A A .ba.a..-- AAA A A A.-A-A. A Want Ad Will Get You Offers From Sellers of the Things You Want to Buy PINCHOT'S TREE BADLEY CHOPPED Work of Chlof Foroslcr Undone by Sccrelnry Wilson Graves Merely Trco-Qrowcr, Not Ornmilzcr, But Is Well Versed. . WASHINGTON, April G Down lit tint Forest Honlfo, on llio wall of tint offlco which "Cliff Plnchot iin.nl to occupy, luiiiy.ii what uppouru to 'bo n family trou. It Iiiih llttlo wlggly lirunclimi, jc'khkkIhk uu( from n iniiln nlioot. T'mi trunk ho to speak wan IiiIm'IimI "Forostor," nnd Uio fintiohiw wore dimltuniU'd uti "Opor ntlon," nml mi on. In PliH'liet'H iluy Hint family troo was u pretty graphic plan of. tho or ' knnlnttlon of the Forust service. It 1 nliowoil juoi tho relation onoh of llui Htibnldlnry l I vIhIoii it of tlio bureau boro to Hut other; 11 ludh-iitod who wan ri'MpoiiMlhlo. At n glance ww could moo whether Kfitzluc mnttors woro handled uiiilor "oporntlon", or "iniilittntiiit ko", or "products," or what not, Hut now tho artlHt who Hhoiilil nt tt'inpt to reconstruct tho thing would hnvo to bronk tho iiynni.otry of ltd branches and tlio tout ensemble would resemble nothing no miicli as ClirlittinitH tii'o after two mouths In tho buck yard. WllkOll t'neii II In An No sooner had Plncot boon din iiibwi'd by tho presidential orilor than Secretary of Agriculture Wilson took up IiIh offloal axe and bogan chopping off tho brnuehdi on thW trco prun ing down tl-o Hrmy of various offlc inlii. First, ho lopped off Hint mngnlfl cont branch which Joined tho main trunk noar Uio P nd v;aH Inbolod flnunclnl". Tho Hplmidld nhoot which tnporod clown to tho label 4M.aw" wan then removed. Then tho crowning glory of tho troo, that fat branch "KdurnHon..! Division" It wiih nlno cnllod "Division of Infor mation," ought to hnvo boon dubbed "Proas Human" was sacrificed. Thoro nmy bo inoro chopping In tho future. Graves n Tn-n Orimer. Secretary ban no clrcuinr.crlbi.nl tho -dutlo of tho forest norvlco that nil thoro U loft to do In to grow trees, ami water those nlroady growing. Ilonry Solon flravos, Plucliot's huccos 8or ban nlroady announced tout this In bin slogan Ho linn .Incildod to lot tho family trco of tho corvlco worry along without any nttontlon, mid to .lot tlnio ho.il Its grlovryiB cutH. Tho chlof forester doesn't poso nn nn organiser. IMncliot van. Thoro It no hlKhor coinpllinoat to bin ener gies than tho present conlrnllxntlon of nffiilrn In tho forest corvlco, tho outgrowth of hln Ideas, tho work of his grain. Graves In a treo-grower, puro and simple nnd Bays no him flolf. Ho ban studied for years about troofl and lio knows lliom. Ho In nn Xloiin to grow trees, but Is not apt to go beyond that point, flrut becauso ho (loos not wn.it to and second becnuao Socrotnry Wilson would not lot him It ho did. Had Hut Ouo Client Graven ntudlod forontry flrnt In tho university nt Munich, Gormnny. IIo canto nway "om thoro chuck full of trco loro ni d then wandered around Switzerland, Gormnny end AuntrU. When ho or.mo back to tho Unltod Stnton ho found Glfford IMncliot horo then tho onl "consulting forofltor" In captivity In America. Graves Joined with IMncliot and tho two hung , out n pnrtnorohlp Bhtnglo, Tho firm got Just ono cllont, tho Vnndorbllt oncnto nt Haltlmoro, N. C. So well did Gruvos do his part of tho work thoro Hint when a man wnB noodod to toll tho Intorlor dopnrt mont about troos ho was choson. Japs Doported. MANILA, April 5. -Tho two Jnp unoso who woro nccusod of nttompt Ins to oociiro plt.ns of foitlf leatlono, but who woro discharged owing to tho Inndoquncy of tho civil law to hold thorn for tho nllogod otfonso, hnvo boon doportod, Tho .Tnpnnoso woro plncod aboard tho llnor Yodo Morn and warned not to return to tho Philippines. Tho arrniifoniontu for tholr expor tation woro arrniiKod by tho Amorlcan nuthorltlos nJ tho Japnnoso consul, who acted uno flclally In tho uinttor. Tlio man who is not sure that ml vertinhiR will help him noil it la try ing to aall BomatliiiiK that you oulit to bo vory wnry about buying. natilclns for ITonltli. LIVE STOCK ACTIVE T All Previous Records for Prices Broken More Buyers Looking; to Portland Market. I'OHTIiANH, April fi. Tho Hvo Htoolc iimrkot nt Portland i'or' Hie inoiith of! Mnreh hnn bcun n pIoiihIiik ouo. both in nricuN and rncciptn. Ah (joinparoil willi Jlnroh Inst year, thoro wnn an inoroiiHO of I3(J07 cnttlo, 110.1 Hhoep nnd .'IH'J lioH. In tho fuco of tho Kieut Hliortite prevailing all over tho oouiilry, (hit i a Hploudiil hIiow iiiK for the l'orthiuil inarhot. All provioun rcoonls for pricow woro broken, not alono in individual itiHlancort of Kmnll Rnlcp, but in tlio hlKhor Konornl nvnrnijo iirovniliiifc for nil cIiihsch of livcntock. Cnttlo Hold IiIkIi, nlincp mid lninb brought bi prices nml tho hoir rocket Hint wont up in February litis shown no fiin of it falling nticlc. More hiiyer arc looking to this mrirkol for their fliipplicn ami com petition in every line ia kouu. A further k1iic nt comparative rocoipla nmy bo of intercut: Cnttlo. IIokb. Sheep. Mitreh, 1010... .71MB -1(1150 .1-172 Mnrch, 1000. . ..-1338 -1208 330H Incrcnso ....3(107 382 1103 The showing in hojfs is roinnrknblc when it is considered that there were 3127 lofttf brought to Porllnnil by packers from Missouri rivor pointn in March, 1010, than in March, 1000. Population in increasing no rnpiclly In tho 1'n ei fie northwcHt Hint the farmers need hnvo no fear' of nn over-supply of livestock that is prop erly prepared for the iiinrknt. NEW YORK BUREAU FIGHTING INCOME TAX, SAYS JAMES WASHINGTON, April fi. "I urn MitintiiMl," miitl KcprcMcutntivc Ollio J nine of Kentucky, "thut there ix a combination, a bureau or something of the Mirt organized nml operated by n group of Now York individuals and corporations with tho view of fighting the income tux amendment in every gtuto of thu union. "1 don't know whom to lay my fin ger on ami nuy 'You nro engnged in this effort to defeat the purposes of the oiiuctiueiit, but I urn informed on iimpiostiouublo authority that such mi orgnnir.rition docs exist nml I am going to find out about it. I will know more in n week Hunt I do now. "It wnn most evident down in Kentucky," continued Mr. Jnmos, "that thoro wiih n powerful organiza tion working ngninst tho ratification of the amendment by four-fifths of tho states. Tho notion of tho Vir ginia legislature is also significant. BRIDAL PARTY OF 450, WITH EIGHT WEDDINGS WASHINGTON, April 5. Klght couples camo from IHchmond todoy to bo married horo. Thoy camo with a wedding party of 450 poreons, which filled soven coaches of n spe cial train. Tho Hov, Jnmos IS. Cook of Haltlmoro camo to tho capital to Ho tho bunch of knots, First tho wedding party nppoarod at tho llconso clerk's offlco for tho permits. That official did n day's work In nn hour. Then, In tho par lore of a downtown hotel, tho clorgy- tnnu did tho roat. Ench year Mrs. Jnmoa R. GUI, su perintendent of tho mnlo orphan asy lum In IHchmond runs tho "Cupid Spoclal" to Washington for tho ben efit of hor chnrgOB. Chnrltablo folks and friends of tho iiBylum compoBo tho wedding attondnnts and boo that woddlug gifts, nro not lacking. Throo othor young couples, who could not wnlt, woro married In Richmond this morning. Thoy camo along on tho special for tholr honoyinoon. BRYAN WILL ADVOCATE NATIONAL LABOR PARTY WASHINGTON, April 5. William J, riryan Is to address tho Farmora' union annual convontton lh St, Louis May 3 to 8. Ho yjll talk about tho aid ho nml tho domocrntio party re ceived from tho labor pooplo and tho Farmors' union In tho Inst campaign, nnd will ttrgo a formation of tho union nnd Amorlcan Fodoratlon of Labor Into a national Inbor party or a union In rupport of particular can didates tor both legislatures nnd con gress. On May 8 President Gompors of tho Amorlcan Fodoratlon of Labor will mako u i addross, and will nn nounco org.tnlzod labor'o political plans ntid tho candidates to ho sup ported and tho candidates to bo Little Journeys Made in Answering Want Ads Arc often Ihu beginnings of personal prosperity. Not every journey will prove" profitable directly find immediately. But if yon make them frequently enough one of these, days one will lead youstraight to CiOOD FORTUNE. One Cent a Word fought. At midnight Mr. Gompors loft for Indianapolis for a conference with Governor Marshall on tho suit which tho federation mid tho state aro to bring Jointly ngalnst tho stool trust. Ilnskins for Health, FORSALE;. ItUAIj IiSTATK. FOIt SALE 83 acrcB 3 rnllcB from Modford. C ncrOB pears, 20 acres N'ou towns nnd BplU; 0 acres apri cots. Prlco 114,500. Siskiyou Realty Co,, 22 Jackson County Bank Illdg.' FOR SALE Twonty acres 3 miles from Mcdfo-d at $100 por ncro Sis kiyou Realty Co., 22 J.tckoon Coun ty Bank. KOR BALE 70 acres, 1 mile rrom Englo Point, uncleared, CO acres Mrst-cloBs sticky fruit land; prlco $00 por aero, easy terms; 40 acres, frco soil, half bottom land: 10 acres cloarod, heavy timber on balance; good wntor right, two miles from EbeIo Point; prlco $120 por aero. For fupthor Information, addreus Box 127. Eaglo Point, Or. FOirSALE 88 l-2"ncrcs"2 T-2 "miles from Modford; 30 acres C-yoar-old poars; 20 .itch 1-ycar-old pears. Good l.ouso and barn. Under ditch. prlco $22,000. Siskiyou Realty Co., 22 JackBon County Ilarilc. FOR SALEoTltc'rci-3 1-2 miles from Modfrod at $100 per aero. Will soil ill or part. Siskiyou Realty Co., 22 Jackson County Bank. IIOUKCH. FOR SALE Sovon room ltouso, now; lot 50x132, cIobo to Main stroot; bath, olect. lo llghtod, screened porch, wood shod; prlco $2500; tonus. Siskiyou Realty Co., 22 Jackson County Bank. FO'll SALE Swoll homo In vory choicest part of Modford. Soo Ab- rams, at Olwoll'B Offlco. 15 FOR SALE' TO acre's on "Roosovolt avonuo; Iioubo nnd barn, 'inqulro at 117 North Contral avo. 17 FOR SALE 5 and 10-nore tracts just within and adjoining city list its, at a burtain, on 5 annual pay mentfl. Address Condor Water Power Co. FOR SALE 32-acro tract 3 miles south city limits; 12 acres sot to poars, 1 aero family orchard, bear ing; to trndo to good contractor for putting up houso In Modford. Ad dross X2, Mnll Tribune 14 Lotc. FOR SALE Lots "closo in on Second Btroot at a bnrgaln. C. W. Isaacs ownor, 115 N. Oakdalo. ' FOR "SALE No. 75- TwoT6Ts7"1jSx 104. Largo Lam; good location. Call room 22, Jackson County Bank or Tolophonj 3311. FOR SALE No. 106 Lot 50x100, Narrlgnn St., $400. Siskiyou Real ty Co., 22 Jackson County Bank. FOR SALE Ideal building lot on West Muln; prlco $1050. Call phono 3311 or room 22 Jackson County Bank. , FOR SALE Two lots on Hamilton stroot, 56x100, prlco $300 each. Sis kiyou Roh.11 Co., 22 Jackson Coun ty Bank. Farms or Orciutrds. FOR SALE Ninety acrs. 30 in on year old apple and pear trees, 100 Inches of water, 2 1-2 miles from railroad station. For terms wrlto "Owner," care Mall Tribune 261 c"ORBALE 00 acres, anon building site In the alley, tncludlt g 30 acres good fruit land; cheap and termB right, H. O. Mnltby, PrUm Bldg., Main and Front. FOR BALE About 30 acree of good orchard land 1 1-2 mllos oast of Phoenix. Ono-hnlf Is lu orchard. Tolophone, Medford, 1199, or ad dress C. T. Payno, Phoenix, Oro. FOR 8ALE Ono,of tho boat orchards In Jackson county, two miles from Ashland. Fop particulars, addross F. G. MoWllllams & Son, Ashland, Or. FOR SALE Timber Intnl. FOR SALE 40 acrca of good timber five miles from Modford; all down hill, Mat Calhoun, Phoanlx, Ore gon. , Lot. FOR SALE City lots, $20; for a nmall, safe Investment ceo th city lots I offor at, $300 and $250 por I'.t; $20 cash payment, balance $10 por inonlh; no lntercl. II. C. Malt by, Palm lidtf. Duelacas Froi:iiy. FOR SALU Choice business prop erty nt a bargain, on long time: easy tonns. Address Condor Wn- tcr Power Co. IIore. FOTrsAl.E Team of horses, 8 years old, wolgh 1200 and 1250 pounds; a good all round team. G. A. Read ing, R. F. D. No. 1, Central Point. Oregon. 14 FOlfSALE Gentle driving maro, now buggy nnd harness. Call Ore gon Granlto Co. 16 FOR SALE 2 pair mules. Inquire at Vlnso.'':j feed stable. L. M. Rider. 14 FOR SALE Young, gentlo and sound team, weight 1100 pounds each, with or without now harness nnd light wngon; also buggy and single har ness, nearly new. Address Box 91, Ashland, Or. 13 FOTt SALEYoung, gentlo and sound team, weight 1100 pounds each, with or without now harness and light wagon; also buggy and single har ness, nearly now. Address Box 91, Ashland, Or. 13 FOTt SALE Good horso, .weight nbout 120C pounds, 7 years old. Call on C. F. RolcbBteln, 421 South Orapo stroot ' 14 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Or trado, a runabout automobile. No. 6 South Fir st. 16 FOR SALE Furniture and fruit jars. 28 North Holly st 13 FOR SALE Or trado, concrete block machlno, nonr y now; sell cheap. P. O. Box 623, Medford. 17 FOR SALE Surrey In good condl tlon; second hand harness also. E. G. Trowbridge, Medford Iron Works. 17 FOR SALE R. C. Rhode Island Red and Buff Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching. From puro bred and high Bcorlng stock. Call on. or addross G. E. Alklns, P. O. box 202, Contral Point, Oro. FOR SALE My slnglo cyllndor Reo runabout; I.' excellent condition. W. O. Estop, Palm block. FOR SALE Cash register. See El wood & Burnett 50 F,ORSALE 60-hlirieoliglrio" and 80 horso boiler cheap at tho Russ Mill. FORSXLE One fresh cow and calf. Call nt 333 South Riverside. FOR SALE Small cook stovo; klt chon cabinet Call nt Olmstead and Hlbbard's, 131 West Main. 13 FOR SALE Now cash register. El wood & Benuott. Addross 135 S. Contral nvo. 50 FOR SALE Mlmoograpn for dupll catlng letters. In good condition, cheap, at office of Condor Water & Power Co. 283 U FOR SALE Ono 300-doion Potalu rna Incubator, cheap. Addross 135 S. Central avonue. 14 FOB RENT. Maea. FOR RENT 6-room houso, "close in. Rogue RIvor Land Co., UN. Cen tral avo. Office Rooms. FOR RENT Offices, 2 largo front rooms, second floor, $25 month, 133 W, Mnln. 13 'Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Offices ever poBtotflee on April 1st; will bo stoam heated nnd havo hot and cold water by noxt wlntor. Apply to A. A. Davis. FOR RENT - Modern furnish d rooms at 604 West 10th or U4 Ring stroot. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for rent. North Front street, No. 216. Phono 37S1. FOR RENT. Furnished Koonwi. FOR RENT Two rooms furnished for light housekeeping. 322 South Central ave. 13 FOR RENT Furnlshea rooms. No. 10 North Grape street. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT First-class piuture; also seed corn for salo. C. W. Isaacs, 115 N. Oakdale. TO RENT Pasture for stock, horses, cattlo, sheep or goats; rooms, fur nished or unfurnished. Inquire at 310 S. Laurel 3t city. 12 FOR RENT Only hotel jd town of 1000 population. Call at Condor Water and Power Co., 209 West Main street. FOR RENT Pasture land on Price Ranch, Tolo; irrigated land, next lo McDonough ran eh, Tolo. Condor Water & Power Co. 50 FOR RENT Garden land on Bear creek, one acre and upwards with water for irrigation; owner will furnish team, plow and seed for pari of crop. See Kofeldt, Condor Wnter & Power Co. 50 FOR LEASE Fully oqulrpcd gold mine; ten-stamp mill and conccn trator, all operated by electric pow ei. Owner will furnish free elec tric power for share In proceeds. See Kofeldt, at Condor Water &. Power Co. WANTED. Help Wanted Female. WANTED Housekeeper to cook for one; $20 month. E. F. A. BIttner, room 208, Taylor & Phlpps bldg. 12 WANTED Two waitresses at Franco-American hotel: faro prepaid, Morrison &. Lash, Yreka, Cal. 20 WANTED A competent tenograph- er. Address T, care of this office.10 YANTl!;u A young lady for light office work. Address D. S., care of this office. WANTED Girl for general house work; must bo good cook; wages $30. 326 South Oakdale avo. WANTED A competent woman for housework and cooking; good wages, also farm band knowing young or chard work. Address L, caro Mall Tribune offico. 47 WANTED At the Franco-American hotel, two waitresses; fare prepaid Morrison & Lash., Yreka, Cal. 20 Help Wanted. WANTED Man and wife, man for gardening aaa wife for general housework. Arpl) Condor Water & Power Co WANTED Five farm toams, 10 farm hands, 10 men for planting trees. Condor Water .fe Power Co. Miscellaneous. WANTED A young marriod man wishing po.ltlon on fruit ranch. Un derstands raising fruit thoroughly and can give good roferonco. Ad dress "C. M. C." care of thla of flco. 13 WANTED Bookkeeper and sales man In dry goods, grocorles, etc., open for employment at onco; any reasonable proposition considered. Capable of filling position of re sponsibility. Bank and business roforenco j.Iven. Address L. J., care this offlco. 14 WANTED You to know thai 1 do all kinds of building, contracting, time and matorlal, nil kinds of job work, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed In every particular. Location, with tho Southern Orogon Electric Co., 27 South Contral avo. Phone No. 3461. N. G. Holmes. 15 WANTED A good alfalfa, stock and dairy ranch, with some Irrigation; glvo full description, price end terms Address Dairyman, Box 863, Med ford. Positions, WANTED Position as bookkoopor and salesman In dry goods, groceries, otc, opon for employment at onco; any ronsounblo proposition conslder od; capable of filling position of re sponsibility; bank and business rof orenco givon. Addross L. J., care this offlco. 14 WANTED. Mlncclancogsr WANTED To borrow 1800 on six room houno. 734 Pino st'root, Box 118, Modford. 13 WANTED When In need, of holp, ring up Wills' employment offlco. Phono Main 1562, at 17 8. Front street. 1C WANTED Clearing done. Address E. 8. Palmer, Central Point, Oro. Help Wanted Male. WANTED Ten miners and laborors. Apply Condor Water & Power Co. WANTED First-class gardener. Ap ply Condor W iter & Power Co. WANTED Experienced stone cutter and quarry man. Call at Condor Water and Power Co'b. office. WANTED A man experienced In the handling of incubators and turkey raising. Apply at offlco of Condor Water & Power Co. 283 WANTED TO UVT. 3IIscellancoBS. WANTED At once, for a home, 5 to 10-acre orchard In bearing or nearly so, with or without buildings Glvo full description, prlco and terms. Ad dress Dairyman, Box 863, Medford. lost: LOST A black silk scarf, loco edg ing. Return 'o Mrs. Godlove, 228 North Holly. 17 MONEY TO LOAN. TO LOAN Several thousand dollars on good real estate security. Apply to Jackson County Abstract Co. BUSINESS D I RECTO BY. Bootblacks. SHINE Get your shoes sbined, oiled or dyed at the Palace bootblack stand in Smokehouse. First-class work is our specialty. Shoes called for in any part of city and deliver ed. 212 West Main street. Phore Main 121. Eddie, the Bootblack. Landscape Gardcnors. J. T. BROADLEY, landscape gar dener; a long experience in laying out and cara of private grounds. P. O. Box 521, Medford, Or. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm building. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Rcames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank build ing, second floor. B. F. MTJLKEY Attorncy-at-law. Offices room 30, Jackson County Bank building. Medford. ' Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phone 351. Night phones: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H. Butler 3571. Stenographers. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work done quickly and well. Bricklayers. BRICKLAYERS K. Kurin, at Smokehouse, first-class bricklayer, stoneworker, cement stepping stucco and moulding, fireplaces and tilo work a spocialty, European plan; day or contract. Medicines. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will euro rhoumatism, asthmu, paralysis, sores and pri vate diseases. These remedies may be procured at the Sing Loo laun dry, 123 S. Rivprside avonue, Med ford, Or., where they will be sold by tho proprietor. Dr. Chow Young has treated sov oral severe cases with his remedies since coming to Medford and has for reference some of tho best known nnd most intelligent citizens in Southorn Oregon. Call on him. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real Estnto, Loans and Fire Insurance Office, suite 2Q5-200, over Fruit g rowers' bank. Phono 541. t AS A MATTER OF BUSINESS, we would suggest that you call at our offico in" search of real estate bar gains. Wo refuse to list any prop erty for which 9wn,er asks more than wo' think it is worth. We do not oaro to mnko sales at extrtwa gnnt nnd unreasonable prices. You will not find us tagging you on the Btreot or nnnoying you at the hotel, honco this invitation to call nt our office, No. 128 E. Main st. Pierce, Shepherd & Co. Hill Posters. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 29, Jaokson County Bank building, Modford, Or, BUSINESS DIRECTORY Hospital. southern Oregon hospital 344 South C et.f Medford, Or E. W. Hisey, Matron. Official hoapf laV P. & E. R. R. c Real Kfttate. SEE VVM. E. STACEY & CO. foe some of ihn choicest bargains kt roal estate in this valley. Ako Brit ish Columbia and Albdrtn, B. C, tuti other parts. Call on him at Bitner'a office, Phipps building, or at tM Medford Auto company's garage,, whero wo start out our, ngts for the Aladden Mantle Lamp an si hid den window screen. Wo will treat you right. Come and aco. Printers aad I'ulrtlsteari. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has Um best-etjoipped job office k South ern Oregon; Portland pri&w.. r3f South Central ave. " Piano Instruction. ' MISS-JENNESSE BUGLER Pkao- lnstruction and s musical history. Stndio, No. 8 S. Orange streak Phone Main 249L HARMONY, sight reading, musical, form. Mrs. E. E. Oore, Metropolitaa College of Music. Miss Flora Gray. Studios, 144 South Central' areas. Phone 493. ' Billiard Parlors. S. T. BROWN 4i CO. Billiard, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young & Hall building. A niee, eoel place to spend tho hot afternoom. Architects. JOHNS & TURNER, Architects mA Builders, office 7-8, 235 Man. Phone Main 3471. Residence pfcoa 247L Carriage and Auto P&laUag. VALLEY SIGN AND CARRIAGE WORKS High-class work guaran teed. Signs. Riverside aveoaa. Phone 801. Furniture. H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in new and second-hand furniture ani hardware. Agents for Mound City kitchen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh at. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., Medford. Mlsaion Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stovea and Ranges. New and Second-Hani Furniture. Ends' old stand, 18 W. F st. South. Phone 91, Medford, Or. Narseries. QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in Um trust. H. B. Patterson, office is Hotel Nash. , ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade n ursery stock. C. F. Cook, Prop., R. R. V depot, P. O. Box 841. Phone 1201, Medford. G. W. Priddy. J. T. O'Briee. O. D. Nagle. Brick Companies. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Briek; manufacturers nnd contractors; also lime, cement and plaster in any, quantity. Offico, Medford National Bank bldg. Phone Main 545. Dentists. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Dentist Office in rooms 203-204, Farmer & Fruitgrowers' bank building, wet of the tracks. Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calht promptly answered. Office and rw dence phone Main 3432. CONROY & CLANCY Office ia. Stewart building Physicians and Surgeons. Office phone Main 341; private phonoMain 612. DR. F.G. CAR LOW, DR. EVA. MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia Physicians. Mission blook. Phon 291, Medford. Cigars and Tobacco. IRELAND & ANTLE Smokehouse, dealers in tobacco, cigars and stnok dealers in tobacco, cigars and smok ers' supplios. Exclusive agents of. Lewis Single Binder, El Merito ani El Palencia. 212 West Main street. Messenger Service, '"u'' MESSENGER .SERVICE Mer gers fiirnished'at all hours f day and till 9 p. m. to any part of eity, from 10c to 25c. Phone Maipi 1813. PhOtoghaiihers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose , wjtk Mackey and dio with joyr Over Al len & Reagan's store; entrance oa Seventh streotv 'Ofia.feliopa. J. Ar8MITHTin shop. Ha utj Bnoei iron ware or aaaaauu mut to order. 128 'North G street. , "-I V t