Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 01, 1910, Image 1

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    Medford mail Tribune
FhII fcoiucd Wire Itcport.
Tonight ami Hnliinliiy-Oloiuly.
Occmildtiiil hIiowoi'h No dam
ago of front imlimd (io wonthnr
ClOU I'll.
Tho only paper In tho world
published In a. city tho she ot
Modford having a loaned wire.
N, FRlb
AY, APRIL 3, 59.10.
No. 10.
270.000 MINERS
RlOOO.000 IS 0
Coal Famine Is Feared, But It Is
Predicted That All Differences
Will Hnvo Been Settled Within a
Week Many Men Already Return
to Work.
f 44- t
Offluinl vnUuiiiIvh by loaders
of (lie United Minoworkcnt of
Amotion today nro Unit i!70,
000 minora nro on strike.
Thoy nlflo oxtiumtn tlint tho
falling off in tho output of
tho initios reaches l,'J.r)0,000
tons tlnily. Thu Iohh to tho
minoro In wages i estimated
nt $000,000 ilnily.
Reported by Different People That Report to Judge Bronaugh and Are
Halloy's Long-Expected Comet
Was Seen Just Before Daybreak In
tho East But Mr. Wiseman Says,
"You Can't Fool Him."
Ordered Locked Up Again, Al
though Foreman Says There Is No
Possibility of Their Reaching an
Parties Who Gave Options on Their
Property to American Development
Company Notified to Prepare Ab
stracts and Deeds and That First
Payment Is Ready.
AN ACRE; TOTALS $1,250,000
INDIANAPOLIS, Intl., April 1.
Th roo thotiNiiml minora of Southorn
Inilinrm continued work todny our
inic lo thu rapidity with which op
era torn nnd representative mine
worKcrn roncuuii nn agreement on
wngos nnd hours.
Tho end of n strike of 17,000 min
ora in that territory is in sight nnd
prolmbly will ho brought about to
day. President I.owih of tho United
Minoworkors todny predicted thnt nl
contracts except in Illiuoin nnd in
tho southwest would bo signed within
n week. IIo ndded thnt nrobnblv
IllinoiH minors nnd those of Texns,
Oklahoma nnd ndjncunt Htnloa wool
bo back nt work under iron-clnd
ngrcemontH within ten days. IIo
snld further Hint it was almost n
coriniuiy inni inoro would bo no
trouble in roitohhig agreements nnd
aigniiig contracts in Ohio, Indiana,
Michigan, West Virginin, Kontuoky,
l-cntrnl rcniiNylvnnin nnd Iown.
Stntus of Strike.
Itoporta roooived nt minora head
quarters hero indionto tho following
conditions throughout tho bituminous
conl districts, duo to tho ntriko:
In Illinoia 000 ininen nro closed
nnd 7,r),000 minora hnvo quit work. A
oonforouco between operators nnd
minora bun been cnllcd for next Mon
day and is to bo held in Chicngo.
i m. mi....!.. i ii... .i .
.niiiwin iificiiiiiin nil.v UIIU (UU
mon demand nn increase of 10 imirn
fiou, which meniiB nn nnuiinl in
ronso of wngo disbursements by tho
oporntora of $1-1,000,000. They do-
olaro that if they pay this Hum it
Mil nocoHHitato a four months' shut
down of tho minoB.
Mttlo Coal on Ilnml.
Only a two montliB' supply of
coal Ih on bund nnd tho nporntora
''prodiot a great coal famlno which
will booHt prioofl of conl to tho
limit. In Indiana 18,000 minora
woro ordorod to quit nt midnight last
night, . Already a sixth of tho nuin
her hnvo roturnod to work undor now
and satisfactory agroemonts. Tho
minora' offioinls of tho stato doolaro
that tho stnko will bo short-lived,
Jn Pennsylvania approximately
40,000 men woro affected by tho
strlko order.
Tho operators havo submitted
temporary sonlo wngo allowing n fi
coiu incroaso on ovory minod ton of
Iown Mines Closed.
In Iowa, ovory mlno is olosod
ponding tho sottlomont of tho wage
disputo. Negotiations nro in nboy
anoo, but it ifl probnblo thnt tho op
erators of Iowa mines will conoedp
tho snmo torms as thoso granted by
tho operators in othor states and
that tho minors will aooont.
i ii
A numbor of local people reported POHTJANI). Or.. Ajril 1. Thu
this moniing thnt they bad seen Hal- Jri' n tho caso of Wtiltcr II. Mnorc,
ley's iong-oxpcclcd comet in tho enBt -Irenilciit of the Oregon Trust &
I.nfr .Ii.I.m.U l.!a mnm.. ... ""h l,"-u ," nrBC
receiving deposits aftor ho knew the
Intention of the Company to Irrigate
the Land, Place (t in a high State
of Cultivation, Cut It Into Small
Tracts and Sell.
you can't toll anybody that today - bank to bo insolvent, report! to
April 1 nnd oxpect thorn to believe Judge Rronnugh at 10 o'clock today
. - - .... . . . it . ti . ...
ii m vv icn m n it a n inn ni inn x ! iiiiil i iiiii n irrti i nn if iiiit-iu i n i . t t i i
..... niovMtM nuivo mv twmiii"4 -.. . x'anics wiio iiuvc oarpunCQ lut
having nlroady "bit" onco or twice " K1C"C.rn,,,ntl!,.c jur-v'"." lauds in Sams Valley to the N .ih
!.. ii a i.. r. ,. i uw iiuu uccn uutiuerniiiiir tin lliei
ill tho early moniing ,ioura. So the MOA ,..r. ... J American Dcvelonmtnt Co. have
report was shied at all over town. Ultout 10 to 2 for conviction. been notified thnt the first payment
But Mr. Wiseman may havo "bit" After rpprivmi fnriW ':,,, r,.... on tho options has been deiwsited in
tho othor wayfor several people lions from tho onurl. ifc tun , bank nnd that as soon as a nmic'
mnintnin atoutly that thoy saw it - retired. nMinnirl, Vnmn,, s.nin. .. abstract has bet-u tirenurcd and ac-
that it looked Hko a qttnrtcr-f nil dnrod thero was not tho slightest ccPtd 'ho first pnyacnt will be
moon and that it was due east of the possibility of an agreement. maHc. Tho deal involwts some 20,-
lno mnxirnttm nenaltv for
A. C. Randall, Who Owns Lafge
Property in Valley, Returns to
Spend the Summer in Medford
City and Valley Better Known, He
Says, Than Ever Before in East.
"The city and valley are far bel
ter known this year than ever be
fore," states A. C. Ilnndnll, who ar
rived from Minneapolis this moniing
to spend the summer here stiervis
ing his extensive holdings in the
valley. "I noticed the change imme
diately after I got cast last fall, nnd
this summer thero are many people
coming west, and all are bound for
tho Rogue River valley.
"The last booklet issued did n
great and good work and when the
Eagle Point car of Spitzenbergs won
out at Spokane every one seemed
talking of it. Tho valley certainly
looks pood In tnp hollnr IVinn nnv.
mma nf In,.! Cms I .i -r . -.
" wuiuo 'nni-v, lining i saw easi, anti i traveled ex-
Newspapers View With Alarm the
Spread of Secret Societies irr
Egypt Which Tend to Undermine
English Rule Say T. R. Took a
Great Chance When He Spoke.
Thdso who saw it will have to crime of which Mooro is charged is some of 'lt more valuable than the tcnsively."
wnu "' tomorrow io icn ineir inie. a fino not exceeding $1000 nnd im- rcal bul ni ,,,e Pn,;e8 nsked by tho One of the first things Mr. Randall
pnsonmcnt not exceeding two yenrs. owncra ,u0 tract averages about did after reaching Medford was to
f-JU nn ncre nggregatc ot givo $100 to the Crater road fund.
QLENDALE, April 1. Mrs. J. E.
Enyart of Modford, who Is visiting
her sinter, Mro. Floronco Dowcy, In
thlu city, sold her hotel property on
Pacific avenuo to Sether & Gllber-
son. Tho plnco la occupied as -a. ho
tel by Mrs. Eva Tlndall. Also Mrs.
Enyart sold hor residence on Mont
gomery boulevard to K. A. Mlllor nnd
I. II, Smith of tho Qlondnlo real es-
tato agency. Tho placo Is still oc
cupied by Mrs. Kate Slocum, who will
still hold It. Other Important deals
In real cstnto nro under advisement.
Our city la enjoying a ttmo of nnpar-
It is not certain that all tho tracts
will bo taken nt the price asked foV
them, but doubtless a majority of
ibem will be.
j. no inicnuon oi me oomnnnv.
which is composed of a syndicate of
wealthy eastern people, is to irricnto
SaVS Ho Drank Minimi Wafpr Alnni. tllo land and put it in a hich stato
n... , o cu uyni on, aner they will Hcasure Is
aim uiu nui uiuuigc in ncaiiny out thoir holdings up into smaller
tracts nnd disposo of them.
Water Which Cheers.
Passed by Canadian.
Commons Giving Railway Commis
sion Control of Cable Companies.
CHICAGO, April 1. "All wish you,
fool reporters 'ml yotnmo ntono," was
allolod prosperity and tho ond U not Jack Johnson's Indignant reply today -f
yot. Iwhon questioned concornlna a report -f
that lie drank tmough wrao to float
WOMEN IN FRISCO a "nreadnnunlrt" nt a birthday din-
Tlu big sin ok o snorted whon ho -f
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., April 1. loarnod that a rumor was abroad
Whilo tho local band of suffrng- u,Bl ao naa ucer mnaiing "ouuuies- f
ottos nro snhninlnf nut n imw wv .f at a basquot.
April 1. Tho comutrollor of
tho currency today cnllcd for
a statement from tho Unitofl
Stntcs national banks tip to
tho closo of businoss Tues
day, March 20.
giving publicity to "cnuso" today, "Bom bubbles was only mlnornl wn- -f -f -f -f -f -f -f -r -f-f-f4-f-
Deputy Registrar Cainoron II. Kinc lnn- 1 t,on 1 n,lml wunt 'un sn
is receiving congratulations from 1,1,0,11 l'w,dlu,' but you want toh be DRANK WITH STRANGERS
politicians on, tho stnnd ho took yes- ""B"l' carorui about rencctln' on LOST HIS MONEY
.. .1 t 41 . t 1 1. -.1. I
loruay wncn a xonnni flolegation of ccinn.
votes of women" floated into the JonnBon wna "bouio peovea" at uo-
OTTAV, Ont, Canada, April I.
The Canadian government today Is
prepares to put into effect a law
which is tantamount to governmental
control of calilo companies -operating
from dominion coasts.
Tho legislation was put through
tho Canadian commons last night In
tho shnpo of a measure by Postmaster
General Lemieux giving tho railway
commission control of rates and facil
ities of cable comptniea.
Buried Money Stolen,
I.OS ANGELES, Cal., April 1.
(Continued on Pg 5.)
Hinuon wna "aomo peeved" at bo- Mark nnn. .i , ." .n,
registrar's office and demanded thoy Jn l,fl0 fom alumbor following W0rk8 for p0vo on 'th( t w oitay requested tho po-
m iillnwotl In roiioln Tl,n. l.nbn.l ino uanOUCt 10 niiswer "fool ronor- .. t- , , mv'r iu imtu kjiu uiiiui'
I. t.i .1 i i.. .i . I l.i, n.nnn. i.ii-...i ....! . 1 ' . . f Inwav With uveral lm fjniK. nontmn
more than a thousand dollars,
ues had buried on his farm
this city. According to iho
he told. liQ was afraid to do
iiijiikiil. 1 1 A A nitnnn I .... ......
milks. Kinir stateJ firmlv thnt l, ate mo, but nil you ordinary mohtors i,f m,m im i.n ii4.. JHisit las money m tho Joenl banks
...u. , ol-..i ur ino oar- rnnch bouse
icj, wmio i uc mini wcni iiirousli
JAPA AT Ir.RF. A r,TTT7l? ..
i-lKjr tM. Jn.VJ.AVU V Am FrftMlinil WHS"
soon nftor by Patrolman Bropjiy niwl
nun uuiiiiiiiu uii t:ruuiitiH iiinL I inv "" uiui muiioreu wiuiiinnn vm nanHm- .....lit o.. -11 :
woro citir.ens of tho Tlnitml Ri.ifo no was rostraln tiK li msolf -with dlM
Mrn. Iveilh. w f n nf Mm ,!iuH. tlculty from us nsr his brnwav black !,.r....i f n i.. ,. i MMiicn u
guishod nrtist, led tho 6iiflVagtlos nrH,s on ,,ls taqnlsltors. a boor bnriie, nml ,vliovbd of ho .
.....1 ......... .....II .... it I "flAiiA vnrn atf1itln t.Ai. n.Anl. . . . . .. If-lOrV
mill lllllllt Vil-nlllMYI) WUIIIt'Il 111 HUM vw ,r w ..,...,, ,.kuan ,., moillonifl Ol blfi
could not regislor nny of them. ,B Hbelll8 rdo.
LONDON, April 1. Declaring that
Roosevelt was in great personal
danger when he dared to denounce
the Nationalists while in Egypt, and
asserting that members of secret or
ganizations are preparing by means
of terrorists' methods to sweep the
English from the country, the Lon
don Express today sounded the
loudest cry of alarm yet regarding
British hile in Egypt.
In an editorial the publication ask
that tho English officials in Egy,
bo instructed to inaugurate more
rigid measures to repress the Na
tionallsts, thoir publications and the
various societies.
"It is no secret that sedition is
rampant among the native officers.1
says the Expfess. "The country is
honeycombed with secret societies
wnose members are conspiring
against the British and planning by
terrorists' methods to sweep the
English from the country.
"It is well known by government
officials that members have been se
lected from theso secret societies and
sent to Italy and Switzerland for tho
parposo of studying xplosives.
"The result of this enn bo but ono
thing a reign of assassinations."
Plan Proposed Provides for Sale ef
Tourist Tickets Which Will Give
Purchaser Chance to Visit Lake
by Payment of Hotel gills and a
Possible Nominal Fee.
LOVELAND, Cal., April 1. Two
boys were frozen to death In the bllt
rard that has .swept this section for
tho last three days, according to a
report brought from Greeley today.
They were Kost Nasus, 17 years old,
and Wllllo Hjyworth, need 12.
The bodies of tho boys woro found
hi tho Hayworth ranch house near
Greeley last ovenlng. Tho Hayworth
boy's father i ai? loft tho boys to com
Ifloto a shanty he was building while
ho Journoyed to Groeloy foi more ma
terial. He was dolaycd by tho bliz
zard and returned to find both lads
lying dead Jaet Inside tho door ot tho
ho line.
Tho meeting of tho Creator Mod
lord club, postponed from Mondav
March. 28, will bo held at Smith's
hall Monday afternoon, April 4.
iionognu woro fouud on itfin. No
monoy, howovor. Tho othor' two fel
lows had AfinnnAil.
eourso ovory o;iort is ranuo co pre- t,.;,, nmrnin Taiinn nmi
' wtuv MVIIllltl
promluont army offlcor, rocontly ro
turnod from tho Philippines, In dis
cussing tho prosonco of Japnncao
Hplos n tho Philippines, said:
"Tho govornmont la woll nwaro ot
tho activity of Japanoso soldlors and
onglnoors In tho uso of merchants nnd
trndora In mapping tho Islands nnd
ondoavorlng to gotj)lnno ot tho do
fonBoo of Island porta,
"Tho Phlllpplnos havo boon ovor
vout Information concornlnir tho do-1 " '"'" ' muiAuu, vni.,
- ' i I iTitiiiiiiii nvnp in nnnnnr nnraivt i,ni .
fonsoa from becoming tho proporty rnnA ,-w , on i' ,i. :a . ,. ". J' Moro ,"nn n score of attendant
n.. tr . " J.y """s'l mun no l, it:..i.i...1 i n.
u uu iiiivii imiiuii, nunuieip l"vwnS llllllblo to funilfih I ii,iiiiiiii aiiuu iiajiuui iur inu
Japanoso nro doing only what Amor- . , insnno. reinforced bv a dozen donutv
shoriffs from this city, are search
lean agonto and offlcors In Japan JEFFRIES LFAVPC; pnn
navo boon Booking to do. TRAINING RnnilNRS 5lliunAv i. ....
Wn ,nv l,,l ,Mn f nl, f- " " -w.,n, uiu iiuouii viiuuiry ill uvory (11
months in Japan ros ANflKrrcs fnl . a:i i . ..J..:i.. i.-' i i
"Tho custom Is not now with olthor t.... " , ' ' V . "'" V"""'1. "i '"rgo iiuu
t . tt , m i t """lu, ' ooiinos nun ms party arc thought to bo armed.
Japan or tho United Str.tos. I would -ilftiniA.i ,n )(,n T . ' .J , h . ,
. ....... . sonouuiou to Icavo l.os Ancolos on Torres made Ins esonno from ihn
vuniurn iiihi ovorv nation una uain . r, . s . v i .
...w . iiimvu UI uvvu U1UI-. IUUIUIU III .T I 1) I U I J 11U11U1I HUB UO M. Qn.M,.n, T) nC.nt rwl . . . . . . ,, ,,
run by Japanese, but thoir presence maps and Information concerning the BiLa Sll T "T "k eVTg; ?U?'ng, .U,
has boon no nocret to the authorities. Philippines. Tho difficulty la In f. Trnnd n i' T l"t0
For the moat part tho So-called aploa ' keeping the Information up to date. 0 ZmZ. S iiS M ? ir ""J T"
have not boon lntorforod with. -i.'. mnn nm frm,nMv hrH whAn w . 0 m,uP10, "tc.idod to 8nrt Mrs. Edwin Wnito, a San Bernardino
as nlnnn nro fronnontlv nhnniro.l whon . . " "H'. wih n uuo, a on
though their movomonto have boon govornmont agents loam that certain r 0no7nv lionn A S , -5 X T 7' w8,1I8tflndiK
j .... . . . ... HIP 0110 (Ifiy U0CnlS0 IIO COllld not I with tho hrldln of linr nnililln nm.
aota no l0n3or we secret punmn nooonimodttHon8i 'hor "
followod by govornmont ngonta,
With a wild yoll tho maniac hurlod
Mrs. Waito to tho ground, seizod the
bridle and lenpe.d into tho saddle.
IIo dnshed from tho grounds and
along tho country road toward tho
Within half an hour attendants
had taken tho trail. Thov woro ioin-
ed lator by deputies from tho office
of bhoiiff Ralphs. Torres turned
Information comes from a reliabla
source that there is a plan on foot
regarding tho placing of Crater Lake
on the map of the Southern Pacific
railroad. The scheme is nothing
more nor less than the establishing
of an automobile line between Med
ford and Klamath Falls. Tho plan
proposed provides for the sale of
tourist tickets which will give the
purchaser the option of continuing
north or south on the main line or
taking the side trip via Crater Lake.
No additional charge will be made,
aside from the usual ones in con
nection with hotel expessefi.
At first glance it might seem that
the expense would bo too great a one
for the railroad to bear, where no
returns are in sight. But the com
pany is not doing it for tho present
benefits that may be derived. It
has had under consideration for
some time an advertising campaign
for- Crater Lake that will bo greater
than anything of the kind ever un
dertaken. Tho literature that is to
be issued will bo well prepared and
tens of thousands of them will be
sent broadcast throughout the world.
To supplement this the company has
conceived the idea of tho automobile
line, believing that one live tourist
would bo worth a hundred dead
books. Hence the idea of fdvinc the
tourist tho novelty of making the
trip from this city to Klamath Falls
by way of tho lake.
It will readily be seon that such a
program would arouso widespread
attention nnd would bo the means of
spreading the fame of Crater Lake
far and wide more speedily nnd ef
fectively than niijj; othor means that
could bo adopted. 4
Tho plans embracing this enter
prise are simply in tho formative
state. It may be possible that when
they are all worked out it would be
come necessary to make a small ad
ditional charge for this sido trin. but
it is understood that this will not bo
done unless tho business, would in.
volve a too heavy loss to tho com-
To Improve Itoad. "T
Klamath county is to tnko nn tho
work of improving tho road and will
spend $30,000 on tho Klamath sido
according to tho following dispatch;
Thirty thousand dollars, if nnnna.
sary, will bo Bpont in tho construc
tion of nn automobile rnml lat
Klamath Falls and Crn,
Judgo Griffith, in announcing tho "de
cision oi mo county court, said:
KInmnth county is not rnino
around with its hat in its hand naV.
mg its noighbors to help construct
roads for it, Wo are goinc to build
our own roads nnd e-olnc in Jn tt
right. Tho county court has deoidad
to construot botweon thin nitv BnA
n i . . . . J
vraier unKo ti highway that will be
a credit to tho county. We decided
that last year and were ready to
spend $30,000 in this work, If U
woro nocessarv. But thn mnA
be put iu fine shape for far less
money than this. - Alremlv Ufn
Point, the nightmaro of automobil
ista and farmers alike, is a thing of
into a oreek bed nenr tho outskirts
of tho highland and it was difficult
to follow his trail.
From a deputy who returned to thai the past, and all that remains (n in
usylum shortly boforo noon, it vusirenive a fev mora 'undesJrablw'
loarnod that Torres' pursuors bollevo along the road to make It ona
him to be armed. (Cilj u "