MEDFOBD MAIL TBTBUNE, MEDFQRD, OREGON, MONDAY. AP11IL 1, 1910. A Want Ad Will Sell a Lot or a Lot Of Lots, Quickly CALIFORNIA CROP IS LARGE THIS YEAR CnlUornln Fruit Distributors Issue Letter to tlio Trndo Which Is Most Optimistic ncuanllny Crop. Tim California Krn It DlatrlbutorB Iiavh Itwuol tin foilowlu;; lottor to tint t rutin: wiiiio it it yii too t..':' t give nny positive Ipfontmtlo-i In neurit to thn coming nop of r tilt In I'iIb ntnlit, wo enn nt IomhI yrl.'o yon mi Idea n to how It npiMMi h at llio pnw cnt tlmu.' Wo ' alinoMl dnlly In rvcolpt of lottora nxiuoatlg thin li- fiirmntlon mill this otter Will bo our reply 'to nil him Ii roqiiottH. In till atnte trull t-ocH liloom nil through tho month (if Marcli nml tlio setting -of Hit crop Ih entirely dopondont upon weuthor condition. With ono or tw exceptions, those condltlnnn havo boon -exceedingly favorable during th prommt nunnoii. Thoro linn boon hut ono rnln and troro Ih ovory reason to bellovo tlmt nearly nil varieties -will product! satisfactory crops, nnd many of thorn will undoubtedly bo orv hoary. Aftor tho fruit sols thoro U a period of uncortninty la rocard to tln porcontKo Hint will roninln on tho trees nnd reach inn turlty. Wo hr.vo not yot ronchod th -end of thlH doubtful porlod nnd It will bo nt leant toil days iioro boforo anything ran lo stated villi certain ty. Chwrrlci Thoto In rouslrahlo com plaint In regard to Black Tnrtnrl -enn, ua thoro waa n heavy dropping of the bloo'-i jnd general roportii wonld ludkwte tlmt thli vnrloty will bo rather light. Chnpninn nnd Ad ybhco aro fairly good, Illnck Ropub llcan and Illti2 heavy. Royal Ann aro Homewhat Hpottcd, bolng n honvy crop In some p'cies and vory Unlit In othora. In nil probability thoy will nvorngo a fnlr'orop. Wn expect tl.o flrnt shipment n clnrrles will bo made about the 15th -of tho month and cniiot movomout Is expected to hoglli from May 1 to May 15. Aprfcota This Ih tho yonr when Tfc nhould orpoct a full crop of thlx 'vnrloty, but It In safe to. ny tlmt It will not nvorngo over CO to 76 por -cent of a crop, takjng tho atato nt law In tho oarly sections tho fruit wan ronaldornbly damaged by rnln which enmo at a tlmo whon tho "Jack et" had not fallen from tho fruit canning n consldornblo poroontngo to docny. Shot hole .fungus Iihh also pro tailed In iiomo a h.1Io!ib nnd thoro will "bo a honvy dropping as a rofiult of thin visitation. TIiIb, howovor, will affect tho output for drying moHtly ' thoro will undoubtoi'.ly bo nmplo supplies to meet nil requirements for -.shipping. Peaches --omlHo to mako a full crop In all sections. Thin appllon to .all varieties no fa. nn roportod to this fflr. llnrtlott ponr4 Thin varloty la not exported to mnlco na largo n crop na Inst season, an thoro waa a larger por onlngo of bloaanma dofoctlvo than la generally tho rnao, A good crop, howovor, Ih oxpoctod. ILOCAL VEGETABLES ARE COMING .A Few Now Crop Verjotaules Making r Appearance Onions and Rhubarb 'Plentiful Lettuce Just Coming In. Tho local market will Boon bo aup pllod with homo grown vogotabloa, .as tho onrllor vnrlotloa aro commonc- ' Jng to como In frooly. Groon oulouo and rndlalioa nro fair ly jtlontlful nt 40a tho dozon bunchoa. 'Rhubarb la bringing A to 6c, nnd ,ihoro J Homo homo grown lottuco, imaldiiK lta appoarnnco In tho markot. Jin n tow wopka tho markot will bo tfuWy uuppllod with homo grown vog etabloa of tho Beacon. WANTS INFORMATION OF SON'S WHEREABOUTS W. 13. Haymoiul, 24th Btroot nnd Pucifio nvenuo, Tncomn, wnnis in- formation nn to tho whoronboutH oC hit! noil Edwin Jorry Ilnymond, ngotl about 12 yonrs. Tho boy waa born nt Woodvillo nnd lite fnthor last Loanl from him nt Englo Ppint where lio was with liin grand motUor, Mrs. 'Qoo. ITeokutliorii. Tlio fnthor $ay ho has hiformntiou to tho boy's ad vantage, if ho can locato him. Dynamiter Attempts Murtlcr. I'OKTMNJ), Or.o.,. April 11. John II. Hoinko h a prionnor in the coun ty jull boro, cliurgcd with having ly iinmltod tlio homo of KlUworth I'ipor in tho Hiibttrb of U'titn. with intent to kill his wife anil Piper's mother who wore iiHluni) In the pluco when tho ox- (poIon took place oarly Sunday morning. Smoke protontH bin iumiconro. Smoke mill hl wife Hcparatinl Inst Oolobor. Biueo that time hmoke hail nipealeilly linplorcd her to return t bill), but hm ivl lined. Aeeonling I Mm. Siiiolif, Iht biiiliniiil bail fro uiiontlv tlircatein'il mr life. Tbnl I'ullbcr Mm. Smolie or Mm I'ipor wan niri"iiy injured by the o.xplonuit him'iiih ininicnloiiM. PORTLAND MARKETS. llopN, Wool and Hldcit. 11018 1008 crop, choice, prime, ICr; medium, 14c. ICC WOOI, Nominal, 1910, Wlllnm ntto valley. 2021cc: nnatorn Oro gon, ICtfr SOr. SHEEPSKINS Shearing, 10I2Bc ach; abort wool, 2GC0c; medium wool, G0ci$l each; long wool, 7CcO 11.26 each. TALLOW Prime por lb. Zftic No. 2 and groaao, 2 02c. MOIIAiH 1900, 20(0 27c lb IIII)R3Dry hldea, lC317V4c Kreon. 7'8l4c: bulla, groon, 8c lb klpa, 81 & 10c: cnlvoH, groon, 134? IJuttcr, Iigga and Poultry EOG8 Local, candlod, aoloct 2Gc. IIUTTUH Hxtra creamery. 33c fnncy, 32 V4c: "Jtoio, 24c. POULTRY Mlxod chlckona 18c; fancy hona, 19c; rooatora, old 12c; gooHo, 13c for llvo, HlGc fo droaaed; ducka, 22 V4: turkeys, llvo, 20c; droaodri, 23; plgcong, aquaba, $2,60 (f 3 dozen: dreaeed chlckona l(ff 2c pountl higher than nllvc. (Iniln, Iloui and liny. IIAHLBY Producora' prlco 1009 Food, $30: rolled, $33; browing, 30.60. WHEAT Track, club. 9Cc; bluo Htom, l; red. $1.02; forty fold $1.10; Wllhmolto vnlloy, 96c M1LLSTUKFS Soiling prl H"au, $25; tuldd'.lnga, $33; ahorta $27.50; chop, $2229; alfalfa moal $21 por ton. KLOL'U Now crop, pntonta, $6.76; Htrnlght, $6. CO; linker's, $6.06 0.16; Wlllamotto valloy, $5.80 bbl; export gradua, $4.60; grc'aam, l-4a $6,76; wholo whoat, $6.76; ryo $6.75; bales. $3.15. HAY Producora' prloo Now tim othy, Wlllamotto valloy, fancy, $20; ordinary, $18; custom Oregon $20(721; mlxod, $16; clover No. 1 $15.50 1C; wheat, $1C17; cheat $10 17: alfalfa. $17. OAT8 Spot dollvory, now, ppo- ducors' prlco Track No. 1 whlto $31 $32; gray, $30031. FrultH nnd VcgoCablca. FRESH FRUITS Orangoa: Now navols, $2 3; bananaa, 6 5 He lb; lomona, $3.75 04,50 box; grapo- frult, $4; atrawborrlea, 30c lb POTATOES Soiling, now, 00 7Go; buying, onatorn Multi'omah and Clacknmna, 50c; Wlllamotto valloy, 46c. ONIONS Jobbing, $1.50 per cwt; garlic. 10O12u por lb. APPLKS $1.503. DEANS Small whlto, $5.76; largo whlto, $ 4.70 r pink, $5,60; bnyoua, $G; Ltmaa, $5; roJa, $8. CATTLE Post atoora, $7; good h too re, $0.50; common atroeta, $5; medium, $6,75; fnnncy holfora, $5,50, medium cowo, $5; poor cowa, $4; bulls, $2.503.76; BtngB, $2.603. HOQS Doat oaBt of tho mountalna, $11; fancy, $11,00; stockore, $9.50. Btockora, $7.00; plga, $8,00. SHEEP Deal wothora, $8,00; or dinary, $6,60; spring lambs, $6.50 G.75;, straight owos, $5.256.60; mixed lots, $6.60. CALVES lloat, $7; orllunry, $0.. MtDrUnD MAHKLTo. Frulta and Vfgotablca. (Pflcea paid by Mod ford ratrchanU) APPLE8 204o lb. Potatoes, $1,00 cwt; onlona $3 owt; cnbbago,. 22MiC. Ilutter, Eggs and Pocdtry. (Prices paid by Medtord merchants) Ranch butter, 32 He; fancy croam- ory, 40o. Fresh ranch eggs, 20o. Mixed poultry, 1014o; spring chlckons, 15 18c; turkeys, 17c. (Prlcoa paid producort.) Hay Timothy, $10; alfalfa, $15; grass, $14; grain hay, $10. Grain Whoat, $1.20 bushel; oats, $30 ton; bnrloy, $30 ton, Boot Cows 4 4Mi! steers 6 Va; pork, Do; mutton, 5 ONE WANT AD OF EVERY TWENTY IS THE KEY TO AN INTERESTING ROMANCE. Tho want uds touch life bo intimnlcly give reflection nt such close range that vory often a few IIiioh of classified advertising form the key to a real lifo romance ns pathetic or an inspirating or as droll m oould bo "found hi books." KomctimoB tho want no is a link in tho chain of tho Htory as n "renl estato for sale" ad often is. Another want ml porhnpn offoring Komothing for nolo which would indicate tho dissolution of n homo t may bo tho key to n pathetic story more interesting, if it could bo told, thnn nny fiction. Somo other f "for snlo" nd may suggest n droll phase of lifo ns appealing bb tho adventures of Mr. Pickwick. To thoKo who hnvo iimight, who "know" humnn nffnirs in this city in this year of grace, 1010, tho want ads aro the BEST current reading matter. And, often, a want nd render who Btarts in to find ro mance duett surprised to find duos to un nmnzingg number of "other things" profit-making clues, for instance. S 'fee; Inmba, 0c; veal dressed, Sc. (Selling prices.) Rolled barley, 2 cwl $37 ton; bran. $1.07; middlings, $1.851.90; abort, $1.80 1.85. flreon onlona, 40c dozon bunches; rndlshoa, 40c dozen bunches; rhubarb, 4 06c lb. FOR SALE. REAL H8TATK. FOR BALE 6 acres borry land 1 1-2 miles north of city; under ditch. Rox 285, Modford. 22 FOR SALE or exchange for Modford proporty, a $0000 rosldonco In Red- lands, Calif. Call and seo photo. O. F. Dyer, room 9, P. O. blocic. FOR SALE 83 acres 3 miles from Modford. 0 acres pears, 20 acres Newtowna and Spitz; 0 acres apri cots. Prlco $14,500. Siskiyou Rcnlty Co., 22 Jackson County Dank Dldg. FOR SALE Twonty acres 3 mllos from Modfo-d nt $150 por ncro. sis klyou Realty Co., 22 Jackson Coun ty Bank. FOR SALE Homestead relinquish ment, mou jtnln farms and tlmbor. Address P. O. Box 213. 24 REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE 100 acres of good land, halt of It Is cleared; 8 miles cast of Modford. This Is n bargain nt $20 por ncro. Address, Owner, caro of Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALE 88 1-2 acres 2 1-2 miles from Modfora; 30 acres 5-year-old poara; 20 arca 1-yoar-old pears. Good houso and nam. Under ditch. prlco $22,000. Siskiyou Realty Co., 22 Jackson County Bank. FOR SALE 4 CO acres 3 1-2 miles from Mcdfrod at $100 por aero. Will sell til or part. Siskiyou Realty Co,, 22 Jackson County Bank. FOR SALE CO acros In tho colo bratod Morlln peach and grapo bolt; sufficient wood to pay for clear ing; 3 miles from Roguo river; ono mlio from Southorn Pacific railroad; $50 por acre. 40 acres, vory easily cleared; part can bo irrlgatod; throo-quartors milo from Southorn Pacific station; $60 por aero. Both tracts increasing In value vory fast. Ask any of your produco merchants what they think of Mer lin fruit. s ROBERT SMITH, MEDFORD. OR. Farm a. 'OR SALE Farm in southern Or ogon nnd northorn California. For particulars address box 15, Hilts, Cal. 30 Houses. FOR SALE $2200, 6-room strictly modern houco, furnlshod; $1200 will hnndlo this. Box 607, city. FOR SALE Sovon room house, now; lot 50x132, closo to Main atreot; bath, oloctilc lighted, screoned porch, wpod shod; prlco $2500; tonus. Siskiyou Ronlty Co., 22 Jackson County Bank. Acrrago. ' 'OR SALE A bnrgnln, 10 acres 2 miles from dopot at $350; fino lo cation, Dyor, rom 9, P. O. block. 'OR SALE A nico homo traat ot 8 acros, 1 1-2 mllos south of station; sot to npplos, ponchos, poars, small fruits nnd grapos; small house and good woll. Address P. O. Box 846, city. 2i FOR SALE 5 nud 10-nor traots just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 nnnual pay ments. Addross Condor Water Power Co. Lota. FOR SALE Last chanco, 3 lots, closo In, $25 cash, balanco $6 month ly. Humphroy, 815 East Main stroot. 18 OR SALE Lot, 160x44 foot, with shod 12x. and good woll; torms, Inquire 602 South King stroot. 18 FOR SALE Lois closo in on Socond Btroot at a bargain, C. W. Isaacs ownor, 116 N. Oakdalo, Git BATE No; '759wo"loTi7T6x 104, Largo ourn; good location. Call room 22, Jackson County Bank or Tolophonj 8311, FOR SALE ; F< BALIS Largo, atylfsh young bay tnm, truo to pull, or will exchange for lighter team. Humphrey, 815 East Main Btroot. 18 FOR SALE City lots, $20; for a small, safe Investment ceo th city lots I offer at $300 and $250 per hit; $20 cauli payment, balanco $10 pdr monih; no Interest. II. C. Malt by, Palm Udg. FOlfSALE Ideal butldtng lot on West Main; price $1050. Call phone 3311 or room 22 Jackson County Bank. FOR SALE Two lots on Hamilton atrcot, 56x100, prlco $300 each. Sis kiyou Redly Co., 22 Jackson Coun ty Bank. FOR SALE Cheap, choicest " lots. Seo owner aftor 5 p. m. 816 South Newtown. 23 FOSTsTLE Oood lot in Walnut Park addition; prlco $300; terms. Address A-4, caro of this office. FOR SALE No. 106 Lot 60x100, Narrlgan St., $400. Siskiyou Real ty Co., 22 Jackson County Bank. FOTFSALE A bargain, "3 finolots on Howard otrcet, Sunriso Park, East Med ford; oast front. Apply to J. O. Medley, corner Roosovolt and Ben nett avenues, or E. P. Bennett. 19 Farms or Orchards. FOR SALE Ninety acres. 30 in one year old npplo and pear trees, 100 Inches of wator, 2 1-2 miles from railroad station. For terms write "Owner." caro Mail Tribune. 261 v OR SALE 60 ncres, nnett building tlto In tho alloy, lncludh g 30 acres good fruit land; cheap and terms right. H. O. Maltby, Palm Bldg., Main and Front. FOR SALE About 30 acres ot good orchard land 1 1-2 miles east of Phoenix. One-half Is In orchard. Tolephone. Modford, 1199, or ad dross C. T. Payno, Phoenix, Oro. FOR SALE Ono or tho best orchards in Jackson county, two miles from Ashland. For particulars, address F. O. McWlll!ara8 & Son, Ashland, Or. . Timber Land. FOR SALE 40 acres ot good timber five miles from Modford; all down bill. Mat Calhoun, Phoenix, Ore gon. BuEtneaa Property. FOR SALE Choice business prop orty at a bargain, on long time; easy terms. Addross Condor Wa ter Power Co. Horsoa, FOR SALE 2200-pound team, 6 year old mares. Address O. S, E., caro of this office. 19 FOR "'SALE FiriNclais driving horso for ladios or gentlemen Call No. 6 S. Fir. 23 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE- -Second cutting nlfalfa; Address Box 361, Med 21 flrst class, ford. FOR SALE Balm ot Figs, guaran teed to euro all dtsoases of womon. Addross Box 406. FOR SALE Whlto Wyandotte eggs for snlo. Mtn. F. Tompklnc, Control Point, Or. 20 FOR SALE Two horso corn cultiva tor, nearly now. E. L. Wnlz, 2 1-2 J mllos southwest of Modford. 20 FOR SALE R. 0. Rhpdo Island Red and Butt Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching. From pure brod and high scoring stock. Call on or address Q. E. Alklnn, P, O. box 202, Control Point, Oro. FOlTSALE One fresh cow and caff. Call at 333 South Riverside. FOR SALE Mimeograph tor dupll catlng lottora. in good condition, cheap, at office of Condor Wator & Power Co. 283 H FOR RENT. House. FOR RENT Two cottago, $10 and $12. BonBoiv Invontmont Co. 18 FOR 'RBNiATnbdorn 5-room house eloso in. Inquire at 6J.9 East Main stroet. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms, FOR RENT - Modern fUrnlaid rooms at 60 4 West 10th or 124 King stroet. Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Furnlshea rooms. No. 10 North Grape street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for rent. North Front street, No. 21C. Phono 3731. FOR RENT Offices crer postoffioo on April 1st; will bo steam heated and have hot and cold water by next winter. Apply to A. A. Davis. AllsccUaacoos, FOR RENT Only hotoi iu town ot 1000 population. Call at Condor Water and Rower Co., 209 West Main street. FOR RENT Pasture land on Price Ranch, Tolo; irrigated land, next to McDonough ranch, Tolo. Condor Water & Power Co. 50 FOR RENT Garden land on Bear creek, one ncro and upwards with water for irrigation; owner will furnish team, plow nnd seed for part of crop. See Kofeldt, Condor Water & Power Co. 50 FOR LEASE Fully equlrpcd gold mine; ten-stamp mill and concen trator, all operated by electric pow et. Owner will furnish free elec tric power for share in proceeds. See Kofeldt, at Condor Water & Power Co. WANTED. Help Wontctl Female. .V ANTED Chambermaid nt the Nash Hotel. WANTED Two waitresses at Fran co-American hotol; faro prepaid. Morrison & Lash, Treka, Cal. 20 WANTED Girl for general house work; must bo good cook; wages $30. 32C SoutL Oakdale ave. WANTED A competent woman for housework and cooking; good wages, also farm hand knowing young or chard work. Address L, care Mall Trlbuno oftico. 47 WANTED At tho Franco-American hotol, two waitresses; tare prepaid. Morrison & Lash., Yreka, Cal. 20 WANTED A good lady cook to cook for ranch hands; wages to bo paid by the week or month. Address A. T... Oall. Tnln fir. 21 Help Wanted Male. WANTED Ten minors and laborers, Annlv fVinilnr Wtnr A Pnvar Pn WANTED First-ciasa gardenor. Ap ply Condor W iter & Power Co. WANTED Experienced stone cuttor and quarry man. Call at Condor Wator and Power Co's. office. 1 WANTED A man experienced In the handling of Incubators and turkey raising. Apply at office ot Condor Water & Power Co. 283 WANTED Man to write fire insur anco. Bonson Investment Co. 18 nelp Wanted. WXNTETrMaa and wife, man for gnrdonlng and wife for general housowork. Applj Condor Wator & Power Co WANTED Flvo farm teams, 10 farm hands, 10 men for 'planting treos. Condor Water -4 Power Co. Situations Female, WANTED Position to take caro of small children. Box 878, city. 18 Miscellaneous. WANTED 160-acre relinquishment j or hill land, with water. Address O. Burns, Arlota, Or. 20 REGULAR BOARDERS WANTED 116 E. Sixth street; $6.00 per woek. Trnnsclont 50a per moal. 23 W'ANTElSCattlo to pasturo, run ning wator; rato $2 per month; 3 1-2 miles couthwest of Medtord. E. E. Morrison, 18 WANTED A good alfalU, stock and dairy ranch, with some irrigation; glvo full description, prlco and termB Address Dairyman, Box 863, Med ford. WANTED Cloarlng done. Addross E, S. Palmor, Central Point, Ore, WANTED. "lliftlIaHeosw. WANTED In desirable aetghtor hood, May 1st, to rent, cotaylete furnished house of 6 or 6 rooaaa; family of four adults. Address with full particulars, 99 Esther tt-, Pas adena, Cal. 19 ' WANTED' TO HCX. Mlsccllanoosa. WANTED At once, for a hoaae, C to 10-acro orchard in bearing or nearly so, with or without buildings Give full description, price and terms. Ad dress Dairyman, Box 863, Modford." WANTED A light single work harness; must bo In good repair and a light single wagon or hack. Ad dress "H-2," caro of this office. 18 FOR EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE: House and lot. located In Santa Barbara, Cal., for property In or near Medford; lot 100 Ceot front by 225 feet deep; fine soil; good C-room houso; oranges lesaoaa and other fruit on place. Addreea Box 266, Medford, Or. FOR EXCHANGE Will exchange touring car in good conditio fer runabout. Enquire at Kiag'a repair shop. LOST. ASTRAYED 6 small y carl Jag calves, mostly Jersey, from the Ear hart place. Reward It retaraed. 22 LOST A Scoth collie pup, 3 moalJaat old; reward. C. D. Mfljcr, Lotrre Cafe. 18 FOUND. FOUND A poclceTbook' coBtaialBg'fi sum ot monoy. Owner caa bare lor proving property and paying for this ad. James BowHng. 20 Soath Peach street. 19 FOUND A lap robe. Call at 235 South C BUett. Deecrlbo the robe and pay for this ad. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Bootblacks. 'HINE Got your shoes shincd, oiled or dyed at the Palace bootblack stand in Smokehouse. First-class work is our specialty. Shoes called for in any part of city aad deliver ed. 212 West Main street. Phone Main 121. Eddie, the Bootblack. Landscape GarUeaera. J. T. BROADLEY, landscape gar dener; a long experience in laying out and care of private grounds. P. 0. Box 521. Medford, Or. Attorneys. W1THENGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm building. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attoraeys-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reomes. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build ing, second floor. B. F. MULKEY Attorncy-at-law. Offices room 30, Jackson County Bank building, Medford. j Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phone 351. Night phones: C. W. Conklin 391, J. ILl isutior at ix. llrlcklayers. BRICKLAYERS K. Ruaa, at Smokehouse, first-class bricldayer, stoneworkor, cement stepping stuoco and moulding, fireplaces and tilo work a specialty, arepcaa plan; day or contract. Medicines. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will cure rhewaatisca, nsthmu, paralysis, sores and pri vate diseases. These remedies may be procured at the Sing Lee laun dry, 123 S. Riverside avenue, Med ford, Or., whore they will be sold by tho propnotor. Dr. Chow Young has treated sev eral severe casos with his remedies since coming to Medford aad has for referenco somo of the best known and most intelligent ettirens iu Southorn Oregon. Call on him. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insuraxoe. Office, suite 205-20G, over Frak g rowers' bank. Phone 541. AS A MATTER OF BUSINESS, we would suggest that you oaH at tw offioe in search of real estate bar gains. Wo refuse to list any prop erty for which owner asks' more than wo think it is worth. We do not care to make sales at extrava gant nnd unreasonable prices. Yea will not find ns tagging yon oh the street or annoying yoa at the betel, hence this invitation to call at our office, No. 128 E. Main st Pierce, Shopherd & Co. Bill Posters. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster aad Distributor. All orders. prosspUy filled. Room 20, Jackson Coaaty Bank, building, Mcdfovd, Or. IIWNEtt 1IRCCTIRT. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITJMEr 344 South C nt, Ue&ant, Or. JB. W. Uiaey, Matron. OCfketal ial P. 4i E.iR.Jt. SEE WM. E. STAGEY Si XX.jfr aomo of tho eheieeat barjpawK da real entate in this valley. AIsw Kris mh "Columbia end Alberta, & CLsmA. other parts. Call on hka at Batocrfo office, Phippg buildiag, ot, mt dft Modford Auto company'n aRsm, where we start oat oar m$mlm. fer tile Aladden Haatle 'Lamp aa Mai den window screen. Wo wiH treat you right Come and see. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. baa 'W best-equipped job office ia tivmik cm Oregon; 'Portland ,priee. 40T Soath Central ave. IMaao ImatnsctteM. ' MISS JENNE8SE BUTLE&- fr-mm katrHctioB .-snad HiHetaJ 'hiatesy. Studio, JNe. 8 8. Qraagt, .tJmtt Phone Main '2491. iKuiterdii'arlora. S. T. ftOWN ft CO. BiUwMl. Ca garo aad Soft Driaks. Up 4away Yss; & Hall baild. A place to Epead rthe het JOHNS Jt T0127ER, Arahtteeta wA BaiMera, office 7-8, 396 Phono Main 347JL JLt&iwn. VALLEY BIQN j&NJJ CAKRL4Mt teed. Bigns. Riverside Phone 80L EL F, WILSON & CO., dealers is b4 second-hand tvxmibm hardware. Agents fer Me a Ofer kitchen cabinet. 323 . Seveatk at MISSION FDKRITUEE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly tte'KsaKsL Mlsaea Furniture made ta orJirar ab8i wrk l all ksd. A trial, order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stwraaa &ad Ranges. New and Seemd-Hanil Furniture. Eads' old atasd, IB W. F st. Sonth. Phone 9L MedforJ. Or. NBrseriea. IIIAKEK NURSERIES Oar are "budded, not graltei. 'Oar is not irrigated. We sraaraaUe srytkinf, put out We are set ia the trnflL 'H. L Pattersos, oiSett m. Hotel "Nasg ROGUE JITTER VALLEY NURSEKY Growers of high-grade a unmrj stock. C. F. Cook, Prop, R. K. V. depot. E.v0.ox 84JL Piaw 128I,, Medford. a W. iPcBdy. X T. OlkSsK. O. D. Nagle. llrlelc Cospaatec. THE MEDFCWD UKICK CO. Jiiekr manulacturers and Bgatraetow. also lime, cam eat aad plantar isa aarjr quantity. Offioe, Ksdferi JfntfnwsJt. Bank bldg. Phone Maia 546. iPwr.tfato. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOCL Offioe in rooms 203-394. & Fruitgrowers' bask haBsliPK, nI' of the tracTis. Phyetclaaa aad Baigeoaa. R- W. STEARNS, M. JX OiqinaiHsj, .Jackson Coanty baak. Nifet promptly answered. Offioe aad denoe phone Main 3433. CONROY & CLANCY Ofe mt. Stewart building Pbysiciaas sal Surgeons. Offioe phone Maw 3t nnvcta phono Main 612. DR. F. G. -CARLOW, E. "EVA.' MAINS CARLO W OsteopatiiM. Peysioians. Missioa Ueek. JPboaa' 291, Modford. Oigarsaaa Tuhaees. IK ELAND & ANTLE SuokekewM, j eal6xs on tobaeco, etgars aad suaatr' dealers tii ittlba;co, eigars aad naaofc-) era' cappues. JExetaave aaata Lowta bmgie tnaerf 81 mmtia El Palenoia. 212 West MESSENGER 6ERVZOS gera fmsushed at aH beam eC ilayj and till p. hi. to aay 'part ( mMg, from lOo to 25o. Phoae Mam IKOL' Iftilll'n Jis itli iMtm MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pt w4kkl a .1 s if aa a 'I jaacsey ana out wits jey." uveeJU-j lea to Reagan's stere; a4raaa mm seventh street. r. A. SMITH Ea W Tin sbeet kea ware a baal aad Madta,' ta order. 128 Kerth O nfawat. ELLA M. GAUNYAW- Stenograpkio waic aad w&U.