MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MKDFORI), OREGON, SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 1910. TRACT NEAR WELLEN SOLD; $50,000 PAID Sam Stlno of Walla Walla, Wash., Buys 180 Acros In Antolopo Will Do Planted to Apples ami Pears. u Can't Afford to Miss This We'll Place a Piano in Your Home Free Yo Sam Stlnti of Walla Wnlln, WhnIi., Iiiih pim'hniiod tliu Witlolt Hih.' fitrin iif 'ISO aunin In Antelope unity, adjoining t o Von dor I f ullun Iract nt Wollon, for WOO. j Tho oiitlru tract will bo planted to I orulmrd. Onu liunilrotl iiihI fifty , luiriM n rn now liuing Hut out itml tin lialiinoo will ltd planted noxt wliUci to npplot anil pmrn with punch fill- or. Tho liuul U itiiuilnr to that of tin-1 fanioiiH Hiitilithaw ureliuYd tulir hv, ' mill licH unilor tliu Kinh Luke ilitch .It U tixiiolliint fruit land anil it i- plllllllllll to IllUkl! It OIMI of till) fiflL'Ht ' eoinnioroinl orchard in tho wtllov 1 Tito wale wiib made by tho Hcj-cc Hivur Orelum! Lund company. NEW ORLEANS ASKS FOR EVEN BREAK WITH GOTHAM J NKW OIJLKANH, l.a., March -J((. That aumitN of tho oxpoHitioo 1 which Xow York propones to pc ! 1(11!) have boon given lotturn of in ; tlornoiiiunt fioin tho ntulo tlcpartuicnt , wan (ho declaration totlay of I'hihp Wuroloin, chairman in charge of -the , Now OrleuriH I'anmna exposition! plan. Tliomi letter, ho Hays, In tttrtiot American consular icproHont.t- tivtm throughout tho world to give the j Now York nguntu any iiHHintaiico tin v 1 link. "Now tif tlii tacit iiiiloreincnt of New York'n plmi hy the state tic partmont was received totlay in me-1 nnge from our WnMhlngton and New York roproMontativoH," Worokuii ( waitl. "When 1 wiih in Now York n i week ago I hhw copiett of tho let-1 tent that were to ho Mont out, hut I undorHtood that thoy hail heon tthowi i to mo confidentially, and I Haiti noth ing nhout it." f HOW GRANT MADE A PLUCKY BOY AN OFFICER WASHINGTON', March 'JO. How (lononil (Inn. iniitlc :i plucky hoy oecoiitl lieutuiiRiit in the nnny w.i Jold to tho bonne hy representative Keif or (Iop.,0.) during tho tliHoiiH tiion of the military rctiromoii t prop osition liitoh i'd to (he army hill hy tho MUtltttu. Tho hoy, now Colonel John I.. Clem, Mnior oolonol In tho quarter muster' tljpurtment, fought at the lintllo of Chicknmnuga when he wi" 12 yours old, mid nerved throughout tho war. At tho uIond of tho con flict Iif wioto to Ooiiornl Grant n.'.d n-ked for tin appointtuunt to 'o-t Point. The Kraut commander guc it to him, hut he failed ini-cruhN when h was examined, lie wax too nhort in H.tnturc, was doficient id imtthcmntiofi and "full down" in practically ovory other branch of knowledge. On tliu way hnck In'mc the diseoiiHtilato youngster Mopped .it WiiHhinglon to thank the president nod toll him of hit ill-luck. "I'm glad you failod,!' remarked Proniilonl flraut stonily. "Now, y-u take tliikt to tho Hooictnry of war." Ah ho wpoko, Grant hautleil younj.' Clem an envelope containing a can' upon which ho hail scribbled a few words. This card wuhniii order t (ho Moorctary to kvo Clem a kccoiuI liouteunut'H (nmmisKion. REDUCES DANGER OF SPINAL MENINGITIS NKW YORK, March 20.--l'hyni. ointiR throughout tho city nro dis closing tho poKfiibilitiuH today of it Borum tliKcovorod hy Dr. Simon Flex nor, which ho uontcudH Iiiih reduced tho mortuary por cent uttoudi'ig uplnal meningitis to a minimum. Dr. Floxnor clnlmH that tho tiornin ourod 107 oaaoa out of 123. Tho usual mortality from tho disonso ih from 70 to 80 por cent. Floxnor'tt experiments showod a mortality of .1(1 por cont. Tho oxporimonta woro o.r riod oil in varioua Now York hoBpi-tnls. Arrested for His Sonn. PITTSnUHO, Pa., March 20. Ho cnuno of his ability ns a wrltor of top ical songs, A. O. Stoln wnB nrrostotl today ohargoa with lluol, and lntor wbb rolonBod imdor $1000 ball for hoarlng In counrt, Stoln'a latoBt offort la "Tho Agont with tho Liar's Toiibuo," which mom bora of tho roal ostnto firm of Aaron boii nrotbors doolaro Is ontlroly too porsonal In Ita nlluBlons, nntl thoy aworo out a warrant for Stoln. It Ib chari?od that Stoln bad nomo troublo with tho roal oetato pooplo, and com poaod this Bon to tho tuno of a wed ding march and tlion hired boya with lusty luiiRB to bIiir It, Thoro would tlion bo a puiado past or near tho of flcoH of tho vonl ostato pooplo, and thooo complalnliiR doolaro tho worda of tho oontt loft no doubt aa to what World' Best in this Piano Sale Player Pianos, including tho Lcstor, Auto Piano and many others. You will cortainly find something in this list to please you. OHICKERINGr Oldest in America best in the world. THE WEBER New York's greatest prod uct. THE KIMBALL Chicago's finest make. THE LESTER Philadelphia's best. MARSHALL & WENDELL Famous since 1853. EILERS ORCHESTRAL SMITH & BARNES LELAND SCHILLING 7 K - w 4 NOTHING DOWN The balance at rate of 19c Per Day Mr. and Mrs. Piano Needer: No matter how much or how little you wish to invest in a good piano, you can't afford to miss this opportunity. We've stated in a straight-from-thc-shoulder, business-like manner the fix we're in, and that prices and terms have been drastically re duced yes, even lower than they ever were before. The result is the greatest selling record ever known. You must act quickly. Since last Wednesday morning no less than 27 pianos have been dis posed of. This demonstrates more forcibly than anything wo can say that prices and terms of ownership have never been so at tractive as now. We must find homes for at least fifty more pianos. Remember, you have no cash payment to make. The cer tificate you see below is all you need to place a piano in your home. Buy now and pay later. Our Guarantee . GOOD AS A;NY BANKNOTE. Every piano we sell is positively guaranteed, un conditional and unlimited. You are sure to get your money's worth if you buy of Elers. We guarantee quality and we guarantee price. How About the Children? YOU NEED A PIANO FOR THEM You have been promising your children a piano for ever ho long. Meanwhile they are losing golden moments that never can be regained. Procrastination ever has been the thief of time and you never will have the piano until you make the move. Neither will you ever know the joys of a musical home until you make it musical. You need a piano; your children need one; your homo needs one. Your chance is here NOW. Open Evenings HERE IS THE CERTIFICATE CUT THIS OUT WOKTH $30 1 9t()trtp Bollard I "Ml ns first payment ou a piano at Special Sale Prices CTt mSt f presented on or before April 5, 1010. KU.EKS SV J UK PIANO HOUSE Weeks & Mc Gowan Co. Tribune. 91 Drlng tills Advertising Test CortKIcato with you select any piano In our stock. Wo will accept this certificate as first payment on the pano. You make your payment one month later, $2.00 FOR $1.00 Should you desire to pay any cash, In addition to this certificate, we will give you a rocolpt for $2 for overy dollar you pay up to ?30. EXAMPLE: ProMiit this Certificate nnd get n receipt for $30.00 Present tills Certificate mill pjiy $.1 In cnsli and get n receipt for $10.00 Preiseitt iIiIn Certificate aiul iiy $10 In cash anil Ret a receipt for $50.00 Present tills Certificate ami pay $15 in cash luid get a rec.Ipt for $00.00 Present tills Certificate and wiy $-0 in cash and et n reclept for $70.00 Prsent tills Certirirat and Miy $25 In casii and get n receipt for $80.00 Present this Certificate and pay $30 In wish and Ret a receipt fop $00.00 A Warning NO TIME TO LOSE. If you come at once you will still be able to se cure one of these high-grade pianos at the lowest sale prices ever quoted in this section. Cut out the certificate and bring it in tomorrow and get a piano placed in your home free. Whicls Sells for Less? THE LARGE OR SMALL DEALER? Eilers is the largest Piano House on the coast, and we buy pianos in train loads. We buy a hun dred pianos where the small dealer buys two or three. It stands to reason that the house that op erates over 40 stores and represents 38 manufac turers, can and does undersell his "minor competitors." Open Evenings mi t - Eilers Piano House Temporarily located Weeks & McGowan's Store COAL MINERS STILL THREATENING STRIKE Extra Convention Is to Be Called In Near Future nntl Miners May Vote to Go Out on April I. CINCINNATI, 0., March 20.--Following tho failure of n Bpooial oommitteo of tho United Minowork ors of Amoricn to roach an agroo- niont with tho iniuo operators in con nootion with n now wage scnlo, it is o.xpooto'd horo now that tliu minors will call ano.tra convention immedi ately nnil vole to Ooclaro a Btriko. Should tho strike bo cnlloil, tho min ors would probably go out April J, as tho prosont contract botwoou tho op oratorn and minora will oxpiro at that time IJaskinB for llonlth. nirpiilt Pnnpf I (Uctmont for lnrconv: nlen of not wil wwmi v r m Stnto vb. Potor KraBh; .not a truo8Ullty and ilofenlant romnmletl to tho cuBtotiy or ti' c.iif in or ball. W. S. Cluy vs. Alulro Clay; onlor restraining plaintiff from disposing bill. Martin Mnrkeson vs. Cynthia Mar konon; divorce; decree by default. It. h. Sabln vs. Jame3 Stownrt; to rocovor money; dismissed. Stato vs. Charles Qrconstreot; In- Ganvas BY THE ROLL. Tents, Wagon Covers, oto. tho highest quality of rain-shedding goods. Single Harness J. e. Smith 811 EAST MAIN STREET of property; motion for suit monoy argued and cubmltted. J. II. Grace vs. R. S. McDowell; or der grntlng defendant 20 days to file bill of oxcoptlons. In Case of vSicKness PHONE 3 64 1 MEDFORD PHARMACY Nenr Post Otfico All Night Service Freo Delivery Medford Iron WorRs K B. TROWBRIDGE. Proprietor. FOUNDRY AND MACHINIST All kinds of "Engines, Spraying Outfits, Fuinps, Boilers and Machinery. Agents in Southern Ore gon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. REAL ESTATE Farmland Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building l wna meant.