J SOCIAL AND PERSONAL 0. f 'uly of Titlont wiiM In Mud ford mi ImihIiidhh Tuomliiy. I'oncli truoH foi enlo nt ten contn ouln oncJi. II. 1). Pftttormiii, NanIi ho tel. " .1. ,M. CniiiiiniiiM (it Agur, (Jul., Ih In .Mmh'oiil trying to roiiow IiIh mum. ory of tin) (own. Mr. Ciiiiiinoim wiih a ruxlilent ol! Mudford hhiiiu fiftocii yearn ago mill t hit Ik IiIh I'irHl vlult Iii!, 1 lo couldn't liullovo IiIh oye whun ho tciii)(l from the tniin. Montgomery Iiiilr-dronNlng pur lom now owoii. GO J. II. llfoiimn of Gold Hill i in Mod ford on biiHlnofln, Viur Kldd'H Shoos. G. I. Ilutclilmin, who, in company! with George and Churlou King, Iiuh' boon in Mexico on Intuition, rdiiniefl j io M.rdfnnt Tuesday uvuuIiik. Tim party traveled ovor U.00 ihIIoh Into the Interior from Mexico City on; bcirHoliiu'Jc, initio Imok, burro back and on foot. .Mr. HtitoltUiui nay there me vtiHt HiNlliiIitioH in Unit -country for future development mid Hint tnuny AmoriciuiM nro taking nd vatitago of the liliurnl torinw offered b the government. Mr. nd Mr. W. A. Hclnvurr. of Yitituoiivor, WiihIi., are in Mod ford on a IntNinefiH trip. W. L, Honnlliii of Clilrugo and T. K. Hunnlliii of J.afayetle, hid., are in tho valley 0:1 u tour of invi'Htigati.tn Chinnwara at GondfriondV. The dremdng tuottiH in the grand titand nt tho hall park worn broken into iome time between Saturday night mid TuoHdny inornlnvr and a number of bnllri wore Htoleu. Kn trance wu effected through a win dow and etfruMM iiindo by breaking the lock on ntu of the outnide doom. The balls were ouch which had been used nod of no enmnturoial value, and the crime in attributed for that roamm to Homo of tho hoyn of tho neighbor hood, CoffvoM at Goodfricnd'i. J. W. Dltaworth of Leeds was in Uledford Wednesday on a litiHinofw trip. Mr. PiUworth is among the Hueee(iful fruitgrowers of tho Up jwr Itogiw Hivor xectiou and hnH demonstrated the fael that that al titude produces a fine grado of np- fplOH. Areola, the now table water. Star Jloltllng Works. 10 'Mr. and Mr. II. C. Honney loft "Wednesday morning for ItoHoburg on -a visit of nevoral dnyn. Tens at Qoodfrioiid'. W. V.. Stout of Hilt, Cab, Is in "Medford on a business trip. Areola, tho new tnblo wntor. Star Bottling Works. 10 Woar Kidd's Shoos. New linir-drqBHing parlors now open nt Montgomery's. CO' Hath fixtures at Goodfriond's. A competent Btoiiogrnphor .wanted. -Address " enro of this office 10 K. D. Sawyer for survoys. Suhdi rialon and plntting a spocinlty. .Room 12, Emeriolc Tho sale on nnrdon'a broad In In creasing daily. Thero must be a -reason. Areola, tho now tnblo water. Star Bottling Works. 10 Your grooor handles Itnrdou'H 'biond. Carving sots at Goodfriond's. ITave you tried tho dollolous 'drinks and loo oronm nt Rnrdon's mew fountain f A nico selection of monthly bloom liiff roses nt 25 cents each. II. I), fPnttorson, Hotel Nnsh. Itardon's now sodn fountuin is aorvinfr, nil tho latent drinks, loo loroam, oto. iDoor mats nt Goodfriond's. nov. FTolmos nnd wifo and C. IT. Ticroe nnd wifo visitod Ashland and attended tho protrnotcd meetings at 4hat place. Whitman's candies nro unoxcellod. The Morrivold Shop ban the oxolus Ive ngonoy for Medford, Rnlph Bacon is in tho city today arranging for the npponranco bore fof Walter Dnmrosoh nnd tho Now York Symphony orohostrn. Tho fdato will probably bo May 10. Stnte Organizer J. II. Fitzgornld -of tho Improved 0. It. M., went to Tboonlx Tuesday, whoro in tho ova nkig ho organized a tribo of the or ,fder numboring somo 30 mombors. Phone 2001, Goodfriend's. John IT. Carkin, attorney at law, over Jackson County Hank. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilownrd Betts lonvo "this ovonlnff for Gold Hill. Thoy will mako tboir homo this Biimmor in tho Asbestos section, . iCarpet Bweepers at Goodfriond's. Wear Kldd'n Shoes. V. A. Dunlnp of Talont was in jModford Wodnosday. Wringers nt Goodfriond's. , Wcar Kidd's Shoos. Adolph Schultr was in Modford 'from Jacksonville Wodnosday. Kitohon ntonsils at Goodfriond's, Perhaps you nood n typowritor. You oan socuro any mako you wish, In a rebuilt typowritor, at Tho Morri vold Shop, at n reasonnblo prioo. J. D. Seomons of IJutto, Mont., Is t 1 1 11 I I.! 1 cin uiu vnnoy luuKiog aiuunu, Booke Bibles, Prayor Books, po- vetry, fiction, gift books for children and adults. Coma In and look tlinm ovor nt Tho Morrivold Shop. ' C. W. Wllmeroth and family of Clilono linvo hocoino pertnauiint ro-; IdentH of Modford. Mr. Wilmoroth , just "slopped off" in M eil In id on Ills way south to hoo what wo had horo. Ho saw.' Ho scut for his fam ily and Is now a practically ponnn, limit fixture. Tho Mfirrlvold Shop has office Mippllos, (iioluding filos, blank hooks, memorandum books, pencils, pens, inks, inkwells, tnblot, typowritor supplies, onvolopos, prtsto, muoilugu and fountain pons. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. ltiloy of Hm-rti-mento, Cnl., nro In Modford looking for it location, niinitirnn 1 nnil A Mil VIMl-v v I 1 1 1 ' n V 4 UUU 1LUU LUUHLU. 4 -4 Edol lira',, will bo in Modford ;this week. Ask Doc Hynn. 10 1 For wood of nil kinds, iteo 1I11 1 Sipinre Dou Woody a rd. Plii.if JU01. Fir street, botwoon Second laud Third stieets, Gould & Lindley, I pioprivturn, 201 Wear Knld's SIiooh. If you want satisfaction try u j ,!; ol Mt, Hood tiimw-Fuil iloi (For snlo nt tbo Hints Mill. Itomcm I . ,p- Polk & Son. I W. P. Gerwolf, contractor, pain Iter and paperhangor. Phono 1801, J Park View Hotel. 0 j Edel Urau will bo in Medford this week. Ask Doc Ryan. 10 TIIIH IB TO YOUIl INTRUST. Fowl for HeflocUon. This Is tho Stool Itanso lny. a day when people want tho bostf yot qunl lt can bo t.trrled toot ar. Ono can a hoi'zu for 110.000, llkewlso for $2000. To bo sure, tho first ta best, but il wlir tnko five times as much to keep up till houno as the lat ter. Tho same applies to n stool range. Ono can bo mailo for $100, llkowlso 0110 far $10, nnd If ono knows tho $to rnugo will cook nnd look na good as tbo first with half tho fuel. Why will or should ho pay $100 for a range. Nono but simple-minded do. If there Is a run go sold In Modford tint will cook hotter nnd with loss fuel and lobk as well as tbo Tolodo Unngo, why 'o so many more Toledos go out oncb your than does any other tlon and without fear of contradiction that In Inst four years more Tolodo Ranges hnvo boon sold from Modford than any othor, and wo further say that more cooklnc can bo dono In ono wook or 0110 yoar on Toledo with llss fuel than any other offered for sale In Modford. Tboro aro othor good Btovcis, but nono that aro mndo as good, look ns nice, aro offerod for tho stno figure. Call and Inspoct tbum and oo tbolr points. Look thorn ovor. Our uunrnntco Is back of thorn. aAKNBTT-COKEY HARDWARE CO. Hotel Arrivals. Tho Nash C. Row', Chicago; Ron Rico, Spoknnoj'W. II. Adams, Port land; Q. Stoin, San Francisco; J. S. Rolud, Now York; C. L. Wilson, San Francisco; A. A. Lovy, San Fran cisco; M. A. Goldsmith, II. C. Zeh rung, J. R. Flynn, W. T. Carson, Portland; J. K. Browcr, II. B. Tron son, Eagle Point; J. A. Thornton, Snn Francisco; J. R. Hnrvoy, Galioo. Tho Mooro A, W. Sovoranco, P. J. Knstorday, Portland; Mrs. Chas. Lowis, Snornmoiito; J. W. Holmes, Portland; M. B. Ricoy, Lnkoviow; II. R. Louuoler nnd wifo, Benton Har bor; Mrs. F. E. Jackson, G. E. San dors, Grants Pass; Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Brnnson, Tonopab; M. J. Lovo, Modford; R. L. Burdiek, Ashland; L. F. Wnlluco nnd family, city; A. S. Wobor, Portland; I. L. Jowoll and wifo, Trail; E. Snvngo nud wifo, Glendnlo; G, H. Richardson, Port land. Tannled With City Water. William Homo nnd Frank Moroy tauglod with tho city wntor system Monday nftoruoou and camo out sooond host. Bonio, who is tho city engine drivor, wns washing tho street in front of tho firo-houso with tho hoso whon tho littlo brown brothor under took to holp him hold tho nozzle Billy wns having about nil ho could do to hold against tho pressuro and when Frank took hold of tho hoso nnd gnvo It n tontntlvo jork both of thorn pllod up on tho pavement with tho nozzlo sloshing wildly Wound nnd distributing wnter impnrtlally ovor tho neighboring laudncapo and spootators. Harry Young, who wns at tho hydrant, rccovorod from his nnuisomout In time to shut tho wntor off hoforo tho two woro drownod. ANDREW CARNEGIE ON HIS WAY TO CHICAGO GRAND CANYON, Ariz., March 20. Andrew Carnoglo and hlo party to day aro on routo to Chicago after spondlng throo ovontful days at tho Grand Canyon. Tho stool kins oxpocts to mako a throo days' halt tn Chicago boforo procoodlng to Now York, MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, iTinnui imnntirnn -f 4 !nnnn nnnun aim 1 - . 1 N VrnN .K HN ffl fln i m A MASONIC FRAUD! Man Who Practiced an Gullible There Expected to Try the Same Game In Orcnon. Tai'omii Miihoiih lutve iiueai'tlicd i' fraud in their midst that is ut trad ing iiiuid tliiiii ordinary (.ttentiou Tliis fraternal order genius us a rulo gives tho name of Lucas, and pro fesses to take a novice and induct htm through nil tho degreos of Ma Honiy to the 32d, charging for this bfirgaiii-i'ountor work $KI.V Sol crafty has been the lodge organir.or that it is conceded among many who have investigated his work, he koeps beyond the pale of tho law. Lucas is charged by Taooma Ma sons nnd somo of his dupes with pro lending to hnvo a charter from tho I'talr grand lodge by virtue of which bo is ahln to initiate Masons at his convenience. Making his talk to those who do not understand the workings of the order, ho protends to hnvo peculiar powers vested in him 1 which arc to further a membership campaign. Should ho come in enn tiKjt with n member of the order, who ! grasps tho error of Lucas' preten sions, which comes from the old Scotch lodges, which, ho says, aro ns regular as any American Ma sonry. In Tacnma it is reported that he fitted tip n room for his initiatory work, and secured the Masonic Man ual, which is sold at bookstores. Re working out bis own code for secret work, nnd trying to adapt it to Ma sonic traditions, ho was able to de ceive tho unwnry. To mnke his in ducement especially strong, in addi tion to inducting tho aspirant into the subordinate lodges, lie agreed to convoy them on up through the higher degrees, even to the 32d, which he was willing to do for a low rate. Appealing to those who de sired Mnsonic membership nnd did not enro "to pay tho usual initiatory fees, or who doubted their ability to gain admission in tho regular mon itor, the impostor isvsaid to have se cured somo initiates in Tncoma. He is also reported to hnvo worked to some extent in Seattlo nnd San Francisco, nnd it is regarded prob "'o that ho will , duo time get into ,llc cgon field. Masons hnvo been jvnni.ng ho public against the fraud, ll0l,1,1 Posuro would bo so moro dupes for his false work. In Tncoma ho got $135 from a vaudo villo actor, and is believed to have initiated sovcral musicians. Aftor investigating tho impostor's methods, tho officials concluded that ho could not bo prosecuted "with suc cess. It is found that ho vorv craft ily nvoids tolling the dupos that ho is inducting thorn into regular Ma- sonio bodios. All tho receipts ho signs show nothing moro than that tho man who paid the money has boon initiated into Lucas' own order, and if any man wants to pay $135 for this privilcgo, thu law cannot prevent. While vorbal statements and inferences lend tho candidates to expect mcmborship In Mnsonic lodges, whon it comes down to clos ing tho bargain nnd getting tho monoy, Lucas doos not agreo in writ ing to such n thing, and thus de stroys tbo legal ovideneo required lo convict for obtaining monoy by fnlso pretenses. Whilo tho man is work ing a palpnblo fraud, statutes nro so looso that thoy do not roach his deeds, nnd public protection rests in being warned against his work. Dr. Scely Going East. Dr. E. R. Sooly will leavo in n short tlmo for Now York to tnko n course in surgory. TTo would grent ly appreciate tho payment of out standing accounts boforo ho loavoa. 10 WILL EXHIBIT ROGUE FRUIT (Continued from Page 1.) Tho mnttor of confirming tho no tion of tho eommittoo will como up nt tho noxt mooting of tho Co:mnor: oinl club, Wodnesday, April G. Mr. Rico, who wns practically tho whole thing nt Spoknno Inst Jfnll, nnd through whoso efforts tho show wns undo a succoss, wns Inst in Modford In 1802. Tho clmngoa in thoso 18 yonrs were almost unboliovablo to him. "I enn't ronlizo that it Is tho snmo town nor tho 6omo country," ho said. "Thoro Is n grontor dlfforonco In tho spirit of tho pooplo. Thon thoy mov ed bo slowly thnt thoy lookod liko n funoral procossion; now ovon n Spo knno mnn must koop going to avoid being run ovor," Any auction that is to bo hold in this town ought to bo well ndvortlsod In this nowspapor If It's at nil Im portant that pooplo should attond it. IlnsHns for Hoalth. MEDFORD, OREOON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 'THE RED MILL" TONIGHT - f 4 4-f -f -f 4- f 4 f HKttT. O. SWOK anil WOOt in "Th Had Mill.' BIG SHIPMENTOF " SPRAYING WE , , nn nnn . A. Perry Receives 90,000 Pounds Of Arsenate Of Lead in One Car' Biggest Single Shipment. J. A. Perry yesterday received the largest consignment of ai&onnte uf lead ever shipped to any single sec tion of Oregon to bo used ns spray material. Tho car enmo direct from Boston and contained 00,000 pounds of (he stuff that puts the jinks 011 the fruit pests. "How tbo stuff was over put into one car is n mystery to me," said Mr. Perry. "I ordered what I thought was two cars, and it came in 0110. I hnvo londcd somo cars my self, but tbo fellow that loaded that ono has me in the nlso-rnn clnss." It renlly did seem liko an impossi bility, to look at the bnrrels nnd kegs in ,tho wnrehouse, after they had been unloitdcd. They covered nearly the entiro floor nnd were not scat tered, cither. Tho freight bill 011 the car was $1153. Tho dope will all bo used by the orchardists of Southern Oregon dur ing this season, which item nlonc would give nn idea of tho propor tions tho business is assuming. Three yenrs from now fivo times ns much will bo required. PRACTICAL JOKE NEARLY WRECKS ORGANIZATION PARIS, Mnrch 30. -Members of tho Salon do Independents who en deavor to break away from tho of ficialism of tho regular salons, today nro indignantly seeking tho perpetra tors of practical jokes which may tond to cast ridicule on thoir organ ization nnd destroy its usefulness. In tho exhibit room of tho Inde pendents is a painting, entitled, "Sunset on tho Adriatic." Tho pio turo rocoivod an excellent hanging nnd warm commendation. Tho Independents, howovor, woro dismnyed when they learned that joalous rivals in painting tho enn- vas used tho tail of a docilo donkey as n brush. Thoro could bo no doubt of it, for photographs of tho artists nt work, showing thorn dip ping tho donkey's tail In tho paints and daubing tho canvass woro pub lished horo, together with nn affi davit of tho photographer that tho pioturos woro genuine Tho principal innovation of tho Independents is tho admission of all pnintlng8 with tho usual custom of having thorn passed upon by n jury boforo ontoring the Bnlon. Thoy claim their rivals havo taken this monna to s.how that any paintings, no niuttor how orudo or absurd, could bo plnoed beforo tho publio uudor tho Bystom of tho Independents. MAN STEALS MONEY REALIZED FROM TAG-DAY ST. PAUL, Minn, Mnrch 30. A warrant is out for the arrost of Cap tain Timothy Murphy of .tho St. Paul oorps'of tho Volunteers of Araoriou, who it la alleged wilhdrow $1250 of tho carps' money from n bnnk and dlsappoaicd. Tho .aouoy alleged to havu boon takon wns u sum collootcd Inst weok on, "tag dny" nnd wns to bo used In building n working girls' homo. Tho wnrrnnt which allogoa "lnroeny in tho first dogreo" was sworn to by John O'Nonl, ndjntnnt gonornl of tho Minnenpolh oorps of tho Voluntoors of America, mm 1 K fHHH T I ''HI GOES TO COUNTY JAIL Frank Williams Is Caught With the Goods On Ho Has Been In Trou ble Before. I Frank Williams, accused of having ! entered n room in The Pnlms nnd i stolen several nrticles of value, was arraigned before Justice of the ! Peace Canon yesterday nftornoon j I nnd was bound over to appear beforfc , tho grand jury'- He wns tnken to I Jacksonville Wednesday morning by 1 Chief Shearer. j Willinms wns the same fellow who came up before tho police judgo a , short time ago for being drunk. He j had $10 and the judge fined him the .full nrnount, but when the prisoner j ,put up a pitiful pica with promiH- to be good, be remitted ?a, provided that Williams did not again enter n 'snloon in the city, no wns followed I by Chief Shearer upon his release and the first place Mr. Williams en- j tcrcd wns n snloon. Tho chief wait-1 cd until he had taken his drink, then tnpped him on the shoulder nnd in-j , vited him back to the mayors office. There his remaining five wns ab stracted. I Whilo washing windows nt tuc Nnsh ho stole n pair 01 militury brushes nnd a sweater from one of the rooms. Thnt was Monday. Tuos- jdny ho was at the Palms nnd took ' n coat and other articles. He was wcflrJnff the cont whc (rrestod As the grand jury has adjourned, Williams will have a chance to re flect rtnd get sober tinder the vigilnnt eye of Sheriff Jones. WHITE SOX MEET WITH HOODOO AT EVERY TURN LOS ANGELES, March 30. Comlskcy's White Sox number one are Journeying-eastward today after what might bo termed a rather disastrous training season on the Pacific coast. Tho Sox will play In Yuma today, providing their train reaches the Arizona town In tlmo, and In Phoe nix tomorrow. Then th actual east ward trip will begin. Kvon the most ardent of tho Sox' admirers aro loth to say that the coast trip was a suc cess. Tho fact that tho Sox did not win a majority of their games is not considered by the experts, but so for! 08 actual preparation for the grind In the big brush Is concerned, the I Chicagoans appeared to be In poorer condition when they departed last j night than when they arrived. ' Zeldcr and Blackburn, who are touted to bo regular Infleldors this! year are both on tho shelf. Zelder! found It difficult to walk from his' hotel to tho train, while Blackburn I carried himself with a noticeable limp. Parent ought to bo In the hospital, according to his team-mates. He Is suffering with the grip. Gandll has a terrific cold, and not a single pitcher, unless It be Harry Sutor, Is In any sort of condition. Smith, Scott and Olmstead are soro and stiff, while Walsh Is little better. Tbo catching Btaft Is also In a bad way. Billy Sullivan Is In a hospital with a hole In his foot and young Kruegor has a bad caso of "charloy horae." Ono of tho players, beforo climbing aboard bis Pullman last evening, re marked: "Wo came out hero with tho makings ot a ball club; the bunch wo're taking back might mako good candidates for girls' basketball teams." S0L0NS EXCITEDLY SEARCH FOR TREASURE CASKET WASHINGTON, March 30. Excit ed by stories of a rich trensuro cask et conconlcd somewhere in tho vaults of tho treasury department, Repre sentatives Flood of Virginia, instigat ed n search which, leading through many musty volumos and through rooms long closed to the light, bus just been concludod. Tho story which at first attracted Roprosontntivo Floods attention was to tho effect that in 1825 tho empor or of Japan sent a oaskot filled with gold and precious stones to President Mouroe, as a prosout. Starting with this as a basis, treasury department officials mndo a hunt through tho archives of tho department nnd es tablished tho fnot that Imaum of Muskat sent to President Van Bureu n treasure box, It contained 11 bottle of diamonds, a bottlo of pearls a bot tle of attar of roses, a gold plate with some gold orunmouts and n box of mixed diamonds and pearls. Thoso woro placed on exhibition in the old patent office whoro they at tracted tho cupidity of a thiof, Ho stolo thorn but thoy woro rooovored within n short tlmo nnd in 1819 tho box with- its procious contents woro placed in tho treasury department for snfo kooping. Aftor remaining thero for sovoral yonrs the prosont from tho Imaum wns dopositod 111 tho Smith soninu Iustituto whoro it is now kopt. 1910. RN EXPENSE INTO INVESTMENT If it's merely a question of what you can "get along with," use an ordinary paper for your business stationery.' If, however, you are seek ing to turn expense into in vestment, use The added influence given your messages by the clean, crisp sheets will wipe out the expense item and leave a bal ance on the other side. A little Joaraer into lha workings ot your own mind nl strenf then ourarjr.ii menc. Ta htlp, a'k us far a spcdmn book ot the pa pur towinj lettetLcadf ru other butjjieM form, printed, Iitho- ? implied and engraved on the white and oonecn colon of Olo llAurmtm Wmo. it', worth harm;. Made by llitfnHitt pAru CoMTAxr, the only paper maken in the world making bond paper eiduiiTtly. Medford Printing RARDON'S BREAJGM Can be obtained fresh at WARNER, WORTMAN & GORE'S OLMSTED & HUBBARD'S B. & C. CASH STORE REX GROCERY FOTJTS CO. 'f BOARDMAN'S - 4 W. STRINGER AND RARDON'S BAKERY Mason, Glass ta Buy, Sell and Promote Oil and Mining Stocks Mines Experted and Ores Tested ADDRESS, ROOM 14, MERCHANTS' TRUST BUILDING. PORTLAND, OR. COLONISTS RATES Tlf OREGON fH GREAT NORTHWEST The management of the Southern Pacific: Oft. (Lines in Oregon) takes nouncing that the low les, which have done so to stimulate travel to and settlement in. Obs gon, will prevail again this Spring PATTEST from March 1 to April 15, inclusive. PEOPLE OF OREGON The railroads have done their part; naw k. up to you. The colonist rate is the greatat's all home-builders. Do all you can to letafe era people know about it, and cncoiasagft them to come here, where land is chegatti! home-building easy and attractive. FARES CAN BE PREPAID at home if dsauNidL Any agent of tho road named is authorised to receive tho required deposit and telegraph, ticket to any point in the East. REMEMBER THE RATES From Chicago-, $3j from St. Louis, $32; from Omaha and Fa warm City, 25. This reduction is proportionatr from all other cities. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent Trial of White Slave Case. NEWARK, N. J., March 30. A caso of alleged whito slavory came up in tho Quartor Sessions court to day, when Theodoro Brown, his wife, Robq Brown, nnd Edward Snyder woro arrairned for trial on the 1 FINE JOB PRINTING; IS Gtrat SPECIALTY AND XK MAKE QUiaC DELIVERIiai GET OUR PBICH 1 Co. 38 S. CratraT.3WaJl great pleasure rates from Eastern- much in past i tt: Portland 1 -- urn ii mi. charge of kavisfc: fmmmM t&M Schwartz, a 16-3nxMlE jkt white slavory. AsniMpa'liM'iK diotmont, tka aeawC imMkttkm-idi from this city to Kim yiwfc That Wtm uary and ptaaaA disorderly koae. HA u r. V