Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 27, 1910, SECOND SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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That Is Question Which Is Worrylnu
Oloason and Rlckarcl Would
Mean Loss Thousands of
Flro-Eatcr of Wisconsin Says Can
nonlsm Without Cannon Is as Bad
as Cannonlsm With Cannon.
SAN l'KANCIHCO, Cnl., .Miueli
2(1, What if .IiwjIc Johnson Nliouldl
go tb Jnilf
Maybe thin (iii)Hliou Ihii'I running
tlirtmgli tliu minds of J nek GIciimwi
nml Tex Hlolcnrd liiy ami night. The
promote of (ho great heavyweight
battle uffoot to bo unperturbed, )tit
low ilown they are cloliif n lot of
worrying, for in Judge Mulipit-cn the
negro champion faces' n jurlMt who
juiIh tliu law aliovu everything else.
"J'ull" ami Hyinpiilliy liavo no
plaro in hiri legal notion. In Now
York lit) in known iih tint "iron
judge," and it Iiiih over been niiIi of
him that whero ooiicIuhIvo guilt of
n culprit brought before 1dm has been
nhown, the limit of the law wan
handed out, without regard to race,
.prced or previous condition of serv
itude. Therefore, if Norman Pindcr, the
victim of Johnson's wrath, coition
into court, testifies against IiIh as
sailant nml makes that testimony
slick, things will go hard with .lohti
Hon. Six months on UlaekweirH isl
antl miiilit be 1i!h fate.
On tliu other haml, if I'indor fails
to appear Judge Munpieen undoubt
f cdly will enrrv out IiIh thrent to tun'
the grand jury loose on the enHe, nnd
if it ean lio hIiowii that .ToIiiihoii is
in any way responsible for Pitidor's
disappearance, the black giant
would liu in a fair way to do a blinf
flo in the lino nt Slug Sing.
That JoIiiihoii in in n had hole i
fully realized hy Itiekard and fllea
son. If the negro nlioiild ho given
the hutt end of the law it will moan
the loss of thousands of dollars, for,
even should thoy pull the fiuht off
bIx months or even four mouth af
ter July I, much intercut in the con
t oh t will have heen lost, and in the
meantime the. money expended in the
arena and in promoting the affair
will have IohI, temporarily, itH coin
ing power.
How JutniRou can get nut of the
predicament in something the possi
nitHt in trying hard to figure nut.
If Johnson succeeds in getting out
of thin scrape, Qlcason and Itiekard
should at once hco to it that ho if
constantly gunrdod by n corps of
huHkicH capable of keeping the blank
out of trouble. Ft not only will nave
them a- lot of monoy, hut their pence
of mind as well.
MADISON, Win., March 20.
"I'auuoniNiu without Cannon in just
an hurtful as Ciunioiiihm with Can
noil" Ih Iho comment of Senator La
Follclto in thin week's isuuo of IiIh
In the lending editorial in tho cur
rent Ihkiio ho dnelnroH tho viotory of
the Insurgents in the rules fight is a
hollow viotory. Tho oiiHting of tho
Hpoaker from tho rnIcH committee
loon not change "the piano of the
organization of tho holme nt tho be
ginning of each cougrexH or deprive
tho Hpoaker of the abHoIuto powor ol
appointing n moinhor on all standing
cotumitteoH on nil legislation.
Tho editorial says tho rcnl battle
niust bo fought out at tho prirniiricH
and election between now nnd No
nert Yorlc who bnn been In the m
ploy of Mr, Osgood for no mo tlmo,
wont to Applognto Wodnesdny to visit
his pnronta but Intends to return In
n few daya.
Wallnco Woods of Medforit wns out
looking after Mr orchnrd ond Inter
viewing bin foreman laBt Sunday
MIb Myrn Rohorta and Mien Oraco
Itnypboltz visited Miss Rnypboltz'ii
parents lant Sunday, noth tbo young
ladleH aro successful tencbern la the
CentrnI Point public ucbool. Mlsa
Mabel Raypholtz took tbom back Sun
day evening.
McBilnmoH Rnypboltz nnd Ilurcli
woro guests nt tbo plenonnt fnrm
bomcH of MoHdamos Hosar and Lof
land ono dny Inst wook.
Mr. Osgood, son, nnd MIbs Jennotto,
dniiBhter, of T. W. Osgood, and Mr.
Jlort York mndo a flying nutomobllo
trip to tbo Ongood ranch abovo Aoh
Innd last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. U, O. Van . Wogon
spent Saturday nlgbt and Sunday
with Mr. nnd Mra. E. K. anil, of
Dlnck Land.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Martin McDonnugh,
of -Medford woro calling on frlonds
out our wny ono day last week. Mr.
Me bnn bocomo u rustling renl oatato
ngont, and wo wisli him niucli success
for bo Is au hoLOct upright gontloinnn
nnd dosorvea tho pntronngo ot tho
Dr. Clancy anw wlfo of Medford
woro out looking after business mat
torn on tbolr flno orchnrd tract Inst
Tho moinboro of tbo M. Unchurch
gavotholr puitor, Hov. Johnson, n
rocoptlon a abort tlmo ago which
provod a very onjoynblo affair, Tho
li'dloa ot tho Presbyterian church also
gavo n Boclal which was woll nttondod
nnd much onjoyod,
Mr. and Mro, Taylor Durch spout
Saturday In Molford vlBttlng rela
tives and Interviewing morchnnta,
thai comolnlng buslnosj vlth plons-uro.
Medford People Should Know How
to oad and Heed incm.
Sick kidiftjys givo many signals f
The hccrotioiiH aro dark, contain a
PuHsngcB aro frequent, scanty,
Hackache In coiiHtant day and
llendacliOH and dizzy spoils nro
The weakened kwlnoyn need quick
Don't delay 1 . Uho a special kidney
Doiin'fl Kidney 1'illn cure Hick kid
neys, bnckache and urinarj' diKor-doro.
Medford evidence proveH this
C. W. narnnrd. 121 S. W. Ham-
it t oti Htreot, Medford, Or., nnys: "1
always uho Doan h Kidney j'iIIh wlien
nuffenni? from n cold m my kidnoyn
or when I hnve nny pymptoms of
rlieuiuatihin nnd I never fail to get
relief. I gladly recommend thw ex
cellent remedy."
For Knlo by nil denier. Pnce f0
centH. l'ostor-Milliiirn Co., Iliiffnlo,
N. Y., nolo ngent8 for tbo United
Itcmombcr the nnme, Doan's, nml
take no other.
Mtdford, Orogon: Tlila cortlfloa
tbnt Vo lmvo nold Hnll'a Toxna Won-.
dor fr tho euro of all kldnoy, bind
dor ad rhoumntto troubloa for ton
yonra, and lmvo novor bad a com
plaint. It glvoB quick and pormanont
rollof, felxty dayH' troatmout In oncb
bottlo, Medford Pharmacy. tf
nnakiiH for ITonlth.
Miss Marlorle Gould to Wed.
NKW YOK. Marcb 20. Cards
aro out today aiinuuuciug tho date of
tho wedding of Mish Marjono uwynn
Oould to Anthony Joseph Drexel,
Jr., afi April 10, at St. Kartholomow
church. Tho coremony will bo hold
nt -1 o'clock in tho nftomoon. I he
nuntinlfl nro nlnnned to bo tho most
brilliant of Now York's season. A
reception will follow nt the Fifth nv-
enuo home of tho bride's parents, Mr
nnd Mrs. George J. Gould.
In tbo circuit col rt of tho atnto ot
Orogon for tho county of Jackson.
Woods Lumbar coupany, a corpo
ration, plaintiff, vs. Caucado Coal
Company, a corporation. J. 0. Drown
and J. V Drondbont, dofondanta.
Suit to forocloao lieu.
To J. W. Droadbant, ono of tho
abovo named dofondanta:
In tho name ot ih stato ot Orofon,
you nro horoby required to appeax
nd nBBwer too plaintiff's complaint
now oa fllo ajnlnst you In the abovo
ontltled court and cause on or before
tbo last day of tU tlmo prescribed
ln the ordtr tor publication ot sum
mons herein, to-wlt: on or beforo tba
21th day, of March, 1910, said date
being tho expiration ot six weoka from
tho day of flrat publication of this
summons, nnd If you fall to appear
and answer, for want thoroof tho
plaintiff will npply to tho court for
tho rollof demanded ln Raid com
plaint, aucelnctly statod nn foUowas
That tho plaintiff bo awarded Judg
ment against tho dofondanta and onch
of thqm for tho sum ot $G40.37, to
gothor with lntorost thoroon nt tho
rate of G por cont por annum from
tho 1 f ) tli day of August, 1000, until
pnld, nnd for coBta and dlsburaomontn
of said suit, Including $160 roasona
blo attorney's Too nnd tho further
sum of $2.26 paid for filing and re
cording tho cortnln Hon doBcrlbod In
said complaint; that Bald principal
sum and lntorost and costs and dla
bursomonta and attorney's roo bo do
crood e. lloa upon dofondant'a real
proporty mentioned lnBald complaint
nnd doscrlbod nB follows:
Tho aoutboaat quartor (1-4) or tho
southeast quartor (M) of section
four (i) nnd tho BonthwoBt qunrtor
li-4) of tho Bouthwost quartor of
aoctlon throo (!0 In township thlr-ty-sovon
(37) smith of rnngo ono (1)
went of Wlllnmotto meridian; that
Bald doscrlbod property bo sold undor
tho ordor nnd docroo ot said court, as
M. M. Theise Will Present Here For The First Time The
Most Beautiful Woman
On the American
In The Brilliant Musical Review
Wine, Woman and
Presented here with the ORIGINAL CAST as seen for 400 Nights at the Broadway Circle Theater, New York,
The Funny Little Sheriff
.David Wnrficld, Music Master.
Robert Mantcll, Richard TU.
Sullivan Considine, Vaudevillion
Geo. M. Cohan, Yankee Prince
Chauneey Oleott, Irish Songster
Enrico Caruso, Italian Tenor
M'lle Genee, Famous Danseuse
Fay Templeton, "Good-bye, Mary"
Blanche Bates, Belasco's Star
Maude Adams, Peter Pan
Jan Knbelik, Master Violinist.
Prices 50c $1.00 and $1.50
Seats on sale Tuesday, March 29
Friday, April
by law provided, and tbnt tho pro
ceeds, or lutflatent thereof, be appllod
In payment of said Judgment; that
the defendants and each thoroof bo
burred and foreclosed of all right,
tttlo or equity ot rodomptlon In or to
said property.
This summons Is published lu the
Medford Mnll Trlbuno I. order ot
Hon. P. M. Calkins, Judco ot tho
aboTO entitled court, which said or
der wna tnado and entered or. the 13th
day or February, 1910, and tho first
publication horeot la tho 13th day of
February, 1910.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
HiiBbinH for Health.
Medford Shoe
Shining Parlor
For ladiofl, gents, children, this is
tbo placo wboro you will savo
timo and monoy by Rotting your
hIioos shined by nn ONporienoed
art int. ' Oiling and dyeing is my
Hpeoinlty. Now, don't forgot tho
place, No. 4 South Central uve
iuo. Opon from 7 a. m. to 8 p,
in.; Sundays till 2 p. m. The coast
Oluunpion Ho'otblnok. .
V. W. TOWARD, Prop.
113 ACRES Good soil; 40 acres in cultivation;
about 70 acres under irrigation ditch; 80 acres fenced;
7-rooni house, good big barn; four springs; s?hoolhouse
on placo; 27 bearing fruit trees; on county road; price
$3800; cash $2500, balance easy. This snap won't last
5-ROOM BUNGALOW Bath and pantry; screened
porch; walls plastered and tinted; electric lights; nice
fixtures; cement foundation and walk; only seven
blocks from business conter. If you want a cozy Lome
for a little money, this is tho one. Price $1400; cash
$900, balauco one or two yoars 6 per cent.
8 NICE VACANT-LOTS Near North school; $2200:
$1500 cash, balance terms. This is a No. 1 buy.
How Are These
For Bargains
5-room house on Cottage avonue, East Side, lots 100
xl20 $1500
1 lot on Grape street, East Side, lot 50x120 $400
2 lots on Palm street, 3 blocks from new depot, 56x
124, each $450
' lots on Hamilton street, 2 blocks from now depot,
56x124, each $600
2 lots on Fourth street, 2 blocks off Oakdalo, 56x
100, each $650
Fine residonce lots in Crescent subdivision, close in,
Call and look over our list in fruit land. They are
some of the best in tho valley.
PHONE 3311,