MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKaON.V.WDN.lSSDAY, MARCH 23, 19.10. WILSON RECOGNIZES RIGHTS OF SQUATTERS Moro Liberal Order Providing for Treatment of Squatters Upon Un surveyed Land In Forests. jburvlnrs, nnd ho expects soon t ' learn the identity of the other h I comparing tho prints with his record j hook of i'hiKcr prints. During tho last few weeks De l'ue has been successful in landing three (gangs of snfo-crnckera by his fin- gor-pnut methods. M DOES MUCH DAMAGE TO FORESTS Storo-growth follows doea not procodo, hut follows growth and ex pansion of the store advort'siiig. . J Adovrtisiug will not sell it uuIohh it's worth your prioo and it will sell it if it is. Secretary Wilson has just issued an order providing for a more lib. cral treatment of bonnfide squatters upou utisurveycd laud which has been included within natioual for ests since tho tiino of actual occu pancy of the land by tho squatter. Under tho homestead lnw it is im nossiblo for any ono to secure legal title to tinsnrveyed public land, but occupancy pending survey is rccog nirod ns giving a prior claim to the land after survey, under what is known as "squatters' rights." A squatter who had, in good faith, taken possession of a piece of na tional forest laud before the national forests were created is uot dispos sessed of his claim by the forest service, and if he lives upon it and cultivates it nutil the land has been survoyecl he is able fb get his home stead just as though ho had settled on any part of -the unreserved pub lid domain. But sinco the passage of the act of Juno 11, 1900, which permits the secretary of agriculture to list for settlement land which he finds chiefly valuable for agriculture, it has been possible for squatters to apply for the listing of their lands under this act, and thus to obtain title prior to tho government sur vey. Tho object of the new order of the secretary is to provide for the listing of the full amount of laud which the occupant would receive if he exercised his option of awaiting the government survey, irrespective of whether or not tho entire area is cultivable, provided the claim is bona fide and tho land is not more valtiablo for its timber than for ag riculture. The Order. Secretary Wilson's order is as fol lows: "A person who has settled upon and continuously occupied unsur veyed lands within a national forest before its creation and is at the present time occupying such lands in good faith and is in all respects complying with the homestead law, has the right to include within the lines of his homestead 1G0 acres af ter the land is surveyed. Therefore, if the land is occupied for agricul tural purposes and is not more valu able for its timber than for suck purposes, and there are no circum stances which would, in the opinion of the district forester, tend to dis credit the bona fides of the claim ant, he should "be allowed to make application for the patenting of such lands under the act of June 11, 1900, and the examination for listing should be made with a view of list ing 100 acres of land where pos sible. The tracts as listed should conform so far as practicable to the form of the public land surveys. The listing of lands as above should not in any way govern the determina tion of the total area or amount of non-cultivable land listed for nppii canls under tho act of June 11, 1000. who were not residing upon the land before tho creation of tho forest. "In cases where less than 100 acres of laud has been listed to a person who settled upon the land prior to tho creation of tho forest, nn additional nroa sufficient to com plete tho homestead entry may be al lowed upon proper npplieution." TOOK TIPS FROM THE WIRE AND GOT RICH QUICK CASH PRIZE IS OFFERED. Ncsmlth County Committee Makes Liberal Proposition to Readers of the Mall Tribune. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Marck 23. -The foundation of a fortune of $350,000 was laid from stock reports sent by telegraph, according to tho testimony of Alfred Wood Wehe, whose examination . iu bankruptcy proceedings is ponding today before Referee Green. Wehe said that he and his wife bad been operators on a stock wire for several years and that they made. discreet investments on tips they re coked. Wehe did not explain how he worked. Tho bankruptcy proceedings is to detormino whether Wehe, who is a real estate man, transferred prop erty to wife and friends to place H boyond tho reach of creditors. FINGER PRINTS PROVE UNDOING OF BURGLARS SAN FRANCISCO, Cal, March 23. Tho authorities uro scouring San Francisco todny for two well-known eastern yeggmen who blew open the Guomeville postoffice Saturday night nnd escaped with $700 of the government's money. The men loft no clew except finger-marks on tho door of the safo. Copies wero taken of tho finger prints and Bont to Frank II. De Puo of tho state bureau of identification. A short time Jater De Puo gave the officials the name of one of tho Tho Xcsmith county committee, in charge of the matter of creating a new county from portions of Lauo and Douglas, offers a prise of $25 in cash to the person suggesting in an article not exceeding 300 words tho most logical reasons ''Why tho Suinller Counties of Oregon Are More Beneficial to tho State Thun the Larger Ones." Contestants are not limited to any given locality, but iu each county shall bo a subscriber to at least one of tho county news papers, all articles on tho subject to be delivered to the editor of ono of these nawspapors, who will forward them to a committoo selected from ontsido of the proposed Ncsmith county for decision as to tho winner. No person withiu the proposed now county shall enter the contest, which will close on Juno 30. All articles on tho subject must be iu the hands of tho secretary on th date and tho award will be made on July 20. Ono sido of the paper only on which the article is written should bo used; the writing must bo legiblo nnd the name ot the author and postoffico address should bo append ed. Any person desiring to compete for this prizo may receive litoraturc pertaining to tho subject by address ing Lew A. Cates, Secretary, Cot tage Grove, Or. LARGE AVIATION MEET IS PLANNED FOR RHEIMS RHEIMS, France, March 23. Ac cording to those promoting the sec ond aviation meet at Rheims, which is scheduled for Julv. the moetinc will bo -on a larger scale than any which has been held thus far. Forty thousand dollars in prizes will bo offered. In consequence it is expected that the foremost bird men of the world will participate in the exhibitions. The meeting is to be held on Beth- eny field, the site on which the great meet of last year was staged. The great feature this year will be the elimination trials for the temntional aviation trophy. The meet will begin July 3 and conclude July 10. Damage, However, Is Much Loss Than It Was In 1908, Although 410 Fires Moro During tho Year. in- Probate Court. Estate of Silas J. Day--Inventory and appraisement showing property to the value of $352.92 filed and approved. Estnte of Annabel McKinnon, n minor Caroline Louise McKinnon appointed guardian and order mnde for sale of real property. Guardianship of Maude, Claude and Minnie Gaines Order confirm ing sale of real property. CURED WITHOUT A KMFE. About eight years ago, aftor hav ing consulted several physicians who failed to euro my wife, I called In Dr. Hlng, Chinese Phyolclan, 725 J street, Sacramento. Aftor making an examination ho pronounced It a case of abscess ct tho bowels, for which ho successfully accomplished a cure without a knife. About a year ago ho also treatod her for l-of.rt trouble, with whlc'i be bad tho same success. Some time beck ho cured me of a case of kldnoy trouble. Anybody want ing any refcraucos can addrosa me at 528 Oak avenue, orAntolopo, Sacra mento couny. T. J. ATWOOD. January 8th, 1910. SUMMER EXCURSIONS EAST. The Southern Pacific company will Btll excursion tickets to eastern l-olnts at reduced rates on tho follow ing dates: May 2d and 0th, June 2d and 17th and 24tb, July 6th and 22d, August 3d and September 8th, going limit ten days, total limits 00 days Rates to Missouri River points and eturn $69.90; to Chlcajo snd return, $82.40. Fo- furthor Information call at local ticket c'ilco or ad hesa A. S Rosenbaum, Local Agent Southern Pacific Co. Firo played less havoo iu the woodlands of tho national forest states last year than it did iu 190S, although the numbor ot fires was 410 greater. Tho department of ag riculture has just completed the sta tistics. Tho protective value of tlu work of the department is shown iu that (1) almost SO per cent of the fires were extinguished beforo as much as five acres had boon dam aged; (2) less than ono and one-half acres to the square mile of national forest land was burned over; (3) nnd the amount of damage done to tho burned-over are averaged but $1.26 per acre. For tho twelvemouth ended De cember 31 last, there wero 3138 fires on tho forests, 1180 caused by locomotives, 431 by campers, 294 by lightning, 181 by brush burning, 97 by iucendinrlcs, 38 by sawmills and donkey engines, 153 by miscellaneous nnd 758 by unknown agencies. The area bumed over was, in round fig ures, 300,000 acres, of which about 62,000, were private lands in nation al forests, as against somo 400,000 aors in I'JUS. Somo 17U,UUU,U0U board feet of timber was consumed, of which 33,000,000 feet was pri vately owned, as' against 230,000, 000 in the previous year. Tho loss in value of timber destroyed wns less than $300,000, of which closo to $50,000 was privately owned. The loss of tho year beforo was about $450,000. Damago done to repro duction nnd forage shows a remark able decrease, less than $1COA000 be ing uio recora lor r.ivv ana over $700,000 that for 1908. The largest number of fires oc curred in Idaho 991; but the great increase over 1908 in that state, namely, 573, is entirely attributable to firea in tho Coeur d Alene, which wero extinguished without material damago. Locomotivo sparks were accountable for 611 of the blazes in this forest last year. The explana tion of tho mcrense in the totnl for nil forests is to be found in this Coeur d'Alcno increase. The report of tho forester for 1909 said of tho firo record of 100S: "That year was one of prolonged drought during the summer nnd fall and of disastrous forest fircc throughout tho country. The na tional forests suffered relatively lit tle. About 232,101,000 hoard feet of timber, or 0.00 ner cent of the stnnd, wns destroyed. A totnl of 728 fires was reported, of which 2089 were smnll fires confined as n rule to an area of five acres or lews. Tho cost of fire fighting, exclusive of tho salaries of foreHt officers was $73,283.33. This sum, added to the proportion of the total salaries of rangers nnd guards, pro perl v rhnrgeable to patrol and fire-fighting, was less than nne-tweutieth of 1 per cent of tho value of tho timber protected, estimated nt nn average sturnpugo vnluo of $2 per 1000." Savoy Theatre THE AO IK OV 1'ICTUHKOOM TONIGHT ' APEX OF PICTUREDOM. The Egg Trust- Satirical Comedy. Rags, Old IronOne Long Laugh. Tho Miser's Daughtor Pastoral Drama. MUSIC THAT IS MUSIC. ONE DIME. MORTGAGE LOANS Monoy on hand to lonn on Heal Estate City nnd County Warrants bought. Fidelity nnd Indemnity Dontls Furn ished. Firo Insurance. - JAMES CAMPBELL Phono Main auill. aim KruUgnmW llnnk Hullitlng PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Prieos RtiiiBonablo COFFEILN (Si PRICE 11 North D St.. Med ford. Ore. Phone 30J1 WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co, MFDFORD - - - OREGON Office in Jackauu county Bank Upstairs I REAL ESTATE Medford, Oregon: This certifies that we have sold Hall's Texas Won der for the euro of all kidney, blad der and rhoumatlc troublos for ten years, and havo noTor had a com plaint. It gives quick and permanent relief. Sixty days' treatment In each bottlo. Medford Pharmacy. tf Grand Opening. To Whom it May Concern: The former famous chef at the Nash Grill, Mr. Sara Lock, will open a first-class restaurant noxt Thurs day morning, above Kennedy's sa loon, No. 33 South Fiont strcot. En trance at both sides. Only first class meals will be served, and just the namo of the proprietor is tho best guarantee. This is the only place where will bo sorvod chop suey nnd China noodlos next month. Come and boo mo and I and you nro both sure you will come back. Remember, I am willing and I preach what I promiso, yours truly, SAM LOCK. 4 ITaskins for Health. NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned will apply at tho next meeting of tho city council of Medford, Orogon, for Ilconso to sell malt, vinous and spirit ous liquors In less quantities than one gallon, for six months, at lot 10, block 20, In Medford, Oregon, for a period of six monthi. BASS & HALE. Dated March 22, 1910. ANNOUNCEMENT. . Dr. Ooblo is prepared to fit glasses in nil enses of defectcivo sight that zlnsses will remedy. Repairs of nil rinds. Broken Jensos duplicated. In visible bifocals. 18 WEST MAIN STREET. PORTLAND HARDWOOD FLOOR COMPANY Largest slock of Oak, Maple, Beech, Birch, Mnhognny ind Walnut FLOORING In tho Pacific northwest, Manufac turers of Parquetry Flooring. Wo havo a large forco of Expert Me chanics and are in a position to give estimates of finished floor work. Wo alsfruse a sanding and sornplng mt chine for surfacing dance halls and hating rink floors. Wo soli wax, wax brushes, furniture rests and glass sliding shoes. Write or call nr 288 YAMHILL ST.. PORTLAND. Farmland Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Pure White . . The Best Flour Made Medford Realty Co Room 10, JaGkson County Bank Building Wo claim it to bo the best because wo hnvo had tho host success with it in our own baking. Our cus tomers say it is tho best, and we believe it to be so. If you want good bread all the time, try a sek of our justly famous hard wheat "PURE WHITE" FLOUR. Allen & Reagan The Square Deal Grocers HERE IS ' YOUR CHANCE INVESTIGATE THESE COME AND SEE $5000 CASH takes 200 acres good; Jand and stock, near railroad, 40 acres in "culti vation, 125 acres good land, 4-room house, two largo barns, other good outbuildings, 50 head cows and young cattle, G head horses, harrow, cream separator, household goods, 80 chickens, 10 acres fenced chicken tight,' five fine springs, spring crop is in ground. In addition to this you can homestead 1G0 acres adjoining above land and havo use of 80-acre tract for horse pasture. Unlimited range for cattle. This is good till April 10th. land is also excellent for fruit. 160 ACRES fine foothill land, good roads, plenty of fine spring water sufficient for some irrigation, 2 acres bearing trees, also berries and fine cherries, best of fruit land, no frost to bother or worry about, good house, bam and outbuildings, GO acres in cultivation, fine for grain, vegetables and hay. No better for fruit. Possession can bo give nat once. Pino range for cattle and hogs. Price $7000. $2500 will handle this. 20 ApRES Here is what you want; 20 acres tho very ORE AM of tho valloy; soil 15 to 20 feet deep; best of black loam; will grow anything you plant; very choice for pears, potatoes, melons and alfalfa. Pos session at once. Price $7500; $2000 cash, balance 4 years, 6 per cent. 420 ACRES fine fruit and grain land. This will subdivide in fine shape, as main road divides it in three parts; largo part is irrigated, and it has one of tho oldest water rights in the county, Pair buildings; beauti ful location; no frosts to bother; oldest road in state; all north and south travel California to northern Oregon passes through ranch; 3chool on land; main line telephone on ranch; no waste land; all free soil; within 5 miles of three railroad stations on S. P.; 150 acres in cultivation; 100 slashed; this year's crop all in; possession can bo given at once. $G0 per acre, liberal terms. Come and seo this. J. W. DRESSLER AGENCY, West Main Street. LOTS 7 East Front Lots, 55 x 129 at $550 2 South Front Lots 62 1-2 xlOO at $7 50 each, These lots are only six blocks from depot on the West side. THE ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY Fire Insurance No. 1 1 North Central Ave m Will A Child's Toy and A Woman's Utensil Any littlo gul of school age can iron her ovn apron wi'tlt a General Electric flat iron. It is ns easy as dressing her doll. There is no need of lifting or carry ing the iron. It needs no changing. It is always hot and dean, at your elbow. Think of its Convenience ' in the household, and the relief from having hot fires in tho summer. For pressing seams in the sewing room it is indispensable. The G.E. iron costs but little and may bo used in any household wired for electric light. Tho cost of electricity is a mere trifle. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. 4