MEDFORD AEAIL TRIBUNE, HCEDITORD, OR15C10N, MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1010, TELLS OF LOSS OF SANTA CLARA r Passenger Declares Vessel's Loss Was Dud to Gigantic Wave Which Struck Ship as She Crossed the Bar. SAN FAAKCISCO, Cnl., April JS. Edward Miner, n traveling sales man and tho first passenger on the submerged North Pacific stoanishsip Santa Clara to reach this city from the wreck, has told tho story of tho accident and declared that the vessel's loss was duo to a gigantic wavo which broke over tuc snip as sho was passing over tho Humboldt bar Wednesday. "From my stateroom window,' said Miner. "I saw tho great wave annroaehinir the ship. It towered above tho mastheads and seemed as huge and as solid as a five-story buUdincr. with a lornblo roar u broko ovor th vessel, and I thought wo would sink. There was a trc xnendous wrenching, as if the ship would bo lorn apart. But no one was injured and it was soveral hours before we learned that the Santa Clara had been damaged, but at tho time tho wave struck us I was sure that wo would go uuder. Waves Were Savage. About 2 o'clock in the afternoon I was standing by the window in my stateroom on tho port side when I saw that the sea was becoming heavier and tho waves savago. I no ticed the greater wave than the oth ers gaining momentum off shore. It was coming toward the ship on a diagonal. Suddenly the tremendous mass of water reared itself over the ship. "Then it broko over the Santa Clara. I could hear nothing but the roar of tho torrential flood that submerged and deluged the ship. A torrent of water poured over my window nnd darkened the stateroom. I felt that wo would be toppled over. Ship Staggered. "Tho ship staggered and hesitated under the blow. I felt for an instant that wo were in the grip of a tidal wave that would bury us. "There was no recoil nor return wave and tho sea quieted to some extent, though it continued heavy. "When the deck became steady again and tho floodwater had drain ed off I made my way from the stateroom toward the social saloon. The deck, I found, had been washed clean of everything movable. Every window but two on the port side had been smashed in by tho force of the sea. Water Toured Into Hold. '1 found that tho water had pour ed down into the hold and the en gine room and drenched the men be low. "At first it was thought that the Santa Clara bad weathered the shock. The captain and others were positive that the vessol had not touched bottom. We thought that we could continue all right. "But an hour and a half after the ship was hit tho engine room re ported that the water was coming up to the engines. It was decided to turn back and to signal by wireless for aid. We got an answer that the tug ranger was coming out for us. By 4 o'clock the water was up to tho fires and that stopped the en gines and tboh dynamo, so we would not use tho wireless after that. ' Hanger to Rescue. "At 4:30 o'clock ttio Ranger came np. Captain Noren wanted it to tow us in, bnt the Ranger was not equal to the task, with the bar running as rough as it was. 'Immediately upon tho arrival of "the Rangor the work of transferring tho passengers was begun. The wo men were taken off on tho first boat. There was a heavy sea run ning. "We spent the night on tho Rangor -without much to eat and no placo to sleep. Too much cannot bo said for tho splendid work of Captain Noren and his crow. Thoy calmed tho passengers and quieted our fears and in every way mado the situation easy for us." TAFT APPROVES PLAN TO HAVE TUBERCULOSIS DAY NEW YORK, April 18. Ex-President Taft approves tho idea of tu berculosis Sunday. In a letter to Livingston Ferrand, executive of the National Association for the Pre vention of Tuberculosis, the president says ho -approves of. tho movement - to make April 24 a tuberculosis day "on which ministers aid directed to call tho attention of their congrega tions to tho importanco of the tuber culosis problem and to give such simple information regarding it as saay be feasible. HasklHB for Healtti, iTHIS SERMON IS Sermon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL Paitor Brooklyn Tabernacle. Ooo April 10. rastor ltussell, accompa nied by Dr. Jones, who will servo tilui us stenographer, and by a representative of this Journal, sailed from New York April Cth for Jerusalem via rnrls, Berne, Naples, Alexandria, Cairo aud the Pyramids, Jaffa, to Jerusalem aud vlclulty. His return will be via Home, Vienna, Warsaw, Uerltu, Elberfcld and London. Meetings havo been arrang ed for enroute. ills longest stay will bo la Great Britain, where about twen ty appointments in tho principal cities await him. lie will bo speaking prac tically every day. Ills Suuday dis courses will bo specially reported In theso columns. Special Interest will center in the discourses at Jerusalem aud Rome. Tho many readers of his sermons will fallow tho Pastor in his Journey with great Interest. Ho la scheduled to be back in Brooklyn June 5th, when his topic will bo "Jerusa lem." In anticipation of a largo audi enco on that occasion Brooklyn's lar gest Auditorium, the Academy of Mu sic, has been secured. Ills sermons now reach six million families weekly, and assuredly many of theso wish him God-speed. On tha Atlantle April Tenth. I have chosen for my text a sea topic, a symbolical prophecy which, 1 believe, la rapidly uearlns fulfillment. All Bible students recognize the fact that many of tho Psalms are Mes sianic; that Is to say, they apply to tho time of tho Inauguration of Mes siah's Millennial Kingdom. Somo of them detail the peace and Joy and blessings which will then prevail amongst men, when the great leveling processes of that Umo will raise all tho worthy poor and degraded and will humble all the proud, establishing Society under such new conditions that tho new order of things Is symbolical ly styled In tho Scriptures "a new heavens and a new eartn, wnereln dwelleth righteousness" (II Peter 111. 13). Others of tho Psalms describe In highly figurative terms the work of the Millennial Age. For Instance, we read: "Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O most Mighty, with thy glory and tby majesty. And In thy majesty rldo pros perously, because of truth and meek ness and righteousness; and thy right band shall teach thee terrible things. Thine arrows are sharp la the heart of the IClng's enemies; whereby the people fall under thee" (Psalm xlv, 3-5). Here the great Redeemer Is pic tured na the glorious conquering King of tho Millennial Age, and his victory over every opposing Influence is em phasized "Unto him every knee shall bow and every tongue confess" (Isaiah xlv, 23). His right hand that will teach terrible things Is the symbol of tho Divine power which will be exer cised at the Inauguration of the King dom. Tho sharp arrows which will pierce tho enemies to the heart and cause them symbolically to fall before him slain represent his messages of Truth and Graco which then will con quer as they do not now, except in the hearts of the few. A sample of those now slain after this mauner by the Word of Truth Is furnished us In th account of St. Peter's sermon on the Day of Pentecost. lie preached the Truth plainly, thrusting in the "Sword of tho Spirit" up to tho hilt, no told his hearers how they and their rulers had crucified tho Prince of Life. They were "cut to tho heart," and it was tho greatest blessing that could have possibly come to them (Acts 11, 23i. Similarly during tho Millennium, the "arrows" of Truth will smite down all opposition; and mankind, cut to the heart with proper appreciation of their own sinfulness and God's mercy, will fall before tho great King, accepting mercy upon bis gracious terms full surrender. . Tho Day of Trouble Pictured. Tho Paalm of which our text is a part is ono of the Messianic Psalms. Prophetically and symbolically it tell about tho troublo incident to the passing away of the present order of slu and selfishness nnd the inauguration of the new order of righteousness and love under tho great Mediatorial Kingdom of Christ. Whether the events which the Scriptures predict shall como in our day or not, wo bold that they will como and be In full comportment with theso prophetic pictures. They were surely written for our instruction (II Timothy Hi, 10). And as Blblo stu dents wo do well to take heed to ev ery item of tho Divine revelation, that thus we may keep ourselves in touch with tho Infinite Ono and In sympathy with all the features of his great and wonderful Program. Let us note the particulars of the Psalm in detail. The Refuge of HI Saint. "God is our refugo and strength, a very present help In troublo" (Psalm xlvl, 1). How beautiful! now com- "fortlngl now strengthening! Those who havo entered Into covenant rela tionship with God through Christ, through faith and consecration, and who aro abiding In his love, may feel serene Jn any troublo In overy trouble -not merely in tho final trouble, with Ivhlch sin nnd sorrow will bo brought a an end. Not merely when Satau A REGULAR WEEKLY FEATURE i MOUNTAINS SWEPT INTO THE SEA "We Will Not Fear Though the Mountains Be Carried Into the Midst of the Sea" (Psalm sM. 2). ooO - shall bo bound will God bo tl'io rcfugo of his saints, but lu all times and uu der all circumstances "tho peace of God which passeth all understanding" will keep the hearts and minds of his faithful: "Therefore will not wo fear, though tho earth be removed, and though tho mouutains be carried Into tho midst of the sen." Tear Is tho great tor ment of tho majority of our race. It Is tho lash which the Adversary fre quently uses to drlvo away from God those who need his sympathy nnd lovo and Buccor. To such tho Lord speaks tenderly saying, "Como unto me, all yo thnt labor and aro heavy laden, nnd I will give you rest" And again, God declares his name to bo Love aud says, "Their fear toward me Is taught by the precepts of men" not by his Word (Isaiah xxlx, 13). Ho would have us trust htm as a great, loving, generous Father, saying, "Like as a father pltleth his children, so the Lord compassloncth thoso who reverenco him" (Psalm clll, 13). As love, nioro love, perfect lovo, comes Into our hearts it mora and mora casts out the fear which tho Adversary would in culcate and which has burned into men's minds and consciences the "doctrines of devils," to which tho Apostle refers (I Timothy Iv, 1). "Fear not their fear, neither bo afraid," says tho Lord to thoso who are his people. "Let tho pcaco of God which passeth all understanding rulo In your hearts!" Be faithful I Bo trustful! Accept the assurance thnt "All things shall work together for good to thoso who lovo God to tho called ones according to his purposo" (Romans vlll, 2S). This class will not fear when tho earth shall be removed and w,hcn tho mountains shall be car ried into the midst of tho sea. They might indeed be astonished and in trepidation if theso wcro literal moun tains; bnt they aro symbolical. Tho people of tho Lord, under his Instruc tion, will not be in darkness that that day shall overtake them as a thief, al though it will como as a thief and as a snare upon the whole world (Luke xxi, 33). In tho symbology of the Bi ble tho term tarth Is used to represent tho social structure, as tho mountains which constitute the backbones of the earth symbolize the kingdoms of the world supported by tho social order. As tho earth represents tho fixity of tho social order, tho sea represents tho restless, turbulent, dissatisfied classes which lash against tho earth and continually seek to Bwallow it up. Tho removal of the earth symbolizes tho disturbance of the social order. The swallowing up of tho mountains in the seas represents tho overwhelm ing of some of the great kingdoms of tho earth by the uprising of the people in anarchistic rebellion against social order. "The Powers That Be Ordained of God." Tho fact that the Scriptures prophet ically describe tho overwhelming of tho social order and tho great govern ments of the earth must no.t bo under stood to signify that tho Bible coun sels revolution or anarchy. On tho contrary, all of God's peoplo through out tho Scriptures aro counseled to live peaceably with all men, so far as possible. They are counseled not to uso carnal weapons, not to tnke to the sword for tho settlement of disputes, but rather to suffer injury. They aro counseled that God is tho great Over Lord, and that although ho Is not now ruling directly amongst men ho is fully tho Master of the situation In that ho could at any tlmo overthrow all op ponents. Ho docs not acknowledge that his will Is now done in tho earth, but tells us that It will be dono by and by and encourages us to pray and to hopo and to wait for It Ho tells us that Satan Is now the "Prlnco of this world" by virtue of tho fact that be deceives tho minds and hearts of tho majority, God would havo his peo ple understand something of his great Program, but ho would keep this hid den from all others; benco the Impos sibility of explaining spiritual things to a carnal mind (I Corinthians 11, 14). "None of tho wicked shall understand" (Daniel xli, 10). Tho great Creator has contented him. self with such a supervision of human affairs as leaves much responsibility In human hands, no merely Inter feres to ralso up or to cast down on occasions when tho Interest of his Cause and Program may demand. For Instance, tho case of tho Pharaoh, raised to tho throne of Egypt, In Moses' day. God there raised to tho Throne a man of great determination, and hindered from reaching tho throne other men not so favorable to tho car rying out of tho Dlvino Purposes. Thus, without Interfering with tho free moral agency of tho king, God used the wrath of man to praise him and tho remainder he restrained. Sim ilarly, God previously raised Joseph to tho Governorship of Egypt for bin own purposes. Tho Prophet describes tho tumult of that day of overwhelming troublo, when God's Kingdom -will be. estab lished, saying of tho sea that will swallow up the mountains, "Tho wa ters roar and be troubled; tho moun tains shako with tho swelling thereof" (Psalm xlvl, It i probably truo that such socialistic mul niMivhlstlr roarings have many times In tho past mused tho kingdoms of earth nnd their rulers to tremble. Hut nonu day ncconllus to t'u Scriptures, tho (lnui catastrophe will occur. How near thnt day tnny bo who can tell? Quli n good many earnest Blblo students von cur In tho thought that such a cllnun Is indicated In the prophecies, for tin year 101(1, But bo tho date as It may the fact renia'Mt. Tho prophecy are examining U nearly three t lion sand years uUt, but It 1$ ns good, us sure, mul as meaningful today as ever It was. Wo aro not of thoso wjio would harass tho minds of our fellows with fear. Rather wo would point them to tho Tact thnt behind this cloud of trou. bio there Is a jjlorlous sliver lining of Millennial Joy and blessing for all tho fatuities of the earth. Itnther we would encourage nil who havo the hearing ear to -teal aud faithfulness In their consecration, that they may "make their calling and their election sure" to a share In tho Kingdom glo ries and 'Vscnpe thoso things coming upon tho earth" (Luke xxl. 30). In a word, tho Gospel of Christ Is not n mes-iago of damnation and fear and torture, but as tho angels declared. "Good tldlugs of great Joy which shall be unto nil people" (Luko II, 10). Deliverance of the Church Pictured. Iu tho fourth and fifth verses fob lowing our text tho Church Is sym bolically pictured ns tho City or King dom of God, hU dwclllng.placo. And tho stream of Truth Is represented as a river making tho City clean and fresh and glnd. Tho proclamation Is made, "God U In the midst of hcrt Sho shall not bo moved! God shall help her early in tho morning" early In the Millennial morning. Tho Church ts to be "a first-fruits unto God." Her salvation as the Bride of Christ will bo accomplished early In this Mil lennial morning. Oh, how glad will bo all those accounted worthy of a placo in that elect Church "tho Church of tho First-borns, whoao names aro written in heaven!" "Sho shall not be mored," Is in agreement with tho first terse in assuring us that God's peoplo will be preserved from fear aud doubt and mlsundoratnudlug of the events of that "time of trou ble" and that their faith will enable them to triumph at a tlmo when oth ers will bo In great distress and per plexity (Luke xxl, 20). The Cintllee Raged. Beginning with tho 0th verse tho Prophet gives a brief synoptical pic turo of tho time of trouble and its consummation aud tho Inauguration of universal peace. "The heathen (Gen tilo peoples) raged!" These words dcscrlbo tho tumult which will pre vail amongst humanity In tho great time of trouble beforo the climax Is reached. "Raging." angry voices arise from public sieetlngs, aud lu tho moro privnto meetings of tho lodges of La bor and Capital, and through tho col- j uuins of the Press to tho extent per- mltted. In Germany tho "raging" Press for tome tlmo has been muz zled. The aanio Is true lu other na tions. In Great Britain, In tho United , States and In Franco there Is a fear of tjumult through public Press "rag ing," and everything posslblo is douo to restrain It Whoever bccs thnt an-, archy is tho most dreadful terror con fronting Civilization must realize tho I wljdotn of reasonable restraints upon J uis uwu lunguo aim ujiuu iuu iuuj;ui.-3 of others. .Nevertheless the Scriptures I show us that all effort to suppress tho 1 tumult nnd tho angry voices of men selfishly "racing" out against each other will fall. Tho prophetic picture continues "God uttered his voice; the earth melt ed." Tho unfaithfulness of humnnlty, tho clamor of greed, both in rich aud In poor, will bo answered by tho Al mighty, "Giver of every good and per fect gift." no will "utter his voice," or, as another prophot declares, "Ho will speak to tho peoplo in his anger," for their correction, for their rcproval. The result will be that tho symbolical earth (society) will melt tho social structure of civilization .will disin tegrate. Another Scrlpturo declares that that disintegration will be so great that "every man's hand will bo against his neighbor," Hut tho Prophet hastens to assuro us that In the midst of all this tumult tho Lord will be with his consecrated peo ple. Wo read, "Tho Lord of hosts Is with us. Tho God of Jacob is our refuge." This promise applies primari ly to the consecrated Church of Christ Spiritual Urnel. But It also sec ondarily applies to fleshly Israel, the Jowlsh nation, which will participate in tills tlmo of trouble, but bo saved out of it, a tho Scriptures dcclaro (Jeremiah xxx, T). In this time of (rouble tho Lord's Jewols, his saints, will bo gathered to their heavenly home, after which Dlvino favor will begin to return to Israel (Itomans xl, 25-30). Tho Psalm closes with a picture of tho devastation which will provall throughout tho world as a result of human selfishness nnd blindness. Capital and Labor will rlso up to a terrlblo cataclysm of anarchy, awful for rich and poor alike. Only God'B saints will then have pcaco, and that because of their knowlcdgo of tho grand outcome; because of their faith In God and their willingness to ac cept whatever Ids providenco should send. Mark the grand symbolic apos tropho with which the Psalm closcsl May Its lessons draw us nearer to the Fountain of Grace and give us rest, pcaco and Joy through obedience of heart to him, "lie (Imtnanucl) mnketh wars to ceaso unto tho ends of the earth; ho brcakotb the bow In sunder; bo burnetb the chariot In fire. lie still nnd know that I am God. I will be united among tho heathen (Gp tiles); ' will bo exalted in the earth," Announcement Extraordinary Having purehasod tho Tea and CoCfo Storo for niorly owned and run by GOODFRIEND, I havo decided to carry a com ploto lino of tho finest high-grade Groceries. Whon in need of tho fin est lino of BULK TEAS in tho city, or Groceries, Glassware, China, etc., call aud seo me. PHONE MAIN 2691 R. T. ALLIN 132 WEST MAIN ST. Orchards Farms Town Lots ONLY THE BEST AND AT REASONABLE PRICES. I am in position to ho of material use to you in helping you locato iu tho Itogua River country. My acquaintance with tho present owtiors and knowlodgo of tho noil aud conditions of every kind, fa vorable nnd othorwisc, aro nt your command. What you wnut aro all tho facts, then you can make an intelligent investment of your cash. I have n list of very oxcollent bargains which, of course, is con stantly chnnging, but never mind thnt como and seo me nnd I will nolp you got what you want, whothcr on my list or not. Correspondence solicited from those nt a distance who wish to lenm of this land of honlth and opportunities. George F. Dyer Room 0, P. O. block. Tol. 3201. (Formorly Mnnchostor - by - tho Sea, Mass.) A I V l I IlVi A N T XW1T11 111 PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too large. Twenty-five years' practical oxperionce. OFFICE 113 SOUTH FRONT STREET. For 6 Gnsolino engine Lots in West Walnut Addition; your choice; come n-running. Lots in Laurel Park Addition; don't fail to buy boforo wo ndvancc them. Lots in Suthorlin Torraco; these arc money-makers. Shado trees, less than half price. Gasoline otigino, two-horsepower. Horses, wngon and harness, chenp. Houses and loin jn different parts of tho city. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Second hand Pitcher pump, with pipo. .22 Winchostor riflo, spocial. 10 acros in California, WANTED. 2 girls for gonernl housework, $1 por day. 2 women for gonoral liousowork, $C por week. 2 girls for gonoral liousowork, $25 por month, I oxpoct to havo in a wook or so n nuinbor of girls from Minnosota. 10 ranch hands. E. F. A. BITTNEfi MedforcJ Employment Bureau. Business chances, real estate, all kinds of help furnishod and business ohances handled. Room 206, Taylor & Plilpps Dido. Phone 4141 Main. A speoittlty in house renting and care of them; list them with me Money NO. 52 $2100 7-room houso on 9lh stroot, cIoho in; largo barn; two lots 00x100 oneh. 11! yon want a snap hero it is and you will say so whon you seo it. $.1070 cash, balance oaBy. NO. 03 $1200 Cornor lot, 00x10.1; four-room houso; woodshed; good well; close in; $G00 cash, bal anco $.10 por month. NO. 5-t 4 Beaut iful cornel's, all right oloso to busi ness contor; ideal locations for an apartment houso, hotel or rooming house; ono of theso is close to now S. P. depot, NO. 222 ACRES 3-4 of mile from school and station. ' This iB just the coziest two-aoro homo you could ask for; 1-1 aero alfalfa; 1-2 aero oats, balanco in fruit and berries of all kinds; pears, peaches, plums, apples cherries, prunes, loganberries, raspberries, goosobor rics, dovborrio8, blackberries, 200 atrawber bcrry plants all in bearing; 100 choice roso bushes; every foot of tho land can bo irri-, gated from tho well, with windmill; 3-room' house, nicely painted; woodshod and barn. This is a snap at $1000 per aero. NO 225 ACRES In city limits; 6-room houso; barn . and woodshed. This will subdivide into Ifi lots, and all for $3000, but $1000 will handle it. Don't lot this slip. It won't last long. It's too good to keep. McARTHUR & ALEXANDER PHONE 3681 35.55 ACRES t Located two miles west of Medford, on tho main road to Jacksonville. The soil in this neighborhood needs no commendation there is none better in Oregon. This tract is all planted, the variotics being as fol lows: 757 Yellow Nowtowns. 580 Spitzcnbergs. 319 Bartlctt Pears. 242 Winter Nclis Pears. 288 Early Crawford and Elberla Peaches (planted ns fillers.) Tho greater portion of these trees were planted in tho winter of 190G and aro now in thoir fourth soason. They have made a nico growth and arc in good condition. Thero arc buildings on the placo, ample for present needs. The price is $G00 an acre, and wo can make good terms. W. T. YORK & CO. A POWERFUL BARGAIN POR A HOME MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY A dandy houso and lot; completely and expensively furnished; nicoly located on high ground, command ing a fine view of tho ontiro surroundings; south front; street in front to bo paved this spring; lawn sowed and shade trees planted; houso on fino eleva tion, standing two feet above walk; ccmont walks in front and yard; houso of 8 rooms, strictly modern in overy way, pantry, big closqts and extra rooms; all outbuildings in fino condition; houso and all buildings now; ono of tho best houses in Medford, and vory desirably loeatedd; finished in grained hardwood inside; all furnishings except piano goes in tho sale at a vory low price, This moans quick action. Some one will got a swell homo for a small prico. For full particulars seo Cusick 6 Meyers OFFICE IN R. R. V. DEPOT. - Makers lt OOM 3, P. O. BLOCK PHONE 1201.