Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 29, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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Flvo Additional Complaints Filed by
Cntlorlln and All Arc Assosftcd $25
0. Winter Pleads Nut Guilty.
Clever Musical Comedy Which Will .Clever Actress Souri to Do Seen Here
AHIlliANU, Or., March 'JO. -Kivo
ooinplninls worn filed fu .Instlco lvg
gluston's omul 1'Yldny by Dopuly
Food mid Dairy Inspector W. H. Cut
turlln, oporuling in conjunction with
thu district nltorney's office, charg
ing violation of thu pure food law in
exposing for snlu In Ashland short
weight and tinnntiUml hut tor. In
cuoh iiiMtnneu it was I'nlifnrnin hat
ter that lull tinder thu han of thu
law, in alleged in thu complaints, and
uxposud 1'oV sale in l'ivu different
grocery n lu ro in Ahlnnd, vlr.. :
ifulmuri Urns., LooidIm & Nelson,
Ashland TradiiiK aninpitny, Wliiii'
House (hnoory and 0. Winter's Op
tica House grocery. 'I'I'o first nam
ad entered pluan of guilty nnd wore
oip'h aMiti'HHctl fiitoi of .fUft ami cost
ntnoiititing to $'.1.1(1 unrli. In thu oiitic!
of 0. Winter, ho appeared with hi
attorney, K, I). Hriggs, and onlore
a plon of not nitty to tlm complaint
iiK'viitKt him of selling hntlor without
thu weight marks providud hy la
Htampcd upon it. A jury trial wi
in nil probability bo demanded to dis
hiho of this case, which Iiiih been ho!
for, April 0, at 1 p. in;
iliu deputy iimpoetor enmo into
town unannounced Friday morning
from thu north, wliuru ho ban boon
proKccut Iiik Hitnilar cases at Kobe
bury and othur points, being dutor
mined to seo that tlio publiu is pro
tooted from thu operation of eream
onoH and nthorn who put short
weight or mlxbranded or uubraud
butter upon the market. Thu deputy
is hIho Haiti to havo Ins weather oy
out for infractions of thu puro-foui
law in other linen.
Uo Scon Hero Tomorrow Evcnlnii
Is Salt! to Do the "Real Tlilnij."
toil enn stop n couch or n cold an
If hy magic by Jimt lironthlnK sooth
lug, hunltiiK Hyoinel over tho soro
rnw nnd Inflnmcd mumbrano,
Thin In from n ninn who knows
"Mrs. Mngor nnd mynolf hnvtt uricd
your Inlinler faithfully whonovor neod
eel nnd It hni nlwnyn given Instant
rollof nnd saved uo from nmny so-
vera colds.
Tho nhovo is voluntarily given nnd
if in your estimation itu iiko ns-h ten
timoninl would help to got others to
tiHo it, I will Kindly have you do ho
an wo consider it a wonderful discov
ery nnd recommend it whonovor op
portunity presents itself." P. w. Mng
or, Contracting Freight Agont, C. II
& Hy. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Oot. 22
Don't fool wlih Htomnch noHtruma
try mngicnl Ilyomoi nt onco; it ro
liovoR n Htuffod up bond in two inin
A oomploto Ilyomoi outfit, includ
ing inbnlor nnd one bottlo of Hyomci,
eoBtH only 91.00 nt druggists ovory
whoro nnd at Chns. Strang's. It Ih
Ktmrnntood to euro ontnrli, croup,
coughs, colds, Roro thront nnd bron
chitis or omnoy book. Extra bottles
of Ilyomoi, if afterward needed, cost
but 00 contn.
Notlco i Vroby glvon thnt tho city
council of tho city of Modford, Ore
gon, will rocoii o tonlod proposals for
tho conatructldn of Intorn sowors on
cortnln strco i nnd nlloys, n lint qf
which Ib on fllo nt tho o flco of tho
city rccordor, togothor with pinna nnd
bpoclf Icittton-i.
All bids must bn filed with tho city
recorder on or beforn G o'clock p. m.,
AprllNGtli, 1910. noioinprmlotf by n
cortlflod chuck uqunl to 5 par cent of
tho' nmount bid for, nnd mndo paya
ble- to tho city tronnuror of tho city
of Modford.
Tho council roaorvos th'i rlKht to
nccopt o. rojoct any and ft'l bids.
Dated nt Modford, Orogon thin S4th
dny'of March, 1010,
nO.DT. W. TRl,F!CR,
7 City Uocordor.
Tho public Ii horoby wnrnod not to
drlvor, on or across sldownlks, Troa
pnnoora will bo punished to tho full,
extont of th.
All roal oatato donloiH or any oth
er pnrtioa who hnvo hnd my proporty
llatod nro horoby notified I withdraw
tho onmo from tho ninrltot.
8 J. K. RODHRT8,
Thu "Hod .Mill" which will Krlml for
thu 1'irHt limo nt tho oporn Iioiihu on
WcdnoHtluy, Afarcli UO,' Ih tho onu
coiidu oiiura triumph of tho piiHt huu-
huii to rocuiv thu undorBoinent of thu
drnmutiu oriticn and tho paying pub
lic uh well; in fact, thu privileged
"dead IiuiuIh" voted it thu onu mi
pruinu eoinio opotu uuucohh of thu
your. "Thu Hcd Mill" might bu torm
ud a mtiHiual cumudy in two neta. Mr.
UloHHom, alwuyH cluvur, wrotu thu
dialoguu and lyrioH, and Viutor Ilur
burt wrotu lill thu inuuiu. liotb com
bii.od liuvu madu a play that will lakt
ax long, if nut longer, than any comic
opera, Thu uttiry ban to do with two
roving AmunuaiiM who aru "doing
Kuropu for thu l'irat time, but find
whuu (buy Htriku thu continent that
their uxtravaganco hnu led them to
almoNt fiuiiuciiil ruin. Thuy aru dis
covered in an attempt to CKcnpu from1
thu hotul, leaving their bnggagu be
hind, aru apprehended, arruuted and J
tried, and arc Hcntenccd by tho burgo
Is Said to Havo Ono nullntj Pas-'
slon Tls Lovo of Fancy Hosiery.
Iionltn, tho fnmoiiH bounty nnd fltar
of thu niuHioal comedy hiiccuhh "Wino,
Woman and Song," duo at thu opuia
Iioiiho Cot ono night on Friday, April
lHt, Iiiih n vory bud caso of the Block
ing habit. Most of thu miiHicnl com
edy favoritea nro noted for tho olc
ganco and rpinutity of their hoHiory,
but Iionitn Is fairly at tho ,top of tho
troo In this rospect. Her collection in
mmply bowildurlng in itu proftiaioii
and unlimited vnrioty. Some of the
colors nro enrnation pink, stygian
black, ennino ochre, crashed straw
borry, poaches mid croam, Asiatic
olopliant, nob FitzHbmnoiiH red, Con
ey Islund blue, County Antrim green,
striped tigor, I'nnama fovor yellow,
confederate gray, Klgin cream, stiw
diouB brown, Jamacia ginger, nbRin
tho opnlcscont, Ohio clnrct, jnundici'
tnn, and in brief, tho colors of tho
rainbow havo to take n renr seat
when brought into comparison vitli
tlio multifarious hues of ItonitaV
hosiery. Slio is snid to bu tho proud
miiHtor to work out their sentence to owner of moro fitockings than nny
thu iunkeepuf. Then bvi" BcrieU'thcr nctrcsucs extant, iler friends
of compiicntioiiH mid excruciating I Hint it ib imiwsHiblo for Iior to
HIipilCnilOIIH niKi OXCrUCiaUng!,',. " iU'nnmio mi uui i"
tiuiiB which are brought to a cli-!l dry goods utoro without her
in tho first act, whuro they aro I insntinlilo crnving for stockings ovor-
I t I .1....
helping two lovers to escapo and o
to thu extreme in rescuing nu impris
oned maiden from thu mill by menus
of tho rovolving blades of Inns, whie
they u ho to nscoud and descend with
thu girl.
One whole senson on Hrondwav
New York, should bo sufficient guar
anteo to assml any challenge Thou
sands of Now Yorkers havo gono time
and again to sou Con Kidder and Ki
Connor, in their vurinus chnrnutors
and to listen to the cmoldies of Vic
tor Herbert's catchiest themes, whil
tho diffuront types of girls which form
thu chorus, and the onto little Dutc
Kiddies, six in iiumbor, to say noth
ing of tho cxiiuisito costumes and
stngo settings, should prove ruoiicl
of allurement to fill any thontor. The
production hero will be a replica o
the Now York organization and will
Include an exceptionally clover cn-t
wiui ucri j. owor its t. on ivuniur.
I rani: ootls as Kitl Connor, Ott
Koerner, Alvin Laughliu, Carl Hnrf
berg, S. W. Stott, Harry U. AlcClnin
Cecil Summers and tho .Misses Agn
.Major, Vornico Mnrtvn, Adulin
Stern, Oeorgin Hnrvoy and n choru
of fifty, including tho nix littlo Dutch
Kiddies, nlso nn nugmentctl orchoi
Notlco la horoby given, Hint tho un
daralgnod haa, by tho county court of
tho stnto of OrcRon for tho county o
Jackson, boon nppolntod ndmlnlatrn
tor with tho wli". nnncxed of tho cs
tuto of By lb toon Scuddor, doconacd.
All poraous owning or holding
claims naglnet nnld cotato nro horoby
notified nnd required to prcsont the
srimo, duly verified, na required by
law, to mo In Modford, Oroson, with
In alx montlio nftor tho r nto of this
notlco; nnd nil poreona owing anld
fstnto nro notified to mako Immodl
nto payment.
Datod Mirch tho 8th, 1910; dnto
of first publication Marches, 1010,
Administrator, with wlfl nnnoxed, o
tho oatnto of Syllatoon Scuddor, do
Bakery and
All kinds of Dnkory Goods nnd
DolloattBsoti. Lunches propnr-
od for fishing utid pionio pnr
tios. Satisfaction gunrnntood.
TInskinn for Ilnnlth.
Dr. Qoblo in propnrod to fit glnssos
in nil casos of dofootoivo Bight that
glnssos will remedy. Repairs of all
kinds, Ilrokon lonsoa duplicated. In
vislblo bifocals.
Wo muko n specialty of
rubber tiro work and or
chard harrows and
spray tanks, call at
Morriman'fl Shop
Riverside Avenue
powering her, nnd that sho goes in,
through force of habit, nud invaria
bly makes a purchase of more hos
iery. Mnnngor Mortimer M. Thoisc fears
thnt if Houitn continues blowing her
money for stockings, that he will be!
put to considcrnulo expense pnying
for excess baggage on the railroads;
and ho has mildly requested Honitn
to try to reform and curb her mad
propensity for cornering nil tho hos
iery in tho country.
Notlco la horoby glron ti nt tho city i
council of thi city of Medford. Ore
gon, will ro .olvo aonlod prcposnlB for
tho ronntnictlon of water rnnlns on
cortnla ntroctn, a Hat of which la on
fllo nt tho o'flco of tho clt;- recorder,
oiiethor with plans nnd cpcclflcatlons.
All bldn must bo filed with the
city recorder on or before 5 o'clock
p. m., April Bth, 1910, nccompanlod
by n certified chock cqtml to 5 per
cunt of tho nmocnt bid for, nnd mado
pnynblo to tho city troisa'ror of tho
city of Medford, Oregon.
Tho council reaorvoa tho right to
ncccpt or rojont any and nil bids.
Dated nt Modford, Orccon this
2 Uh dny of March, 1910.
7 Cllf Uocordor.
"" ! i i uiiiwiimiiiiinini ii ii i j . . i
$IQP AN ACRE 270 acre, foothill land, nbout (I miles from Mod
ford; (lu'rc nro .about 85 acros on this plnco now planted to fruit
whi'-h includes 'ibout 20 acros in bearing. Tho buurjng vnriotiet
aru Nuwtowil nnd ftpiUonbnrg atiplcs and Comicu pears. Tliort
an) 20 acres of Nowtowns in their second year with punch fiilor
and about ft nenw of NowIowhh just planted; also 20 ncres ol
Jonathan find 10 acres of Unrtlelt and Anjou pours just planted.
About 200 acres of first-class fruit Innd on the plnco. There nro
many springs on the plnco and considerable water could bo de
veloped for irrigation; two houses, good barn and other buildings.
Would mibdivido nicely. Easy terms.
$2500- Sixty acres, 1) miles from Medford, nbout 15 ncrcs clonrcd and
pnrtly planted; small building.
$250 AN ACflE 70 acres, nbout 4 miles from Medford, free soil; 25
ncrcs planted to Nowtown nnd Spitzcngcn: apples, mostly 3 years
old; in addition, about 25 ncres under cultivation, balance ensily
cleared; good now 0-room plastered house, now barn; also sot of
old buildings. Could ho subdivided into two or three tracts nicely,
easy terms.
$5500- Six milca from Modford, good now buildings, about 8 acts
planted to Nowtowns, Spitzenbergs and pears, 1 and 2 yenrs old;
about 7 nerea additional cleared, brtlanco not hard clearing; good
team, wairoti and ninchinnrr re with tho place. This Is a 40-
ncro tract.
$15,000 This price holds till April 1 only; 47y2 acres, closo to Cen
tral Point, good new buildingH, level land, all first-class fruit and
nlfalfn land. This trnH has nbout 7 ucres in alfalfa nnd tho bul
imco in nil planted ns follows: Eicht acres Comico in fourth sea
son, 2 acres NcwtownB in third season, 5' acres BnrtlettB in third
season, 3 acres Winter Nelis in third season, 0 acres Nowtowns
nnd 1 aero Spitzjn second henson, 0 ncrcs Bnrtlctts in second
senson, bnlnnco just planted. Tho price quoted is but a triflo more
than $300 an acre, which is very much less than owners aro asking
for adjoining land.
$12,525 Eleven acres in Comico pears, 10 years old; 0 acres in Bart
lett and Anjou penrs, 1 to 3 years old; closo in; good soil; terms.
$12,000 -El oven acres in Comico nnd Bosc pears, 14 years old; those
trees Vo in full bearing und will pay a good income on tho price
$7000 Thirtylfivo acres of black sticky, 3 miles from Medford, al
under tho ditch and can be irrigated.
$13,000 Thirty-two ncres, close to Modford, 8 acros in Nowtowns
nnd Spitzcnberjfs, 5 to 7 yenrs of ngo; 14 ncres in alfalfa, 3 acres
in penches, 2 ncres in berries; irrigated; buildings.
$M,000--Thirty-five ncrcs; buildings; exceptionally fine place for a
home; 12 acres in nppleB and penrs 3 years old; about an aero of
bearing orchnrd; 11 ncres in nlfnlfii; all fine deep frco soil.
$150 to $200 PER ACRE Stownrt ncro tracts; 2 miles from Medford;
tracts aro from 10 to 25 acros in size; fine building spots on all;
enn nil be irrigated; cheapest tracts in Mediard neighborhood; easy
$300 PER ACRE Finest nnd lO.nnrn nrrhnrrl nnd rnrdpn trflu !t
1 tho vnlloy; easy terms.
101 ncrcs, elenred, closo lo station, $20,000.
IU acres, (loured, two mill onc-linlf miles from Modford, $9000,
ill neri-v In pears, linlf mile from Central Toliit, $7000.
10 acres, 2." acres In nlfnlfn .nil Irrigated; beautiful vlowj 99006.
'.V acres, bearing orchard, clone In, 924,000,
214 FruitGrowcrs Banh
Fudge Parties
W. T. YORK & CO.
Informal fudge parties a re enjoyable affairs when G.E. electrically
heated utensils are used. No visits to the kitchen arc necessary,
as the fudge may be prepared in any room in the house.
You can entertain your friends with delicious fudge or candy,
made right before their eyes, and the novelty and convenience of
electrical cooking will enchance the pleasure of eating the sweets.
If you have electric lights in your house the G.E. water heater
and the little G.E. electric stove will be found useful in a
thousand ways. Their first cost is small and they consume very
little electric current.
Tents, Wngon Covers, etc. tho
highest quality of rnin-sbcddihg
Single Harness
J. 6. Smith
Pure White
The Best Flour Made
R0j. ue River Electric Co.
MVc claim it to be the best because we bnve had
the best success with it in our own baking. Our cus
tomers say it is the best, and we believe it to be so.
If you want good bread all the time, try a s ck of
our justly famous hard wheat "PURE WHITE"
Allen Reagan
The Square Deal Grocers
J. E. ENYAliT. President
W B. JACKSON. Ass't Cashier.
UAPITAL . . $50,800
SURPLUS $16,000
Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted.
We solicit your patronage.
In Case of vSickness
PHONE 36 4 1
Near Post Olfioe All Night Service Free Delivery
Mv. S. J. Adlor will bo at
tho hotel Moore March .17 to
mu 1 ior tho purpose ot
seeing those who aro inter
ested in tho company's fa
mous Alberta wheat lands.
To will bo prepared to fur
nish oomploto information,
including maps, literature,
H'iecs, ote. Call on Mr. Adlor
and arrange to toko advan-
age of our low-rato semi
monthly excursions during
his season and inspect tlioso
Colonization Agents
Canadian Pacifio Railroad.
How Are These
For Bargains
5-room house on Cottago avenue, East Side, lots .100
xl20 $1500
1 lot on Grapo streot, Eost Side, lot 50x120 $400
2 lots on Palm atrect, 3 blocks from new depot, 56x
124, each ; $450
' lots on Hamilton streot, 2 blocks from new depot,
50x124, each ; $600
2 lots on Fourth street, 2 blocks off Oakdalo, 56x
100, each $650
Fine residence lots in Crescent subdivision, closo in,
Call and look over our list in fruit land. Thoy are
some of the best in tho valley.
PHON1 3311.
Money on hand to loan on Heal Estate. City and County
Warrants bought. Fidelity and Indemnity Bonds Furn
ished. Fire Insurance.
Phone Main 3231.
208 Fruitgrowers' Hank Itaildiiig
Fine Lots
Six lots on Medford Heights; price for a
short time, $700.
Corner lot on West Main streot; close in;
a fow days at $1100.
Rogue River land Co.