nmm WHaii Medford Tribune UNITED VtlVm ASSOCIATION Full Leaned Wire Report. " Tho only pnpor In tho world published In a city tho site ot Mcdforc having a longed wire FIRST SECTION PAGES 1 TO 8 .IOTTH YEAR. MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 1910. No. 11. Wl ATT MAIL BANK DEPOSITS li POSTAL $21,344 TOTAL FOR PAST YEAR Postmaster Woodford Duo for An other Boost In Salary Postal Flo eclpts for Past Quarter Surpass Even Thoso of Quarter Including. Christmas Great Strides Made. and postoffice m 1 $363,000 IN 00 DAYS: RECEIPTS GROW 54 PER CENT i T I STEHDr 6 RDWTH no Tho qunrtor which jiiHt cloned wan ' tlio Inrgottt in uint of receipts over soon by tho locnl postoffico. An in iroaso in Hhotfti uvor nil preceding quartern, oven (hat including Chrmt riina. Tlio receipts for (ho your closing Mnrch 31, 1010, woro $21,11 1-1.85, while far 1000 thoy woro $15,151.81, nn inerciiHo of $ob03.0l, or IIS per cont. Tho InoronHo for Murch, 1(110, ovor March, 1001), wns $7i!7.0, or 54 per cunt. Portland is boosting of a 'J- por cont increase. Tho year cloning in March in til wnye of interest to tho postmaster, for it clones (ho pontoffico your, nnd UK)n tho showing mndo is Limed tho increased salaries. Postmaster Woodford is duo for nnothor raise, hnviug priHHod tlio $'20,000 mnrk. Tho receipts of tho offioo for tho punt yenr hnvo boon: Juno .'10 '...$1,700.00 Soptumbor .10 1,30 1 Dooonibcr 31 , . 5,004.0(1 March 31 . . . . , , . 0,330.(1(1 4--r -r-f-r- -r r Bank Deposits. January, 1000 $l.'.i01,431 .liuiuary, 1010 1,803,508 Mnrch 'JO, 1010... U.220,08-1 Orowtli Binco Jniiunry, 1000, or M months, $005,153, or 7(1 per cont. Growth during pant 00 dnys, $303,01(1, or 10 per cent. Postal Receipts. Yenr ending Mnrch 31, 1000. . .$15,451.81 March 31, 1010... lil.3ll.85 Increase, $5,803.01, or 3S per cont. Mnrch, 1010 $2,007.07 Mnrch. 1000 1.310.77 Increase $727.20, or 51 per cont. Tho quarter just closed passed that ending December 31, 1000. f 4 f f f f & m PER CENT IS 14 MONTHS GAIN 4 t f f 4- 4- f Banks Show Unexpected Growth In Deposits and Reflect Prosperity of City Total Deposits Pass Two Million Mark and Climb Ever Up- .ward and Onward. 25 CENT RATE GRAVEL GRANTED T0L0T0H0RD LEWIS HERE FOR RESEARCH WORK Horticulturist of Oregon Experiment Station Hero to Carry on Work Along Lines of Pollination and Ir 1 rlgatlon Be Hero Some Time. Professor C. I. Lewis, hnrtioul turirit of tho Oregon experiment stu tiou, linn arrived at Medford nnd Is restored at tlio Nash hot rl. Pro- foBHor Lowis in aucoinpauied !y Professor ClmrloH A. Colo, assistant pomologist, nnd by It. W, Iteos, Bpo cial iiHHiHtnnt in research work. Those tnon expect to bo in tho Regno Rtvor valloy for somo littlo limo in oonnoatlon with tho dopnrtmont of hortioulturo in tho Roguo River val loy. Tho work is largely along tho liticR of pollinntion nnd irrigation. Sotto vory fcrntlfyiiiR rosTdta woro Obtained last Bonson, but in accord nnco with (lo polioy of tho depart ment, aro not placod in hiillotin form Until verified by nt lonst two koii SbiiB work. Railroad Commission Grants Per mission to Southern Pacific to Lower Rate on Crushed Stone Tolo to Medford From 60 Cents (o 25 Cents a Ton. Tho sworn statements of Medford banks nt tho close of business on March 20 show an increase in de posits of $303,010 over tho last Htntements published, which wns on Jnnunry 31, 1010, or CO days earl ier. Tho total deposits in Medford passed tho two million mark, now i Aft ttn mi UOWg 9,J-0,00'i. Tho percentile of growth is 10 or $0050 each day, including Sun day a. Tho hugo gain mndo surprised oven tho bankers themselves nnd in no wny is tho growth nnd prosperity of tho city bottor indicated. Tho gniu Biueo Juuunry, 1000, or in 11 months, has been $005,153, or 0 por cent. ' That tho growth hns boon n steady ono is shown by tho following table: Jnnunry, 1005 $ 000,408 January, 1000 720,071 i January, 1007 1,081,034 January, 1008 1,251,180 Jnnunry, 1900 1,201,431 UNCLE SAM TO AID BUILDING OF CRATER ROAD Will G. Steel Back In Portland With Assurances of Ballingers Aid Head of Coast Forestry Depart ment Will Bo Here Soon to Confer With Commission. Keeping Abreast of the Times 50,000 RAINBOW TROUT TO BE PLANTED IN LAKE Medford Near $25,000 Mark Peo ple Scarce Now In City Who Have Not Given Encouraging Word Is Received From Portland. NEW PRESS FOR MAIL TRIBUNE. January, 1010 1,803,508 rr i e. , V Mnrch 20, 1010 2,220,384 f U.mtf f,n,'S fi"J' l ' ' ' hns ngreeo to plnce 50, trout fry in Crntcr Lake m m mm 4 r a. m i. SALEM, April 2.-Au order waM ! IINI I V Nfllfl WfiKN mndo by tho railroad commission jo-' UllULL Ulllil IlnllU day granting tho Southern Pacific company permission to put into im- niodinto effect a special rate of 25 cents a ton on grnvul nnd crushed ' rock between Tolo and Medford to' facilitato strcot imDrovcmeuts. . bimuitancous Raids Aro MatlC on Tho Bhlpments must bo mndo In, Var,ous Fj Q th Country Rny arc back from Portland, where onrload lots of uot loss than 10,000. they called upon General Manager pounds in each car. Tho present rnto. Federal ""Grand Jury Returns O'nrien of tho Southern Pnoific nnd ON DUCKET SHOPS Will G. Steel hns returned from Washington to Portland, bringing assurances of government assistance in building the Crater Lake highway. IIo succeeded in interesting Secre tary Ballinger, Chief Forester Graves and other officials in the project nnd each of them hns prom ised his hearty co-operation. Each of them is also planning to visit the lnko this coming summer. Mr. Chapman, head of tho forestry domrtuimit-on. the conti, is civc.au. ed within a few' days in Modfo'd. where Iia. wil' consu'f with the local commission of the Crater Lake club. Application has been mndc for En gineer ITcidlo's report, , and Mr. ITeidlo will bo sent hero to take charge of tho road building. Mr. Steel accomplished nil that he was sent oast for, and m addition commission 000 rainbow trout fry in Crntcr Lnko. Work on tho Crater Lnko highway KUORcnption is strnniiy progressing nnd tho total is nenrinir tho $25,000 mark for Medford. Over $1000 hns been pledged within tho last two days. It is now hard work for the committee to find any ono who has not given who is willing to give, tho rnnvnss beine quilo comploto. Colonol Frnnk Rnv nnd Dr. C. R. Two-Revolution Whltlock Press for Book and Job Work Installed by Medford Printing Co., the First Large New Press Ever Set Up In Southern Oregon. Giving Them Best-Equipped Plant South of Salem. ROOSEVELT IN ITALY; CLOSELY G UARDING HIM Colonel Lands at Naples, Shakes Hands All Around, Protests Against Guard, Hurls "Liar" at Correspondent and Is Driven ts Hotel In Very Short Time. WELCOMED TO ITALY BY AMERICAN AMBASSADOR HI E OF FAMOUS ALFABERRY SOLD BY TOU VELLE Colonel F. L. Tou Velle Disposes of Famous "Bufck'' Ranch New Owners Secured Great Bargain, for It ts a Splendid Place Another $181000 Sale ?Jade. MASS MEETING OF FRUIT MEN ON WEDNESDAY Roosevelt Cousins CorrespMdMt Who Quoted Him on Political Sub jects to Membership In His Noted Ananias Club. NAPLES, April 2. Colonel Theo dore Roosevelt landed here today from Cairo, was given a reception by prominent Americans, shook hands nil around, made a speech, 'protested against a special police Call Is Issued for All Irchardists. guard given him as a. protection from Interested in the New Association ' membe? of ? "k Hand," de A .nounced a political interview as- to Meet in Medford Wednesday ' false, vreitcrafed bis determination v , li ino talk politics, all within the Next and Talk Matter Over 8hort between tho docking of i tho Prinz Hcinrich nnd his arrival at the hotel. The Frms Hcnincu, bearing the Fruitgrowers Discuss Topics. . . , colonel, ifrs. Roosevelt, Miss Ethol A mass meeting has been called j t- it l o , i The "Uuick" ranch, renowned as it 1 it . ..&. i. . i mo noiao oi iuc aiiaocrry, uas oecn of nii ,i, nv.nr,Yiai nf Ttnmm I sold by Colonel Frank L. Tou Velle I .. . . " ... . S onung. soiu oy toionei rranK u. iou vcue n. ,, . ,., . ,. i v . . to Frank McKec, cashier of the First Rlver va,,oy rom tho Cnllfoa Iinc! Half tho population of Naplw was National bank of Albuquerque, N.I is 00 cents a ton. i Thrco Indictments. PEARY THROUGH WITH ARCTIC EXPLORATION CHICAGO, April 2. Commander Hobort K. Poiry, who arrived In Cht- cauo today, daclnrod ho was posltlroly through with Polar exploration for all tlmo. "I am nbuolutoly at th end of my enroor aa an explorer," ho said. "RoportH that I nin to load anozpodl tlon Into tlio Annrctla roglons nro not truo and I cortalnly do not contom platu another trp to tho ort)i Polo," WASHINOTON, April 1, Consul Alfred J. PloialnB of Yarmouth, .quotes a lioston man who madua trip through tho applo section at Kova Scotln, contracting for some oj tuo iuio crop, as otating mat inuica tlmiH nro for an unusunlly lnrgo ylold, ......... L . n AAA wuicn moans auoiu i,uvu,uuu uurruiu. requested n $5000 subscription for tho highway. Mr, O Rnon was in formed that ho was getting off very AHOIf Is. 11. la ...ill 4l.n Tho crand Jury today returned throo 0r t,ie Tn Ja ...,n ... ... ' .i.- nvo ot least this amount. Mr. Indictments In connection with tho oporntion of "bockot Bhopa" In tho District Of Columbia. Twonty-nlno brokors, mombers at O'nrien took the matter under ad visement and will consult with other officials. Joff Honrd and Dr. J. F. Reddv HEAVY LOSS OF LIFE AND i MUCH PROPERTY DAMAGE OFF THE AFRICAN COAST tho firms ot mice & Co., of nailing I , ti....i.- n. r... ... . ,,' a,.,Ji h'R0 rotumcd from Portland nnd re- l.ftO ill... u. w. . .. . ., ... . Stock Co., of St. Louis aro named In V VV, Mi a l.lllo W AAmnnnlna r.,,Ann OKA IlHriJ 111 UH- w.v, v...... "I'"'" " ! ,1.1 .. T7. .1.. M. - fll..s l...n..I.A..t ,1,A ..no. a.I il,l ' """""""" " .'""" ",u t"l' ""l"","UUl "",V ivtill CaI-a fni.A.Al.1.. ,.f ll.A J-. .11A ..Mdl A II.. lnnnnln(,n ......... .., i.ir ,.,MK. IIIU llVHl, AVlfl II lilt, KM ItKUl iHBliUH I .Jll 1 ... . i, I, ... ,1 u i pnMiiiPou io Niiii Kiinscriluiou " " n - l,Il,o H.l.AM ll.1 i. ..I. l ..l l ;miii.-. IIWV.II mu uvuh iiiuuw oiiiuuiauuuiiD., iuu- t,i,0 , ..t.!...i ....... .,. I.. Va. Vrn.li- llolMmnrA Pl.lln. -" IH.Ui ,ui Wlllllll f " I Inn nnat twn ilnvc aya P K VopLh. City and Washington. Hary Johion, tolograpl.of for Tny- " . " ' """V''. " '" l"'"v W nn.l OI.ni.lnn Allnn tnWrnnW fnr ". ""Ilium. vuiupnil.V, n. ; ;;;; tnX;' ; ,;. 5r p- Clinmplln. nvon Brown, nectlon with tho raids. MS" W' Camnlmn nnd nousto,, Bros. CHARLIE M0NS0N, POPULAR TRAVELING MAN, MARRIED Tho many frioqds of Chnrlos, L. on tho south to Merlin on tho north, ion tlio quay and half of that half M., for $300 an acre. There aro 10 to be held in this city next Wednes-, aPPearca 10 00 Americans. All gave acres in the tract, 30 of which are day, April 0, to discuss the new fruit I !he American statesman an enthus- plnntod to young orchard, tho ro- and produce association. Uastio reception as ho appeared oa y LISBON, April 2. Heavy lossAof lifo and groat proporty dnmago in a yolono is roportod today along tho East Africaii, cbast in n .cnblo't ro colvod horo from tho governor of Mozambique. Moznmbiquo ia a Por iuguoso poHSossion in East Africa. Tlio dispatch says that tho lovol of the son roso 22 fcot uudor a torrifio wihd nnd 'nifihod inland for mnny' lies, inundating tho country. 77 Scores of bodibs already have been, rooovorod from dovnstatod plunta tiona nnd from wreckage - Tho oxtont of fho storm was along 100 milos of const. Tho disaster it ii.- i ii. ..l i '. ....n..i r-..... lim HOYUiUHl linn uiib viauuu iuuiu biquo in 20 yoars. All communication with tin striakon oonst has boon out off nnd, details nro lacking. Itftia. eetiniHtod'.UiM, between 500 nnd 1000 lives hnvo boen lost. Now Yorkers Arrested.' NEW YORK, . April a.-r-Rlcjinrd ProiiBsor, Oliver Itoblnson and .Lewis 1 1 O ,.1 1 .i M.nMA HMAMI.A.t 1. A.. n ..Buu w. u.w.uivu Xr.,A .1.a .-...I. M. day In connoctlon with tho federal """ - ... 4 bucHotshopcrusado. They woro hold, f"r my, will be pleased to to S5,000 bail each. Tho men woro JS n h.w vlT . r y; naniou In Indictments returned by tho Jfnroh 30, to Nellie Pace Mnxon of foderal grand Jury charBlng a con-' ' - t ...I..... K,,M,At .Una uill.llli l Mill" 11 IIUWUpil PJ.....W IU Ui.u.u.v. 4vv, !'". a l.-.l!l M I.-.. 1 li"i iiiu.t ...ill lill'IIUIUlMr, ..llllllgliuni (irAn.Aii anil ia vni iiAlllllni. .1M nm T ATTIO c A... II O . . MTn I . " I I 01. iiuuia. 1111,., iiit.il frr-nt- mi n ... i i. . . . .t .num. Aiioy an join 111 oxionding wnM.a . ,1.. Mol nf T.nw a nnri An. I .... . : r Mv u.uuj -. "- --" ana plonsnnt voyngo on tho.matti out of tho city todny. It Is bollovod , , . . timt thoy aro in now xorK ana tno roaorai autnomies fiore-navo ooon. . Ony Moore accompanied Mr. and notified, Lowls Colla Is well known Urrn. o.-r v,,nJn VriAnv ' noro a u turuivr uuw.wj u bauuro. ll,JttP irin a bt..'DI mninder being in ulfalfu. This meeting is called for the pur- Just 15 months ngo Colonel Tou pose of imparting knowledge of tho Velio purchnsed the ranch, paying I benefits of such an association and !?150 1111 acre. In thnt timo he has to encourage orchardmen to sub doubled his money. scribe to tho capital stock, 50 per Tho tnlo is jiot nenrly told yet, ns cent of which must be subscribed by this place is comprised of somo of April 10, when tho meeting for final tho finest land in tho valloy,' audi ratification is hold. within n year will double again. Thef Tho orchardists of tho valley held entire plnco is under water. a very enthusiastic meeting Snturr J,. E. Scanthn of La Fayette, Ind., day afternoon. The topics treated has purchased a 40-ncrc' tract lo- wore frost prevention, codlin moth, cnted two miles southwest of Tnl- spraying and other topics. A largo out, formerly owned by George W. number were ppresent Dewey. I he nnco unid was $lb. 0Q0. ORENDORFF IS TO PLAY Tho tract is a very fino ono and THIS YEAR WITH ANGELS contains 11 ncres of 8-ycnr-old isewtowns. Tho sale was made by LOS ANGELES. Cnl.. Anril 2. T JTt II T 1 -V 1 I . ' doun a. uiwen mm u. . ortnmp. Jesse Orcndorff, Hen Berry's main stay behind tho bat last season, is to return to tho Los Angeles club, according to a statement by Berry todnv At .the closo of last season Oren- dorff wns drafted by tho Chicago Cubs. President Murphv paid tho draft pneo of $100 This spring, when ordered to re port, Orcndorff held out for more Jury Gives Young Man Judgment money. This was refused, and ho Annlnst AsslnneA nf His Pnthpr'c ""dcrtook tho manngoment of tho , . ; . ... . independent Arizona club. Ho took uanKTupi tsinie wages uuo lor a stroncr delegation of local semi CHRIS KINNEY GETS VERDICT Services Rendered. professional players to tho mining camp with him. Tho case of C. J. Konnoy vs. Wil liam Ulrich, as nssigneo of T. J. Konnoy, to rocovor wages nllokod to hnvo boon earned by tho plaintift whilo in tho employ of T. J. Konnoy, ocoupiod tho attention of the circuit court rndny attornoon and bntiu- day. Tho plaintiff nsks for a judgmont against tho ostnto of tho iusolvont dobtor for $2040, earned by him as sorvioes as olork in tho merenntilo establishment conduotod by T. J, Konnoy. Tho caso was arguod and submit ted to tho jury Saturday morning. Tho jury is qompoBod of J. W, Hayes, J. E. Davidson, J. D. Pnnkoy, Isaac Coy, J, A. Cook, Grant Davis, G. P. Owings, h, C. Pnjuo, Goorgo Grow, S, W. McCIondon, George Ly man and A, C Manning. Aftor debating tho question for sovornl hours tho jury brought in a verdict lf6r the plaintiff Tho next Avnut ad that you onswer may bo "tho 0110." the deck of tho Prinz Heinrich and descended tho gangplank. Celonei Itoo8ovelt was met by Ambassador Leishmnn, who hnd come from Rome to welcome tho former president Consul Crowninshield, statiouod here, the mayor of Naples, the pre fect of polico and other dignitaries of tho Neapolitan community also were present to receive tho distin-. guishod visitor. As soon as Roosevelt had de scended from tho ship he whs sur rounded by a special guard of po lico in citizens clothos. Naples j the hotbed of secret sooiotios nnd anarchistic organizations and Hnv police used every means known to them to prevent harm to Roosevelt. The Americans protested nininst having a bodyguard attend him, but was assured that tho authorities would reast easier knowim? thnt th.w hnd used evory precaution to pre vent trouble Tho formor president waa escort ed to tho Excelsior hotel. Ono of tho first things ho did noon his nr. rival was to denounce as false an in terview printed quoting him on Am erican politics. Roosevelt hns stuck religiously to his detonniuntion not to talk politics until ho arrives homo. Jtoosovelt mndo a briof snoenh ..( thanks in response to snooches of welcorao by representatives of the uy. W. E. Hammil of Eagle Point is in Medford. RESIDENTS OF CATANIA HYSTERICAL AND AFRAID AFTER SLEEPLESS NIGHTS CATANIA, April 2. The ronring furnnco of Mount Aotnn incroasod its violent nativity today and the? peoplo of Catania, aftor many sleep less nights, have bocomo hysterica) and fonr-riddon. Every hpuso horo is practically sealod to provont the inoroasini showers of ashes from sifting in, Foar of a conflagration from hot cinders from tho distant craters has, added lo tho general nlarm'felt over tho eruption. Oocasiom;! earth quakes rock tho island and the ex plosions of gases in the depths of .the mountain are becoming 'louder. In habitants of the little village of, Cav aliori fled for their lives during the night when the- lava flow engulfed tho town, Belpasso and Borello are in the path of tho flow and oawiot esoape destruction, The eruption of Aetna has brokea all modern records of volcanic activity.