MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORECJOK, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1910, ThfXKi lulu in -ilto Qiiooii Annu Ad ditfon urn ilia IiohI over, coiihIiIuHiik prica ami Ioiiiih. Mr. Cllno, of llio Norlh K'oonry, Ih lyiiijt; at ilentu'ii dour, with lint litllo, if ay, hoM5H of rooovory. Mttttlnt'u HjirliiK biiIoh your op portunity. Oct Uio fluent drink of coffoo and tllU (lllluk ltnioli ut B, & (, Limck Jtooin, old Kmoriulc oufo, now tlui Bmoko oluli. 21 Mr. Gordon, who linn boon lioro for ilin pnt two moiitliH on laud IjubI ncair, tv tin nod to lim liuiuu at Cron cent City IiinI ultflil. McoWit, 2fl South Coutrnl avo. VatwA JImidrix, hoii and daiilitor, of South Modford, rulnniod liotila Monday from nltumliiiK tliu funeral of tJidr nlntor, Mm. ClinrloH Smltli, of .Hack Rook, in tliu vicinity of Ku Kone, on April 11. MontRomory'H hnlr-droHHliiK pur lorn uow ouen. CO J. II. llomniw of Oold Hill was In Wmlford on lnmliirHH VVliiemliiy. Mr. mid Mm. litiiioiio Hiivngu of llontlnJo liavo returned homo after VMclt with relative and friundri hum. Mettlu from 1 1 :.')() a. in. to 2 p. in and from 5 :1)0 to 7 p, in. in OuIcm, on Frost ntreot, by Suiiunorlin & Qus tofftQi. J&kn U. Carkin, nttorney 'at law, orar jackuon County Dank. Wfey py cahIi for lotn when you can get them ou onny tonus in tho Queen Anno Addition T Niew 4ialr-rmiinf partoni now .epen ml Mfltrtzoniory'u. 60 Clarence Cano and S. A. Glnss of Iteaghs caroo ovor Monday for u couple of londd of household Rooda Lclonki to W. K. Johnson of tho Labi in Laurol Park soil for $2:50, $300 nnd up. 25 down and $10 .a rairotl. Seo Ilennon. CO Horn- April 1J, 1010, to tho wifo of. DtShrndor of North IJontty street, a nan. 3feoker,H windown nre nttrnotivo. V. l Oillotto of Clay Center, Keb., -arrived in Medford thin week and will KjMiud ibo fliiinmcr nt Knirdnlo orckunds, -with MoHnrH. Potter nnd -Ooold, who nro rulnliven of Mr. Gil lette. 1 Buy your sporting rooiIh nt Hum phroVo. 22 N. M. Sherwood and wifn and their daughter, MiwH Ilali, of Springfield, Or., arw vimtlng nt Kalrdale orch ard, with O. O. Ooold and family, who are old-tiino friend of Mr. ami Mrs. Sherwood. Beaon wants to show you Lau rol Park. CO Mesxru. Winn and Itookpt of tho Elk creek Hl'tion, were in Modford IVedntHday night. Mr. Docket re cetved two fine idicphord dogs Wed nesday and took them out on tho T. &. E. train Tim rod ay morning. Seo tho new goods nt Mcokor's. Thomas H. H. 'i'nylor, who somo ime writes poetry nnd quito fre quently a iiowh item, wns in Modford Thurwday from Woodvillo. Mr. Tay lor Uxh lived bo long in tho Kvnns -creek section that ho has a speaking .acquaintance nioro or less forvont wita overy rook nnd stump in tho rond ap tho crook. lie is uow thb secretary of tho Woodvillo Booster club and will lend his enorios to tho task of booming that country. ""Mod ford is all riht," onid Mr. Taylor, "but yo'all gottor keop n-movin' if jrou kep out of tho way of Wood ville." Apprentice girl or lady nt Greg ory's Studio. Visit tho oponing of Modford's new store Thursday. 20 Mrs. Q. II. Ilnskins was at Cen tral Point Thursday attending tho -animal meeting of tho Presbyterian lUisaioaary society, A. L. Utuphlotto of Oloiidnlo was in Medfard Tliursday. Merchants' lunch ovory day at "Tho Oaks" from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. John Wntkins of Euglo Point wns in Medford on n businoss trip Thurs day. Welwm Bcoson of Taloiit was in Medford on a busiuoss visit Thurs day. Private board at 110 East Oth st. Strictly first-class! Art Gotlino of Kubli, Or., was a Medfard visitor Wodnosdny, Vm O. tiled of Portland was in Medfrd Thursday on his way to IQamath county, and from thonoo to Crater Lako to proparo for tho com iag Crater Lako oonson. Sporting goods of all kinds nt numparey'H now gun storo. 21 P. B. Hunt of Eugono is in this jity ob a business trip. Porter J. Noff rotumod Thursday momiBg from a trip to Portlnnd. J. L. Wood of Kubli spout Wed nesday night in Modford. Merchants' lunch ovory day at "The Oaks" from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. W. I. Vawtor roturnod Thursduy morning from a visit to Northorn Oregoa points. Cfearlos Hurkhaltor of Qranta Pass was a Modford visitor Thursday. irumplirey'a now gun etoro opons Thursday moming. 20 Cottago prayer mooting tonight at tlio hoiiii) of Mr., and Mrs. Bchuylar, on WohI Tenth stroot, Koiith of Main and went of Onkdnlo avonuo, A lingo itttiMiditii(.'o Ih oxpootod. IsitHohall HiipplioH nt tho now gun Htoio. 23 For a ronl good sinoko nnd a ploiiHiinl oveiiiiig call at tho ntnolco I'liih. on Norlh Front street. MiMH Ktelln I.ovy of Jitoksonvilli wns u Medford vmilor on Tliuruday. Approntiuo girl or lady nt Greg ory's Htudlo. 1 1. K, MoDuiiIoIh loft for northern IHiiuts Thursday. Mocker snvo you monoy. Cnll nt tho Smoke club and spend n plonxiiut half 'hour. All tho Into mngnr.iiion, nowspiipors, otc, where only good cignrs nro sold, Old Em oriole cafe hulldiiig. Thbo. Cameron of Jacksonville left Thursdny for Waldo, JoHopliino ooiiiity, (o look uftur his mining in lorclH. Mr. Cnmerou is one of the original mining operator of South ern Oregon nnd the HnnmoiiM-Cnni-uroii mine near Wajdo in olio of tlio big producers of JoKophino county. bxclumvo ngonts for Fox visible typewriter, sold ou terms. Call at Mernvold Shop, West Mnin stt 30 If you want lo doublo your monoy in rent estnto, Queen Anne Addition is tho finfo jilaco. TEDDY HAILED US NEXT PRESIDENT Americans Greet Train of Colonel While He Is En Route to Venice Next to Vienna to Straighten Out the Austrian Difficulties. VENICE, April II. Colonel itooHovelt and Kormit arrived iu Ven ice at 3 o'clock this morning nfter n hard 12-hour rido from Porto Muiirizio. As soon ns tho train pulled into tho station Komi it and the colonel nihlicd to the hotel and rotircd. Ev ery one believed thnt thoy would sleep for somo time. However, ItooHovelt was up again at 0 o'clock, though ho appeared to bo drowsy. The colonel oxprcsscd himself ns de lighted with the country through which he passed en route to Venice. At nil the stations he wns cheered by group of Americans who hud gathered to greet him. Mnny of them cried, "Vou must ho our prcftidoiit again." Itoosevelt never answered them. Itoosevolt expects to lenvo hero this afternoon for Vicnnn. Accord ing to ndvices received horo from Vienna, Itoosovelt's time will bo ns strenuous ns n mnn of his tempera ment could desire. Ho will bo the center of a whirl of dinners, recep tions, royal audiences nnd othor af fairs during his two-dny btay. Tho Archduko Franr. Ferdinand, hoir to the Austrian throne, nnd Count Tosto, traveling incognito, ar rived unexpectedly today and called ou tho Itoosovolts. Thoy discussed tho plans for entertaining ltoosovolt while iu Vionnn. Tho Duko d'Abruzzi also called ou ltoosovolt. BASEBALL PASSENGERS OF SANTA CLARA SAFE Sixty-One Taken Off When She Struck Humboldt Bar Seas Run nlnn Hlyh Made It Difficult Land ing for Passengers. MARSHALL GIVEN BOOM AT DINNER MAGUIRE WILL BE TRIED APRIL 20 Friends of Indiana's Executive Are Miner Who Killed J of in Kapsko Last Enthusiastic Over His Chances to Sccuro the Democratic Nomination. Conter ami right field for Mod ford novor hail it chnnco in tho Jack flonvlllo gamo. Coleman lot out a tow lclnlts last Sunday. Ho caunod tho Jacksonville fans to bocomo wry qutot. Wilkinson had Ids mtfn by a good margin whon ho slid In to first, knocking tho bng away from tho run nier, hut Ills timps couldn't aoo It. Manager Hall will start tlio gamo next Sunday v 1th young Durgosa In tho box against Grants Pass. Tho northorn toam has six loft-hnnd bat tors. Durgoss bolng a southpaw, is llablo to ohow up woll against thorn. Whon Durgoss gots moro control ho will nrnko n good llttlo pitcher. Tho ModfonVQrants Pass gamo noxt Sunday at Modford ought to bo a good ono, ns both teams aro bond ing tho long jo in tho porcontago col umn, with Modford ono gamo to tho good. If Grants Pass -wins Sunday's gnmo thoy will bo tied With Medford tor first place, JaoksonvH'o and Contral Point aro both looking fcr another pltchor, and with a good man in tho box both thoso toams will show up much bet tor, and no doubt will bo tho moans of drawing largor crowdo. London Stock Market. LONDON. Anril 14. Advanced: Amalgamated, ty, Atchison, V; Bnl- timoro & Ohio, U. W., V.t Erlo. 3-8: Now York Contral. Vsi O. W., 1-8; Ponnsylvnnin, Rio Qrando, 3-8 ook Island, 11-8; S. It., Yt Southorn Paotlio, yy, Katy, 1.8-. do nroforrod, 1-8: Louisville & Nashville, ; N., U. S., 3-8; U. S. Q., 1-8; Wnhasli, i-hj to pro fon'od. V.. Dooliuod: Atchison nro forrod, 1-8; S. K. proforred, 1-8; St. Paul, 1-8. I3U11HICA, Cnl., April H. filxty ono pasMfiigors who wcro on board tho North Pacific compan's uteamor Santa Clara when sho struck tho Humlioiilt bar yesterday nftornoon wore lauded safely nt Hurokn this morning by tho tug Hanger, which stood by tho sinking vohso' all night and transferred iho Inst pasBengor this morning shortly before dnyllcnt. 1 The Hnnta Clara Is low in tho wn-' tor and from rhore, nppoars to bo' sliikltig. No ono Is on board tho voa-J sol. Cnptalu O, Non'ii, commander of' tho ship, nnld today that tho vessel struck heavily on tho bar while out ward bounil from Eureka. It wns not observed thnt tho seams had oponed until tho ship had progressed sovoral mllos down tho coast. Captain Noron thon ordorod tho Santa Clara to put about and an at tempt was mai5o to run back to Eu roka. Tho heavy soa3 nnd headwinds, howovor, sorvod to mako tho leaks wider, with tho result that tho water soon extinguished tho flroa under tho bollors and wade fui.hor progress Impossible. Tho nnchors wcro drop- pod nnd a wireless mcssago sent for aid. Tho passongors woro assured that .I... ......... IH h n .Ik nun. nnt nmnnrn. tions for abandoning tho craft woro made. Tho tun Kangor was sent out from Euroka shortly after 4 o'clock In tho afternoon. As tho seas wcro running high, it was lmnosslblo for tho boat to ap proach tho helpless stoamor. A lino was passed to t'-o Santa Clara, how ovor, nnd tho tug stood by until tho wind nbnted shortly nftor sunset. Tho pasaengors woro transferred during tho nlsht and woro landod today. It Is reported horo that a wlroless mocssso has been seat to a vcssol southward bound to come to tho as sistance of tho Santa Clara and at tempt to tow her Into Eureka before sho sinks. Tho Santa Clara was oporatlng be tween San Frai laco and Portland. This was hor 13lh round trip. Sho wns en rouio to San Francisco whon sho struck tho bar. Tho Snnta Clara Is owned by tho North Paclflo Steamship company, of which C. P. Do la tho head. Sho wns built at Evorott, Wash., in 1900. 1208 not. Sho Is 223 feet InMongth, 120S not. She- Is 223 footSHRD breadth 38 feet nnd dopth 24 feet. Among thoso on board tho ship was C. A. Doo, oao of tho principal own ers of tho Santa Clara, aud tho fath er of C. P. Doo, jjonoral managor of tho steamship company. Fall Will Be Placed on Trial Next Wednesday. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. April 14-. Adhoronts of Covornor Thomas R. Marshall aro enthusiastic today oror tho way In which his candidacy for tho (Icmocr.Vk presidential nomina tion wns recolvcd by democrats at tho Jefferson day bnnquot hero. The boom wns launched by John J W. Korn, candidate for vlco-i resldont 1 with Hryan two yoaro laco. It was seconded by ex-Governor Jonoph W.j Folk of Mlusourl nnd, though Mar-i shall himself declared that ho do- j cllned to bo a candidate, tho boom( was received with choora. j Democrats horo today ay the boom has national Importance and that tho men behind Julson Harmon of Ohio will havo to recognize the claims of Marshall. Ho lias shown his caliber, thoy say, slnco ho became governor, and his feat ot carrying Infllana for tho democrats, though Taft carried tho state, puts him In the same class as a drawing c-rd with Harmon him self. Marshall Is Poor. A few domocrats today, declaro that Marshall, despito bis popularity, cannot mako tho raqo for the nom ination, because of his comparatlvo poverty. Friends of tho Indiana governor today aro urcln him not to slop the effort that Is bolng made to havo tho democratic state convention, which meets April 27 and 28, officially cn dorso his boom. It Is understood thnt ho declared that ho would not countenance any such offort. Hcovor, with tho boom now woll undor way after the Im petus given it at the Jefferson day banquet, hla frlon'ls are urging him to allow tho delegates at tho state convention to take some official no tice of It. John Maguire, who in a dispute over a mining claim shot John Kapsko to death several months ngo, has boon indicted for homicide by tho Joscphino county grand jury of Joscphino county aud will be ar raigned for trial next Wednesday, April 20, ut Grants Puss. Mnguiro will bo represented by Oca. W. olvij and Fred Williams. Tho killing occurred in the mountains of Southern Josephine and is not de nied by Maguire, who claims that ho was acting in defense of his life and his property. YOUNG H0RSETHIEF ARRESTED ON APPLEGATE No. l-$2750-fl room house, bath and sleeping porch, city wWr, electric lights, comont walks, lot 50x150, 0 blocks from MaJg stmt; $lf00 cash, balanco terms; ntco neighborhood; it won't last No. 2 $30003 ncrcs, inside city limits, including home nt barn, east front, a fino proposition to snbdivido; will cut into Iff like lotsf thoro is monoy in it for someone; why not yoaf Wo havo a beautiful homo on Oakdalo wo would liko to show you at a price that in below tho market. No. 2510 ACRES alfalfa, throe and one-half miles fram Bed ford, cut four crops last year; some ofo tho finest land in the val ley, black frco soil; barn 50x55, on county road; land around k sail ing for $500 per acre. For short time we can famish tkfc at $400 per acre. No. 1414 ACRES Near city limit, all in fruit, mostly 4 t 6 years old; all fine black soil; 7-room honsc, fall 2-story, with loctf bathroom, etc.; one barn 20x28 and ono 14x28 ft.; splendid well. Prke only $000 per acre; one-half cash, balance terms. This prioe goes for a short time only. No. 43 FINE vacant lot, 50x255 feet, on east side; best of garden soil. Price $000, terms. It is worth moro. No. 2130 ACRES Black frco soil, as fine as any in the valley; X all fenced; 15 acres in Bartlett pears, with a few apple troeo; 5-room t house, barn and outbuildings, all painted and in mco shape; splendid well, on good county rond; only IY2 miles from city school. This is a bargain at $300 per ncro. Mc ARTHUR & ALEXANDERS I ROOM 3, POSTOFFIOE BUILDING t PHQNE 3681 MEDFORD, ORKGOK J CJnjmor May Help. NEW YORK. April It. It Is re ported hero this afternoon that tho democrats hero will quietly sidetrack tho Gaynor piesldontlal boom and will unlto Mkh Marshall of Indiana. Tho fact that Marshall is poor is no reason, according to New York dem ocrats, why he should retire from the race. Ho is not Identified with any faction of tho democratic party. It Is declnrcd, and would bo an Ideal can didate. Now Yorkors bollovo that tho Marshall boom will noon rival that ot Judson Harmon of Ohio. -Monday, Dejmty Sheriff Ulrich ap prehended Archio pody; who claims ho is a relative of the original "Buf falo Hill," on Little Applegate, on a warrant issued from Douglas coun ty, accusing Cody of hiring a small buckskin cayuse and neglecting to return said animal to its owner. The boy is only about 17 years of age, and a term in the reform school is about tho heaviest penalty he is due for. Ho didn't deny his identity, nor the mnin facts of the accusation, but claimed he intended to return the horse when he reached his destina tion in Siskiyou county. TAC0MA TO REGULATE AUTOMOBILE DRIVING -f ; TACOMA, Wash., April 14. Six, months' exporleico In driving a car, a license feo of $5 for driving a pub lic automobile, abstlnenco from liquor' and minimum ago ot 18. aro somo of tho features of a new ordinance regu lating tho driving ot automobiles now bolng framed by tho city attorney. We Will Sell the Best 50c Oranges nmHMnMHwnHH on tine MARKET WHile tHey last at 30c A DOZEN OLMSTEAD g HIB6ARD West Main St. t QIIQIIiCQQ I nPAI.Q UUUIHLUU LUUHLU 4 t:f Whitman's delicious chocolates nt Morrivold Shop. 'Tho Pttntorinm clonns every thing perfectly. 25 Rebuilt typewriters for salo choap at Morrivold Shop. , For wood of all kinds, seo tho Squnro Deal Woodyard. Phono 2001. Fir stroot, between Second and Third otroots. Gould & Lindley, proprietors. 201 When in need of n cloanor call on tho Pantorium, Main 2141. 25 If you want sntisfuction, try a' saok of Mt. Hood Sn6w-Fall Flour. For sale nt tho Russ Mill. Remem ber tho plnco. Polk Hull & Son. EVery spot takos a hiko whon tho Pantorium doos your work. 25 Stationorj' and offioo supplies nt Morrivold shop. Tho S. & Q. Lunch Room sorvos ovorything good to oat day or night. Can't bo surpassod for cleanliness. In Sinoko club, old Emoriok cafo. 21 Died. Frank D. Cllno, agod 43 years, 11 months and 28 days, dlod at his road denco on Nc-th Pino stroot Wednes day nftornoon. Funornl aorvlcos will bo hold at tho Into residence Friday afternoon, April 15, at 2-:30 p. m. Tho lntormont will bo mado in Odd Follows' comotovy. Notice. Tho Modford Amorionn Woman's loaguo will hold its noxt mooting nt tho Christian church on Snturdny, April 10, nt 2:30 o'clock. All mom bors roquostod to bo prosont. Hasklns for Hoaltn. TURN EXPENSE INTO INVESTMENT If it's merely a question of what ' you can "get along with," use an ordinary paper for your business stationer'. If, however, you are seek ing to turn expense into in vestment, use "Uekjtr tXi li'aUr UxrV The added influence given your messages by the clean, crisp sheets will wipe out the expense item and leave a bal ance on the other side. A Iktle Journey Into th worklnji of your own mind trn;ihea our argu ment. To help, ak ut Tor iptdmrn book of tht paper ibowtnj Ictierheadi and otbar buunesi forrat, primed, litho graphed and tortlo tht white and louttMn colon oi Ulo liAUrjitua Bono. ll'i worth having. Made by IlAxruf lki PAraR CouraMV, (he only paper maker tit the world making bond paper axctutirely. Medford Printing Co. PINE JOB PRINTING IS OUR SPECIALTY WE CAN ' AND DO MAKE QUICK DELIVERIES GET OUR PRICES 38 S. Central Ava. BASEBALL AT Medford. Sunday. Apr. 17 Medford vs. Grants Pass These Teams are Leaders of the League and a Hard Struggle is Looked For Grand Stand 40c Bleachers 25c Remember I carry a large line of &atel Clocks, Fancy Clocks, Travel ing Clocks and Alarm Clocks. MARTIN J. RE0DY The Jeweler NEAR THE P0ST0FF1CE. Excursion Ratesto the East DURING 1910 FROM ALL POINTS ON THE Southern Pacific (LINES IN OREGON) TO RATES Chicago $72.50 Council Bluffs $60.00 Omaha $60.00 Kansas City $60.00 St. Joseph $60.00 St. Paul :$60.00 St. Paul via Council Bluffs .$63.90 Minneapolis direct $60.00 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs $63.90 Duluth, direct .$66.90 Duluth, via Council Bluffs $67.50 Si Louis .$67.50 Tickets will be on salo May 2d and 9th; June 2d, 17th and 24th; July 5th and 22d; August 3d; September 8tk. The above rates apply from Portland only. From poinU south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rate to Port land, to make through rate via Portland. One way through California, add $15.00 to above rate. Ten days provided for the going trip. Stop-overs within limits in either direc tion. Pinal return limit three months from dato of sale, but not later than Oc tober 31st. Inquire of any S. P. Agent for complete information, or WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Orefom