Let the Little Classified ad do Your Work for You It Works While You Sleep HOW WEATHER PREDICTIONS ARE MADE BY GOVERNMENT (lly I'. J, O'dnrit.) To tin gutiornl t'ubllo the wonthor , liircau of tV.. U, H. department of , ngrloiilturo It probably best kpown .through Hi' inottlti in of Itii 'dally foro icimlH mill woathor maps, How tint pre dictions are uiiulo Is more or Ioh n mystery lo many, while probably a fow fool Ihnt tho officers of tlm weather hjirontt niuko shrowl guesses .iiml then rait for results. Woutlior forM!iiHtliiB, however, In Just n acl 'ont'flo unil H based upon n sclon tlflo prlnolpleo n tlio prediction Hint has boon Hindu of Hnllpy's comet, .which nil of us know will noon np ,pnur. An every hlitli rchool student 'known, n study of wonthor In a study of nttnoNphoilo conditions, which be longs to physic. Tlio forecasts made by tho wonthor bureau aro bnuod upon simultaneous obNurvntlouo of locnl wonthor con dlttous taken dully at 8 a. in. nud 8 p. nt 75th inorldlnn tlino, nt about i200 regular observing stations scat tered throiiKhoiit tho United Stntos .und tho Wont In'dles. Weather serv ices similar to Hint of tho United 'States nro maintained by tho Cnnn dlnn mid Mexican governments, mid by a system of lutoro'.mngo dally re port nro ro'olved from n uuiiibor of stations In these countries. Dally obnorvnlloiis nro nlso received from Honolulu. tho Ilrltlsh Islml, Oormany, Krnncb, Portugc.., und tho Azores, no that tho fluid roproiontod by the dnlly roporti. extends ovo.- tho groat or portion of tho North Amurloau continent having (olographic coinmu utcntlon, tho North Atlantic ocean nnd tho wont const of Huropo. Ves sels oqulptod with tho wltoloss tele graph may r.lso ba of moro or loss service, but, since thoy nro moving, (holr roperti nro of muMi less vnluo than thoy would bo If stationary. Forecast copters nro established at 'Chlottgo, llocton, Now Orlops, Lou Isvlllo, Denver, Ban Francisco and Portland. Wlthli two hours nftor (ho mornlnc observations hnvo been (nkon, tho fo-vrr.sts nro lolegrnpiiod fron tho foro.-iut con torn to moro tliun 2100 principal distributing points, waonco llioy nro rurtnor Ms- tKimluntod by (olograph, tolophono nnd mail. Ur.ch of tho wonthor bu roau ntntlonn 1b oporatod by ono or moro traiuin! obsorvora, and Is equip pod with niorcti (al bnromo'ors, ther mometer, w'n vnnun, ralti and snow gnjtoM, anemometers nud mnuy of thorn with euiinhlno recorders, bnro Knphs, thermographs and othor do vinos which rox'rtor ntitoiuiitlually a continuous record of. loc.nl wonthor coudltloiiH an J chnngos no thoy oc cur. A cnmplo'o (olographic report. which lo seat to tho force st contors by tho .lliforoul obsorvir, Includci tho following dnta: Temperature, irosauro (rot'uiod to Boa lovol), pre cipitation, direction of wind, ntato of wen th nr, ct.iont wind voloclt, mnxlmiim n-nl niliilnuim tcmporaluro nlncu last obuorvntlon and kind and nniouut of clouilc, with (ho direction of (Iwlr movoaont. Prom thoao dnU tho forocaoior, by comparison with ' preceding roportn, la nolo (o traco tho path of ntorm areas or other wonthor cond'tlo'B from tho tlmo of tholr npi)oa-at.ro to tho moment of observation, nnd approximately do t'i initio mid fosoenst their RUbao- .nuort coursou. Wonthor lino a direct movement from wont to cast or vov npu north west to southonBt. Vorlouo condl (louc mny Influonco tho goncrnl dl rectlra of wo.itr.br movement oo thnt hoforo loavlng tho Atlantic const It mny havo a noHhonstorly trend. Con- trury to tho Konernl opinion Htornin. or weather conditions oast of us boar no further rotation (o woathor con ditions (o (ho wostwnrd or on tho Paclflo coast. A ntorm In tho mlddlo west can In no wn'y affooi. ub on tho I'nclflu const; this Btorm hns ronlly passed over us, und may l avo jjalnod In Heyorlty or may havo lost somo of Its Intensity. Howovor, tho ro port of a i.torm on tho Ohlnoso const would bo of very much Importnnco, nlncot his storm must finally roach our slioro. Tho Importnnt thing for tho wonthor bureau to nscortnln Is Its Intensity 'in tho rnto at which It Is nppronohlng our shores, At thl tlmo, tho most Importnnt consideration Is tho forecasts for frosts or frooxjng tompornturos. Fore casts of this kind dopoml upon not only n knowledge of locnl ntmoHphor In roudltlonn, but nlso that of tho woathor Immedlntoly bnck of us, Very often locnl conditions mny bo very fnvornblo to low tompornturos, but a sudden chnngo of wonthor con ditions, Biich ns cloiula, Inoronsod hu- tuldlty of the ntttiosphero, etc., mny f make a decided chungo, In foroenst- Ing for ton.pernturo an Instrument known ns a i hyohromoter Is used. It coiiMtsttt of two thormomtorn at Inched to a Hndlo In nuc)1 a mannor that they may bo whirled rapidly. Tlio bulb of ono of tho thormomtors being left uncovered. Tho cloth cov ered bulb Is moistened In water nnd through the nlr, Kvnporntlon boglns at once on thu inoUteiiod bulb, with drawing the heat from tho contests or the bulb mid redlining tho thor mometor reading, tho umount of Niich cooling bolng dependent upon tho rapidity of evaporation, which In turn dopondn upon tho amount of moisture nlrendy lu the ntmoBphoro. If the atmosphere Is damp and cold thero will lie but very llttlo drying of tho clot'1 ncrrotindlnt; tho ther mometer bulb, with n very slight dlfferenco between tho readings of thu two thermometers; but on n dry warm day tho wutor will ovnporato ripldly nnd cr.tise n llfferenco of sovi ! degreos. Tho tomporaturo of the nl and tho difference botweon tho readings of tho two thermometers nro referred to psychrotnotrlc tables and tho dew point tompornturo ob tained. Tho mc plug of tho dew point temperature is tho ntmospl orlc tem perature at wl'lch dew will form at temperatures ubovo 32 docreea lah ronholt or f-oBt below 32 degrees. Tho atmosphere at all times Is made up of a mlxti ro of air and wntor Vapor. No?, It wo cool tho atmos phero to a certain point known ns tho dew point, somo of thu wnter vapor or molstuio must preclpltato and form dev. or frpst, la cnBO tho tompornture goes below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. For ovory teuporaturo, whether above or below tb freezing point, tho ntmoaphero la nblo to re tain n certain nmoutit of wntor In tho form of -f or. tt at any tompor at ure the atnosphcro 1 said to bo saturated 't hut a relative humidity of 100 por cent; If 'It contnlns only hnlf as much wnter vapor ns It Is nblo to hold It liJis n relative humidity of BO per cent. When thore Is much moisture In tho ntmosphoro, tho dow point or temporal ii ro nt vhlnh dow begins to be deposited Is higher thnn In very dry nlr. 4f, therefore It Is found upun making nu observation, thnt the temperature of ho dow point Is 10 or moro dacroos nbovo 32 thore neod bo llttlo foar of frost within tho nuxt 12 hours, since ob starvations huvo shown Hint tho tern pernturo on any night soldom falls more thnn 10 degrees below the dow point ns detormluod In tho afternoon before. Observations carried on for tho past two years In tho Itoguo river valley havo shown that serious freezes during the spring rarely oc cur whoro tho dow point Is 35 do- grnos ns determined about 7 p. in. Tho (omperatvro of tho dow point na observed la iiBunlly about 30 or 40 degrees hlghor than tho tcmpora turo which will occur boforo tho morning following. Thus In, tho last frcezo, tho dow point registered nbout 30 degrees during tho ovonlng, nnd It will bo remomborcd that tho wnrnlng given out Indicated a tem perature of 27 dogrocs boforo morn ing. An a mattor of fact, this was about what hnpponod. As stntod boforo, tho tompornturo of tho dow point la not always a safo criterion of tho probnblo occurronco of front. A full knowledge of gen eral weather conditions should b obtained boforo dopondl.it! upon tho psychromotor. Frosts nro most llkoly to occur whon tho sky Is clonr nnd thorel s not wind, nlthoutih n high wind may ho nccnmpnniod by a suf ficient full In tompornturo to causo frost. Tho lr.ttor, howovor, novor occurs In tho Hoguo Hivor valley, To show why wo should not dopoml wholly upon the psyohromoter 1 might glvo the following: Last year on April 18th tho dow point nt 8 p, Hi. wns 10 dogrocs, which normnlly would Indicate a tompornturo of por hapa 30 degreea lowor boforo morn ing. At tho tlmo tho sky wnB per fectly clonr, but a kuowleduo of tho fact that clouds would como boforo morning warranted my giving out tho forecast Hint no dmnnglng frost would ocous. Tho lowest tomporn turo recorded wan 28 degroos and that for only n very short tlmo, Corn Johnson Iiiih bought two lots of I, I j. Hamilton in Highland mlili- lion, limning on Mnplo street, Ilnskins for ITonlth. ' GOLD HILL ITEMS. (Hy Bpoctator.) II. II, Harrln and family arrived from Medford tho last of Iho weok with tholr household effects and n o now domlclInJ In tho property (hoy recently pu cl.used of Mrs. I'. If. De kum of l'ortlc-d, locntod In tho Do li'.im nddliloi.. Ilert Jones arrived from Portland Bunday for a few days Bty with friends, Hex H. Lampmnn of tho Nows spent several i ayn In Klnmnth Fnlls Inst week on business. I). P. Hluo and Miss Noll Pygall of tho Centennial mine on Kancs crek visited friends hero Sunday. A letter to a friend from Georgo R, Hrlggs nt tho Northern Pacific snn Itorlum nt Po-lland reports that ho has about recovered from his late operation nt t'nt Institution and ex pects to rett'rn homo nt this placo In n fow days. Among tho mombcrs of tho I. O, O. F. nt this place that visited Grants Pass lodge Saturday to assist In de grco work wcro Iko Householder, James Hums, Goorgo W. Lance Jr, W. II. Stlckol, IJonJimln HnycB, G. V. Stlckol, J. W.' HnyoB, II. L. Stlck ol, P. II. Myers, William Wcthoral Ixnd Georgo Lyman. F. M. Dolls of Ashland kns pro cured a bull ling on Third stroot and ordered machinery for a steam laun dry at this placo and expects to havo tho bunliicsc li oporndon In a very short tlmo. Mrs. H. L. Rood was chosen by the nobokahs of this placo to repre sent them nt tho grand lodge, which holds Its annual session nt IStigeno In Mny, and Mrs. Margarot Chls holm wns elected as a candidate bo foro tho grand lodgo for district dep uty for (his district. Mr. and Kib. D. II. Chcnoy aro up from tho Gallco district for a fow days stay looking after fiolr Inter ests her. ' it A. L. Ilnrvoy hns sold hlc hnrdwnre Btoro to D. II. Miller of Mcdford and will glvo pocsecslon as Boon as stock can bo Invoiced. Mr. Miller will oc cupy tho W. H. Harvey resldonco on K street nnd W. H. will m'ove to his homestead just north of town. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. L. Colvlg of Mod ford woro hero Sunday vlultlng somo friends. Floyd Sutton, whllo employed by iho Gold 111)1 Lumbor & Railway compnuy nt tlio mlllsite south of town, cut his foot vory sovoroly Frl day and Is now laid up Gold Hill hospital on C street with a very pain fill wound, which severed soveral bonos and nr'eiles. The cfrivoId Shop hns office supplies, including files, binnk books, nemornnSum books, pencils, pens, inks,, inkwells, (nblotK, typewriter -lupplies, cnvolopcs, pnsto, mucilnge yid fountain pens. Don't forgot tho wnnt -nils. Mcdford, Oregon: This cortlflos that wo havo sold Hall's Texva Won der tor tho euro of all kidney, blad der nnd rheumatic troubles for ten fears, and havo novor bad a com plaint. It given Quick nnd permanent relief. Sixty days treatmont In each bottlo. Modford Pharmacy. t! Ilaakius for ITealth FOR SALE. ItEAIi K8TATK. fOU BALK 70 acroB, 1 rallo rrom Gaglo Point, uncleared, 50 acres first-class sticky fruit land; price $00 por aero, easy torms; 40 acres, froo soli, halt bottom land; 10 acroa cloarod, hoavy tlmbor on balance; good water right, (wo ratios from Eaglo Point; prlco $120 por aero. For furthor Information, address IJox 127, Eaglo Point, Or. FOR SALE 00 ncros In tho cele brated Morlln pencil nnd grapo bolt; sufficient wood to pay for clear ing; 3 mtloa from Rogue rlvor; ono mllo from Southern Paclflo railroad; $50 por aero. 40 acros, vory easily cloarod; part can bo Irrigated; throo-quartors mllo from Southorn pacific station; $50 per aero, noth tracts Increasing- In valuo vory fast. Ask any of your produco merohants whnt thoy think of Mor lln fruit. s RO11I0RT SMITH, MBDFORD, OR, Houses. FOR SALE Modern buugalow, 5 rooniB, bath, pantry, two porches, wlrod, partly plumbed, tinted walls, waxed woodwork, cornor lot 50x 120 foot, In ono of choicest East Modford districts; houso and lot could not now bo duplicated for prlco asked, $2000; $1500 will ban dlo. Addross P. O, Box 172. 324 I SOME ONE OF TO-Ij I DAY'S WANT ADS I, is aoiNa toI CHANGE THE! I WHOLE FACE .OF Ii i the world foe i somebody! CLASSIFIED AD ANSWERS AT MAiL TRIBUHE A. J. E. W. D. S. I). M. P. B. H. D. W.2. A. D. -" V. H. G. .Owner 201. R. C. E. M. T. O. Bargain. W. E. J. C. Z. FOR SALE FOR SALE On North Rlvorsldo Avenue, 5 room tmuso, barn end ,one-half aero of good garden land all for $1500. Address P. 'O. box 878. Medford. Or. Acreage. FOR SALE 5 and 10-ncre tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. AddrcsB Condor Water Power Co. Lots. FOR SALE God lot In Walnut Park addition, $300, terms. Address K, care of Mall Trlbuno. FOR SALE Fourteen good resi dence lots, high elevation, nnd two bungalows; cheap for cash or will trade for ranch property near Med ford. Address E. S. J., General Delivery, city. 7 FOR SALE City lots, $20; for a small, Bate Investment ceo th city lotaI otfor at $300 and $250 per ht; $20 cash payment, balanco $10 per month; no lntercd. H. C. Malt- by, Palm lidg. Farms or Orchards. FOR SALE Ninety acna. 30 in one year oid applo and pear trees, 100 Inches of wator, 2 1-2 miles from railroad station. For terms write "Owner," caro Mall Tribune. 261 FOR 8 ALE 60 acres, nnctt building stto lp tho alley, Includli g 30 acres good fruit Insd; cheap and terms rlgh(. II . O. MaKby, Palm Bldg., Main and Front. FOR SALE About 30 acres of good orchard land 1 1-2 miles east of Phoenix. One-half Is In orchard Tolophono, Medford, 1199, or ad dross C. T. Payno, Phoenix. Oro. FOR SALE Some good buys. 30 1 acros Just outside Ashland city lim its, soli deep black, good orchard, alfalfa or garden land; has good lmprovomci.ts; nicely locntod to cut In aero tracts; this Is a bargain at $14,250. Also 300 acres best soil and best Irri gated tract In southorn Oregon; can nbt bedupKcatod-as a fruit or alfalfa venture; will pay 30 por cent on In vestment a an alfalfa farm. Wo havo othtr tracts, both largo and small, with prices to suit any purse; also some good buys In Ash land city proporty. For particulars call on or address H. L. White & Co., No, 25 North Mala stroot, room 7, Ashland Imp, block. 381 Timber Land. FOR SALE 40 acroa of good tlmbor flvo miles from Medford; all down hill. Mat Calhoun, Phoonlx, Ore gon. llitbliiees Property. FOR SALE--Cholco business prop erty nt a bargain, on long time; onsy tonus, Addross Condor Wa tor Power Co. Horses. X)R SALE Riding pony choap. Address R, O. F. Astbury, Gold Hill. 10 FOR SALE- Flno driving team, 8 yenrs old, porfoctly mr.tchod. In quire at Nash Llvory Stables. 316 FOR SALE Spun of mules nt Vin son's stnblo. In N. Rldor. 5 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE 0no irosh cow and calf. Call at 333 South Rlvorsldo. FOR SALE. POR 8ALB 60 Angora, goats. Carl T. Bkyctnan, Trail, Or. FOR BALIS Good No. 1 seed corn; also Early Sunrlso potatoes and good cooking potatoes. Jos. Taylor & Sons. 8 FOR SALE Fresh laid thoroughbred bronzo turkey eggs for Getting. Leave ordors with Werner, Wortman & Goro. 320 ( FOR SALES 1000 cedar fenso posts, a lot of fenco pickets, F, Ocenbruggo, Btudobaker Bros. Co. Warehouse. FOR SALE Good, rich black top dlr(, lust the thing for gardens. 80 A. 81ovor. FOR SALE Ono 2-horso disc har row, cost $40; price $36, practically new, only having been run over about 40 acres. Inquire Medford Dook Storo. FOR SALE Good coaster brake bl cyclo cheap. 320 8. King street. 6 Miscellaneous. FOR 8 ALB Eggs for batchtnc, 1 per setting, from pure laying strain of Barred Rbck. Pbone Medford Farmer 186. Address Box 196, Cen tral Point. 321 FOR SALE New typewritor, El wood & Bennett. Addrsss 135 S. Central nvo. 50 FOR SALE Or trade, fine drlTlng hors6, sound, C6t fcfrald of automo biles; will trado for heavy work horso. Box 130, Medford. FOR. SALB One Home Edison grnphophonc, nearly now and n splendid phone, with two nnd four minute records free. Address Box 443. P. O., Medford. 0 FOR 8ALE Mlmeograpn for dupli cating letters. In good condition, cheap, at office of Condor Water & Power Co. 283 BUY your paints, glae- wall paper, stulns, varnishes, brushes- and have your pictures framed at Metcalf's, 318 East Main. 7 FOR RENT. Booses. FOR RENT Five-room bungalow. Call at 419 S. King st. 5 FOR RENT Good five-room house, bam nnd nearly V2 acre of pood gardon land. Inquire' at Daley & Toffs real u:Uto office, 128 East Main st. Offico Rooms. FOR RENT Offices ever postoffice on April 1st; will bo steam heated and havo hot and cold wator by next winter. Apply to A. A. Davis. Furnished Rooms. FOR KENT Modern furnish d rooms at 601 Vest 10th. or 124 King street. I x FOR RENT Furnlshea rooms. No. 10 North Grape street. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping roomc; lights and baths; gcntlemon only. 243 N. Holly. - 8 Miscellaneous. FOR RENT Only hotel m town o 1000 population. Call at Condor Wator and Power Co.., 209 West Main stroet, FOR RENT Pasture land on Price Ranch, Tolo; irrigated land, next to MeDonough ranch, Tolo. Condor Wntor & Power Co. 50 FOR RENT Garden land on Bear creek, one acre and upwards with wntor for irrigation: owner will furnish team, plow and seed for part of crop. See Kofeldt, Condor Water" & Power Co. 50 FOR LEASE Fully oqulrpod gold mlno; ten-stamp mill and conccn trator, all oporatod by electric pow oi, Owner will furnish free oleo- trlo power for shnro In proceods. Seo Kofld, at Condor Wator & Powor Co. WANTED. Help Wanted Male. WANTED Ton minors and laborers. Apply Condor Water & Power Co. WANTED Flrst-ciuss gardener. Ap ply Condor W iter & Power Co. WANTED Experienced s(ono cu((or and quarry m.an. Call at Condor Water and Powor Co's. office. WANTED A man experienced in tho handling of Incubators and turkey raising. Apply at office of Condor Wator & Powor Co. 383 WANTED Jnpauoso boy wants po sition ns cook. Addross R, Box 204, Medford. 0 Help Wanted Fomalo. WANTKU A young lady for light offico work. Addross D. S euro of this office. WANTED Neat girl for ganoral housowork, must bo good cook, small family, good wngos. Call 1424 West Main st. 0 WANTED. Help Wanted. WANTED Man and yflTe, man for gardening and wife for general honsework. Apply Condor Wator ft Powor Co WANTED Man and wlfo; man to work In gang; wlfo to cook 4 to 7 hoarders. Apply to 103 E. Sixth. Tho Oregon Granite Co, Miscellaneous. WANTED -A Japanese boy wants position to wash dishes in few fam ilies aftor 7 p. m. Address M, care of this office 10 WANTED Furnished houso; Imme diate possession; family 3 adults; state price, full particulars. Address C. W. W., caro Tribune. -7 WANTED Five farm teams, 10 farm hands, 10 men. for planting trees. Condor Water Power Co. WANTED To borrow, $800 on six room houije. 734 Pino street. Box 118, Medford, 6 WANTED -Pupils for phyhjeal "cul ture, elocution and voice culture. Miss Elma Haynor, graduate Emery- vlllo colleze, Bolton. Address Ash land, care George Stevens. 11 WANTED An investmeat. What havo you. 1 1 have fron (5 to $15,000 casjk Will consider Ng, apple and poar dirt, raw land or set to trees. any age; alio Medford property. Ad dress Engineer, Box 863, Medford. MONEY TO LOAN. TO LOAN Several thousand dollars on good real estate security. Apply to Jackson County Abstract Co. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. BoatMacks. HINE Get your shoes shined, oiled or dyed at the Palace bootblack stand in Smokehouse. Eirat-elafla work is oar specialty. Shoes called for in any part of city and deliver ed. 212 West Main street. Phone Main 121. Eddie, the Bootblack. Landscape Gardeners. J. T. BROADLET, Landscape gar dener; a long experience in laying out and care of private gTooBds. P. O. Box 521. Medford, Or. Attorneys. WITHINGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm Building. PORTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attorneys-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reamea. Lawyens. Of fice Medford National Bank Bnild ing, second floor. B. F. MULKEY Attoraey-at-Lw, Offices Room 30, Jackson County Bank Building, MeifortL Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phone 351. Night Phones: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H. Butler 3571. Phetofraphtrs. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Maokey and die with joy." Oyer Al len & Reagan's store; entrance on Seventh street SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C St., Medford, Or. E. W. Hisey, Matron. Official hospi tal P. & E. R. R. Bricklayers. BRICKLAYERS K. Kurin, at Smokehouse, first-class bricklayer, stoneworker, cement stepping, stucco and moulding, fireplaces and tile work a specialty, ...European plan; day or contract, Medicines. CnOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will cure rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, sorca and pn vato diseases. These remedies may be procured at the Sing Lee laun dry, 123 S. Riversido avenue, Med ford, Or., where they will bo sold by (ho proprietor. Dr. Chow Young has treated sev eral severe cases with his remedies since coming to MeSford and has for reference somo of tho best known and most intelligent citizens in Southorn Oregon. Call on him. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insumnr. Office, suito 205-200, over Fruit growors' Bank. Phone 541. AS A MATTER OF BUSINESS, wo would suggest that you call at onr offico in search of real estato bar gains. Wo rofuso to list any prop erty for which owner nsks more thnn wo think it Is. worth. We do unt oare to make sales at extrava gant and unreasonable prices. You will not find us tagging you on the street or annoying you at the hotol, hence this invitntion to call nt our office, No. 128 E. Main st. Pioree, Shepherd & Co. IUSINESS DIRECTtftY. 8KB WM. . STACKY V CO, 4c flvjntl VJ frfiTj TOUiWJniv VflMHsWMi TH real estate in Uum valley. Ate AH is CotamMa aad Alberta, B. G sl other parte. Call on Mm At PHaor1 office, PWppfl Uaildte, c t Medford Aato GonfMsy Hmtpt where we start oat eat affwtU tt the Aladden Mantle Ltmft 4 dea wkdow We wiH few yon right. Come ml see. Printers ami PttMfetors. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. hm the best equipped job office in Smt&i-, ern Oregon; Portland pijs. 7 South Central ave. Plam iMtreettM, MISS JENJT888E BUTXJ J?W instracttea aad mssieal history Studio, Na. 8 . 0ri3ge &. PShmmt. Mak 241. HARMONY, sight reading form. Mm. E. H. Gers, Met ColleKe of Mnsie. Msee Rem ry. Studios, 144 South Csntral th Phoae 493. VERNK T. CANON BiH Pesicr tai Distrifeutor. All orders promyHy filled. Room 29, Jaeksoa Csb Bank Bnilding, Medfo. Or, N BKMari IParlwrs. S. T. BROWN CO. m&uU, Ci gars anel Soft Brinks. Up wUhm, Yoxmx k Hall baHding. A bm h plnee to speed the hot aftwraaoar. AreMteetf. JOHNS k TURNER, ArehUeetn , Builders, office 7-8, 385 Kafa. Phone Main 3471. Raoidonaa j&m 2471. Carrlafe awl Arte Palatini. VALLEY .SIGN AND CASSIAS WORKS High-class work gear, teed. Signs. Riv&rswifl svKlHk, Phone 801. y J. A. SMITH Tk skep. TSm. uni sheetiron ware on hand aai wiihi i order. 128 North G street. FHrnftHra. H. F.' WILSON & CO, dealers ia new and seeofid-hand faraitBrs ai hardware. Ageats for Mews: tStjn kitchea eabiaet 323 S. BeYSnth at. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly sts., HiSwi,f Miseioa FBTniture Bade to org sr. Casket work of a& khtda. A trkt. order selieited. MORDOFF 8c WOLFF Cook Stove andRaBgee. New and Seed-Haa4 raraiture. Eads' pli aUmi IB W. T st South. Phone 91, Medferd. Or. QUAKER NURSERIES Oar trees are budded, not grafted. Oar steek, is not irrigated. We gmaraaUe av erythkg pat out. We are 4t in Hub trust. H. B. PaitexsoQj, e&ktt js Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade attrst$ stock, a F. Cook, Prey- R. R V. depot. P. O. Box 841. JHhhm 1301,., Medford. Brick Cwwpaate. G. W. Priddy. J. X. OTOimbu O. D. Nagle. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Bbriok manufacturers and eBtnMtot also lime, cement aad plaster ia aay quantity. Office, Medford NaUoaak Bank bldg. Phone Masa S46. BaHdhm awl Laaw AantltHw. JACKSON COUNTY BUffiDIN AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O. a Boggs, Aetkig Secretary, 138 stwl. Main street. v DR. W. M. VAN BCOYOC, Dm tut Office ia rooms aOS-394, Famsra & Fruitgrowers' bank bwiiiag, wm4 of the traeks. PhystelaMMd R. W. ST1ARNS, M. D. OpfK) Jackson Coaaty bank. Might oUc proffiptly answered. Offke aad dent phone Main 3433. CONROY & CLANCY Dffiee 1st Stewart Bail ding PhyaleiaM aa Surgeons. Offico pheae Mak 341 private phono Mak 612. DB. F. G. CARLOW. DR. SVA MAINS CARLOW Osteefwihk Physicians. Misaioa Bioek. PlmMia aOl, Medford. Cigars and Tonasw. IRELAND ft ANTLE SsMke HbnM, dealers in tobacco, eigars and ssssk ers' supplies. Exclusive gt of Lewis Single Binder, M Marito aa4 El Paloneia. 212 West Mak street. Messsftger Sarvke. UESSENaEItSBRVIC'B Um- gers (urnisned at all hosni ot oJ! and till 9 p, m. to aay part of eir, from tOo to 25c. Phone Mala litis SUftajraafcars. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Pals block. Stenographic work done qaiejcly welL j.