SOCIAL ANU PERSONAL Mr. mid Mtw. V. II. Ditrr rotunioil (Friday evening from Oakland,. Cnl., vvliuro (hoy litivo boon Bpondlng th wlntur iiioiitlm. "Tim city certainly look good to mo," fluid Mr. Harr, ''and it In tulUd uliout all along tlio Hue." Ponoh troo foi' nnlu at ton oontu oontn onoh. H. I). l'attorHon, NiihIi ho tel. Mr, ami Mm. Hurl Andorra ro iurnod Friday from Chioo, Cal., whom thoy luivo boon for tlio pant -wook or moro, Wonr Kldd'n Shoe. Mr. II. II. Nyg of 'Hook Point, xvhb Iicih licoii veiling Hi Modford, relumed homo .Saturdny morning. , DUtriot Attornoy It. l Mulkoy vhh at AhIiImiiiI r'riday-night on a LiinIiionh trip. ' Chlnawaro at Qundfrioud'u. ('. II. WntNOii, ox-dUtriut nttornoy .mid tlio doan of Southern Orison KM,)oiHt h, wan at Juokmiuvillo Sat urday on biiidnoHH heforo tlio circuit court. Aruoln, die iujw' table water. Star Bottling Works. 10 Ho Htiro and eo tlio Clold Modal -Oil). Marc'h 20. . Tlio Morrlvold Simp Ihik office mipplioK, Including filoM, blank bookx, iiioinornndiim book, pencils, poiiH, IiiIch. inkwollrt, tnblets, typewriter nuppllcN, envelope, panto, muoilngo and fountain pom. " I.owiiov'h chocolate, tlio boat made, nntiio on ovory piece, will bo at the Oroator Modford ulub benefit. Coffee at Goodfricnd'-i. Dutch CloitiiKor works wonder. See it at tlio opera. house March 20. Attornoy A. J2. HoanioH him ar ranged for officeM in tlio Uavm 'Mock, over tlio jMHtoffiec, and next tnoiith will move bin law officoH from Jacksonville to Mmlfnrd, following oxaniplort Hot by C'harloH Prim, On Cowberry, 11. P. Mulkey and other crMwltilo Juokmiuvillo nttornoyti. TcnH at Goodfriond'H. Areola, the new Initio wator. Star Holding Workn. 10 Member of McdfordV Stung club can receive their copicH of the Amer ican ProjjroHd Mngatluo at the Coin rnoroial club rooinM. Woar Kidd'n SIiooh. At tlio rcgulnr mooting of the V. C. T. 17. ruportH wero received from 'Hioho who participated in soliciting .fund on the national gift day. Con .'trlbulioim raitiiK from 10 cent to ii$f, won received, and n total of $05 vim collected for local, Htnlo and 'national tuniwrntioo work. Tho next regular mooting will bo bold, on April 1-1 at 3 p. in. Hath fixture at Goodfriond'H. .1. It. Wyan loft Friday evening for healtle to arrange soino biiHinoHH jnattern before aHHiiming charge of the biiMino8K of Young & Hnll, which lio puroliatied Friday afternoon. K. H. Sawyor for mirvoys. Subdi vIhIoii aud platting a wpecialty. Koom 12, Emoriok. Areola, tho now table wator. Star Holding Works. 10 Cnrving Hots nt Goodfricnd's. Z. Cameron of Union was in Mod ford Saturday on a IhihIiiohh vinit. AHHCHHor W. T. Grieve wns in Mod ford on hutdnoKH Saturday. HuHkitiH for Health. John Arnold was a Medford vis itor Saturdny. John WatkiiiH, ono of the promi tiont citlzoiiH of Knglo Point, who lias boon in Medford for Bovoral Iayn, rotunftd homo Snturday after noon. A nico Holoction of monthly bloom ing roses nt 2fi cents each. II. B. Patterson, Hotol Nnh. A. il. Hover of Phoenix was a business visitor in Modford Satur dny afternoon. . Thoo A. Glass of Sams Valley was in Modford looking aftor btttduoRH ronjtcrs Saturday. Door mats nt Goodfriond'H. II. C. Mossongor of Agnto wan a Medford busiiiosH visitor on Sntur day. A carload of polos for tho Homo ' Tolophono company wns rccoivod Snturday morning and takoa out on tho lino botwoou Modford nnd Jaok snnvlllo for dintrlbutnon. Whittnnn'H enndios nro unoxoollod. Tho Morrlvold Shop Imh tho oxolus Ivo ngonoy for Modford. Wollborn Booson of Talont wna a Modford visitor Saturday. Frank K. Byboo of JackHonvillo was In Modford on a biiHinoss visit Saturday. Soo Dyer's ad today, T0 Fivo hnndrod 2-yonr-old P.nrt lotts, fine for replanting; 000 Anjou nnd Bnrtlolt, 4 lo 0 foot high; fi00 Comico aud f00 jioaoh troos loft. To oIoho out this slook I will noil at roducod prioos, Soo my ad on an other pago. h. B. Warnor, filO S. Oakdalo avonuo. Phono 2001, Goodfriond'H. J, II. Boomau of Gold Hill was in Medford on business Snturday. n. C. F. Aslbury was in Modford from his fruit fnnn nonr Gold ITill Snturday. John IT. Cnrkin, nttornoy nt Inw, ovor Jackson County Bnnk. H, A. Palllson of the Contnl Point Herald was a Modford visit ji Uaturday. Visit tho now hairdruHHing parlors at Monlgomery's. Carpet swoopora at Goodfriond'H. I), J Stull, probably the best known contracting painter in Mod ford, has withdrawn from tho con tracting business to take charge of tho paint doparlmont for the Big PinoN Lumber company. Wonr KIuM'h Shoes. 0 Owou Diinla) of Taloul was a Modford business visitor Saturday. Areola, tlio now table water. Star HoltllugvWork. 10 Heo the windows at tho II. C. IContnor Co, .W. II. B. Hood of Korby wns In Mpdfml Friday. Although Mr. Hoed left this town ovor adooado ago, ho cannot help coming bnck to it once in a while. Wringors nt Goodfriond'H. J. W. Klingor of Lako Creek was In this city Saturday on a business trip. Wcnr Kldd'n Shoos. Areola, tho now tnblo wator. Star llotlling Works. 10 Mr. and Mrs. M. h. Koid of Seat tin are horo looking ovor Ilia valloy. Kitchen utensils nt Goodfriond's. I'd Bohn of Gleudnlo is hero look ing aftor luminous interests. Mp. J. W. Foster of Gazelle, Cal., was in Medford Saturday on a visit. Perhaps you need a typowritor. Von can secure any mnko you wish, in n robuilt typowritor, nt Tho MerrJ tfojd Shop, nt n rensounblo price Now Oossnrd corsets at Montgomery's. T. H. I.nnon of Woodvlllo spent Friday night in Medford on n busi ness trip. Books Bibles, Prnyor Books, po utry, fiction, gift books for children nid nduits. Como in nnd look Ihom ivor at Tho Morrlvold Shop, Georgo II. Parker of Grants Pass i was a Modford visitor Saturday. Areola, the now tnblo wntcr. Stnr Holding Works. 10 NEW EQUIPMENT FOR TORPEDO DESTROYER DEVLIN BARRED BY MAN HE FOUGHT California Attornoy Who Convicted Southerner of Land Frauds Blocks His Way for Reappointment. WASHINGTON, I). C, March 2(1. It is common gossip uroiind tho capital today that Kobort T. Dovlin.J United States district attornoy Jor tho northern district of California,: will not bo reappointed. Jt is rumored that the fight for his vindication will end when ho has presented his case before tho senate judiciary committee. The commit- too already has ordered an adverse report and there is little likelihood that the previous report will be changed. This means that the sen ate will not confirm his nomination, Tho fight against Devlin wan Blurted by Dr. K. B. Perrin, who wns convictod of land frnuds by Devlin. Porrin is n wealthy South erner. He enlisted tho aid of Sev ern! United States senators In his fight, and. tho prevailing opinion is that ho has won. Among tho senators who opiocd tho reappointment of Devlin was Senator Borah of Idaho nnd Sena tor Tillman. It is reported that John McNab, an attorney living in Mendocino county, will secure Devlin's position. "MOTHER" OF QUADRUPLETS ARRESTED FOR STEALING maim: island navy yakd, Cnl., March 20. Following tho com plete failure of, boilers and engines aboard the torpedo-hont dostroyor Hopkins within two years nfter her m-orhuullni; at this yard in July, 1008, the nnvy department today or dered the installation of now boilors and engines on tho littlo crnft. Tho Hopkins will he refitted at this yard nnd hor crow held bore until sho Is ready for sea ngain. The condition of the Hopkins on her arrival horo was such that naval engineers expressed wonder t tin t sho wns able to proceed up tho const without a disaster similar to that at I San Diego on February !!, when sovornl men woro killed. Tlio Hopkins lost tho lubes of both boilers yesterdny afternoon when nonrlng Snn Francisco. Tho tug Umatilla wns sent to her nssislauco from this yard. The Hopkins wns first . repaired bore in July, 008, after sho had ac companied the battleship fleet around Cape Horn. At that time six rows of lubes woro installed. Nino months lalor, in April, 1000, tlio Hopkins boilers wpto renewed. Cniamnnder C. A. Carr, under whom Mho work wns dono, is now in the bureau of stoam engineering nt Washington. GHOST OF MURDERED MAN HAUNTS HIS MURDERER BOSTON, Mnas., March 80.- Be cause Pnoqtinlo ClrJIlo bollovod he saw tho ghost of Dnntol Dosmond, whom ho nnd two companions, Do- mlnlco ChrlHtofcro nnd Arclillo Luc el, murdered, nil throo of thorn con fessed and todny woro sentenced to prison torins ranging from 12 to 15 yoars each. Dosmond wao klllod in n fight with n fight with tho trio, Whon nrrestod they nBBortod thnt thoy woro Inno cent. It wns ndmltted by tho nuthor UIob thnt tlioro wns not ovldonco enough to convict thorn, Becontly Clrlllo rnn screaming to tho door of his coll. Whon tho gunrds arrived ho plondod with thorn td tnlco him from tho coll, whoro ho doclnred ho caw tho jhost of tho murdorcd num. TUo noxt night Clrlllo called tho guard and icgcod to bo takoa from tho coll. "DoBinonO's ghost cornea ovory night," ho caltf. Lator ho confosaod, implicating his companions. Thoy mnlntnlnod thnt thoy woro tnnocont until told of nesniond'a Rhost, whon thoy llkowlso confessed. A Beautiful Window Display WORTH COMING TO SEE Kveiy dialiiond needs a setting. every wutch movement a case, in order that the most pleasing re sults may be obtained. Our window picture of beautiful jewelry is framed with IDastcr Lilies. You'll find our lines in keeping with the window. FOR PINE REPAIRING SEE t George A. Butt 206 WEST MAIN ' PHONE 651 When You Want Druggists Sundries WE CAN SUPPLY THE XJLTXST All of those little needfuls, nch as perfumes, faft let goods and the thousand and on little arttdtoi found only in a drug store aro here. Remember the phone, and the fact that -weara Iter to please. SEE THE WINDOW AT THE West Side Pharmacy 206 WEST MAIN PHONE 1 LOS ANGELES, Cal., .March 2(1.- Mrs. Catharine Smith, who wns al leged to have aided in gnthcring tho four babies for the "pindrupletfi" presented to an astounded world by . W. W. Wilson three months ngo, must appear in court next Monday to answer to nit ncctisntiou of child-stealing. Sho was arrested upon n chnnre brought by Sadie Kuglcninn, the mother of ono of die Wilson "quad ruplets," and released on $2(100 bail. Eadie Knglcmeu alleged in n civil action filed Inst month thnt she was at Mrs. Smith's Sunset Houlcvnrd Maternity Homo when her bnby boy wns born and (hat he was taken nwny from her without her consent and given to Mrs. Wilson. In this suit $"000 damages were asked. The Euglcmeii bnbv was known ns "John Doe, 1010," in tho hearing in tho ju venile court nt which the Wilson "quadruplet" hoax was revealed. The mother now is ill nt hor homo in Lafayette street. GRIEF STRIKES DOWN FATHER AT GRAVE'S SIDE GIRL MAKES A FORTUNE BY A LUCKY STRIKE TEXAS RECRUIT FORCE I- TO GO TO ESTRADA'S AID;! NEW ORLEANS, La., March 20. (leneral Gordon of Tutus, lormerly u brigadier of volunteer), in tho Span ish war, who has been in command of artillery in tho Kiearaguan revo lutionary army, announced thnt he had recruited 800 men here to aid in restoring tho fallen followers of General Estrada. Gordon recently wns reported to have been killed in battle in Nicaragua. He was severe ly wounded, but managed to escnpc denth nnd capture. Agenls of President Mndriz of Nicaragua nre nttempting to prevent Gordon's troops fro'm sailing for the south. They have appealed lo Wnshington, but it is believed that (ho expedition cannot be stopped ns it is against government nnot offi cially recognized by the United Stntcs. You Should See Our PITTSIWHQ, Pa., March 20. Although the denth ccrtificnto of Louis oZllcr, 02, who dropped dcrtd besido his son's grnvo ns tho casket was being lowered, will indicate merely thnt ho died from a sudden enrdino nffection, his friends knew Ihat n grief greater than ho could bear caused his heart to break. Zoller wns n votornn of tho civil wnr nnd Inter wns n scout with Wil liam P. Cody (Buffalo Bill) in the Indinn fightor's Novniln campaign. Zollor's only son died horo. Be tween tho two men there has been an unusual nffection. Although wenkoncd by tho shock of his son's denth, tho old soldier insisted upon ntteuding tho funeral. Ho bore up liravoly until tho casket was descend ing into the flower-lined pit. Sud denly ho sank to tho ground with a groan. A physiainn who wns nt tho funornl says Zollor died instantly. VALLKV auto company nous Fixi: uusixhss SAN BKRNARDINO, Cal., March 20. Mlso Klttlo Preston, a 19-year-old mlw, loft horo for her homo In Wales todny, -Just $10,000 richer than aim arrived n few weeks ago. Sho camo here to visit friends. .Lat er sho went to Darstow, a. new gold camp. She located scrcral claims andw during thetrush sold out for $10,000 and soino oil Etock, which, If tho claims of tho promoters nre realized, will make her worth a mil lion dollars. Tor her suddeH acquisition of wealth, Miss Preaton must bo given all credit. When a now lodo was dls- ; covorud Just outside Darstow sho Joined In tho rush Into tlio desert and stnkod hor own claims. PULLMAN COMPANY MUST CUT ITS RATES TO COAST Tivelvo Ors Sold to lnto and Many flood ProsKsl .llifnd. Body of Mnrlno Found. VALLHJO, Cal., March 20. Tho liody of A. Connolly, a mnrlno who hns boon missing 'since last Satur day, wns found today In tho tldo 1 finds north nf this city. Tho man's skull was fracturod and his uniform missing. Nanl authorities lmvo bogun nn Investigation to ascorintn whothor tho man was murdorod, Tho Valloy Auto Conpr.ny nro do lug n tlno business. Twelve cars sold to dato and many prospects on tho way. If you wnnt a car nnd want to buy It from this enterpris ing firm, you will nood to hurry around. Only i. fow Hudsons nnd Chnlmors loft to dispose ot, Tho list to dato Is as follows: Qeorgo Oarrott Chalmors 30. J. W. Mltcholl Chalmors 30. Mr. Kolgor ChalniHrs 30. Mr. Manning Chalmors 30. O. W. Murphy Chalmors 30. C. W. Palm Chnlmors 40. William Stewart Chalmors 40. (This ear oold through Los Angeles ngoucy). L. A. Coolc Hudson 20, 1 C. Hlllott Hudson 20. Ira Dodgo Hudson 20. A. H. Mlllor Hudson 20. John Cloro Model T. Chnlmors Detroit. Wo hnvo sold othora (his yonr, but withhold tho names on account of roquoiU not to publish. Tho Valloy Autq Company will movo Into tlioli now quartors In a short ttmo. Tho largost and most modorn equipped gnrago In Southorn Oiogon. WASHINGTON, D. C, Mnrch 20. Tho Pullman lnrcs from St. Paul to northwest Pacific coast cities will bo materially reduced by nu order to bo issued by tho iuterstnto commerce commission during next week. Tho commission has reached u decision in tho case begun by tho shippers' league, headed by Goorgo Loftus of Minneapolis. It is understood the commission will also includo in the decision that the Pullman company must sell upper borths for less than lowers. From tho company's report, it is shown thnt originally its capital stock was $1,000,000, and is now $100,000,000. The eutiro increase docs not come, liowovo(r, from addi tional invostment of. now capital by stockholders, but by capitalizing tho earnings. COZY CORNER Rare Bits of China, Cut Glass, Etc We have' fitted up a corner of our store as a cozy corner, wliere yon Tmi. 'dis played the swellest line of Cut Glass in the city exclusive pieces -of. A. lu Da-niton's Old English phina and many other bits of rare plate and fancy laac-a-Twcac FINE LINE OF CBOCKEBY, ETC We carrj' complete assortments of crockery, including Jars all islae ekj.; also a complete line of all kinds of Chinaware. Medford Furniture Company EAST MAIN, MEDFOBD. : BUSINESS LOCALS ; Edel Brau will be in Medford this week. Ask Doc Kyan. 10 For wood of all kinds, seo the Square Deu" Woodvard. Pho JU01. Fir street, between Second and Third streets. Gould & Lindley, proprietors. 201 Wear Kidd's Shoes. It ou waul satisfaction try a -k oi Ml. Hood Suow-Fall Flo ir, For sale nt tho Russ Mill. Romem I - dm nine?. Polk & Son. W. P. Gerwolf, contractor, pain ter and papcrhangor. Phone 1801, Park View Hotel. C Edel Brnu will bo in Medford this week. Ask Doc Rynn. 10 health. Shortly after sho disap- I tracked irkfc Xertka and -Ed." peared from her apartments here the ChawberiaaH icas oa 'Vis wxy -to following note, addressed to htr Pasadesa. wltea 'Mb (wife -(lifiapjpear- husband, was found: "Am going to Long Beach, to jump over the jetty where you and I eL He arrived 'here -half. :an. fesstr after the Long IBsaek 'pelMe fsimdl ber lifeless 'body on tfeo Baud. BUR 5 LARS OPEN A SAFE of the ordinary kind ivitk ridiculous cast. Tkey very -seldom care it tackle tjarglar-'pToof -vaults lik those in tho Fanners' & Pruitgrow ers' Bank. "The wise niaa taerefar wDl open an account fhcro and "thus pat his money 'Where it is tbeyoni the Teach of 'burglars. The less yo nave, the less you -can .afford to lose it FARMERS1 & FRUITGROWERS Sank. RELIGIOUS VIEWS PROVE TOO MUCH FOR WOMAN PASADENA, Cnl., MaHi 20. AJ mind deranged by brooding upon re ligious theories and doctrines is be lieved today to have caused tho sui cido of Mrs. Hilda Chamberlain, wife of C. D. Chninborlaiu, a wealthy Denver morchnnt. Hor body was found in the snnd by a jetty nt Long Beach. Mrs. Chnmborlnin camo to Pasa dena n month ngo. She was in ill- REALTY SNAPS Five-room house, modern, east front, large sleep ing screened porch, new plumbing; lot 80x150; some fruit trees; on good street. , Five-room house, with two good south front lots, on Tenth street; water and sower in yard. Six-room house, with two large screen porches; i strictly modern; two lots; south trout; Iruit and ber ries. J Nino-room house; strictly modern; south front; fine location; owner expects to leave city. W. G. Davidson 1022 WEST TENTH ST. Excursion Ratesto the East DURING 1910 "FROM AT,Tt "POINTS ON THE Southern Pacitic . (LINES IN OREGON) TO Chicago ... ......... Council J31uis Omaha Kansas City St. Joseph St. Paul St. Paul via Council Bluffs . Minneapolis direct, Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs Duluth, direct Dulutli, via Council Bluffs. St. Louis Tickets will he on sale May 2d and 9th and 24th; July 5th and 22d; August 3d; HATES $72.50 -.$60X19 ..$60XK) ..$60.00 ..'$60:00 ..$60:00 ,$63.90 ...460.00 ....'$63.90 ....$66:90 ....$67.50 $67.50 ; June HA, 17th September 8th. The above rates apply from Porttandanly. Prom points south of Portland, add ONE WAY local rate to Port land, to make through rate via Portland. One way through California, add $15.00 to ahove rates. Ten days provided for the going trip. Stop-Overs within limits in either direc tion. Pinal return limit ihree montlia from dato of sale, but not later than Oc tober 31st. Inquire of any S. P. Agent for complete information, or WM. McMTJRRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon