MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAItOH 29, 19.10. T ARMY OF MEN ON OREGON ROADS Progress of Railroad Building In the Central Part of State Struggle of Hill and Harrlman Lines. RAILWAY GAZETTE SIZES UP SITUATION Oregon Trunk Building Better Lino Than Harrlman System Part Played by Panama Canal. The Railway Ago Garctto furnishes some Interesting data regarding tho mllrond invasion of Oregon now in progress. Tho following i3 a com pilation Of the account: Eight thousand men nro working on the two railroads that are en gaged in a titanic strugglo for su premacy in central Oregon. On each bank of the Deschutes river, from its confluence with the Columbia river at the northern border of Oregon to tho mouth of Trout creek grading and tunnel work arc being rushed as fast as tho conditions under which the work must bo performed will permit. This Is a struggle between the gl ants. The Deschutes river flows from central Oregon northward and empties into tho Columbia. It offers a route for bisecting tho state from north to south, and both the Harrl man and Hill Interests cuught to take exclusive advantage of It. A legal battle resulted and out of it came an understanding whereby both Interests rore enabled to proceed. Tho Harrl nan Interests still control one point if vantage which Is a stumbling block o the Hill Interests, but tho latter is tpparcntly confident of surmounting t, for the H;ll road Is being surveyed and graded on both sides of tho land In dispute. The Deschutes Railroad Tho Harrlman system Is building the Deschutes railroad along the east bank of the Deschutes river, con-" necting at Deschutes with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation line, which followB the South, side of tho Colubla river east and west. Tho O. R. & X. gives this company transportation fa cilities from Portland for materials and supplies and has enabled more rapid construction work than has been postiblo ou the Hill line on the opposlto shore. The contracts awarded already will take the Deschutes railroad to Red mond, a distance- of 130 miles from the Columbia, following the Des chutes for 85 miles and keeping closo to the high water level of that river, down In the bottom of the can yon. Tho maximum grade will be.08 per cent and the maximum curvature 17 degrees 30 mln., according to In formation furnished to tho Railway Ago Gazette by Chief Engineer 0". W. Boscbke. Fifty-two miles of the first 80 will be crookod track, on account of the crookedness of tho river. Eighty-three miles up the river tho line turns up Trout Creek valley, fol lowing It a few miles ond thence strikes southerly, passing near Madras and so on to Redmond, cross ing Crooked river en route. At one point there Is a one per cent grade opposing north bound traffic, but this la to bo reduced to .06 per cent. Six miles of track have been laid since work was: started by contractor John Twohy of Spokane. "Washington, last September. He has 3300 mon employed now. Tho railroad and 350 men laying track and building bridges. There are 45 miles of grad ing completed.' Trains will be oper ated on the first 90 miles by tho end of next July. The road will cost, for 130 miles, ?45,000 a mile or S5.850, 000. Oregon Trunk Line Tho Hill interests are building the Oregon Trunk lino up tho west shore of the Do3chuto3, from the Columbia to a point seventy miles south, whero It crosses and follows the east shore,, parallel with the Deschutes line for S3 miles, until it reaches WJIIow crook which It follows as far as Mad ras, 108 miles from the Columbia. Tho Oregon Trunk lino must first cross the Columbia rlvor near Celilo, and connect with the Hill line on the north bank of that river. This will require a bridgo 3400 feet long. It pkusfalso build three crossings on the Deschutes, as it was found more practical to cut across one bend than to follow Its sherp curves. The max imum grade will be one and tbreo teutbs per cent for a short distance near Madras, but for the first 96 mllos it Is .00 per cent. Tho max jnum curvature is six degroes. There will bo no grades opposing north bound traffic . Portor Brothers of gpokano, Wash, nro the contractors, and have 3800 mon at work. They have graded 25 miles slnco last Sep tember, bringing in equipment by SAYS ROADS HOLD UP EMIGRANTS Complaint Is Filed With Interstate Commcrco Commission Charging tho Railroads With Holding Up . Homcscckcrs. sotuneru, in mo same manner as was dono by tho builders of tho Deschutes lino on tho opposlto side. No rails havo been laid, but great quantities of materials aro ready for use nt tho mouth of the cnuyon, according to President John P. Stevens and Vice President G. A. Kylo of tho Orogou Trunk, who furnished tho Information to the Railway Age Gazette. Tho Oregon Trunk lino is bolng built In n more substantial uml con sequently moro expensive manner than tho opposing road. While its co u tract s only so fur let carry it to Madras, it has boon located to Beud, 40 miles further south, and has been surveyed to the California lino. To Klniiuith nml Lukuvlew The two roads aro after tho same business and seem bent upon Invad ing tho same territory throughout their length. Porter Brothers moro commission by Sam than a year ago started building tho I Tcxieo. New Moxico. Oregon Trunk. They wore opposed by Harrlman after they had got well started, but J. J. 11111 took up tho Portor project aud put John F. Ste vens of Panama Canal fame In charge Then tho Hill and Harrlman systems put largo corps of surveyors In tho in terior of orogon, as well as largo crews of bulldcra on the Deschutes. Whore one sldo has surveyed, thoro also has tho other been seen. The Deschutes line Is to connect at Klam ath Falls with the California North eastern and a line building to that point from Natron, Oregon. ThOi Oregon Trunk, Hill's lino, Is going to ! not be commumcntcd with nml for Klamath Falls, and la to connect thore five days tho live stock wns neither with a lino that Is to be immediately fed nor watered nor was it nllowed to WASHINGTON", March 29. A sys teumtio attempt by tho railroads to "hold up" emigrants Koinir into New Mexico is alleged in a complaint Tiled recently with tho interest commerce T. Young of Ho declares . b mat tuo exponouco ho hud was common one nmoug other emigrants entering that territory. A year and a half ago Young bhif pod his "emigrant outfit," consisting of livestock, household goods, etc., from AUcusville, In tacky. He was called upon to pay $134 in ndvaneo and wns told by the railroad agent that would bo tho correct and total charge between tho two points. Ho sent tho stuff cm in charge of a hired man but tho shipment was hold up nt Amnnllo on a demnud for an nddi tionnl $fC for freight. Young could surveyed from a point in Plumas county, California, where connection will be made with tho Western Pac ific To offcet the Natron line. Hill is to build to a connection with a line through Medford and tho Rogue river valley. The Harrlman system plans a road cast to Lakevlcw and Altures and another line across country to Wlnncmucca, to connect with tho Cen tral Pacific. HM1 has surveyors run ning lines down through Idaho and eastern Orogon to Lakevlew and will run. a branch of tho Oregon Trunk to Lakoview to meet that project, which will give a short cut to his transcontinental road. Tho Harrl man systom Is also busy with surveys in Idaho and eastern Oregon. Xprth and South Lines Whether all these surveys will bo followed by railroad building Li for the future to detehmlne, but it is a that the two Deschutes lines nro building, the Natron line is building, and both the giants have construction work under way in Idaho. These Idaho and eastern Oregon lines will supply the lonk talked ot north and south routes that have been lacking In tho West. It Is believed that the Panama canal has a large In fluence In causing the activity In that line, as it will be necessary to have the north and south rati routes if the Northwest Idaho, Montana, Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington and other sections similarly located are to get the full benefit of the canal when It Is comp.cted. Haskins for Health. ' fljiiiHimlPuliKSIjliKSI te aa &M to rather jl bOdsg rMolU " 1. Ijrea abeaU try a IU!pU-J j!kr OiyatyU 11' bo unloaded, Finally Young pnid tho additional monoy under protest and when ho fil ed his complaint, tho rnilmnds prom ised to refund it but havo yet done so. Ho stirs that many other emi grant outfits going into the south west portion oi tho United States nre being similarly treated. Ho charges tho following roads as being responsible: Tho Louisville ami Nashville; the Chicago, Rick Islnnd and Pacific; tho Chicago. Rock In land nnd Gui; railway and the I'oc. nnd Northern Texas railway. Medford, Orogon: This certifies that wo havo sold Hall's Toxis Won der for tho care of all kidney, blad der nnd rheumatic troubles for ten years, and iave never had a com plaint. It give quick and permanent relief. Sixty d&jra treatment In each bottle. Medford Pharmacy. ti NOTICE is hereby given that tho undersigned i upiuy at me next mooting or tne' Ity council of Medford, Oregon, for Ilcenso to sell malt, vinous nnd splrlt his liquors In less quantities than ono gallon, for six months, at lot 10, block 20, In Medford, Oregon, for a period of six months. BASS & HALE. Dated March 22, 1910. M. J. REDDY The Jeweler For ovary-thing that la good in the Jewelry Lino. NEAR THE P0ST0FFICE. TOM MOKKAT C. IIAN8KN Wo nmlco any kind and stylo of Windows. Wo uarry Glass of any ai'.u on hand. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR 00., Modford, Orogon, 1 4 RESOLVED The bent resolution for yon to make 1h to uonw to us for your noxt nuit, if yovi want Homething out of tho ordiimry. Wv do tho bent work and ohnrtre the lowost pricen. W. W. EIFERT Tin: raociKussivi! tailor Animal Insurance Wo Insure Horsos ond Cnttlo Agnlnst Death Front Acclilont, DIs- enst or Fire. NATIONAL LIVESTOCK INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, ). E. Tull, Aflont, Med ford. i! EXTRA GOOD BUYS -- 4-4.4 444444444.4444.4.4-4 4.4-4.4.4 4 4 4.4.4 4.41 Medford Iron Works E. E. TROAVBRIDGE, Proprietor. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST , All kinds of Kngines, Spraying Out fits, Pumps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in Southern Ore gon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. . ---4-4-4-4-4 4-4 4 4-4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4-4- 4-4 4-444- good new buildings; 7-room houso; barn for 7 horses t and ten tons of hay; this tract includes 3 acres of 7- I year-old Xewtowns. 3 acres 7-year-old Spitz, 1 acre 4- i year-old Spitz, I acre 4-year-old Bartlett peal's, balance I pasture; fine well of water; half cash, balance- to suit, t This is- a good biry; close in aiid won't last long. j m rc t-i. n. t I jjur avio iiusu to I'uouiiix; live acius; unu-imu level, balance on slope; all slashed and half acre stump ed; half cash, balance 1 and 2 years or monthly. $5500 7 acres ihsido of city limits; half cash, bal ance 1 and 2 years 6 per cent. $2200-S-room house, new, plastered, piped for water, bath fixtures all in; 5 bedrooms; lots of closets; electric lights; lot n0vl04: half cash, balance easy tonus. $375 Lot 50x108; close to Jackson st rent. This price includes spied and walk. DRIVERS? that know the country ilai that cover the country i QIMCUM AND WITH COM1- MfT TO VOl' AUK Al.WU'H TO HW POUND A I THK i-witrow a downivo. I'ltonuirroiiA. WEST SIDE STABLES IMIO.VH S-iill H. WHACK HTHHI-71 For iSale McARTHUR & ALEXANDER ROOM 3, POSTOFFIOE BUILDING- ? PHONE 3681 MEDFORD, OREGON j (M0 acres of flood Farming Lund at $.'5.00 .per acre. Being situated three miles west of that place and near the government irrigation canal. This land is selling at a BARGAIN and now is your time to IN VEST. Kor particulars writo P. O. Addri39 Germ an town, Culif. Harry Moor AT YOUR GROCER'S Medford Shoe Shining Parlor 0H, HERE WE ARE AT LAST1 For ladies, gentH, children, this is tho place whore you will mvo tune and money by Retting your shoes shincd by nn experienced nrtist. Oiling and dyeing my specially. Now, don't forget the place, No. 4 South Central avo jue. Open from 7 a. m. to 8 p. in.; Suudu. a till 2 p. m. The coast Champion Bootblack. V. W. HOWARD, Prop. A FIRST-CLASS FRUIT AND ALFALFA RANCH. 185 ACRES, 5 AND A HALF MILES MIOM RAILWAY STATION, PRACTICAL LY ALL BOTTOM LAND, 140 ACRES 30W UNDER CULTIVA TION, WATER RIGHT WITH PLACE, FAIR HOUSE, TWO BARNS, SCHOOLHOUSE ON THE PLACE, FOR $15,000. WHICH IS ONLY $81 AN ACRE. SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS CASH WILL HANDLE, AND EASY TElttfS CAN BE HAD ON THE BALANCE. THIS IS A FINE CHANCE TO GET A' FIRST-CLASS TRACT OF LOW PRICED LAND FOR DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES. W. E DON'T THINK THIS WILL LAST LONG, AND IF YOU ARE IN TERESTED, COME IN AND SEE US ABOUT IT. W. T. VORK & COMPANY ELECTRIC PARR Adjoins the county seat, Jacksonville; 20 minutes' ride by .train or auto from Medford. This beautiful wooded tract contains 650 acres of land, com manding a magnificent view of Medford and tho .valley. It is proposed to in corporate a company, capitalized at $65,000, with 650 shares of stock at $100 per share. After incorporating, it is proposed to plat and subdivide the grounds into acre tracts, plant it to fruit, best adapted to tho soil, and sell it at an average price of $500 per acre, on easy terms. Each share of stock rep resents one acre, and for a short time stock will be sold for $.100 per share, $10 cash and $5 per month for 18 months. This stock is not for sale aa a whole at $100 per share, nor at the rate of $100 per aero. Tho company proposes to realize much more out of it for the stockholders. Over fifty of Medford 's live booster business men have already invested. Two hundred more booster in vestors are wanted to purchase one share only each. The combined boosting of this Electric Park bunch will make a populous suburb to Medford, make hundreds of beautiful homes, make a;i hourly serv ice on Barnum's railroad, and make its stockholders a handsome profit, For further information inquire at Office, 209 West Main Street. GOLD RAY REALTY CO. 209 West Main Street Medford, Oregon Good Buys In Real Estate IT WILL PAY THE BUYER TO INVESTIGATE FLRST We hav city property of all kinds. SECOND We havo orchard tracts of all kinds. THIRD We huvo cultivated Ijind of the best qual ity in Rogue River valley, Rosoburg, Eugene and Willamette valley. FOURTH We have large tracts of unimproved lauds in and about Rogue River valley that we will sell in large or small tracts to suit the purchaser. Jackson County Realty Co. Street Number 604 West Tonth. Pliono 141. Come and sco our holdings. Wo also havo modern rooms to rent. REAL ESTATE Farm Land Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims 1 Medford Realty Co Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building wagon from Dufur, ou the Great)