Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 22, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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Major It, C. Wnnhburn of Tnblo
Hjuk wim in Moil ford TuoHtlay look
ing (iL'tor biibtuoHH inuttorri.
IVhoU trooH foi nnlu ut ton ooutii
cents ouch. II. 1). 1'attcrson, NiihIi ho-tol.
Osuur 0. I'urkor, for hovoiuI yourn
Deputy United Biaton Mnrnliul T.
K. Haniinoriily Iuuvoh this a veiling for
'i - homo til Portland, it f tor having
trmiHiiolod hoiiio official htisinoHH
JmnoH M". Abbott of Portland, rep
iimontliiK tba Now Kiigland Envelope
Co., 1m in Medford on htiHitioHH.
PalmsTho fincHl JContinH that
ovor wo ro Hhippod to Modford. Call
and hod them. 02.1 E. Motti. M3
Tim f.iitlioH Aid of tho Christian
ehtiroli will moot with Mrs. I). II. Mil'
tho Modford
Land & Orchard company, arrived
ijor a fow weeks' stay in Modford
I). M. Horn of Ilombrook, Cal.,
won in Mmlford on luiftitlosH Tiiondav.
Wrlnuors at Ooodfriond'H.
JikIko W, E, Crowos of Soattlo in
horn in tho mattor of tho context
ovor tho Cur 'wall cntnlo, which bids'
fall' to bocotilo a cumis colohro. Tho .
mutter will bo taken tip in tho fed
oral court on tho main issue, and in
tlio moantiiiio Judge Crowes i'h pro
piiring puporH to tout tho titles to
nthor portion of tho J. A. Cardwull
cMtiUo. located in Jacksonville, hi
el inline somo of tha principal husi
iiohh property in tho town.
Mr. nml Mm. W. II. Hailoy and
Mr. E..IC. Orivvatto of Waterloo, la.,
aro in .Modford looking for land In-, which hud such a wonderful run in
Wear Kidd'H Shoe:..
Mr. and Mr. J. H. Itynn of Scat
and fttiniH in ihhi vicinity, and who " T,),,,l Hlrwot 0, WuclMondny
with liiH family loft curly in March a ..
...III. .. ..I..... In u.illll I... I, vr.ii I... I .'lainooui 01.
mill U TIV1T KM nUlVIH
Minncrtotu, ban written friends that
he will return in the nonr future.
-Omt wcok in Minnesota wart st'iffi
clout to convince Mr. Parker that
the Itouuo lliver valley in good
enough for him.
JamcH E. Fenlon of Heattle, the
man who wrote tho Crater Lake road
brier, brother of Judge W. I). Foil
ton, in in Medford on legal Iiiih'uhihh.
Ho in iiHiiociated with Judge Crown in
the Cartlwull contest case.
Wear ICidd'H Shoos.
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Chapman and
son, Percy, fnnuerri of Antioch, woro
keen amoug the sboppora in tho city
Murtiu L. Wood n nl of tho ICon
you comimuy in in Modford on a
business trip.
Cbiuawuro at Goodfriond's.
Mr. uml Mih. Larry of North Da
kota are paying n two weeks pious
nut visit with Mr. Larry's sister and
family, Mr. and Mr. C. A. Caldwell,
of North Central avenue. .
The Merrivold Shop Iiuh office
supplies, including filort, blank books,
memorandum books, punplls, ponH,
tnkrf, inkwells, tabletH, typowritor
supplies, envelopes, panto, uiiicilago
and fountain Kn.
Mr. uud Mm. o.Io Cnskuy aro on
joying a most delightful visit from
their daughter mid granddaughter,
Mm. Grotttihook and Miss 6rosHl)oek,
of Portland. I
CoffcoK at floodfriend's. 1
J. V. Palmer hart arrived in Med
ford from Cocur d'Aleue, whoro ho
wns tt successful drawer in lint
year's lottery. Mr. Palmer will
probably loonto hero, iih Iiu linn din
poiied of bin Cocur d'Alene holdings.
He it, an old-timo friend of John M.
It costs no mora to insure in tho
bitr compauicfl than tho Hiimll ouch.
Sra It. A. Holmes, tho insurance man,
room 10, JackHon Co. bbank. 312
Every one Ih InleroHtod in the
coming entertainment which the
Greater Medford club given Tuesday,
Mnrcli 21), mid judging from tho way
the Indie have done 'thing in tho
Mln Harriit Ford, Who li Winning
Hnori In Stagiland.
Miss Harriot Ford, the clover play
wrlght, begun her professional career ,
on an acfri'HM ami was well on tho way
to fnme when' tho luro of tho pen
drove her Into writing rnther than tho
nclliiK of dm limn.
One of her most successful adapta
tions is "Tho Gentleman of Krnnco,"
New Statue of Calhoun, Gift of
South Carolina to Federal Capitol.
uinn iiAiiniKT roni), coAtmtou or "run
rouiuii RtTin"
Now York city nevcrnl neanonii ago,
with Kyrle Hollow nn tho Htar.
In collnhonitlon with Mr. Joocnh
tie are amonir tho recent nrriviiU !,. ! Mrdlll PatterHiui Mlns Ford hn nxent-
Mi'llfonl ,J' turm'I out anothor hit of tho tics-
tt..,.bunil.i... i,...,.. nb- ! "on "T,' '"oorth Kutate," n ntlrrlng
IlookHibIo, Prayor UookH, po- drnmntlwtlon of a newpnper otllce of
etry', fiction, gift bookn far children i tno Vollow" variety.
and ndultK. Come in and look thorn ' " '
ovor at Tho Merrivold Shop. j Wom, M,Ue. Ml.lon. Alon..
James K. I'onton of Portland in , From a poult Ion iih Htcnogrnpher nt
reuistercd at tho Nahh. ! $10 a week to tho iwmwiiilon of a for-
Carving Heta at Ooodfriond'H. tunc rnted In mlllloiiN li n lung step for
C. A. Malboouf of Portland is in u woman, but It turn U'en accomplUh-
thiH citv on u buniiio8 visit. ;wl "VhI Kunsoll of Chi-
E. K. Goro and II. G. Wortman loft coko m mile more timn tun years, ana
ruody moniing for the Applegate ,?"0,.!" " " ... "'"f
weeiion to unng in n uuiicli ol hoot . Uom In oil land. Kl. u went to work
I In a lawyer's olllee In ChlcnRO when
mho wan eighteen yearn old. nnd It
chanced that the mnn to whom sbo
wiih marrliil a year or two afterward
wan a practical oil man. Mm. Ilus-
ell took a keen Intm-flt in his work !
and on hlx death decided to go Into '
the oil IiiihIikwi hornelf. With tnoro j
than ordinary couruKC she riHked her
firm protltn on a trip to Venezuela nnd
wum ho pIcnHcd. with the oil pruupects
there she Iiurrltil hack to tho United
For wood of all kinds, hoc the Statox and tried to Interest American
Square Don'. Woodvnrd. Phone capital. Hut sue could tlnd few to
2(101. Fir Htreot, between Second ,,nro 'or '"h nnd tlimlly had to give
and Third utrcotf.. Gould & Lindley, thc "cheme A chance vUlt to
nniiiriotur "ill- yno county. KyH convinced her oil
pnipnoiur. -ui flc,(,s )c workw, nt n ,riJ,non(iOUB
" car Kuld a bhoo. pront there, hut once iiRnln nho found
lt vim u'rnit animiti.ilinii lev n 1 Cflnltn! shr. I'llillxillil voH lit" llin plnnmr
pant, thU will be a moHt onjoyablo , fc(U,k ,tl Mu j00ll Snow-Fail Floir. prophiKrIos of othem. Mm. Kusscll
program. Through the courtesy of jp Hni , .1 llug wm, iomom. spent every cent oho owned or could
Mr. Haielrigg tho oporu Iioubo Iim',,,,. . 1)lllHi ,,olk vV Si.,m .
boon given nnd tho oonunittoo in
Peach trcbs for nalo cheap,
ontin carload at 10 coii'.b each.
1). Patornon, Nash mtol.
Archdeacon of English Church is
Condemned for Quoting Scripture
In Defense of King Alcohol.
tab-Untied church hau had to fare
perhaps In a generation.
"Itornombor always," Mid ArMa
con Sinclair In a sermon la St. Aa
church hero, "that on tho occaafo
his first mlraclo our Lord creata! .
large quantity of wlno to lrff
tho harmless merrlmont and fcMHMr-
ncflfl of tho wedding guct."
He further declared that tha Mflp
turos do not condemn the use &t Iw
hoi as a borcrago, but doos co4tK
their abaso.
, MAMUiibbrbH, England, March! Ho concluded by saying that th
(22. For citing scrlpturo In support' attempt to crush tho liquor tra4 ly
, of his claim that the moderate use of ! "unjust, unequal and disproportion-.
alcohol Is harmless, Archdcavon Sln-ittt6 tftxal,n" waB a Pfr ot J
. T . . , .4 ctallstlc movomont which thret
; clalr of London has brought on hlm-tho HbcrtIcfl of England...
self tho bitterest non-conformist at- It wa8 this statement that eftiHw
tack a clergyman of tho English Es-jtho most strenuous opposition.
charge U Hparing 110 effort to mnka
thin the boot entertainment ever
Tens at Ooodfriond'H.
C. C. Coulter of tho -Oregon Orch
ard Syndicate wiih ndviHcd by wire
Monday cvuuing of tho birth of a sou
in Oakland, Cnl. Mrs. Coulter in re
ported an doing nieoly. She and
young Mr. Coultor will arrive iu n
few weoka to tnko up their roHideuee
In thin city. '
Wear Kidd'a 8hoe.
Mr. nnd Mm. 11. IC. Donl of Twin
Fnlln, Idaho, nro iu Medford.
Hath fixtttroH nt Goodfriond'a.
Mr. Nolllo Nowbury of. Jnokflon
villo wns in Modford Tuesday.
K. H, Snwyor for Burvoya. Subdi
yinion and platting a Bpocinlty.
Eooin 12, Smoriok.
Alra. Ellon Kubll of Jacksonville
wan a Modford visitor Tuosday.
Kitchen utoiiHlla nt Goodfriond's.
Mra. J. L. Hnmmorely of Gold Hill
Jind Mrn. T. E. Hnmniorsly of Port
laud Rpont Monday night in Modford.
Perhaps you nood a typowritor.
You onu Boctiro any nioko you wiah,
in. a rebuilt typowritor, at Tho Morri
vold Shop, nt a roamuinblo price.
John X. Millor loft Tuosday morn
ing for noHoburg to enter tho aol
.diors' homo at that pluoo.
Door mats nt Goodfriond's.
Mm. J. E. Enyart loft TuoRday
morning en n Visit to Portland, Spo
knno nnd othornorthoni pointn.
Wbitman'H cnudion nro unoxcollod.
Tho Morrivold Shop has tho oxoluu
ivo agonoy for Modford.
E. C. Pomoroy of Tho Mondowa
was a Moil ford visitor on business
Monday. .
Phono 2(101, Goodfriond's. '
Emeat Langloy waa iu Modford
from Jnoksouvillo Monday.
John n, Carkin, attomoy nt law,
over JaoltHiin County Hank. -
Mth. E. H, Snwyor roturnod homo
Sunday from nn oxtondod trip in tho
Cnrpot flwoopora at Goodfriond'H.
Mm. II. F. MoLoIInnd of Snn Joao,
Cal., who wns callod horo by tho
Buddon dontb of her eon, Harry A.
MoLelbind, toturnod homo Tuosday
. afternoon,
Wour Kidd'a cHioos.
Mm. IT. A. MoLolland loft thin aft
ernoon for Half moon Bay, Cnl.,
whoro sha will mako bor homo with
lior pnrontfl for a timo.
Bedding plnntH of all dosoription,
1)23 E. Main, Modford GroonhouHo.
Call or write for prioos. Phono 0011,
raixe In taking options and leases on '
laud, and, thoUKh the of her '
Omt wells was mich n to brine thou Private
minus or inventor anu pecumtors be
hind ber, Mrs. Itunnell had made such
roihI use of her start that she now has
sovernl thauKiiud acres under her com
plete and Individual control.
Advices From .
Edward sowed every sign of being in
a serious condition when ho appeared
on the streets yesterday.
It was reported that be was feeble,
and was so weak that be tottered
when ho walked. He only walked a
short distance before he grew so tired
that he wac unable to proceed. ;
The physicians In charge of his maj
Biarritz, st.v still continue to issue encourag-
Where King Is Under Treatment, inc bulletins, but the people are thor-
Young Man Steals Girl From Bo-
A Lingerie Sachet
Llnscrlo sachets nro tho most attrac
1 tlvc of all the many typos of pcrfumo
! holders. . The freshness of such a
neath Parental Roof and Mounts '8WOCt meiiing device is always as
sured when soap and water aro at
Wheel and Speeds to Parson. hand. The material used In thosachet
, illustrated la of tho Uuest handkerchief
linen, and the shape is square. The
SAN DIEGO, Cal., Murcu 22. '
rLocbluvur bud nothing on iuu,"l
sagely remarked F. M. Hall today,
referring to hia unusual inolorcyulu
olopomout with Miss Currio Clap,
the 10-your-old duuubtur of u
wealthy ruuehor of ltumoua.
Miss Clupp and Hall woro very
much iu love, bo atuted no much, 111 ,
fact, tliut tboy doteruiiucd to wed, hi
spite of tho objootiou of U10 young
ludy's father.
It wus arranged that lust evening t
Miss Carriq wnu to bo ready for Hull
when bo called, and togothur tboy
would t'ly to tho oity to bo made uiuti
and wifo.
Hull uppoarod oxaotly ut tha hour
arranged. Miss Currio truatiugly
ulipped from bouoatb tho parcutul
roof troo and doclurod horsolf ready
for tho trip to Snn Diogo.
Hull led his sweothourt to tho
roadsido. Instead of rostivo stools,!
loft in ohargo of u faithful groom, oj.g of tll0 txVo piecou of linen are
Contradict Official Bulletins
Physicians in Attendance.
LONDON, .March 22.Prlvato ad
vices today from niarritz, whore King
Edward Is under the care of doctors,
contradict tho official bulletins Issued
by tho king's physicians, in which
It Is declared that his condition is Im
proved. According to tho private messages,
jlaco but Ilttlo credence In the ro
ll orts that tho king is recovering
from a brouchial affection. I
We wish to nseure those who were
so kind to us durins our recent be
reavement of our sincere nppreeia-1
Hon of their help and sympathy. '
Raskins for Health.
For Sale
640 acres of Good Farming Land at $35.00 per acre.
Being situated three miles west of that place and
near the government irrigation canal. This land is
"selling at a BAHGAIN" and now is vour time to IN
VEST. For particulars write
Harry Moon Ge?mfiftowns, caiif.
AN AJIi Wlimt DM8I0N,
sho found 1111 oily motoroyolo louu
ing ngaiust u bfuo gum troo. It bud
sotttu for two.
Undaunted, tho inuidpu mounted
bohind bor lover, and ovor tho rough
country roads tboy bounced to San
Diogo, Tho marriago ceremony wan
porformod a eonut hour before Clupp
arrived on a foaming horso. Hall
add his brido woro forgiven.
Funeral of H. A. McLollan.
Tho funeral Horvicos of the lata II.
A. MoLollun woro hold Tuesday
morning ut 11 o'clock by Row Will
iam Luoaa of St. Mnrk't) Episcopal
Tho Interment took place in tho
Odd Follows comotory. A largo gath
ering of frionds attended tho coro
mony, y
Storo-growth follows does not
procodo, but follows growth and ox
pnnsion of tho storo ndvort'slug. .
niiBkins for noalth. '
buttoulioled, Iu n smnll scallop, and the
design and buttonholing aro done In
Tory flno whlto wash cotton. Tho in
nor pad covered with china silk la a
dollcato tono of pink is spread with a
layer of cottou batting and sprinkled
with sachot powder.
A Healthful Hint.
"LiiukIi nnd grow fat" Is an old
proverb, but Its real nicnnluK was not
understood until tho end of tho nlno
teontb century nnd then only by a fow.
Hut the therapeutic vnhm of inorrl
lucnt Is belni; recognised moro and
moro ami If Bonorally understood
would vory sensibly increnso tho sum
total of human happiness and health
fulness. If you want to tie a true frlond, an
wellwlsher to ono .who Is sick, do not
for nn Instant allow yourself to par
take of his or her low spirits or sad
ness, Do everything that will tend to
rouse and cheor the patient, to mako
him or her forgot, for a timo at least,
his or her pain or misery,
Table Ware
The Very Latest Ideas
Wo aro showing tho latest ideas in Tahleware and
invit o yon to call and inspect the same. If we haven't
just what you want, wo will get it for you.
Martin J. Reddy
The Jewler
Near Post Office
Ladies' Oxfords
For Easter
Large shipment received today of the famous
No shortage of spring styles now. Saye time.
Don't shop around for your Easter footwear. Ev
erything here the sort that society wears
SWELL, VERY-thc kind you want, but have
been unable to find.
The Popular Auto
Astonishing Number Sold
The Official Report of the -
(Under Selden Patent) ,
Shows the Number of Cars Manufactured During the
Quarter Ending December 31st, 1909, as follows:
No. of Care
Name . Manufactured.
1. BUICK .4437
2. CADILLAC .2156
3. Chalmers 1702
4. Maxwell-Briscoe 1628
5. Everett-Metzger-Elanders 1416
6. Overland 1177
7. Packard 1157
8. Reo 963
9. Hudson 4 755
10. Regal 716
11. Franklin ...:V. 522
12. Peerless '. 478
13. Pierce-Arrow 1 406
14. Mitchell .'. 371
15. Stoddard-Davton :.. 366
16. OLDSMOBLLE : 336
17. rapid : : : ,.. 335
18. Locomobile : 296
19. Pope-Hartford 281
20. Winton 279
21. Waltham 252
22. ELMORE .'.....I , 242
23. Thomas 228
24. Stearns : 198
25. OARTEROAR ...J!: ; 163
26. OAKLAND : 157
27. Autocar 156
28. Premier .'. 144
29. York 141
30. Stevens-Durvea :.; : , 137
31. Brush Runabout : 132
32. Nordvke and Marmon : '124
33. Studebaker ...f. 114
34. Jackson 108
35. Molino 107
The report shows that twenty-eight Members and
Licensees of the Association, not included in the
above list, built less than 100 cars each during the
quarter. Mombors and Licensees reporting for tho
year not included.
Medford Buick Co.
IlnskinB for Ilonlth,