.
DRIVERS- that know the country
R3rS that CDver the country
Animal Insurance
We Insure Hwses and Cattle Against Death Frem Acdtfwt, Dk
east or Fire.
!. E. Tull, Agent, Medfertf.
By A C. H owlet:
it.. . n.i; t ..,.1 i. ..I..:,,. .z i vn
Later this road will be extended tg ,u'u "l Va""0,4 T C... , uuuBuw.f
,,,. ,' L,nnf ,,. i, Wrtv IItcv- C. I)nv4i.nna ono of the. Ellison, and three of her children,
roKcgatun to 'onncct witn tno cy-i ,, ,. , .& ,r n -r , ' ., r . .
.,.." , ,. . , . .(.JHutto rnlls hustlers, M. C. Mahony.lcnme out on the P. & E. last Thurs-
. - .-
tttttt -t- -f -f
Whitmnn's delicious chocolntos
nt Mnrrivnlil Rlinn
Tho Pantonum clonna every-
thing porfootly. 25
Robuilt typowntora for snlo
chonp nt ftforrivold Shop.
For wood of nil kinds, boo tho
Squnro Donl Woodynrd. Phono
2001. Fir Btroot, botwoen Second
nnd Third atrouts. Gould & Lindloy,
proprietors. 201
If you want sntisfnotion, try u
sack of Mt. Ilood Snow-Fnll Flour.
For Halo nt tho linns Mill, Romcm-
bor tho plnco. Polk Hull & Son. '
Evory spot tnkoa n hiko whon
tho Pantorium doos yolir work. 25
All kinds frosh fish nt tho fish
mnrlcot, Oystors, chiokons, crabs,
Bhrimpa and lota of good things.
Lunch goods always on hand. Roguo
Rivor Fish Co. 23
Stationory and offico supplios
nt Morrivold shop.
Cottage prayer mooting for tho
Oliver evangelistic meetings will bo
hold every night this wcok In each of
tho olght districts throughout tho
city. Como to thoso prayer meetings
and learn tho plans of tho mooting
get tho cnhtuslnsm and learn about
01 Ivor.
It thcro Is n prayor meeting In your
district, Mr., Mrs. or Miss Church
Member, bo sure to go tonight;
you'll bo hnpplor for having attended.
All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable
11 North D St.. Medford, Ore. Phone 303
Block Day Means
Anonymos Gifts
Tho two coursos of glngorbrond of-
forod local thoatorgoors on Saturday
and Sunday ovonlngs nt Tho Modford
rovod dollclous lndood, Largo audi
ences nttondod each porformanco nnd
woro woll ploasod. Tho noxt attrac
tion will bo "ltlp Van Wlnltlo,"
If, this Bpringtimo, your "fnnoy
tuniB to thoughts of" a bottor fum-
shod room lot your attention turn
to tho want nds,
"Let Not Your Right Hand Know
What Your Lett Hand Doeth" Is
tho Block Day Maxim.
Tho anonymous gift of $350,000 to
Columbia univorsity points to a so
lution, temporary, perhaps, but a so
lution still, of n rather urgent prob
lom of practical philanthropy. In
othor words, in this ago of milliqn
dollar bonofaotions, what ohnuco to
jar tho public has tho well-moaning
fellow who hns only a trilling $350,
000 to bostow. Now, by tho oxpodi-
ont of anouymous gifts ho mny
cmorgo from tho 2:20 class m tho
running nnd do his part iu philanthropies.
Of courso, for tho coming Block
day, uono of tho ludios auticipnto
suoh mammoth bonofaotions given
oven publicly; but it is felt that many
pooplo hnvo withhold contributions to
tho worthy library causo, booauso
thoy folt thoir possiblo gifts too
small, Suoh reasons, howovor, need
no longor dotor donations, small or
othorwiso, from finding thoir way
into tho Block day onvolopos, since
nil tho gifts nro to bo anonymous.
Thoro will bo no mooting of tho
Wodnosdny Study club this week.
'Hasklns for Health."
Rev. Davis had already had the an
nouncement made that there would
be preaching that night and by 7:15
the schoolroom occupied by the
primary department was well Tilled
nnd Mr. Dnvis preached and ex
plained tho cause of our visit to
IJutto Falls, i. e., to organize a Con
gregational church, nnd announced
preaching for tho next evening, when
ho' would read from tho Congrega
tional church manual something of
the rules and doctrine of tho church.
After the rending your correspond
ent prenched and on Thursday eve
ning we organized a church of ten
members, six of whom were present,
but tho others were hindered from
coming, but will bo formally received
whon Mr. D. will be up there again.
While avo were there Rev. Delano, a
Dnptist minister, came up and an
nounced that ho would preach on
Thursday eve, and on Thursday night
Row Qibboney stayed with us and
wont to Butte Falls on Friday to re
main over Sundny, so while those
people have been almost wholly with
out preaching tho past winter, they
hnvo ono now.
Tho Dewing compnny hnvo men at
work remodeling the mill nnd getting
everything ready for business. They
have a fine school, with Mr. Wright
ns principal, nnd Mrs, Barrett in
chnrgo of the primary department
Whilo there Dad Mnhonev took me
all through tho schoolhousc, and I
toll you, it is n schoolhousc. Thoy
may woll feel proud of it. Tho three
rooms designed for tho classes aro
all largo and tho auditorium or as
sembly room is largo enough to hold
almost any nudionco that will as
scmblo thoro, while in addition thoy
hnvo clonk rooms, halls and closets
for tho uso of tho janitor to keep
his brooms, water pot, etc., in, ni)d
tho wholo houso is finished off in tho
most approved style. Thoy hnvo five
storos (two in ono building), ono gro
cery storo and a dry goods storo, in
cluding tho drug store, a barber
shop, billiard room, soft-drink ostab
lishmont and n good hotel, tho View
hotel, kopt by Mrs. W. W. Pnrkor.
Tho snlo to which I referred in my
last was mndo, it boing tho J. A.
Smith plnco on Ynnkoo crook, con
sideration $25,000. Tho plnco was
bondod to Willinm Von dor ITollon
nnd ho sold it to n Now York com
pany. The citizens of Eaglo Point woro
grontly surprisod to loam that tho
mail had boon taken froip S. II. Ilnr
nish nnd givon to tho railroad com
pany, but suoh is lifo in tho far west.
Mr. Millor, tho airont for tho But to
Falls Lumbor company, nassod
k 1
The Southern Dairy Co-
Are now prepared to supply the family trade with
pure, rich
Fruit Bricks, Water Ices, Sherbets, etc. SPECIAL
The Southern Dairy Co.
Brillion Double Rollers I
day to visit Mrs. Tungate's son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. II. Kirkland aud family, of
Ohio, who have been stopping at the
Sunnyside for some time, t-tnrted for
Gold Bench, Cal., last Thursday.
I see that there are four carloads
of wood pipe that have been uu-j
loaded lying along the track near our I
depot, for the Mcdford ater works.
Since Sam Harnish has been de-j
prived of carrying the inil bo has!
come to tho conclusion to subscribe
for tho Mail Tribune. j
Mr. Mooro of Elk Creek was n
pleasant caller last Thursday night j
on his way to his homo on Elk creek. ;
Ho was returning from Ashland and
reports that tho frost has injured the j
applo crop considerably. i
Frank Ward, representing thei
Bruco Shoe company of Portland,!
and Guy G. Smith, representing M. E.
Smith & Co. of Omaha, Nob., were
soiling A. B. Zimmerman a stock of
new coods last Friday. :
A company of railroad surveyors
camo to tho Sunnysido hotel Friday
night. Thoy aro going over tho old
trnck to strnighteu out some of tho
curves, etc.
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. J. Simpson, who
hnvo been visiting friends in Sun
Francisco and nro on their way homo
in Cnna Tlnv. efrmnpil off nt Mrtilfnrtl
to visit Dr. R C. Gale, special agent j BeSt Clod MaSlierS Olt tllC MaCt i
oi uio uepnriiuont ui cuimuuiuu mm
labor, and family, camo out to Englo
Point in nn auto, stopped for diunor
nt tho Sunnysido hotel. Mr. Simpson
is general managor of tho Coos Bay
Lumbor company, nlso innyor of tho
plnco. Ho said that wherever ho
goes ho can hear nothing but about
Medford and Roguo River valloy and
tho wonderful fruit wo raiso here.
So ho stopped off to seo for him
solf, nnd ho snys that wo have iu
deed a fino country horo, and espe
cially around Eaglo Point.
Your Eaglo Point correspondent
would suggest that some of our mer
chants fix up thoir porches nud tidy
tilings up so that thoir surroundings
will bo nioro attractive
P. II. Daily oxpects to have the
oarpentors at work ou his new house
noxt wook.
Thoro was a sohool ontcrtainmoni
at Brownsboro last Friday night and
a dnnco at Colby's followed. There
woro 12 or 15 of our young folks
wout from horo nnd of courso thoy
had a good tuno.
Mr. Brndshaw of Poyton, who lm
boon priming tho J. A. Smith orchard
on Ynnkoo oreok, finishod his job last
Friday and Saturday morning started
for his homo.
We have a big stock of the "BRILLION" Double Rollers the best t
j clod-crusher on the market. The Brillion does the work In Just one-1
half the time you can do it with any other roller. Better get one to
pulverize those clods. IT WILL PAY FOR ITSELF IN ONE SEASON.
Big Stock of Buggies
We can show you a big assortment of buggies. Most anything yon t
may desire In this line can be seen by visiting this store, Every buggy t
Is tho best and tho prices are right come and let us convince you.
Hubbard Bros.
Medford - Oregon