MEDFOttB MAIL TRTBVml, MEDffORD, 'WEdON, MilDAY, APRIL 1, 1910. S PROFESSINAL MASSEUR FOR SENATE? NOT MUCH! Solons Wax Sarcastic In Doluilo Ovur Bathrooms, Tuhs and Other Fixtures. WAHIWNUTON, Ajrll I. Tlio Unltod HIuIch' Hoiinto will KtiL aloiu; without u irofuml(itiitl innHnoiir In tlio IiiUIiIiik loimiH In tlio MDiiatu off l IiiiIIiIIiik. Tlio IokIhIiUIvo Approprla tlou bill carrli'il $:tl)iH) for tliu hiiImIim 'of tlio iiiiihcIo worker, two iittiMidaiilM, nml n Janitor. Kvnrylioily wiih iIiiiiiIi today wliou tlio nntunriiiiunt wn rontl nml niloiilcil. Two liourH Inter Hon- ntor IlilHtnw, who coinoii from Knnimit tnnvod to olltnlniito tlio tirovlHlon. llo did not try to pronounco tlio word iniiHuoiir." lint hIiiidIv referred to "Lino 2 on iuko 112." Honator Wnrron explained that nil Ihu mon Indicated were now on duty mid had Iiodii iald from tlio lump mini nut imldo (or miilntalnliic tint offleo lailldlim. "In there a Imth room IioIiik run ovor there?" Inquired Mr. HrUtow, "I (iroMiimo ho," jmrrlod Mr. War roii, " 1 know imuIiIiik utioiit It. I do not hnve rooiiiu ovor thoro." "I novor hoard of that hnth room," tmrnUtod Mr. Hrlntow. Tlio ImthroouiH oiiKht novor to havo boon there, pomlnted Mr. Ilalloy. A hath room In tlio IiIkIuwI achlovumout of modorii clvlllatloii, hut nouatorn Hhould provide mid maintain their own. TIioho In tho offko titilldlnu aro palatial." "Tho Imth loom U In operation," rntld Senator llurkott, who . uvowudj that ho had Hindu It IiIh porMonal html- noiiH to look It ovor, hoiiio portloiiH of .t were not yot ruady for uuo. Honator llurkott nald ho wa not ro upoiiHlhlo for tho term "profoimlonni mabMoiii'." hut HUPPOHod It waH tliu proper tltlo. "Ilavo wo horotoforo had a proren lonal mnweurT" mierlod Senator Uutliorlaiid. "I do not know how much of a pro foijHlonal ho Im," ropllod Mr. Hurott, hut ho n im u r on mo ho camo hero from n roputahlo place and uudomtood hi lnmlnonn. I liayo novur imod that hath f room," Tho iionato Htuok out tho provUlou for tho mtiMHour, and tho hathtiiK rooiiiu will lu In chnrKo of tho two at tondnntn and n janitor. HARRIMAN HOTEL IS TO BE UNIQUE $100,000 Structure to Do Erected in Klamath Falls Is to Bo Heated by Naturo Throuijli Hot Springs. Hotel Arrivals. Tho NiiBh C. . Colo, CorvnUiH-, H. E. I'nrkur, ChieiiKo; C. A. Wyckofr, Tubla Hook; K. C. Hrcnooko, Sacra -muuto; A. Wortlioim, Snu r'rnneirtco . K. llookor, h. A. Nowlon, Portlnml; 11. .1. Colin mid wife, L nml Honiti Ilonni, Now York; P. lVmllotou, V. A. Waterman, CliienKo; W. CiihwoiI, V. U Soaultlii, CliioiiK'o; 1 I Soiiutlin, l.u Fnyotto; S. At. Cronk, rortlanil; II. .1. Wallonbon,', Sonttlo; O. II. Dimlinm, Portland; J. Ii. Ham ' morxly, Gold Hill; J. M. Iminl, IW laml; C. 1. WliertH, Klamntli KalU 11. Pierce, !.on AiikcIvh; A. U. Con key, Clovelanil; L. IIurHt, J. Lueh , mail, San Fniiioixeo; N. M. Henlnuit, J Oiiklnml; C. S. Colo, Kimono; II, ' Wnrnor, C. Ii. Wilson, Han Fran o'ihco; J. It. Horning, Mudfnnl, Tlio Mooro J. S. Crai)? nml wife, Kaclo Point; II. Ii. Ilolcalo, Klaiu 7 nth Fulls; II. K. Norton, h. J. JliltHcho nml wifo, Ilonloy; J. Wor mor, San Frano'tHco; S. C. Olivor, Trail; 0. W. Parkor, P. Flood, Port land; C. Thompson, Derby; It. H. MeCoy nml wifo, Allortou, la.; F. V, Clark, Ashland; F. A. Oilloy, Sail JVanclHco; A. M. Hosh, J. 0. Moni tion, Sonttlo J. V. HnniiOHH, ' Dormody, Portland; J. I). Huiiidiin, llutlo; I). Wolmtor, L. W. Kinuoy, Porllaml; W. iMiiuko, San 1' rnncisco ; K. J. Alurpliy, Now York; V. K. Stout, I lilt s I). C. S(iiiruH and wilV, Poland; W. K. Caltorlin, K. S. Par roiih, A. M, Mt'iiko, Portland; Tli ' Irvine, Eunonoj'K. M. HNlriiliji', St. LoiiIh; J, P. llyrno, San FrnuciHoo; J. M. luloy and wifo, Sai'iaiiioiit i , 0. II. Flory, Portland; W. A Sohwarr. ami wifo, Vancouver. Wolf drcek Cove Fruit Tracts. Tho U L. Chapin Really Co., 'ji):i Corhott hilly., Portland, Or., nro of foritiK tlio hc8l of llogiio Ilivor val loy fruit laudH, in mnall tracts, on onHy paymontH, at wholomilo pricuH. Southern Pacific depot on center of traot. Saino train Bervico an Mod- ford and AHhland, AddronH above, or W. O. Smith, Wolf Crook, or hoc E. Jf. AmlrowH, local 'representative, foe full particulars. lfi NOTTOH la horoby glyon tlmt tho imderalgmoil will apply at tho noit mootlnsr of tlio city council of Modford, Orogon, for ltconno to soil malt, vinous and spirit oub llquora In loss quantities than ono gallon, for nix months, at lot 10, block 80, In Modford. Orogon, for a porlort of six roontliH, DABS & HALE. Datod March 22, 1010. naskItiH for Ifonlth. " ! KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. April 3. Tho Klamath Development com pany hart matured ItH plmiH for (litt oreotiou of u mode;n llit-uliiHW ho tol on tho triaiiKlo oppoaito tho of fieeH of tho company in thin city n few blockH northwcHt of tho dp)t of tho Southurii Pacific Itailroad company. The inoorporatorH aro Major I . K. Wordon, William S. Wordon mid P. H. HoiiHtoii, the latter to bo prun Idont of tho (lompany and will have I'haiK'o of Hid work pf coiiHlruction. Tim ciiitnl of tho company Iiiih Iidcii placed at $1(10,000, mid nrticlox of incorporation have been filed with the M'orutnry of utiitc. Tho hotel will be' Htrictly flrot-claaH in every rexpeet, will havo eleclrio elovaloiH, tclcphonoH in all the rooms, will bo heated with natural hot wator from (he medical HprinN of tlio develop ment company ami will bo called the Ilarnmau, in honor of tho lti-.U' railroad mamiate who wiih an ciilliu-' iiiiHtio friend of tho Klamath coun try. MANY MINOR CONTESTS ON LITTLE BUTTE Home !odK''r arc of nomadic tc"d ciiciCH ho jiubliKb jour furnished room ml the day tin room in -acatcd Yc- you'll pThlialily answer lhc ! wroii want ad t'liiirlirncii or tho .rinht one too Into. Hut tliat'n incvi- , II f A.. M"'1''' '""1 CHpf'finllV t.TMC Final Hoarlnu In tho Matter of Ad- , JL Ilnxkimi for Health. Jtidlcatinfj Water Rltjlits on Little Butte Creek to Commence May 0. If. h. Uolfsnto, miporlntmidont of water for tho Bouthorn district, Is In Modford on bin way to Joitophlno county to oxamlno om of tho prob lems nrlulng oa tho Applocato rlvor. Tho stato valor commliwilon will hold an InventlKtttlon, commencing May 0, for tho purpono of adjudl catlnK tho differences between tho water users of Llttlo Butto creek. Quito n number of contoBtB have been filed botwoo.. tho sovoral iiBors, moBt of them of minor Importance, but nil tending to finally establish tho actual rlishtH of tho water usor of tho Ktream. Tho commluBlon oxpects to havo ndwjudlcated tho disputes within a week after tho oponlng of tho ses sion. Dlel JfrH. Mnrcnret D. Iawk pasped nwny very suddenly at 1115 Tnft nvo- nue, March 29, at the nc or tu years, .1 month and 20 days. She camo to Medford March 15 with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Palmer and Mm. Minnie D. Martin, her daughter. Hev. Helknap conducted tho funeral I services. MITCHELL 6 BOElK WAGON MAKERS "We mako a specialty of rubber tire work and or chard harrows and spray tan&fl, call at Merrimau'B Shop Riverside Avenue The New Oxfords Are GOING FAST THERE MUST BE A REASON Our immenso stock of now spring Oxfords is catch ing the public eye, and we are certainly doing a fine business. All tho most wanted shapes and styles in all widths and sizes of new spring Oxfords are here. See them soon.' CM. K.IDD THE FOOT-FITTER. Orchards Farms Town Lots ONLY THE BEST AND AT REASONABLE PRICES. I am in position to be of material use to you ui helping you locate in the Koruo Itiver country. My acquaintance with the preseit owners and knowledge of the soil and conditions of every kind, fa vorable and othorwisc, arc nt your command. What you want nro all tho i'aciff, then you can make an intelligent investment of your cash. I havo n list of very excellent bargains which, of course, is con stantly changing, but never mind that come and see me and I will nelp you get what you want, whether on my list or not. Correspondence solicited from tliopo at n distance who wish to learn of this land of health nnd opportunities. George F. Dyer noom 3, Ilijou Iiuildtng. opposite Mooro Hotel. Tel. 3204. (Formerly Manchester - by the Sea, Mass. A Profitable Investment Worthy of Careful Consideration Here is a profitable investment for your consideration: 48 ACRES OF THE CHOICEST SOIL IN VALLEY This place adjoins the city limits of the growing city of Central Point; 37 acres in bearing orchard; all necessary tools and livestock to -nronerly work .the same. MODERN HOUSE A2sD OTHER BUILDINGS. The or chard consists of the following trees: 985 20-year-old Winter Nelis peais; 30 20-year-old Bartlett pears; 150 20-year-old Newtown apple trees; 30 20-year-old Spitzenberg annle trees; 475 5-year-old Newtown apple grafts; 850 4-year-old Bartlett pears; 12 8-year-old Cornice pears; 14 1-year-old Cornice pears; 700 5-year-old Bosc pears; 35 1-year-old Bosc pears; 50 trees in family orchard; variety good. Holds The Record Will pay 10 percent on $135000 This place is fully tiled and holds the valley record for "Wiiiter Nelis peal's. It will pay over 10 per cent on $135,000. If you are looking for a lasting investment that is absolutely sure, investigate this. There is certainly no better known tract or one with anything like the record to be found anywhere. Walter L McCallun Nash Hotel Medford, Ore. THE OLD PIONEER MEDFORD BAKERY San Francisco Butternut Bread FRESH EVEEY DAY Wo will carry complete linos of cookies, cakes, pies and nil kinds of fancy articles, all to bo baked fresh every day, George Claussen SOUTH CENTRAL AVENUE. In Case of Sickness PHONE 3G41 MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Post Olfice All Night Service Free Delivery 1 Electrical Fudge Parties BASE BALL Sunday, April At Bedford Ball Park Medford vs. Jacksonville GAME CALLED 2:45 P. M. Grand Stand 40c Bleachers 25c . L. EhTYART. Presidem fOHN 8 ORTH. O.-t- J A. PKKRV. Vk-o-President W B. JACKSON. Ana't Cashier THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK UAPITAL w ?58,KX) WJRPLUS $('8,0CX! Safety boxsc fer rent A jerwal Banking Busliwss traHsaetrt. Wa solicit yeur patronage. i ,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,., RESOLVED The beat resolution for yoa to make is to come to ns for your nest suit, if you want something out of the ordinary. We do the host work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THB PKOQKUSSIVB TAXLOS Informal fudge parties are enjoyable affairs when G.E. electrically heated utensils are used. No visits to the kitchen are necessary, as the fudge may be prepared in any room in the house. You can entertain your friends with delicious fudge or candy, made right before their eyes, and the novelty and convenience of electrical cooking will enchance the pleasure of eating the sweets. If you have electric lights in your house the G.E. water heater j and the little G.E. electric stove will be found useful in a thousand ways. Their first cost is small and they consume very little electric current. i a MORTGAGE LOAN Honey on hand to loan cn Heal Estate. City and County Warrants bounht. Fidelity and Indemnity Bonds Furn ished. Fire Insurance. JAMES CAMPBELL Phone Main 3231. 208 Fruitgrowers Hunk 11 ail ding n is Rogue River Electric Co. Mason, Gross Co. Buy, Sell and Promote Oil and Mining Stocks Mines Experted andOres Tested ADDRESS, ROOM 14, MERCHANTS' TRUST BUILDING, PORTLAND, OR. J