MlSDffORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDffORD, OREOON, TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1910. OREGON APPLES LEAD 'MYSTERIOUS MURDER QUALITY MERE MAN DARES TO NEAR LOS ANEGLES REGULATE HAT PINS Consul-Gonernl Miller Writes That Police Wurklnu on Murder Case Near Chlcauo Councllmcn Pass Ordinance Orcuuii Should Control Drltlsh1 Market When Canal Is Opened. ; In a fortuor Ihhiiw 'van iiiiIiIIhIiwI KtaluiiiuiitB from Monty I). .MlHor, coiiHtil-Koiiurnl lo Ireland, with ro Kind to thu HtatiiH of t ho nutria t for tho Ori'Ki'ii npjilo in tliu I Irit IhIi IhIi-m, but wo a ro Hiira Unit nit our lounl ruudcrH will bu intorewtud in further MUtl'lllOllIri l'l'Olll till) h.iiiiu Niiunio. In n recent letter to u friend In I'ort Jiunl lio HU.VH in part : "I finil huro in Kuropo a tremoil iliniM market for itppluN. (I ion t llrlt niii alone Importa innro tlinn $10, (1110,(1110 worth por aiiiiitiii. 1 luivc boon iixniuininir thu iiiulity of t hi Muff thnt ooiih'h from Canada and the enntorn purl of thu United Klulw and 1 have houu itHtoulnhed at it in feriority. The pooroNt of tint Ore Kim prodiiot put on tho innrkittM in (superior to the avuraim Htuff im ported here. Tho j,'ond Oregon up p nit have already iiiinxl a reputa tion in the uiarhetH of Great Itril . aiu, and they Htand no far above all other importx that they really have no ooinpotilorn. lty thu timu tho I'auama canal 1h opened the Mate of Oregon and Wawliington oan find a market in Kurope for at leaHt $5, 000,000 worth of appleH each year, and all of thoHO tdiould be shipped direct from Portland in refrigerator NteainerH. The eont of traiiHporta tion will not oxueed ouo-luilf the preheat price. II now eontH about 7.r ecuth pur box to lay down npplon from Oregon in thu varioun buropeau market. Onuhalf of that will be a big priee for Mcamur traiiHporta tiou when thu uaual in oiwnod. "If Oregon taken advautagu if thin opiortiiiiity and plautH enough fruit to command tho control of thu importH of apploH of Kurope, aw it oan ciHily do, it will muan the ithlp iiioiii from Portland of approximate ly 100,000 boxcH of applen per week during the Hlupping henvon, to way nothing of thu inarketH in the United Stolon and other purtw of the world. Organization of lounl itNHocintiiuiM for growing and packing the fruit and a general organization of the variniiK nxHnoiatloiiK into the Helling ageiio' in all that in ruiptired to inako Portland the center of tlo largnM npplo-growiag diKtrint in the world. I hoK) thoHu facta will bo placed before the puople of Oregon in miuh a way (hat tho planting of apple, and fall and winter penra ih Well, will proceed rapjdly, k that when thu canal in opunud they will be prepared to taku advantage of those great mnrkutH. "Heforo coming to Huh part of tho world I had the improBRion that only IiIkIi-cIuhh fruit could possibly reach thoHu markets, but oxilinination into conditioiiH here Iiiih upHut that the ory completely, and I am now con vinced that Kurope is tho beat mar ket, Oreal Britain imperially, for our common apples, which would bo packed and nbippori as oohuimii grade. Tho groat bulk of apples con sinned horo nro uhoi! for cooking; piirixiKCH, coiiHequontly thoflo grades ; that are not so attraotivo in appear aneo for tohlo iiho, but aro oaiieoinllv good rooking fruit, will find tht I ...,v' iHitmuta. it in nun ,1'llllllfJ 111 tho mnrkot that IciiiIh Mich encour ognmont to tho indimtry in Oregon. The KiieccHH in commanding; tliin great market lien in the tremendously increased production of apples, to gether with a combination of tho spirit of Hkill, science and organiza tion that has already got such a splendid foothold in our state. Organization of growors neoda more encouragement for theso great markets, that aro soon to bo opened to our Ntnto. Thoro should bo taken up, in systematic way, porhaps by tho Commorcinl club of Portland, a careful study of this subject, a thor ough knowlodgo of thu markots, kinds of apples and penrs fitted to these markots, and tho varioties fit ted to the dlfforoiit loonlitiea in pro duction, should bo worked out on a brond and comprohoiisivo scnle." Los Aniiclcs, Which So Far Daf fies Efforts of Sleuths. Fixing Flno of $50 for Any Person Who Woars Lonu Hatpin. A SNAP IN ORCHARD LAND Ouo hundred and sixty ncres of free rod soil, 10 to 30 feet depth; two wells, about 20 acres cleared; a very gradual south hill slope; ono-half milo from poNtoffice, less than ono-fourth milo from school and seven and oiio-half miles southwest of Jacksonville. Only $20 por aero. Call on or address . JOEs THOMAS 222 80UTH HOLLY STREET. CHICAGO, III., March 22. women with long purses dare Outwear I.OH ANCIKMCK, C'al., March 22. MyHtorloiiH voices In the night, tho sound of shot followed by an ox- m;m i" thicago today, owing ; ultnnt Imuli. "ml tho hur.led depart-'to J1'" tton of the city council last: uro of an automobllo from tho Iho- '"K"t when an anti-hatpln ordinance; lated ranch houo on tho Lob Kolln ! ,w'7 mBu' rond near Jvai.1 ou, where tho rnntll- llc M0 ordinance enmo up for a atrd body of David W. Dwlre wn vo,0 11 ,cr('W(l "f Wo,no" ' found, aro a few of tho facts upon (Kllory, who had gathered to irotest which tho police today nro balnK("Knl,18t bil1 8turtt'1 11 1(,,"onHtra- fti MEDFORD, OREGON In Case of vSicKness PHONE 3 0 4 1 MEDFORD PHARMACY Ncnr LohL Orfico All Night Sorvico Freo Delivery tbelr simreh for the iierputrators of what they bollovo wkb a brutal mur dor. Dvlro, who w-uh S7 years of nr." Hud reputed It; bo wealthy, was a votorau of the Philippine campnlgn of thu BpanUh-Amorlcan var. Ills ,hoily was fount1 lying fnco downwnrd on a bed In tho ranch lioimv wlire ho lived alono. Thoro wore two bul- lui holes under the left arm and IiIb lgn and shoulders had been with a knife. Tho most li;nlflrnnt rart of the myAturlDU affair, the offlcors de clared, was tlio discovery of Dwlrc's rtKht uhoo and utoclcliicH, hlch were iiiIhsIuk '.vhen thu )oiy was found, hidden In the brimh In exactly tin spot whore tho bloody shlri that fur iiImIkm! a worthlofts ctuu In the Anna l'olt'toru murder cao had bMi found. It was Dwlre who found th garmiuit th:.t evidently was discard ed by the fiend who took'tho lift of the llttlo PoU'iera i;lrl a year ago tion. I Tho councilmcn, however, procced- Icd to cast their ballots, with the re sult that tho measure was carried by a voto of 08 to 2. i According to the ordinance, any woman caught wearing a hatpin which protrude more than half an inch from tho crown of her hat, is ' liable to arrest mid a fino of $.10. Tho ordinance was adopted, as it 'u'nu firipiimt tltrif lir.t.ii.iu .m.l.i.i- slashed "- gercd the faces, eyes and noses of other persons. P L U M BING Stoam and Hot Water Heating. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. j I. T. MOORE AND E. E. SMITH i Old Tribune Building. Phone U931. Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist All Ir'r, of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma chinery. Agents fn Southern Oregon for FAIRBANKS, MORSE L CO. REPORTED DEAD, BUT IS VERY MUCH ALIVE SEATTLK, Wash., March 22. Tho coroner's jury investigating the Wellington avalanche left for WeN lingtou by fepeeinl train at 0 o'clock yesterday, headed by Coroner ('. Snyder, to eomplote the taking of evidence. Tho jury will leave Wel lington on the return tonight and will probably reach its verdict before ar- Strange ease of.uiistakeu Identitv They also hoard "'V'"? ,to c' w"t in 1,10 in,lucwt n the oound 0f 1 h' 1oIcs of .Mn'borri' "'' twico Tltufrjt'u limit wnu frm inr Qiitf V 1)111 MHO IWIIIIM VMM , , a day. shortly afU-r midnight. Satur- r,v"'K in boalU day Dwlre's closest nelghbom heard voices In hU )ioue ll.r,.,, nhnt. nn.l tlinn (In. nf r" U01C8 01 .unyoorry, Ullt., tWICO Uaughter romlny from tho darkened 1 V ? . ' , I , ' HWnr" pluco. Ten m nutcs later an auto-,"" ""V, I" ,J"r ' ,u,,u,,v 10 mobile ,!f.Hl,..,l ,lnun flm Lou Pnllz '''J' "O had Walked to bfellic tilt rond. It contained four persons. Unit a dozen detectives from po lice headquarters were detailed todny to aoolNt the county deputies to search for the perpetrators. Officers were plared on the ranch and others In structed to follow each of tho sup posed clues. nay neioro me slid. Joseph Ilenior, a timber eruin-r. walked into the morgue yesterday and looked at ,i rorpc tagged "Jo seph Itcnier, Xo. 53." "Home miMake." .aid Ilenier. "J ' missed the train." ! REAL ESTATE Farmland Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work G uaranteed Prices Reasonable COFFEE.N a PRICE 11 North D St.. Medford, Ore. Phone 303 Medford Realty Co Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building BARGAINS for BUYERS 10-1 acres, cleared, close to station, 920,000. 42 acres, cleared, two and one-half miles from Medford, $9000. 20 acres, in pears, half mile from Central Point, $7000. 40 ncres, 25 acres in alfalfa ind irrigated; bcaatlfal view; $0000. 32 acres, bearing orchard, closo In, $2-1,000. HUNTLEY-HREMER Co. 214 FrtiitGrowers Bank Builcing FORMER MEDFORD MAN IS BURNED BY EXPLOSION A.L. VROMAN PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTOR in nun ii t'iMi-itvii iiUKU hi 1IV i XT 1 i ii it hapman lane, near I'ctaluma, CaI.f,iN Job to small, 110110 tooj .1. S. Stn;t,', formerly of .Medford. w)n hat a chicken ranch in thv ( had a narrow escape. Wednesday from heiitK burned lo death while at tending to a large brooder. The lamp in the brooder house exploded and tho flame enveloyed Mr. Stage;, badly burning his face and arm. Me xtitiiuuincd help and .later Dr. II L. Loroiitzeii uiik called and dreM-ed tho injuries, which are of a BeriouH nature. Tho brooder house and chickeiiH were Bacd. large. Twenty-five yenrs' prnetieal experience. OFFICE 113 SOUTH FRONT STREET. Grand Opening. To Whom it May Ooncorn: The formor famous chef at tho Nash Grill, Mr. Sam Look, will opou a firHt-olaRfl restaurant next Thurs day morning, nbovo Konnody's mi loon, No. 33 South Front utroot. En trance nt both HidoH. Only firnl olass inoala will bo Horvod, and jut tho name of tho proprietor 1h tho best guarantee Thin in tho only piano whore will ho aorvod chop suey and China noodles noxt month. Come and boo mo and I and you aro both euro you will eotno baok. Remember, I am willing and I preach what I promino. Yours truly, SAM LOCK, d ( to start U8inSS If OLYMPIC xPI II FLOUR w is now today." v1(j Win 'ii" d 'oiymplo Flour ft- , A ways innkrs gool S XsdmAl0t thlnc-RomI bread M ir dgk trltloua "tlr IM LPVMf K Uu't any Imt JM Medford Shoe Shining Parlor OH, HERE WE ARE AT LAST1 For ladies, gents, children, this in the place where you will bmv time and money by getting your kIiocs Hhined by an experienced artist. Oiling and. dyeing is my specialty. Now, don't forgot tho place, No. 4 South Central nvc ino. Open from 7 n. m. to 8 p. m.; Sundays till 2 p. m. Tho const Champion Bootblack. V, W. HOWARD, Prop. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Olfice: 209 WesOlnin St., Medford, Ore. 1 Operating Quarry at Cold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE AT YOUR GROCER'S roaiuarLOVBin UiujCo.,rokTi-Di, Oiuo Medford Bakery and Delicatessen All kinds of Bakory Goods and Delicatessen. Lun olios prepar ed for fishing and pionio par tiou, Satisfaction guaranteed. Ilnskins for Iloalth. Every Thursday Night At Smith's Hall on Grape and Sixtlt, and every second and fourth Mondny in theamonth. Six lesson card for $5 or $1 lesson. Learn to waltr.. Private lesson by appointment. Learn to dance and bo graceful, PROF.. AND MRS. JEROME, 124 South Central Ave. MITCHELL & BOECK WAGON MAKERS Wo mnko a specialty of rubber tiro work and or chnrd harrews and spray tanks, call at Merriman'a Shop Riverside Avenue A Child's Toy and A Woman's Utensil Any little girl of school age can iron her own apron with a General Electric flat iron. ' It u as easy as dressing her doll. There is no need of lifting or carry ing the iron. It needs no changing. It is always hot and dean, at your elbow. Think of its Convenience in the household, and the relief from having hot fires in the summer. For pressing seams in the sewing room it ii indispensable. The G.E. iron costs but little and may be used in any household wired for electric light. The cost of electricity is a mere trifle. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. "ft, For Sale - - - - Splendid Bargains Piecre, Shepherd &' Co., 128 East Main Street. A 5-room house, porches, plastered, modern, large barn, woodshed, new buildings; price $2500 and $1050 can remain one year at 6 per cent. Lot 50x168 feet. Three-fourths of an acre, South Central avenue, with building; easy terms, $1600. A 6-room bungalow, modern, maple floors, an extra good buy, $2000; North Riverside; $1000 can remain on place. A fine bungalow in Queen Anne addition, $2100; 5 rooms, bath, electric lights, fireplace, cobblestone foundation, corner lot. Can also sell you two as fine homes as there are in the city, one $5000 and one $6000. Come to office and let us show you these special bargains. "We1 also have good buys in ranches and small tracts. Pierce, Shephard & Co. 128 East Main Street. JkJS tTW CCJLONISTS RATES OREGON TO AND THE GREAT NORTHWEST The management of the Southern Pacific Co. (Lines in Oregon) takes great pleasure in an nouncing that the low rates from Eastern cit ies, which have done so much in past seasons to stimulate travel to and settlement in Ore gon, will prevail again this Spring DALLY from March 1 to April 15, inclusive. PEOPLE OF OREGON The railroads have done their part; now it's up to j'ou. Tho colonist rate is the greatest of all home-builders. Do all you can to lot east ern people know about it, and encourage them to come here, where land is cheap and home-building easy and attractive. FARES CAN BE PREPAID at home if desired. Any agont of the road named is authorized to receive tho required deposit and tolegraph ticket to anv point in the East. REMEMBER THE RATES From Chicago, $33; from St. Louis, $32; from Omaha and Kansas City, 25. This reduction is proportionate from all other cities. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon i