Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 03, 1910, SECOND SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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Ooe. do"0
Sermon by
Pi(or Btooklyn
"Me led forth a multitude of
captive and gave tfifti unto men''
(Epliciiam iv, 0).
Allcntown, I'm. Murch 27.As Chris- mankind. Am perfection In gradually
considerable npaco has lnlervu.ifd bie
Iwcon our Lord triumphant resur
rection and UHl'CllSloll Hill) tliu evi
dences of his vJyiory, wlilyla arc fob
lowing after lilm, Of the great King
uC Ulury himself, let us remember Unit
after lio hud Mirrored by the will of
Uod, "tho- Jiiut for thu unjust," Unit
lio might net mankind free from slu
und dcuth, bo wild "highly exalted and
given a namo above every name." IIu
wan mndo "parUtker of the dlvlno mi.
lure." lie wan no longer n limn, fur
"Klenh and blood cunuot Inherit tliu
Kingdom of God" (I Corinthians xv,
M). True, bo mill hriH as one of Ills
mnny titles, The Hon of man, which
Identifies him with our nice and tho
work which ho Is lu tho process of no
coiupllshliig for It mid which he will
mil ..... .. A.lnl.i.wl II... .,1 ,,.. .1... I..... ... I
"""' luiniiHHn i hit rrniirrrcuiMi o " " iiihii".i' finish during his Mlllcurilul rcltrn Wo
tho Lord Jesus Christ, It Is appro- KrnduaUy abate, while all of the uro rciMhl(k.d by lll0 A,,OHtJo tlmt ljc.
prlahi that our hearth nnd minds "i hs will bo destroyed In tiie wn( m t0 dont , tlj fl,.Hh ,,,
should Intelligently grasp tho slgnM- Hcc0"V " wo see tho 1)1- uu,d0 nllvo In spirltwi spirit Mug. Ho
cancu of tho event eo omornted. M. "?wh of IIim resurrection of tho Uled llM M , Ul,K , tJl0 vell Hu
li'iwl 11 tut 1 1 11 nti ti Ir i lit f it il I I... I I I . . . .... - . .
mmm Mu mii um.hh;imi.hh"iu i iuiil u uiiTru iu nu runurrccuon or Uiu wuivM Am thn rtmrriVu ttomi
....... inn viiuuiiiiiv nuiu- viiiu (i ixirinimnu xr, l-j-iu). veil and now ahortlv ha
i, i.. hi in ii.iy .or,.... it rv.rii.i,i...tu ... ' ao nuoruj, an
... u .7" " r ' "Out Now I. Chrlit RU.n." with him and an the necond
"r-., " ThoALOHtloanrmm ."If U,odemlrlHo, tho K'lorlous triumphal proci
11 .... .V I 111V UIU.lUk lllllfc llll i
Nitluily itcml piiNM IniiiHillntely to i;lory
and tho uuKulutly to 1'urKiitory or to
eternal torture,
AcconlliiK tn the OoNpel of Chrlut,
of which Ht. Paul declare that he
wiin not iihIimiiiixI, the dead are to be
ruti'Kiiii'il ii u thoiiKh they were nnleep
at rent from all the commotion and
turmoil nnd Htnfe, Itrnorunce and mi
perMtltlon and Mii and trouble Inctdiuit
to the prciieut relcu of Bin and death
They have truly entered Into rent.
whether they were niiliitu or nln
nem. When the time for their awak
euhiK Htm It have come In the Milieu
st!n I uiorutiiK of ClirUt'n relxn of rljjht
eoiuueiiM, MtirroitiiIlii(r conditions will
bo very different from what they nro
today, thank dixit Then Kntan will
be bound, the Hlblo aHNUre tin (Itev
elation xx, 13), ami tho l,noranco and
upemtltlon. rielllnlineM and crime,
which have for centurion marked hit
rt'lu'n will Rrndually draw to n clone,
.....4 .... ... .. . I m
i i .... .. "Hi" ...... t'l.l Hl.i. iwi.n IIIFinr, iir lllllur low.iui. nHA.. . ..... II... ,.!..... ..1.1,.
i ii ill ti L'reai mri-im 1 nun tint roxi r- ... . .. ... vncmuiu uiu uura muu
ri-cllon of the dead deelnrli that If ' 1,10 IL'T wore uiuglil tll0 vcn p r t i0,n(. wn ..M0WI)
r iiioi or uie ileaii, UcclarinK that ir UM y tH, mtHty (nun(oim ot ,nen . ,.orruntlo i raUed In lueorriititloii'
then, be no rcMurroctlon of the dead from tho "dark nm" And thu w. -rrupuo 11, ramtii in u corruption,
- " ... V. ,.A'?..""" , u "f'wu lu dishonor, raised In Klory:
.... ... u ,,, .,.v U1 ,,, ! lJIU mn)uvn worn .own a linllirul bodv. rained a Ni.Irltunl
I ' ' ' ' "
not," If that In an Imiiotoilblllty no far will follow "the Church which la IiIh
as tho world lu Keneral 1 concerned, Body," sharers with him lu the I-'lrat
then It In an luipimulblllty uo far aa eurrecuou. urn uriue.
Christ Is concerned. And "If Christ Next lu processional order following
bo not risen," then nil hope, all faith, the Itrldo class, the "very elect," will
In valu. And all preaching Is not only eonie the "Kreat colnifony" from every
foolish, but worse. (Heo I Corinthians nation, people, kindred and tongue, tho
xv. M.) "Itut now 1h Christ risen from honored servinits of the heavenly
the dead and become tho llrst fruits nrldcgrooui and llrlde. "The virgins
of them that slept" Tho mora awak' her companions" (i'salin xlv, 11), will
cning from sleep, as lu tho caso of follow after the llrlde Into the pros
Ijirjirmi Ilnr.-uu inul i.ili..r lu l.n. I oiici nf Uio erent Ktnif Jelinvnli. Next
left out of the Uesttou, Nothing is in processional order will come the j
counted as resurrection except the Ancient wortim-H irom laitniui Abel
full, complete raising up out of death, down to John tho Ilaptlst, the greatest
Our Lord was tho "first that should of tho prophets. Hut theso will como
rise from the dead" (Acts xxvl. 2.'I). lu forth from the tomb In human porfee
this full sense. And ho was a first Hon and not In the spirit perfection of
fmlts, or proof, that others still sleep- those preceding (Hebrews xi, 38-10:
Ing will como forth by Dlvlno Tower Matthew xl, 11). in their human per
to tie exercised by him in tho resur- fectlou similar to that of Adam before
rectlon morulng-the Millennial morn his transgression, plus their develop
lug. The Church will be the next lu incut In faith and obedience, these will
order-slio Is to bo the ISrldo-Consort constitute a llrstf raits of Israel and of
for the glorious Messlah-KIng will tint of t,ltt 0r?nt K"K nntl tu participate the world of mankind. Under their j
permit them. Ills relgii. on tho con- . K,0"ou" wori 01 "V u, uiu K.or..
uiiiiiK me race wmcu ten irom me I ucjunu uiu un, m num u. ,
Dlvlno Imago Into slu and iftnth restitution and upllftlug the cnpUres J
through father Adam. Tho rcdemn- f slu and death will progress until
tlou-prico has been provided in the I "t the close of that thousand years of
death of Jesus; and tho tlmo for be- tho reign of righteousness, every hu
ginning tliu gn-at work of "restitution man being of loyal character will be
of all things" merely waits until the completely froed from the Iwndage tf
completion of the election of the aalnt- !u uud death and Imperroctlon nnd,
Ir Church (Acta 111. 10-21). with the Ancient Worthies, will march
(...., a u.j-. Kfaud procession Into the pros
Troftnhlni .... fltn rinv at Tin. . jva . I
at P..i..r ...... i i I - Krvin ui.iii-.-iin.-r uuu in-
Christ from tho dead. Then in proof ,v?r w 11 ,",ot m? VreHl? ,hc Knln,t-
lluif II. Im -.. II... nirl... I..t....ih.n ' viiun-ii uiiuHcuw uii.i
from the beginning, he ipiotes from M,fon'U I t"er In love, but
tho prophetic 1'salm of David. "Thou 1 k,,,w,."u wl" ,ll!r",e1 n" wh" ,,u .f
.ha.! not leave my sou. in The 1., UZ
trary, will be market) with tho true
ciillglitauiuuut of nil mankind; and tlrv
result will bo. as foretold; namely,
"Kvery kuw shall Ikiw nnd every
tongue confess to the glory of God
(Isaiah xlv, 23).
Oniduatly the world will bo brought
to an IMeulc condition, In harmony
with tho Dlvlno promise. Indeed, this
work may be said to bo already be
ginning. Almady, by artesian wells
nnd Irrigation processes and highways
of travel and good roads and intcllt
gent cultivation of Ileitis, tho earth he
gins to bloom and tho wilderness nnd
solitary place to he glad, as foretold
br the nronhet (Isaiah xxxv. D.
Under these blessed conditions "All a ....i.iin w- No wonder tho Scriptures declare
that aro lu their graves shall hear the thr Gretu; , whIch' tho tll VZA
vnlrn nf It... Km. nf tnnn nml hIiiII mm.. ... s'. ..... "He shall SCO of the tniVall of Ills
,h" j,;i, r.'aC imt nil aV once. , blch Z woni'uroir "u M"'
nui -livery man in ins own omer- ii ot)y worA remjerrtj htll through- And av a' Unt0 M"
corinimam xv. mo sainuy oe- out tho entire Old Twtament. AM tho blessings which. In Cloil's
Jlovers, who alone nre fully pleasing i nn, ,)0t Htntlng this as something providence, nro not coming to the
to noil, win como rorin in me i-imi. now, nlthough I nui contldont that it ("hurch during this Oospo! Ap and
or enter, or prereranie. uesurrection- Muw , mimy of niJ. hcann mA t0 n tm. ,u.8tigs that In the Millennial
como forth perfect, on tho spirit plane. mimy of ,llu t.Keen millions who will Ago will flow to natural Israel, "tho
llko unto tho angels and like unto their na(l Inj. ,jSCOurse In tomorrow mom- rebellious also," nml all the blessings
glorlllcd Itedeemcr, to be his Joint- M..0 vnvfVt, Kor tjl0 Hni of 8Uch, I that will tlow through Israel nnd Its
noirs in ins .Millennial iiiiiguum nun
its great work of rosuscltntlug, in
tructlng nnd ruling nnd uplifting alt
the "groaning" families of tho earth
(Ilomans vlll, 22). Thus will bo fill
filled God's promlso to the spiritual
Beed of Abraham, "In thy Seed shall
nil tho families of tho earth bo bless
ed" (nalatlans 111, 20). Gradually, after
dealing with the living nations to some
extent, tho sleeping world will be
Awakened, "..very man lu his own
order" (I Corinthians xv, 23).
Our Lord assures us thn t alt except
tho saintly few will como forth from
tho tomb that they may have n resur
rcctlou-n raising up out of sin mid
death conditions to righteousness, to
the imago of God that was lost by
note tho fact that lu tho morning of New Covenant to all the families of
our LonVs resurrection, ho said to the earth, proceed directly or Indirect
Mary, "Touch mo not; for I am not ly from tho great victory which our
yot ascended to my Kather and your Lord Jesus pained over sin nnd death.
Father; to my Owl, and your God" Our text nnd context, as well as the
(John xx, IT). I remind them further I'salm from which the quotation is
of tho language of tho so-called Alios- made, bears out this thought. It Is
ties' Creed, which la coming more uud becnuso our Lord descended, because
nioro Into vogue with all donomlnn-1 ho left tho heavenly glory, nnd be
lions and which declares, "He do-1 cause, lu harmony with the Father's
ecuded Into hell and rose again tho will, our Itedeemcr left tho courts of
third day." In n version of this creed I heavenly glory and humbled himself to
published by the Presbyterian Hoard becomo a man, and then "humbled
of Publication of Philadelphia, a foot himself to death, and oven tothedeatli
noto very properly explains that the I of the cross." that hut exaltation enmo
word ncM hero used Is, In tho Greek. las a reward of his loynlty to tho Kn
hades, which signifies the state or con-1 ther's will.
dltlon of death. Ami In tho Dlvlno Plan It Is becnuso
I rilllMl.lnP MllM fl rnri llMISlt-tt.1. I,.,..- I l.l. m..ui,-aaI.i I.A.I.. ,...l nink..
1.1 1.n. - nil., if ..-III " . """ "-"
.. ..,... .. . ,,, ......... ,cr wlc Mim b0 ,muIu wt,e. rownrd blcasiiiB Ills earthly body
and obedient, hey recel o Goi a known, becnuso of tho false conception and nature and rights had not boon
g ft of eterua 1 1 f o I ' Johu C rU of Af ,mn(,lH, own ,0 UH ,rmiBh our ftrfiCt tu ,Hsbedlenco-tliat ho
, "LI Z .T. crU fuul ! "Inrk ages," md the latter with all its privileges to
;"'"";". '; VtZ . mm Minco u 8"t-.rprotntloi of shcvl bestow upon Adam's dead and dying
Hired, will b cut off from Uro on rely m, Au,, hlB K,veu ,Q l0 of
In tho Swond Don h (Acta II. 10-il) Uc ,id-tho Impresslou that these ,ice. tlrst Imputedly. on behalf of all
In speaking of tho world's resurrec- ,onlH slim fv a nhico of tortur... All .i..i... .....iui.T.. ... i.i.
tlon our Itedeemor designates it a res- tuu jB wholly false, as overv Greek L... m.. .1 1.
urroSll?m.,,JJl,lK!,,.,t?o",y,u,!!.l,'.,, n,,,, n,!i,row Bchoinr kmw ,uui-,r w vm?
v, 28, 2i Messiah's rlKlueous ju Ig cross-auestloned will admit. It is an pU,imire, counted us his members and
inents will then bo nbroad lu the important iiueat on to tho nubile be- ...........i,.u 1... i.. 1.. .0 n..
- " - 1 vwiiiiiiiiniin ftt tuu tan wiii iiiiiii7 w
, ' " "V '" yu.u m o iiiioneeiiiiuu or uio mean- this end tho llrst gifts were bestowed
as clear aa tho noon-day hu 11. Kvery ig 0f the word hell Is driving huu- nt IVntecost; and nil of Hlnillar class
cood deed and endeavor will receUe dreds, yea thousands nway from God ummghout this age have had qppor-
ria reward and every wilfully ov l am away from tho Ublo. They cor- tunlty for participation therein. Ad-
doed will recelvo chastlseinentB, cor- rectly reiiHon that tho teaching that .im,.,,Mi.. ..if.- ..c i...i..f..i...u .....1 1...
tho elect Hody shnll bo comploto
(Kpheslaus iv, 11-13).
Soon these gifts and blessings and
rectioi to ho "tent that thoy may our Creator foreknow and Intended a 8trUc,0 IMi nsl8tnnco were provided
earn the advantages of tho way of Ml of torture for his crea turea Is be- ,,irough Ul0 ,u,osUo8( wratorSi' )H8tor8
ho llness a ml go up hereon to Ufo oter. yoni concpptlon, beyond belief, and nml u.nchortl of tho churchlfor tho
mil, which tho wil ing and obedient manifestly untrue, as no holy being qUnllncaU,m of thuH0 Hll,ntly footatep
may reach by the closo of tho MiUoii- could bo no unjust, unkind, unloving. f0,owers for tho work of service in
n w J 'V .', V LT r.1"" bulhlliiK up the Uody of Christ, until
JLIIIl.Uil kl.V .Ufl.Wh Jk.I..UI, ...U t.i.n .... ...u bivmio mill I1U1
Lord declares that many of tho world- with tho Illblo that tho Itlblo teaches
ly who now sleep In tho dust of the a hell, ahtol, hadtt, Into which nil go,
. A.. ......It ..!.... n...l tv..1. nAn.l ,,,.,1 ...til Wy...i '...l.l.k 1.
oufUl HllHll i tiiiiu tuu uiiiu ouuuiw nun uvvu wwu .. w.,u, ...... uiu niuwu nil nrlvllcir08 uow crnnted lllld llliniltpd
lasting Wo can, readily real- will bo culled forth in tho resurrection lonlU S
l, .1... al, .1,,,. ...Ill l.n Mw.lra TnnnitiiL' l.v thn own Itmlnnmnp I 10 Ul? u"' 00 " mugvr IlCClimi
tho light of full knowledge shall pro- "Lodlna Captivity Cptlv."
.mi 1 mi iii, ui uiuu ,mBW nimii ouiii.i A bettor trituslutlou reads, "Our Lord of tho Millennial Kingdom, and thcmselvea and to othors U8cended ou high leading n n)ultlUido of through Israel tho gift of tho New
in Its true eo ors. o con well un- COpUvos." Theso worils nro a pou pic- Covouaut (Jeremluli xxxl, 31), will bo
dnrn til nd hnt tlila will hi-lntr Miilnmnt' a . i ..... . .: ........'..'..
w "" " uro reiircseuuuB n greiu iving ns a oesiowou upon mo uiooii-oougni worm,
to mauy now highly eateoined amongst Oonoueror roturnlnir from o vlotnrv irrnntlnir to thotn Indlvldimllv thn nn.
I70n' v.11.1!1 w. cnn rJlco m t,u ovor an oppouent. Tho victor rodo In portunity of recoverlug from all tliolr
umuKiH mm uiu fluiiuiiui.ii luuguom R chariot at tho head of tho proces- delllemont aiid linperfoctloii.
then to bo In powor will doai gracious- Bj0( iUrrouuded by trumpets and no- Let us ttiun hall this great Kcdoomor
ly wiui an. 'xno stripes or punisii- clalmcra, and bohlnd him followed tho nnd Deliverer Lord of n Let us bov
mont will bo tomporod with mercy; ovldencoa. tho nroofs of his victory our hearts to him now and voluntnrlle
and gradually by tholr cluingo of char- ejthor thoso whom ho hud canturod nut on tho voko of his service nnd suf.
actor tho contotnptlblo ones will censo Uud onslayqd or, as in this enso, thoso for with him "outside tho camp," thur
fi n Anlnnmllliln Tim,w I I..... ........ ........... ...... . . i I .... ... . m
. v. v... ........ u. lVjlu uuu ui-uu uiniuueu uuu vusiuveu wo miiy uo iiecuuiiieii Avoriuy ir buu"-
power of grace and Truth now opornt nnd whom tlio Conquoror had sot frco, ing with him In tho glorious work of
Ing In tho Church will bo equally force- The picture in graphic and wondor- his Millennial Kingdom as his JRrldo
iui wien, operating upon mo wona.or ful. notwithstanding the fact that a land Jolnt-helr (nebrows xlll, 11-13),
Now is the time to purchase
Orchard Tract
in the famous:
This famous bearing Orchard has been sub-divided into small
tracts, which are now being sold at reasonable prices. If you
are looking for positively the best thing in the northwest in a
' small orchard, this is your chance to get in right. ,
Most Profitable Investment .
"Well informed business people from all parts of the United
States and Canada are looking to the JKogue Kiver valley for safe
investments. Years of experience in buying and selling orchard
laud fits us the better for supplying investments that will yield
large returns. Our properties have proven worth. "We can assure
you that you take no risk when you purchase one of the 30 to 100
acre orchard tracts located in the famous Eden Valley orchard.
We sell tracts to suit, planted to the best commercial varieties of
h bearing trees. You are assured of a splendid income the first
year. We can state positively that this is the best chance for sol
id, sound investment to be found in America. A high-class bear
ing orchard of proven worth is certainly a more profitable invest
ment than waiting for trees to grow on land that never produced
fruit. You are sure of big returns almost at once, either as a grow-
;. er or uy re-seinng. uomo ana let us snow you.
Secure an Income At Once ;
A Small hftnrinn" nivlmWl Tlnilfn1 fr flm 1-inef nn
ft jr,VM VV,V. WU VUV UWOU Kt J 1UU1CJ. Viltll iV itX 1 13" '
ties of trees, will provide the most fascinating as welWhealtiirul
and profitable employment, and insures an income of 'from" $500 to
$1000 per acre each year. Here is solid investment, and the inj '
, come or jirofit from salo is sure. ?." M " '
Magnifcent Homesites
You can buy as many acres as you desire, build a home on '
?, cTonnd commandino: a view of tho onrirn vnlW-
trie light and power, telephone, daily mail, and live within easy
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Medford. A climate unsurpassed anywhere.
A small investment in an
Eden Valley Orchard Tract
; will make you independent for life
John D
Exhibit Building
Medfordj Oregon
s '.,H