Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 10, 1910, SECOND SECTION, Image 9

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Full Lease Wire Report.
The only jmper in the werX
published In' a city the lira
Medford having a loased wlr
Medford Mail Tribune
XFiui: YEAR. ' OREGON, SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 1910. No. 17. ,
" ' if ' ' i - " """" -
Thu Lnmhiirdi Oporn company Iiuh
como nnd gone, Liu t- tliu memory of It
iitlll lingera, and lliu lovera of uiuhIo
aro looking forward to IIm return
next year. Manager Hnrolrigg do
aervoH great credit for huving been
nblo to got hucIi an organization
hero, mid Mod ford tdiowod hor ap
preciation by turning out on mnHMo
and a mont onthuKiiiHtla attdioiico a
acmblod. It wnn pity thnt the firxt
part of "Cuvnlloriu Kuiitlonnn" wns
marred by tbo Heating of lnto'comers
and by loud talking, for no ouu want
ed to misy any of it.
All Koeicty wns out and many
beautiful gowni wcru worn. Anions
tlioHo who enturtniuod supper par
ties at tbo Natdi Grill were: Mr. and
Mm. Daggett nnd their guests, .Mr.
and Mru. Kim; Dr. and Mrs. Itmldy
entertained Colonel and Mrx. F. II.
Kay; Mr. and Mru. 01 well entertained
Dr. nnd Mm. liny and MiH Mable
liny; Mr. and Mm. J. L. llnmincrsly
of Gold Hill bad an tboir gucstN MIrh
Nina Carter and Mr. W. P. Dodges
Mr. Molntyru entertained Mru. Moul
don and Miim Oladys Carey: Mr. Ira
Dodgo and MIsh Kontuor, Mr. nnd
Mtn. Taylor.
At tbo Louvre, Mr. Astbury enter
tained Mru. Fred Hopkins, Mchhix.
Wnnhburn, Harvey and Brooko; .Mr.
and Mm. A. C. Burgess entertained
n largo suppor party, Mr. and Mrw.
T. E. Danieln nnd. Mr. Martin Heddy.
Tbo Wednesday Study club met
with .Mru. Vawtor Inst weok, it being
Kcniprouity day. ' The invited guest
wore from Ashland and JnckHouviflo,
ns well uh Medford. The opening
pnHjr, "Glimpses by the WayHide,"
by Mrs. Vnwler, was very interest
ing. It was followed bv a pnpjr by,
Mrs. Gale, "Tbo Woman Without n
Club," which was olovorly written.
Mru. Carter of Ashland, who bnH
boon in eharKo of tbo. library there,
for yonrn in fact, lino been iustru
mentnl in keeping it up who wn tbo
guost of honor, had uh her fltibjcct,
"Tbo Educational Value of the Li
brary," and brought out its values
and tbo benefits to bo derived from
a library, very strongly.
Mru. Vnwtor'n beautiful homo wiik
most nrtiHtically decorated, yellow
boing tbo color scheme. BowIb of
hugo yellow tulips and Oregon grape
were tbo decorations in tbo ball nnd
reception rooinH. Mrs. Vawtor, bo-
comingly gowned in yellow Bilk, with
npangled ovor-drapo, received the ' in tho pnrlora of tho Moore hotel at
guostH, nBrttsted by Mrs. E. H. Pickel, 8:30, nftor which tho guostu will nd
who woro n Btunning gown of oldljonrn to tho Louvro enfo, whoro tho
roBO crcjio do chiuo with blnok trim- 'hnnquet will be held. Tho reception
Mrs. Neff, in n dainty whito gown
of Bntin Htripod orepe, nnd Mrs. Gale,
vorj fetching in n bluo Bilk frook
with laco trimming nnd picture hat,
proslrlcd in tho dining room, assisted
by Mrs, Morriok in n handsome lin
gerie gown, nnd Mrs. Will Wnnior in
n haud-cmbroidorcd lingerie gown.
Tbo decorations in tho dining room
woro yellow tulips nnd mustard.
Tho noxt mooting of tbo Study
club will bo with Mrs. Deuel.
Mr. and Mra. E. M. Andrews gave
n vory impromptu and ltiformnl af
fair Monday night which gave groat
pleasure to those- who woro present.
Tho scores of the oporaH, "Caval
lorin ' Kustioana" and "Pnglinoci"
woro gone through nnd the motifa
nnd thomoa of onch brought out.
Those who woro fnmilinr with tbo
musio had their momnrioB freshened!
"We'll Build the Crater Road"
It has boon Bnid thnt those who
objoot to having countors landed on
their jnw should not box. Medford
not only is willing to take tho count-
ors, but rather enjoys tho sport of
boxing nnd for that ronson, when
tho supremo court of tho stnto.
knookod out a bill appropriating
$100,000 to build a boulovnrd making'
aoooBBiblo tho bonutios of wondorfulj
Crntor Lnko, tho oity simply sinilod
nud doolnrod to tho world, "I will'
build thnt rnnd myHolf."
And Modford is making good.
Tho sun hnd not yot sot on thnt
day tho iiowb wbb rocoivod whou
tho oall wont forth for a special ses
sion of tho Modford Commoraial
club to ooiiBidor ways and moans.
At tho mooting tho loyal sons of tho
city woro out in foroo, nnd bofora
n ndjournmont was tnkon it had
boon dooidod to nsk contributions
in the sum' of $100 from tho nro-
up and those wha woro not were
given n very clear insight, and all
wore nblo to enjoy tbo operas hotter
for (ha explanations given.
Mr. Iluzulrigg was at tbo pinno
and Mr. nuzelrigg and Mr. nnd Mrs.
AndrowH did tbo hoIo work. Ito'.h
Mr. Hnzolrigg "d Mr. Andrews gnvo
oxplnuntioiiH of the music.
"Cnvalleria Kustionnn" in just
Hiiited to Mrn. llnKclrlfjK'w voice and
hhe delighted tbo audience with her
hoIoh. MrH. AudrowM wan aIho at
her bent in the hoIoh from tbo two
operas. ,
Miss Caroline AndrowH cnlertnin
ed the C. C. club at her homo Satur
day night. The house was artistic
ally decorated, lavender nnd white,
the colon) of tho club, being uncd.
GauioH were played during tho eve
ning, after which a buffet Biipper
was fiorved of fmit punch, flnnd
wichcH, enko nnd olives. Tho club
members are: MiBses Caroline An
drown, Joan Anderson, Vern Olm
stcad, Josephine Hoot, Marie Eifert,
Marie Kicrnnn, Eugenia Townsend,
Evelyn La Point, Hutb Woodford
and Kntherinc Woodford. The In
vited guests were Messrs. William
Vawtor, I.elaud Ewbaulc, Morris
Leonard, Itobert Kelson, Ralph
Pierce, Homer Elwood, Willio IIol
brook, Kay La Mar, Paul KubbcI and
Ilnstan Ling.
Tho laot dnnco of tho Hcason of
tho Juvenile Dancing club wait held in
Anglo oporn hoiiKo Wednesday evo
uing. Tbero wan a large attendance
and ninny pretty gownsworo worn.
After tho dnnco an elaborate six
courno dinner wnH served at tho Nash
Grill, Mr. Richardson acting art
toast master. Thoso present wero:
McHRrs. and Mcsdnmrs II. C. Kent
ncr, Sam Klohnrdwn, Charles Hu
zolrigg, W. F. Tumor, Pitrdiu, Jchho
Houck, F. W. HolliM,.K. F. Antle,
Pert Anderson, W. C. Aldonhngen,
II. 0. NicholHon, 0. C. Pogg, P. J.
O'Gnrn, W. C. Green, V. P. Emeriek,
II. N. Butler, J. G. Goblo, Dr.
Shearer, J. K. Woodford, P. J. Neff,
A. II. Miller, J. S. Orth, C. M. Kidd,
F. E. Merrick, Koscnbaum nnd Mr.
Tho former residonts of Minneapo
lis who hnvo mndo tboir homes in
Medford will givo n banquet Fridny,
Anril 15. A rccontion will bo held
committco: Mrrand Mrs. L. P. Hub
bnrd, Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Washburn,
Mr. and Mrs. Dolroy Getchell, Mr.
nnd Mra. P. J. Neff, tho Misses Em
ily Jnnnoy, Louise Spink; Messrs.
Paul Jnnnoy nnd G. E. Mnxwoll. Tho
committco on arrangements nnd dec
orations: Mesdanics J. M. Koot, Dol
roy Gotehol, Al Klock, P. J. Neff nnd
Miss Jnnnoy.
A bnskot supper wn bo)d at tho
Presbytorinn eburoh Fridny night nt
0:30 o'olock. Aftor tbo auppor tho
nniiunl congrogutionnl meeting was
hold nnd tho vnriotiB organirations
gave tboir yoarly roportB. Tho cloo
tion of church offioora vis nlno bold.
MosHrs. E. N. Wamor nnd W. P.
HnrriH wero eloetcd oldors, Mr- Wnr
nor being ro-olooted; Messrs. W. H.
Wntt nnd K. A. Johnson, donconts
nnd MesdnmcR Willinm Gibbonoy nnd
W. W. Glnpcow, denconrsRCB. Pinna,
grcssive mombors of tho community
nnd Btnte, nnd a commission had
boon nppointod to tnko charge of tho
This commission lost no timo iu
gotting nt work nnd at tho prosout
timo, with Modford nlono ennvnssod,
$25,000 bus boon plodgod toward
building tho rond. Tho coming week
will boo tho Modford booster in no
tion in other communities, and while
tho task scorns a groat one, thoro is
no doubt as to its ultiniato outcome.
Tho commission, howovor, did not
Bpond its timo nlono in rustling for
BiibsoriptioiiB. Will G. Stool, ono of
tho grontost boostors the lnko has
ovor hnd, wns summoned from Port
land nud told to go to Washington
nnd intorviow tho govoriimont offi
oinls to boo what could bo done in
having Undo Snm aid tho work by
building thnt portion of tho rond
which lies within tho boundnrios of
X D. Rockefeller, Jr., Wi hdrawing From Business;
Other Sons of Millionaires Going In Deeper.
Following closely the announcement of John D. Ifevckcfellcr'a Intention of devoting the major part of his great
Wealth to iouent1oiml and philanthropic usca came te utatemeat that tila son, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., had realn
d from the directorate of tho Standard Oil conipani for the purpose of Meutifylng "himself more closely with hw
fnther'H ciwruioua chnrity. In thus withdrawing Utuself from buslnesa the young ollllonotro did not follow recent
exnmpUii M Uy sous of other Tery wealthy men. Among tho younger raca talcing upon themselves 'the bnslneca
cures of tie rnthcra who are withdrawing gradually from active participation la affairs are J. Plerponv Morgan,
Jr., son of the famous "colossus of flnnacw," an Allan A. Ryan, wboae Cser4s Thomas P. Ryan, famed te aa
tlonal and Intcnintkaal dealings wltr nony
woro diBcusscd for tbo selling of the
present church Bite nnd building
'whoro tho mnnso now stands. Hit
no definito plans wero made.
Tho sophomore class of tho high
school hnd a jolly time Tuesdny,
when thoy loft on Vho enrly trnin for
Jacksonville Arriving there, they
wniKcu to tno uesoou country pinee,
whero lifnchoon wbb sooved. Miss
LnwBon, tho Enjrfish tencbor, chnp
oroncd tho class, tho members of
which nro: MiBses Osgood, Deuel,
Wray Curry, lone Flynn, Lornine
niiton, Opnl Daly, Jessio Purdy,
Vornn Griffin; Mossrs. Cnrlton,
Shirloy, Normom Morrill, Lyle
Marque, Fredoridk TTentb, Emerson
Merrick, Panl McDonnld, Colo
ITolmcfl nnd Curtis Anderson.
With tho coming of Mr. nnd Mn.
Georgo Andrews, who nrrived hero
Monday, Medford lias gnined n great
addition to hor alrondy largo musical
oirclo, for Mr. Ed Androws says Mr.
Goorgo Androwa Is tho musician of
the family. The two brotbors stnrt
ed tbo Andrews Oporn compnnv
years ngo, Mr. Georgo AndrowR be
the nntional forest. Mr. Stcol wont
to Washington, convincod tho au
thorities of tho earnestness with
whioh tho Modford boostor bad gone
to work nnd suoceoded in having the
highway engineer of tho offioo of
public ronds sont horo to continuo
his labors, laid down when tho stnto
npproprintion wns enjoined, nud nlso
hnd tho forestry department ngroo to
Bpond $5000 within the forest rosorvo
nt onco.
Tho onginoor has arrived and ac
tive work is to bo oommoncod im
mediately. Now that thoy havo tho government
busy tho commission plnns to go to
work ngniu nt onco on tho mnttor
of rnising raoro monoy, Tho com
mission will meet with tho Ashlnnd
Commriroinl club Monday ovoning nnd
will soon go north to Portland.
Modford hns dotorminod thnt tho
rond shall bo built nnd nothing is
ing the lmritone nnd Mr. Ed Androws
the comedian of tho company. Mr.
Androws only left the stage a year
ngo, when his health broke Jowu,
I bul ho lias entirely recovered U now,
and has como to Medford as a per
manent resident. '
J The "Substitute-" Bridge lab met
at .fho homo of Mrs. itau Tue.ihi.v.
llie members went in automobile
aii enjoyed tho ride very mncli. Mrs.
Kan's charming home is on ike upper
Jacksonville road, between Jackson
ville and Central Point. Hyacinth,
whito and pink, were the flowers
used for decoration. Mrs. Ed Ilan
ley, Mrs. Daggett, Mrs. Perkins nnd
hor niothor, Mrs! La Claire, of Now
Orleans, substituted for the absent
.members. Tho ndxt meeting of the
club will bo with Mrs. Dnuloj).
(Freeman of Portland.
Work on tho west end of tho park I
has boon started, under Dr. Picke!' 1 Mrs. E. B. Picfcel returned Tues
Buporvision, and Mr. Ford, tho land- 'atty from an extended visit with her
scapo gardener, has ehnrgo of the lister in Portland,
work. It is being plowed and will
be sodded, nftor which walks will bo Mrs. Charles Ray entortainod in
laid nnd bonches put in. It is to bo folTOnlly at cards Wednesday ovo
hopod thnt work on tho bandstand njnj,t j
bctag loft undono to ninko it n suq
cose. Tho rond is not of locnl bonofit
alone, but will bo of bonofit to tho
entire stnto, nnd it behooves ovory
one to nid in tho work. With tho
construction of a boulovnrd to won
dorfnl Crntor Lnko, Oregon will con
tnin k mngnot that will attract a vnst
nrmy from nil portions of tho United
Stntes yos, from all parts of tho
civilized globe. In tho past thoro
hns been a constant migration to
Oregon of tboso who eamo to bettor
tboir condition financially but thin
evolution has boon, and ovor will bo,
a slow nnd painful operation. But
those who como for neslhotia ronsons
aro cultivated, woll-to-do and ofton
wonlthy. Thoy will como to boo; Boo
ing, thoy will bo ohannod; channod,.
thoy will remain, Tho stamp of
tboir virility will bo on the Innd nnd '
will find its expression in mighty
oan bo started soon, for through the
efforts of Mrs. Roddy nnd Mrs. Ila
fer, Colonel Ray has consented to
furnish tho granite, and plans for h
aro undor way.
The Society of St. Anno will giw
another of its ipopnlar dancos Wcd
lesdny, April 13, at the Anglo openi
Th'. Eastern Star will hold their
regular mooting Wednesday evening.
Several now members will Iks initi
ated. Mrs. Bnyliss rf Koseburg is spend
ing the week in Medford, tho guest
of hor brother, Professor Cochran.
Mrs. John Harrington Las as her
quests Mr. Will Finney and M. Clay
Not nlono will tho tourist bo
charmed with beautiful Crater Lake.
Asido from this, Oregon can tender
him tho finest trout stroams for his
fly, the finost game for his gun, ad
mirable opportunities for investment
nnd ono of tho finest olimates on
enrth. Tho onstornor's complaint hns
ovor boon that southoru California
woathor is too muoh of a "samo
noss." noro wo can offor him tlio
happy modium tho olimnto thnt is
novor too hot or too cold.
Pooplo coming to this stnto to
visit Crator Lnko would visit tho
Willnmotto vnlloy, Portlnnd, Astorin,
eastern Oregon. Thoy would note
not only Orogon's wondora nnd
bonutios nnd its suporb climnto, but
niso its gront orops, its vnrioty of
production, its wonlth of rosoureos,
its manifold opportunities nnd thou
sands of woll-to-do ' homosookors
would flow in horo 'constantly hi
Mias Constance Clark entertained
a few of her girl friends Wednesday
afternoon at her home at 134 South
Portland avesne. Dainty refresh
ments were served nt 3 o'clock, after
which a walking party was formed
and the rest of the afternoon was
spent in rooming the hills of Siskiyou
Heights. The guests invited were:
Misses Mary Jackson, Ercle Stewart,
Aiene Alien, Ida Johnston, Helen
Pierce, Myrlo Davis and Eva Bar
dock. The wedding of Miss Mollie Mer
rimnn to Mr. C. H. Cady, recently of
Minneapolis, took place Wednesday
night. The ceremony was perform
ed at the parsonage, the Rev. Wil
liam Lucas officiating. Only the im
mediate members of the families of
the contracting parties were present.
The bride was attended by Mrs. Rob
ert Telfcr nnd the groom by Mr.
Tclfer. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cady will re
side in 3fedford, on the east side.
The Prcsbylcrlfth church had, an
niversary services last Sunday, with
spcclnl music. Mrs. F. H. Ray of
New York was the soloist. Her se
lections were "The Ninety and Nine"
nnd "Angels Ever Bright nnd Fnir.
Mrs. Ray possesses a very fine voice,
which shows the thorough cultivation
she has had, and always gives great
pleasure to all those who are fortun
ate enough to hear her.
The, Colonial Bridce club met al
tho residence of Mrs. Mundy Friday
afternoon. Dainty refreshments
were served during the afternoon.
The substitutes were: Mesdames
Stokes, Charles Brown, Warner and
Carev. Tho next meetinc of the club
will be at Mrs. Merrick's home, on
tho evening of April 22, when the
ladies will entertain their husbands.
Mrs. Boyden wns hostess for the
Five Hundred club Fridny afternoon
at her attractive home on Central
avenue. Miss Weeks won tho iirst
prize, a very handsome cnt-glass
dish. Dainty refreshments were
served. Besides tho members of the
club, Mrs. J. D. Heard, Miss Gladys
and Mrs. Purdin wero present.
Tho Chrysanthemum Circlo of the
Women of Woodcraft will have a so
cial ovening Tuesday at tho W. 0
W. ball. Mesdnmes Kate Wait,
Elizabeth Soliss, S. Barkdnll, Oat
man, Metcalf, Shearer nnd Piatt, the
officers of tho circle, will be the
hostesses of the ovening.
The engagement of Jfiss Boeski
Ruh nud Mr. Bourdinot Conner is an
nounced. Miss Ruh, a pretty, petite
brunette, is a Hungarian. She is the
guest of Miss Emily Fiero, sister of
Mr. Conro Fiero, whom she met
abroad last year.
jars. ti. tj. uoro naa a s
class" Tuesday morning for those
who wished to become more familiar
with oporns, which were given Tues
day niftht. About thirty were pres
Mrs. Philip namil nnd Miss Grnco
Andrews returned Saturday morn
ing from a week's visit in Portlaud.
Mrs. T. E. Dnniels has returned
from a visit to California.
Tho Coloninl club will meet Friday
with Mrs. Mundy.
How Medford is
consequence. Think ovor all those
things before you rofuso to add your
quota to tho fund for constructing
me niguway to urator ljaKO.
Tho mooney will bo amply safe
guarded, for tho commission hns
, adopted tho following rules and reg
ulations: drnws nny salary.
Tho engineer for tho work will bo
furnished gratis by tho govoriimont.
Tho money will bo amply safo
oept upon ostimntes by tho ongiuoor
in charge nnd after being audited
nud npproved by tho committee,
which oonsists of lending bnnkora
and business men of Medford.
No monoy is to bo pnid for rights
of way,
Tho routo to bo followed will bo
thnt soloctod by tho government on
giueor ns tho most feasible and economical.
The now store of W. H. Meeker It
Co. had its opening Saturday after
noon and evening. The nnudsal
program was under the direetitar
tho Whetsel Musio company, and tfc
attractive new storo was throgl
both afternoon and evening. W. HI
Meeker is one of tho first mcrchaai
who came to Medford and. h-ka-shown
that he appreciates- the- -improvement
of the city- by givingrae
an np-to-datc store. g
M. L. Erickson, supervisor of
Crater National Forest, tendered Mi
elaborate seven-course dinner fas
Benjamin F. Heidel, highway engm
cer, office of public roads depart
ment of agriculture, on Friday eve
ning, by way of welcoming Mr. Hfe
del back to completo his labors fer
connection with the building ef tim
Crater Lake highway. A very p!awa
ant evening ensued.
In honor of his 21st birthday, Mrs.
B. Reddy gave a dinner to hergraaP
son, Ed Reddy. A very elaborate
course dinner was served. The gneato
were: Mrs. and Master Pntton, Mr.
and 3frs. Delin, Misses Maud Bara.
Agnes Brood, Helen Reddy; Mesera..
Martin, Tom and Orih Reddy.
The members of the Junior Chris- -
tian Endeavors of the Presbyterian
church had a jolly time Thursday
when they drove to Bear creek and
picnicked on the banks near the
Stephenson home. About 25 young:
people drove out and' all enjoyed a.
very pleasant day.
Tho Guild of St. Mark's churclr
met with Mrs. Kentner Thursday .af
ternoon. Mrs. Berry, the now presi
dent, presided for the first time- and
appointed committees for thb year.
Tho guild will givo a card party ab
the home of Mrs. Erdhman, April 19.
Mr. Edgar Hafcr, who returned
Monday from an extended eastern
i i 7 i i. : i
111 11 f uug UWll IU uu mo
with an ntatack of nuinsv. but
now able to be about.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Whisler of the-
Bear Creek orchards entertained'
Thursday evening with a dinnen The
guests were Mr. and Mrs.- Ralph
Clark, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. ObwHi.
Tho King's Daughters of the Pres
byterian church was entertained
Wednesday nt a 5 o'clock luncheon
by Mrs. English and Miss Gertrnda
Trechler. '
A meeting of the Illinois society
was held at Smith's hall Saturday
evening. Aftor tho business session
there wns h musicnl program under
Miss Bates' direction.
Colonel and Mrs. Frank Ray ea
tcrtained at dinner at tho Nash Grill
Tuesday night. Tho dinner was a
most elaborate affair. The honor
guests wero Dr. and Mrs. Reddy. .
In honor of his birtfcdav. Mr.
George Daggett was given a "sar
priso" dinner Wednesday evening.
Covers wero laid for sixteen and all
hnd a most enjoyable timo.
Miss Inn Cochran snont Inst wmfc
nt the Opp mine. ....
Mrs. Bert Harmon lnnvo c-
Frnncisco tho lath of this month for
nn extended visit.
Making Good
The money is deposited in the four
banks of Medford, whoso presidents
comprise tho advisory board of tha
Tho subsorintions call for ftatr
payment Juno 1, 1010, the remaining'
hair in June, 1011.
This is a popular subsoribtion
which will oxtond from Ashlnml to
Portland. Don't bo a doad one.
Modford hns given notioo to th
world that tho rond will bo built.
Medford makes good. '
Tho rond will mean a tourist travel
of from 25,000 to 50,000 a year
Oregon. It will mean the expendi
ture of millions by the govornraet h
beautifying tho pnrk. It will mean
to Oregon what tho Yosemite means
to California.
The suprewe court's failure In
Medford'a opportunity. Help Mwlford.
grasp it.