Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 28, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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Sermon by
Pastor Brooklyn
tittle dM tbe Jews understand the
aoctxneatoua Importance to them of the
rmit Khkb Christians commemorate
a Vwlm Sunday. It will be rcmem
scml that the Incident occurred at the
elcsosf onr Lord's ministry threo and
a salt years after bis baptism at Jor
Am juh! ISt daya before bis crucifix
ion. The Jewish Sabbath had been
spent ki rest at Bctbany. Lasaru.
mhom Jesas awakened from the sleep
C death. wltb his sisters Mary nail
atartfea. prepared for Jcsua n banquet,
aad wbea tho Sabbath closed the sup
er wsa eaten. It ras at that time
tfcsl Vary broaght forth the box of
fetrmai, splkeaard rery valuable, and
afcerrwttb , REslBted ear Lord's head
and feet. It was the same, occasion on
wfelcb Jneas, to a wrong spirit, had
mh mured jtgRlsst this expression of
tovfeg scretien; that It was a
'WKMe that preferably the money
vbeaJd aare been jclvec to the poor. It
-ansa tbes that the Master defended
Sfxry rad aanoanced that the anolnt
Jtejc was Ser kla burial (whkh occurred
3ster tbe same freei), and suggested
f tm th dfeclpte. Tbe poor ye have al--wajs
with you. And whensoever ye
KB ye do thein good: but me ye hare
sot always."
The- Best moromg. the first day of
Ifee week, corresponding to our Sun
4ay. Jeses uade ready for his tri
muphal estry Into the city of Jcrosa
Iteaa the- Jewish King, according to
be caatosa ef the Jewish kings riding
peo aa ass and balled and acclaimed
Tqr the populace. The Incident bad
"beni fereteld by the Prophet Zecba
flab la great detail, saying, "Rejoice
WreeUy. O daughter of Zlon; shout. O
tagbter of Jerusalem; behold, thy
Ktageeaetb unto thee; he Is just, and
kariag miration; lowly, and riding
vpoa aa ass" (Zecbarlab lx. OU
' PrpKcy Must B Fulfilled.
"Wbea the apostles bad brought the
mm awl Jesus sat thereon, the Urge
csctcearse of people (which had come
Sr&m JerasaleEa to see Jesus because
f bfat awakening of Lazarus) shouted
alead. They were filled with enthusi
asm asd. after the manner of the time,
'some broke off palm branches for the
ass to step upon; others laid their gar
XMrnts la the way and thus formed, as
it were, a carpet In the road leading
to Jerusalem near by. Tbo shout of
the people was just as the prophet bad
declared. They bailed Jesus as the
promised Son of David, the Messiah
long waited for. On previous oc
casions, when they sought to make
Jesus a king, after witnessing' his mar--rekras.
works. ti withdrew himself
jfrutu theta, to wait for their ardor to
cool, knowing that the Father's time
was. sot yet due. Bat bow he knew
taut bis hour was come and hence.
Jmread ef hindering, he helped on
wftb the enthusiasm by sending for
tktf ass. etc. Prominent sectarian Jews
jwraeat. althougk unable to account
Xor the sairaefc. were unprepared to
taint: of Jesus as the true Messiah, or
BSytlilng short of an Impostor in that
relc When these heard the multitude
feoutfng and addressing Jesus as the
Messiah tbey were offended and sent
wertl to Jeass that bo should restrain
the ignorant geople who were thus ac
Wiming him.
, Hat fsetead of forbidding the ova
Son Jesus Intimated that It was tho
yreper tkfa&T.tbat because the Proph-
i Zecbnrlahjlx. 8) said. "Shout, O
daughter of Jerusalem P therefore
store wast, be .a. shout. If the people
awd not shouted, rather than have the
jirephecy go unfulfilled, Jesus said the
""'cy atoaea would have cried our.
'!Kajpato ,to Jerusalem JesusV halted
Ifet- asa'and the procession at the top
mt tbe Mount of Olives and, overlook
Jug tbe Holy City, wept while be
jweaoeaced his sentence upon It
1? worthy I Onappreclatlvel As the
waugellst declares, "Israel knew pot
$h time of bee visitation. Tbe time
"r Israel to receive tbe King bad
aging sad ihef were not only ignorant
'W iim matter collectively, but they
'were not in the heart condition to
ssSerstaiu' or appreciate. Jesus cried,
0 JeraMlesa; Jersealeia, thou that
mast Uwr prophets, and stoneet them
-wU?b are sent unto thee, how often
would I have gathered thy children
together, even as a hen gat be rein 'her
blckeas under her wings1, and ye
weald not'" (Matthew xxUl, 37.) For
three and a half years bo and bis faith
fat apostles bad been declaring that
tbe Kingdom of God was at hand;
that the people should repent and bo
eve tbe good message. And even
six: months in advance of this John
tbe Baptist and Ills disciples had simi
larly preached. ,
After those four years of faithful
reaching throughout tbe length and
kreaath of Palestine, the nation was
apparently as unprepared for Jesus
b at the first Hence our Lord's fol
lowing words, "Therefore I say unto
you. Your house 1 left unto you deso
late! Ye shall see mo no moro until
Uatt day when ye shall say Wcsscd
Is be that comotli in the namo of the
JjorrtP That duy has not yet come.
Venn time the Jewish nation was there
east Q from fellowship with God, us
ttie iropbc declares, ''Because they
k?ev not tho tmo of their visitation."
, Imttrf ..has been outcast from nn
w ravor ror more man eigaiefii
Text. "II iKou hitdtl iou. errn thou. l
(eait io Uui thy day, the thing whkh belong
aato thy peAco 1 But now they ara hkl (rota
Bum ejo" (Luke six, 42),
centuries. Thank God the day Is near
at hand, when, at tho second coming of
Messtah, bis Kingdom shall bo turned
over to them. And then, as- ho de
clares, they will bo glad to say, "Bless
ed Is ho that comctb In the name of
tho Lord." The long centuries of per
secution and separation from God's
favor will have brought that people
to a humbler condition of heart, where
tbey will be glad to rccelvo of Divine
grace upon Divine terms. To this
great event St Paul refers us In Ro
mans xl, 27-34.
Although God foreknew all that had
happened the offer of tbo Klngdc to
Israel was Just as bona-fidc. Jus, as
rulne. as though lie had not known
God always does hla parti What
ever failure there Is In any matter of
contract belongs to humanity.
If thus we have before our minds
the origin of Palm Sunday and what
it signified as the climax of the test of
natural Israel hi respect to Messiah,
wo are prepared to go further and to
note that in God's providence there is
a similar test for us Christians.
"Enemies For Your Sakes."
St John emphasised particularly the
fact that the rejection of the Jewish
nation, becauso of their rejection of
Messiah, did not apply to all the In
dividuals of that nation. As tbe
Prophet Isaiah had foretold (Romans
lx. 27-331 there was a small, faithful
section or "remnant" This remnant
accepted Christ and were by blm ac
cepted and became the nucleus or
foundation of Spiritual Israel on the
Day of Pentecost. Thus wo read. "He
came unto 'his own (nation) and bin
own received him not (as a nationt:
but to as many as received him. to
them gave ho liberty (privilege) to be
come sons of God, even to them that
believed on his namo; which were be
gotten not of blood, nor of the will of
the flesh, nor of the will of man. but
of God" at Pentecost (John 1. U-131.
Thus so far as tho spiritual part of
God's great promise to Abraham Is
concerned it has passed from the Jew
ish nation; but there still remains for
them a glorious earthly portion, to
which they will be Introduced at out
Lord's second coming. Then their
sins will be cancelled, and as n pccple
the Hebrews will return to Dlr'ro
favor and will Inherit tho earthly fen
tures of the promise made to tbelt
fathers. Then, through them. God'
blessing Will be extended to all na
tlons and peoples under Israel's Ken
Covenant, which will then become op
erativo at tho bands of their creni
Mediator the Christ the Messiah lr
glory. But by that time tho election
of the saints of this Gospel Ago will In
complete and 'the Messiah In glory will
include Jesus tho Head and the Cburc!'
his Body Joint-heirs with him In hi
Kingdom Jolnt-helrs with blni In the
spiritual features of the great Abr
baralc promise (Galatlans 111. 20i.
AH this Is ,cearly stated by tie
Apofatle In Romans xl, 25-32. Hut
somehow our eyes of understanding as
Christians have been balden so that,
until of late, we hare not seen those
lengths and breadths, these heights
and depths, of Divine Lore and VIs
dom and arrangement The fact that
wo now see these thlngR Is a corrobo
ratlvo evidenco that they are nigh at
band. Just so it was at our Lord'
first advent Many things pertaining
to that time were completely 'bidden
until the time of their fulfillment
came, and then only tho "Wlso VIr
gins" were so. blessed, bo assisted
that they trimmed their lamps effec
tively and were enabled to sec these
beauties In tbe.Dlrlne Plan.
The'Ttme of "Our Vleltatlon.
Apparently very few of God's peo
ple, until recently, have noted the fact
that Spiritual Israel has bad a parallel'
history to that of Natural Israel. Few"
have seen that these are dealt with1
all through tho Scriptures as typo und'
antitype. Few havo noticed that from'
tbe death of Jacob to tbe death of
Jesus finds Its exact parallel of 1.843
years betweeu the death ;f Jesus und
our day. Few liavo noticed that lu
both cases there Is u nominal and a
real Israel, Tho nominal Jewish sys
tem was tried und all but tbe "Israel
ites Indeed" failed. Likewise will he
the oxperienco of Spiritual Israel. The
nominal Christian systems' will be
tried, and all will full 'except the spirit-begotten
and faithful. As only a
remnant or small number were found
In tbo proper condition at tbe first
advent, so the Scriptures clearly Inti
mate that only a small number will
bo found sufilclcntly xalntly nnd zeal
ous nnd loyal to tbe Lord and tue
principles of bis Truth In tbe end of
this uge. to graduate with flret honors.
As there wuh ii special period of
testing and trying at the cloneof tin
Jewish Age, lasting for forty years, so,
tho Scriptures clearly indicate, tln'iv
is a special sifting and testing due to
come to Christendom during the clos
ing forty years of this Gospel Ai;e
before tho Inauguration of tboglorlouti
Millennial blessings. As tho trials and
tests came upon tho Jews In a subtle
manner, to test their faith and oho
dlonce, so oven moro subtlety must
wo oxpect will bo connected with the
trials und testings in tho harvest tllne
of thl Gospel Ago, Of this Umo the
Lord through tho prophet hoM, "Who
may abldo tho dny of hla presence,
and who shall stand when ho appear
eth? for he Is like a rentier's tire nnd
like fullers' soap: ml lie n !
n refiner and purltler of silver: ittid ,
he shall purify tho sons of Levi, nml j
purge them ns gold and silver, that
the' may offer unto the Lord accept
ablo sacrifices" (Mnlachl 111. 2, 3. j
Doth House of Israel. I
Natural nnd Spiritual Israel nro con-1
trusted. The Lord through tho Proph
et foretold that Messiah would be
"for n stono of stumbling nnd for a ;
rock of offence to both the bouses of '
Israer'-to Natural Israel und to Spir
itual Israel. We have seen how the
first house stumbled On that Palm Sun
daycelebrated today. They stumbled j
"because they knetc not thf ttmc of ;
their visitation" they did not know
that the time had conio for the estab
lishment of tho Kingdom: hence they
were not alert to their privileges and
failed to be In the proper cumlltlou of
heart to receive tho blessings. Or. w
might state the matter reversely and j
say that those who did not know and
did not accept Messiah, were those
whose hearts were not In the right con
dition, else they would not havo been j
left In darkness (I Thessalonlans v. (). i
Many things Indicate to us, now,
that we are living In a tlrao corrc-1
spondlng to that Palm Sunday! Many ,
things Imply that Christendom Is now ,
undergoing Its great test nnd that only ,
tho fully consecrated of heart and Ufa
will be accepted of the Lord ns his
"Jewels" and bo granted a sharo with !
Christ In his Kingdom. Many things
imply that we are now in tho Umo
when the true people of God are be
ing divided into two classes, as pic
tured for us by our Lord in tho para
bio of tho Wlso nnd the Foolish Vir
gins. As only tbo Wise Virgins were
prepared to enter Into the marriage, so I
only the consecrated ones, tho polished ,
Jewels of the Lord, will bo accepted as. (
fit for tho Kingdom and be grunted a
sharo In the glorious resurrcctloi
change which will precede the great i
time of trouble. In which tho Foolish I
Virgin class, although not of tbo
world, will participate with tho world.
True, that great Umo of troublo will
usher in the glorious Millennial dla
pensaUon, In which tho Church In
glory with the Great Redeemer will
pour out upon nil mankind tho won-j
derful restitution blessings which God
has promised by the mouth of all the j
holy prophets (Acts III, 10-23). True,
the Foolish Virgins may subsequently
get tbe oil nnd subsequently havo n
glorious future, but tbey will lose the
choice place of Divine favor and bless
ing. They cannot bo of tho "Bride"
class, but will rccelvo their blessing
under tho figure of "tho virgins her
companions that follow her" (Psalm
xlv, 14).
It is In order for nil of God's people
who now .got awake from the slum
ber of worldllness which has long
stupefied them, to Join hearts and
voices In a great shout the Bhout that
the Kingdom is at hand! Tho shout
of Qfosanna to tho Son of Davidl And
that tbo Ume Is at hand for the ful
fillment of tbo passage, "Gather to
gether ray saints unto me. saltb the
Lord I those who have mado a cove
nant with me by sacrifice. They Bhall
bo mine, saltb tho Lord, In that day
when I como to make up my Jowcls"
(Individually) (Malach! ill. 17).
"Seo That Ye Refuie Not Him."
As tbe Jewish nation was not ready
to receive Jesus as Its 'King, on that
first Palm Sunday, neither is Chlsten
dom now ready to receive blm at his
second advent As it was, only the
"Israelites Indeed," in whom . was no
guile, that then knew the volco of the
Shepherd, so It will bo here an Indi
vidual matter. Tho Laodicean period
of the Church's history is upon us
(Bovclatlon ill, 17). Tbo Nominalism
of our day is fully portrayed by our
Lord's words. Christendom boasts
that sho is rich and Increased in goods
and has need of nothing; nnd knows
not that aha In noor nnd mlsnrahln
and blind and naked. Tbe Lord now
stands at tno door and knocks, lie
. .
offers himself to the "Israelites In
deed." Ours is Palm Sunday In tbe
highest senso of all How are we re
ceiving tbo great blessings wblcb bo-
token tbo paroutla of- the Master?' Do
wo hear hla knock? Have we opened
our hearts? Are we searching bis
Word and listening for bis voice and
seeking to know and to do his will In
an things? To all such very shortly,
we bcllovo, will come tbe greater and
fuller Pentecostal blessing: tbo resur
rection "change," from tho glory of
character merely to tho glory of person
as well, when we shall seo our Redeem
er as ho Is, and share bis glory. As St.
Paul says, "Seo that yo reject not him
that speakctb from beavcnl" Greater
light, greater privilege, greater blessing
evoryway are ours than wero those
enjoyed by the Jews at our Lord's
first advent These privileges and
blessings are' our tests. Let us bo
faithful. Let us present our bodies
living sacrifices and with renewed zeal
seek to glorify our Lord in our bodies
and our spirits, which nro. Ills (I Corin
thians vl, 20).
Thoso who havo tho eyes to see and
the ears to appreciate tbe voice now
speaking from heaven should bo alurt
to hall him Lord of all-to accept him
as their Redeemer and King and vol
untarily to present thomselves to blm
nnd his service not waiting for tho
tlmo wlion be shall reveal himself In
power and great glory to tbo world In
general. The Lord Is now looking for
saints, for ovcrconiers, valiant, faith
ful, persevering, and thoroughly de
voted to him, to bis Cause of Right
oousncss, and thoroughly opposed to
sin nnd especially active In overcom
ing Its domination In their own hearts,
In their own minds, In their own bod
ies. Such the MnHter pictures ns bis
Jolnt-helrs, priestly kings, sitting with
himself In his Throne of glory nnd
world dominion.
for sale. Ill
quire at West
Side Livery. A.
B. Tull.
Every Thursday
At Smith's .Hnll on Ornpo nnd
Sixth, and every socond nnd
fourth Monday in tho month. Six
losson card for $" or $1 lesson.
Loam to waltz. Privnto lesson by
appointment Learn to dance
nnd bo graceful.
124 South Central Ave.
Pure White . .
The Best Flour Made
"We claim it to bo the best becauso wo hfvo had
the best success with it in our own baking. Our cus
tomers say it is the best, and wo beliovo it to be so.
If you want good bread all tho time, try a sek of
our justly famous hard wheat "PURE WHITE"
The Square
$150 AN ACRE 270 acres, foothill land, about 0 miloa from Mod
ford; there aro about 86 seres on thia plaee now planted to fruit,
which inoludea about 26 acres in bearing. The bearing varieticj
are Nowtown and SpiUenburg apples and Cornice peare. Thnre
tiro 35 acres of Newtownn in thoir neooud year with poach filler
and about 6 acres of Newtownn juHt planted; alo 20 acros ni
Jonathans and 10 acros of Bartlott and Anjou peara jnst planted.
About 200 acres of first-claao fruit land on the place. There nro
many Bprinra on the place and considerable water conld he do
volopod for irrigation; Jwo houson, good barn and other buildings.
Would subdivide nicely. Kaay torma.
acres, 0 miles from Medford, about 15 acres cleared and
partly planted; small building.
$250 AN ACRE 7d acres, about 4 miles from Medford, free soil; 25
acres planted to Newtown and Spitxengonr apples, mostly 3 yearn
old; in additien, about 25 acres under cultivation, balance easily
cleared ; good new 6-roon plastered house, new bans ; also set of
old buildings. Omld be subdivided Into two or three tracts nicely,
easy terms.
$5510 Bix miles from Medford, good new building, about 8 acres
planted to Kowtowns, Spitseahergs and pears, 1 and 2 years old;
about 7 neres additional eleaftd, balance ho I hard .eleariag; geod
tea, wagoa aed machinery g wltk thc P5"- u 40"
acre tract,
$15,000 This pries holds till April 1 only; 47V aeres, close to Cen
tral Point, good new buildings, level land, all firet-elaas fruit and
alfalfa land. This trao. has about 7 aeres in alfalfa and tho bal
ance la all planted as follows: Bight sores Comiee in fourth Hea
son, 2 aores Kewtowns in third seaaoa, 5 seres Bartletts in third
floanon, 3 seres Winter Nelis in third season, 0 seres Newtowns
and 1 sore Spits in second bson, O scree Bartletts . in second
Benson, bslsnoe jnst planted. The price quoted bi but ft trifle more
than -$"300 an acre, which is very muoh leas than owners are askiag
for adjoining land.
$12,525 Eleven sores is Cornice pears, 10 years oW; 0 seres in Bart
lott and Anjou pears, 1 to 3 years old; close in; good soil; terms.
$I2,0W EIovcb acres in Cornice and Bono pears, 14 years' old thoHe
trees are In full bearing and will pay a good ineome on the prioe
$7009 Thirty-five aores of black sticky, 3 miles from Medford, nl
under the ditch and can be irrigated. '
$13,000 Thirty-two acres, close to Medford, 8 sores In Newtowns
and Spitsenbergs, 5 to 7 yeare of ago; 14 aoreo in alfalfa, 3 noreH
ia peaohos, 2 acres in borries; irrigated; buildings.
$14,000 Thirty-five acros; buildings; exceptionally fine place for n
home; 12 acres in apples nnd pears 3 yoars old; about an acre of
bearing orchard; 11 acres in alfalfa; all fine deep free soil.
$150 to $200 PER ACRE Stowart aero tracts; 2 miles from Modford;
tracts nre from 10 to 25 acres in sizo; fine building spots on all;
can all bo irrigntod; chonpost tradts in Medford neighborhood; easy
$308 PER ACRE Finest 5 and 10-ncro orchard and gardon truots in
the valloy; easy terms.
W. T. YORK & CO.
10 nores, cnHt of Medfonl, fino lo-!
euliou for BiibiUvisioti $(100 per nore, '
liberal tormn.
Klognttt bungalow, S rooms and
fino sleeping porch, fireplace, choice ;
lot OO.x'JOO, cast lrout on most jio
Birahlo street in Mudford. Yott imtt
sco this to appreciate 1't $5000,
Now G-rooiu bungalow, cloVu to
Onkdalo, 50x100 lot, cast front, an
A No. 1 buy at $2100, $1000 cash,
liboral terms on Imlnnco.
Cory now bungalow, ! rooniH and
bath, woll located; a good invoHtuient
at $1-100 ; for n quick sale, $000
cash, 0 por cent on balance.
Choicp cornor lot 00x100, cenunt
walk, nowor, rosofl and trues, cIomi
to Onkdalo; $1000, libornl tormn.
Choico lota in Hoso Park only
$350, $35 cash, $10 month.
Wright & Allin
28 Enst Main.
Phono 2561.'
Deal Grocers
Ono hundrod nnd Hlxty aorcH f froo rod Hull, 10 lo HO root dopllif
two wolls, about t!5 aorcH cleared j a vory gradtml HOiith hill hIoki
ono-half mllo from pontoffioo, lean tliBU onofourth mllo from nohool
and hovoh and onu-hulf iiiIIoh nouthwoHt of Juokmmvillo. Only $20
por noro. Call on or addroxH
Steam and Hot Wator Hoating.
All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable
Old Tribune Buildinrr.
I 1 T
! ----- --
On thoso you must act quick, as thoy aro bolow
actual valuos.
S 140 acros, good location; 10 Oaorcs choice fruit land;
78 acres bearing trees; good improvements. This
ranch will show good income Price $75,000, terms.
T 400 acres, fino alfalfa and fruit ranch ; 50 acres in al
falfa; 40 acres in 3-ycar-old applo trees; fino build
ings; privnto irrigation system; in oxcellout local
ity for raising stock also. Prico $25,000, tonus.
V 11.95 acros, all sot to fruit, right varieties, in age
from 1 to 20 yours. Prico $.15,000.
W 11.60 acres, all in fruit; 574 Nowtowns 4 years old,
175 Bosc poars 4 years old, 80 Bartlott pears 4 years
old. Prico $8400.
3 Fine lot, 50x175 feet, two blocks from Onkdalo pave
ment; lot lies high; 14 bearing applo trees. Prico for
short time, $450.
13 Lot, 100x285 foot, South Central avenue; G-room
box houso; 45 bearing fruit trees; cast front. Price
$1600, easy terms; a good buy.
1 Now 5-room modern houso; plastered; two porches;
cement walks; sheds, woodshed, largo barni Prico
$2500; $1450 cash and balance ono year at 6 por cent.
100x100 feet, with two residences; only thrco blocks
from new depot to cost $-10,000; will soli this at
$42000; renting now at good interest on investment;
time on part; good business location.
Pierce, Shepherd & ,Co.
$5000 OASH takes 200 acres good land
and stock, near railroad, 40 acres in culti
vation, 125 acres good land, 4-room house,
two largo barns, other good outbuildings,
50 head cows and young cattle, 6 head horses,
han;ow, cream separator, household goods,
80 chickens, 10 acres fenced chicken tight,
fivo fino springs, spring crop is in ground.
In addition to this you can homestead 160
acres adjoining abovo land and havo use of
80-acre tract for horse pasture. Unlimited
rango for cattle. This is good till April 10th.
land is also excellent for fruit.
160 AOEES fino foothill laud, good roads,
plenty of fino spring wator sufficient -for
somo irrigation, 2 acres bearing trees, also
berries and fino cherries, best of fruit land,
no frost to bother or worry about, good
house, barn and outbuildings, 60 acres in
cultivation, fino for grain, vegetables and
hay. No better for fruit. Possession can bo
givo nat onco. Fino rango for cattle and
hogs. Prico $7000. $2500 will handle this.
20 AORES Hero is what you want; 20
acres tho vory OREAM of tho valloy; soil
15 to 20 feet deep; best of black loam; will
grow anything you plant; vory choico for
peal's, potatoes, melons and alfalfa. Pos
session at onco. Price $7500; $2000 cash,
balance 4 years, 6 por cent.
.420 AORES fino fruit and grain land.
This will subdivide in fino shape, as main
road divides it in threo parts; largo part is
irrigated, and it has ono of tho oldest wator
rights in tho county. Fair buildings; beauti
ful location; no frosts to bother; oldest road
in state; all north and south travel California
to northern Oregon passes through ranch;
3chool on Innd; main lino tolophono on ranch;
no waste land; all free soil; within 5 miles of
threo railroad stations on S. P.; 150 acres in
cultivation; 100 slushed; this year's crop all
in ; possession can bo given at onco. $60 por
aero, liberal terms. Come and see this.
West Main Street.
Phono '.;931. r