1 A Want Ad Today May Get a Job for Someone That Will Lead on to Fortune -- - - 4"-- MEDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNEDAY, APRIL 13, 3910. HUGHES TO SITON SUPREME BENCH? Rumor Has Now York Executive a.s Most Favored Aspirant for Place . Is Slronn, Progressive Man Foe of Corporations. WASHINGTON. 1). C., April 13. Governor Hughes of Now York nnd WJIIIiiMt V Inventor of tin; Elglli circuit court or tlx) United Hiulua nro, according tr gotwlp hero today, tho favorites Iti tlio long llHt of Judicial poK-illtllltluH to fill tho vacancy on tlio miproiuo bench emmed by tlio death or Jiiullco Hrowor. Aiiiomk thono Hnlil to liavo been tliOHn who nro said to linvo been on tlio nrcHldon 'o roll or candidate nro Governor Hughus nnd Judgo Vnudovuntor, Judge Hoolc nnd San lioi i, or tlio oIkIIi fmluml clrcilt court, Hollc'.tor 0 on oral Uoworn or tlio department of Jtitttlco, Judges Andrews, TomphlnN nnd Cruro or tho supremo bunch or Now York nnd Judgo Hwaxoy or tlio sup-cmo court or lown. Tlio nawn tl.nt IIiikIh'h nnd Vnn dovoutor nro cnnaldorod na moat fav orod cnudlduto. for '.ho phco or Jun tlco llrewor N Lolng widely countod on. Hughes k'cvl tralnln. cud null triiHt compalgm, hln hnndllng of tho Now York Inmtrnnro lnvctlgatlou and tlio reforms ho lus advocated In'o ho wan co"ornor of Now York, it lu duclnrod irnrks him an n innn who would utnnd wUh tho govern inont truat .I'lgnilon. It Is dcclnrod In legal sir oh that hit nppolnttmmt would Htioii.'thcn tho government's case In hiicIi prHocutIons. Jmlgu VnnJovoutor wnu ono or tho JurlitH who na. In tho Stnndnrd Oil healing In St. LouU. Whether ho would enro to nit with tho othor Justices or tho nupromo bonnh In enm or n rehearing of tho .Standard -pp-r.l Is n question holme nnltod In ninny qtinrtor,. Ho would them ho put Into tho position or Judging his own legal action In tho . Standard 01! a no. Although his do clslon shows hln IdonH rolntlvo to tho Shormnn law nnd his r.ppolutinont would Mtrfliu;tl on tho dmlnlvtrntlon In tho triiHt proiiooiitlon It has plnnuod, al'on oys doilnro It would bo doubtful wi other bo wold enro to nil at n ;o)umrlng or tho Standard cane. Should olthor Judo Hoolc or Judge Adnnis ho named, tho imino condition would apply ms iioth sat In tho Standard Oil dlxsolutlou canes. WHITNEY TO VISIT FAR NORTH AGAIN THIS YEAR NEW YORK, April 13. Hurry Whitnoy, tlio Now Haven, Conn., eportflrnnt), who first mot Dr. Fred crick A. Cook on hia roturn from tlio fnr north, in planning another Aretio -trip for thia summer. Ho oxpoots to stop nt Etnh nnd will cut Dr. Cook's instruments mid rccordn loft thoro. mil Ritinoy, liorncmnu nnd ynchts mnn, pinna to ncoompmiy Whitney on tlio expedition. TABLE ROCK ITEMS. John It. Vincent, who hna boon liv ing In ono or I, II, McDonnld's houses, moved hlfl family hack to his fnnn In upper Snnm Vnlloy thla woolt. Thoau rrom Tahlo Roclc who at tondod tho grand opora nt Modrord Tuoadny wore Mr, and Mrs. J. 0. rondloton, R. C. Washburn, Earl May nnd MIhs Lllllun Duggnn. Mra. Flclccs and Mi-b. Collins on tortnlnod tho young rrlonda of tholr dnughtors, Mian llasol Flckoa and MIbb Clara Collins, on March 24 in liqonr of tholr 13th birthday. Tho ovonliiR was spent In ploaaant gamos, nrtor which rofroahmonta woro aorv od; Harry Slncndo hna resinned na roro tnan for tho Connor Land company nnd la movlnn awny. ,Tho npplo orchards or this vicinity nro now In full bloom nnd If bloa Bomo aro nny Indication, wo will hnvo put tlio matorlal on tho ground for n bumpor crop. Mr. Hauptman lma commoncod to hla atoro bu'ldlnb nt tho McDonald cornor. PORTLAND MARKETS. " Hops, Wool nnd Hides. HOPS 1008 crop, cholco, 10c; prlmo, 10o; medium", 14o. WOOI-Nomliml, 1010, Wllllam otto valloy, a0 4I21coi onatorn Oro gotti IGiPaOo, SHPE3PSKIN3 Shoarlng, 10(Q2Co each; short wool, 2G&G0o; medium wool, 50c $1 each; lon wool, 7Cc 11, 2G oncli. TAKLOW Prlmo, por lb. Z&io', No. 2 and Kronso, 23c. MOHAIH1909, 2027c lb, 1111)138 Dry bldea, 10 14 817V4c; groon, 7r8'4c; bulln, jjroon, 8c lb; klpn, 810'lOci cnlvos, groou, 13 Iltitter. Kkk n'"' Poultry. 13008 Local, candlod, noloct, J 5 c. llUTTBIt Kxtra cronmory, 33c; rnncy, 32VSc; stoio, 24c. POUIiTJlY Mlxod chlckona, 18c; .fancy hona, 10c; rooatom, old, 12c; kocbo, 13c for II vo, 148lGc for drosaod; diichu, 224; turkoya, llvo, 20c; droHsad, 23; plRoona, squabH, 12,503 dozen; droaeod chlckono, lS'2a pound hiKhor than allvo. (Jrnln, flour nnd liny. IIAKMCY Producers' prlco 1009 Koo'd, $30; rolled, $33; browing, J30.G0. WII13AT Trnck, club, OGc; bluo itom, $l; rod, $1.02; rorty rold, $1.10; Wlllamotto vnlloy, OGc MILLBTWF8 Soiling price li-an, $2G; middlings, $33; ahorU, $27. GO; chop, $22329; alialfn meal, $21 por ton, FLOUIt Now crop, pntonta, $6.7G; strnlght, $G.C0; hakor'a, $G.0G 0.16; Wlllamotto vnlloy, $o.80 bbl; export gradoi, $4. GO; grblinm, l-4s, $G,7G; wholo wheat, $5.7G; rye, IG.76; bales. $3.16. HAY Producora' price Nw tim othy, Wlllnmotto Talloy, fancy. $20; ordinary, $18; orjtorn Oregon, $20 (P 3 1 ; mlxod, $16; clovor No. 1, I1G.G0C1C; whoat, $10017; cheat, $10 017; alfalfa, $17. OAT8 Spot dollvory, now, pro ducor prlce Track No. 1 white, $310932: srny, $30031. FrulU nnd VcR?blc. FRESH FRUITS Ornngoa: Now nnvola, $2 03; bananas, 6 06 Vic lb; lornons, $3.76 04.60 box; grape fruit, $4; BtrawborHcs, 30o lb. POTATOI38 Soiling, uow, 000 76c; buying, oastorn Multromah and Clackamas, 50c; Wlllamotto valloy, 45c. ONIONS Jobbing, $1.60 per cwt; garlic. 10012c per lb. APPLES $1.6003. DEANS 8rr.nll whlto, $5.76; largo 'white. $4.76; pink, $6.60; bnybus, $0; Llmas, $6; roJs, $8. CATTLE Dost atoorn, $7; good spoors, JC.50; common Btroota. $G; medium, $G.75; fnnacy hoirora, $5.60, modlum cowa, $5; poor cowa, $4; bulla, $2.GO03.7G; atagB, $2.6003. HOGS Dost oaet or tho mountains, $11; rancy, $11.00; Btockora, $9.50. stockora, $7.00; plga, $8.00. SHEEP Dcat wothora, $8.00; or dinary, $6.50; spring lambs, $6,500 6.76; straight owes, $5.2506.50; mlxod lots, $5.50, CALVES Dost, $7; orllnary, $G.. t MEDFORD MARKETS. Fruits nnd Vritctnbles. (Prices pnld by Modrord morchants) APPLES 2 0 4n lb. Potntoca, $1.00 cwt; onions $2 cwt; cabbago, 2 02 Ituttcr, Kggs nnd Poultry. (Prices paid by Modford merchants) Ranch butter, 32 Ho; fancy cream ery, 40c. Fresh ranch oggs, 20c. Mlxod poultry, lO014o; nprlng chlckons, 15018c; turkoya, 17c. (Prices paid producora.) Hay Timothy, $18; alfalfa, $15; Rrass, $14; grain hay, $10. Grain Whoat, $1.20 bushel; oats, $30 ton; barloy, $30 ton. Doof Cows 4 4 H ! stoors 5 0 5 He; pork, 0c; mutton, 60 Gc; lambs, Cc; veal droasod, Sc. (Soiling prices.) Rolled barley, 2 cwt., $37 ton; bran, $1.07: middlings, $1.85 01.90; shorts, $1.8001,86. Green onions, 40a dozon bunches; rndlahoa, 40c dozon bunchos; rhubarb, 4 0 Go lb. STATISTICS. 1)1131), k CURTIS At Morlln, Monday, April 4, 1010, William H. Curtis, ngod 70 years, Tho docoasod had boon a rosldont Of Joaophlno county for tho past 18 yonrs, living on his ranch about four and ono-half mllos southwoat of Mor lln, coming to Oregon from Nebras ka. Ho loavos a wlfo and four chil dren, Mrs. Hattlo Wlttoro of Gibbon, Nob,; Dan CiutU, of Portland, nnd Mrs. Sadlo Donaldson and R. P. Cur tls of Morlln. Tho funornl was hold Tuosday and tho romalns woro laid to roat nt Ploaonnt Valloy. ,fAXn-At"QanTrPa88, ' Monilay, .April 4, 1010, J. N. Hall, of Wil liams, agon au yoars, Mr, Hall had boon sufforlng for soino tlmo and his symptoms woro Bitch as to I dlcato(Bomo kind of pois oning, and ho wna tnkon to tho hos pital whoro ho dlod Monday, YOUR MOST HARDLY EARNED DOLLAR MAY OFTKN UK MOKK WIHKLY I.VVKSTBD IN WANT ADVEKTISINO THAN IN ANYTHING ELSE WIIATKVKH. THKHB'8 MANY AN OCCASION WHEN IT WILL HUV MORE IN THE "WANT COL UMNS" THAN IN ANY OTHER TURN THE TIDE FOR YOU, OR "IIVY" AN OI'I'OTONITY FOR YOU, OR SELL FOR QUICKLY NEEDED CASH THE PROPERTY IN WHICH YOUR SIDNEY MAY HE TEMPORARILY TIED UP. llOJt.Y. HOUGH At Grants Pubs, Monday, April I, 1910, to tho wlfo of C. Hough n Hon. MAUItlKI). II A RDESTY-1 1 UF8TA DER At Eu gouo, Or., Monday, March 21, 1910, Clnudo Hardcaty and Mlsa Myrtlfj Hufatador, formerly of Grants Pass. Tho bride Is tho eldest daughter of Mrs. Emma, rltlds and Is well known In Grants Pass, having resided thcro ror a number c years, FOR SALE. ItEAIi liSTATK. FOR SALE Homestead rollnqutsh mcnt, mou Jtaln farms and tlmbor. Address P. O. Dox 213. 24 FOR SALE 6 acres borry land 1 1-2 miles north or city; undor ditch. Dox 285, Modrord. 22 FOR SALE or exchange ror Modrord property, a $0000 rosldonco In Rod lands, Calif. Call and boo photo. O. F. Dyor, room 9, P. O. block. FOR SALE 100 acres of good land, hair or It Is clearod; 8 miles east of Modford. This Is a bargain at $20 per aero. Address, Owner, care of Mall Tribune. FOlt SALE 100 acres good fruit and alfalfa land; 7 acros cleared; Bomo rrult; small croek tLrough tho plnoo, with water right, 19 can lrrl gato, can bo mado to Irrigate 20; term's: will tako part In Medrord real estate Apply Owner, P. O. Dox C23. 23 Fnnn. FOlt SALE Farm In southern Or ogon and nortborn California. For particulars address box 1G, Hilts, Cal. 30 Houses. FOR SALE $2200, 6-room strictly modern houco, furnlshod; $1200 will handlo thla. Dox 007, city. FOlf 'SALE 5-room houpo nnd lot, 31 South Ornngo street, $2000; lot 50x220, with small houiio, on Den nett avonue. Inquire of ownor on premises, or Dox 334; $1500. 25 FOR- S ALE5r pom houao" and " a , largo piece of land 185x276, nil in garden, 2 blocks off or Main on Cotngo streo. ; n snap ror $3000; if you buy uow $2500 takes It. Siskiyou Roa'ly Co., room 22, Jackson Co. Dan,: bldg. Acrenffo. FOR SALE A bargain, 10 acres 2 mllos from depot at $360; flno lo cation. Dyor, rom 9, P. O. block. FOR SALE Ono to flvo ncroa under ditch, ono nnd one-fourth mllea from Main etroot, $350 por aero. Soo ownor, No, 20 South Pouch 23 FOR SALE A nkohbmotrnot of" 8 acres, l 1-2 mllos south of station; sot to applos, poaches, pears, small fruits and grapes; small houso nnd good woll. Address P. O. Dox 480 city. 21 FOR SALE 5 and 10-noro tracts just within nnd ndjoininR city lim its, nt n hnrsnin, on 5 annual pny raonts. Address Condor Wntor Power Co. Lots. FOR SALE Lois cloao In on Second Btroot nt a bargain. C, W. Isaacs ownor, 115 N, Oakdalo. FOR SALE City lots, $20; ror a small, saro lavostm'ont coo th city lots I otror at $300 nnd $250 por lot; $20 cash pnymont. balanco $10 por month; no lntoro.4. H. C. Malt by, Palm 1 UlK. FOlfr SALE Ghonp, cholcost lots. Soo ownor aftor 6 p. m. 816 South Nowtown. ' 23 FOlFSALE Oood lot In Wnlmil Park addition; prlco $300 torniB. Addroaa A-4, caro of thla otflc. FOR SALE Two lots on Fourth at., 60x100; cloao In; prlco $700. Siski you Ronlty Co., room 22, Jackson , Co. Dank bWlg FOR SALE Throo lots on Second etroot, 50x100; prlco $300; easy torma. Siskiyou Realty Co,, room v 3, Jnckson County Dank bldg. FOR SALE Two lofalnTTFamlUon stroot, 60x100, prlco $300 oach. S1b Ulyou RohRv Co., 23 Jnckson Qoun ty Dank. FOR" SALE NoriOO-Lot 50xTo"t); Narrlgan St., $400, Siskiyou Real ty Co., 22 JnckBon County Dank. . PLACE IN THE WORLD OCCASIONS FOR SALE Farms or Crclinrd. FOR SALE Nfnoty nens. 30 in one yoar old applo and pear trees, 100 Inches of water, 2 1-2 miles from railroad station. For terms write "Owner," caro Mall Tribune 261 OR SALE 00 acres, nnczt building clto In the alloy, Includti g 30 acres good fruit land; cheap and terms right. H. C. Maltby, Palm DIdg., Main and Front. FOR SALE About 30 acres of good orchard land 1 1-2 miles east of Phoenix. Ono-balf Is In orchard. Tolophone, Modford, 1199, or ad dross C. T. Payne, Phoenix, Ore. FOR BALE Ono of the bost orchards In Jackson county, two mllea from Ashland. For particulars, address F. O. McWill.'ams & Son, Ashland, Or. , Timber IabCU FOR SALE (0 acres of good Umber flvo miles from Modford; all down hill. Mat Calhoun, Phoenix, Ore gon. " Dnclness Property. FOR SALE Choice business prop erty nt a bnrgain, on long time; oasy terms. Address Condor Wn ter Power Co. Horses. FOR SALE First-class driving horso for ladles or gentlemen Call No. 0 S. Fir. 23 FOR SALEOno maro also good 3 1-4 Mitchell wagon. . .fSco J. A. Arm strong, 1 1-2 miles east of Med- ford. ' FOR SALE Team ot horses, weight 1200 and 1250, eight years old, not afraid or automobiles. G. A. Read Ing, Central Point, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Second cutting altaRn; first class. Address Dox 3G1, Mod ford. 21 FOR SALE Dalm ot Figs, guaran teed to cure nil diseases of women. AddrcBS Dox 406. Vi FOR SALE Whlto Wyandotte oggs for enlo. Mis. F. Tompkins, Central Point, Or. 20 FOR SALE Two horso corn cultiva tor, nearly now. E. L. Walt, 2 1-2 mllos southwest of Modfcrd. 20 FOR SALE; R. C. Rhodo Island Red nnd Duff Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching. From pure bred and high Bcorlng stock. Call on or addross O. E. Alklns, P. O. box 202, Central Point, Oro. FOR SALE Ono fresh cow and ctf. Call at 333 South Riverside. FOR 8ALE Mlmoograpn tor dupll catlng lottors. In good condition, cheap, at office of Condor Water & Power Co. ' 283 ft FOR SALE A hlgh-grado piano, al most now; n bargain. Call at 510 South Central avo. 23 FOR SALE Puro bred Whlto Ply mouth Rock rooators, from laying ctrntn, $2.50. Tnblo Rock Orchard, Route 2, Ceatral Point, Or. 20 FOR SALE-Cash or will trndb torn typowrltor, a Bet of Voltalro's works, consisting of -12 volumes; all now. Address G, caro ot thlo oMco. 20 FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. ' tfOR RENT - Modern furnish d rooms at 001 West 10th or 14 King! stroot FOR RENT Furnished rooms. No. 10 North Orapo street. FOR RENT Offices over poatofrioe on April 1st; will be steam hoatod and havo hot and cold wator by noxt winter, Apply to A. A. DavJb. FOTFRENT Two furnlshod rooms; modorn conveniences. 103 South Oakdalo avo. FOR RENT Nicely furnlshod sleop Ing room, with bath; all modorn. Call nt 203 Olson stroot, or phono 3207, 23 Housekeeping Rooms. FOR RENT Light housokooplng room. 325 South Ivy stroot, 21 FOR RENT Suite of light Tiouso" kooplng rooms; no children. Apply at 322 Sout'i Holly at. WHEN THAT DOLLAR WILL FOR RENT. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT Only hotel m town ol 1000 population. Call at Condor Water and Power Co., 209 West Main street. " FOR RENT Pasture land on Price Rnnch, Tolo; irrigated land, next to SIcDonough ranch, Tolo. Condor Wnter & Power Co. 50 FOR RENT Gnrden lnnd on Bear creek, one ncre nnd upwards with wnter for irrigation; owner will furnish team, plow and seed for part of crop. See Kofeldt, Condor Wnter & Power Co. 50 FOR LEASE Fnlly oqnlrpcd gold mine; ten-stamp mill and concen trator, all operated by electric pow oi. Owner will furnish free elec tric power for share in proceeds. Bee Kofeldt, at Condor Water & Power Co. WANTED. Help Wanted Female. ,V ANTED Chambermaid at tho Naan Hotel. WANTEDWattrcss, must bo ex perienced. Louvro Cafe. 20 WANTED Two waitresses at Fran-co-Amorlcan hotel; fare prepaid. Morrison & Lash, Yreka, Cal. 20 WANTED Girl for general house work; must to good cook; wages $30. 326 SoutL Oakdalo avo. WANTED A competent woman for housework and cooking; good wages, also farm hand knowing young or chard work. Address L, care Mall Tribune oftico. 47 WANTED At the Franco-American hotel, two waitresses; faro prepaid. Morrison & Lash., Yreka, Cal. 20 WANTED A good lady cook to cook for ranch hands; wages to bo paid by tho week or month. Address A. L. Gall, Tolo, Or. 21 WANTED Girl ror general house work. Apply nt Farmers & Fruit growers Dank. Help Wanted Male. WANTED Ten miners and laborers. Apply Condor Water & Power Co. WANTED Flrst-ciaBS gardener. Ap ply Condor W iter & Power Co. WANTED Experienced stone cutter and quarry man. Call nt Condor Water nnd Power Co's. of lice. ' WANTED A man experienced In the handling of lncubatora and turkey raising. Apply at office of Condor Water & Power Co. 283 WANTED Manager and cook want ed for a hotel. Call on Mr. Smith, Coudor Water & Power Co. WATCTETJP7irTnor in tho restaurant business, good location and big lease. Call at Wills Employment office. 19 WANTED A voman cooS wanted; muist bo rood all round cook; no others need apply. Giro address and wages expoctcd. Address T. H. B., caro of thlc office 20 Help Wanted. WXNTED Man nnd wire, man tor Kardenlng and wlfo for general housework. Apijl) Condor Water & Power Co WANTED Flvo farm toams, 10 farm hands, 10 men for planting trees. Condor Wator .fc Power Co. Situations Female WANTED A lady living In Jackson vlllo would llko to lnko entire chargo of ono or two Httlo children. Ap ply to W. J. L care of this ofrico. 21 Miscellaneous. WANTED Clearing done. Address E. S. Pnlmer, Central Point, Ore. WANTED Throo housekeeping rooms nnywhoro botwoon Ashland and Grants Pass but near depot, on farm preferred. G. E. Durch, gen or&l delivery. Modford. 20 WANTED A good alfalim. stock and dairy ranch, with some Irrigation; glvo full description, price and terms Address Dairyman, Dox 86S, Mod ford WANTED Wo'ro breaking homes carefully nnd sclontlfhally; broko to drlvo do:iblo or slnglo, also galt od by careful nnd oxporlonced horsomon; l.orsea boarded or oth erwise; prices right. Como and boo mo or ad JrosB Dox 873, Modtord. No horsos barred out. W. T, Vincent, WANTED. MlftccIlAnooBfl. WANTED 160-acro relinquishment or hill land, with wator. Address C. Durns, ArloLe, Or. 20 WANTED TO I1UY. Misccllaneons. WANTED At onco, for a home, 6 to 10-acro orchard In bearing or nearly so, with or without buildings Give full description, prlco and terms. Ad dress Dairyman, Dox 863, Medford." WANTED Second hand dishes, ico ond hand gasoline stove. Ring up Will Employment OHMo. FOR EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE Houso and lot, located In Santa Darbara, Cal., for property In or near Modford; lot 100 reet front by 225 feet deep; flno soil; good C-room hovse; oranges lemons and other fruit on plate. Address Dox 265, Medford, Or. FOR" EXCHANGE Will exchange touring car in good condition for runabout. Enquire at King's repair shop. EXCHANGE WLat have you at Klamath Falls to trade for Medford Improved property? P. O. Dox 63. 29 LOST. ASTRAYED 6 small yearling calves, mostly Jersey, from tho Ear hart place. Reward If returned. 22 LOST On street Saturday, April 9, gold watch and pin; watcvh was open face, with monogram on the back, C. D. P.; pearl set In pin. Please leave at the Mall Tribune of fice. Sultablo reward. STRAYED Ono sorrel colt, C mos. old, star In forehead and halter on when last seen, April 11. Reasona ble reward for the return ot same. Wm. E. Stacey, No. 402 Doardman sUeet. North, Medford. 23 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Bootblacks. ItNE 43ot your shoes shined, oiled or dyed nt the Palace bootblack stand in Smokehouse. First-class work is our specialty. Shoes called for in any part of city and deliver ed. 212 West Main Btreet Phone Mnin 121. Eddie, the Bootblack. Landscape Gardeners. J. T. BROADLEY, landscape gar dener; a long experience in laying out and care of private grounds. P. O. Box 523, Bedford, Or. ' At'oraeys. WITHTNGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm building. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attornoys-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Rcames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bonk build ing; socond floor. B. F. MULKEY Attornoy-at-law. Offices room 30, Jackson County Bank building, Medford, Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phono 351. Night phoues: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H. Butler 3571. Bricklayers. BRICKLAYERS K. Kurin, at Smokehouse, first-class bricklayer, stoneworker, cement stepping stucco and moulding, fireplaces and tile work a specialty, European plan; day or contract. Medicines. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will cure rheumatism, nsthmu, paralysis, sores and pri vate diseases. Thoso remedies may bo proourod at tho Sing Lee laun dry, 123 S. Rivorsido avenue, Med ford, Or., where thoy will bo sold by tho proprietor. Dr. Chow Young has treated sov oral sovoro casos with his remedies sinco coming to Medford and has for reforonco some of tho beat known and most intelligent citizens in Southern Oregon. Call on him. Ileal Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate,- Loans and Firo Insurance. Office, suite 205-200, over Frult- growers' bnnk. Phono 541. AS A MATTER OF BUSINESS, we would suggest that you call at our office in search of real estate bar gabs. Wo refuse to list any prop erty for which owner asks more thnn wo think it is worth. We do not oare to make sales at extrava gant and unreasonable prices. You will not find us tagging you on the street or annoying you at the hotel, honco this invitation to cull at our office, No. 128 E. Main nt. Pierce, Shepherd & Co. Dill Posters. VERNE T, CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 20, Jnckson County Bank building, Medford, Or. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C St., Modford, Or. K. W. Hisey, Matron. Official hesfn tal P. & E. R. R. Real Kfftete, SEE WM. E. 8TACEY & CO. fwr some of the choicest bargtiati m. real estate in this valley. Also Brit ish Colombia and Alberta, B. C, an4 other parts. Call on him at Bitner'a office, Phipps building, or at tWl Medford Auto company'n garaga, where wo start out onr ngentn for the Aladden SCnntle Lamp ani hid den window screen. We will treat yon right. Come nnd see. Printer and PuWlnb:j. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has th best-equipped job office in Soath era Oregon; Portland price. 37 South Central ava. Piano Instructions. MISS JENNESSE BUTLEE Pjaaa instruction and musical history. Studio, Kb. 8 S. Orange streets Phone Main 2491. Uilliara Parlors. S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiard, O- gars and Soft Drinks. Up nUifsy Young & Hall building. A nisc, m& place to spend the hot afterso k Architect. JOHNS & TURNER, Arekitts ml Builders, office 7-8, 235 Phone Mam 3471. Residence 2471. Carriage aad Aato PstaiHwg. VALLEY SIGN AND CASSILQ WORKS High-class -work gaania teed. Signs. Siversade avwuM. Phone SOL FHrnltHre. H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers ia ; and second-hand f ami tare hardware. 'Agents for Mosad S kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seven tk at. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Comer 8th and Holly sts-, Me4fer. Mis 310 n Furniture made to ordec Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stevea. and Ranges. New and Seoond-Haai Furniture. EadV old stand, 18 W. F st. South. Phone 91, Medford, 0, Nonertes. QUAKER NURSERIES Oar trees' are budded, not grafted. Our steel is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not ia the trust, H. B. Patterson, office m Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. F. Cook, Prop., B, R, V. depot. P. O. Box 841. Phone 1381, Medford. G. W. Priddy. J. X. tfBries- O. D. Nagle. Brick Coropaalefl. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brisk1 manufacturers and contracts; also lime, cement and piaster ia aaj; quantity. Office, Medford Natiea-L Bank bldg. Phone Mak 545. Dentists. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Deatiet--Office in rooms 203-204, Famws & Fruitgrowers' bank building, weak of the tracks. Physicians and Sargeotis. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night promptly answered. Office and : dence phone Main 3132. CONROY & CLANCY Office fat Stewart building Physicians a4 Surgeons. Office phone Main 341; private phone Main 612. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia PhysioianB. Mission block. Phos 201, Medford. Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE Smokeetuwr dealers in tobacco, cigars and Biaok dealers in tobacco, cigars and brok ers' supplies. ExclHsive agents e Lewis Single Binder, El Merito awl El Palencia. 212 West Main street. He&seager Serrtoe. MESSENGER SERVICE Messen gers furnished at all hoars of dap and till 9 p. m. to any part of eky, from 10c to 25c. Phone Main 1B1-. Photogbapliers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose 4tfk Mackey and die with joy." Over Al len & Reagrxi's store; entrance eat, Seventh street. Xla Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin sheet iron ware on hand and to order. 128 North G street Stenographers. 1 ELLA M, GAUNYAW Paha bloek. Stenograph work done (feUUji and well.