Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 11, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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I Tm Late to Classify
"SKASZilD -WanaiTcr nitiS cook want
ed; tar a. notoL Call on Mr. Smith,
0)tr Water A Power Co.
,t BWT.K le acres ecxxI fruit
xanl Alfalfa, lastly T acres cleared:
SWW3KI fruit; small crock tl rough thw
;jllre-wltU water right,. 1 caa Irrl-
58b4 can. fca- ma Jo to Irrigate 20;
ttmscr -win take part In Met! ford
?vatftbUk AdpIj Owner. P. O. Box
5331 23
STOlfcTr7K rlbt SoStfb' small
Utroaw, V larg- teat. 3 blacks from
JJYijJaa trri, East; a snap If takea
one ime See- Kd: Bordeaux. Medford
TXg-jwtey 18
Wickersham's Suggestion However Is
Looked Upon As a Feeler When Ho
Names Talt for a Second Term As
iirnr mi oiTiinniw
. HtKt UN ofllUKUAi: QTflD DCDdiinu
Comic Opera Which Made Hit Last
Year Will Be Seen in Mcdford
Next Saturday Evening.
11 18S. MUM
CHICAOO, April 11. Attorney
Gonoral Georgo W. Wlckorabam, who
la cn routo for Washington today,
suggested a second term for Taft,
Just before he loft here lato yesteN
Politicians hero loked upon Wfck-
crsham's suggestion as a "feeler" to
ascertain the exact temper of
weat In regard to Taft.
Proud ntonnrch of the lovely plaint
I niiluto Uioe with rov'rent uioln,
Ah morning beams,
Thy summit glcnnm,
And shadows with olutolilitK Ilngois
Cllmh thy steeps while twilight lite
Soft o'er thy top,
Hold Tnblo ltockt
All Rovoltlnp Coast' Towns Will Ro
Shelled by Turks Action Taken
Alter Efforts for Peaceful Ending m the dim nnd distant ages,
Had Failed.
Very fow comtc operas of recent
years hnvo given such unbounded sat-
lsfactlon as "Tlio Qlngorhrcnd Man."
Thts piece was originally prosentod
some three years ago by a million
aire at Maiden, Mass., by tho name for the Adriatic const lino toduv to
something liko u,d 111 suppressing tho AJbnuinn ro-
is. i ...... '
ufos prii tour Turkish orui
sore nnd eight tonvdo boats started
' wero turned history's pages,
Thy form appeared,
All bleak and Beared,
bovo tho ocean's broken floor,
Amid tho crash and awful roar,
Of oarthqunko's Mhock,
Q rim Tuhlo ltockt
or converse, wno put somotning uko ""jessing Ajonuian ro- From thy summit. In .!nv ennn w
1100 00ft In It nm.1ni.Mnn n,l h uiou mis IISSUIUOU 8UHOU8 Tin. .. i...i...
V" nm,iw:u All i.: . ....... "- uuuviiii
first year It toured tho country tho 1 "T 7 . 7 K tg,lsl iowua nia sotting sun.
eutourago was so elaborato that no
theater could hold sufttclont money
tho to pay Its expenses. It, of course,
mado an unusual hit, as tho produc-
I hare been in the hands of friends,
Kntli r mn.Al f r,A II,. nMl.l.k..
UXSCKHttOI S3U jtlon, said Wickeraham. "still I hate
TaSa By w tite Fanmrn BeSBrt I made some inquiries and obserra-
. Itloaa as to tho extent of what has
xrajHix 1 carry Utt Flans (t, dC8Cribed as tho Insurgent more
eYYs a . ! .
BtKyKAN CISCO-. Aitril 11. Pal- vnuo 1 naTO no aisposmon 10 ae-
tfee f Kiw&th Lake I rluo or unaer-esumaie me strengtn
s. Oresoav -wale. ta late rna Bin,r,lJ' insurgent move-
?r- hi ri h.iM rir in J"- suli 1 win be a me to toll Fres-
xvicnsr WxukiBK H a KB- raeai sooa sews, i nai is, i ao
zaaert. Is t b aeM. Its I HOt DP1!OTO 1110 repunucan party is to
tiii raH mat Tf fHlnnnlrftl "put. uj iuo aiTcrsenco over iar-
r-.1nrJaT rrf IfhTt Lake City. Ylce- IK or other Pocles. I further bellovo
of tbe UtahllDat uo IUU ana iranK aiscussions
OOwwcBBfur BHd the Itay Cob- oC tot3tratloa measures and re-
diDHiiF oomimji.twi suiw, Boca, as win do Toiceu at length
Mrr ataarrfnrflere yesterday from now on- wl reauIt la n c,arltr
SeRlAto City-Ih bis prirato car.)01 Tiaioa 011(1 a narmoninng or views
him were CorerBor inai at Present may not seem prooa-
irailam Spty of Uta6. irho bIo( to tho obscrres.
-mm kis Kesta on a trip to Arls-1 """"'B ana iacK oi
asdl bto party spent the miormauoa aro win prevalent, par-)
Bto-Wnni ,Tn , Tni. -x icaucra win recuiy mis. utner
wwiatel, -where Mr. Jacklla net H. memDorB OI inQ Preawoai-s camnet
ifc HteMr Los ABgcles. tferotHj I lnan mcl1 wlu raaKo addresses pre-
iaibeV Mr. Harrlman parchaa- TCnnR- " 'acls airecuy to tne peo-
lb4te. d- wmia- uffi. P,e a?0 11 18 mr Prea'ction mat me
delegated recently by the pariy wul ocnel a no insurgent
to rearcseat bin la will suosme.
I tC. . l. a a it .
for the purchase of " oeen accompiisnea
.v i u lira auuuiuisiraiiua in uc penou
a,. ttc. I01 i'rcsiaent Tart's incumbency that
l t..ll iL. i a
tiHMUaE was 1 'w"" o remainuor or nis term
Mr. Jacklln. tbat the deal wm ouinco to accompusn much more
wraetiearty natehed. He would J or what he has mapped out as deslr-
AVhile It Is true that In Chlcago!ton wa9 ,nnRnificont. n also dem-
ivro to bo bomburdoil.
I. A A , , A tett.1l ....
Tho Turkish eabiuot has dooidml
that tho preservation ot tho proaout iiLtnrin .. i,.,ti-
. . t.-l I
v,. ,uu JUUK xurKa ,,. bntUo ah
,?s.u.H. suppression oi mo in- Storn Tab,0 Rock, i . ii
-r,. , .?n? irom U rovolt: Whon spring's green witchery, with
... .vv Dj iuui tmcrui mousnnu her loom
nii.'0' UP 'l1.0 rai'a.of l!,u Wreaths the vnlloy In bud and bloom
onstrated the fact that tho music
was of unusual quality and so pleas
many Individual music libraries, Mu
to see It again and again. Somo of
tho numbers were classics lu a way
and formed part ot tho nucleus ot
many individual mlsuc libraries. Mu-
o(a otntvia Vt n I n t n ccta enln unit Aaw-
ki.ii u Pai-t of Turkey,
wuur nto n utakitUf) ktlU Utllvi 111 villi i y
unori to Biup me rovoiutioti
wittiout force tho government offored
to couccdo to a dcmotul for lossonod
taxation m Albania.
ino otter wus flntlv rofuso.l l.v
Uskub-Mitrovit Sea railroad for tho
purposo of delaying tho progrosa of
uio troops which have boon sent from
tho various garnsoiis in tho southorn
Man." Tho book by Frederick O.
Rankon is rather fantastic In char-
actor, yet It served to htngo togeth
er a lot of clover lyrics and some very
funny comedy, and tho characters of
Margery Daw, Simple Simon, Jack
Horner, King Qunn, regained tholr
standing In almost every housohqld
that had been represented at tho per
formance of this clovor opora.
a roval welcome everywhere, and ita I C0?Rinf t.ha Tovolt-
catchy songs and amusing sayings! oeen rccoivca hi Noblo mountain! So Bhould wo
were repeated by everybody. "Every !,. ,nl0LVnl'nl wnr ,n w"oast Ar- Adrift on llfo's unresting sea,
leaders of tho revolt who declared
that only the restoration of Abdul
Uamid, tho doposcd sultan, to tho
inrouo, would prevent tho uprising.
mere is an increasing susdicioh in
aipiomntie circles that Austria is en-
And birds nnd been,
Sweet harmonies,
Charm tho scone aud entrance tho
Visions of paradtso
Down from thy top,
Grand Tnblo Hock!
Tho swallows come, nnd swallows go;
Swiftly tho river's crystal flow,
Still Benward sweeps.
Yet thy rolgn keeps,
Unchanged amid our turbid llfo.
The ebbs and flows of human strlfo
Concern thoo not,
Strong Tablo Rockt
We have just received a new Line
of Fany Glassware the Most Com
plete Line ever shown in Medford
Water Sets
Two Specials
Optic Pattern!
Llttlo Something,"
lu Santa Claus,"
"Do You Bollovo
'Old Rabieses,"
I taac
the- terms or other eoadl- ab,e- There Is the certainty, however,
tie sale f Hrtber than to say that boforo his term expires, other
-wax aatlatactary to both I"03"0118 ot Breat importance, somo
oi wnica x nave in minu, will de-
3fc SieUSa Hrst begaa seeotla- T,;,0P 8011 WI" oemana aisposmon
PeiiMB ide two months Undor thoso circumstances there
2fH rwaslva froaa Mnr. Harrl- WOU,d" or m,Kht' ar,so the dea,ra-
rtaet tate railroad mar- "Hlty of aaother term for the present
tfiat aha aarT her children l,esia,at,Te'
I ..LII t m.
wtnOMrta aart wlta the eroaads. uo yuunc ccnerauy, i minK, aoes
Qas felt ttat they eoula never not aPPredato how much has been
KrtSa nTana of My. rrarrfmnn. I accompnsnea uy rresiaent Taft's ad
Kkit HeUbird who was faraRIar ministration."
''arXfa 4m termor deal, was delegated
vaaaMMB - -
3a jcamxat Mrs. IUrrlmaa la tho KAILKUAU IU UUAST,
(CoBtianed ixoa Page L'i
Tela of the 200-foot
. Xfvl t tie. George JSL. mi&u
Ufwtat) mg ttf trfiutary OsitUit la
rttwtfalac aairkea attaatloa in Brltfarii
XtiiaUi afeaee tke decUIea of . D
WtMam aa the Sraad Trasak' Pacific
arailraaal t laareoC ae-reral millions
3.? awwar &' mtaes cf the district,
, iwascAaCiiAt) Baakers, docka and rail
mats taarmlmahu
3d S. Masiftaag. was earaatared
nm JPeUeaa lodge durlae a trip I filled in.
wnntfse git H .4 svjIn
f aaa: wnaatly aearht the nroDerty. land ITnmhnlt ntnin ln .ni.oi
aaau er 4BS acres. Ortg- redwood forest district in tho world.
afcnlW-tfcftglam was & aacaaaar resort, and the timber experts for tho road
estimate that 200 carloads of lumber
8W A I from tho forest can bo shipped daily
OTAMTEBE TO SOLD FIELD tao east for a period of 100 years
I hero is bo doubt that ultimately
juw3bll, a. u., Apni ii. free-line ttermwestera Fncific will en
msm -UMBsedlag from JuneaH I farther north in the coast counties
KKeaHaw fa. (A aaea of a new by tke way of Crescent City and on
sear-atawaxt. ex the icto tegon. It will some day form
aaaal wait!) to said to bet another trunk line up the coast liko
A thick streak off the nrescnt coast line hetwiin Run
etrsck la the Francisco and Los Angoles.
Aaat the two is not far distant
when a line will be built out through
the Applegato to4he coaBt s shown
by theso facts. It would not bo prnc
tical railroad building to build a lino
np tho coast from Sun Francisco to
the Oregon lino without having a
northern connection. The topo
graphy of the Southern Oregon coast
counties is such as to drive the build
ers in from tho coast after leaving
orescent City, and it is entirely fens
ible for (his road to como in and tap
the forests of southern Oregon, swing
around by the BJne Ledge mino,
which is the greatest undeveloped
copper amtnet of the west and on
in to connect with tho present main
line of the Southern Pacific. In fact
every indication tends to show that
sueh a road is to be built.
Another reason the Southern Pa
cific is developing snch an interest in
the baflding of this road is that it
will give them command of that sec
tion inasmuch as it will entrench
them against possible moves within
the next five or ten years bv nower-
ful factors in tho railroad world liko
James J. Hill and the Gould system.
uouia is already in California and
ITill in Oregon. In the natural course
of events they will want branch linos
in both states whore there is good
traffic. Tho Hill system is headed
for California now, nnd it ih evident
ly the intention of tho Southern Pa
cific that whon be reaches tho Boar
state that he will find the north Pa
cific counties and the redwood forest
area stragdtioally commanded by the
great interests which Lovett'and Rip
ley reprMeat.
V TSm Wvtmi for Rebbers.
9E&TTXX, Was., April 11 FIf-
-teeatMaKered d altars, asward to po&ted
1ioihcrar tk acreat aa& eearietlea ef
"JartrHoaaa aaaac wK keld ay am Alkl-
ajuVarit aarwat ac a&actly after mid
rjjLlafc Mhurear aawnias aad robbed
MuawMae aad the crew of Btea-
'vagmfclea. live baaired dot-
, detaettvaa aava aeea put
a ay tse Seattle Electric
The peUee are atlU at sea
fMmOA 1tc aafthkLj: freaking t work
M&nXSWYtULV, Or., AprU 11.
IiiJMaaiAwat Because fcfs parents had
waawa'atnl an because bis sweetheart
'XmiX. rtistd fct suit, Fred Bradley,
tajaeal XX. flrodf threo shots Into his
S4y iMt -alcht, axii today surgeons
aa.y Xir aaauwt reeerer.
Sm so atittwweat raaAe shortly after
:ie' 'ntoaOac k aald tbat he wanted
' ttltaaaaa a lK-year-eM girl aaa
taat' JBattat &a4 f ailed to reciprocate
i.3llt MM.. Tka ajkr taaaHj la areml-
num. rivo hundred natives wnm
killed in threo days.
t : i ii ... ....
John rtnuch" nnrt ohr rninm In th 13 "f r IS n reilO.X
k . .... i of tho A!br.nimi revolt.
It is feared that the insurrenctiou
will ppread to other provides nnd the
various government provincial offi
cials aro taking stringent mensurcs to
forestall any such action among thoso
not in sympathy with the present
regime of Turkey.
It is reported thnt the slaughter of
ft hundred revolutionists nt Ipox by
tho soldiers who first penned them in
n corral, has nrousd tho mountain
eers who nro preparing to rotailiate.
On good authority it is stated Hint
fully 20.000 Albanians are,armcd.
plcco were frequently quoted nnd
seemed to have an uncommon voguo
for a long time aftor tho opera had
left the city, and demonstrated the
fact that tho whole fabric of tho
piece Is built on uncommon lines and
that genulno comic opera proporly
presented has longovlty nnd will con
tinue to please long after the so
called musical comedy voguo has
passed out.
Tho original No. 1 company will
be seen on Its presentation hero at
the Medford Saturday.
SPOKANE, Wash., April 11.
Howell L. Sisson, 30i days old,
awarded a judgment of $4,000
against tho Northern Pacific railway,
is today probably the youngost suc
cessful litigant in a suit in any court
of record in tho United States.
Tho unusual feature of tho suit,
the first of its kind in ,tli3 Pacific
northwest, was that tho baby won
without a contest.
Tho child is the son of Mrs. Car
rie L. Sisson of Spokane. P. I. Sis-
son, tho father, was killed by a train
at Sand Point, Idaho, whilo making
a run as a brakoman from Paradise,
Mont., to Spokane.
The action was begun a fow days
after tho birth of tho child, which
first saw light March 11. Tho suit
was for $5,000, but it was compro
pised for $4,000. 'Judge Hinklo sign
ed tho judgment and the money wns
paid to Mrs. Sisson, who hnd been
appointed guardian.
With lovo Ignored,
Ambition loworod,
Tnko heart and bravo tho battllnc
Grip hands with hope until tho gates
Or llfo unlock,
O. Tablo Rock I
V. A. Davis.
(Continued from Pace 1.)
SPOKANE. Wash.. April 11.
Mombors ot the state railroad com
mission are In Spokano today Inves
tlgating the head-on collision of two
Northern Pacific pasonger trains on
A trestle In tho west part of the city
Saturday night, which resulted In tho
death of Paul Chlcolata and the In
Jury of more tLan a score of passes
gers. The commission censures the
Northern Pacific officials for not tak
ing better precautions against acci
dents at so dangerous a point.
Chlcolata died yesterday In tho hos
pital, both of his legs being broken In
the wreck. Ed Tynan, a mall weigh
er, IS seriously Injured. Tho wreck
was caused by the failure of an Inox
porlenced fireman to correctly Inter
pret semaphoro signals on tho bridge.
Sayler Jury Disagrees.
WATSEKA, Ills., April 11. Aftor
deliberating on tho evidence in tho
Sayler murder trial throughout Sat
urday night, and Sunduy tho jury
failed to como to an agreement when
court convened today.
The jurymen reported thoir inabil-
ty to agree but were sent back to
tho jury room by tho court for fur
ther deliberation.
It was rumored that tho jury had
reached un agreement on tho verdict
regarding Dr. William Miller, ono of
tho defendants, but could not agreo
on tho fate of Mrs. J. B. Saylor,
widow of the murdored man, or on
that of John Urunden, hor father.
Hasklns for Health.
Uuncut' Valentin.
Two valentine younc Uuncua bought
A nice one for hi irt,
A donkey for Bchoolmaiter Nausht.
The nojmer anil the cfturl.
Hut Ouncai sot them mlxeil and eent
The nice one to the acbool.
While ftralghtway to hi iweetheart went
The picture of the mule.
Kext day our brlaht youth called to io
The lady of hts liking-.
"Tour portrait came all r!sht.M eald eh.
"I thought the llkeneia etrtktn."
' -PhlUrt.lnhU Ttrr
Clear glass moulded Water
Jug; stuck handle, with
6 best quality blown
Glasses, complete,
Moulded Water .Tug;
Tankard shape, optic-jwtt-
tern, with (5 optic blown
Glasses, complete.
$ 1 2S
able Interest for tho spectators, who
could Judgo tho linos of attack and
dofen80 from tho questions asked
prospoctlvo Jurymen by attorneys for ,
both sides.
Stato Attorney Conklln took meas
ures to gunrd against any hitch In tho
trial. Ho has Issued subpocaes for
porsoqB holding what tho state con
siders Important evldonco.
The reports of the Chicago scien
tists who examined tho body and
Ilvor of Colonel Swopo as well as
parts of tho bodies of Colonel Swopo
and Chrlsman Swopo, his nophow,
from which teats woro mado; tho
tubes of typhoids culuturcs takon
from Hydo'o office and tho nurses'
charts kept during the lllnoss In tho
Swopo family, will bo Introduced In
tho course of the trial.
The csubpenacg issued command
Dr. Hoktoon and Dr. Vaughn, tho
Chicago toxlcologlsts, to produco at
tho trial full details of tho tosts .mado
by thorn on the bodies of both tho
Swopes, as well as on tho capsules
said to havo boon found aftor Dr.
Hyde coasod to attond tho Swopo
Hotel Arrivals.
At tho Mooro J. C. Wilson, Snc-
to; T. O. Tillmnn, Portland: T. Hoy
Davis, oPrtland; A. C. Hoff, Port-
land; J. A. Robertson and wifo, Tablo
Rock; R. R. Manning, Control Point;
11. iii. Crispin, Cherry, Wnslj.; B. E.
Eicher, Portland; E. B. McCord,
Portland; W. J. Deraody, Chicago; B.
niorcor, Chicago; E. Harm, Chicago;
H. Garhart and wifo, Sycamore, Ills.;
T. Wigman, Portland.
At tho Nash F. Stearns, city; H.
M. Schiller, N. Y.; V, A. Davis, Table
nock; 0. C. Hoff. Portland; T. O.
Erickson, Portland; J. M. Bonbam,
.Oakland; A. W. Ilinger, Portland; A.
v. onernll, Portland; W. S. Zimmer
man, Portland; Verno U. Pendleton,
Table Rock; T. I. Griffith, Portland;
Geo. Randall, Oakland. Cnl.; A. J).
Hall, Portland.
H. C. Bonny has bronchi down from
tho Bonaday stock farm iiar Rose-
burg a team of blooded boraes whu-h
aro probably tho finest to bn found
in tho valloy, Both of tho animals nro
registered. Mr. Bonnv will koen them
for a driving tonm and it will be sel
dom that he will bo nassed on tho
road by another toam,
Hasklns for Health.
Does this Appeal to You?
A chance of a lifetime. Everything to start with and
a most pleasant surrounding.
Read the Inventory
.14.40 acres; 1 mile from Central Point; main county
road; rich heavy soil.
4 1-2 acres, 3-year-old Cornice pears,, with peach filler-1-ycar-old.
10 acres alfalfa.
Eight-room house; good barn; cement milkhouse; two
wells; one team of horses; one wagon and harness; ono
hack; ono buggy; tools of all kinds; one Jcrsoy cow; board
and wire fenced.
Price, $8400; $3000 down, balance terms to suit at C per
Are You Looking for a
Platting Proposition?
550 acres, 3 miles from Medford, on county road and a
most sightly place; 300 acres in cultivation; $100 per acror
one-third down, balance long time.
Walter L. McCallum
Hotel Nash Lobby