Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 07, 1910, Image 1

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    Can You Solve It? Ferret Out The Mystery In The New Serial "Through The Wall" Which Starts Tomorrow
Medford Mail Tribune
Full Leased Wire Report.
Tonight mill Friday - Ocrn
rtlttn'itl mIiowoim tonight, Warm
nr loiuoirmv, Lowest tompora
tuin Thursday night, 32.
Tho only paper In thn world
published In a eby tho size of
Modford having n leased wlro.
No. 15.
New Ones Aro Planned anil Council
Will Also Arrnnuo So That City
Will Not Lose Larue Pcrcontauo of
Receipts as at Present New Sys
tern to Do Inaugurated.
Yearly Rate Will Bo Established So
That Property-Owners Cannot
Shut Off Water Durlnu Winter and
Avoid Tax.
II' lliu plans of tho city dads do
not m'lHonrry, ii(t longer will the rosi
dent of Medford cvndu paying hi
water rate by hhutting off bin lap;
no longer will hu bo able to bent tho
city by moving, and no longer will
Uiu city fnco a deficit at tho ondof
each month (hiring the winter, when
the niton during tho summer pay for
the (munition of tho olty'H water
Tho city uniiitoil at a session boiug
held thin afternoon is considering
water rateri and the methods of en
forcing and collecting thuia. I'lio
council pliuiH tliu pummgo of an or
dinance Which will owtnblihh a fixed
yearly rate according to frontugo,
'ir.o of tho family and cjnsrtif prop
erty, Hiich an luminous, reKidontH and
lodging houses, which will hu cquit
alilu and will ho clmrj;tn! against the
property. In (hi way the city will
collect each month from lliu property,
and, whether tenanted or not, ho loin:
aw the property !h connected with the
city water main tho rate must be
It htiH been tho citHtom in tho past
for a property-owner iih soon an tho
rainy Sanson npona to shut off hia
wntor, notify the city and pay no
water tnx until tho following Bum
mer, when he again needed water for
bin lawn, lly meant) of tho new or
dinance the council will fix a rate
by tho yenr, and thin rato will be
charged to the property and not to
tho individual. Should an individual
got in arrears and have the water cut
off, the next tunnnt mtint pay those
nrrcarn hforo iio is allowed to turn
tho wntor on again.
City official!) point out that It
cintfl uh much to oporato tho water
system in the wiutor iih in tho huiii
nior. Hundreds of dollars have been
hmt in the piiHt through tho method
in vogue at proHont.
Tho council ban boon on a tit ill
hunt for data in regard o wntor
ratoB for a number of wcokti, and
bnvo information at baud regarding
rntcn in moro than 20 cities of tho
northwoHt. By iiho of thono thoy be
lieve tboy will bo cuahlcd to work out
a system equitable nut! just, nml one
which will pay the city larger re
MOJITO $22,000
Two Hundred and Flfty-Eljiht Acres
' Southeast of City Sold to Local
Real Estat Firm, Which Will Cut It
Into Ten-Acre Tracts and Sell.
Tho 8. P. Barnoburg place, south
east of tho city, hua been bold to
Aylor & Harnett of this city. Tho
prioo paid wnH $22,000,
Tho land in well adapted to fruit
raiHing, Tho placo consists of 258
noroH, which tho now owuors will out
into ton-acre tracts and soil,
Tho 0. It. & N. farming demonstra
tion train that wnfl run through
EflBtorn Orogon and Washington, re
turning tho past weok, wns tho most
miooosuful ovor oporatod in this atnto, I
Do Willie Boys
Live On Willie?
MomrnKMiN Question Stir City Dnds
dim Deiniuer, Friend of Com-
limn I'cople, Put to Itout.
UccaiiHC a treat boars tho cogno
men of "Willie," is It n sign that tho
roHldonU thereon nro nocomwrlly mot
lynoilillex or wllllu boys?
That wiih tho momentous qucH.tlon
threshed out at great length, with tho
oxpendlturo of much 'gray mattor and
oratory, In the council chamber at
a session of tho city council Wednes
day night. Hy tholr vote tho council
decided that such residents wor not
necoHimrlly In tho aforesaid class.
Tho residents of Wllllo Htrect, over
on tho Unit Bldo, potltlonod tho city
council to clmngo tho nnmo of their
Htrect to Portland avonuo. Dill 131
fort led tho regular nnd utterly put
to rout John Detainer, frleuJ of tho
common people nnd Insurgent loador
from tho Third wnrd. Tho nnmo of
tho utreet r mnltm Wlfilo street, tho
petition bolng rojectod by tho follow
Ing voto: Welch nye. Wortmnn nyo
Hlfort nye. Demmor no, Morrlck nnd
Kubrick absent.
Like Cat, Old
Question Back
City l)adn ..guilt (.'oiimIiIit Problem of
(Jetting Dumping Ground for City
Muni Have Garbage; Can.
hike tho proverbial cat, the gar
bage question bait come bnck.
At the Wednesday night session
of tho city, council tho finance com
mittee was Instructed to Intervlow
John (Goro nnd ascertain If certain
property soluth of the city could ho
Norurcd for the purposo of osnblleh-
Ing a dumping ground hero. The
committee Ih to report nt the next
regular uio Mug of the council.
Kvory no often tho nnmo old ques
tion cornea up for discussion In the
council chamber, nnd Just as often
tlin mattor tormlnntea in oratory.
Sometime It U Indignant property
owners adjacent to tho proponed
dumping ground who put a crimp In
tho matter; uomotlmos tho crimp
comoH'of Ita own volition. However,
tho council lollovoo tbat this time
thoy havo boIvoi! the problem by find
ing an Isolated piece of ground suit
able for such n purpose
Tho garbago question, however, re
ceived attention Wodncsdny evening
from a now standpoint. An ordinance
wns parsed requiring all restaurants
and hotolfl to provldo themselves with
garbago cans with an air tight lid.
This will do nway with cortnln un
sightly and dangerous roceptnclos
now In voguo.
More Streets
Ask Pavement
Three HoHolutloiiH Panned by City I
Council Ordering Ikying of
Hard Surface Pavement.
Ami Btlll tho paving program Is go
ing ahoad.
Three more streets nro to bo paved
n ulcus protests develop, at thn next
meeting of tho city council to bo hold
on April 19, Last evening tho city
council pnssod resolutions ordorlng
tho Improvement of tho following
stroots by laying hard surfaco pave
Socond stroot from Holly to west
olty limits; Peach stroot, South, from
Seventh to Eighth, Ross court from
Sovonth to1 Fourth.
Tho city council this afternoon ex
pects to sign tho contract with tho
Clarko-Honry company In nccordanco
with tho bid nccopted lost wook. At
this tlmo tho council will also desig
nate tho class of pavomont and tho
width of tho stroot In tho varloiiB
parts of the; city, tho rosblonce stroots
taking a llghtor pavompnt. Tho com
pany expects to start work tho first
of noxt wook.
To advertiso, it booomos urgont as
soon ah to rent it bocomcs urgent.
Many Orchardlsts Subscribe to Cap
Ital Stock Campaign Launched to
Have $25,000 Subscribed by April
16, When Organization Is to Be
Perfected and Officers Elected.
From Merlin to California Line the
Growers Are Asked to Combine in
Formation of a New Fruit and
Produco Association.
Hy April 1(1 tiie Rogue River Fruit
& Produco tiHHociutioii will have had
$25,000 of itH capital Htock sub
scribed, if the active campaign
launched at a mcctinf of fruit-grower
Wednesday afternoon is contin
ued with the onthtiKiaMU with which
it was launched. A largo number of
orcharding wero pro&ont and when
tho meeting closed $7210 of tho De
cennary $2.rj,000 had been subscribed.
At the meeting, which was presided
over by A. .). Dunlup of Talent, mat-
torn in connection with the organiza
tion wero thoroughly thrashed out
and many of tho orchardmen, after
having the aims nnd purposes of the
propohed association explained to
them, readily subscribed to the capi
tal stock.
.Much moro of the capital stock
would havo been subscribed nt the
nicetiug yesterday bad the larger or
uhardisOi been ermittcd to take ua
much stock iih they wiidiod, but one
of tho purposes of the organization it
to include all of thd fruit-growers
between Merlin and Grants Pass, ami
hence largo subscriptions are not
Tho work was started yestcrdny in
earnost. On April 1(1, $25,000 of the
capital stock must bo subscribed, for
on that day tho fruit-growers moot
for final organization mid elect their
officers. Iho following committee
wns appointed to direct the work:
Darby S. Miller, J. A. Westerlund,
C. E. Whislor, J. A. Hover und C. M.
The following is a list of the sub
scribers to date to the capital stock
ot the association:
Q. A. Hover, Phoenix; Dave Dun
can, Jacksonville; II. II. Patterson,
Medford; .1. T. Gagon, Medford; W
S. Itrooks, Central Point; J. S. Vilns,
Medford; J. H. Finloy, Oregon City;
Hichiml W. Northup, Modford; S. L.
Bennett & Son, Medford; E. S. Pnl
mer, Central Point; It. C. Washburn,
Central Point; Emery J. Eastman,
Medford; J. E. Woodruff, Medford;
Horaco Pclton.Ylold Hill; J. W. Mer
ritt,' Central Point; Snyder & JJas
ett, Ashland; II. E. Gale, Merlin; C.
E. Selleek, Murphy; U. A. Hamilton,
Grants Paw; G. A. Morse, Talent ;
it. H. Wilson, Medford; Palmer In
vestment Co., Medford; A. Couro
'?u,'' P""1 ,K
Eagle Point; II. It. Tro
F. Guthno,
ousou, iuiglo
Point; P. h. lfnwn, Medford; Fred N.
dimming!?, Medford; II. C. Gtirnott,
'Medford; C. C. Johnson, Medford;
W. 1). McDowell, Medford; Dodge &
Theiss, Akron, O.; -J. C. Aitken,
Woodville; O. II. Coroy, Medford;
Jackson County Hank, Medford; W,
S. Crowell, Medford; F. E. Morriok,
Medford; Farmers' & Fruitgrowers'
Hank, Medford; E. Hurton Water
man, Medford; S. M. Mears, Jr., Cen
tral Point; J. E. Enynrt, Modford;
Allon & Hongan, Medford; F. L. Tou
Velio, Modford; E. B. Hanloy, Con
tral Point; N. S. BennoU, Modford;
C. M. Spook, Medford; Mitcholl &
lloook, Medford; R. Q. Astbury, Gold
Hill; C. E. Whislor, Medford; 11.
Ilamill, Medford; Houston Bro.,
Talent; Hillorost Orchard Co., Mod
ford; J. D. Olwcll, Medford; E. F.
Massam, Modford; J. O, Goro, Med
ford; h, W. Zimmor, Mgdlord; O. I).
Whiting, Medford; T. J. Williamson,
Modford; Edwin h. hano, Contral
Point; Frank Woston, Central Point;
J. W. Myors, Contral Point; J. F.
Wortman, Modford; W. V. Bnrnum,
Phoenix; Ilovor & Tngalls, Medford;
J. A. Wostorlund, Medford; A. C.
Allon, Modford; J. E. Woodruff,
Modford; A. J. Dunlup, Contral
Point; A. W. MoPhorson, Modford;
Is Uncle Joe Cannon To Resign?
j& jg? j? jz?
WASHINGTON, April 7. A mar
who is known to he a eloe lnend 1
Speaker Cannon stated today that 1
would only be a matter of a few
weeks until the spenkar renigns hU
office. This statement is generally
bolievcd in official circles here t"
Will Help Secure Parks If Way Can
Be Found to Do So Matter New
in Hands of the Finance Commit
tee of the Council.
Tho city council has shown a ills
position to bolp tli o ladles ot tho
Creator Modford club In tholr endea
vor to securo moro parkrwfor tho city.
Thoy nro especially favorably Inclined
to tho proposition of buying an addi
tional flvo acres car tho city reser
voir which, with tl ground already
owned, would give U'U acros for park
ing purposes. At a recent meeting
tbo council discussed tho matter at
soino lougth nnd nforrod tho propo
sition to tho flnantr committee. Lack
of funds alouo wid keep them from
granting tho request of tho ladles.
Tho ladlos of th- Greater Medford
club proposo to hare tho council take
an option on this proporty and thou I
Issuo bonds In small denominations,
which tho ladlos rgroo to soil. Tho
only mattor whlcn viands in tho way
of this plan Is the fact that tho city
charter must be amended bofore a
bond Issuo can bo made for park pur
Ono of tho big wheat farms of the
stnto, was sold tho past woek when
tho lands of the J. A, Woolory os-
tnto, in Morrow county, passed to a
syndicate of North Dakota bankers.
Tho sale included O.OOOUicros and the
price pnid was $150,000,
It will he
ut up into small tarniB.
It. II. Paxsoii, Central Point; M. J.
Minenr, Medford; H, II. Tattle, Mod
ford; George B. Dean, Modford;
Kerby S. Millor, Central Point; C.
W. Pottor, Medford; G. G. GooUI,
Medford; John A. Gannnill, Medford;
Glon Rogue Orchard Co., Jackson
ville; A. E. Bliss, Modford; Libortv
Orchard Co., Medford; Clinton C.
Scott, Phoonix.
vSuch Is Close Friend's Statement
It is pomtr-d out tiiat Cncle .lie
hnndicnpped to a great degree io his
control of the house by tho formation
f the rules committee, in spite ot
the fact that thoy arc his frionds.
i After a fow weeks it is believed that
Bids Called for by Company for the
Construction of Road to North
Boundary of Klamath Indian Res
ervation Then on to Klamath
PORTLAND, Or April 7. An
nouncement was made at tho office
of tho Oregon Trunk lino railroad
hero today that bids bavo been asked
for tho gradiug of the line from
Madras to the northern lino of the
Klamath Indian reservation, the work
to commence by May 1, and to ho
completed hy January 1, 1911.
In tho contract to bo awarded
there will be approximately 111 mile
t' grading and all of tho work ox-
eept the bridge-building and track-
laying will bo included. Tho oxten
Mini of the line will pass through the
towns of lvcdmoud, Kami, Hoslntid
and Odell. The first section of the
work from Colilo to Madras is now
proceeding and with the projected
extension will give the road 225 miles
of track.
It is believed that another con
tract soon will ho lot for construc
tion of tho lino across tho Indian res
ervation to Klamath Falls.
From Madras to Odell the Oregon
Trunk lino will tnp some of tho host
timber nnd agricultural Innds of Cen
tral Oregon.
Hundreds Die In Battle.
Sevoral hundred men woro killed and
wounded In a desporato two-days'
bnttlo near Rlverlab hotwoon Turkish
troops and Albanian robols, accord
ing to advices which reached Constan
tinople. Tho bloody conflict stnrtod April
4 and continued almost without cessa
tion until tho night ot tho fifth bo
fore tho robols woro chocked. Tho
Alybanlans threaten to ovorthrow tho
Young Turka' regime.
,1ip will resign.
. , If not, it is certain tbat he will not
i he a candidate for re-election to the
He is being urged to keep his
place, for if he leaves it, it is deem
ed certain that Champ Clark (Dem.)
will be elected speaken
Crater Lake Highway Commission to
Meet With Ashland Commercial
Club Monday Evening Social
Evening Planned for Near Future.
At its regular meeting Wednesday
evening tho Medford Commercial
club decided to hold a high jinks
within tho noxt two weeks, and ap
pointed tho following committed to
look after details: Blain Klum, H.
W. Gruusky and E. M. Andrews
Correspondence from tho secretary
of the Ashland Commercial club was
read, stating that that organization
had called n special meeting for the
purposo of mooting with tho members
of tho Orator Lako highway commis
sion to ho held Monday evening, April
18. Thovsecrotary wns instructed to
write tho Ashland Commercial club
that the dnto was satisfactory, n:ul
undoubtedly a largo dologation will
bo present.
Judge Colvig, reported for the trus
tcos that thoy had found it impos
sible to proouro tbo McAndrows lot
for n building sito for tho Commer
cial club.
The mattor of taking tho operator
for tho Selig Polyscope company over
tho vnlloy to procure motion pictures
was brought up by the president. Tho
secretary was instructed to securo
autos to tako tho operator ovor tho
E. B. Waterman reported for tho
committoo appointed to meotd Ren
II. Rico of tho Spokane Apple Show.
Ho said that at n mooting held a res
olution was adopted recommending
that tho Commercial club take a
space l-WdU loot nt tho Chicago Xia
tional Apple Show. The fruit will
first be shown at tho Spokane Na
tional Applo Show. Tho cost would
bo $150 to tho club, Tho executive
committeo had nlrendy passed favor
ably upon tho matter. The mattor
was laid on tho table until tho next
Russian Council of Ministers Evolve
Plan Which Will Give Russia Ne
cessary Excuse to Rob Finland
Its Liberty Game of "Heads, I
Win; Tails, You Lose."
In This Way Empire Will Claim I
Has Been Insulted and Then Czar
Can Permanently Dissolve DM
Russia Plays Her Cards Well. , ,
Fearful lest the Finnish dlot may fall
to furnish the czar with a valid ex
cuse for robbing Finland of Its lib
erties, the Russian council of mlnls-
I ters has evolved a plan It believes It
can absolutely depend upon to do the
! business.
Throo resolutions recently Intro
duced Into tbo diet protesting against
Russia's disregard of the Finnish con
stitution look good to tho council. It
the diet passed tho resolutions, Rus
sia will Instantly announce that It has
been Insulted, the diet will bo per
manently dissolved and there will be
an end of constitutional government
In Finland. Tho council knows,, how
ever, that tho diet realizes It will be
signing Its own death warrant In
passing tbo resolutions, and it Is con
ceded as Just possible that they may
not be passed though ot course the
diet wants to pass them.
But there Is another way around
the difficulty. Russia recontly ap
pointed a Russo-Flnnlsb commission
to consider plans for a closer union
between tho two countries. A majoi
ity of tho members woro Russlant
They reported In favor ot maklnfe Fh
land a mere Russian province nnd 0
substituting Finnish representation t
tho douma for a separate diet.
Inasmuch as tho diet Is really aa
Independent body and the douma a
mere Instrument for registering the
czar's will and also considering that
tho Finnish deputies will be an ln
finltesmal minority oven In tho doa
ma, this means corapleto loss ot Iden
tity for tho smaller country.
Tho Finnish members of the com
mission submitted a minority report.
The council ot ministers Is going no?f
to submit the majority report to the
dlot to bo accoptcd or rojectod. If It
accepts, It will cut Its own throat, U
It refuses Russia will cut It.
Tho whole difficulty 1 due to the
fact that Russia and Finland are the
oretically quite distinct nations. It
moroly happens that the same individ
ual rules them both, Nicholas Is
czar ot Russia. Ho U also grand
duko ot Finland. Nicholas and Rus
sia want to mako Finland part ot the
empire. Finland proforo to remain
Independent. v.
WASHINGTON, J). C, April 7.
Tho Amoricau minister to Guatemala
was instructed by tho state depart
ment today to insist on prompt (nnd
ndequnte rodresa for an attack C
two Amorican citizens.
Tho distribution of bopks was w
forred to the executive committee.
A resolution of thanks was ex
tended to tho building committee and
tho committeo discharged. A new
building committee was appointed,
composed of Rosonbaum, chairman,
Cuthbort and Bennett,
Tho following now morabors were
eleoted: Charles W. Wilmeroth and
Robert Gray,
On motion, the secretary vas k
stmotod to so intorpret tke bylawe
to recognize individuals, not firn,
as members.
Meeting adjourned.