arrcoroKD mail tribune, medford, oreoon, Friday, 8, into. SAYS CATHOLICS FRIEND T. I FIRM Archblsliou Ireland Deplores Con struction Put Upon "Vatican Incl dent" Says Pope Did Not Intend to Slight . Roosevelt. feT. PAUL, Minn., April 7. A statement, issued by Archbishop Ireland, defending the attitude of the pnpnl secretary of state in the so- called "vntican incident," and de daring tho unswerving loyalty to the United States of nil American Cnth- olics is causing much discussion here today. In his statemeut, Archbishop Ireland said: "I have read among tho cable grams sayings attributed to tho for mer Spanish ambassador to the vat ican, the father of tho present papal secretary of state, in which satis faction was expressed that his sou had been instrumental m humbling a Yankee president. I am snro the former ambassador never made such a statemeut. "Equally unworthy of notice is the reported saying of an' eminent eccle siastic to tho offect that in tho ac tion of Cardinal Merry Del Val, tho church is not to be seen, but the secretary of state's attitude against the colonel of the Rough Riders 'in Cuba. "That in tho action of tho vntican is expressed by Cardinal .Merry Del Yal, was the slightest intention of a slight upon Mr. Roosevelt personal ly, or upon the American republic, should not receive n particle of credit. Tho Vatican is supremely in capable of such baseness. "In the hypothesis, 'unworthy of conception that slight upon Mr. Boosevclt or the republic was intend ed, we in America who respect Mr. Roosevelt and who love tho republic, would unfalteringly stand by Mr. Roosevelt and by our country." CENTRAL POINT NEWS LETTER. F. E. Trigg, well-known writer on subjects connected with farm and orchard, is hard at work every day at his placo on the northeast edge of town. He will in due timo have the model farm and orchard of this seo tiou, it is believed, as his ideas and plans are modern and progressive and ho io a man of forco and ability enough to carry them out. Lawn' tennis is tho gnmo of the hour with the Central Point young sters. Tho big schoolhouso grounds are practically given up to the ten nis players, several courts having been laid out on various parts of the grounds. Mr. and Mrs. Baumgartner of Grand Rapids, Midi., are guests at the home of G. TL Reiner. They are delighted with the beauty of the Roguo vnlley and announce that they are ready to dispose of their inter ests in the east and make this valley it.!- t -. r . . ineir nome. mr. iinumgartner is greatly impressed with the superior ity of the fruit orchards over those of Michigan. On Saturday evening, April 9, the United Artisans of Central Point are to havo a public meeting in the M. W. A. hall, and great preparations are being made by the local lodge for this event. A literary and musical pprogram will bo furnished by local talent and an address givon by tho supremo medical director, Dr. J. B. Olmsted. Three hundred invitations tavo been issued, no ono being ad mitted except by card. Tho United .Artisuus havo grown amazingly since tho worgnnizating of tho local lodge last October. Central Point is the storm center of a gold mining revival of more than ordinary interest. Several mining experts of wide experience now in this locality are intensely interested in tho field and do not hesitate to say that wo aro in tho center of tho richest gold fields in tho west, J. IL Booth, a capitalist and mining man from Butto, Mont., with his mining engineer, R. M. Parker, ex press themselves ns surprised that bo little effort has been mnde in mining tho gold in these hills. The Central Point Mining & Dovelopmont Co. nud also tho Central Point Gold Mining Co., both recently organized, are already operating at a fuir profit with evry indication of future big returns. Central Point admirers of tho Mail Tribune may havo tho papor deliv ered daily at their floor for ono month by paying the small sum of CO cents to Mrs. Evelyn Maple, au thorized agent for the above paper. Miss Esthor Merill, ono of Central Point's most popular and charming girls, has been spending a couplo of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morritt, She roturnod hut yieok to Berkdoy, Cal., for tho bal ance of the school yoar, IN AUJHCC1NT Durable Dane Is Severely Scratched, But Is Not Put Out Occupants ot Auto Dumped in Street. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., April S.--Battling Nelson, ox-lightweight champion boxer of the world, is dec orated with sundry scratches and bruises todny as a result of an au tomobile smnshup last night. With several friends tho Dane was returning from the Smodloy-Hognn fight when the machine smashed into a streetcar. Tho forowheels were torn from tho axles and tho occu pants dumped in the street. Nona was seriously injured. ASSAILS CORPORATION LAW PLANNED BY TAFT WILL 1. 1 SIDE WITHPlliCHOT? So Says Special Dispatch From Eu ropeRoosevelt to Meet Plnchot in Genoa Is Already Acquainted With Controversy. NEW YORK. April 8. A morning publication hero today prints a spe cial dispatch from Europo in which it is stated that Roosevelt will de nounce Secretary of the Interior Ballinger and side with Clifford Pin chot, the deposed chief forester, up on his arrival to the United States. Tho nrticle stales the information , came direct from a member of the j Roosovelt party and that a commu nication to this offect has reached a supporter of Oifford Pinchot at Washington. ' S Former ,' Pmchot is now in Etrrope. Ho and Baldwin ot, Roosevelt will meet at Genoa. Roose-, Connetlcut, professor ot constitution-(velt is acquainted with tho principal nl law in the Yalo Law school, at tho points of tho Ballinger-Pineliot con- J chamber of commerco dinner last troversy already. t NEW HAVEN, April Chief Justice Simon E, PITTSBURG WANTS TO HAVE HOFFSTOT COME BACK Corporation law. In part ho said: "The proposed act would mako It easy for any' foreign manufacturing corporation reincorporate na a fed- PITTSBURG, Pa., April i. I lie, eral corporation and thus escapo tho graft prosecution yesterday took! responsibilities ot tho state." 'first steps toward bringing the in-; After referring to tho absorption dieted banker and steel manufac-1 of tho Toncssco Coal and Iron com- hirer, Frank N. IToffeifot, before the' pany by tho steel trust by permission grand jury to testify in another of- ! of Roosevelt: ho said, "It was ropre- fort by proscutors to implicate sev-, scnted to him that tho merger was oral Pittsburg bankers in alleged 1 necessary to keep Wall street from a conspiracy to bnbo city councilmen. panic It may have been, but It Is Prosecutor Blnkely today began , undesirable to multiply conditions preliminary proceedings to secure the 1 which compel a federal court to show , extradition of Hoffstot from Nowj special graco and favor to some or-, xork, where Hotfstot resides. ganl ration simply becauso It Is great Hoffstot is president of the Press- and can control the course of flnancoed Steel Gar company, president of! by the prompt use It has of some of ( tho German National Bank of Alle the millions It has at its command." - gheny, and director in several banks. j. J ne will bo asked to testify regard- Resolutions of Condolence. jinf l3 "HeRod participation in conn Carpenters' Union, No. I810,'cl,mnic corruption. It is possible Medford, Or., April 8. thnt "e mny "B1" extradition, but Whereas, Almighty God has seen u,. prosecution nere ueueves mni no fit to call from among ns Mrs. C. w" come 10 1 "tsbnrg without oppo- E. Leathermau, tho beloved wifo of snwn, win give norm ana win ngni Brother C. E. Leathcrman; and, ithe charges. Wlinrona. Our lm.irfs rre rmt ?n I deepest sympathy to our brother in DEAD NDIJN1 ?AN.CSK" his great bereavement; now, there-' ' KILLS A BIG COUGAR fore, bo it j jiesoivca, xuai uarpoiuers union, - You Can Be Independent Buy An Orchard Tract Eden Valley Orchard Subdivided This famous bearing Orchard has boon sub-dlvidod into small tracts and sold at roasonablo pricos. If you are looking f or positively the bost thing in tho northwost in a small orchard, this is your chance to got in right Most Profitable Investment TO BE FOUND Well informed business people from nil parts of the United States mid Canada aro looking to tho Rogue River valley for safo investments. Years of oxpori ence in buying and soiling orchard laud fits us tho better for sirMn investments that will yiold largo rotums. Our properties havo proven worth. Wo can assure you that you tako no risk when you purchase one of the 30 to 100-acro orchard tracts located in tho famous Eden Valley orchard. "Wo soil tracts to suit, IN AMERICA wlautod to the best commercial varieties of bearing trocs. You aro assured of a splendid incomo tho first yoar. "Wo can stato positively that this is tho best chaneo for solid, sound investment to bo found in America. A high-class bearing orchard of provon worth is certainly a moro profitable investment than waiting for trees to grow on land that nevor produced fruit. You arc suro of big roturns almost at once, either ns a grower or by rebelling. Come and let us show you. Secure an Income At Once PROVIDE PLEASANT EMPLOYMENT You can buy as many acres as you desire, build a home on ground commanding a view of the ontiro val ley enjoy tho electric light and powor, tolophono, daily mail, and livo within easy reach of tho business nnd social life of tho metropolitan city of Medford. A climato unsurpassed anywhere. Magnif cent Homesites ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS V. A small bearing orchard, planted to tho best com- ! ment, and insures an incomo of from $500 to $1000 mercial varieties of trees, will provide tho most fas- per aero each year. ITore is solid investment, and the einnting as well as healthful and profitable employ- income or profit from snlo is sure. John D. Olwell EXHIBIT BUILDING MEDFORD, OREGON J. II. Renl, a Dead Indian motin-! No. 1S40, of Afcdford, Or., not being Jain hnd stockman, who was i, . til flin vnllot Tiinalnv rnnrtrtml flint in inibfCMHun oi aucqunio moans oi , niirn,no. win !i I cxniemoni was ramnant in mnr m.-- "" r - . -( expressing the individual sympathy of its members for our sorrowing brother in his great affliction, adopts this method of extending to him as a body the profound sorrow nnd heartfelt sympathy of his brothers in this, his hour of sadness. And bo it further Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the records of the union and that a copy of tho same bo transmitted to our bereaved brother. F. POOL, D.' WHITE, P. BURKE, Committee. POPULAR YOUNG MAN SUFFERS BROKEN LEG Isrel Lewis, well known as a mem ber of the Lewis & Sons Meat Co. of Central Point, and ono of the town's most popular young men, met with a pninful accident Tuesday af ternoon when his saddle horse fell with him while driving cnttle, break ing ono of tho bones in his leg just above the ankle. The injury will not, perhaps, result soriously,, and Isrel hopes to be out again soon. l.nn Pnrl MlllieWjiat I'enry, tho 17-year-old son of Cluis. nl"fc' Henry, shot nnd killed n big cougar which mensured seven fcot from tip to tip. Tho nnimnl had been trailed by the dogs nnd treed when yoniif Henry enmo up nnd with his trust riflo brought tho big brute to earth. The pelt showed the effect of a ro- ileprecinted its market Every Thursday Night At Smith's Hall on Qrapo and Sixth, and every second and fourth Monday in tho month. Six lesson card for $5 or $1 lesson. Learn to waltz. Private lesson by appointment Learn to dance and be graceful. - PROF. AND MRS. JEROME, 124 South Central Ave. THE SAVOY THEATRE THE APEX OF PICTUREDOM j TONIGHT GREAT FEATURE FILM. Bill Pickett's Hand-to-IIorn Fight for Lifo With Bloodthirsty Spanish Bull. THE CAPTIVE. LESSON BY THE SEA. Excellent Music. One Dime. Air Light Sunshine Cleanliness In our factory, Costly Mater lnlfl and Skill in Making aro tho conditions and ingre dients that combine to mako Modern Sweets so perfect a Candy "Tatronlj tU Modern Etaler" Utiut CMlKiiwtnr C. Ml.. Tnki, Puna Pack Saddles Pack Bags 9 We can supply you with just what you want in Pnck Saddles and Pack Bags. STOCK AND DOG SOAP is good for all skin disenscs of man or beast. J. G. Smith 014 EAST MAIN BTItKET Masson, Gross Co. Sell and Promote Oil and Mining Properties Mines Experted and Ores Tested ADDRESS, ROOM 3 14, MERCHANTS' TRUST BUILDING, PORTLAND, OR. Medford Shoe Shining Parlor 0H, HERE WE ARE AT LAST I For ladies, gents, children, this is the place where you will save time and money by getting your Bhoes shined by an experienced artist. Oiling and dyeing is my fipecinlty. Now, don't forgot tho placo, No. 4 South Central avo wo. Open from 7 o. m, to 8 p, m.; Sundays till 2 p. m. Tho coast Champion Bootblack. . V. W. IIQWARD, Prop. A Snap That Will Soon be Snapped $3,000 WILL HANDLE IT 45 ACRES Ouc-half mile from Phoenix; all deep soil nnd well fouccd. This soil is right for pears and is surrounded with bearing orchards and located on the county road. 6 ACRES in 2-year-old apples? balanco in grain and alfalfa. HEED A snap that will soon bo snapped. Only a small sum is requirod. $3000 will handle the property, the balance as long as you may desire. Walter L McCallum Hotel Nash Lobby Wrestling Contest MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE i Saturday, April 9, at 9 p. m. Sharp DAVID RUEF vs. . C. TUCKER COLORADO WRESTLER WEiaiHNQ 145 FOUNDS In Two Best out of Three TIIH LONDON WRESTLER WKIOHINO 149 POUNDS Flye-Round Boxing Contest as a Preliminary Seats 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 it Hem8 for Btaltk "