MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, APRIL 3. H)10. i M 1 I 1 PACIFIC COAST 18 .YUKON AWAKENS OPEN TO ATTACK TO SPRiNG'STOUCH Animal Insurance Wo Insuro Horsos ami Cnttlo Analnst Death From Accident, DIs- east or Fire. NATIONAL LIVESTOCK INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, 5. E. Tull, Audit, Moilforil. VOTEIN MARYLAND A Legislature In Late Session Bars No erocs From Voting at Town, City and Stato Elections Rapid Work en Part of Solons. Poor Protection Will Be Given by Battleships During the Summer Months, According to Plans of the Department of the Navy. Great Strides Will Be Mado Along Commercial and Industrial Linos This Year Many Investments Aro Planned. NEGROES CANNOT ii ,ii mi gw iiiiiiiiiMi Mn-nw ' l , llj ANNArOLlS, Md., ..April 2. Af ter nn all-night session, tho Mary land legislature today passed a law prohibiting negroes from voting m town, city and stato elections in Maryland. The bill was supported nd opposed strietly on party linos. Tho measnro was introduced last night in tho course of a "sleepy" session. With its introduction things began to move quickly and in spito of all that opponents of tho bill could do, tho measure waX referred to a committee, which reported it back to tho houso favorably after a brief recess. Three hours after the bill was re ported out of XiommHtco tho measure was passed. HIT WITH AN INKSTAND; MINISTER MAY DIE BDDA PEST, April 2. The con dition of Count Sernaie, minister cf agriculture, who was struck by n heavy inkstand during a riot in the chamber of deputies recently, con tinues to bo unchanged. His condi tion is serious and it isTielieved that an operation will be necessary owing to the fact that his skull is fractured. H EZRA MEEKER IS IK WALLA WALLA WASHINGTON, D. C. April 2. Indications aro ' that the Pacific const -will bo poorly protected by a battleship patrol during the coming summer and fall. Four warships now on tho const will bo detailed to South America to participate in the international celebration to bo held at Valparaiso. In addition, all nvnilnblo gunboats probably will bo stationed along the Central Amcricnu cooM during the summer on account of tho internal disturbances in the fVntral American republics. . Tho ships of war which guard tho northern waters, in Alnska and off tho Oregon and Washington ports for tho .most part will be at various navy-ynrds, undergoing repairs, in August, according to Secretary Meyer. Most of "the salesmanship that sells thiugs" begins iu the advertis ing. Sometimes it's completed there sometimes by tho store salesmnn or saleswoman. ' ' If your "big think" just nowis about clothe3, you'll find "thought food" in plenty in thends. DAWSON, Y. T April 2. The Yukon is awakening today. The big spring thaw Jms begun and the dis trict is stretching itself preparatory to a season of activity. Tho Klon dike is preparing to operate' .12 largo dredges and a score of hyd raulic plants on many individual pla cer properties this season. Tho largest now enterprise, the Tread gold, a new company, will build a ditch seven miles long from the north fork of the Klondike, enrryiae 15,000 inches, vnUy a small rivor, to generate power for tho lift ing of water for hydraulic purposes to hich levels. Ono hundred and fifty tons of material, including two steam shovels, were taken to the property this week. Tho Northern Light & Coal com pany is putting on lnrgo crows lo comploto a $3,000,000 power plant. Twenty-five hundred tons of ma chinery will reach hero in June from England. The Five Fingers Coal company is investing several millions in opening its colleries and building boats. Dawson people nlono are spending !?250,000 this year in developing quartz. Pioneer Who Is Trekking Over Trail of the Ws Reaches Walla Walla en His Long Trip to the East. WALLA WALLA, Wash., April 2. Ezra Meeker, who in 1S98 trav eled from Pnget Sound to Washing ton, D. C, and Now York City over tho old Oregon trail, followed by un augrants in the early days, and who last month started from The Dalles to make the trip a second time with an ox team, arrived in Wnlla Walla late yesterday. Meeker, who is 80 years of age, is going over the old Oregon trail a second time for the purpose of find ing out the, best places to plnnt the iron posts which arc to mark the path of the early pioneers. Aviator Killed. SAN SEBASTIAN, Spain, April 2. M. Le Blonde, a French aviator, was killed hero today. His machine fell today and struck on the rocks ef the seashore. ' FIGHT DUajllEWYBH Police Have No Clue to Identity of Successful Duellist Who Escaped Chauffeur Witnesses Battle. nnnurn'n nnnv hi BODY FAILS ACROSS i""" ywiDP iwmm pat Lflol Kto I Inb rLfUt IllllLi MIIINIUU uni Mere Chance Prevents Wildcat From Taking Life of Boy In Charge of Whistle Wire on Log Chute. SEASIDE, Or., April 2. Attacksd by a wildcat while in charge 'of a whistle wire at ond of the log chutes of tha Seaside Lumber & Manufac turing company, Willie- Sellors, a boy, fainted, fell across the wire and sounded a blast that brought rescue. Tho prolonged whistle attracted the attention of Foremnn Ankeny of Lamp .No. J., who immediately start ed for tho chute to investigate the trouble. When 200 yards away he saw the big cat on the bnck of the prostrate boy endeavoring to clnw through his clothing to the flesh. Ankeny happened to be armed and killed the cat with a single bullet. The story was brought to Seaside today by F. H. Laighton, a member of the company, who says that Yount Sellers would . surely have fallen across tho summoned help. wire and thus Simple Services Held in Leaven worth, Kan., Where Body was In terredGreat Crowd Meets Body. LEAVENWORTH, Kan., April 2. The fuueral of David Josiah Brewer, late associate justice of the supreme court of tho United States, wns held hero shortly before noon today. Tho body was interred ;n the family plot at the Mount Muucie cemetery, beside that of his first wife and his daughter. The fuuerul service, which wns ex tremely simple, was held in tho Con gregational church here, of which h" was one of the founders. When tho train arrived bearing the body from Washington n great crowd of his friends wero at the station. They formed into a procesnion and followed the body to the church. BUSY TIME WITH POLICE- COURT CASES Mnyor Canon spent n busy hour been killed had his full weight not for two Saturday morning ndjudicnt- NEW YORK, April 2. The police admitted today that they have no lew to the identity of a Frenchman who early yesterday morning fought & .duel with a fellow-countryman on tfce east side water-front, killed bis adversary and escaped. The fight was witnessed by a chauffeur who was driving past an apartment Shortly before he passed the en trance to the houso the Frenchmen atepped from the doorway, pistols k- hand. They paced fivo paces aeb, then wheeled and fired, one of tbera falling mortally wounded. Without waiting to see what ef fect his bullet had had on his vic tim, the unwounded Frenchman iickly stepped inside the house. The police were called, but those fi charge denied that any French -naa resided there. The body of the dead dueliat has not been identified. OYS PLAY PRACTICAL JOKE OH, FRESHMEN SEATTLE, Wash., April 2. Irate frwtaen at the University of Wash fcgton are seaicbing for tho sopho Horea who unhitched two delivery kersea yesterday, led them into the freshmen quarters in the boys' dor mitory and tied them to the bed peats of Leon Booker and Claud Bo wwd, two first-year men. A driver tot the eity dye works, whose, horses were used for the April fool joke, is jetalaiT tha freahmen in the search. GREAT RUSH ON TO MINING CAMPS Great Excitement Prevails in Juneau Over Rich Placer Discoveries on Upper Reaches of Taku River. TACOMA, Wash., April 2. Ac cording to advices received here to day from Juneau, the excitement over tho rich placer discoveries in the upper reaches of the Taku river, continue. A great rush to the new fields is on. Canadian Customs Agent Busby has just returned from an investi gation of the new mining region, which is on Canadian soil. lie stat ed that the Dominion government would establish a relief station and a customs office on the boundary. A big rush of Canadians is expected as soon as the steamer makes it pos sible to reach the district without effort. FOR SALE-Good for sale. In quire at West Side Livery. A. B.Tull. ma the cases beforo him. II. Ilea plead guilty to being drunk and somo noisy. Ho was mulcted in tho sum of $20. He(n) only had ten and he was released on tho deposit of this installment with the promiso that the balance would be collected should he nppear again. J. Laiden, plnin drunk, paid $10 and hit tho high places. Charles Weed was given ten dnys' exerciso on tho city streot. He was too strong to work. John Dowling received the same sentence. David Barry was sentenced to pay n fine of $20 or work ten days on the street. Dave didn't have the twenty, and, much as ho disliked to do it, had to agree to tho ten days on the city thoroughfares. An Easy Way to Get Breakfast Jut a few General Electric Utcn3j will en able any housewife to stay In bed another half hour in tho morning. Put cereal in the cooker and coffee in the percolator the night before. In the morning turn the switch, electricity iv31 get breakfast read)" provided your 'louse u wired for electric light. Let us tell you all the particulars Rogue River Eleciric Company 03 y "iff' H 9S Here Are Some Fine Business Chances BLACKSMITH SHOP, doing good business. GENTS' CLOTHTNO STORE; good lease and snap at price asked. OTHER OPENINGS we do not care to advertise. CHOICE BUSINESS LOTS FOR SALE AT $67.00 -PER FRONT FOOT. Rogue River Land Co. 11 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE The New Oxfords Are GOING FAST THERE MUST BE A REASON Our immense stock of new spring Oxfords is catch ing the public eye, and wo aro certainly doing a fine business. All the most wanted shapes and styles in 'all widths and sizes of new spring Oxfords are hero. See them soon. CM. ItIDD THE FOOT-FITTER. ELECTRIC PARR IIMIIIIMIIIUMIWHIIHIIIBBIWIIIIHIPIIIUM l H MIBMMMMWjMMMBWWMMMWMi Adjoins tho county seat, Jacksonville; 20 minutes' ride by train or auto from Medford. This beautiful wooded tract contains 650 acres of land, com manding a magnificent view of Medford and tho valley. It is proposed to in corporate a company, capitalized at $65,000, with 650 shares or stock at $.100 per share. After incorporating, it is proposed to plat and subdivide the grounds into acre tracts, plant it to fruit, best adapted to the soil, and sell it at an average price of $500 per acre, on easy terms. Each share of stock rep resents one acre, and for a short time stock will be sold for $100por share, $10 cash and $5 per month for 18 months. This stock is not for sale as a whols at $100 per share, nor at the rate of $100 per acre. Tho company proposes to realize much more out of it for the stockholders. Over fifty of Medford 's live booster business men have already invested. Two hundred more booster in vestors are wanted to purchase one share only each. The combined boosting of this Electric Park bunch will make a populous suburb to Medford, make hundreds of beautiful homes, make an hourly serv ie on Barnum's railroad, and make its stockholders a handsome profit. For further information inquire at Office, 209 West Main Street. GOLD RAY REALTY CO. 209 West Matin Street Medferd, Oregon Medford Iron WorRs E. E. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in Southorn Ore gon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & OO. DRIVERS that know the country KISS that cover the country QUICKIjV AND WITH COMl' Mrr TO you auk aiavu'h to ik FOUND A1 Till-: FAULOJV & IKWNI.VO, lMlOl'UIKTOIlB. WEST SIDE STABLES ruoNis aiai b. ohai'i: htukkt For Sale 610 acres of Good Fanning Land at $35.00 nor aero. Being situated three miles west of that nlaee and near the government irrigation canal. This land is selling at a BARGAIN and now is your timo to IN VEST. For particulars write Harry Moon P. O. Address German town, Calif. On theso you must act quick, as thoy aro bolow actual valuos. S 140 acres, good location; 10 Oaercs choice fruit land; 78 acres bearing trees; good improvements. This ranch will show good income. Price $70,000, terms. T 400 acres, fine alfalfa and fruit ranch; 50 acres in al falfa; 40 acres in 3-ycar-old apple trees; fine build ings; private irrigation system; in excellent local ity for raising stock also. Price $25,000, terms. V 11.95 acres, all set to fruit, right varieties, in ago from .1 to 20 years. Price $.15,000. W 11.60 acres, all m fruit; 574 Ncwtowns 4 years old, 175' Bosc peal's 4 vears old, 80 Bartlott pears 4 voars old. Price .$8400. 3 Fino lot, 50x175 feet, two blocks from Oakdale pave ment; lot lies high; 14 bearing apple trees. Price for short time, $450. 13 Lot, 100x285 feet, South Central avenue; G-room box house; 45 bearing fruit trees; cast front. Price $1COO, easy terms; a good buy. 1 New 5-room modern houso; plastered; two porches; cement walks; sheds, woodshed, largo barn. Price $2500; $1450 cash and balance one year at 0 por cent. 100x100 feet, with two residences; only three blocks from now depot to cost $40,000; will sell this at $4200; renting now at good interest on investment; time on part; good business location. Pierce, Shepherd & Co. 128 EAST MAIN STREET. L J -I. f , Good Buys In Real Estate IT WILL PAY THE BUYER TO INVESTIGATE FIRST We hav city property of all kinds. SECOND We have orchard tracts of all kinds. TJHTlRD We have cultivated land of tho best qual ity in Rogue River valley, Roseburg, Eugene and Willamette valley. FOURTH Wo have largo traots of unimproved lands in and about Rogue River valley that we will sell in large or small tracts to suit the purchasor, Jackson County Realty Co. Street Number 604 Wwt Teith. Phone 141, Gome and see our holdings. Wo also have modern rooms to rent. v 3 4