r MEDirORD MAIL TItlBUNE, MISDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 30, 1010. Let the Little Classified ad do Your Work for You It Works While You Sleep mmmmmm' i Ante B V BEAUTY AND PRIZE WINNERS COMING Won't It iiiirprlito Mnrlo C'alilll wliou aho rcuilH the following? Tho plct nnm of Doiilta, tho (iirnotiu beauty ami winner of tho prlzo offered the ianilm)iiuHt women on tliu American stni;o nt tho actor's Fund Knlr.lii Now York, Himoon lioforo last and who will Btako hur first appiianuieo In our city on Friday evening, AnrU t, at tho Vrnx Iumiuo, an tho Htar of lint spark Hint nniMlral comedy, "Wine, Woman anil Hong", boar a striking reaeni bianco to Uioao of Mario Oahlll. lloth tiavo tho strong woll-poln tod chin, both huvo a largo lioiul of golden hair, wliluli h real In both cases, both havo full, tioimltlvo llpa ami thn dollrato, Ulwtonileil noHtrll that Inevitably bo apcahslho artolitt. Tho same Indus- TURNING 10 FARM LANDS OF NEW YORK Stcjts Aro Tnkcn to 'Have Rural Dis tricts of Now York Settled by Im- migrants Remaining In Big Cities r WASHINGTON, March HO. Some of tho up-state folk of New York Juive been, for n good many year, wntijhing their farm lands go to grusn nnd nt the Maine tiino have hooii hun dreds of thousands of fanner piian through thoMo land for omwdod oll icS where their UHofuliiorts Ih IohI, Rml where they iiHitnlly became hud dtizniML Lust year noarly 000,000 immigrant entered at Kllis Island, n majority of whom were of the (arm injc nlnmmit nf Kuropo. Hcprohontnlivo John W. Dwight, nt a diiinor given recently to Secretaries Knil nnd WiIhiui, nhkuil IboHO gen tlemen why Now York statu could not lraw thohe men to ith t'imuh. Nugol told them there wnH a federal bureau of information to dircol foreigners to farms whore ever requested. This bunmtilio Maid would co-operate with the titnto. Itot Dwight MiyH New York is not mtiKfiorf with Hiieh eo-oM)ration and i will cBtnliliHli n huroau of Its own to push immigration to tlmwo distrietH Tim liureau will have it m headitiarterH in Now York City and will keep in -constant touch with the fannerx nnd (OTtnll towns. Secretary Wilnon lauded th'w -ilnn nnd mild ho hoped noon to bo it followed by other atntCH.j nankins for flenlth. TORT LAND HARDWOOD FLOOR COMPANY IL-urj-eAt ntook of Oak, Mnplo, Beoch, Riroh, Mnlofrnny md Walnut " FLOORING la the Pnoifio northwest. Mnnufae tirera of Parquetry Flooring. Wo fc&v a latx force ol Export Ma kaBtofl and nro in a position to give Mtimatea of finished floor work. Wo Xtt9 um a nnndinK nnd Boraptnj- ma be for Hiirfaoinj- dnnco halls nnd akating rink floorn. We Hell wax, vraz brtiRhefl, furnituro resta nnd f-l&m sliding shoos. Write or call nt 2M YAMHILL ST., PORTLAND. i.L. - ' 1 L 1 JJJJ NOTICE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S LAND DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE Mr. S. J. Adlor will bo nt .tho hotel Mooro March 17 to jWil 1 for tho purposo of seeing thoso who nro intor eatcd in tho comnany's fn mouq Albortn whont lnnds. TFTe will bo i)roparcd to fur nish Icomploto information, induding maps, litoraturo, prices, etc. Call on Mr. Adlor and arrange to tnlco advan tage of our low-rato semi monthly excursions during this sonflon and inspect these lands. ide -McCarthy land COMPANY, Colonization Agents Canadian Paoific Railroad. crlhablo oyu that can boam with a Minllii or glisten with a tear within the twinkling of tho Batno second Ih nlllco common to each. OiiIhIiIo of all t li Ih thur Ih ntlll tho oxpniBHlon, tho Inde finable something that tolls tho bo holder that tho possessor enn fool and Hiiffor, Honltti Ih n much younger woman than who resemblo. It hi not generally known that Mis Cahlll bo- Kan hor career In much tho huiiio man nor h Uonlta, although Mho ban not roaeht'd tho nnmu omlnonco at tho name tender yours, Ilotiltn'n success Iiiih boon illtlo loxii than phenomlnul and hor Initial appearance In thlu city lit looked forward to with nntiKiial In torcHt by thoHO who havo road of hor success of four hundred nights nt tho Clrclo theatre, Now Vorlc city. AUSTRALIA SENDS OVER COUNTERPART OFTAFT Has the Same Genial Smile, Ingratl ntlnn Manner ami Nearly Same Girth at Waistband. LONDON, March :iO.--T!m An ntralian commonwealth ha nun I over itrt 11 rut iiKinit-Koni'rul to tho mother country in tho person of Sir O. II ltcld, an ox-premier of the common wealth. 1 1 in reHemhhiueo to Mr. Tuft in Htrikiui;. Not only has ho the kotno gonial ninilo and ingratiating matiuor, hut aliiuml a similar prtli. Thoro h nothing that Sir Oeoru Ili'iil rehoutH more than heuiK culled u hiiHtler. IleKnyK he never Iiuh tloH, nnd never could huMlu, hut kevpri ntoailily plodding uwny nt the tune when ho ih at work. When lie in enjoying himself nothing will in duce him to think of work or itn wor ries lie in a peculiar and Kdertul uian in tho commoiiwealHi, and un like most other Ktatesiueu there, ih a free trader. Ho docH not believe in what is call cd tarilt rclorm Here, nut wutou ,is really protcutiqn, nor dooa ho think that colonial preference would u8i tho trade or tho friendly relation of tho other country nnd her col ouies. 4 BASEBALL NOTES. Tho veteran, fleorgo Van I laltron, is umpiring tho White Sox practice gnmoH on the coast. Malacht Kittredgo has finished his work us couch nt Harvard and is opon for an engagement. Itny Dcrtuitt, last season with tho Highlanders, is making good with tho St. Louis Drowns. "Josh ' Devoo looks ho good to McOraw that ho may ho placed nt the bond of tho Giants' hatting list. Millor. Muggins is showing good form about second base and looks to bo tho host hot for field captain of the Cardinals. "Tris" Speaker is still tho hitting kid with the Hoston' Americans. The Toxun is n great porfonnor of classy willow music, Clarence Rowland has been ap pointed maiiagor of the Jackson ville, 111., team. Itowland did good work tho pnst two seasons as pilot of tho Aberdeen, Wash., club. Chnrloy Prucitt, tho Connor Hod Sock, nnd Gcorgo Itoho, whoso hit ting won n world's championship for tho Chiongo White Sox, aro membors of tho Now Orleans olub. Baseball fans don't lmvo to dig lor tho pneo of n score card whon thoy visit tho PhUndolphin Amorioan loaguo grounds. Last season tho atlilotio itnnagomout gnvo away movo than 700,000 cards. Illinois Society Meeting. The Illinois society will meet at Smith's hall Saturday ovoning. All Illinoisnns nro invited to attend. Med ford, Oregon: Thla oertlfles that vre haro told Hall's Texas Woa der for the oureiof. all-ktdaey, (blad der and rheuBjatto troubles for tea years, and have atror had a cobj- plalnt. It gltes quick and permanent relief, Sixty days' treatment In each bottle. Medford Pharmacy. tf , Modern Woodmen! Uring your wife, daughters nnd lady friends to n Woodman daneo, Friday, April 1, 8 p. in., at Hodmon's hnll, Good music and a Wondmnn tlmo, Urine Hoeoipt No. 250 nnd fiD oonts. Visiting Noighhors nnd Hoynl Neighbova woleomo, 10 COMMITTRK. ROAD CONGESTION IN FALL SAYS HILL Tonnago Offered Roads Increasing Dally and by Fall There Will Not Bo Enough Traffic Units to Han dle It. CHICAGO, III., March .'10.-James I. Hill has predicted that tho rail roads of tho United States will ex perience next fall Ihn greatest traf fic congestion in their history. He avers tho opinion that there is no way to prevent this state of affair and that shippers who dispatch goods during tho congested period do so at their own risk. "Tlie tonnage offered tho roads is increasing daily," Hill said, "and all indications nro that before fall we will not be able to Mipply sufficient traffic units to care for it. Tonnage offered for shipment is growing nt u mucfi more rapid rate than are the facilities 'to handle it, and it does not take a mathematician to figure what these conditions will lead 1. Tho1 roads nro not lo blame for thin. It's next to impossible for them to raine money enough to make exteii ious as rapidly as they aro needed. Thero appears to be difficulty ahead for the shipper and the carrier this year. STRANGE SHEPHERD DOG'S VIGIL OVER CHILD'S SHOES DAN VILLK, Vu., March 30. A white shepherd dog never before seen in tho community is guarding n pair of child's shoos which were found on tho hanks of Dan river. Tho dog has stubbornly resisted all efforts to lure him nwny from the tiny shoos. He will not leave even for his meals. The dog is being fed with food brought by fanners. Tho shoes evidently were worn !iv n child about T years of age. No one is known to be missing from this loenlitv. FOR SALE. IlKAL KSTATE. fOR BALE 70 acres. I mllo from Kaglo Point, uncleared, 00 acres first-class sticky fruit land; prlco $00 per acre, easy terms; 40 acres, froo soil, half bottom land; 10 acres cleared, heavy timber on balance; good wator right, two mllos from Eaglo Point; prlco $120 por aero. For furthor Information, nddrcsa Dox 127. Eaglo Point, Or. nOHBCfl. FOH SALE Smnll new houso, largo bzarn, extra largo lot, f Ino location, $800; $300 cash, balance terms. Ad dress Ownor, caro Mall Tribune. 0 FOR SALE Now G-room modorn bunRnlow; only five .blocks from Mooro hotol; all ready to movo Into; prlco till April 1st will bo $1800; only $800 cash roqutrod, balance In ono year at 8 por cent; this bunga low will ront easily for $20. Ron- son Investment Co. 8 FOir 8ALE Modern bungalow, 5 rooms, bath, pantry, two porches, wlrod, partly plumbod, tinted walls, waxed woodwork, corner lot COx 120 feot, In ono of choicest Kaet Medford districts; house aad lot could not now be duplicated for prlco asked, $2000; $1500 will baa Mo. Address P. O. Hox 172. 324 FOR SALE Five-room cottage on West Ninth, facing south; price $1200; torms. Donson Investment Co. 8 FOR SALE On rorth Klvorsmo Avonuo, G room houso, barn and ,ono-half aero of good garden lasd all for $1600. Address P. O. box 878, Medford, Or. FOR SALE Tonth stroot will bo pav- od' 'this Boason, Wo aro offorlng a modorn flvo-room cottago, south fac ing on this stroot, for $1350. Don't overlook th'a ono. Donson Invest ment Co. 8 FOR SALE Throo brnnd now bun galows; rontlng at $10 onch; prlco about what somo folkB ask for bare lot; $860; halt cash, balnnco $20 monthly. Donson Investment Co. 8 Acreage. FOR SALE 5 and 10-aore traqta just within and adjoining city lim its, nt n bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address Condor Water Power Co. Lots, Oou"lot In Walnut P'arlc FOTTSATTff nddltlon, $300, torms, caro ot Mall Trlbuno. Address K, FOR SALE Throo cornor lota, cloao In, at n saorlflco. Call on or nddross M. McDonough, cornor Sixth and Dnrtlott, 0 . SOME ONE OF TO DAY'S WANT ADS IS GOING- TO CHANGE THE WHOLE FACE OF THE WORLD FOR SOMEBODY CLASSIFIED AD ANSWERS AT MAIL TRIBUNE A. J. E. W. 1). S. T). M. F. B. ' H. D. W. 2. A; D. V. II. G. ' Owner 201. . -n: C. Ejf. T. G. Bargain. W. E. J. C. Z. FOR SALE Lots. FOR SALE Two south front lots on Tenth street, 50x102, $050 each. This includes sewer, water and sido wnlks; terms. T. S. Hutchings, 128 South Holly street. 10 FOH SALE City lots, 20; ror a small, safe Investment cce th city lots I offor at $300 and (250 per lot; $20 cshIi payment, balance $10 per month; no Interot. H. C. Malt by, Palm I lug. FOR SALE Last season we subdivid ed several additions. A very few of thoso lots remain unsold, hardly enough to Justify an cxtonslvo ad vertising campaign. Thoy are good lots, howovor, and if you aro a real wlso Investor, you will examlno this bargain countor. $250 lots aro scarco In Modford. We can show you a fow. Donson Investment Co. 8 Farms or Orchards. FOR SALE Ninety aens. 30 m one year old applo and pear trees, 100 Incbos of water, 2 1-2 miles from railroad station. For terms write "Ownor," caro Mali Tribune. 261 tOR 8ALE 60 acres, rracet building etto In tho alloy, Includli g 30 acres good fruit land; cheap and terms right. H. O. Maltby, Palm Dldg., Main and Front FOR SALE About 30 acres of good orchard land 1 12 miles east of Phoenix Ono-half Is In orchard. Tolophono, Medford, 1199, or ad dress C. T. Payno, Phoenix. Ore. FOR SALE 25-acro orchard homo; every aero ot which Is tlllablo; 20 acros sot to pears and peaches; com plcto sot of buildings; well, etc.; a nlco orchard homo, on two good county roads; for cash and a quick turn $3000 will tako It. Wo expect to sell this to tho ttrst person who boob it. Donson Investment Co. 8 FOR SALE Some good buys. 30 acres Just outside ABhland city Urn' Its, soil deep black, good-orchard, alfalfa or garden land; has good Improvements; nicely located to cut In aero true to; this Is a bargain at $14,350. Also 300 acres best soil and best Irri gated tra t In southern Oregon; can not beduplicated as a fruit-or alfalfa venturo; will pay 20 per cent on in vestment oa an alfalfa farm. Wo havo other tracts, both large and small, with prices to suit any purse; also somo good buys In Ash land city property. For particulars call on or address H. L. White & Co., No, 25 North Main street, room 7, Ashland Imp, block. ' 381 Timber Land. FOR SALE 40 acres ot good timber flvo miles from Modford; all down hill. Mat Calhoun, Phoenix, Oro gon. BbsIhcss Property; FOR SALE Choioo buBinesa prop erty at a bargain, on long tune; easy torms. Address Condor Wa ter Powor Co. Horses, FOR SALE Riding pony, choap. Address R. O. F. Astbury, Gold Hill. 10 FOR SALE Two teams and harnoss, 14-lnch 8Ulkcy plow, 10-Inch gar don plow, 3-Inch now Moltno wag on, graoln and garden Bood, Inqulro room 2, N.sh Hotel, 8 Miscellaneous. FOR SaIjE Ono fresh cow and calf. Call nt 333 South Riverside. FOR SALE. Mlftccllnncou. FOIt SALE: Ono 2-horso disc har row, cost f40; prlco $35, practically I now, only baring been run oyer about 40 acres. Inqulro Medford Uook Store. KOH SALE Fronh laid thoroughbred bronze turkey eggs for sotting. Leave orders with Wernor, Wortman & Gore. 320 KOK BALK Eggs for batching, $1 per setting, fiom pure laying strain of Oarrod Rock. Phone Medford Farmer 180. Address Dox 190, Cen tral Point. 321 FOIt SALE 60 Angora goats. Carl T. Skycman, Trail, Or. FOlfSALB Now cash register. ET- wood & Dennett. Central avo. Address 135 S. 60 FOIt SALE Good No. J seed corn; also Early Sunrise potatoes and good cooking potatoes. Jos. Taylor & Sons. S FOIt SALE 1000 cedar fence posts, I a lot of fence pickets. F. Occnbrugge, ' Studebakor Bros. Co. Warehouse. FOH SALE Good, rich black top dirt, Just the thing for gardens. See A. Blovor. " FOH SALE Or trade, fine driving borso, sound, cot afraid of automo biles; will trado for ,lCvy work horso. Box 130. Malford. FOR SALE One Home Edison grapkophonc, nearly new nnd a splendid phone, with two nnd four minute records free. Address Box 443. P. O., Medford. 0 FOH SALE Mlmeograpn tor dupli cating letters. In good condition, cheap, at office of Condor Water & Powor Co. 283 Vi FOR RENT. Houses. FOR RENT Four-room bouse. 1112 Nlautlc street. 8 FOR RENT Good five-room house, barn and nearly V ncro of good garden land. Inqulro at Daley & Toft's real o:Uto office, 128 East Main st. Office Rooms. FOR RENT Offices ever postottlce on April 1st; will be steam heated and havo hot and cold water by next winter. Apply to A. A. Davis. Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT Modern tumlsd rooms at C04 West 10th or 124 King street. FOH RENT Furnished rooms. 10 North Grape street. No. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping rooms; lights and baths; gontlomen only. 243 N. Holly. 8 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for rent. North Front street. No. 206 Phono 3731. Misccllaacons. TO RENT Pasturo for stock, horses, cattlo, sheep or goats; rooms, tur- nlshod or unfurnished. Inqulro at 319 8. Laurel st, city. 12 FOR RENT Only hotel in town ot 1000 population. Call at Condor Water and Power Co., 209 West Main stroet. FOR RENT Pasturo land on Price Ranch, Tolo; irrigated land, next to McDonough ranch, Tolo. Condor Water & Power Co. 50 FOR RENT Garden land on Bear creek, one ncro and upwards with water for irrigation; owner will furnish toam, plow and seed for part of crop. Seo Kofoldt, Condor Water & Power Co. 50" FOR LEASE Fully oqulrpod gold mine; ton-stamp mill and concen trator, all operated by electric pow oi. Ownor will furnish froe elec tric powor for shnro In proceeds. See Kofld, at Condor Water & Powor Co. WANTED, Help Wonted -Female WANTED A compotont tonograph- er. Address T, care of this offlco.10 WANTED Girl for general house- work. Apply a, 618 West Main. 11 WANTiUU A young lady for light otflco work. Address D. 8., care of this oflico. WXNTED A compotent woman for hoiiBOWork and cooking; good wages, nlso farm hand knowing young or chard work. Address L, caro Mall Trlbuno offico. 47 Help Wanted. WXNTEB-Man and " wife, man" for gardening and wife, for general housework. Apply Condor Water & Powor Co WANTED Teams to work cleariug brush land. Apply to Fish Lake ranch, Phono Farmer 7055, WANTED Five farm toams, 10 farm hands, 10 mon for planting trees. Condor Wator fc Powor Co. WANTED. Positions. WANTED A Japanoso begr wants position to wash dishes In fow fam- 'llles after 7 p. m. Address M, caro of this office. 10 WANTEDMlddle-aged man, busl ncss and legal cxporlenco, desires po sition; might Invest. Address O, Mall Trlbuno. 8 Help Wanted Stale. WANTED Ten miners and laborers. Apply Condor Water & Powor Co. WANTED First-class gardener. Ap ply Condor W tier & Power Co. WANTED Experienced stono cutter and quarry man. Call at Condor Water and Power Co's. offlco. WANTED A man experienced In tho handling of incubators and turkoy raising. Apply at office of Condor Water & Power Co. 283 MJsccIIaneoBS. WANTED When in need of help, ring up Wills' employment office. Phono Main 1562, at 17 S. Front street. 9 WANTED Pupils for pUylscal cul ture, elocution and voice culture. Miss Elma Hayner, graduate Emery ville college, Doston. Address Ash land, caro George Stevens. 11 WANTED An Investment. What have you? I have from $5 to $15,000 cash. Will consider No, 1 apple and pear dirt, raw land or set to trees, nny age; also Medford property. Ad dress Engineer, Box 863. Medford. MONEY TO LOAN. TO LOAN Soveral thousand dollars On good real estate security. Apply to Jackson County Abstract Co. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Beotblacks. IIINE Get your shoes sbined, oiled or dyed at tho Palace bootblack stand in Smokehouse. First-class work is onr specialty. Shoes called for in any part of city and deliver ed. 212 West Main street. Phone Main 121. Eddie, tho Bootblack. Landscape Gardeners. J. T. BROADLEY, Landscape gar dener; a long experience in laying out and care of private grounds. P. O. Box 521. Medford. Or. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers Palm Building. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attornoys-at-liw. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank Build ing, second floor. B. F. MULKEY Attomey-at-Law, Offices Room 30, Jackson County Bank Bnilding, Medfori. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phone 351. Night Phones: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H. Butler 3571. Fheteiraphers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose witk Mackey and die with joy." Over Al len & Reagan's store; entrance on Seventh street Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C st, Modford, Or. E. W. Hisey, Matron. Official hospi tal P. & E. R. R. Bricklayers. BRICKLAYERS K. Kurin, at Smokehouse, first-class bricklayer, stoneworker, cement stepping, stucco and moulding, fireplaces and tile work a specialty, European plan; day or contract. Medicines. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will cure rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vate diseases. These remedies may be procured at the Sing Lee laun dry, 123 S. Riverside avenue, Med ford, Or., where they will be sold by tho proprietor. Dr. Chow Young has treated sev eral severe eases with his remedies since coming to Medford and has for reference some of the best known and most intelligent citizens in Southern Oregon. Call on him. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate, Loans nnd Fire l,,ei 1 Office, suite 205-200, over Frnit growers' Bnnk. Phone 541. AS A MATTER OF BUSINESS, we would suggest that yon qall at onr offico in search of real estate bar gains. We refuse to list any prop erty for which owner asks more than wo think it is worth. We do not care to make sales at extrava gant and unreasonable prices. Yon will not find us tagging you on the street or annoying yon at the hotel, hence this invitation to call at our office, No. 128 E, Main at Pierce, Shepherd & Co. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. RmI Estate. SEE WM. E. STACEY It CO. fear some of the choicest fergAm iss real estate in this valley. Abe Bnt-- ish Columbia and Alberta, B. Cv ' other parts. Call on kss at . offico, Phipps Boildinfr, x nfe Medford Auto Company's whore we start oat oar ageaki the Aladden Mantle LaBSfi mmi den window screen. We wiQ yon right Come and see. Printers ami PubHahir. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has tiM best equipped job office kt Sosilfa ern Oregon; Portland Mr South Central avo. Plan InttritettM. MISS JENNESSE BUTLER Flaps instruction and ansieal hiatoijs. Studio, No. 8 S. Orjuge Bt Pkemti Mam 2491. HAJtMONY, sight reading, form. Mrs. E. E. Gore, Metro poHfami; College of Mamc. Miss Flora Dinaios, 144 Bonth. central ai Phone 493. VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster ss4$ Distributor. All orders filled. Room 29, Jaoksoa Bank Bnilding, Medford, Or. BHNard Parfws. 8. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up Yoobjc & Hall batitbsg. A i plaee to apead the hot afiemenwai- JOHNS & TURNER, Architects Builders, office 7-8, 235 Phone Mais 3471. Res&eaM 2471. Carrlaie and Ants PalHtog. VALLEY .SIGN AND CASBLMK WORKS High-class work teed. Signs. Riverside Phone 801. Till Sfta&;S. J. A. SMITH Tin shoo. Ti . sheetiron ware on haad aaii waaim 4bk. order. 128 North G street , . " FeHnttwa. H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers i mmec and second -hand farakBra mmK hardware. Agents for Mea CRk kitchea cabinet 323 E. Bevesrifc a. MISSION FURNITURE W0BK8 Corner 8th aad Holly sia., KdftflL"' Missioa Furniture Bade to Cabmet work of all kkds. A 1 order seUoked. MOBDOFF & WOLFF Ceek Sterna and Ranges. New and Rtinnnff fffasief Furniture, Eads' old stead, IK WL. F st South- Phoae 91. Madfawt. On QUAKER NURSERHK! Oar am nAHi. tint vmttai. fkaa- i is not irrigated. We grparaaW sn- C erythmjr pat oat. We are sat m. trust Hi B. Patterson, effie. Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NUKiSWE Growers of high-grada aaissugr stock, a F. Cook, Prep. K. 9L fl depot P. O. Box 841. Pitas Medford. Brick Cwwpawlw. G. W. Priddy. J. T. O: D. Nagle. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. I manufacturers and eeatiseAemc also lime, cement aud plaster m stagr, quantity. Office, Medferd NatfawnK Bank bldg. Phone Makt 646. JACKSON COUNTY BUELDQHE AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 0. Bogjrs, Acting Secretary, 128 Main street ' Etenthts. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Offico La rooms 203-304, Fsmaws? & Fraitgrowers' hank baSdwx, msftv of the tracks. . PhvslelajHt and Swtrtiiifc. t R. W. STEARNS, M. P. Ow . Jackson Ceaaty bank. Night mm. promptly answered. Offtat as renfc dent phone Maia 3432. CONROY k CLANCY -r Dtffet tut. Stewart Building Phyaieia asar Surgeons. Offico phoae Maw S4pL, private phone Main 612. DR. F. Q. CARLOW, DR. MWJki MAINS CARLOW Oatoathfcn Physicians. Mission Bleak. Fawns.' 201, Medford. i Plaar aaiJ Xahaaasia IRELAND & ANTLE 8eke Saaaa dealers in tobaoeo, eJffara mi nasnhi ere Huppitea. Exclusive utmm mm Lewis Single Binder, El MerHa El Palenoia. 212 West Maia T MESSENGER SKRVIGB mam sisaslariAii 11 tmunt Mmm, got a u nipuvvt v w ma imam w - aad till 9 p. n. id any part a aMfa. from lOe to 2Eo. Phoae Vate lillh ' StMMraRlMrs. ELLA M. GAUNYAW PaJsa" MmssC Stenographle work d fWWy a' , weU. JCf .a t. r It"