0 TIIM WUATIIKR. Tonight nul Haturiluy Illt froHt, clear. Thurmluy'H temperatures High J7, low 27, range -10. JOTTJI YEAR. PEOPLE FLEE IN TERROR FROM VOLCANO SEVEN T OVERWHELMED BY LAVA FLOW No Dead Yet Reported, Out It Is Feared That Disaster Hay Prove Most Destructive pf Modern Times Whole Villages Are on Move Hard Time Providing (or Homeless ROCKS AND ASHES RAIN DOWN UPON POPULACE Sun Obscured by Clouds of Smoke Great Eruption Grows In Intensity Each Hour Six New Craters Op ened Today Resemble Messina. CATANIA, Sicily, Mnrch 2fi. Tlio great eruption of Mount Aetna in growing in intensity with every pass ing hour. Six now orators opened today mid Hhot forth streams of lava which have joined the boiling torrent that Ih deapoiling citieH, towns and farms in its path. Tho towns of liorello, Hulpuwui, San loo, Itiiiaxxl, Cowllo, Altiauullo and Nlcolosl have been wholly or partially destroyed. TlioiiKnnd rico. TIioiihiiikIk of poisons uio fleeing toward tin city from the nioiiiitaiii towns. Scores of inhabitant of village on Aetna' slopes are reported miss ing. Although no dead have been reported, it Ik feared that the disns tor may prove one of the uiOHt do Htruotivo of modern times. Scones following the destruction of tho ninuutniu towns rcscmhlo thoHo of tho town of Messinl earth quake. Whole village nre on the raovo and strewns of refugee com poned of torrorstricken men, women nnd childron nro coming Into Cn tnnia. Already tho authoriticH nro faring a serious problem in ciring for tho homeless. KngiiicHTJt nt Work. Govonmicnt engineers are vainly endeavoring to avert tho destruction of (owiih in the path of tho lava tor rent by hastily erecting dykoH nnd digging trenches to divert tho stream. Tho irroHihtiblo flow of hot mud and boiling lava swept nwny all ob structions. The lava Ih traveling at tho rato of 1300 foot hn hour. Stream Half MJIo Wide. Tho main stream which Ih causing tho grent destruction is 50 feet deep nnd half a mile wide. Tho great Inko of lava which hna formod nt tho Houthern bane of the mountain covers nine miles. This overflow wrought the destruction of the greater number of tho towns. Soldiers In Action, DetnchmontH of soldiers woro or dered to drive out inhabituutH of the threatened towns, nnd in many cases the people, although torror-Htvickeu by tho thunderous rovorborntions nnd roourrcnt earth shocks, refusod to loavo tliolr homos. Tho soldiers wore conipollod to uso bayonets to l'orco thorn to loavo placuH where they woro oxposod to cortalu doath. Word enmo to Cntanin t lint soorcs of rofugoos had boon out off by di verging lava stroams and voluntoors loft for the scono. Munv thrilling rosouos woro mado. Showers of Hock. Iu addition to tho lava, tho inhab itants of the mountain towns wore threatened with death by the out pouring of rocks mid showers of hot uslios from tho main orator. With tho outbreak of six craters today thoro aro now 18 aolivo orat ors pouring forth sulphurous vapors, stonos and ashes, whllo ouch Is an overflowing well of molten lava. at a point half way down the south- (Continued from Pago 4.) DWNS A Slight Frost is Predicted for This Evening. Call Central After 7 O'clock P. M. for Further Warnings. Medford COMMITTEE IS MID TO TAKE CHARGE RULES Thick Coatlno of Harmony Reigns Over House Today and Talk of Further Fights on the Floor Has Ceased Troubles Are Over for tho Present. DALZELL, PENNSYLVANIA, STILL ON RULES COMMITTEE Democrats Keep Clark and Fitzger ald on Committee Caucus of Each Party Is Attended by Great est of Harmony. WASHINGTON, D. C, -March 23. Tho now rules committee of the house of representatives was form ulated by tho house todny. The new committee is tho result of the spec tacular fight that occurred Inst week intho hoUKo nnd which ended in the ousting of Cannon from the mloa committee nnd gnvo the naming of the committee to the house instead of the speaker. The members of tho new commit tee woro selected by caucuses of the Republicans and Democrats, tho Re publicans naming six members of the now committee and the Democrats four. Tho now committee is made up as follows : Republicans John Dulroiiu, I'cnn sylvnnin; Walter I. Smith, Iowa; J. Sloat Fassctt, Now York; Henry S. Boutell, Illinois; Sylvester C. Smith. California; Qeorge I'. Lawrence, Massachusetts. Democrats Champ Clark, Mis Houri; Oscar Underwood, Alabama; John J. Fitzgerald, Now York; Liu coin Dixon, Indiann, Dalxcll and Smith were the Rcpub lican members of the old committee and Clark and Fitzgerald, tho Demo- crntto mombers. Although the insurgents wore re sponsible for tho fight which result ed in tho now rules committee, they woro given no representation. Dnlzcll is tho oldest member of the committee In point of sorvice. He will probably bo solectcd as chair man. Ho is a staunch friend of Cannon and hna. served on tho com inittoo over ainco Cannon has boeir sponker. Dnlzoll was originally up pointed by Speaker Rood. IIo is considered one of tho host parlia montnrians in tho houso. Champ Clark and John J. Fit gerald will continuo to servo on tho rules committee of tho houso. Fol lowing the procodont of tho Repub lican caucus, tho Democrats nomin ated for tho new committee tho mem bers who had servod on tho old. Tho now Democratic membors will bo Os car Underwood of Alabama nnd Lin coln Dixon of Indiana. Thoro is a thick coating of har mony, ovor tho houso today. The harmony loukod out of tho two party oonforonoos nnd holds nil tho mem bors. Talk of furthor fights on tho floor of tho houso has consod, and for the presout it is prodiotod that tho trou bles nro ovor. Nolthor insurgents nor rogulars nro in n boliggoront mood today. PREPARING A NEW DIGEST OF ALL OREGON CASES SALEM, Or., March 26. Within a few weeks a new digest, to ku" incut Montaguo's digest of Oregon eases, will bo ready for distribution among ho lawyers of the state. It is being compiled jointly by Arthur S. Benson, doputy elork of tho su promo court, nnd Miss Fffio May King, n clerk to Associate Justice MeTlrWe. MED FORI). MEDFORD'S TEMPLE CHARTER .MEMBERS OF MEDFOR Join tho Stung Club, then you can shout, Strut like a.turkev, chest nil puffed out. Huy a high niche in tho temple of famo Only costs fivo to get iu tho game. Join the Stung Club, hit the swift paco, With prominent men get into the race, Doctors nnd lawyers, and editors, too, All aro admitted -ten plunks for two. TO INCORPORATE TOWN W00DV1LLE A petition haK boon filed with the county court in which tho Town of Woodvillo seeks to bo incorporated. It is signed by 57 leading citizens ot tho thriving little town. The popu lation of tho city is given as 200. Tho county court has sot May 4, 1010, as tho day on which to hour protosts iu regard to the petition. JOHN BROWN PLACE SELLS FOR $21,000 J. J. llrown has told Ills fino or chard Just north of Central Point to E, Wyntt and D. T. Johncon,- rocont arrivals from tho Btnto of Washing ton. Tho consideration was ?3 1,000. MoBsra. Wyntt and Johnson nro fruit mon of oxperlonce, but botoro buying tlioy had tho proporty thor oughly lnspeotod and paSBOd upon by tho stato fruit lnspoctor of Washing ton who pronounced It cno nt tho flnost orchnrdc ho bad evor lookocl ovor. Possession Is to be given with in HO days. Mr. Drown sold this proporty Just boforo tho pr.nlu o( 1P07 and when tho financial strliiGonoy eamo tho pur chaser wr.8 unablo to nnlto goo. Mr. Brown la wlsp'or. liowovcr, to tho tuuo of sovorol thousan 1 dollars In tho onhnncod valuer- b'uco that tlmo Mail Tribune OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 3910. I) STU.NG CLUR COURTESY "AMERICAN PROGRESS LRAZIXE.' THE BALLAD OF THE STUNG. Join the Stung Club, 'tis tho last call. ' Buy nuvu cut to hang on the wall. Chaneo of' your life, any one can see To become famous costs only a V. Join theJStung Club and lend tho van; Get ont'y.of the class of the ""also mi.' Bargains wo offer, cut rates in fame Fame iu small chunks nt five plui.fcs & name. LOWER RATE ON SMUDGING OIL S A LEAL Or, March 25.- A reduc- tion in the rates (charged by Ihe Southern Pacific cuunpany ortrus portiug enida oil to Southern Oregon for smudging ponuli orchards ns prevention against frost, amounting to 10 cents per linndiwd pounds, went into effect today. A special dispen sation was granted the railroad com pany by tho railroad cunmission yes terday at the request f W. K. Co- mans, general freight jigont for the uurrimun lines in Oregon. According to Mr. Coutuns, tho uso of orudo petroleum hat been found to bo very successful in' making smudgos nnd that the demnnd by the poach orehnrdists iu Southern Ore gon for oil to nave their crops made it necessary to redueo the rate. Tho now rnto to Oakland. Or., will ho 30 cents per 100 pound- Mr. Comaiis expressed u willingness to extend the favor to other districts, if they found it dosirablo to try the eparhnent. 1 Iio law of this state innkos it un lawful for a railroad to change its rates within ten dnvs nftor uixisu-1 notico to the railroad commission, j but permission was grafod the rail-' road company in this uistnneo by! the comml t n ' tho ehaoj nt Olro OF FAME NO DAMGAE IS E TO FRUIT Apples -and pears were not in jnml by lhe frost of Thursday night, according to Professor P. J. OXbra, altliongh ska temperaturo dropped in spots to 25 degrees. The rmtge was about 20 degrees. Tonight, according to tho weather man, will be wanner, a slight frost being anticipated. Professor O'Garn i keeping a close tali on tho weather and any or chnrdist mny know how cold it is growing by cnlling tho Medford tele phonu central. LYNN PURDIN PURCHASES RECORD PRINTING OFFICE A deal was closed recently wheroby Lynn Purdlu, foreman In tho Central Point Herald office, becamo tho own er of tho Recorc" printing plant In tho Whiteside building. Tho plant wns Installed last summer by Mrs. Maplo, who with her hii8boad, engaged In tho printing business, Tho town proving to bt.Mll however to support two newspapers. Mrs. Mnplo decided to dlBposo of tho plant, vhlch Is very complete. Mr. Purdln has not docld ed Just what ho will do with tho plant, but that ho has a good outfit Is un questioned. I DON GAS FRANCHISE ED TO J. R.ANDERSON Is for Term of 36 Years and Wrk Must Start In Near Future City Gets Five Per Cent of the Light Receipts Work to Start Soon and Will Be Rushed. MUST BE IN ACTIVE OPERATION IN 8 MONTHS Mr. Anderson Promises to Build a Plant Which Will Be Credit to the City Rates as Cheap as Those in Oil Fields. At a special session of the city council held Friday morning a frau chiso was granted J. R. Anderson of Pasadena for the erection of a gas plant in the city of Medford The franchise is for a period of 35 years. By the terms of the franchise the gas plant must bo in operation, fur uishing gns to tho residents of the city, within eight months from the date of granting the franchise. Tho city is to receive 5 per cent of the net receipts of the company for all income derived from lights. Mr. Anderson stnted today that his company was ready to begin active construction nt once. They plan to spend ?100,000 on the plant, which when completed, will own ovor 20 miles of mains in the city. Tho lo cation of tho plant has not yet been decided upon. VALUABLE DOG HAS DISAPPEARED FROM HOME Walter McCallura is looking for his registered collie, which disappeared from its kennel three days ago. Tho collio is a very fine one nnd is reg istered. 60 that should it be stolen it can never be exhibited without detection. Tho collie is sable with white collar. LATE LOCAL NEWS. Charles Lindsny of Lilyglen brought in t.;) skins of two bobcat and threo coyotes, for the killing o whicb. bo collected tho bounty nt tho connty clerkrs offico recently. Hot-Cross buns for snlo at Rar don's Bakery. Tho sale of tickets for the Grenter Medford club entertainment opens Saturday morning nt Ilaskins' druj tftore. Price of tickots general ad mission 25 cents, resorved seats 35 cents, childron under 12 years, 15 cents. Bunion's Bakery is serving deli cious drinks and ice oronra nt thoir new fountain. W. G. Smith of Wolf Creek wns iu Medford Friday on business. Rnrdon's Bakery is selling fnncv largo oranges, 50a size for 35o and 40o sir.o for 25e por dozen. II. S. Rndcliff of Salem is in this city on a business trip. Kardon's Bnkory is soiling fnncv largo Nowtown apples. r. A. Gnscoz, county surveyor, is in Modford from Ashlnud on official business. Knster lillies. Phone 374. Medford Greenhouse .j D. A. Lofgren of Portlnnd is in Medford on a visit to J, A. Woster lund of tho Western Orchards com pany. Good rosults obtnined from Cream of Wheat to ho seon at the Medford theater, Mondny. Bo sure and go. W- E. Cattorlin, doputy food and dairy inspoctor, is in Ashland today on official buslnoss. Watch tho Gold Dust Twins do their work Monday night at the Med ford thoator. IS GRANT vkttkd vnma association FhII Leased Wlro Reort. Tho only paper la tho world published In a cliy tho alio of Medford having a lowed wire. No. 4. EIGHT WOMEN AND FOUR MEN DIE IN FLAMES Big Structure Burns in Chicago Es cape of Women Is Cut Off When the Automatic Fire Doors Class Soon After the Fire Was Dis covered. ONE GIRL LEAPS SIX STORIES IN EFFORT TO LIVk. Vast Crowd Gathers and Watches Vain Attempts of Girls to Cheat Death Firemen Fall to Go Hfgfrer Than Fourth Floor. CHICAGO, 111., March 25. Twelve persons woro killed today in a fire that destroyed a building oc cupied by Fish & Co., furniture dealers. The list of dead may reaclu. fifteen. ' Eleven persons, it is known, bow ed to death, and one, a girl, was killed -when she jumped from the sixth story in a desporatc effort to save her life. Four men and eight women wero killed. Tho women wero on tho sixth. floor. Their escape was cut ou uy tho automatio fire doors, which; closed when tho firo broko out. Flames barred the way to tho stair ways and tho women wero forced to the windows. Tho girls clustered on tho narrow ledges and wntched the firemen bo- low endeavoring to reach them wit scaling ladders. The fire in the col ridors of the building grew neart and it becamo a race between tl firemen and tho flames. A vast crowd watched tho at tempts of tho girls to cheat death bjr running to the windows farthest from tho fire. Every effort of tho firemen that brought them nearer to the sixth-floor windows was greeted with cheers, but for the most pari tho vast crowd that watched tie fight was silent. Finally it was seen that tho girls were doomed. Tho firemen reached the fourth story, but beyond that point thoir. offorts wero futile. Tho Pncifio Telephone & Tolo graph company ore now rebuilding, tho Jacksonville plant, a now switch board has been installed in the new quarters, new cable and mntoriT is now on tho ground for tho outsidW plant, and with the completion of this work continuous day and night son-ice will bo inaugurated, Ar rangements nre being also mado to supply additional trunk lino facilities, to handle the increased business bo tween Medford nnd Ashland. Mrs. ElUnboth Kounoy of Jnok- sonvillo loft for Snn Francisco Wed nesday morning, where she will visit her grnnddaughtor, Miss Bessie Ken ney, for soveral wooks. Loon ITnnna left for San Fran- olsoo recontly to join his mother, who had preceded him, nnd to comple' his musionl eduoation on the violl Mrs. Josephino Russoll of Jacl sonvillo and son Donnld rotumt from San Franoisoo Wcdncsdu night. Tickets for tho entertninmen to be given nt tho Medford thimter Tuesday ovoning will bo on sale nt nnskins' drug storo Snturdav morn ing. A now boarding houso may bo ne cessary if you nre to remain on op. unusi so renu ana answer Homo of tho nds. W. G. Estop will return Fridnv ovoning from Los Angeles, whore ho ins hoeu tor tho pnst several months. Harry McClelland of Roseburc la in Medford on a visit.