MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, 8 CND AY, APRIL 30, 1930. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Itnurtloii'ti will huvo lodny straw itntrry, vaulllu, mnplo nut and tnlll fiutCa iio cttiutn with orange and iph:rtJpilo MhorhurU Phono .'171 foi -fliiwlklnlivftry. Wiuil WhltonldoH of Cuntral Point waw in Mini ford Friday on IminIiiokh. 1L. Jt. .Manning wan in Mcdford Saturday from ltltT Cunt nil Point .farm. Mm Gladys lily of Ban Francisco 3k tit Rucnt of her aunt, Mrs. M. l'uniin. fit "lent city" erected by Cuth iort .1 Co. will li ruuily for oomt ,imv AhiH Jittnrnooii. Cuthbort tc -Co. lx .Uiing ami talk about them ak)rvnlH. 17 Ycaxt II. Pondleton of Tnblo Hock ra Sa tbln oily Saturday. U. SX Jloid of Gold Ilill and W. l TV !Xdjre tf (he same bailiwick wore , Atfjiud -the opening nt Meeker's b.tupny at 2 . m. Artikia WiUon of tho Woods Lum krCo. made n bunbiotis trip to Glen alat Saturday. .J A. JloberUou of the Modoo or- ckarrlt) wun u Modford vittitor Sat artljr. Montgomery's hair-dressing pur ka bow oocii. CO Mn. J. W. Murriti of Central Tulat win in Modford Saturday on a idumppuig tour. CXnudo Jones of SnmH Valley was .in Alodfonl on a business init Sat Gorte M. Hordoaux ImH sold Thm Oaks" wiloon to M. and J. Ad- ubld1 tho now firm will tnko pon- hubii in n few days. Mr. Ltor--Iea.xx linn built up a good tmdo since talckag over tho plauo Homo 18 tiBotutku ago and tho now proprietor jiurpono conducting "Tho OakH" -alunp lite name linen. ' JU&aeluir treats you all Saturday at 2 j. tn. and evening. Williiun .Von lr Holloa of Eagle Point wan in Modford Saturday. T&a lloxy Ann Hawuiill linn been ttwld hy Hurry .Mote to David V. Sharp mul Ralph II. Ilarrinloti. Tho new ewneni will plnco tho plant tu -opwexUun at onco. Jtka 11. Cnrkin, attorney nt law, over jaoknon County Hank. Tfce fact that Cuthberl & Co. are -doin'bunlncrtH in a wnrolioiiHO at tho eoonter -of Eleventh and Trout stmata while waiting for their now building to lw erected hIiowh tliat tho firm hftH full faith iii tho future of tin city, Thoy bcliovo in progress witfe -a 4ig "P," -and will try to koop pretty .clone tu tho bond of tho pro - e soon. 17 Vauik Jtny .of Gold Hill was in Jltdiatd Saturday. it- w. xioniirup reports mo huio -of 1A ucruH two and throo-quartor Bulanctit of .Modford by W. It. Hul leek. Ao LouiH Knips for $1000 1tu property in practically undo vefopnd Jaud, but in in tho orchard (belt. rw finlr-uroufline parlora now jkm At MontBomory'a. 60 Mrs. II. Qarbott of Syon rBaerKy HI., nro In Modford looking er JtVo valloy with u view to local Miin fnivnrot Hubbard wns in (l(!oio Drown of Iialo Point wa In Mudford on biwinoHH Saturday. Mr. Iljown h (ho original old Huttlor of lialo Point and now doolaroH that tho growth of the village ih Kruator than ho ovor iinaninoil it would bo. T. 0. UriokHon arrived in Modford from ortland Saturday. T. O. Ikih niHignud from tho forcHt nurvicu, with which 1io Iiuh boon conuouted for tho pant yoar or more, and Ih in Mod ford on a vImSL to IiIh old friuudH hero. VUlt (he Silver Kin'w Palaco at tho Christlnn Tnboninclo and hco tbo finont colloollon of Chlnoflo and Jap anoHo art K""1 ovor brought to thin country. A. C. Hough of (IrantH Piihh wiib in Afudford Saturday on profofiulonal bUHlllOHfl. Soo tho auotton ndvorllsomont on iinotohor pago and don't foil to coino to tho auction nalna ovory day tli'm wook in tho Clniitiitii tabernacle.. S. D. noluicb of Jiaglo Point wah a Modford vluillor on Saturday. J. Frank Brown of Kugle Point npont Saturday iu Modford on bur nous. H. Vinton Hoall of Central Poiont wiih in Modford Saturday. Mr. I tun II w tin1 liiRt living member of (ho company which wan organized but not Incorpuraji'd iu tho early (!0n In build n railroad from Sacra moiito to orllaud. Several (houHiind dollarx were HuliHcribud and tbnxigh (ho ropreNcutiitioiiH mnile, congrims made the original Oregon & Califor nia laud grant. Owing to -tho fact that (ho fannum of the Koguo Hiver vnlloy did not Hook proper legal ad- vico an to the matter of inenrporn (ion, Hon Holliday, by Htartiug a road from Portland, Hooured tho grant Colonel J. K. ItosH, Thomnn Hoall, K. M. and T. P. Plymalo and Ikiuic CoiiHtant wore among thono who jiold Ntock in tho old read. 4 l 5 11 1 Visit Our Hair Dressing Parlors new srainc Tcc.trj FIRST SALE, OF SPRING SUITS Buy Now and Save One Fourth IF YOU WANT A SPRING SUIT RIGHT NOW IS THE VERY BEST TIME TO CHOOSE. TBlK AJSSOJtT-, MENTS ARE AT THEIR BEST AND YOU ARE MORE LIKELY TO GET THE FABRIC AND STYLE YOU ARE WANTING IF YOU COME NOW. Note The Savings Below All $45.00 Suits to.go nt $33.75 All $35.00 Suits to go at $11.25 All $20.00 Suits to go at $15.00 AH $25.00 Suits to go at $18.75 All $30.00 Suits'to go at $22.56 All $40.00 Suits to go at $30.00 Every Hiiit is gunraiitn.'d to fit pcrfe'tly before it leaves the store. You will find what you desire by coining Friday. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THE WINDOWS NEW SHIPMENT OF GRANDMOTHER HE ATHERBLO OM PETTICOATS, $1.00 TO $1.75 EVERYTHING IN HAIR GOODS Mad, 'i me Moulia is an expert liair weaTWC P and is prepared with all the latest machin ery to turn out anything you wish in switch es, etc., and will do blenching, manienring, massaging, and hair dressing in the most modern and latest approved Wciy. A MOST COMPLETE LINE Q HAIR V GOODS Infants' Jieadwear tho as- Just received, tuout cornploto ftorttnent of Piquo, Straw, Lawn, etc., in hoadwear for in fants. All tho cuto littlo ideas are now on diupjny and tho Prices are Right. BEAUTIFUL LINE OF LONG AND SHORT KIMONOS. $ WAISTS A lot of beauti ful Silk WuiatH, the best $7.50 sclb;rn cfer offered in thin place; while thin fialo is on wc offer them at choice $5. You Hhould see our lino of, Linen, Lawn and Lingerie Waists tho best values you over hiiw. LINEN WAISTS UP FROM $1.25. 1761 ONYX HOSIERY Onyx means durability, first, as much style as possi ble in any hosiery and the weight that is most pleasing. 25c AND UP CORSETS You should call and allow us to show you the many ex ceptionally good features of GOSSARD and. LA GREQUE MODELS Fv n ram Medford's Quality Store MUST BE "SHOWN" Wrestling Match Last Night Falls to Draw The Box Receipts of, 75 Cents Returned. OFFICER COMES FOR ALLEGED FORGER Marshal of Lebanon Arrives Takes Earl Blair Back to Charge of Forging Checks. and Face MsMurd Saturday from tho ITub ibT& Smxm .notir Central oint. TSrn Doall of Central Point wna a. Xdford viaitor SiUurday. C9r artlatio puotograpliH go to Ignwiriator'fl. Cbildron'rt pictures a peciUJty; Central Point. 10 mjc 4nd Mrri. J. A. Robortnon of TabSe Hook aro iu Modford today, auycK j(iamH ih oxpoctou to ro innt 'tli'vn morninc; from u business tnf to ortland. J C il'ondlotou of Tnhlo Hook was -in MMlXord Saturday. I. 13. Whltting irt Bpendinp; Sim- day atUlliu Rlvemew ranch. Von mro iuvltod to visit our uow !ecion on South Central nvonuo. W. IT. ICtakor & Co. V. A. Davis of TTablo Hock was n 3rJford viilolr Salurday. GUI or lHy -enn loarii photog trnpfcy. Apjily nt OrcRory'H Studio. Janjfl TlcibliinB of Woodvillo spout :atnnay tu Trtoafiiixl. ST. 'V. n'nttor -of Woodvillo, ono of th MMithtiiHiaKtio liooHtors of that ilown, wnB 'in Mod ford Snturdny on Ww. ,IT. W, Merritt of Contral rFoiittvwH 7t Medfortl visitor Satur iay. T3fareo 'hunfl-red boxes of choico and Ifaargr TNewtovn npplos in oold stor iBgctfor Bale. Tho last olmnoo of tho txt&mm to-prqeuro good npplos Ad b A. 3. Randnll, Modford or "SairiL Mtb. J. IT. Hoeman tit Gold mil a Modford visitor Saturday. CfeSwwl J. W. nicks of Contral Foini -was n MddfoW Yisltotr'Pndny. TRb Tocnhontas triho will hold a sacral mooting ntld Initiation noxt TtVitny evening in tho Rodmon hall. The regular tneoting hns boon . post frania o-wing Ifl sioknoss h tho JbsBfloh's 'Waclc 'horao -and groon "W"Kon -will deliver loo oronm imtm H .flaj. Phono 371, 1 Tho Huuf-Tuckor wrestling mntch nt tho opera houso drew a 75-ccnt bouBo, and tho monoy wae rotumod 1 it... i:T...i rri.-.. ....... m.0 Ukuv "u,u Frank Richards, marshal .of Lcba tlin iinlv iiKiitiln u'lm pimin nut nvnn. I . ' . Tho Mcdford pooplo go strong " 0r- nrrivcd ou No. 15 Satur when thoy are reasonably cortain of iay monung ana Iott on No. IU, hav a good show, dramutio, fistic or ling in custody Earl tilair (Mallory othorwiso, but there is much of tho who was arrested Thursday by Clue origiunl Missouri blood iu tho avor- Shoaror ou a chargo of having ut ago Modforditu yot, and thoy must tored forgod chocks. bo shown, otherwise thoy stay uwuy. Tho Bpocifio complaint uiwn wbie Thoy stayed away from tho wrest- Hlair is taken to Lebanon is that b ling match Inst night iu largo flocks, "raised" a check of $o issued -to Tho sports hadn't boon "shown" him for work done there to $f0. Tho that thoy wore going to soo a real alleged crimo was committed sovora mutch, and most of them had a roc- months ago, but tho officers hnv ollection of somo of tho wrestling boon following Ulnir. owing to sov ll I 1 I .-il-l I i t a 1 if uuuia mvy uuu uuun rugaieu wuuiurai Hiiuuar inuKS no nan iiirncu in last year. tho oast. 1 f NEW BOOKS FOR THE PUBLIC LIBRARY DOCTOR OLIVER'S ASSISTANT HERE Dr. Frank E. Olivor's assistant iu tho groat campaign, "Mcdford for Christ," arrived on tho ground Fri day. and after lookinc over tho lo- 1 ho library patrons aro rejoicing cation solocted for tho sito of tho iu uio iioautilul sorics ot Cunrles big tabonmolo, is greatly plensod Scnbnors' Sons' publication roeoived Lumber will bo plncod on tho Inst week. Lovers of Jamos Hnrno. ground inuuodintoly and tho building Kudyard Kipling and IhomtiH Nel- will uommonco in earnest on Monday son Pago may rovol to thoir hearts' Tito tabonniolo is to scat 3000 content, for tho cornploto works of pooplo and tho choir loft will scat each ot tho abovo authors is now in 400. Evidently largo audiences nro tho library, Tito odltions nro tin- expected. Tho committee on music, usually haudsomo and coiivcmout ns consisting of 15 from each church, to binding, print uml illustrations, will mcot Mr. Heoler on Monday ovo lliOBo fond of old plantation stor- ning at 8 o'clock nt tho M. E. church ion and skotehes of Virginia "bofo' for (ho puriMise of making nil necos do war" will delight in tho Page sary nrrangemonts for musto during writings, tho popularity of 'whoso tho meetings. It is proposed to fur looks by Mcdtord rondors wub dom- nish exceptionally fiuo muslo for onstrntod by tho fact that 12 of his each sorvico, and Mcdford will cor hooks wore drawn tho first after- tninly bo ablo to supply a chorus that noon tlioy wore placed on tho gon- will moot ovory oxaction. If you can oral circulation. Biug, don't wait to bo asked, but vol A now sot of tho trnvoling library unleor at onco. florios hns boon reooivod and is also I Up to tho present timo about 250 rondy for circulation. All tho stnto oonvorsions have taken placo nt Ash ibranos hitherto loaned to Modford laud. Dr. Oliver is doing a groat uivo boon thoroughly enjoyed nnd work m tho good totwn oi Ashlaud-- muoh is oxpectod of tho last ono. I evidently ho is getting loyal support lrom tho Clmstinu pooplo of that Conley-Wcbster Go Soon. placo. LOS ANGELES, Cal., April 9. Dr. Oliver must bo n very powerful Vanklo Conloy nnd Danny Wobator spoakor, if nil reports are truo at will sottlo thoir dlfforonoos and iuci- lonst Modford will booh havo u dentally thoir claims to tho bantam- chanoo to find him out. woielit olinmpionshin nt MoCnrov's Vonion arena on tho aftomoon of NEW CENTRAL OINT April 30, according to nn nnnounbo-l BOOKLET IS OUT. mont by MoCaroy today. MoCaroy's diamond bolt, won by I Tho booklot issuod by tho Central Conloy in his match with Monto At- Point Commoroinl club has boon fs toll, will go to tho winnor of tho mill, sued, and it is a credit to tho town Joo Conloy, manngor of Frnukio, nnd to tho club. Tho illustrations Btntod today thnt his, brothor is nro first-class, tho subjoat matter up ready to begin his training nt any to Uio standard nnd tlio designs and timo. llo will coino to Los' Angolos work ou tho book far abovo tho nv within tho next ton days and pitoh eruge. v lis onmp at Doylos Vornoii plaoo. Contral Point is to bo coiifrratulnt- MoCaro;y is waiting for Wobstor's pd for having issuod suoh an nttrno- ngroomout to tho dnto, Mitoo piooo of advertising, " n GREATER MEOFORD BLOCK DAY m At tho last meeting of the Greater mitres, oaeh of which will be duly! Medford club tho novel scheme of informed of its functions. The com- "Block day" was adopted to raise miXe c "? 03 fo"ow! , fc . , , ,. 1 Mesdames Mernck (chairman), tho much-needed funds for tho Ii- E1 .Vnurews, W. H. Brown, Canon, brary. In this plan will be found Daniels, Fabric, Kent, Nye, L. II. none of tho offensive elements of Porter, E1 Trowbridge, Welch, Wil soliciting, so that the Tdng-suf fori'ng Uamson, Fielder. pnumiiuropic business men ot .Med- 2 Mesdames Vawter, Bliton, :oru may rejoice to Know that tliey Wcs Green, Garnet, Uutchnson, Mc will not bo attacked und invaded for! Gowau, Hollis, Miles, Mcintosh, donations to auother worthy cause. Perry, Ray, Wolverton, Worthing- ilirniil, lUO POOPle OI leUIont Will. ton. Anderson. Alflnnhnirpn. W.ieir. . . , 1 . - ..W.WWHB bo glad that nothing ou tho order of a none-rucking, wildly active "Tag day" is to bo revived. Also, Block day is not ut nil re lated to the programs' of song nnd dance with which the Indies of tho club have been delighting their friends of late though tho Block Wakeman, Gluck, Gctchell, Louns berry, Kirby, Miller, Goff, Luy, Townseud. 3 Mesdames A. H. Miller (chair man), Alford, Bundy, Conrad, Em- ertck, Elwood, Morrison, M. J. Mil ler, McKuiu, Nicholson, Newman, Palm. Rentrun. Shirlov. Stoddard. day will not bo without its enter- Allen, William Andrews; L. B. Brown, mining icniurcs and, yen. even mu- Davis, E. E. Gore. W. N. Harmon. sicnl ones. Orth. Patten. Shields. Wrieht. ' i 1 - - rt Block day is absolutely unique. It is such a big undertaking, too, thnt any weak-kneed organisation would bo staggered. Not so tho intrepid membors of tho Greater Medford club, who are all eager for the plan, as attested by the unanimity of its adoption. At a later date the modus operandi will bo explained in detail. Tho ohnirman-in-chiof is Mrs. F. E. Morriok, whose energy and suc cess iu former undertakings inspires confidence nnd insures hugo success in tho present project. Iho whole of the Greater Medford club has been divided into fivo com- 4 Mesdames Neff (chairman). Ritter, Boggs, Erdmann, Unzelrigg, Kentner, Luke, Lucas, McCray, Page, Reddy, Root, Streets, Smith, Snedi cor, Tuttle, Wortmun, Worrell, Wur ner, York, Antle, Gale, Isnncs, Mun dy, Menrs, McNonlly, Seoly, Spink, Osborne. 5 Mesdames Theiss (chairman), Bennett, Bates, Coukliu, C. N. Corey, C. II. Corey, Cnroy, Iluskins, Kidd, Putnam, Pottenger, Pickel, Scher morhorn, Woodford, De Lin, II. C. Gnmett, Kinsman, Mouldou, Shea, bummerville, Hamilton, Godlovo, Ha for, Misses Merrill, Putuam, Haskius. 35.55 ACRES Located two miles west of Medford, on the main road, to Jacksonville. The soil in this neighborhood needs no commendation there is none better in Oregon. This tract is all planted, the varieties being as fol lows: ' 757 Yellow Newtowns. 580 Spitzenbergs. 319 Bartlett Pears. 242 Winter Nelis Pears. 288 Early Crawford and Elberta Peaches (planted as fillers.) The greater portion of these trees were planted in the winter of 1906 and are now in their fourth season. They have made a nice growtk and are in good condition. There are buildings m the place, ample for present needs. The price is $600 an acre, and we can make good terms. W. T. YORK & GO. NOTICE TO FARMERS 4.f BUSINESS LOCALS Tho 'Southern Dairy Co. nro now in'-H-"-"-- a position to pay tbo highest mnr- 1 kot prico for sweet milk nnd cream. ,,or wood of n11 kinds 300 t,,e square uou. woouvard. 1'Iiom iu any quautitios the yenr rouud. 32 Soutth Central avenue, Modford. C. H. PIERCE LANDS EAST OF THE CITY SOLD C. II. Piorco Saturday sold all his lolodtngs oast of tho city to W. F. Riploy, Into of Denver, Colo., who is ostnblishing a plant for preserving nnd canning fruits and vegetables of oguo Rivor valloy, and H. C. Malt- by, who hns boon u resident of Mod ford for tho past yenr. Mr. Piorco ill rotnm. 40 acres tor a homo and ill improvo tho snmo with a rosi- douco. This salo includos nil tho unutisold proporty known and plat tod as Piorce Subdivision in town- lup 37 southt, rnngo 1 west, immot dintoly north and east of tho citv reservoir, comprising somo 200-ncres, which inoittuos a uumuor or clioico building sites, about half being tho ohoioo fruit and truck land in tho alley. Tho consideration for tho proporty is $-10,000. Tula, In addition to other lnnds rocontly acquired by tho snmo par es, innlio it ono or tho valuable iioldings ndjoiuing tho oity. 2(101. Fir street, betwoon Second nnd Third streets. Gould & Lindley. proprietors. ' 201' Wear Kidd's Shoes. If you wnnt satisfaction, try u sack of Mt, Hood Snow-Fall Flour. For salo at tho Russ Mill. Remem ber tho placo. Polk Hull & Son. Notice. Gregory's Studio will not bo open Sundays unloss by spooinl appoint ment. 17 NOTICK, Wo aro looking for a man with 110,000, somo brains and good Judg ment. For particulars soo Aylor & Bnrnott. 17. SPECIAL Announcement DR. I. D. PHIPPS DESIRES TO ANNOUNCE TO HIS MANY FRIENDS AND PATRONS THAT HE HAS ASSOCIATED DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE OF PHILADELPHIA, PJL, WITH HOC IN" THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY. GAS WILL BE ADMINIS TERED FOR THE EXTRACTION OF TEETEL To wnnt-ndvortise is to try and only those who try stand much of a ohntice of getting, undor nowadays conditions, Today's advertisement of your "favorite store" may announce that "spooial snio" that yon hato waitod for. Hasklns for Health. Mr. Henri Gun son IS NOW WITH . CORSA M. KIDD (THE FOOITITTEB .) Shoes of Style and Quality Our aim will be to make thix the ploasanteet store in which to trade. 1