I MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKflOX, KrXPAY, APRIL 3, 1910. 13 Tim l'ociihoiitriH Trilio liulil Until n'Kiilar iiioiUliiK Friday iiiKlil. A now Miilininu dI' oiilortiitmiiiiiit wiih deoldttd upon. Tho hullo rlinnu two CfiptuillH, Who llllONU lliull' IIHRiNtlUllH, TlutNii oiiiiiiiilttooH will iintoitiini, turn iiboul, on oh vliiinjr with lliu otlnir In llit'ir imtoitiilniiitf, Mi. Hollo tot i mi 1 1 iiml Mr. Myrtle fliinlnor wuro Iho cinplititiH oIiiihuii. Tim Indlurt, will iintoiliiin Iho .'Id Fn- lny of uuuh tnonth, ,Tlio Iwiiliim' A hi of thu Pi OHhylnr rian church hold Iholr annual duo- tioit Ot lllTU'l'll TllUf'dll.V 111 t t IMMlll at thu ohiiroh purlorn. Tho officer clu lit ml were: I'rotflduiit, Mih. W. W. OIhhrow; ftrwl vIco-prcHldunt, Mih. Qlhhonoy; Hooond vit;o-prunlduiit, Afro. Walt; nocrotnry, Mih, W, U. JoIiiihoii; truitHiiror, Mm. M. J. Mil- Jor. , Mr. ami Mm. llrokaw of WiihIi iiu'lon, 1). C, nro HpomliiiK a low dayn in Mmlford. Mr. Jlrokuw lint chiuKrt of tho column bureau for nil iiidtiHlriul work on thu noiutt. Dr. and Mr. Oulo kiivo a diiiuor in thnir honor nt tho Louvro ThurHilay. Tho dinner kimhIh wore Mr. and Mm. Urokaw, Mr. Haniion, Dr. nnd Mr. ' Colonel and Mr. V. II. Kay will Tottini to Kow York tho fir I of tho wrok. After Mr. Ilny'n nppenrauco ' nl thn Groator Modford club ontor tainmcnt, at which nho fjraoiotitily conmintoi! to ln'Ip th club, it wait liojxjd thu poaplo of Mudford would have tho opiorttinity of hoarluic hor nlii Again, and hor oarly doparturo in mtioh to bo regretted. In honor of Mr. ami Mm. D. II. Millor, who loft Tuiutday to iodide in Gold Hill, Mr. and Mm. Hon Qarnot Kino, n farowoll diuutr Monday. They were Htirpricd Intar in tho eve ning by about -10 of tlit'ir frioiidn, -who j;nvo thoin a farowoll reception. Tho Guild of St. MarkV church hold (heir annual olootion Thtimday afternoon. Tho nowly elected offi corn nro Mm. Horry i president; Mm. Kcolner, vlco-proHident; Mm. Hitrt- sell, flocretary; Mm, Iliuolri, troarttiror. MtH8 Graoo Andrews, ohaporound by Mm. Philip Ilatnil, lunvu today for Portland, whoro thoy no to ne Jeot MiH And rows' troiiHuonii. Mi Andrew' iimrriiipo to Mr. A. Conro Flora talc plnou tho I nut of Juno. Mm. Philip Ilnmil oiitartuinod Sat urday nlht at dinuor in honor of 'llr. Uoudiuot Connor. Tlioso prou ont wuro: Mm. Ilnrvoy, Mit Am--drowa, Mr. Connor, Mr. Fioro and Mr. nnd Mm. Ilnmil. , Mm. John Htitlor ontortaincd tho Fivu Hundred club at hor homo on Oakdftlo nvenuo Friday nftomoon. Tho Hint priro was won by Mm. McGowan and Mr. J. A. Porry tho ficcond prize. Mm. Marion Moltao, a former member of tho OrcRoninti stuff, ro ivntly u HticccHHful real cututo doalcr at Hood ltivor, apont sovoral days iu Mud ford thin wook, the RiicHt of Mm. 11 K. Gore. Mm. Glenn Fabric gavo n pnrty Saturday aftoruoou for hor two lit tin children. Tho littlo tots had ft merry time playing nnd dainty ro Zrcrthinonts woro norvod. Mr. Ak Conro Fioro loaves today (for a ehort trip to Portland, Mm. E. E. Goro will K'ivo n rooltnl , 4htH week at Uio Proubytorian church. Only tho advanced pupllu on tho pipo orfroti nnd piano will tako part. Mr. und Mm. Dunlop.nnd Mndnmo Dunlop ontortnincd at diunor lnut Sunday. Thoir guoHta woro Dr. nml Mm. Stokes, Mm. Hafor, Miss- Nol- on, Meanra. Dudloy nnd Van Ordon. Mm. Clara Moulden will ontortniu t cards Moudny nftornoou at tho reeidenco of Mrs. M Purdln. Mr. L. Woodford ban bought u homa on To nth stroot south and will reaida thero with his mother, who aurriwd In Arodford Friday. Tho Juvonilo Dnnoing club will meet April 0 nt Anglo oporn Uouso. Tho Lndioa' Aid of tho Mothodist church will moot in tho church par lore Tuesday afternoon. Tho moot ing is for work and a full nttoudnnoo is requested, Mm. Kidd entortainod tho Colonial . Bridge club Friday at tho rosidonoo of Mrs. Morriok. Miss Bnnkfl, who- has boon in charge of the suit department at tho Kuntser company storo, left fjr tho mat Vdtul.v fnf n ntnv nf Hftvnrnl Bonths. Ill honor of Maulor Clalro Soeloy'H llllh liirthiliiy, a HimiriKu piirly wiih glvuti by Mm. Ooorgo Hhirloy. Tho yoitiii; pcoplo mot at Iho park ami wont from Ilium to Mm, Khirloy'M liiimo, Tho ouniiiK wiih m ii 1 1 play iiik giimuM, al'tor wliioli loliOHliiiioiitu woro Horvud, tho Hoiivonim huiug EiiMtur uuuh. TIioho proRout wore: MIhhcm l.iiiirn P'lgUf llnzol Antic, Nina HiiitIm, EHthor Warn or, Netlio Cani)hull, Eva 0nbuni, Wilma Har liHim, Vora liiino, Mario and Kami Booloyj MriHtom Italph Daviti, Mor ion Leonard, George Luonnrd, Htow art Clurlioy, Joroino Coo, Harold Hhirloy, Krodoriok Shlrloy nnd Clniro tiooloy. Tho Mndorii Woodinoii gnvo a hiuoi) at tho Anglo Oporn house Fi i lity night which wiih well attended. MiH ImdIo Ewbaulc outortaiiiod tho junior oliihH of the high hcIiooI, ot which hIio in a momhor. Mm. Joff Heard and Minn OladyH havo roturnui from a lx wouks' visit in California, whoro they wont for .Minx Glady' health. Mba Helen Watt in wpundlng her KiiMtor vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mm. 15. It. Dnvin havo lakoii thu bungalow of Madnm Miller on South Holly htroot. Tho No-Knmo Uridgo club will moot with Mm. Itau this week nt her country homo near Central Point. The KiiHtur music at tho Ciiritiiiu oliiiroh wiih iiuuHually good and w:ih greatly nj)juotitt tol. Groat credit in duo Miw Edna Morrill, .Mm. Suoloy, Mm. Hollo Jonon and Ml Wilson, who had clmrgo of tho inunio. Mssm. Donald nnd Vauco Colvig havo' roturnod to Porllaud aftar hponding thair Kaitor vnoation in Mmlford. . m Tho C. C. C. oluh aud thoir friends had it ploanaut trip to Jacksonville and Central Point Tlmradny evening. Arm. Ed AudroWtt, ohr.porono. ' MisH It lit li Merrick i home from Eugouo for tho EiiHtor holidayH. SCIENTISTS TO MEET T Many of Most Learned Astronomers and Students In World Will Gather In Southern California in August. PASADENA, Col., April Art I guoHts of the BoiontiriU connected with tho Carnegie observatory of Mt. WilMon, many of tho most learned ns trunoniom und students hi tho world will gather hero noxt August. Thirty uf the luading scientists of Europe aud twoseoro Americans havo ac cepted invitations to Attend tho sci entific concjave. Among the Ainuti enns of international reputation who will bo present arc Professor E. C. Piokoring of Harvard university, Professor Campbell of Lick observa tory and Professors Micholson and Chamberlain of Chicago; Professor Hicco of tho Itoyal Italian station lit Mount Aotna has accepted an invi tation nnd ovory Ettroponn nation, according to Director Hnlo of the Cnrucgiu obsorvntory, will Bond hor most noted savants. Tho gathering will in a monsuro bo to colobrnto tho installation of tho ISO-foot towor tolbscopo that has boon ordorod. This will bo tho lnrg ost instrument in tho world for tho study of tho sun's rays. Los Angeles Medico Declares Sandy Soil of Southern California Is Ex cellent Breeding Ground for Insect. LOS ANGELES, Cal., April 2. That, tho- hookworm hus invadod Southorn California and may gain a foothold iu this sootion of tho state was tho information civou tho Los' AneoloB Couutv Medical association by Dr. oJsoph M. Kling, who is making a complete investigation or his startling discovery today, ur. Kine doolarod that ho has diagnosed n pooullnr disoaso that attaokod Suria, proprietor or a Jnpiuioso pool room, as hookworm. Uria oomo to Lon AiiMlea from Moxico. where Dr. King boliovos ho contracted tho dis ease. Dr. King deolarod that tho sandy Hnil nf Southorn California would make an excellent breeding ground for the parasites, and spundoa n noto of warning to tho physlolanB of the association. Our PoHlimd limnager bought 1 300 piniJOS, ov h ni them Bent to the 40 stores of the northwest, each store getting its pr no (ioumormnniioa nis HiupjMiig instriiciioiisr.'i n rricred all snipped to the .Portland house. As luck would have it, the to MMl'ord had been shipped out and it wtfs t-1- '.- to stop it. IT IS HERE NOW GAME YESTERDAY AND w; Factory Ships a Car of Pianos by Mistake to Medford f The Ch SUGG of a Lifetime TO SECURE A HIGH GRADE PIANO FOR A .SMALL PRICE f portion. A little later f car originally ordered IIUIP 1 AM IT M AVA APMWMIM tt .. i I. .... i I, V ... .1-1 1 LI 'II .n n. i ... . i 1 1 ii jiui x u iii Avini iii i . .iv-iuii r Liuui .i i j i iiii mmi ways, we win sen rne pianos ana win remain a lew days Jonger. V.E VILL REMAIN ONLY A FEW DAYS TO CLOSE OUT THIS CAR Every Piano Guaranteed YOTT TAKE NO RISK. You know that we sell the most famous and world re nowned makes of Pianos and that every instrument m guaranteed to be perfect and to give perfect satisfaction We Want 15 Homes IN WHICH TO STORE PIANOS ."May we store a piano in your home? All we ask is that you take good care of it. You can use it as much as you like, in fact, it will be yours for the time being. INVESTIGATE THIS STORAGE OFFER. Your best chancetosave You can always buy a Piano and a good one, too, and-you Will no doubt pay a very large profit. Wc are giving you the profits in this great sale and advertising test, and it's your one best chance to own a fine piano for LITTLE MONEY 1 o Pay $1.25 a Week. Pay 19c a Day. Music in the home DON'T BE WITHOUT A PIANO Xothing is more elevating than music nothing more f-ootbing or ennobling. You certainly appreciate the fact that every home should have a Piano. The children will learn to be musicians and will become better prepared to meet the battles of life. Pay $6.00 a Month. Opportunity comes but once Probably not again CorX years and years will yea have the opportunity to nor- T chase the world's most ax& Mis makes of Pianos at sack 4? low prices. Better invest AN OPPORTUNITY, HERE IS THE CERTIFICATE CUT THIS OUT WOItTII $30 PAY AS YOU LIKE 9 GOOD FOR I QTfjtrtp Bolters 1 cs firm payment on a piano at special baio trices if presorted on or before April 5, 1910. EIT.ERS IMAXO 1IOISK Weeks & Me Gowan Co. Tribune. Bring this Advertising Test Certificate with you select any piano In our stock. Wo will accept this certificate as first payment on the pano. You make your payment one month later. $2.00 FOR $1.00 Should you dcslro to pay any cash, In addition to this certificate, we will glvo you a recoipt for $2 for ovcry dollar you pay up- to $30. EXAMPLE: Present this Certificate and get a receipt for $30.00 lYtticnt this Certificate and pay $5 in cash and get a receipt for $40.00 rreteat tills Certificate and pay $10 Iu cash pud get a receipt for $50.00 lrecut this Certificate and pay $15 in caUt and get a receipt for $00.00 Present tlila Certificate and pay $20 in cash and get a redept for $70.00 l'rueitt this Certifirat and pay $-3 in cash and get a recoipt for $80.00 Present this Certificate aud jxiy $.10 In cash and get a receipt for $00.00 EILERS PIANO HOUSE MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS TERMPORARILY LOCATED AT WEEKS & M'QOWAN'S. SMALLPOX QUARANTINES ALL PLEASURE RESORTS SEATTLE. Wnsh.. April 2. Tho suhools, BnlooiiB, billiard nnd pool rooms nro nil closed in Chiuloston, tho imvy-ynrd town, bocauso of eight onsoa of smnllpox which have uo volopod. All Cliarloaton pupils in tho Union high school havo boon orderod to stay away from school until fur ther notio. Roma norfions boliovo tho onidomio wftB Btartod by sailors from tho orulsor WnBhington, now nt tho nnvy-ynrd, whioh was qiinrnntinod for somo time for smallpox following its rotum from tho Oriont. Johnson Files Well. ALAMEDA. Col.. April 2. Aftor ono suoocssful flight in n Curtiss bi plane, nvintor Frank JohnBon was oorapollod to forogo further flights boonuBO of tho breaking of tho noro plano'a stooring goar. JohnBon flow from tho Noptuno gnrdons to Enoinol olub boat Iioubo, a diatnnoo of noav ly threo-quartora of a milo. H"is av- orngo hoight of flight was OU rent. On returning to tho field ho groundod hard and a gust of wind twistod off tho ruddor, Johnson will continuo his flights tomorrow. There was only a small attendance today. BASE BALL Sunday, April 3 At Medf ord Ball Park Medford vs. Jacksonville GAME CALLED 2:45 P. M. Grand Stand 40c Bleachers 25c Are You Ready To Commence SPRAYING Swift's Arsenate of Lead- Just received, two cars of Swift's Arsenate of Lead, and one car of far Aphis Spray. We are preporal im fill orders promptly and at the lowNrt pricc tkme goods were ever sold for. Vor sale by J. A. PERRY i