MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL ,1.1, 1910. Through the Wall By CLEVELAND MOFFETT Cpy right, 1905, by D. Appleton & Co. irsn CHAPTER 1L 9Vncnt.' oaxATzanr cask. ISTTJuR. leavtajc Ntsr Pemv "a eegseaX directed Ida tepa toward taa prefecture-f Wcv DM halfway across- the- a cUaceA. back t tbe churclv mrteax aab sknira its wMte face a bote- JteamM a. noaHBt ia deep tbougbC Jb Mrtm ta- TV h nacctcd; tk. Trnrntng, t- febe right, he -walked qaka- -It a itttle wine- afecp with aowera jtai: tih -wladawa, tft Tavern e tb 30av "Wlee- Mea, "A 1 tfeougbt oat kr mattered a 3re-saeaate<l4riatlaad assistant. gagat XfcsaeL. at eae of ta table en fee-fteerace. Aa& approathiBC tbo- okl .aana. arao-aad. a.r ate and a parple ttac&ee, ae-aaldfci a low tew, "I 3C5tael teofcitd. a from ais afesv aad al fie afcaiedl "IS, St asalar a fetaetlgte. "life teaertaBt. Go to- Iff aa-feat tfcer co to W Aaysew. ftad aim aad teU Jtetoaa idam aBaeat eace. Harry b asar ttife. Aa& raa across to MW cteaclv aa tea" Beaaetea taat a jaaeanfr caiae ettaer." -JL tocw It; I kasw K," cfescxlcd. SpeTicaaL-as ae-taettele TaeiV a ITHa. -kMb awe a: iiupjjta Cteaeatt, : jpaytes: fiwr ats rieasTs aaslata. . rer to a eae- stand aear tie- e Heary IV. aad selected a tfet eeakl Bat pesfily make taaa. foiu: mUes as bobt. Be- Jatad. tab) de libera t animal a seated. ahniwIC aae giving ta driver ats ? tatwuiK a charged aim gravely &ot to fast and settled back agaiast aae yaMoaa to comfortable xaedka Xrnwi Taera Is bo better -way to MrtnTr;- aat a toagh problem," a ased o Intflfrt. taaa to take a Tcrjr loag tttra fa.aiTery slow e&V 3tmy attre-aen taat this aars was "et atoia eaeagBi. far forty avt&Htes 3hter Coq He nil's frown, was still aare Jaxea'waea.taey drew sp at tao YOa TffMtfaweacy. really a coltecUoa ef HHr seas daeeas of ttietn. is a pri-"vate-yarlr aav tb Sola do- Seatogne. TEaa detective occasled a nrlae off 3fee- aHewal Meatawrescy caateaa. Jhabtt&tlasLef tea spacloas rooms, aaore t,aoneBu far alms if aad Ms aaiT ta- raltafat old serraat , yrb took care ef thest, esee- saaKy dfris taes- rammer months. TrfeeB Ma. Coqaeair was away at a amartry place is the Tosges moastehis "Hwt acr sea had boaght for her. Pa a) 4frqeraB had aeTer married, and his Jse lerrvd oaty two things In the world J aether aad hh? dog. Jit: 8-o'clock th detective- rose- from at)e dtaner tabl aad withdrvw Into Mb ssady a- largo room, opening off the ajfuaroegt atut faralabcd like- ao U-sa- ttaif. la the world; Aroand the "waWi wero low bookejwes with wide 3tep& oa which- were- spread, ander what Coqaeail' callttl his erhn- tiaal mum ii in Thlainetaded soarenlrs f cases oa which be- had been en awgJtd; woadeifat' sets- of bnrglara aoola. weaponti ased by marderers aaaws. afeks, jointed. Jimmies- ef ten I! steel, tnat taken apart 1- AMediap la the space ef a thick sjgur aad1 biddea aboat the person. Xaiaate catered arcseatly with cof--Seo aad ctgarettes, wMeh she placed jbb si txblfl jacsr green shaded 3aaipw within easy reach of the great 'xed' Isetlrar chair where M. Paul was tMSBtsd. f?MtfEly there esme a clang at thf Xroot gate In the garden and the soand of qaSck, cranchlng- steps on tho graTtt "sralk. tC Pougeot had' arrlred. 2Z. Xaden Poageot was one of tho righry poUco- coaimlssarles who-, each jsa bis awn qoarter, Terse e- tho atoral wasUlec oC Paris' dirty linen. M. jPbagt was one of tho most dlcUa- jnktot aad! iatelllgsat saeabers of "feats- JtottreatiBg: body. Ho wa a de oteaT fttead e Paal Coqaealt "WW," xeawslsed tao coaBsaissary wacKla7 were-settled' la tbebrehaljs; m Biaeeu ifa t&a S do JEaaeteo 8oaao parttog: testractieas,. ehf . ao taased tUgbt a cigar. shook his head. i do yon sail IT' ltm aot aalllag,?' "KaatT" 3'mt aaw in his life XT. Poageot was 'ssarasteoa. lie kaow all about thfe "Bmigm oCer, with its extraordinary .mamey adTaatages. Ho had rejoiced Ja Idw friend's good1 rortaao after two caahaapy years, and now now Coquo 98 iaforsMd him cahuly that he was "aat aanSxig4 TI hare last mado a decision, the 'sact important dccbiioa of say life," soathiaed the- detective, "and I want tyaa to know about It You are tho -aaiy- person iu the world who will aaow CTerythinip. Bo llsteat This -niteray I went into Notre Dasao slaiT ty ' 1 saw a young glri there who seBs candles. I didn't know her, hat aao looked up hi a queer way, as iaf akv waaied io speak to me. 80 I wsa as hfiMr,. and weU, she told w ef aha had lai Htsbt" "A deasay snorted th temmWHnry. . SKa aha aaidL fLU suiy hava- baoa lying, or she may lmve"been put u) 10 It, I know nothing about urr, not ercn her name, but thnt's of no cou- fsequeace. Tho point Is that In this dreaaa, as she called It, uho brought together the two most Important areata la hay Hfc." ira! What was the drcamr , "She says she, saw tuu twice onco . h a forest near a wooden bridge, where a man with a beard wns talk lag to a woman and a little girl; then she saw bbo on a boat going to a placo WBr there wore black people" -That was liraiiL- ! sappose bo. And thero was a bandog san with a wicked faco In side that kept looking down at me. Sho says she often dreams of this wicked face. She sees It first In a dls taat star that comes nearer and near er aatil It gvts to bo large and red and aagry. As tho face comes closer her Sear grows' until she wakes with a start ef terror. Sho says she would d4 ef fright If the face erer reached her before sho awoke. That's about Ter some moments the commissary did aot speak. "Old she try to inter pret this dreamT "Ko." "Why did she teU yon about itr "She acted on a sudden Impulse, so bo says. I'm inclined to believe her. Bat seTcr mind that Pougeof he rose- la agitation and stood leaning otot his friend "in that forest scene sho brought up something that isn't kaowa, something I've never even told yea, say best friend." Tiens! What Is thatr Tea think I resigned from the po lice force two years ago, don't you?" "Of course." "Every one thinks so. Well, it isn't true. I didn't resign. I was dis charged." M. Pougeot stared in bewilderment t if words failed him, and finally he repeated weakly: "Discharged I Paul Coqacaii discharged 1" res, sir, discharged from the Paris detective force for refusing to arrest murderer. That s how tho accusa tion read." ' 'Bat it wasn't truer 'Judge for yourself. It was the case of a poacher who killed a guard. I doa't Bap pose yon remember ltT" "Down near Saumnr, wasn't ltT" "Exactly. And It was near Saumur I found him after searching all over France. We were clean off the track, and I made up my mind the only way to get him was through his wife and child. They lived in a little bouse In the woods not far from the place of tho shooting. I went there as a ped dler la hard luck, and I played my part so well that the woman consent ed to take me In as a boarder. For weeks It was a waiting game. I would go away on a peddling tour and then cesse beck as a boarder. Nothing devel oped, bat I could not get rid of tho feeilae that my man was somewhere near In the woods." "One of your Intuitions. Well?" "Wen. at last the woman became convinced that they dad nothing to fesr from me, and she did things more openly. One day I saw her put some food in a basket and give It to the lit tle girt. And the little girl went off with the basket Into the forest Then I knew I was tight and tho next day ! followed the little girl, and, sure fooBgh, she led mo to a rough cave where her father was hiding. I bung about there for an hour or two. mid finally the. man came out from tho care, and I saw him talk to his wlfo and child near a brldgo over a moun tain torrent" "The picture that girl saw In tho dream r "Tea; 111 never forget It I had my pistol ready, and he was defenseleHH. and once I was Just springing forward to take tbo fellow when be bent over and kissed his llttlo girl. I don't know how yoa look at tbeso things, Pou geot hut I couldn't break In tbcro and take that man away from bis wife and child. Tbo woman had been kind to bmt and trusted me, and well, it was a breach of daty, and they punished for it Bat I couldn't do it 1 couldn't do it, and I didn't do It" Aad yoa let the fellow go?" 1 let him go then, but I got him a week later la a fair light, man to They gave him ten years." "And discharged you from tbe teres?" Tos that is, In view of my past services they allowed me to resign." Coquenll spoke bitterly. . 'OutragftousI Unbelievable t" mut tered Pougeot ' Ooqaenll looked at Pougeot with an odd little smile. "You take It Just as I thought you would Just as I took It myself until today. It socms like n stupid blunder, doesn't it? Well, It wasn't a blunder; It was a necessary Eiove in tbo game." "The game! 1 What game?" Tbo commissary stared. A game involving a great crime." "Yoa have tho facts of this crime?" "No; it hasn't been committed yet" "Not committed yet!" repeated tho ether, with a startled glance. "But you know tbe plan? Vou havo evidence" I have what la perfectly clear evi dence to mo-flo clear that I wonder I never saw it txtfore. Luclen, suppose you wero u trrcat criminal, woaltby, j "oTTucntwr. diwTfig mid fosmtrcorul, nuil J supH)so thoro wns one person In this city who wns thwarting your pur poses. porhna Jcopnrdlttni: your safe- I ty. Wlmt .would you unturnlly dof "I'd try to got rid of him." "Exactly," Coiiucnll paused, ami then, leaning closer to lib friend, ho said with extraordinary earnestness "Luclen, for ovor two years somo ono has been trying to get rid of mot" "Tho dovllt" started Pougeot "How long have you known this?" "Only today," frowned tho detecUvo. "i ought to Imvo kuown It long ago." "Hm! Aren't you building a good deal on that dream?" "Tho dream? Heavens, umu." snap ped Coquenll. "I'm building nothing on tho dream and nothing on the girl. She simply brought together two facts that belong together. Why sho did it doesn't matter; she did It, and my rca. son did tho rest Thero Is a connec tion between this Ulo do Janeiro offer aud my discharge from the force. I know it I'll show you other links In the chain. Three times In the past two years I havo received offers of business positions away from Paris, tempting offers. Notlco that-business positions away from Paris! Somo ono has extraordinary reasons for wanting mo out of this city aud out of doteo tlvo work." "And you think this 'some one' was responsible for your discharge from the force?" "I tell you I know It M. Qlroux, tho chief at that time, was distressed at the order he told mo so himself; he said It came from higher up." Tho commissary rained Incredulous eyebrows. "You mnan that Paris has a criminal able to overrule the wishes of a chief of poUcot" "Is that hardor than to Influence the Brasllian government? Do you think Rio de Janeiro offered me a hundred thousand francs a year just for my beautiful eyes?" "You're a great detective." "A great detective repudiated by his own city. That's another point Why T lUCSOIiUTIONS KOK WATUK MAINH Ho It resolved, by tho city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon; thnt It Is tho Intention of tho council to lay n . ,-lnch water main on Ninth strbot from Orango street to Hnmll ion street, and to assess tho cost thereof upon the property fronting on snld portion of said stroot in pro portion to tho frontago of said prop erty. Tho council will moot at tho council chamber in tho city hall In said city on April lith, 1910, at 7;30 p. in., at which time all protests ngntnat tlto Inyltm of said wator nmln on said portion of nald ntroot and tho assess ment of tho cost thereof upon tho property fronting thoreon will bo nenrd. Tho foregoing resolution was pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford. Oregon, on tho Cth day of Apru, iio, uy mo Toilowing voto; Wolchayo, Merrick abaont, Kmorlck absent, Wortnian ayo, Elfort nyo and uumraor ayo. Approved April 7th. 1910. W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROUT. W. TELFIOR, City Rocordor. RESOLUTIONS FOR WATER MAINS Bo it resolved, by tho city council or mo city of Medford, Oregon: mat it is the intention of tho coun .Ik A 1 cu 10 jay a . ,-incn wator main on Tripp street throughout Its entlro length, and to assess tho cort thoro- or upon tho proporty fronting on said portion of said street In proportion to mo ironugo or said property. Tho council wilt moot at tho coun ell chamber in tho city hall In said city on April Htb. 1910. at 730 n m.. at which tlmo all protests acalnst tho laying of said wator main on said portion of eatd street and tho assess ment ofy tho cortt thereof upon tho proporty fronting thereon will be heard. Tho foregoing resolution was pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Mcutora, uregon, on tho 0th day of April. 1910. by tho following voto: Welch ayo, Merrick absent, Emorlck absent, Wortman ayo, Elfort ayo and uemmor aye. Approved April 7th, 1910. W. H. CANON. Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. THLFER, City Rccordor. HZ BOSB IH 40ITATI0N AND STOOD LEAN ING OVK1I II IB FltrKND. should the ixtllce department dlschcrgt me two years ago and recommend tut now to a foreign city? Dou't you sec the samo hand behind it all?" "It's queer," Pougeot muttered. "But you think some great crime Is pre paring?" "Don't you?" asked Coquenll abrupt ly. "Why er" hesitated tho other. "Look at tho facts again. Somo ono wants me off the detective force, out of France. Why? There can b only one reason." And when when do you think this crime may be committed?" "Who can say? There must be great urgency to account for their Insisting that I sail tomorrow. Ab, you didn't know that? Yes. xjven now, at this very moment. 1 am suppled to be on tbe steamer train, for the boat goes out early In the morning before tho Paris papers enn reach Cherlourg." M. i'oagunt Ktaru-d up, his eyes wld- pnlng. "What!" lie cried. "Vou meau thut that possibly tonight?" And then came one of the strange :olncldences of thfci extraordinary case. On the silence of this room, with its tension of overwrought emotion, broke tbe sharp summons of tho telephone. "My God!" shivered tho commissary. "What Is that?" M. Pougeot uroused himself with an effort no put the receiver to bin ear. "Yes. this Is M, Pougeot What? Tbe Ansonla? You say he's shot? In a private dining room? Dead? 'Quel malbeur!" Then be gave quick orders. "Send Papa Tlgnol over with a doctor and three' or four agents. Close tbe restaurant. Don't let any ono go In or out Don't let any one leave tbo banquet room. I'll be thero In twenty minutes. Good by." 'He put tbo receiver down and, turn ing, wbito faced, said to CoquonlL ult hat happened." .NOTICE. Notlco Is hereby glvon that tho un dersigned will apply at tho next reg ular meeting of the city council of tho city of Medford, Oregon, for a llconso to soli splrltous, vlnout nnd malt liquors in quantities less than n gal lon, at his place of business at No. 22 Front stroot, North, in said city, for a period of six mouths. JOHN HARRINGTON. April 8, 1910. For Sale Lot 011 South Ivy; n ImrKuin. Huiiho nml lot on Hamilton Htroot; 11 Htinp. ( Imvo lift Hhmlo troos at 11 linrgntu r-Curolhm oj!iir, liorso ohost mitn, box ulilorn, cork bark olm. FHvo-ropin house, bum niul two lotn; njitirgntn. Lots in West Wnlniit Addition; your ohoiuo; oomov it-running. Lota in Ltuirol Park Addition; don't fnil to buy before wo nUvnneo thorn. Lota in Mountain Viow Addition; bo sura nut roo them before locnttng. Lota in Sutherlin Torrncofthoso nro nioiioy-ninkers. 5-roora bungnlowB, $850; onn't soo how you will throw nwny your money on rent when I will sell you n liouso on ronBounblo torms. Throo lota, SOxlSft, $300 onoln WANTED. Wanted A man to furnish capital to start a poultry ranch. Wnntod Ilousokocpor to 000k for ono, $20 n month. Chninhormnid, $25, room nnd board. Qirl for the country, $110. Girl for the country, $25, four in family, adults. Man to milk nnd do ranch work. Wnntcd A fumlshud houso, oloso in, 5 or 0 rooms, for man nnd wife only. E. F. A. BITTNER Med ford Employment Bureau. Business chaucoa, real estate, all kinds of holp funiishod nnd bustnw chances bandied. Room 208,i Taylor & Ptilpps Bldn. Phone 4141 Main. A Bpcoiulty in houso renting and oare of thorn: hut them with me. 35,55 ACRES Local od two liilhis wost of Modl'ord, on tlui nmhi road to .lackaonvillo. Tho hoII in this neighborhood nood no.continondation--Ihoro is nono hotter in Oregon. This tract ia all planted, tho varieties hoing iih fol lows: 757 Yellow Nowtowns. .080 Spitzonborga. 3.19 Bartlott Pears. 242 Winter NoliaPoara. 288 Early Crawford and ElbprtaPoaohes (planted as fillers.) Tho proator portion of theao trees wore planted in tho wmtor of 1906 and aro now in their fourth soaaon. Thoy havo mndo a nice growth and aro in good conditio. Thero aro bnildiuga on tho placo, amplo for prcsont needs. Tho price is $G00 an acre, and wo- oan mako good terms. W. T. YORK & CO. .NOTICE. To whom It may concern: I have no proporty for salo at any prlco. 10 MRS. J. F. HTJTCHASON. Notice. Thero will bo n silver tncdnl con test on Friday night, April 22, ut tho Iligh School building. All nro invited to attend. TTnukin fo" Ileal u. A.L. VROMAN PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR No job too small, none too large. Twenty-five years' practical experience. OFFICE 113 SOUTH FRONT STREET. MITCHELL & BOElK WAGON MAKERS Wo mako a specialty of rubber tiro work and or chard harrows and spray tanks, call at Merriman'ri Shop Riverside Avenue Every Thursday Night At Smith's Hull on Grapo nnd Sixth, and every second and fourth Monday in tho month. Six lesBon card for $5 or $1 lesson. Learn to.waltr. Privnte losson by appointmont. Learn to dance nnd ho graceful, PROF. AND MRS. JEROME, 124 South Central Ave. (To I3o Continued.) Today's store ads should tell you about moat of tho very latest rewrit ing of prices that has been going on and somo of this information should mildly oxcito you! TURN EXPENSE INTO INVESTMENT ANNOUNCEMENT. Dr. Gohlo is prepared to fit glasses n nil cubob of dofectcivo pight that .Iiibscb will rornody. Repniru of nil inds. Iirokon lenses duplicated, ln isiblo bifocnlR. 18 WEST MAIN STREET. If it's merely a question of what you can "get along with," use an ordinary paper for your business stationery. If, however, you are seek ing to turn expense into in vestment, use Tkl itjJir,l fafr ftr hiiintii ttatlmtrj The added influence given your messages by the clean, crisp sheets will wipe out the expense item and leave a bal ance on the other side. A liitl lourner Into (lie working! of your own mlml will iirn(ilien our urgu intnt. To h.lp, (W ui lor a nccinien ooV til ih paper thowlne Icllerheadt and uihtr imiinei fori, prinlnd, lulio. f;raplied and engraved un the wliiti and . uurletn 'ijan ol Otu IlAUfaiiinK Hunu, lt' woali having, MadetyllAW-MtiKS I.rK CoMANy, ilia only paper maker In the world making bond papcoclutivily. Medford Printing Co. FINE JOB 'PRINTING IS OUR SPECIALTY WE CAN AND DO MAKE QUICK DELIVERIES J3ET OUR PRICES OS 8. Central Ave. SPECIAL Announcement DR. I. I). PI1IPPS DESIKES TO ANNOUNCE TO IIIB MANY FRIENDS AND PATRONS THAT HE HAS- ASSOCIATED DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE OF PHILADELPHIA, PA., WITH HIM IN THE PRACTICE OK DENTISTRY. GAS WILL UK ADMINIS TERED FOR THE EXTRACTION OF TEETH. Here Are Some Fine Business Chances BLAOKSlMlTn SHOP, doing good business. GENTS' CLOTHING STORE; good lenso and snap at prico askod. OTHER OPENINGS we do not care to advertise. CHOICE BUSINESS LOTS FOR SALE AT $67.00 PER FRONT FOOT. Rogue River Land Co. 11 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE Excursion Ratesto the East DURING 1910 FROM ALL POINTS ON THE Southern Pacific (LINES IN OREGON) TO RATES Chieago $72.50 Council Bluffs $60.00 Omaha $GO.OO Kansas City $60.00 St. Joseph $60.00 St. Paul - $60.00 St. Paul via Council Bluffs $63.90 Minneapolis direct $60.00 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs $63.90 Duluth, direct $66.90 Duluth, via Council Bluffs $67.50 St, Louis $67.50 Tickets wil bo on sale May 2d and 9th; Juno 2d, 17th and 24th; July 5th and 22d; August 3d; Soptombor 8th. The abovo rates apply from Portland only, From points south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rate to Port land, to mako through rato via Portland. Ono way through California, add $15.00 to abovo rates. i Ten days providod for tho going trip. Stop-ovors within limits, in oithor direc tion. Final return limit three months from date of salo, but not later than Oc tober 31st. Inquire of any S. P. Agent for complete information, or WM. McMURRY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon