Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 27, 1910, SECOND SECTION, Image 9

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    vmxim rivma association
FhII Leamd Wire Koport.
Tho only paper In the world
published la n cliy tho site of
Medford having a loaaod wire.
JOTTH year.
No. 5.
Tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W,
Coruy, :25 KiihI Jackson Btrool, wits
tho ftuono of n vory pretty homo wo
ding TliurHiluy, Mitrch 21, whon Mitw
Minnie Coroy wuh united In mnrriug
to Mr. Cliironco Mookor. Miss Coruy
is 1 ho ncooinpliidiod daughter of M
mid Mrs. Coroy, Mr, Corny being
purlnor in tho Onrnott -Coroy Hun
wnro cotnpitny, nnil for novcrul yenr
iiiih boon u lonelier in tho public
hoIiooIh of Medford. Mr. Meeker in
tho Hon of Mr. nnil Mrs. W. 1
Mookor, Mr. Mocker being onu of tho
pioucor niorohunlH of Muilfonl, Imv
inC hcan In biiHiuosH for 17 yoniri
Iho bridegroom Ik now n mcmbor o
tho finn of Moukor & Co. and ono
of Modford's iiiohI promising young
mon, Hot Ji lindo uud groom nro
vory popular in society and nro
proniinunl in chtiroh work.
, Tho lirido, in it hiiiidHoum gown o
croiun monHnlinc, ovor erenm satin
Willi yoko and triiuiningH of out
hroidcrcd olilffon, currying a hup)
houtpiot ot wlnto oumnlioiiH, ontoim
iho mom on tlio unit of Iter father
MiHH Flora Orny at the piano playing
.MonilolMBohn'n "Wedding Mnroli.'
Hor bridomnnid, MiHH Sndio Van
Dyke, gowned in a fetching costume
ol pink moMiinnit, iiocnmpntilcd hor
Tho groom, attended by his broth-
or, I.otr Meeker, iik bout mnn
awaited Iho bride by n cuuopv ol
pink and whito ribbon, under which
tho ceremony wns porfonned, Hov
Holknap of (ho M. K. church offioi
nting. Only (lit immodiato faniilie.
of tbu brido and groom and Iho iiioui-
bcrn of tho brido' grndniiting ohifn
woro present
After tho coromony, a wedding
nuppor was served, coitBhvting of
Nainii, ttnuilwiclieu, olives and pick
Men, chocolate, ico orontn and cako,
Tho plnoo cards woro dnintv hnnd-
paiulod cards of pink rosea. Miss
flyiin, nccompnnied on tho piano bv
MIhh Hlitou, played novernl violin
hoIoh during tho ovoning,
I'ink and whito woro tho prevail
ing colom mid tho Iiouho wns most
nrliHlicnlly decorated with cania
tiottB and potted palm.
ThoKo proHent woro: Mr. and Mrs.
C. II. Coroy, Mr. nnd Mrs. George
Coroy, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Mookor,
Mrs. J. Meeker, grandmother of tho
groom; Mr. and Mr. A. .1. Andur
boii, tho Misses Ktltol Do Witt, Sndio
Van Dyke, Ethel Cttrroy, Flora Orny,
Ella Maulo, Mortsrs. LcHtor Meoko'r.
Fred Fridegnr, Dnlo Sturgln.
Tlio brido and groom woro tho re
cipients of many beautiful nnd cost
ly proHontfl. Tho happy couplo loft
Friday morning for California, tlio
brido handHomoly gowned in a toilor
Mint of smoked gray with it becoming
hat to match. They will bo away
niiotu ton days and on Iheir return
will roRido at 013 Oak treet.
Tho EnBlem Stnr
Monday, at Anglo oporn Iioubo. This
in Iho firHt danco wliich tho club Iiiih
given since before Lent. Tho dcooru
tioiiH will bo butter than tisunl, art a
vory offieiont committoo in in chnrgo.
Mrs. Mouldcu l in chargv of tho
docorntioitB and (ho ladios (insisting
her nro Mcmlnnied Aldonlingni,
I'lfttt, Purdiii, Harmon, JIuzolrigg,
KtokoH, Carey, . II. IJrown and
Uoot Tho committee on rofrcHh j
uteiltM consists of tho following In-j
dies: Mrn. V. 0. Shenrcr, chairman;
MeHdumoH Humplircy, KiiiHninii,'
Wold, Ilovorngo, Krdmnn, Corlin,
Harnehurg, Sohermorhoni,' Luy, Kd!
AudrowH, DcuniHton, Gray, rubric,
liiiciiH, I terry, Huedicor, William An
drown and MIhh Porter. Mrs. Per
cival Shay will take tho tickolH. The
llimilngg orchestra will play ti'id
dancing commoucoH at 8:!l().
about 100 guests at its social night,
WodnoHday. An enjoynblo mtiHiottl
program was given a piano duct by
Mrs. Jones and Miss Mnud Jones, it
vocnl nolo by Mr. Honri Ounsnn; lit
tlo Miss Gortrudo Ilargravo gave n
piano solo and as an encore danced
tho Highland fling. Tho Cotroll or
chestra played during tho ovoning
nnd during tho banquet. An claim
rnto banquot was Borved. Tho monu
was prosBcd chicken, brown brond
nnd walnut snndwichos, picklos, ol
ives, ico oronm served with shorliot
in tho form of Easter egg, ooffoo
nnd onko. Thoso on tho committoo
woro j Mrs. McGowiin, chnirmnit; Mr.
nnd Mrn, Willinnison, Dr. nnd Mrs.
Ilargravo, Mr. MeGowan, Mrs. Pot
tor, Misses Gortrudo Wooks, Milicont
Potior, Edna Eifort and Mr. Frod
Tho Swastika club will irivo ono of
its populnr ditucoH March 28. Eafiter this weok with Mrs. Streotor.
Every ono is much interested
tho coming entertainment of the
Greater Medford club, Tuondn,
March 'ill, at tho opera Iiouho, and it
in hoped ovory ono will do their hhit'o
to help make it a hiicccmh fiiiancialh
Tho ladieH on tho committee luuo
been doing their best to mako it a
success, as fur as tho entertainment
goes, but the citizens will have to
make it a succoss financially.
.Manager uuzoirigg nits generously
given tho opera Iiouho, Dr. Hay It i
given tho lights and tho services of
a man to do nil tho oxlra wiring
which will bo needed nnd tho sen
cos of tho orchestra hnvo been of
ered. Following is tho program,
wliii'li is an illustrated magazine:
Quartet, "The Son Hath Its Pearl."
.Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, Mr. Whot-.el
and Miks McMillan.
Poem. "Medford Mighty," MislreiH
van Dozen.
IlliiHlntliou, illustrating tho exxi
Story, "A Thrilling Experience."
l Iinrity Featliorwcight.
( omedy duet, Mr. Hurgcss nnd Mr
"Fablo in Slang," Snmntitha Skin
Illustration, "Kimonn Girl."
Solo, Wjllinm Vawter.
C.t...i! 4 - . it., i ik
..n'li-iTiuuiM irom "iitrus oi u
Vathor," Mrs. Ed Andrews, A. C.
Hitrgoss, Henri Outison, Ed Andrews.
hditorml, "Our Town, Vcstordnv,
lotiny and Tomorrow."
Solo, "Elizabeth's Prayer." from
innuhitusor, Mrs. F. II. Hay.
Illustration, "Dutch Girl."
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Vawtor ontor
aincd nt cards Friday evening at
totr beautiful homo on West Main
street. Tho color scliomo was niiik
and cantatioua nnd fonts wcro used
in pntfnsion. At tho card tables
hand-pnintcd Jnpnnoso score cards
woro used, with pink the prevailing
color. I-ivo hundred wns nlnved
Elabornto rofroshments woro served
in tho dining room, which wns artis
tically arranged nnd lightod by tho
subdued light of pink cnndlcs. The
plnoo cards woro Iinnd-patntod Jnn
anoso fans. Tho guests, present woro:
Mr. and Mrs. Wakoman. Mr. nnd
airs, llollis, Dr. and Mrs. Pngc,-Mr.
nnd Mrs. Morriok, Mr. and Mrs.
In honor of littlo Miss Rowon
Gnlo's fourth birthday, M;rs. Galo en
tertained n numbor of littlo people
Saturday afternoon. Tho littlo tots
had a niorry timo playing, after
which all had their fill of ico orontn.
cako nnd candy. Enstor chickens
nnd bttnuios woro tho favors. Thoso
prosont woro: Edith nnd William
Campbell, Ailoon Crnwford, Marion
Mcintosh, Hyrou Lyons and Rowon
nnd Winsor Gnlo.
Tho Wednesday Study club meets '
The Easter Lily Elf.
"If love were like the lily," as once a poet said,
I'm sure this sheaf she carries would kiss her lips sored.
If I were like the lily I couldn't help myself
Fd simply have to kiss her, this darling little elf!
For tender thoughts today mako room;
Lilies of peace, that bud and bloom,
In memory of that vncnnt tomb.
Oh I More than legend, ntoro than dream.
Though crowding centuries driffhotween,
Our lovo nnd faith may bridgo tho stream.
And wo may stnitd whore Mnry wept,
Wbn t timo tho Enstor Biutrise crept
Around tho tomb whoro Jostts slopt.
Till, moved by life's resistless swny,
Tho stifling bands of death gavo way,
And lol tho stotto wns rolled mvny.
And thus Ho solved all mysteries,
Made clear our htininn destinies, ,
And 6vonuoro Doitth's coniptoror is.
Yet still, for lovo of you nnd mo,
no walks wltor'or His people bo,
As onoo Ho walked through Gnliloo,
Dour Christ, today, bekold us in
Unr graves of selfishness and sin,
Hound helplessly from foot to chin.
Whnt power have, we to break tho. chain
These fettering links of doubt and pain
And tlio lost light of life regain f
Coiup quickly from Thy home afar,
Peyohd tho utmost circling star,
To whero thy Intest children are.
Touch our closed eyes that wo may seo;
rnbind nnd let our souls go free;
Irfnd us in ways marked out by Thee.
Oh!. ho to us this Enstor day,
Indeed, tho Life, tho Truth, tho Way!
So may tho stono be rolled away.
Tho ladies on the committoo for
tree-planting, having despaired of
getting any co-operation from any
one, have taken the matter in their
own hands and hope to finish tho
creator rmrt of tho work this week.
! Using their own autos as delivery
getting men who can plant them and
seeing each property-owner person
ally about having the trees placed.
Thoso on tho committee who are giv
ing all-their time and energy to the
beautifying of Medford's streets ore
Mesdomes Rcddy, Alford, Miller,
Merrick, Canon, Kent, Uollis, Page,
John Butlor, Perry, Neff, Wortman,
Vawter, Pickel, Palm, MeGowan,
Stoddard, Reagan, Watt, William
Andrew, Hazclrigg and Conklin. As
usunl, when the ladies wnnt anything
done, they put nil their energies in it
and accomplish their end.
Tho ladies of the Christian church
will hold an experience social in the
church parlors tho evening of Apnl
1. All the ladies have earned a dol-
.lar nnd each will tell of their experi-
unce in earning it ai in is lime, a acre
will be nn npron booth, with dniuty
nnd useful aprons for sale. Mrs.
Ed Robinson is in charge and a
home-made candy booth, at wliich
twill bo fonnd Mrs. Mcisucr anil Mrs.
Mcrrininn. The supper will bo a
conundrum supper and menu cards
will help each ono in their selection.
A very good time is assured and
not only the members of tho church,
but every one, is invited.
Thanks to Manager Huzelrigg, the
patrons of tbo theater will have a
chance to hear tho Now York Sym
phony orchestra and Isadora Dun
can, the celebrated Greek dancer.
Wnlter Damrosch, tho greatest mu
sic director in the country', leads the
orchestra and tho greatest treat of
the season is expected. Isadore
Duncan has created n furor nil over
tho country by her interpretation of
the Greek dances.
Tho Lombnrdi Opera company will
bo hero Saturday, April 5, and wl'l be
a great musical nnd socinl event.
Tho Woodmen of Camp 00 enter
tained tho circle nnd their friends
Wednesday evening at tho Angle op
era house. About 175 people were
present and all had a most enjoyable
evening. An elaborate banquet was
served, consisting of sandwichos,
pickles, olives, salads, cold meats,
coffeo and cako. Speeches were
given during tho evening byy District
Attomey Mulkoy, Gus Newbury and
Mr. Sehnn. The high school orches
tra played during the banquet, after
which tho evening was spent m danc
A very pleasant party o both
young and old enjoyed a short en
tertainment and box social given by
the pupils of the Grove school, two
miles west of the city. Not only
wore the children of tho school nnd
their parents present, but a large
numbor of friends of tho teacher,
Mr. Frederick, and pupils walked
from bore and wcro all duly rownrd
ed for their joumoy. Tho object of
tho social was to raiso money to
ptirchnso an organ for tho school,
nnd as a result of tho well-packed
house, they realized $61.
Tho past week has been very ottiot
socially, owing to tho fact of its bo
ing Holy Week, but next weok prom
ises to bo as gay as this has boon
quiet, for with tho coming of Enstor
and tho donning of spring gnrmonts
thoro is nlwnys groat lifo and festiv
ity. This coming week begins woll.
with tho Swastika danco Monday,
tho Creator Medford club entortniu-
ment Tuesday and "Tho Red Mill"
Wednesday night, followed by "Wine,
Woman and Song," Friday,
Tho Easter opening of tho JL C.
Kcntnor Co. wns hold Friday and
Saturday afternoon and ovoning nnd
tho big department store was crowd
ed. Garlands of greens, with red
bells, were festooned from the bal
cony of tho mazzanino floor, and u
gay scene was presented. The
crowds who uttended listened to
strains of swcot music which was
furnished by tho Whetsel Music Co.
Tho Ladies' Aid of tho Presbyter
ian church will hold its annual elec
tion of officers Tnesdny afternoon iu
the church parlors. Tho retiring of
ficers will entertain the incoming of
ficers. Thoso who have held office
for the past year are: Mrs. Steven
son president; Mrs. Wortman, vice
president: Mrs. Millar, trimsnror;
Mrs. Cation, secretary.
In honor of her ancle, Mr. John
Palmer, of La Crosse, Wis., Mrs,
John M. Root entertained at a fam
ily dinner Thursday at her charming
home, Oaklawn. Tho decorations
wero carnations. Mr. Palmer has
been visiting in Medford for a short
time nnd has invested in tho valley.
He left for the east Friday.
Mrs. R. G. Galo entertained in
formally at dinner Friday at hor at
tractive home on Mistletoo street.
Carnations and ferns wero the deco
rations used and the effect was most
artistic Those present were: Mrs.
Edgar Hafer, Miss Nelson, Mr. Don
ald Colvig, Mr. Vance Colvig and Dr..
and Mrs. Gale.
All society, is interested in the
coming entertainment of the Greater
Medford club, which is billed for
March 29, and all aro oxpected to
help the ladies, so that tho library
can be kept up to date. There are
no funds on hand for books, and tho
clnb has taken this way to raiso
money. ,
Tho Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
church will hold an Easter tea at tho
residence of Mrs. C. W. Conklin, 205
North apple street, Wednesday after
noon. Tho offering will be 25 cents.
Those on the committee aro: Mes
dames Elliot, Carrol, Steep, McNary,
Lmdley and Edraeades.
o o
Tho Ladies' Aid of tho Christian
church met at Mrs. D. H. Miller'a
Wednesday afternoon to completo
arrangements for the experience so
cial they aro to give April 1. Mrs.
Miller entertained them most delight
fully, and dainty refreshments were
served. , 1
Dr. and Mrs. Stokes entertained
at dinner Sunday afternoon, at their
charming country homo, in honor of
Madame Duiilop. Tho guests were:
Madam DUnlop, Mr. and Mrs. Dun
lop, 'Mrs. Hafer, Miss Nelson and"
Mr. Dudley.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
D. II. Miller will learn with reeret
of their departure from Medford,
Thoy leave this week Wednesday for
Gold Hill, whero Mr. Miller will en
ter tho hardware business.
Messrs. Donald and Vance Colne
returned Friday from Portland,
whero thoy havo been attending
school. They will spend tho Enstor
holidnys with their parents.
The Guild of St. Mnrk's chnrnb
will meet Thursday afternoon at tho
church at 3 o'clock. A full attend.
unco is desired, as tho annual eloo
tion tnkes plnco nt this time.
Elaborate Easter Services at All Medford Churhes
Early as is Enstor this yoitr, mid
Boontiiigly fow us nro tho flowers,
tho churches Sunday nro sure to bo
in a glorious array of lilies nnd
whito blossoms. It is nil a cortaiti
part of tho Fonst of tho Rosurroolion,
which, after wooks of rest nnd prep
aration, naturo nnd mankind join
linndH in joyfully oolobrnting.
In thoso forty days of fnstlng,
nbovo nnd bolow nnd nil around thoro
Iiiih boon going on u qtilot oonsoryn
tion of tho forooH of lifo-a gott'ing
rondy for tho bursting forth of this
now lifo which will call nil tho world
to its birth in solemn sorvioo nnd
mtisionl tribute this coming Sunday.
All of tho ohurchos havo prepared
special services, ninny of which nro
includod below.
Tho Episcopal church will hold
aorvtcoa at tho oporn houso Enstor
Sunday nt 11 o'clock, Mr, Lucas
will conduct tho Borvlcos. Thoro will
ho two onrly colobratlona ot tho Holy
Communion nt 7:30 anl 0:30 nt tho
chit rob,
Undor Mr, Hnzolrlgu's direction,
tho full aorvlco will bo sung by tho
iloublo quartet choir. Sopranos, Mrs,
Ilnzelrlgg, Miss Eda Eifort; nltOB,
Mrs, Pago, Mies Durnltnm; tonors,
Messrs. Gunson and Fish; bnesoa, An
drews and Johnson, Tho nntliom,
"Christ Our Pnssovor' '(Hond); "To
Dpum" In P, Hazolrlgg; "Jubllnto
Doo,' (Du.'oy Duck); offertory
(Gounod's "SnnottiB," from St, Co
cllla's Mass. Tho To Douin la ot Mr.
IlnBolrlgg'a own composition and will
bo heard for tho first timo.
Tho chlluron will havo an ovoning
aorvlco at 7:30 p, m. at tie church,!
Thoro will bo no special music nt
tho Duptlat churoh, owing to chango
In musical directors, which has boon
so rocont that Mr. Wotzol has had
no timo to roahoarso tho choir, But
thoro will bo nn nuthom and boIos.
Mr, Adrian Holmes, pastor.
Tho Prosbytorlun church will havo
apodal music Enstor morning, Roy,
Mr, Shlolda will proach nt tho morn
ing aorvlco. Mrs. D. II. Drowory and
Mr, Honrl Gunson aro (ho soloists
and tho rocontly orgnntzod choir of
20 volcos will sing tho authoma. which
aro: "Aa It Began to Dawn" (Mld-
llngor), "Hall Emanuel" and "EaB
ter Chorua" (Blorly). The lnatrumon
tnl music will bo violin, Mlsa lono
Flynn; piano, Miss Flora dray; pipe
organ, Mrs. E. E. Qoro; Mr. E. E.
Goro, dlroctor.
In tho evonlng tho children will
havo a service at 7: SO p. m with spe
cial music and recitations.
Christian Science,
At tho Christian church Mrs.
Isaacs will sing a solo. "Hosanna"
Jttlos Qianlor and Mrs. Itowwll of
Sioux City, In., will bo ut tho nlano.
Mrs. Rowoll In a fine musician and
it will bo a privilege to hear her,
Tho Christian church will hold
tholr Eastor services Surday ovo
ning, Maurcho 27. Thoro will bo
spoclnl muolo by tho younsr initios
choir of 30 voices. Mlsa Morrill will
sing a boIo nnd tho children of the
Sunday Bchcol will havo drills and
cevoral songs.
Mptlinilla Hriill.
The Mothodlot ohurcl . South nro!
t..i.n.. . I
uuuung revival qorvicoa and will have
music appropriate to the day.
Elaborate mualcal progras will be
presented by tho large chorus choir
of the Firs. Methodist Episcopal
church at both tho morning nnd eve
ning services Eaator. Tholr BDlondld
rendition of Gaul's "Hply city" re
cently Bliowfc this choir to be far be
yond what Is usually found In cltle
of 8000. Tho oyonlng service will be
given over almost entirely to the
choir and will Iticludo excerpt from
Oounod'B oratorio, "Tho Redemption"
; r rrr
j vuQiiunueu on rage it,)