MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY. Mj!lROH 25. 19.10. i Too Lite to Classify MEDFORD AGENTS HENDERSON CORSETS FLORSHEIM SHOES WANTED Ncut girl for general housework, must bo good cook, Kinall familj'f gooil wnpes Call 1424 West Mam st 6 . FOR MEN VAN BUSINESS LOCALS 4 ft For wood of nil kinds, boo the Square Dcu. Woodvard. Phoac 2001. Fir street, between Second and Third streets. Gould & Lindlcy, proprietors. 201 Wear Kidd Shoe. -If 3-ou want satisfaction try a v of ML Hood Snow-r'ail Flu ir For sal at tke Rtiss Hill. Remem 1 ho nine Polk & Son. ' W. P. Oerwolf, conlraclor, pain ter and paperhnnger. Phone 1801, Paris Vkw Ilotel. ' G Edgar Brous nud Oral Burnett, two ef Medford s most prominent yonae society men, left Thursday evenkne f&r Portland and othe aertbern points. A aiea selection of monthly bloom- So ir roses at 25 cents each. H. B. Tattersen, BottI Nash. JoHa Watkins of Eagle Point, ono ef the old settlers of the upper river, ana also a veteran of the err3 war, was in Medford Fri Say ea basin ess. Attend tke opening tonight. YouH imjoj tao music. JI. C. Kentner Co. 4 Theaaas O. osa of Central Point was La Medford Friday. Door nata at Goodfriefld'ai,, Ccarjce IL Parker of Grants Pass ia Medford on business today, Waitmaa's candies aro unexcelled. The Jferriveid Shop has the exclus in agescy for Medford. Jaaaes T. Bigeloir, J. M. Bennett and A. J. Knight of Flnndreanx, N. D.f are is Medford looking for a Io- See Dyer's ad today. 50 " X A. Trnask and W. R. Clark of Stoektee, Cal., are registered at the JSaek Phone 2691, Goodfriend's. Dr. GL K. Ray made a business irfek to Gold Ray Friday. Jofea H. CaiHn, attoraoy at law, over Jaekson Couaty Bank. J. W. Holmes of Ehgene was in Xedfsri Friday. Carpet sweepers at Goodfriend's. Osl-r Hnfeer of Portland was in Medfsrd Friday looking after bus iness Matters. Wear Edd's Sboes. W. M. MerriiBan of Portland is Medford vieitiBg relatives and .friends. Wriajjers at Goodfriead's. R. G". Smith of Grants Pass was m Medferd on professional business Thursday. Wear Bdd'a Shoes. Dost ia3 io attend the opening -tomcat at the H. C. Kentner Co. DON'T Forget Tomorrow When Buying The Little Things You Need That the Place To Buy Hosiery Handkerchiefs Ribbons Fancy Hat Pins Hair Rolls Hair Turbans Etc, Etc., is The Store That Always Treats You Right 2 mA jui a ulnost hro .vou propared to join in the parade? Yon certainly, will want JflSlj something now just to bo in tho swim, Everything ia changing tho winter things for those of spring bettor soo ns abont yourncods. Gloves Contention Gloves are cer tainly all any woman could desire in 4 kid glovo. Will bo pleased to1 show you tho now gloves. Values In Muslinwear Complcto lines of pretty Pet ticoats, Corsot Covers, Gowns, Chemise, Drawers, combinations, etc. All styles, and you will find LOWER PRIOES. Lawn and linen Waists in the newest stvles: em- broidory and laco trimmed; exceptional fl1 AA values at $4.00 to $2.26, $2.00, $1.50 and ..... 1 tUU SEE OUR LINEN WAISTS HUSSEY'S Swellest Lines of Easter Novelties in . the City Men's Negligee Shirts We show a very complete lino of men's soft Collars and Dress Shirts; lato pat terns; very special. Soft collar .and nog ligefi Shirts, in blues, tans, whites and pongees, at $2.50, $1.50, $1.25 QQ , POPULAR CORSETS ONOE WORN, ALWAYS WORN You should try tho Hondorson noxt time. You'll find that they give that gracefulness to the figure accomplished only by the highest grade corsets. We show the late models. Your Eaater suit will look best if worn over a TTondorson. HENDERSON f, WATCH OUR SHOE WINDOWS Front Laced Corset a J) EASTER NECKWEAR .Tust received by express, the latest ideas in Neckwear for Easter. New shapes, new patterns; all very neat- UP FROM 25c. Easter Footwear For All You won't miss it by calling hore for your Easter foot wear. Tho latest ideas in Oxfords for men, wpmon, misses and children. Men's shoes of all kinds and the prices are right. Quality always first guaranteeing satisfaction. .VaVaaaaaaaaaaaT aaaaaaV VAN DYKE WILL SAVE. YOU MONEY Kiteaea ntensils at Goodfriend's. A fine aaasieal program beginning t o'clock tonight. H. C. Xeataer Ce. Fteraaps yen seed a typewriter. Ton eaa see ere any make yon wish, w a TeeaSt typewriter, at Tho Merri Told Slsop, at a reasonable nriee. " Mr. aad Mrs. A. J. Olson and dBBgaier ef Gold Hill were visitors 3a Vedferd Friday. Books Bibles, Prayer Books, po etry, fiction, gift books for children and adults. Come in and look them over at Tho Merrivold Shop. " J. B. Stevens of Tolo reports hav ing a field of volunteer barley on his farm which is headed out and ap parently as far along as the same grain wonld be in a more northern clime two months hence. Wo guarantee that your wife will get over the shock if you send her a bunch of flowers on Easter. Re member, wo deliver to any part of city. Phone 3741. 4 Charles B. Toothaker of Trail was in Medford and Central Point re cently arranging to mnke final proof on his homectend on Trail creek. Mr. Toothaker is a pioneer of Jackson county, having arrived here from the cast in 1855. Died. Mrs. Francis passed away at Ash land Thursday, March 24. She is a mother of Mrs. Joseph Marconi of Jacksonville. They came here from Montana last October for Mrs. Francis' health. Shortly after their arrival a daughter, Margaret Fran cis, died. Mrs. Francis, accompan ied by her daughter, bad gone to Ashland for treatment, but failed to recover. The body was brought to Medford and will await tho arrival of relatives from the east. Grand Opening. Tonight and Saturday night the II C. Kentner Co. will keep open house a swell musical program will be rendered each evening. Everybody is invited to attend the opening. Don't fail to come tonight. BUY ORCHARD TRACT Syndicate of Portland Men Invest $65,000 in Rogue River Valley Real Estate AJolns Burreil Orchard. T. J. Pnrton ha sold 380 uitch lying west of the holdings of tho Burreil Investment company and ad joining the tamo to John J. Malar key, B. B. Piper, Oicnr Huber and Max Fleischner of Portland, for the sum of $05,000. Tliirt latiu is all good fmit land and 120 acros of it is now planted Mm. 11. E. Hoyden of this city is to young trcoa. registered at tho Palace hotel lit HaHkinB for Health San Francisco. ITnakiiiH for Health. Savoy Theatre THE APEX OF PICTURED0M. TONIGHT v DON'T MISS IT I Sclig's Stirring Thriller, SAVED FROM THE TIDE. OTHER FEATURES. Tho Best Pictures and Music in the City. ONE DIME. Every Thursday Night At Smlth'fl Ilnll on Grnpo and 8ixth, and ovory second and fourth Monday in tho month. Six losson card for $fl or $1 lesson. Leant to waltz. Privnto lesson by appointment. Leant to dance and be gracofttl. PROF. AND MRS. JEROME, 124 South Central Ave. MEDFORD THEATRE H AKTIN & EMERY CO' Elaborate Pioduction of the World's S GREATEST : MUSICAL : SENSATION Wednesday, March 30 60 PEOPLE ! Inuludlng BERT O. 8 WOB as CON KIDDER FRANKER WOODS hh KID CONNE aaaamaWaaaaWaaal FRANKER WOODS tlH KID CONNER Beauty Chorus of 40 augmented orchestra and THE :: FAMOUS :: DUTCH :: KIDDIES 44 THE RED MILL Exactly as presented - 479 TIMES IN NEW YORK 307 TIMES IN CHICAGO 286 TIMES IN BOSTON To Enormous Receipts Music by VICTOR HERBERT Book by HENRY M. BLOSSOM WHAT NEW YORK THINKS OF IT The Red is too good to be true Telegram. The Red Mill is n rollicking entertainment News. The Red Mill grinds out a success Herald. The Red Mill is a novelty World. It's full of laughs Sun. The Red Mill is a ten strike Mail. Mignonette, Good-A-Bye John, You Neyer Can Tell About a Woman, Whistle It, The Streets of New York, Because You're You, Co While the Coin's Good, Every Day Is Ladios' Day With Me, and othorc :j :: :: The Host Entrancing Musical Treat of the Year Rich in Originality Surpassing in Equipment Any Opera Ever Given in America Prices 50c, $1.00, $1.50. Sale opens at Haskins Monday, March 28 at 10 o'clock FREE LIST ENTIRELY SUSPENDED FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT.