MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. 0111500. TUESDAY, APRTL 5, 1910. j& Grand Opera Tonight EXTRA GOOD J. B. ENYAKT, President JOHN 8 OftTH. J. A. PERRY, Vicfi-Prnaidc.U. W. B. JACKSON, Ahn'i Cashier MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BUYS Lambardl Grand Opera Co, Appears Tonight at the Mcdford Greatest Music al Event of the City. Tonight Mcdford will be I tea ted to tho greatest mu sical event in her history, when tho LnmOurdi Grand Opera company will appear nt The Mcdford. j Tho two oponiH to he pro Bentcd will ho "Cnvnlloriii Itimliennii" nnd "Pnglincci," both of which nro without equal in point of interest nnd dramatic situations. Tho Hunt Mlo has been tremendous nnd Manager llncclrigg is delighted with Ihe piitronngo given him, making it powdblc for him to gunniiiteo $1000 to the (Mmpiuiy. Every Htint in the body of the hotit.0 hits been bold, hut there remains u number of gallery bents, nil of which have been murved, which lire n good ns others for grniid opuin. $10,000912 acres; 100 rods from Oakdalc avenue; good new buildings; 7-room house; barn for 7 horses and ten tons of liny; this tract includes 3 acres of 7-year-old Ncwtowns, .3 acres 7-year-old Spitz, 1 acre 4-year-old Spitz, 1 acre 4-year-old. Bartlett pears, balance pasture; fine well of water; half cash, balance to suit This is a good buy; close in and won't last long. No. 16 $6000 75 acres, 2 miles from town one quarter mile from school; 20 acres in cultivation, 25 more ready to plow; GO acres tillable, balance fine wood, 3 acres in fruit. On rural mail route. Half cash will handle this. One of the best buys on the market. No. 1414 ACRES Near city limits, all in fruit, mostly 4 to 6 years old; all fine black soil; 7-room house, full 2-story with closets, bathroom, etc. One barn 20x 28 and one 14x28 feet; splendid well. Price only $900 per acre; one-half cash, balance terms. This price goes for a short time only. McARTHUR & ALEXANDER ROOM 3, POSTOFFICE BUILDING PHONE 3681 MEDFORD, OREGON CAPITAL SSO,00O SURPLUS S',G,M Safety boxes for rent. A feneral Banking Business transacted. Wo solicit your patronage. RESOLVED Th best resolution for yon to make is to come to us for your next suit, if you want something out of tho ordinary. We do the best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT TUB FSOQB&SaiVX TAH.OK SI SULTAN TRYS TOJOLL SELF Now n Complete Imbecile, Subject to Frequent Outbursts of Murderous Fury, Endangering Lives of His Attendants. CONSTANTINOl'LH, April 5 Former Sultan, Abdul Humid, In bo coming n very Borlona worry to tlio Turkluh governmunt, according to frank iuIhiIuhIomh from blgb official Hour,coa. If. ho would die nu uniuotlnunbly natural dentil lliu govaranuibt would bo dellghti'd, A(lioui;h ranted by, almost to nj skeleton, ho utllt llngom, bow- ove& And tlieio In tho gravwit fonr that ; ho will do hoiiio vlolotico to hlin uolf for which tho govornn.cnt will bo blnmod. Nor Ih lio .t nil tmfo for Ma attend nnta to hiuu'lo. Ho lu'now it comploio lumbecllo but suhjoct to rroqiiont out bursts of muw'oiouu fury during whteb bo ncuiiiB determined to kill whoovur approaches lilm. Some of tho government, officials think a mlitnko lu liulng mndo In kpoiiltiK him In uuoh Htrlct hocIubIoii, angiilng that much of tho sanctity wlilch still nttnehea blm In tho nilndii of tho mnsfiOH would ovnnoruto If It .woro known Into what itu objeut lio had degenerated, not to mention tho fact that lu oaso of accident to IiIh liid'Koii tho govornmont would bo loan llkoly to Incur roHponalblllly than through tiny mlHohnneo in hlu mystor Ioiih villa at Stlonlkn. It la objected to publicly however that tho nymna thoy llkoly to bo aroiiBo t for IiIh con dition might renct unfavorably upon tho proHeut foKlmo nnd that there would certainly bo constant plotting among tho reactionaries to got him Into tholr poHuosolon, In which enso political trouble of n violent nature could not bo nvoldod throughout tho country, Physicians who havo oxamlnod him nro Kouornlly ugrood thai ho Is suf fering from cancer of tho stomach and hnu but it abort tlmo to live, Thoy also oxprosn tho opinion that IiIb mind must havo boon unbalanced for a long time hoforo Liu doposl-tlon. KICUi DIIDPUACm nc BAKERY LEVANTS j John CliuiMoii, who purchased the ; Medford Bakery & l)o!ieiitimen lust week, has apparently departed for other oliino. At least he could not ho found Monday at any of his us ual haunts. C. Iteinken, who first opened the store nnd who uftenvnrd sold it, Bubject to ii mortgngu to 11. WeU-'l, wlio in turn hold it, titill subject lo the mortgage to Clausscn. Mr. Iteinken wnB nuturally inter ested in tho matter and when he heard of tho mile came to tho city to inquire. Cluussen refused iui. satisfaction nnd forced .him to leine tho Btoro. That was Suturdny. Since closing-tip time Saturday night Clnussen hiihii't been visible, around tho delientes;on on C street nnd Mr. Hoinken is taking steps t.i protect his interests. Grants Pass Has Third Bank. 0 WANTS PASS, Or., April 5. The Josophino County hank, recently or ganized, lias purchiued tlte Iojiso lif Id by tho Snbin Drug company nnd w.ll noon open quarters at the corner nt 0 and Sixth streets. This will give Grants 1'nss three banks. Mason, Gross Co. Buy, Sell and Promote Oil and Mining Stocks Mines Experted andOres .Tested ADDRESS, ROOM 14, MERCHANTS' TRUST BUILDING, PORTLAND, OR. MORTGAGE LOAM Money on hand to loan cn Heal Estate. City and Cewity Warrants bought Fidelity and Indemnity Bonds Furn ished. Fire Insurance. JAMES CAMPBELL Phone Main 8231. 208 Fruitgrowers' Bank Balldiag 1 FOR SALE ONE 4V-horsepower gasoline .engine, used but little, cost $200; price $05.00 ONE 3-inch horizontal centrifugal pump, very little used; price f oniy $jo.uu TWO 3000-gallon redwood tanks, new, never been set up; price, each 50.00 ONE fine upright piano; price .,75.00.. I Here Are Some Fine EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS Mrs. Mary E. Hamlin, mother of Ed Hamlin of Eden Vnlloy, has been dangerously ill at the hospital in Santa Itosn, Cal., hut is better at this writing. Mrs. Angeroth of Phoenix went to Ashland last Saturday to isit her daughter, lilm. Huff. Carl Anderson of North Phoenix went down to Grnntu Pass Saturdii) to isit his friend, A. Wheeler, for a few duyn. A. H. Ileum, one of the Phoenix merohautK, went to Ashland to spend Sunday. Mr. nud Mrs. Jtunos Alton wore guests nt tho plousatjt homo of -Mr. Nupoy Holms lugt Sunday. A. II, Fisher, one of tho Phoenix merchants, was in Mcdford last Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roso were doing trading L Modford last Sat urday, ; Mrs. Lloyd Colvor was in Mcdford Inst Friday. Mrs. James Allen rdeeived u fine new sewing innohino from tho east lust Tuosdny. Mrs. George Hoxia of Phoenix wont to Gold Hill last Friday to visit, liar daughter. Mrs. A. S. Furry was doing trad ing in Mcdford Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Colvor of Phoenix wont to Talent Sunday i visit Mrs. Colvor's mother, Mrs. .1. W. Donu. Mr. nnd Mrs. Eben Lovclaco spent Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. S. F. Me Donnld of North Talent. Mr. and Mrs. William Colomun enmo out from Jacksonville Sunda to visit Mr. Coleman's mother ami sister nt Tn lent. C. Carey was up in Talent Suudn morning, whore lie bought 100 pound of alfalfa need to sow on his plnee. S. S. Stephens and family went down to Rogue river bridge Saturday to visit Mr. Stephens' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Stephens, and re mained over Sunday, Mr. nud Mrs. William Fern of Ford Valley onmo ovor t viit Mrs. Fern' imrouts, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Pni- torson, Sunday nfteinogn. Miss C nra Allen ot btrinetown went to Ashland hiHt Saturday to visit with Mrs. K. O. Renso, return ing- on Monday, . usines Ch ances BLACKSMITH SHOP, dohit? good business. GENTS' CLOTHING STORE; good lease and snap at price asked. OTHER OPENINGS we do not care to advertise. CHOICE BUSINESS LOTS FOR SALE AT $67.00 PER FRONT FOOT. Rogue River Land Co. 11 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE ONE enameled bath tub, wash basin and high-back sink, together with fixtures; new, never been set ap; price $50.00 SIX new Lot framo cash, 3 ft. by C ft.; price, each $ 2.50 TWO fine, well-bred colts, 1 and 2 years old, sired by Black Far ceur, imported by Ruby Brot. v FINE SEED CORN FOR SALE. APPLY TO BROOKS' ORCHARD, JACKSONVILLE ROAD, NEXT -CJQ PLACE WEST OF THE OLD THOMAS PLACE. t Death of Pioneer Lady. Miss Jomima Hannali, sister of Josoph Hannnh of Bougie, died at hor homo on Muroh 31, nnd was interred in tho Antlooll oometory April 1. MisH Ilnnnah orossod tho plains with ox tonniB in 1803 whon n young girl, She was 00 yoava of ago. SHAKESPEARE ON BASEBALL. I will, go root." "Richard HI." . " Now you strike liko tho blind man. "Much Ado About Noth- Out, I say. -"Macbeth." I will ho short. "Hamlot." Thqu canst not hit it; hit it I hit itl "Lovo's Labor Lost." Ho knows tho gamo. "Henry VI." O, hntoful orror. "Julius, Caosnr." A hit, n hit, a vory pnlpublo hit 1 "Hamlot." no will Btoal, sir. "All's Well That Ends Woll." Whom right nnd wrong hnvo choson ns umpire, "Love's La bor Lost," Ltot tho world slide "Taming of thaShrow," Ho has killod a fly. "Titus Androiiicus." Tho play, ns I remember, plensod not tho million. "Hamlot." What nil arm ho has. "Coriolanus." Thoy cannot sit at oaso on tho old boneh, "Romeo and Ju liet." Upon suoh saorlfiocs the gods thomsolvos throw inceuso, "King Lonr," . f - An Easy Way to Get Breakfast Just a few General Electric Uteniils will en able uny housewife to stay in bed another half hour in the morning, Put cereal in the cooker and coffee in the percolator the night before. In the morning turn the switch, electricity will get breakfast read)' provided your house u wired for electric light. Let us tell you all the particular Rogue River Eleciric Company I ns a 5 VHe7 $150 AN ACRE 270 acres, foothill land, about 6 miles from Med ford; there are about 85 acres on this place now planted to fruit, which includes about 26 acres in bearing. Tho bearing varieties are Newtown and Spitzenberg apples and Cornice pears. There are 25 acres of Newtowns in thoir second year with peach fillers and about 6 acres of Nowtowns just planted; also 20 acres of Jonathnus and 10 acres of Bartlett and Anjou pears just planted. About 200 acres of first-class fruit land on the place. There are many springs on tho place and considerable water could bo de veloped for irrigation; two houses, good ban and other buila. Would subdivide nicely. Easy terms. $2500 Sixty acres, 6 miles f rora Medford. about 15 acres cleared and purny pinuiea; smau buildings. ,250 AN ACRE 70 acres, about 4 miles from Medford, free ioUj 25 acres Planted to Newtown and Spiuengenr apples,-mostly 3 years old; in addition, nbout 25 acres Under cultivation, balanco easily ; V i uuu "BW "-room piasioreu nouse, new barn; also set of ... uunuwgs. uoum ue subiUvtded into two or three tracts nieolv easy terms. 3 $5500 Six miles from Modford, good new buildings, about 8 acres Planted to nowtowns, bpitzenbergs nnd pears, 1 nnd 2 years old; about 7 acres additional cleared, balance not hard clearing; eood toam, wngou and machinery ges wltu tno Plnco. This Is a 40 acro tract. $I5,000A first-class fruit ami alfalfu ranch, 185 ncros, 5V, milos from railway station, prnetieally all bottom land, 140 acres now undor cultivation, wator right with place; fair houso, two barns, schoolhouso on tho plnco, f..r $15,000, which is only $81 an nojo; $0000 cash will handlo, nnd easy terms can ho had on the balance; this is a fine chnneo to get n first-class tract of low-priced laud for devolonmont nnrm.4n Wo Annh tt,t,.l ...:n i .. i .t t I - .....m linn U131 lUllfJ, UI1U it you nro intorosted, como in nnd see us nbout it. $12,525 EIOVOII noron ?n fJnmlon iimiN in vana a . r i lott and Anjou ponrs, 1 to 3 years old; oloso in; good soil; terms. $12,000 Eloven acres in Comico and Boso pears, 14 years old; these treos aro in full beariug and will paj a good income on the prico askod. $15,000 Twenty ncros, fino now modern bungalow, buildings easily worth $1000; nbout 13 acres of apples .in full bonring; trooa are 10 years old; balance plnnted to applos 2 years old; good soil; sightly location; closo to markot; an assured incomo from tho beginning; a fino homo. $150 to $200 PER ACRE Stewart acre traots; 2 miles from Medferd; tracts aro from 10 to 25 acres in size; fino building epots on all; can all bo irrigated; cheapest tracts in Medford neighborhoods easy terms. $300 PER ACRE Finest 5 nnd 10-aoro orchard and garden traots k the valley; eusy torms. HESSE?'' W. T. YORK & CO. Hasklns for