MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1910. Medford Mail Tribune Complete Rorlca: Thirty-ninth . Daily, Fifth Yw. VVBX.XSK8D DAXZ.T KXCETT SATUH BAY BT TKH KBDfO&O ,A conkoltdatlen of tha Medford M1U MUbtlahod lit: the Soutlurn Orcson ilb, eaUbllshcd 1901! the Democ ratio Time, citabllithotl 1871! the AhUnd Tribune, cstabllahcd 18tS. and the Med ferd Tribune, otablUhed 180. BBOnOE PUTNAM, Sdttor and Manager Bettered as occond-.clasa matter No Timber 1, 108, at the poatoftlce at Kedford. Orofton, under the act of Mare 3, 1879. , , Dfflclal Tapfr of the City of Medford. BATES! cuBSCBxrrxox One year by mall $. 00 One month by matt. .60 Per month, delivered by carrier. In Medford, Ashland. Jacksonville, Talent, rhoenlx. Central rolnt. Gold Hill and Woodvlllo .60 Sunday only by mall, per year.... J.00 Weekly, one year. . ... . v .. .j . 1-P teaitd Wire United Press U- patcnes. The Mall Tribune Is on sale at the Ferry News Stand. San Kranclaco. Portland Hotel Ncwa Stand, Portland. Bowman News Co., Portland, Or. Hotel Spokano Kewa Stand, Spokxne. STATE-AIDED HIGHWAYS. D URINOr the last few veal's the state ol New .Jersey has spent eight million dollars on state-aided high ways. The development of road sentiment has boon so U"k tho off-year . i si. ....... i. . , the politicians review llio oaso today, lliumon' linniii. Innnnlioil lit tlm ......(!,. !i, !!... i .... . ti.t I.. Hi.. 1 political wlso ouoi that ho is to hnvu i tho support of Ihu party nt least dur- emnpnign, while - - f1, lnCf W , fl,f AofvnHn,, W5fll fllO ill'fl l,r.V 0 U0 1" V "0 UttOKRWlUU of state funds has been limited only by the amount of the appropriation. If a road is desired, a petition from the district involv ed is presented to the free holders of tho county offering to pay ten per cent of tho improvement. If the proposal is approved by the free holders a survey is ordered and con tracts let under approval of the state commissioner of public roads. The state pays one-third of the total cost of coustruc- so unit iiio Uetnocrais can una out how tho country nt largo views tho now linoup. llanuon has hooii put boforo tho Democrats nt various smaller meet ings hi various sections of tho coun try, nnd tho politicians say, lms boon well received. At tho banquet last night his unuio was received will cheers, nnd tho applause that follow oil tho announcement that ho is tho "most popular'' uinn is a sign, no cording to Democrats horo, that tho ,. , , . , , . , , i j lonuors nro wining io give nun tho uou, uiu luwiisnip or uistriui, pays leu pur uem ami uio ; tigo of nn off-year prcsidontlu boom. Tho rostacre Sates t 8 to 1 5-nnre ruiner.. ...... ........ lc 11 to S-pai?e paper..... So 11 to S-pko paper lc SWORIT CXXOOXAXXONI Arernse Dally for November, 1809 1.700 December. 1808 J.841 January, 1910 1.815 February. 1910 l.lll Kareb OireulaclOBt 1 1.JB0 17 2.160 X.. 3,100 18 1.150 1 1.115 10 3.100 ... 1 I.. f. ........... 10 . 2,115 3,100 1,350 3.250 3,160 2,150 11 1 IS::::::: 18 xetai mm deductleaa 1.180 Z,90 3,150 2.189 1.159 31 t 3,150 13 Z.IBO IS 3.300 34 3,350 35 3.350 37........... 2,300 38 3,150 39 2.3S0 30 3.150 II 3.1 6 Of tho .eo.Mo U50 Net total , 89,100 Average net dally 2,208 ICSMOIA 8SHOI. UatreBOlla at Seutkera Crecea and 'ortkera California, and fasleet-zrow Mr tty in Oresoa- Bawter fruit elty ot Oreroa Rerao Jrer apples woa aweepatakea prlu and e or it National Apple Shew. Spokane. 1909. itegue River pears brought highest prieeai in all markets of the world dur tsur tae past xive years. WsHe Ceaimezelal CJub far pamphlet. A little touch of spring makes the wholo world sing. Leave that information for Uncle Sam at homo where the census man can get it. Jeffries is running the colonel a dose race for the number of col umns per diem. Each day sees some new presi dential candidate loom up. Bat they don't loom long. Congress has refused to buy Uncle Joe an auto. Insurgents don't want to be run down. county the balance. The average additional cost of bituminous macadam! ? "r1 J!"!"1;""1 is $2570 per mile for a '14-foot road, or 311-3 cents per 1 considered important by tho Domo square yard, when the material is mechanically mixed be fore application to tho road, and 12 1-5 cents per square yard or $1000 per mile when the bituminous material is applied by the penetration method. Under the Xew Jersey system each county is obliged to appoint a competent county engineer, who must work along lines designated by the state commissioner of roads. Boards of free holders must appoint a county supervisor of roads, whose dutj' it is to superintend and supervise the repair and maintenance of the highway aided. Counties are required to keep state-aided roads in repair. Money collected from automobile licenses, fines, reg istration fees, etc., are turned over to be used as a fund for the repair of improved roads. In New Jersey this amounts to a quarter of a million a year. The statement is made that "the value of good roads to New Jersey is becoming more and more apparent each year. They have brought within the borders a large and desirable citizenship; communities have grown to boroughs and cities; manufacturers have been quick to see the ad vantages of locating in suburban districts with good roads KENTUCKY MAN TRIES over which to haul their product to the railroad station: OUT CUDAHY'S REVENGE A. I industrial centers have grown from what two years ago were but villages; in almost every section of the state .real estate values have been enhanced, and as a result there has been a steady and healty growth in the ratajjles." What good roads have done for New Jersey they will also do for Oregon, but until the constitution is amended, state-aided roads are impossible. But we can amend the constitution. emtio lenders, Tho spcoch Graves, mudo, ho declared, with consent of tho "interests" ho repro sonted, is believed hero to indicate a genuine get-together movement of nil factions iu the party. And that gives rise to the cry "harmony," which is to bo the last phnso of tho campaign, ns it is behoved tho plan was indicated last night. rue Democratic lendors rcgnrd hopetully the coming campaign. Thov predict freely that tho next houso of representatives will bo controlled bv their party. Republican leaders nd ink that thoro is a real fight on their hands if they nro to continue iu con trol. Tho evident determination of the Democrats, therefore, to unito all factions with new loaders to bo gin tho fight is considered as of par ticular importance. That the hardest part of the fight will bo nindo on the Pnyno-Aldrich tariff bill was also indicated by tho speeches mado .at tho banquet. Al most every speaker paid his respects to the now tariff low. Wicker-sham's genuine Republican party may be as select. as Teddy's Ananias fllub. California is in tho midst of a fierce political campaign, in which it is again sought to overthrow the Southern Pacific machine. The Dnko d'Abruzzi has had a talk with the colonel. Now it is to be supposed that long-talked-of wed dingwill be pulled off. Medford believes in practical Christianity. See what Secretary Smith of the state Y. M. C. A. has to say of tho city's generosity. We hereby offer $2 a word for an exclusive verbatim report of the- con versation between Rooseveit and Pin ehot in that mountain tramp they had last Sunday. 'Harmon, Hearst and Harmony" is tho new cry. Tho alliteration is about the only harmonious thing in connection with it, unless it be the last word of tho slogan. If the lovesick Southern Califor nia girl who gulped down a nine-inch knife blade to end her troubles over recovers, sho may easily make a liv ing by cword-swallowing. The St. Louis landlords who de cline to put bath tnbs in their tene ments have a defense. It is ques tionable whether immersion in St. Louis water is properly defined as a "bath." The New York Sun compares tho poems of the mikado of Japan with tkose of Alfred Austin. If that doesn't bring on Captain Hobson's long-delayed Yankce-Jap war, noth ing will. Peru and Ecuador are reaching for each other's throats again. There ib so need., for fighting except .that things liijve been c(uiet ddwri that way for awkle, and they want to do something to shako off tho ennui. The aetion of the Pittsburg minis ters in praying Jn concert against graft was too much like closing tho bam door after the horse has made his exit. And, besides, grafters aro net mueh susceptible to prayer, anyway- NEWSPAPER MEN DID NOT LIBEL JUD6E. HARMONY" HOW THAT? LOUISVILLE, Ky.( April 14. Henry Donnenf is in a local hospital near death, whilo the authorities of Indiana and Kentucky are sonrchinir for his assailant, Thomns Lnngdon, who, believing himself to bo n wrong ed husband, planned to rovengo tho invasion of his home with tho same character of attack that Jack Cud nhy of Kansas Citv arraneod for Jerc Lillis. Derment was slaihcd across the thighs and sides and was stabbed --"-- --- Blue Ribbon Flour THERE IS MERIT IN EVERY POUND. Do you want tho best hard wheat flour millodl ,You may think you arc using tho best, but if you don't uso Blue Ribbon you don't uao tho beat. Wo havo handlotl this brand for many years and our trado has steadily increased. Blue Ribbon is beat adapted to this particular section, and sells for a reasonable price. IF YOU WANT N10E BREAD AND WANT IT EVERY T.OIE YOU BAKE, CALL UP MAIN 28G AND LET US SEND YOU A SACK OF BLUE RIBON. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR OHASE & SANBORN OOFFEE. Warner, Wortman Gore GROCERY PHONE 286 MARKET PHONE 281 t just under the heart by tho enraged husband. Lnucdon returned to his homo at New Albany, Ind., just across tho river, earlier, than usunl Inst evening. Ho entered by tho baok door nnd found Denncnt in tho house, llo ovorpoworcd htm nnd then drow n hugo pocket knife nnd began to ninth his victim. ' When nssistnuco arrived Lnngdon plunged tho knife into his victim's side, nnd bofore ho could bo caught NOTICE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S LAND DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE Mr; . S. J. Adlor will bo at the Ho tel Mooro until April 10 for the purpose of eeoing those who are in terested iu the company's faraone Al berta Wheat Lands. He will be prepared to furnish complete infor mation, including maps, literature, price, etc Call on Mr. Adlor and arrange to tnlco advantage of our ow-rato semi-monthly excursions during this season nnd inspect those lands. ' IDE-McCarthy land COMPANY Colonization Agents Canadian Pacific Railroad. ran through tho house nnd jumped over the baok fonco. Doth men aro well known in Albany. Now For Sale Gasoline CIlgillQ. ( havo US Hhndo troos at a bargain Carolina poplar, horao chest nuts, box elders, cork bnrk elm. The Services If itri a property quest, you must read nnd nimwer nds -or bo "dis tanced" in tho bunt bv biivors who nro fur "less oxporiencod" than yu. I Five-room house, barn and two lota; a bargain. Lots In WoBt Walnut Addition; your ohoioo; como n-runnlng. Lota in Laurel I'nrk Addition; don't fall to buy boforo vre advance them. Lots In Mountain Vlow Addition; be sure and see them boforo locating. Lota in Suthorlln Terrace; these are money-tnnkora. 6-room bungalows, $850; can't see r how yon will throw away your money on rent when I will sell you a house on reasonable terms. WANTED. Ranch hands. Girl for ganornl housework. Dining room girl. 30 men, 8 hours. $2.25 per day. Girl for tho country, $25, four in family, adults. Mnn to milk and do ranch work. OF AN EXPERT vi ARE AT YOUR COMMAND Free OF CHARGE CALL MAIN 3021 I. F. A. BITTNER ; Medford Employment Bureau. i Business cbnncos, real estate, nil kinds of holp furnished nnd business chances handled. Room 206, Taylor k Phlppt Bldg. ' Phono 4141 Main. , A specialty in houso renting nnd care t of therm list thorn with mn Celebrated Josephine County Gravel Case Is Thrown Out by the Grand Jury. Possibility of Democratic Campaign Being Launched With That War Cry Is Discussed. In tho case of the state of Oregon vSi A- E. Voorhies nnd G. C. Cru tand, of tho Rogue River Courier, accused of having published a libel ous article in reference to County Judge Jowell, in which it was inti mated that the judge had exceeded his authority in the matter of per mits for the hauling of gravel on county lands, tho grand jury return ed ''not a true bill," and tho contro versy which has been a .matter of active discussion in the Josephine capital for some time, is now defi nitely sqttlcd. Tho want ads are the busiest of "cbancemakers." In this they act as ?ort of "assistants to Fate." WASHINGTON, D. C, April 14.--The possibility of the Democratic campaign being launched with the cry, "Harmon, Hearst and Har mony," is being discussed here toduy following the Jefferson day banquet last night, at which John Temple Graves announced that William Ran dolph Hearst is ready to return to the Democratic party. Francis Burton Harrison's declar ation that Governor Judson Harmon of Ohio is the most popular man in the Democratic party, and the fact that the letter from William Jennings Bryan, sent from Brazil, was not read until 230 this moming. When most of tho guests had de parted are tho significant facts as CENTRAL POINT NEWSLETTER Mrs. Wealthy C. Evans of this city sold her home in tho northwest part of town u few days ago to J. B. Stevens of Tolo. Mr. Stevens did not buy tho property, intending to occupy it, as his family rosides in Tolo, but he, like many others, con siders any investment in Central Point property a good uso to make of idle money. Cement walks are being laid on both sides of Pine street from Fourth to Fifth street, and parties owning property at thut end of Pine street are contemplating tho erection of business blocks. ' Little Edith Ross is now cpnva loscing from tho well-nigh fatal" at tack of pneumonia with which she has been afflicted. The little one is an unusually bright and winsome child and her serious illness was the cause of general anxiety throughout tho town. E. G. Whiteside is building for him self and wife a modern five-room bungalow on his lot in the new Shields tract. Most of them will be built upon immediately, Tho azaloas planted in the school grounds by the Woman's Improve ment club aro now in bloom, despite tho fact that tho chronic kickers said they would die if planted boforo the water system was installed. Tho rhododendrons are budding and the roses are all doing well. Today (Thursday) tho annual meeting of the Presbyterian Wom an's Missionary societies of Southern Oregon is being held in .Central Point with many delegates from all over the southern part of tho state in at tendance. N. E. Childors and the Whiteside brothers have begun the erection of a double brick block at the corner of Pine and Fourth streets, The build ing will havo a frontage of 55 feet and will be partitioned off into two stores. It will be but one story high at present, but -will be finished in such a way that a second story can be easily added as soon as business business conditions warrant it. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Peninger vis ited Medford Tuesday on business and pleasure. 1 Mrs. W. H. Norcros8 servos both dinner and supper to tho local and visiting members of tho Missionary society today (Thursday) at hor commodious home. Assisting hor aro Mesdames Fox, Thill, Freeman and Maple. You Can Be Independent Buy An! Orchard Tract Eden Valley Orchard Subdivided This famous bearing Orchard has been sub-divided into small tracts and sold at reasonable prices. If you are looking for positively the best thing in the northwest in a small orchard, this is your chance to got in right Most Profitable Investment TO BE FOUND I Well informed business people from all parts of tho United States and Canada are looking to the Rogue River valley for safe investments. Years of experi ence in buying and selling orchard land fits us the better for suTinn- investments that will yield large returns. Our properties havo proven worth. We can assure you that you take no risk when you purchase one of the 30 to 100-acro orchard tracts located in the famous Eden Valley orchard. Wo sell tracts to suit, N AMERICA planted to tho best commercial varieties of bearing trees. You aro assured of a splendid income tho f irst year. Wo can state positively that this is tho best chance for solid, sound investment to bo found in America. A high-class bearing orchard of proven worth is cortainly a more profitable investment than waiting for trees to grow on land that never produced fruit. You aro sure of big returns almost at once, either as a crowor or bv ro-scllincr. Como and lot I us show you. Secure an Income At Once PROVIDE PLEASANT EMPLOYMENT You can buy as many acres as you desire, build a homo on ground commanding a view of. tho entire val ley enjoy the electric light and power, telephone, daily mail, and live within easy roach of tho business and social life of the metropolitan city of Medford. A climate unsurpassed anywhere. Magnficent Homesites ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS A small bearing orchard, planted to the best com- mont, and insures an income of from $500 to $1000 . morcial varieties of trees, will provide tho most fas- I per aero each year. Hero is solid investment, and the ' , wuimiuy uo VYuxi ao uumtuiui uuu. pwiimuiu umjJiujf- UJUUIUU Or prOIXt irOIU DlUO la UUXC. John D. Ol well EXHIBIT BUILDING MEDFORD, OREGON i