Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 14, 1910, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
FhII (Leased Wire Report.
Tonight Mini Friday Condi
tloim fnvornblu for front to.
night, Cull control nftor 7 p, in,
No (liuniiuo Inst night.
The only paper In the world
published In a city the tlse e
Medford having a lqawd wire.
No. 21.
Will Q. Steel Arrives From Portland
With News That Many Notables
Arc to Pay a Visit to Crater Lake
List Includes Balllnycr,, Wicker
sham, Plncliot, Graves and Hill.
Chief Forester Will Be First Visitor
of Note and Will Arrive Next
Month Much Interest Displayed
In Washington.
Will 0. Steel nrrlved In Medford
Thursday on IiIh wny to Critter Lnko
nnd brliiK'H tho good news thru Jninos
J. Iltll, tho onr -o builder, nnd Loul
W. Hill, preald-rt of tho Great North
cm railroad, nnd Samuel Hill, pro!
dent of tho Notional Good Road ns
noclntlon, linvo nil nccoptcd Invltn
iIoiih to visit Crater take this coming
nn miner. In addition to thcao rnll
rond men, Sejcrotnry of the Interior
It. A. linlllngcr. Attorney Goncrnl
Wlckornhnm, former Chlof Forester
Glfford Plncliot nnd prcaent Forester
II. M. Graven hnvo nil nccopted Invl
tntlotii to visit Medford and tho lake
An Invitation has been extended to
Theodore Itooiiovolt, nnd Mr. Plnchj
hoped to brine him wont from Kansas
City conservation congrcii.
fJmven Hero Soon.
Chief ForeHtor Graves will bo tho
flrat vUltor of note. Ho will arrlvo
next month and, although It will bo
n little enrly for tho Crntor Lnko sen
son, tho Commercial club, whoio In
vitation both I o and Secretary Bnl
linger accepted, will ondenvor to seo
that thoy nrrlvo nt tho lnko.
"I found when In Wnshlnnton,'
Btnted Mr. Stool, "that thoro wns n
stroong sentiment ngalnBt doing nny
thing for Crntor Lnko becauno of tho
decision of tho cupromo court holding
tho rond a local affnlr. Evorywhoro
among tho government officials
wns nnkod: 'la tho Yosomlto n locnl
affair; 1b tho Yollowstono n locnl af
fair; how can Crntor Lnko bo a locnl
"Tho only thing that, won tho dny
nnd sccurod tho forestry-' npproprla
tlon for a road In tho rosorvo was tho
nssuranco glvoL. by tho Medford Com-
morclal club that Its mombora would
build tho highway.
All nt Lecture.
"After making a thorough canvass
among tho offl ctnls I naked them all
as a personal fa'or to nttond n lecture
1 gnvo In ono of tho churches. This
gavo mo nn hour nnd n half to talk
Crater Lnko nnd show my UluBtrntod
views. I grilled tho supromo court
for Its doclslon ngnlnst tho highway
and brought out tho fact na n climax
that tho rond would bo built nnywny,
and thnt tho Medford spirit would
build It. Tho nnnouncomont wns ro-
colvod with cheers,
"Wo expect n hoavy sonBon at tho
park this ypar. Crntor Lnko Is be
coming bottor known than over, and
If It can bo mado accesslblo there Is
no limit to tho number of tourists
who will annually visit It. As soon
as tho roads aro opon wo will rosumo
construction work and expect to have
the Inn on tho edge of tho lako rondy
for ubo as gooi: us travel opens."
Mr. Stool loft this nftornoon for
Klamath Fi.lls.
ROSWELL, N. M., April 14. W.
13. Arnold, who shot nnd killed A. S.
Luokio with fi rovolvur hnndod him
by Luolcio'fl 12-yonr-old dnughtor, is
out on bnil todny, following Ms nr
roHt for tho shooting. Tlio men qunr
roliod nt Turkoy rnnoli, mmr lioro.
Both rushoil to tho rnncli house for
thoir rovolvors. Arnold enllod to
TillnlrtAa .Innrrlif At tn linti.l Titm Uln
wonpon nnd alio gnvo liim tho rovol
vor bbforo hor fnthor could shout n
warning to hor, Arnold turned and
fired at Luokio, killing him instantly,
Barrill Hurls
Lie At Party
Mim Who .Mnl Affidavit Thnt Cook
Did Not Scale Mt. McKJnlcy Says
Nelllier Did Lloyd I'nrty,
IIUTTU, Mont., April H. Kdwnrd
Hnrrlll, who accompanied Dr. Fred
erlck A, Cook on !Ih Mount McKIn
ley expedition, and who recently sign
ed nn nffldnvl. In which ho declared
that Cook nover reached the sum
mit, said tcdny that, In his opinion,
tho Lloyd party did not ncnlo Mount
McKlnley, ns lu claimed.
llarrldl snld that ho bollevcs that
It would be ItnpOBBlble to' reach tho
top of the mountain, nnd especially
nt this period of the year, on account
of tho snow and ice.
Tho Fairbanks expedition, which
has J utt returned, claims that no
trace of Cook's camps were found
on the' mountain or In tho vicinity.
Ilnrrill ansorts that this report in
dicates thnt tho expedition was un
successful, as Cook established sev
eral camps on the mountain on 'tho
direct route to the top.
Ancient City
Is Unearthed
ItiittiN Foiuul Which Date IUick to
11100 II. C. lAK-ntlon Secret So
Work Mny Ilv Unhampered.
1JBHLIN, April 14. Tho ruins of
n pro-historic city .belonging t,o a
period dating back to 1000 D. C7, has
been unearthed by archaeologists of
tho I'olsdam tnu.oi.m.
Hy theso discoveries and others
made olscw!toro In tho Ilerlln district
It is hoped the scientists will bo nblo
to show that this is tho homo of tho
scientists will bo nblo to show that
this Is tho !oxo of tho Somnones,
tho earliest forerunners of tho Gor
man race. Tho exnet location of tho
discoveries nre kept secret In order
thnt tho work of unearthing thorn
may be unhampered.
Medford Gives
Akslstnnt Statu Secretary Snyc This
City Is Largest Contributor to
Work of Any Town la Stntc.
"Medford contributes moro to tho
V. M. C. A. movement in Oregon than
nny other city in tho state, outsido
of Portland, and bents thnt city por
capita," states Assistant Stnto Soo
rotary Smith of tho Y. M. C. A., who
had been m Medford tho past fow
days attending to matters conncc
lion wiiu tno nssoointiou.
"It is n pity thnt Medford bns not
a 1 . M. C. A. cstsnblishcd in tho city
nnd I liopo to eco ono ostablisliotl
hero in tho near future. Tho city
(loos moro in tho wny of contnbu
tions than nny other in tho stnto,
nnd could certainly bo relied upon to
build up a largo membership lo
SACRAMENTO, Cal., April 14.
School tcnchoie Lavo rocelvod a quiot
tip that tho state board of health is
about to lamio nn odlct thnt nil malo
teachers must cut off thoir mustacho
nnd whlsltori.
It Is undentcod that tho complaint
ngalnBt hirsute adornments Is that
thoy aro llkolr to catch germs and
thus sproad dlsenso,
Universities Play Ball.
SEATTLE, Wash., April 14. Tho
Untvorslty of Washington bnsobal!
nlno will nu.lco Its first nppoarnnco In
nn Intor-collochito gnmo this nftor
noon on tho Uaiorslty campus ngnlnst
tho Unlvorstty-uf Oregon squad, This
will bo Oroon's fifth gnmo in tho
chnso for the pom nnt, and thoy hayo
stowed away four preceding, taking
two from Idaho and two from Whit
man, i
Clark-Hcnery Construction Company
Lower Their Bid on Excavation for
Pavlny From 65 Cents a Cubic
Yard to 55 Cents Saving Will Be
In NcJohborhood of $15,000,
Work Will Soon Start Construction
Company Experiences Delay in the
Arrival of Their Machinery for
Tho Clnrke-llcncry Construction
company of Sacramento, who hnv
tho contract for paving the various
streets of the city, hnvo reduced
their bid for exenvution 10 cents n
cubic ynrd, or from C.r to 55 cents
Tho saving to property owners will
bo in tho neighborhood of $15,000
Mnyor Cnnon bns returned from
Portland, whero bo went in nn en
denvor to secure n lower rate on cc
mcnt, but in which be failed. It wns
thought thnt another $10,000 could
be snved in this manner.
The contract with tho Clnrkc-llcn
cry Construction company bns been
signed nnd everything is in rendiness
for tho work to stnrt. However, the
grading machinery bns been dclnycd
It is behoved work will stnrt nex
itio contract with tho compnny
calls for tho following items:
Lxcnvntion, per cubic ynrd, 55
conts n foot; curb, 40 cents a foot
combination curb nnd gutter, (14
conts a foot; gutter only, 10 J
cents a squaro foot; pavement, five-
inch bnsc, ono-inch binder, two-inch
wonnng surfnee, $l.fl n snunro
ynrd; pavement, four-inch bnso, ono
nnd ono-hnlf inch hinder and one and
ouo-hnlf inch wearing surface, per
squaro yard, $1.52; six-inch cnstiron
pipe, lnid, $1 a foot; six-inch vitri
fied sower pipo, 50 cents n foot
eight-inch cnstiron pipe, por foot
ifi.u'o: cignt-uich vitruicd sowor
pipe, per foot, 05 conts; cntchbnsins
$21; monument cases, $2; meter
boxes, $3.75.
Work must bo stnrtcd beforo Mny
10, 1010. The contractor is requir
ed to furnish a $100,000 bond.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., April 14.
Acting on tho possibility thnt n 10
year-old white child roportod to hnvo
been seen witli a band of gypsies who
woro camping in tho Arroyo Seco,
near Los Angoles, mny .bo Alma Roll
nor, who wns kidnnped in Louisvillo
thrco months ngo, tho polico todny
aro making ovory effort to find tho
Tho gypsies enmo hero from Co-
vinn. While thoro ono of thoir num-
bor stated thnt thoy had coino from
tho Ohio rivor district. Tito child
wns scon in thoir camp, but tho wnn
dorors refused to nnswor questions
concerning hor.
SPOKANE, Wash., April 14. Oust
tho city council nnd glvo Spokano a
commission form of government; ro
vlso tho city chnrtor to provido for
tho nocossary change nnd call an
oloctlon at onco.
Such Is tho object of numorous pe
titions bolng cUculntod throughout
tho city today, end which aro expect-
od to bo clgnod by onough qualified
votors to foroa tho city council to call
tho spoclal election nekod for In the
potltlon, thirty days honce.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., April 14.
Promoters of tho Playa Dol Roy mo
tor rncos hnvo not glvon up hopo of
bringing narnoy Oldtlold nnd Ralph
Do Palma togcthor In a speed trial,
nnd today no&otlatlons aro ponding
that may result In a throo-cornerod
contest betwoon the two great drivers
and All Livingstone,
A Glimpse of the Enumerators at Work
j& jg? j& jg? j&
Will Start Counting Noses Tomorrow
At n mooting of tho Crater Lnko
highway commission of tho Com
moroinl club Thursday morning En
ginoors Herring and Hcidol told of
thoir trip into tho forest resorvo and
brought forth tho fact that it was
practically impossible to make n suv
voy of tho road beyond Union creek
at tho present time, on account of
tho snow.
Tho commission decided, nftor con
sultation with tho cugmoors, that tho
first stretch of road to bo con
struotcd would bo that lying botwecn
Flounce- Rook bridge and Prospect,
work boginning at the rrospoct oud
11ns section calls for tho heaviest
coonstruction work of any portion
of tho .roiito and will removo tho
greatest obstaolo nt prosont, tho
Fiounco ook grade.
The following committees wero ap
pointed: Engineering committco to
work with tho government engineors
and to contrnot for tho building of
tno Highway, J. D. Heard, J. A. Wes
torlund and E. D. Wntormnn; audit
ing oommittoo, W. I. Vawtor. Georco
A. Davis and G. Putnam; oommittoo
on collodions and to mnko purohnsos,
Dr. c. It. Raj', Dr. J. M. Keeno nnd
J. M. Root.
It wns dooidod to begin tho survov
of thnt soction of tho highway, for
...l.S.I. i . ... I . "I
ien eouirnoi8 win no asked at
onco, so that contractors onn figuro
on building tho rond in tho forost
rosorvo and thnt portion to bo built
by contributions, in ono contrnot.
Mrs. W, A. Sumnor nnd Miss
Sutnnor, wifo and dnughtor of W. A.
Sumnor of Modoo orcbnrd, arrived
Thursday to make thoir home in
Jeff Is Ten To
Six Favorite
netting Commissions In San Francis
co However, Look for Better Odds
When Ulnck IJcgins Training.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. April 14.
Jeffries is n 10 to G favorite hi the
betting on tho Emeryville fight,
schedulod for July 4, according to
tho hotting commissioners in Snn
Thoro is littlo hotting on tho out
come of tho big go thus fnr, accord
ing to local sportsmon.
Dotting Commissioner Tom Cor
bott, who is well vorsed in such mnt-
tors, said today that (hero will bo
no raonoy action until Johnson gots
busy and shows an inclination to do
something more than talk nbout what
training ho is going to do.
Tho fans intimate that thoro may
bo n sudden switch in tho presont
odds when Johnson makes his ap
pearance on tho Pacific coast and
settles down to grinding nt tho Seal
Rock inn.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 14. Tho
Jack of Hearts (alias for Jack Glea-
sou) la on his way homoward and is
duo horo noxt Saturday on tho Ovor-
Innd Limited. Tho Jnulc of Spados
(Mlstah Johnslng) will not bo with
Whon Qloansou startod on his
homoward Jom-uoy ho vns told to
bring Johnson with him or not to re
turn , Gloason evldontly failed to
carry out hta Instructions from tho
local end ol tLn firm of Riekard nnd
Gloason, for tho big black Is not on
tho train, acceding to roports from
the firm's headquarters, hero.
Engineers W. E. Herring of tho
forestry buroau nnd B. F. Holdol of
tho federal cood roads section re
turned Wodnosday from a trip Into
tho Crater national forest, whero thoy
went over tho proposed route of the
Crater Lako hlghwny ns far os tho
snow lino would permit thoni. Thoy
decided that tho money that tho gov
ernment will expend this year will bo
put in on tho road east of Union
They found that the heavy floods
of last winter had done considerable
damage to the roads. Tho nowly
built road between Trail and Fiounco
Rock has been vashed so badly that
It la Impassnblo for an automobile,
High water marks loft by tho flood
shows that tho wator woro higher last
wlntor than ever befor,
Tho bridge built across Union creek
last year was carried out by tho flood.
It rarely happens that the waters of
Union crook overflow tho banks, but
It happened last winter.
Snow Is practically oft tho ground
except In tho occasional drifts through
tho forests up to Union creek. Thero
the snow lino begins and thoro aro
drifts of four and flvo foot deep
across tho road a mllo or two from
tho creek, Tho further toward tho
lake tho doopor tho snow and tho
uppor road brldco Is altogether Im
passable ovon on horseback at the
presont tlrao.
T. O. Eriokson and Arthur Brown
aro in tho wilds of tho Applegnto
soction. Tho former, who is nn ex
pert nnglor, following thnt avoon
tion, whilo Arthur seeks inspiration
for the pootionl effusions which hnvo
come from his pen nt different times
since ho bus bovn a Medford resident.
ns FOR
Tomorrow Uncle Sam Will Start In
to Determine How Many He Has
In His Family and Whether Ttoy
Are Out of Work or Not De Hoi
Let the Census Man Alarm Ysu.
What i3 your house num
ber? What is your name?
What are the names of the
members of your family?
What is their relation
Male or female?
Red, black, brown
What is your ago?
Are yon single, married,
widowed or divorced?
How long married, if at
How many children have
Whero were you, your fath
er and your mother born?
How long have yon lived In
Are yon naturalized?
Can yon speak English; if
not, what language do yon
What is your occupation?
Aro you employed or an
Were you out of work on
April 15?
How long out of work in
Can you read, write, spell
and cipher?
Are you a property owner
or do you rent your home?
Is there a lien on your
Aro you a survivor of the
Union or Confederate army or
Are you blind ono or both
Aro you deaf or dumb?
4- :
Aro you ready for tho census?
nave you read tho almanac?
Have you studied your ancestors
For a dozen cycles back?
Have you counted up your freckles
For you know you'll have to tell
Tomorrow when tho census men bo
gin. Have you added up your children?
Have you figured np your cash?
Did you ovor find a button
In n dish of corned beef hash?
Are you deaf or blind or ugly?
Do you too out or too in?
All of this you'll hnvo to answor
Tomorrow whon tho consus mon be
gin. Do you lisp or squint or stammer?
Ever have tho whooping cough?
Are you handy with tho hammoy?
Ever fnll nnd break your shin?
Do you swenr, you'll have to tell It,
Tomorrow when tho census men be
gin. Ever wear a porous plaster?
Was it hard to get it looso?
Are you fond of pickled onions?
Do yon smoke, or chew, or swear?
Hnvo you any corns or bunions?
What's, the size of shoes you wear?
Oh, you might as well look pleasant,
If your hat is dented in.
For you must confess tomorrow
When tho census men begin.
Thoro is no cnuso for alarm.
Tho citizons need not worry whea
an onorgotio man with u shining
bndgo, "Unitod Statos Consus, 1010,"
and armed with nn expoatnnt pencil,
appears at your door or hurries inte
your offico to ply you with tho abova
disconcerting questions, between Ap
ril 15 and May 1, Tho ceneu man.
after tomorrow, will be busy every
where This is the ediot of President WM-
(ContiaHtd a Paf 8.)