Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 28, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Medford MailTribune
A conioltdation of tho Modford Mail. eitnbHhH 1SS9: th Southern Owitonmn,
UblWi" l02i the Democratic Time e.Ubttahcd 187S: tho AhlnJ Tribune.
MtAbltRhed 1896. andjho Medford Tribune. eatabllhedj0,
Official Paper of the City of Medford.
GEORGE PUTNAM. Editor and Mnnngor.
Itetered m eeond-liui matter November 1. 10. at the rotorneo at Medford.
Ore con, under tho act of March J. 1S?.
Ob year by mall.
jj.00 Ono month by mall or carrier I .SO
Good apples cannot be grown in acountry free from
cold. So. wherever fine apples are produced, thore must
Tae frost. As frost damage can bo reduced to a liuninmm
Tjy scientific precaution, it is common sense to use every
wactical effort to prevent damage.
Natural conditions in the Rogue River valley are more
favorable to the fruit grower than in any section. At the
same time we have frosts, or we could not produco prize-
winning fruit. It is seldom that the frost works material
injury here, yet it does occasionally. It is to eliminate
11 likelihood of damage that a majority of orchardists
have prepared artificial heating appliances in their groves,
on the principle that an ouonce of prevention is worth a
pound of cure.
The fruit district that can successfully prevent dam
age by frost and damage by pest, is the district that fruit
irrowers are looking for. and that is the reason why produc
ers from sections where it is impossible to overcome these
dangers are centering m the Rogue Kiver valley, wiiere
climatic conditions are so much more favorable than in
other fruit belts. . ". . ZIR5iV! i
The fruit growers of the vallev are in luck to have the
services and aid of Professor O'Gara of the department of
agriculture in fighting both bugs and irost. JJaiiy tore--casts
are made, and the valley has all the advantage of a
local Weather bureau, although congress has refused to
establish one here. Any orchardist can ascertain the de
gree of danger every night during the frost period by
phoning central, the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph com
pany having kindly placed an operator at their disposal
for this purpose. - .--
On another page Professor O'Gara fully explains the
mystery of weather forecasts and how predictions are
made. He explains the meaning of "dew point" and oth
er terms. As a result of observation in the Rogue River
valley, he states: "Serious freezing during the spring
rarely occurs where the dew point is 35 degrees at 7 p. m.
Jbxosts are most likely to occur when the sky is clear ana
ihere is no wind."
The centralization of power in the hands of one man
J. P. Morgan is shown by an article in the New York
World, summarizing his. financial interests. Mr. Morgan
is, without question, the most powerful financial genius
ihat the world has yet seen, wielding a far vaster power
than the Rothschilds or the royal families of Europe and
the okl world.
The grand total of the resources of the companies con
trolled by or affiliated with Mr. Morgan exceeds ten bil
lion dollars. The railroad, industrial, banking and life
insurance companies he directly controls are capitalized
for more than $6,000,000,000; he influences a dozen impor
tant transportation companies, including such great rail
road -systems as the New York Central, the Lake Shore
nd the Santa Fe, with total capitalization in bonds and
stocks exceeding $2,000,000,000. He controls miscellane
ous corporations of magnitude, such as the Telephone and
ZFelegraph trust, the General Electric, the Morgan-Guggenheim
Alaska Syndicate and the Adams Express eom
' pany, with a total capitalization of $700,000,000.
Morgan controls four great banks in New York, Phil-
-1 i .rt - T Jl J T Jil. - rKf
xuuipma, xjuuuou anu jraris, witii resources exceeuiug
OOO.'OOO.OOO. His Tmrtnfirs own interests etxc.ptetlmp halfa
vbillion dollars.
The Grand Mogul of Wall street possesses such power
'that by a stroke of his pen he can make or break men or
corporations, crush or promote enterprises, bring on stock
.and oven national panics, promote or ruin the prosperity
of nations. And the centralization of power still goes on,
through consolidation of banking, industrial and transpor
tation interests.
Where will it all end, and how long will it bo before
Morgan owns us all?
v There will soon be good angling in the Rogue river and
its tributaries, not for steelhead (rainbow), but for cut
throat and smaller trout, which are through spawning.
Although steelheads can be taken with bait now, they
.are not fit to eat, for they are spawning. This accounts for
their presence in the small streams, and it is a shame to
atch them, not only because there is no sport in it, but
because it destroys the chance of future fishing.
Steelhead will continue to spawn through April, and it
will be the latter part of June before there will be good
fly fishing for tho king of trout. During the spawning
- J J. L 1 C - .1 1 it. t.Ai.- l.
penou u'oui ure aiuggjuu, iuuu iuuujj mu uunum, iniwvu h
poor fight if hooked. After spawning they are thin and
i n e J! ji
veaic, unni ior iooa ror some monuis'
Anglers who hook undersized trout should always mois
ten tho hand before grasping tho fish, otherwise the dry
hand will remove the slime from tho back of the trout, and
it is only a question of time until tho fungus sets in and
the fish will die.
vampf rni ;in
Vance Colvig of this city has just
grabbed his first laurels ns n por-
trayor of tho vanities nnd peauhan
tt09 of mankind, by winning tho utnn-
tour pmo olforcd by "Judgo" each
week with one of his cartoons. Vance
is homo from Portland on a short
visit, accompanied by his brother
Don, whoso artistic temperament
loans towards music. Tho boys arc
on a short business trip and will re
turn to Portland Tuesday to contin-
uo thoir studies.
Vanou for a number of months has
boon dabbling more or less with his
pencil and rceoutly went to Porltand
to tnko up the matter seriously. He
now plans to put in several months
of hnrd work nnd hopes to doolop
bis talent to a point where it will bo
of some commercial value.
"I hope soon to bo a member of a
class Homor Dnveeport is thinking
of taking in Portland,'" states Vance,
"and make greater headway. 1 am
number one on his list and I hope he
will decide to open a stdio."
In regard to winning the amateur
pnzo in "Judge" over several nun
dred competitiors, Vance states that
tho suggestion came to him at the
Orphcuci while listening to a pair of
"'Tis tho simplest thing iu the
world just go and hear a good joke
then draw a picturo to fit it."
In the meantime tho young man's
friends nro constantly being regaled
with clever caricatures of themselves.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 28.--Tho
wealthy residents of San Fran
cisco nnd Burlingame were thrown
into a flutter today when it was
teamed thnt Walter McCrevy, a
young clubman and social lion
who recently separated from his wife
is now engaged in writing a book.
McCrevy stated that tho work Is
to bo fiction, although ho admitted
that his characters arc simply por
traits of his friends.
"Tho book," said McCrevy, "is to
a largo extent my own experiences
and the characters in it nro the men
nnd women which make np onr local
society. I believe I have good ma
terial on which to work."
--- f
The Most Profitable Investments Are
Orchard Tracts
If Located in the Famous Edem Valley Orchard
Well informed business pooplo from all parts of tho United Statos and Can
ada arc looking to the Roguo Rivor valley for safe investments. Years of ex
perience in buying and selling orchard land fits us tho bettor for supplying in
vestments that will yiold large returns. Our properties have provon worth. Wo
can assuro you that you take no risk when you purebnso one of tho 30 to 100
acre orchard tracts loc .ted in the fiinioun ICdnn vnllov orhnnL Wo noil trneta
f to suit, planted to tlu best commercial varieties ot bearing trees. You are
T 1 .1! 1 II. .
iiaauiuu oj. a spu'iium income wio iirai year.
We can state positively that this is tho best chance for solid, sound invest
ment to be found in America. A high-class bearing orchard of proven worth
is certainly a mom profitable investment than waiting for trees to grow on
land that never produced fruit. You are sure of big returns almost at. once,
either as a grower or by -e-selling. Come and let us show you.
, A small bearing orchard, planted to tho best commercial varieties of trees
will provido the most fascinating as well as healthful and profitable employ
ment, and insures an income of from $500 to $1000 per acre each year. Horo'is
solid investment, and the it come or pr profit from salo is sure.
You can buy as many acre." as you desire, build a homo on ground command
ing a view of the entire Valley- enjoy the electric light and power, telophonc,
daily mail, and live within easy reach of the business and social life of tho met
ropolitan city of Medford. A oMmatc unsurpassed anywhere.
John D. Olwell
PnOENIX, Arizona, Mnreh 28.-
An inquest is beinp hold todny over
the body of Mrs. Eileen Toreenson,
believed to have committed suicide.
For three days, while police nnd
friends searched for her, tho bodv
was suspended from n tree in plain
view of n' street where pedestrians
nnd struct car passengers went by.
Mrs. Torpenson's foot touched the
pronnd nnd tho head was thrown
bnck ns though she were loofctnp into
tho branches abovo her. A passerby
who noted the woman standing in
the same position on two successive
days determined to investigate.
Mrs. Torgcnson came here from
Los Anccles and had formerly lived
in Chicago. A note wns directing
thnt her savings bo sent to relntires
in Sweden.
W. P. Lampman, the prosperous
farmer and fruit grower of Asbestos,
is turning over tho soil.
J. O. Walker has bought tho Wil
liams plneo anT is busy improving it.
J. B. Walker and Miss Violn Plieis-
ter spent a coirplo of days with his
sister, Mrs. Thomas Donovan, nnd
reported having a good time. Miss
Idh and Florence Simmons are get
ting to bo expert horsebnek riders.
Mrs. S. E. Walker is putting iu a
nice flower garden.
Raskins for Hoalth.
March 28. Before a crowd which
filled Villnrd Hall tho University of
Oregon Saturday defeated the Uni
versity of Idaho in debate by n un
animous decision. Simultaneously
with tho winning of this debate ontne
tho announcement thnt Oregon's neg
ative team on the snmo question had
just defeated tho University of
Washington at Seattle Tho crowd
went wild with joy T,,e Htn'(1 0,(1
walla of Villnrd rang with olieor niter
cheer. Previously to this, Oregon had
won a unanimous decision over the
University of Utah, nnd tho victories
of last night gave her tho champion
ship of four states.
War on Fraternities.
Shonld the investigation into this
city's secret societies which: began
result in their abolishment a nnmbor
of the high school say that thty will
quit school.
The attack on secret societies in
tho schools is led by tho principal of
th institution and tho investigation
is being made by Mrs. Mary Kincnid.
Indication aro that tho societies
will have to go. Tho state law is
clear on tho subject and it prohibits
pupils from being inombors of uny
such organization whilo attending tho
public schools.
Hnskins for Henlth. "
(Oregon Journal.)
Portland is soon to see tho Med-
ford booster in notion. The sunshiuo
and big apples of Juckson county
have made him a plus man, ns full
of genial good humor as he is of vir
ility. He is coming to Portland for
uid for tho Crater Lake road, which
silica statu aid was declared impossi
ble, Jackson county pooplo nro going
to finance privately, Ho will bring
with him his hubitual Miiilo that nev
er comes off nnd will look you
straight in tho eye as ho gently in
serts his hands into your pockets for
tho $100 needed for tho road to the
country' greatest scenic wonder.
It will bo just as woll to huvo tho
$100 ready. Thoro will bu no way
to avoid contributing it, for it is iu
a mysterious way tho Medford boost
or moves, his wonders to perform.
Ho won't chloroform or strangle you,
but when tho dulcpt tones of his per
suasion, and tho benign smile on his
face huvo passed around the noxt
corner, yon will find as you rovivo
from your spoil that ho has your
Ho is thrico armod bocnuso ho has
a just cause. Tho Crater Luko road
will mako tho greatest natural won
der in America accessible to auto
mobilists and nil others. Ouco with
in reach, it will put Oregon on tho
map of tho tourists. Thoro will bo
neither timo nor number limit to the
caravan of excursionists that will
journey to sco it. Among OrogoniniiH
tljo farmer's auto will race with the
banker's in reaching it. To finance
this road is to enpitnlizo for porpot
unl dividends ono of tho greatest re
sources a bountiful nature gave Ore
gon. What iH best of all is, thnt it
will bo worth many timos wint tho
road will cost to onco finance a pub
lio activity without culling upon the
state to do it.
, i ii -1 ii ii-
Adjoins the county seat, Jacksonville; 20 minutes' ride by train or auto
from Medford. This beautiful wooded tract contains 050 acres of bind, com
manding a magnificent view of Medford and tho valley. It is proposed to in
Corporate a company, capitalized at $05,000, with 050 shares of stock at 100
per share. After incorporating, it is proposed to plat and subdivide tho
grounds into acre tracts, plant it to fruit, best adapted to tho soil, and sell it
at an average price of $500 per acre, on easy terms. Each share of stock rep
resents one acre, and for a short time stock will bo sold for $.100 por share, $10
cash and $5 per month for 18 months. This stock is not for salo as a whole at
$100 per share, nor at the rate of $100 per aero. The company proposes to
realize much more out of it for the stockholders. Over fifty of Medford 's live
booster business men have already invested. Two hundred more booster in
vestors aro wanted to purchase one share only each.
Tho combined boosting of this Electric Park bunch will make a populous
suburb to Medford, make hundreds of beautiful homes, mako an hourly sorv
io on Barnum'8 railroad, and mako its stockholders a handsomo profit.
For further information inquire at Office, 209 West Main Streot.
Medford, Oregon
209 West Main Street
WASHINGTON, March 28. -According
to a report from Surgeon
Simpson of tho revenue cutter Man
ning, which has just been made pu1
lio, approximately sixty per cent of
tho natives of Alaska, St. George nnd
St. Paul islands, off tho Alaskan
coast lire afflicted with tuberculosis.
Simpson also nssorts that thoro aro
only a few of tho ohlldron on the
islands who do not show Homo ovi
donpo of tho disease.
Efforts nro being made, said Simp
son, to instruct tho natives how to
provent tho plague, which ho us
cribos to tho lack of water to keep
thoir homes clean.
No job too small, none too
largo. Twenty-fivo years'
practical oxporionco.
Pivc-room house, modorn, oast front, largo sleep
ing screened porch, new plumbing; lot 80x150; somo .
fruit trees; on good street.
Five-room house, with two good south front lots,
on Tenth streot; water and sower in yard.
Six-room house, with two largo screen porches;
strictly modorn; two lots; south front; fruit and ber
ries. Nino-room house; strictly modorn; south front; fino
location; owner expects to leave city.
W. G. Davidson