' 4 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDPQRD, OREGON, FRTDAY, APRIL 1, 1010, Medford MailTribune PRACTICE IS NO PRAGTIEE PUBLI8HKD DAIUT BXCRPT SATUUnAT. A cormolldatlon of the MeJforJ Mall, oatabllahKl 18S9: the Southern OroRonlun, at&bllalil l0i tlia Democratic Times, established 1S.J; the Aahlanil Tribune, eitnblltlied 1896, and the Medford Tribune, estnbllihed 1806. Official Paper of the City of Medford. GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor and Manngor. Xntered tt sccond-clnaa matter November 1, 10. at the pc Oregon, under the aot of March 3, lilt oatofflco at Medford. Orin yrnr by mall. SUBSCRIPTION IIATKS: , . $5,00 One month by mall or carrier I .SO WHEN TEDDY COMES HOME. Ball Players Fall to Show Uo at tho Grounds for Practice, and They Certainly Need tho Work Port land vs. Frisco a Draw. B0NITA, THE FAMOUS BEAUTY, IN THE MUSICAL COMEDY, "WINE, WOMAN AND SONG" Jlass Standing of tho Teams. Team Pot. Medford 1.000 Jacksonville 1.000 Grauts Pass 000 Central Point 000 With groat interest the public daily reads tho accounts of the utterances and acts of our strenuous ex-president, who, returning from his triumph over the beasts of dark est Africa, has floated down the Nile to Khartoum and Cairo. In the shadow of the pyramids of the Pharaohs Teddy has disturbed the silence of the Sphinx, by declaiming in thunderous tones of the ingratitude of the Egyptians and the incapacity of their English rulers. The world is wondering what will be his next act. In England his utterances were received with astonishment. In Egypt his hotel was mobbed by nearly a thousand stu dents.' His journey home has barely commenced. Prom Egypt he will invade Europe, and well may monarchs praise and consider the advent of this American Colossus. The first to be attacked will be Italy. Doubtless there the query is: Will he call on the pope or address the Meth odises? It is safe to say he will do both call on the pope first and address the Methodists afterwards, avoiding Fairbanks' mistake of permitting the address to be an nounced before he calls on his holiness. After Italy, Prance, where doubtless he will advise them how to deal with Morocco. Next Germany, where he will lampoon the socialists and proclaim the kaiser the greatest of rulers. From there to .England, where he will perhaps settle the question of home rule for Ireland and determine the future of the house of lords. With bated breath millions will await his return across the Atlantic, impatient at Iris dallying in Europe while momentous questions at home await his decision. Till he comes we must wait in doubt. Por who can know till he comes whether Hughes or Root shall be boss in New York? Whether Cook is a fakir or did Peary really find the pole? Whether Ballinger is a frost or is Pinchot a martyr? Who will whip, Jeffies or Johnson? Is the comet really dangerous, or is tuere one at all? What is imitation whiskv and what is the real stuff ? Are the in surgants fools or brave men? Is the tariff revised up or1 dOWm Jias Uie repUDilcan party Kepi ITS pieages Or lias It Stuart. The ceremony wns norform- SOld Out to the corporations? Is business gOOd or bad? cd by Rov. Ward W. MncIIenry of Is Gaynor a good mayor or an undesirable citizen? Is ithc Rrst Presbyterian church, in the the spiffenkoop a real animal or a manufactured article? Z7?Zuu f SZS These arefut a few questions that await his determina- Miss Anna Stuart, daughter of xion. ana tnousanas ves millions avui nave no onimons .Mr. nnd Mrs. r. t. stum. f m till he speaks and many who have spoken will crtiess again. But, in all seriousness does the following that this one man has, without disrespect to him, show that this grea country of ours is lacking in one .product namely, grea and able men ? We boast or our extent of country, our mar velous wealth, created in a few years, but our great lead ers of public thought, whose ambition it should be to mould the public mind and guide it aright along the broad, way of enlightened justice, truth and liberty where are they? Roosevelt is coming home. May he return wiser than when he departed, and may his energy and effort inspire to eriort those, it there be such among- us, who arc wiser bolder and more just than he. (By JAS. D. PAY.) Tho practice at the ball grounds yesterday afternoon was no prao tico at all, for the very valid reason that tho players fiu.od to show up, If tho ball team imagines for n minute that it will satisfy the faua by playing a practice game every Sunday, which is about what the league will amount to without some weekday work, they are going to lose out. A number of citizens have agreed to put up money to aid the team, and havo a right to expect something for the money. One game a week with morely a httlo throwing about of the bull between times isu't going to fill tho bill. Pennants are not won that way. Portland went 15 rounds to a draw 2 and 2, with San Francisco yesterday. The game was called in tho 15th on account of darknoss. Thnt was sure some baseball. 4- - WEDDING BELLS. FUSON-STUART. A pretty homo wedding took placo on Monday afternoon at tho resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. I?. T. Stuart of Ashland, the contracting parties be ing Thomas J. Fuson and Miss Anna I ... !TT ' ' Hit'. s I "V a '! "V- tBHI I A BIG BUNDLE OF CURRENCY Ih a pretty dangerous thing to din play or to Ito known to bo nhmit von. Rut a chuck book of (lie Fanners1 & Fruitgrowers' Hunk is novor a temptation to vlnluiiuo. It Ih of no uso except to tho owner. Why not carry hiioIi ii chock book liiKtoad ill' (ho dangerous ciihIi. Soiiio murdered men would still bu living if (hoy had followed that prudential plan. FRUITGROWERS' BANK, Wost Main Street. PRESS CENSORSHIP. Attorney General Crawford has given an opinion hold ing that the purity of election law prohibits newspapers in f -.. ti" xj. r i.i x ii. vrcguii uujii puuusumg any iuaner xavoraDie 10 me claims or any candidate for otiice, or m the interest of any meas ure to be voted upon, without its being marked plainly as an advertisement, containing the name and address of the yjarty responsible for it. Ill several respects the law is unconstitutional, though whether the acrobatic supreme court would so decide is problematical. Its record of decisions, holding appropria tions designed to benefit certain sections of the state con stitutional, and appropriations to be expended in other sections unconstitutional, construing the constitution broadlv. sanctioning its fragrant violation to enlarge its own membership and increase its own salaries, and con struing it narrowly to thwart the development of Oregon and cater to the mossback vote, leaves no clue to guess how the cat would jump on this issue. !' The editor of a paper is responsible for its utterances and the right of free speech makes him amenable only to the libel laws. It is rank paternalism for the state to at tempt to dictate the policy of the paper and assume the right of consership, to forbid his advocating men and meas ures without a label, and most newspapers that are worth while will continue in the future, as in the past, to advo cate that which in their judgment is best for party or for people. K The Tacoma Tnoune sizes up me appie situation as follows: "That 'Oregon' apples should take first rank in tho world's markets, while Washington fruit, even the fabled 'red apple of Wenatckee,' does not command the absolutely highest fancy price, is explained, perhaps, by just one fact; Oregon apple growers have not been entire ly willing to sacrifice the old-time luscious favorites to the newer, larger and redder varieties that look so brave on a fruit stand. A Spitzenbcrg may not look quite as large or as deep a red as a Wolf River and a Newtown pippin or Seek-no-Further or Missouri Pearmain is not as brilliant as some others that attract moro attention of the unini tiated; but Oregon apples, among the initiated, have been found to be tho real thing." l East Mam street, has resided in Ashland a number of years, and dur ing thnt time Bho has made many lasting friends, the warp and woof of whose friendship is wrapped about her as a toga of love and es teem, nnd whose well wishes follow the young bride to her, new homo at Grants Pass, hoping that not n shadow may ever cross the threshold and that life's pathway may be en twined with love's choicest cnrlands. and that health, wealth and prosper ity may ever be her lot. 3fr. Fuson has and efficiently fill ed a number of responsible positions at Ashland, being for years with tho Postal Telegraph compani. mnnacer of tho Ashland opera house, a leader in tho athletic association nnd a young man of strong chnracter and business qualifications. IIo now has a good position with the telephone company s leased press wire and is ocated at Grants Pass, The many-friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. Fiison who reside- in Ashland wish them a pleasant sail on the sea of wedded bliss, without a storm to The Louvre Cafe THE ONE BEST PLAOE TO EAT Wo Sorvo Daily RARDON'S Ifrcsh Doughnuts and Snails for break fast. RARDON'SSleam and French Broad for lunch. RARDON'S- Delicious Ice Cream for dinner. HMiiiaHanB muko turbulent the waters and not a cloud to shadow tho suusot as they sail into the last harbor ut tho end of a long, loving and useful voyage CANNINQ.Wl LEY. Will Canning of San Diego, Cnl., and Miss Myrtle Jane Wiley of Ash land were united in marriage at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon at the residence of the bride's father, John Wiley, tho wedding guests being im mediate relatives and friends, the Rev. H. J. Van Fosson of tho M. E. church officiating. Tho corcmony wns followed by a wedding repast, and at -1 :15 Mr. and Mr. Canning took tho south-bound train for Snn Diego, at which city they will reside, Mr. Canning being ongnged in the grocery oiisinesH at thut point, having recently puruhnH ed' tho business from his father Georgo W. Canning. Among the guests at tho wodding waa William Wiley, aged 01 years, grand uncle, of tho brio, who i IT yours of ago and a great .favorite with tho old gentleman. The bout wishes of "ninny friends go with the happy couple. FOR SALE ONE l!..horiOHwor gawoliuo engine, lined but little, el $'00; price .fflfi.00 ONE .1-iuolt horizontal centrifugal pump, very little iinimI; price only $fi.0Q. TWO nOOO.gallon redwood tanks, now, never been Hot up; price, each iffiO.OO ONE fine upright piano; price ; $75.00.. ONE onaincled bath tub, wunh ban'm and hlgh-bauk otuk, lognthor with fixtures; new, novor been set up;' price $A0.0l) SIX now hot frame audi, 3 ft. by fl ft.; price, each.. $ 'J.50 a TWO fine, well-bred colts, 1 and 2 years old, sired by Illaok Far ceur, imported by Jluby Hrtu. FINE SEED CORN FOR SALE. APPLY TO BROOKS' ORCHARD, JACKSONVILLE ROAD, NEXT PLACE WEST OF THE OLD THOMAS PLACE. INVESTMENTS EXTRA GOOD 10 acres, cast of Medford. fine Jo- cation for subdivision; $600 per acre, liberal terms. Elegant bungalow, 8 rooms and fine sleeping porch, fireplace, choice lot 50x200, east front on most de sirable street in Medford. You must see this to appreciate it: 45000. terms. New 0-room buncalow. close to Oakdale, 50x100 lot, east front, an A No. 1 buy at $2100, 81000 cash, liberal terms on balance. Cozy new bungalow. 4 rooms and bath, well located; a good investment at $1400; for a quick sale, $000 cash, 0 per cent on balance. Choico corner lot 00x100, ceme-it walk, sewer, roses and trees, close to Oakdale; $1000, liberal terms, Choico lots in Rose Park $350, $35 cash, $10 month. only You Can Be Independent Buy An Orchard Tract Eden Valley Orchard Subdivided This famous bearing Orchard has been sub-divided into small tracts and sold at reasonable prices. If you are looking for positively the best thing in the northwest in a small orchard, this is your chanco to got in right Most Profitable Investment TO BE FOUND IN AMERICA LET US SHOW YOU. Wright 6 Allin 28 East Main. Phone 2581, Well informed business people from all parts of the United States and Canada arc looking to the Rogue River valley for safe investments. Years of experi ence in buying and selling orchard land fits us the better for su1vi" investments that will yield. large returns. Our properties have proven worth. Wo can assure you that you take no risk when you purchase one of the 30 to 100-acre orchard tracts located in the famous Eden Valley orchard. We sell tracts to suit, planted to the best commercial varieties of bearing trees. You are assured of a splondid income tho first year. We can state positively that this is tho best chanco for solid, sound investment to bo found in America. A high-class bearing orchard of proven worth is certainly a moro profitable investment than waiting for trees to grow on land that novor produced fruit. You are sure of big returns almost at onco, either as a gro.wor or by ro-solling. Come and lot us show you. Secure an Income At Once PROVIDE PLEASANT EMPLOYMENT You can buy as many acres as you desire, build a home on ground commanding a view of the entire val ley enjoy tho electric light and power, telephone, daily mail, and live within easy reach of tho business and social life of tho metropolitan' city of Medford. A climate unsurpassed anywhoro. Magnif cent Homesites ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS A small' bearing orchard, planted. to the best com- I mcnt, and insures an income of from $500 to $1000 mercial varieties of trees, will provide tho most fas- per acre each year. Hero is solid investment, and tho cinating as well as" healthful and profitable employ- income or profit from sale is sure. John D. Ol well EXHIBIT BUILDING- MEDFORD, OREGON ., , ,