.MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, fttEPffORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 1910. 14 . OTHERS CATCH MEDFORD SPIRIT Sh-li-h-ht I "A few days ngo a Snlom rami, "Medford Spirit" is contagious! J socking to find tho secret of Mel Ashland has cnught it; Grants ford's success, journeyed to that Pahs is showing dangerous symp-jeity and remained there three das tonis, whilo Salem dear; sleepy, old 'without letting any ono know his Snlom has become frightened mid is i business. IIo asked questions mid being vaccinated. made observations and ho found out: So whisper it softly, guard well "That anything for Medford gets tho secret. Mum's .'Iho word, or clso some of tho near-by, shimbnr-inclin-ed municipalities will he instituting a quarantine against residents of this attention at once "That anything for Medford is backed up with tho nionoy of Med ford, without questions boing asked. "That n Medford man will give That Medfonl and her methods money mid timo to any scheme, the airo r source of envy to her sister! result of which is to mnko for the cities is proven by tho fact that ; progress of his city, within tho past two weeks n business j "That it makes no difforenco who man of Salem enmo to Medford for it benefits, in business or in posi 1he sole purpose of finding out what tion, if it is good for Medford it is it is that makes the town tho most fostered. progressive in tho state. Tho gen-1 "That Medford stands as ono man tlcman made such good uso of tho for Medford, no mnttcr what differ ihrce days ho spent here that on his enccs there may be between citizens return to Salem ho was- able 10 locally. liring about a combination of inter-! "That a Medfonl man bolioves in sts which have not heretofore his city and its people and never j worked in complete harmony. Audi knocks it or anything it has. I as a result theso interests will now.) "That while Medford people love I -work to a common end, attempting ( Oregon and tho rest of tho United in craniate the example set by Med- J States they havo particular affection .lord's bnsiness men. for Medford and tho Roguo River "The Medford Spirit will build any.valloy, and are willing to push state "town," was tho verdict of tho gen-(and national schemes only after thoy tleman from Salem. Further, ho has ( have gotten what thoro is in them for a number of interesting, not to saytthoir city and valley. complimentary, things to say about J Those men felt that thoy had. Bedford's wnv of dninp Tnis (looked into thn innrr xnnrt nf Mm I In speaking of his visit to iMedford! secret. Thoy now feel that such a the Saleraite says: spirit will build any city." COUNTY COURT TO 010 ROAD 9kms Are Being gMade for a First C fetes Read Between Jacksonville ami Msdford Rock Crusher Now Ready for Business. Next year tks difficulty of trans- jportatlea between Medford and Jacksonville by team or motor will lave been solved, if the present plans of the county court are fol lowed out Main street will bo pav ed t the eity limits within a few weeks, and it is the purpose of the county to build a first-class road between Medford and Jacksonville, and plans to that end are now being seaside red. "I do not know at present," Bald Judge Neil, "just what we will do on tfaat road farther than that t is the intention of the court to build a good, substantial road. It will be ef crushed rock, rolled and then with s top dressing of finer rock. Whether "we will add any aditional coating has sot been determined, but it is the in dention to build & firm, smooth Teadway." HALLEY'S COMET VISIBLE SOON Scientists Say Stranger of the Heav ens Will Appear About April 8 Can Be Seen From Southern Or egon. Circuit Court State, vs. Henry Daly and D. B: Decter Demurrer filed to indict ment. State vs. J. P. Adkins, S. S. Jolly and F. M. Wade Indictment as to S. S. Jolly dismissed. State vs. Louis Highland and W. Searaaa Larceny in dwelling; j4ead gailty of simple lareeny; sen tenced to 30 days in county jail. C. J. Keaney vs. W. Ullrich, as lugneo of tho estate of T. J. Kenney Jury empanelled as follows: J. W. Hayes, J. E. Davidson, J. D, Pankey, Isaao Coy, J, A. Cook, Grant Davis, O. P. Owings, E. C. Payne, George Crow, S. C. McClendon, George liy znai, A. C. Manning; testimony tak en and case submitted to jury. State vs. Charles Grcenstreet Pica f not guilty withdrawn and a plea of guilty entered. If. W. Hintzinger vs. City of Ash land Action for damages; verdict for plaintiff for $559. Bailey's comet will bo visible to the naked eye just beforo dawn of April 8, or shortly after that date, states W. W. Campbell, director of Lick observatory, on Mount Hamil ton. "While it is never possible to pre dict how bright a comet is going to be," he said last week, "it is safe to say that the head and perhaps a little of the tail of tho comet will be visible at tho time. "On May 18 tho comet will pass between tho earth and tho sun at a distance of 14,000.000 miles from the earth. On this day the earth will pass through the tail of the comet, but there is no danger for terres trial life, as at this distance from the head the tail of the comet will be extremely attenuated. Tho pass age of tho comet between the sun and the earth cannot bo observed to advantage from California, because the sun will be closo to tho horizon and the observations will have to be made throngh a large extent of ter restrial atmosphere. "Observers in tho Hawaiian isl ands, Australia and Asia will be well situated. The American Astronom ical association will send a photo graphic expedition to the island of Oahu." .When paydays stop, rent days eetae along a -galloping. Want ad vertisisg can if persisted in for a reasonable time restore payday, to yeHr regime ef life. Yonr store should bo as interesting t read about as it is to look at. SUJOIKH EXCURSIONS EABT. The Southern Pacific company will Obll excursion tickets to eastern t-olnts at reduced rates on tho follow ing dates: Mar 2d anfi- 9th, June 2d and 17th and 24th, July 5th and 22d, August 3d and September 8th, going limit ten days, total limits 90 days. tates to Missouri River points and eturn $69.90; to Chicago and return, $82.40. To- further information call at local ticket office or ad Tress A. S. ttoseabaam, Local Agent Southern Pacific Co. Wrestling Contest MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE SATURDAY, APRIL 9, AT 9 P. M. SHARP DAVID RUEF COLORADO WRESTLER WEIGHING 145 POUNDS VS. In Two Best Out of Three E . C. TUCKER THE LONDON WRESTLER WEIGHING 142 POUNDS Five-Round Boxing Contest as a Preliminary Seats, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 ROGUE RIVER TRIBE NO. 51 INSTITUTED New Tribo of Redmen. Instituted at Phoenix Tuesday Night Tribe Will Be a Strong On. Choice Tracts -IN THE- Rogue River Tribe, No. 57, of the J Improved O. R. II., was organized at Phoenix Tuesday evening by J. II. Fitzgerald, P. Q. S.f and stnto or ganizer. Twenty palefaces were adopted into the order and other candidates are in readiness for tho next coun cil fire. Tho council fire was kindled by J. H. Fitzgerald, acting great sach em, with tho following assistants: O. IT. Sclsby, O. S. S.; T. A. Rathe, G. J. S.; H. A. Fredenberg, Q. P.: L. L. Jacobs, G. C. of R.; W. M. Ken nedy, G. R. M. : J. C. Jones, G. C. W.; T. E. Martin, G. G. F.; Joseph Cnskey, G. S.; Adam Schmitt, G. M. The role of tho tribo: M. Pick, T.j V. Wilher, Ed Waterman, Earl C.i Fry, Fred SI. Tanner, Jos. A. Tan ner, Earl Waterman, Irn Dunlap, II. T. Koy, Charles E. Houston, Ben C. Stevens, K. A. Smith, F. E. Furry, A. Hearn, Henry Sbnfer, Bert Peck, John Mills, T. J.Malragren, L. E. Suns and G, C. McClain. Tho following officers wore eloct- ed: M. Peck, prophet: Andrew Hearn, sachem; Henry Shnfer, sen-i ior eagamoro; R. A. Smith, junior! sagnmore; F. E. Furry, C. of R.; Chnrles E. Houston, K. of W.; F. W. Wilbur, first snunap; Ed Waterman, second snunap; Ira Dunlap, G. W. O. C. McClain, O. F.; warriors, E. C. Fry, Earl Waterman, B. C. Stev ens, H. F. Koy; braves, F. M. Tan ner, J. A. Tanner, Bert Peck, John Mills, Jr. Perry Sub-Division We still havo some choice tracts in tho PERRY SUBDIVISION. The laud that will pay 10 per cent on $500 an acre in alfalfa alone. There is certainly no better land in the Rogue River valley for growing apples and pears. If you are look ing for a real good buy in real estate, CALL UP MAIN 2591 OR SEE WHITE 6 TROWBRIDGE ROOMS 11 AND 12, OVER FARMERS & FRUITGROWERS ' BANK M i i i ' ii " i i , .i j. - . iu'i.' . .i' i n, ii . , , r Tho "for sale" ads findincr tho pcoplo who ought -to own your unus ed things are uncommonly "lucky" salesmen. Every Thursday Night 'AX Sauth's Hall on Grape and Sixth, and ' every sboond and fourth Monday in the month. Six leesoB card for $5 or $1 lesson, fcrearn to waltz. Private lesson by jLmo intra ant. Learn to danee , , jjjutd be frraeefw. PROF. AND MRS. JEROME, 1M tMM Mra) Avf. Yes you'll probably answer tho wrong want ad sometimes or tho right one too late. But tint's inevi table and not especially tragic. (Banvas BY THE ROLL Tents, Wagon Covers, etc the highest quality of rain-shedding goods. Single Harness J. G. Smith 814 KAJJT MAIN 0TMHCT You can walk up to the top floor of a building that hns olovators if you prefer to walk. You can "walk around" looking for a room, instead of reading tho ads if you profer to walk. WAN T ED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. JB. H. Harris & Co. MFDFORD - - - - OREGON Office in Jackoon county Bank Upstairs ANNOUNCEMENT. Dr. Qoblo in preparod to fit glaBSOs in all oasoa of dofectcivo sight that glasses will remody. Repairs of oil kinds. Broken lonsos duplicated. In visible bifooals. 18 WEST MAIN STREET. Medford Shoe Shining Parlor 0H, HERE WE ARE AT LAST! For ladies, gents, obildren, this is the place where you will save time and money by getting your shoes Bhined by an experionoed artist. Oiljng and dyeing is my specialty. Now, don't forget tho place, No. 4 South Central ave Jue. Open from 7 a. m. to 8 p. m.j Sundays: till 2 p, m. The coast Champion Bootblaek. V. W. HOWARD, Prop. REAL ESTATE Farm land Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building $150 AN ACRE 270 acres, foothill land, about 0 miles from Mod ford; thoro are about 85 norea on this place now planted to fruit which includes nbout 20 acres in bearing. Tho bearing varietloi nro Newtown and Spitzouborg npploa and Cornice pcani. Ther are 25 acres of Nowtowns in their sooond year with peach filler and nbout 0 acres of Nowtowns jiiHt plnntod; tUo 20 acres of JonnthntiH nnd 10 noren of Hnrtlclt and Anjou ponrs jtmt planted. About 200 ncren of first-class fruit hind on tho placo. There are ninny springs on tho plnco nnd connidernblo water could bo do volopod for irrigation; two houson, good barn nnd othor huildingrt. Would subdivide nlcoly. Easy torms. $2500- Sixty acres, 0 miles from Medford, nbout 15 acres cleared and partly planted; small buildings. $250 AN ACRE 70 ncron, nbout -1 miles from Medford, free soil; 25 acres planted to Newtown nnd Spitzongoiv npploa,' moutly 3 yennt old; in addition, about 25 norcs uiiilor cultivation, balance easily cleared; good new 0-room plniitortid houno, now bnrn; also sot of old buildings. Could be subdivided into two or threo trnotn nicoly ensy terms. $5500 Six miles from Modford, good new buildings, nbout 8 acre plnntod to Nowtowns, Spitienborgs and peari, I and 2 years old; about 7 acres additional clonred, balance not hard clearing; good tonm, wagon and machinery gc" w,Ul 1,10 p,nc0, Tllla u a m aero tract. $15,000 A first-class fruit and alfalfa ranch, 185 norcs, 5V miles from railway station, practically oil bottom land, 1-10 acres now under cultivation, wntor right with placo; fair hotiHO, two boniH, nchoolhotiso on tho plnco, for $15,000, which is only $81 an acre; $0000 cash will handle, and easy torms can bo hnd on tho balance; this is n fino chance to got n firnt-olnsH tract o low-priced land for development purposes. Wc don't think this will Inst long, and if you are interested, como in nnd boo uh about it. $12,525 Eleven acres In Cornice poors, 10 years old; 0 acres in Bart lott nnd Anjou pears, 1 to 3 yours old; closo in; good soil; torms. $12,000 Elovcn noros in Cotnico nnd Boso pears, M yoars old; theso ireos nro in inn bearing ana will pay a good income on ,tho price nuked. $7000 Thirty-five acres of blaok sticky, 3 milos from Medford, al undor tho ditch and con be irrigated. $13,000 Thirty-two acros, closo to Modford, 8 acres in Nowtowns nnd Spltzonborgs, 5 to 7 yoars of ago; 14 ooroB in alfalfa, 3 acros in poochos, 2 acres in borrios; irrigated; buildings. $14,000 Thlrty-fivo noros; buildings; cxcoptionnlly fino placo for n homo; 12 noros in apples nnd pears 3 yoars old; about an ooro of bearing orchard; 11 acres in alfalfa; nil fino deep free soil. $150 to $200 PER ACRE Stownrt ncro tracts; 2 miloB from Modford; t roots nro frofti id to 25 ooros In size; fine building spotM on all; can nil bo irrigntod; cheapest tracts in Modford neighborhood; easy terms. $300 PER ACRE Finest 5 ond 10 -ncro orchard nnd garden tracts in tho vnlloy; easy torms. W. T. YORK & CO. A SNAP IN ORCHARD LAND Ono hundred and sixty acros of frco rod soil, 10 to 30 foot depth; two wolls, nbout 25 acres clonred; a very gradual south hill slopo; ono-half mile from poBtoffico, less than one-fourth milo from school nnd sovon nnd ono-half milos southwest of Jaoksonvillo. Only $30 por aero. Call on or address JOE THOMAS 222 SOUTH HOLLY STREET, MEDFORD, OREGON PLU MBING Steam and Hot Water Heating. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. I. F. MOORE AND E. E. SMXTH Old Tribune Building. Phone 11931. 4M 9