Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 04, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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I'lonly of koch! 1H 1111,1 H0I1,H
loft for tlio oporn, Don't lio tlodolvetl
if you hoar tlint all Bunts arc Hold,
for those hoi;1h nro an rooi! jik any
in tlio houso for oporu
JuhI received a oar of milout lltno.
1 1'lnoH Lumber Co. J!l
Toiim at Ooodfnoml'H.
I'luuty of irood $! and $2 hohIh
loft for tlio oporn. Don't lio deceived
if you hour that all Houtu ara Hold,
Jor those HcatH aro -an Rood an any
in tlio Iiuuho for opera.
Montgomery's hulr-droBBliiR pur
loin now ouon. 60
11, C. Maury of .Iticksonvillo pro
duct war In town Monday on lumi
tioHN. Mr. Maury !h luriilnir HIh at
tention to tlio (trowing of alfalfa
principally. "I can mnko nearly- aw
much not money from alfalfa without
Any or tint trouble the orchardmen
Iiivvo, ii h long aH the prtMont price
of ny keep up, and 1 see no ronmn
why tho prlcoH should ho lower," in
liln idea of tho Hituntlou.
Wear Kidd'n Shoe.
Oeorgo V. Froy of tho upper Lit
ilo Htttte section, was in Medford
.Monday. Mr. Froy ban been obsorv
dug a few things in hi neolc o' the
wood lately and oxproHo tho opin- j
iioil that ho will ho ahlc to hear the
whistle of a 1'. fc K. train junt "over
'tlio hill" from hi fann in tho near
future. Surveying partlo and Wilson
load of Hiipplie aro going up the
crook all tho 4imo and indications are
good for something doing.
Door tnatH at Ooodfriend'.
Chnrlio Hunyou wa in tho city on
."Monday, from tho Fih Lake Btirvoy
Vino, lie ha bocri on tho job now
for over a year with only a weok'n
lay-off, and eight of those woro Run
lny a.
; J'hone 2001, Goodfriond's.
Mr. mill .Mr. uoorgo Andrews ar-
ni-ml MVuulnv mnniliiL' from Miotic
npoll, Minn., and will localo hero. J 25 in each.
Mr. Andrews is ono pf tho original "" """"
John Wliortoii of Untie Falla war
in Medford Sunday to incut hi
hiothor, S. M. Whoron, of White
moro, t'nl., who 1 hero on a visit,
OoffooM at Qoodfriond',
U. C. Way of Policgumii, la., Is
among tho late arrival to ciihL hi
lot with a progressive oily. lie ha
purchaRod residenco property in the
oily and i looking for a farm for
an investment,
Tho Silver King are in town.
W. A. Sumuor loft Monday oventug
for a IjuhIiio trip to Chicago. He
has many improvement under way
a,t tho Modou orchard, 07 acre of
young fruit tree aro being wot out
at tho northwest corner of tho prop
erty, under tho llyboo ditch, and over
200 aero aro in grain. Four mile
of wiro fencing, the boot-built fonco
in tho county, linn been Htrung. Six
cottngoa for employe, a now house,
a bunk houso and a largo ham aro to
bo orooted noar tho north boundary
on an clovatlon overlooking tho orch
ard. 'Tho old barn and Iiouhoh on
tho Mouth nido of tho river have been
torn down. Tho plum hedge along
tho county road on the north bound
ary liao boon cut down. Hummer
will hoo improvement plans under
way upon a largo scale.
Visit tho Sllvor King Palace hi
old Christian Tahornaclo after Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Sehwarr. of
Fugle, Point wcro Medford visitor
Mr, h. K. Whiting of Fugle spelil
bunriay visiting in the city.
Frod If. Hopkins loft Monday for
Central Orogon to look 'after prop
orty intorostn in tho valley of the
i no fin i'loncor imkery is now
being overhauled and a fine lino of
edible are hoing old, frosh every
It. II. Littleficld of Fugeno wan a
Medford businos visitor Monday.
Mrs. (Icorgo W. Chet)oy of Horke-
loy, Ca., i a visitor hi this city.
A nico selection of monthly bloom.
n. i)
Slsson Promotion Committee at Work
anil Will Tako Care of the Annual
Influx of Tourists to Mt. Shasta.
HIBHO.V, Oil. April -t.TJio Blfon
Promotion club lion been organized
lioro. It object In to uclvortlso till
section of Country and do all thing
within It powor for tho advancement
of commorclal Interests, It will try
to cauno tho Improvement ot trail
and road lending to various mineral
spring and point of Interest In thin
vicinity. Notablo ot those and ono
of tlio first- trailct) to bo (niton up In
tho making and grading of a wldo
road to tho snow lino on Mt. Shasta
to oaablo parties to mnko tho ancont
with wagon and team, thus obviating
Say Thoy Should Have Forty Instead
of Twelve Representatives From
This County at U. of 0.
KUOHNE, Apjrll .- This after
noon nt 4 o'clock 12 ropronpntatlvts
of Jackson County at tho university
will moot In Professor Do Cou's room
to form a boosters' club.
.lackson county, thoy say, has al
ways bollovert In progrcs, especially
nlong educational lines, nt shown by
tho ovorwyholmlng majority cast In
favor of tho stato university appro
priation bill In 1908, and tlio leaders
Moro Hoicks Dullt Than of Any Oth
er Makes Staggering Figures
Bliovr Itclntlvo Popularity
of Car.
A revelation as startling as a
searchlight switched out of tho dark
ness upon a spooning pall In a pub
lic park, disclosed to tho general pub-1
lie for tho first timo a short time ago, I
tho truo status of tho automobllo sit-!
uation in America. J
Herotoforo tho bewildered buyer
has had only 'he haziest notion of
tho capacity add output of the several
In tho movement seo no reason why Jlants; hi infoircntlon having come
Jackson county Instead ot 12 should
not have 40 nativo sons end daugh
ters at "Oregon." Itjls partly with
proprietor of tho Androwa Oporn
company and is a brother of Ed An
drowfl. His prpsonoo hero will in
jure something doing in tho operatic
lino in Medford with local ensemble.
"Frn Diavolo" will probably ho tho
first offering.
John H.'Carkin, attorney at law,
war Jackson County Hank.
jMrit. H. J. Stock, who ha been
making an extended tour in the
south, left for tho hnmo of her
daughter, Mr. II. L,
Brown show, Or.
New hnlr-drossing parlors now
njxn nt Montgomery'. 00
S. W. McClondon wa in Medford
from Gold Hill Monday.
Carpet wcoper nt Qoodfriond'
J. D. Pankoy of Central Point wa
a Medford visitor Monday.
Woar Kldd's Shoo.
Charlon .1. Howard of Waldo is
visiting relatives and friend in Mod
ford. Mr. Howard In a son of J. 8.
Howard and waa Wolls, Fargo &
Co.' agent in Medford when ho could
carry tho outgoing shipment to tho
train and tho incoming freight to hi
office in hi hand, and didn't havo
to uso moro than ono hand nt that.
A competent stenographer wanted.
Address "T," caro of this office 10
Ooorgo MaClcllau of Gold Hill
wa In Medford Monday on a busi
no deal.,
Chlnawaro at Goodfriond's.
J. W. Hayes, ono of tho pioneora
of Gold mil. was a Medford visitor
Wear Kidd'a Shoos.
Androw .ToldiiASH onmo in from tho
Tlluo Lodge Sunday on a short bus
iness trip,
Wringorn nt Goodfriond'.
Erlo Anderson of tlio RIuo Ledgo
ootion i viHltlng in Medford.
Carving not nt Goodfriond's.
Frank Smith i in tho city from
ho niuo Lodge miuo.
Just rocoivod a car of noloot limo.
Tlig Pino Lumbor Co. 13
Rardon make dclivorios to any
part of tho city for ioo oroam and
nhorhut for Sunday dinner. Tola
phono 371.
H. F. Findloy roturnod to Mod
ford Sunday from Lob Angolofl,
whoro ho has hoon sponding tho win
tor. Peach trooa for Halo at ton oonta
aoh. IT. B, Pattoron, Nash hotol.
Charles P. Champlin and Jlmmio
Hymn of Gold XTill woro in Modford
'Monday on a businos trip.
Pardon now fountain Is dispens
ing dolloiouo drinkn, Ioob, and ioo
cronm. Open until midnight.
E. P. Bonnott of Livo Onk, Cal.,
Is horo looking rtf tor 'husinosa Inter
est. Mr. Bonnott 'has looatod with
W family in California, but fiill ro
tain intorostfl horo.
Wear Kidd'i Sbno.
I. J. Phlpps and family roturnod
Bundny from noddtnc Cnl whore
thov havo boon Bpondlng tlio wintor.
' Rardon will dolivor Sunday va
nilla, innplo. nut and Btrawborry ioo
oroam nnd plnoapplo shmliot to any
part of otty. Phono 371.
Bath flxturoH at Gondfrlond'H.
Mi JJay Phlpps roturnod Sunday
from Redding. Cnl.i Wlioro sho Jiafl
boon npondlng tho wintor with hor
W. V. nnll of Hornbrook, Cal..
Hpont Sunday in Medford.
R. U. Dow of Jacksonville, tho ur
hano deputy shoriff. wan in MedfordJ
Sunday attondiuir the ball game.
Kitchen titan!! nt Goodfricnd's.
l or artistic photographs go to
IHmciNtor. Children' nicttires
Hpenialty: Centrnl Point. 10'
Ask Adjutant's Removal.
SEATTLE, Wash., April -l.-Ad
YoutiL. nenr jntant -General George B. Lamping
un lorwarneu a lormai request ror
tho removal of Captain John Kinrie,
inspector and iiiKtruotor for tho Na
tionnl Guard of Washington, to tho
wnr department nt Washington.
Tho message wns sent fivo or six
days ago, hut wa just mndo public.
Los Angeles Police Department Will
Teach Women In City Jail How
They May Make Honorable Living.
LOS ANOELES, Cal., April 4.
Moro than a acoro ot women prison
ers at tho Los AngoloB city jail wont
to tho school today, many ot thorn
for tho first tlmo in their lives.
Tho now school at tho jail ombracos
In It curriculum tho domostlo eel
oncos, cooking, sowing and houso
kooplng, and a training school for
nursos also has boon established.
Instruction In those branches will
bo given undor tho supervision of
Chief of Pollco Galloway and Matron
Alotha ailbort. Tho plan originated
with Mrs. ailbort.
"I know that whon many of our
prlsonors loavo tho jail thoy will havo
a knowlodgo of things thoy novor
know oxlstud.I'lt wagor three In ov-
ory ton ot tho womon who como horo
don't know that stockings can bo
darnod, or that porsona who are 111
can bo takon caro of In a way that
will holp them to got woll quickly,"
Mrs. ailbort said. "It we can touch
ono woman in t n soroothlng that will
holp to make hor life eastor and bet
tor when sho leaves ua, wo will bo
satisfied. At any rato, thoy will havo
something to do while thoy sorro
tholr terms." "It Mrs. ailbort'B plan Is
successful, It Is probablo that It will
bo glvon a furthor trial In Los An
golos county prisons.
7 DiioiiiccQ irniiQ :
For wood of all kinds, see tho
Square Dou! Woodvnrd. Phone
2B01. Fir 8troot, botwoon Socoiid
and Third atreotB. Gould & Lindloy,
proprietor. 201
-Wonr Kidd' Shoes
If you want satisfaction, try u
sack of Mt. Hood Snow-Fnll Flour.
For sale at tho Rubs Mill. Remem
i r'ti kvuui) vuuu uuiiitiiii) '
ho IrksomoDots of tho climb that hns'tl'l purposo of boosting the unlver
horotoforo kept many from under-1 lty In their homo and partly through
taking It. tho desire of closer association with
Officer IHocUil. I ono another that tho club Is to bo
Tho Slsson Promotion club la now founded. It Is expected that student
thoroughly organized nnd Its officers J from other parts of tho state, whoro
hnvo been nolected from tho leading . tbcro is local prldo, will follow Jack
business mon of tho town, M. J. Kpox, '"n county's example,
of tho firm of Cchulor-Knox company, , Soma of tho students who are in
han been solcclod as nrcsidont. nnd torcstcd In this movement nro: Fred
W. H. Mcllmoll, principal of tho local
public school, secretary. Tho execu
tive commlttco Is composod of tho
president nn! four others, namely: J,
M. Schiller, W. II. 8hobloy, W. D.
Illder and D. A. Sheldon.
About 200 havo signed tl.o member
ship roll and llbornl subscriptions of
money hnvo boon rccolvod.
This nowly organized club starts
out undor very auspicious circum
stances and It hns tho hoarty co-op-oration
ot entlro community.
(Continued from Page 1.)
tho church In Augtmc, 1S88, and
served It for two years, during which
tlmo 31 united with the church.
Itov. F. J. Kdmunds begnn his work
of ministry of tho church Docombor
1, 1800, nnd continued for a torm ot
two years. Durlni; this tlmo 21 unit
ed with tho church. ' Rov. Alexander
8. Foster bvgau his work ns pastor
of tho church January 1, 1893, and
served for a torm of flvo years and
three months. During this tlmo 70
united with tlio church. Also In Oc
tober, 180C, tho old church building
burned down nnd tho proRout edifice
was built and dedlcatod to tho wor
ship of Almlghty'God, May 31, 1890
Mr. Fostor closed his labors April
1898. Ror. Adolph Iiaberly began
his work as pastor of tho church Au
gust 1, 1898, and served for a torm
of throe years and three months. Dur
Ing this tlmo G2 unltod with tho
church. Ror. Thomas F. Day, D. D
proachod for tho church for five
months, commencing In May, 1902,
nnd during this tlmo ono unltod with
tho church.
Rov. Weston F. Shields, coming
from tho forotgn mission flold of
Slam, bognn his work as pastor ot tho
church January 8, 1903, and still
continues to bo tho pastor of the
church after a torm ot soven years
and threo months. During this tlmo
tho Interior, of tho church has been
groatly Improved, a plpo organ In
stalled, a piano secured tor tho Sun
day school, and ISO havo unltod with
tho church. Tho momborshlp ot tho
church Is now 300.
Tho property of tho church Is val
nod at 40,000. This church should
rocognlza tho holp that has como to
It from others, nnd especially tho
Jncksonvlllo church.
Mr. O. O. Dookman doodod to tho
trustees ot this church tho ground
upon which tho presont church build
Ing stands Tho following oxtract
from tho records of tho Jacksonville
church whon known ns tho Prosby-
torlan church ot Jackson County, will
show how It stands In relation to us
and other churches ot tho valloy:
Tho following Is takon from tho
narratlvo'wrltton by Rov. A. R. Bock
onbach, April, 1886:
"Tho year Just past Includes tho
tortnlnatlon'ot tho 28 years ot the
faithful pastorate ot Fathor Williams
and tho opening ot tho presont pas
torate. It Is still tho old Jackson
County Prosbytorian church', from
which has sprung tho flourishing
churchos of Ashland and Phoonlx, and
which haa also contributed its por
tion to tho organization of tho Pros
bytorian church ot Medford It Is
Unltod by a thousand associations ot
persona and circumstances to thoso
two churches, which nro growing bo
rapidly by Its sldo, and by not a tow
toudor tlos tj tho church just organ
ized tho youngost of them nil tho
Modford church."
In concluding his remarks Sunday
Rov. Shtolds said:
Tho good that this church has dono
la not to bo moasurod by tho number
that has constituted Its momborshlp
385 In all nor by tho numbor that
now coustttuto Its membership, which
is 200, but rather by tho lntluonco It
Strang, Glen Connoll, V. Thomas,
Miss Ruth Merrick, Miss Elizabeth
Wagner, Arthur M. Geary, Miss Mc
Ncal, Everett Smith, Vernon Vawtcr,
Krnost Smith and Miss Armour, Miss
DENVER, Co.., April 4. Tho fed
eral government today is planning a
quarantine against Colorado cattle.
according to two stato veterinarian, ' othor P,ants combined, and more than
Lambard. Tho quarantine will be ' one-nmi or tno enure procucuon
to him In tho sbnpo of staggering'
figures nnd iis'anlshlng statements
from tho fertile young man whoso
business It Is to boom his particular
car llko a prima donna.
A sudden realization that tho pub
lic Is entitled to tho truth has result
ed in the publication ot a report of
tho cars manufactured during the
quarter ending December 31 which
is replete with sensations.
Eliminating 28 concerns, each of
which built less than 100 cars, the
production of tho association member
ship during tho laBt three months ot!
the year attained tho astonishing to-1
tal of 20,048 cars.
Sixty-eight concorns ha-I a part In
tho manufacture of this great output,
and of that number tho Oulck Motor
company ot Flint, Mich., produced
more than t7lco as many cars as Its!
nearest competitor.
The Dulck company leads with an i
output of 4137, or moro than a quar-j
tcr of tho total production of all the!
For Tuesday
Your choice of any Louwelser Wcllor Jardiniere or
Vase in the stoi'i; at 25 per cent discount or just one
quarter less than our regular marked price.
Our regular prices on these goods are almost faalf
what other stores ask for the same goods-
enforced unless tho cattle men of
wvstorn Colorado dip their stock tor
Tho proposed action by tho govern
ment Is being held Iri abeyance until
nftcr tho coming meeting of tho Col
orado Growers' association at Grand
Junction In Juiy, to await 0-opcra-tlon
by tho cattlemen.
Jlmlnez Is President.
WASHINGTON, Apjrll 4. Tho
t state dopnrtmont today received offi
cial ndtlco that tho election of Rlcardo
Such well known concerns as tho
Packard, Pierce, Peerless, Wlnton, ,
Lozler, Knox, Stoddard-Dayton, Olds,
Sterns, Haynes, Royal Tourist, Ste-vens-Duryea,
Pope, Thomas and Lo
comobllo produced 4436 cars, but
tholr total ctlll falls bolow the Bu
Ick figure of 4437.
Another Interesting comparison Is
furnished by grouping the produc
tion of tho Chalmers, Reo, Jackson,
Mitchell Regal, Waltham, Mollne and
Drush, which reaches a total of 4351,
as against tho 4437 of the Bulck.
Another list which takes In two
Jlmlnez. ns nresldont of Costa Rica
has been confirmed by tho electoral . crs w,tn outputs of a considerable
colloco of tho southern renuhlle. Jim- mngnuuuo, i raauc up ui uio ,
Extra Special
For your choice of three
patterns in a 42-piece Din
ner Set, worth $8.50 in any
other store in the city.
This is for Tuesday only.
Fancy China
We will put on sale abotat
100 pieces of fancy China,
worth $1.50 to $2.00 each.;.
special for this one day
only, choice,
$1.00 Each
If you Want Bargains keep your
good eye on
Extra Specials For April
Inez wrfs olected some time ago, but
his olcjtlon wan contested.
Most of "tho salesmanship that
soils things" begins in tho advertis
ing. Sometimes it's completed there
sometimes by tho storo salesman
or saleswoman.
There will bo a meeting of Mer
chants' association In Commercial
club rooms this evening 7:30 p. m.
Important buslnoss.
JOHN CARKIN, Socretary.
religious ll(o of tho people This
church has over stood or tho Dible,
and for Josub Christ as the divine
and only Savior ot men; It has urged
Individual and personal responsibil
ity; it has denounced sin everywhere,
nnd it has hold up before men tho
groat hope for tlmo and etornity.
With our faces to tho past, and In
rovlew, nnd then to tho future, fac-
Overland, Fianklln. Columbia, Mit
chell, Mora, Corbtn and Studebak
or. These eight concerns total 3724
cars, as against tho Bulck total of
In point of production tho Cadillac
company Is second on tho list with
21GC cars.
In royalties paid under tho Soldon
patent tho Bulck likewise loads the
list for the quarter with a modest
contribution ot 143,399.60; tho Pack
ard, soventh in point of production,
bolng second in royalties, with a to
tal ot $35, 023. SO
tcarrled out under tho plan. Labor
! leaders also opposed It for the reason
i that It tended to disrupt trades unions
j The agreement Included a 9 per
cent Interest annually on all Bums In
vested by workmen and an agreement
I on the part of the workmen not to
strike, but to submit all differences
to a board 'f arbiters.
Card ef Thanks.
Card of thanks to neighbors antL
friends who kindly assisted us in. tkc
sickness and death of our infant son.
Don't take tho trouble and xpea
of moving until you have had "want
ad help" in looking aboMt
LONDON, April 4. -After varying
degrees of success in West Hartlepool
shipyard of Furness, Withy and com
pany,. which wao being oporated on a
co-oporatlve plan, has returned to Its
old systom following ,a vote ot Its
employes to discontinue the profit
Ing II Ws groat duties, lot us as a i sharing plan.
pooplo say with tho Psalmist: "Blosa Tho employes declare that Sir Chris
tho Lord, O my soul, and forgot not tophor Furness plans for increased
oil his bonotltB." emnloymont of worklnKmen woro not
To Whom It May Concern:
Tho formor famous chof at the
Nash Grill, Mr. Sara Lock, has
oponod n flrst-clas restaurant
above Kennedy's sloou; No. 83
South Front stroot. Entrance at
both sides. Only first-class meals
will bo Borved, aud juat tho name
of tho proprietor Is the best guar
This Is tho only placo whore
will bo served chop auey and Chi
na uuodles, Copio and see me and
you and I aro both Buro you will
tomo back, Romombor, I am will
lug and I preach what I promise.
Yours truly.
10 aoros of the finest building
sites, magnificent viow of Medford
and valley, sandy soil; for five days
at a bargain price. ,
83 1-3 acres, 3 miles oat, in fine
locality, 26 aoros pears, apples,
about 5 years old, some choice apri
cots in full bearing, 60 acres under
cultivation, half undor ditch; n
money-maker at $175 per acre, lib
eral terms.
7-room bungalow, 1001165 foot
lot, fino oak shade trees, well locat
ed and excellent homo investment;
$2350, oasy torms.
6-room houso, 2 lots, close to
Main, 5 blocks from city park;
Fine corner lot on Newtown, 56x
166, cement walk; for quick eule,
$525, $150 cash, balance $10 per
Threo nico lots on 14th noar New
town, 56x1122 5 $100 oaoh, $125
cash, balanoe $10 per month.
Choice lots in all parts of city.
J.Bruce Wright 6 Oo.
(One Long Laugh)
(Sensational Dram) .
(Beautiful Hand-colored Stery)
The Best Music and Pictures in fee
Farmers 6 Fruitgrowers Bank
at Medford, In tho State of Oregon, at tho dose f haul
noss, March 20, 1010.
Loans and discounts $122,173,131
Bonds, securities, etc 120.00
Purnlturo and fixtures 7,993.78
Capital sot asldo for Jacksonville office.... 19,0.6
Duo from banks (not reserve banks) 6,6.0
Due from approved reserve banka 40,363.28
Checks and other cash Items B, 3741.37
Gold dust , 114.98
Cash on hand 14,3S4.3
Expenses 2634.74
Total 3209,1.7
Capital stock paid in ;,,.3 50,C.W
Undivided profits 19J.
Duo to banks and bankers. , , 3,983.10
Individual deposits subject to check 148,318.83
Demand certificates of deposit 1,533.73
Tlmo certificates ot deposit ,50.9
Total 309,ll.7
State ot Orogon, County ot Jackson, m,
I, L. L. Jacobs, assistant cashier ot the above-sami
bank, do solemnly swoar that the above statemeat Is trtw
to tho best ot my knowledge and belief.
L. L. JACOBS, Assistant Caafctor.
Subscribed and sworn to betoro me this 2ad day of
April, 1910.
F. W. MBARS, Notary Public.
Co rect Attest: OSO. L. DAVI8,
ber tho
had and has upon the moral and