MEDFORD AtAIL TRIBUNE, MEDffOftD, ORIWON. SVNDAY, MARCH 20. 10.10. INC AGAIN TORPEDOES NOT BAIUNGER CASE HE, 28, SUES HIS DRAGGING ALONG LOVEJGED 68 Nelson Takes Stops to Prevent Row JUtotl, Makes Out Claim, Including In Houso From ( Interfering With Cost of Flowers, Cnudy, Etc., Continued Activity of Investing-' A""1"81 Charmer of CO Fair lug Committee. . ! Summers. m John P. Cudahy and Mrs. Cudahy, Figures In Sensational Kansas City Case. IS IN F Eastern Turfmen Arc Looking For ward to Best Year tho Turf Has Seen for Many Years Past and Much Sport is Expected. Philadelphia Strikers Use Signalling Torpedoes to Frlnhtcn Passengers and to Keep Them From Using tho Company's Cars., RAG AVOR DYNAMITE USED NEW YORK, MArch ID. Eastern turfmen nro looking forward to the lii'st yenr tho sports of ldugs hns enjoyed since tho fiorco war against the tracks began several years ago. While it is true that managements l several of the eastern tracks do not believe their properties will pay any dividends this year thoy hope that they will make expenses and cxpact n good attendance. Brighton. Empire City, Jamnicn and Aqueduct, with thrifty prudence. havo pooled their interests and as a result while thoy may not make monoy, no one is expected to suffer n heavy loss. These four tracks have allotted to them 82 dnys of racing Aqueduct and Jnmaica, days each; Empire City, 12 days, and Brighton, 14 dnys. The last two tracks declined to hold fall meetings and it was on this decision that tho suggestion was made that the four tracks pool their interests. It is easy to understand how dif ficult it is for a racetrack in the east to make money since the regu lar betting was barred. Every race goer probably knows that one of the biggest revenues of a track in tho old days came from the bookmak ers, who paid high for their privi lege. When regular betting was done away with the receipts of the tracks fell off at once, and, to make mat ters worse, tho attendance, too, fell off for a time. Last year, however, the attendance began to bnild upj again, and a big patronage is look-id for this year. PHILADELPHIA. Pa., March 1!). Polico investigation today dis closed that the reported bomb out rages in Philadelphia, following the failure of strike conferees to agree wcro really explosions of percussion torpedoes used by railway trainmen ns signals. They believe that the caps were exploded to frighten passengers and prevent them from riding on tho cars of the hiladelphia Hapid Trniwt company. Ono car was lifted from the tracks by the force of theh explosion and tho polico believe that several tor- IkhIoos were used in an effort to Avrck the car. LOS ANGELES POLICE SEARCH FOR ROBBER LOS .ANGELES, Cal., March 19. Renewed search for tho street ear bandit who Is operating In Los An geles was ordered by tho police de partment Tho thug appeared shortly after midnight at tho end of tho- West Sixth street line, where ho held up the crew of an owl car less than a week ago, and at the point of a rovol ver relieved tho conductor of a lato car of $20. The police believe tho robber to be the samo man who recently hold up the passengers of a Santa Monica- bound Los Angeles street car. They have no description of him, however, as his face has been covered by & black mask on all of his appearances. Wolgast to Meet Moran. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. March 19. Ad Wolgast, who recently won the lightweight championship of the world by defeating Battling Nelson, announced today that he would next meet Owen Moran, the English light weight, at Los Angeles. Wolgast did not state when the light would take place, but intimat ed that the whole affair had been ar ranged excepting the date. Miss Robertson to Lecture. NEW YORK, March 19. Beatrice Forbes Robertson, the English ac tress, is preparing today to give up the stage for the lecture platform to advocate the principles of wom an's suffrage. Miss Robertson will visit Colorado, Wyoming and Utah with Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, the suffragette, load er. She will resign from the cast of the New Theater hero on April 21. 3 WASHINGTON, 1). C. March 10. Tho Hcimtonnl wing of tho Hal lingcr-l'inchot invustigntlug ooni millet) took notion today to prevent discontinuance of the Ijourtngrt (lur ing tho Hpenkuivlitii fight in thu lower house. HALTIMOHia, Md March 1I. Tho usual onlor ot broach afirnmlie suit n Ih lovniNud In omJiiHtf brought by Prnnlt Cnttortnu iiKulnnt Mm. Lucy W. MoKnlght. Cnttcrton In 38 ycnr old, whllo Mr-. McKulKht In f.S. Cat torton nnlH 120,000 drilling'1, tlio To Insure it continuation of 111.' r,"ll1 cluilliirf bouquet-, candy and hcuringrt, Senator Kelson unnouiiccil that when tho regular nuorum of seven wuh not proxuut; fivo iiioiiiIioih of the committee would ho consider ed u tu'iinto Huh-coiuiuittce to evidence. The director of tho reclamation service corroborated tho tosliiiionv of Chief Engineer A. P. Davis of thu reclamation sorvico regarding n talk with Soorotary Halllngor in which ho said that Itnllingor ospreHsod the Itoliof that tho withdrawal from en try of publlo lauds by Secretary Clnrfiold was Illegal and that the land should bo restored. Attomoy Popper, for Pinchot, ro- vorted to lottore written by Unllin- gor oxplalnliip bin notion in restor ing watorpowor sites to entry. The otter stated that tho restorations woro based upon tho directions of tho reclamation service, or because tho In ml restored was no longor neces sary for watorpowor sjtcs. Newell declared that tho Btato meuts woro In cousoipionco, saying: "On tho contrary, I protested against tho restoration, ovon when the secretary called upon us to roc ommond them." tlH'ntur tickets which h" liivliiheil up on tho widow during tholr lovo-iuiiU-lng. Tho plaintiff Is a linotype opcr ator. Mrs, McKnlght Is well to do, having SftSfi.OOO In bnnk, boslden owning securities worth $25,000 and at leant six plerns of property. About throe years ago Cnttcrton met Mrs. McKnlght at a social gath ering at her homo, The widow Invited tho young tnnn to call again, nnd he boenmo a dally visitor for about 18 months. Then, It In nllogod, Mrs. Mc Knlght proposed that they marry. Ho agreed, and a month or two Inter obtained a marrlago llconno. Mrs. McKnlght was to meet her flanco to go to a clorgymnn'n home to havo tho cororaomy performed, he- says, but when ho wont to her home tho told him iho had changed her mind nnd that thoy would wait until ho bnd her Iiouro fixed up nnd they would bo married there. Afterward, It Is declared, Mrs. McKnlght still declined to mnrry, but told Cattorton nho would leave him $1D,000 In her In the accompanying picture the man marked "l" w John I'. Cudahy, one of thu principals In the sensational cutting iim in K.'itwii" City. M.. In win u Jere V. I.Hlli, a mllllnnnlre banker, was cut up liy a knlfu wielded, it is allfgvd Ity foil 'by In the other group the woman nurkeil 'T is Mrs Cudahy, who denies that her liusband hnil i Hn to t LmiIouh of Mills. Citduliy Is a m;tni,T of thu well known family of packing house millionaire. f Weird Race Run. VANCOUVER, H. C, March 19. Vancouvor today I discussing a wlord Marathon "rnco" horo last night, when St. Yves stopped flvo laps from tho end of tho rnco to tlo his ehoo laco, and Dornndo sailed past him and crossed tho tape first. Tho rnco was a lC-mllo nffalr, John Marsh dropped out at tho tenth lap with a stralhed tendon. Bt. Yves should have won, but appoarod to purposoly allow Dorando to finish first. Tho tlmo was 1:27:30 2-6. VfJL 1 Meteor Is Seen. BAN FRANCISCO, Cal., March IP. -Tho local nowspnpor offices woro swamped by Innumerable telephone cnlls today from poopl who wanted to "know whoro tho meteor struck." Tho brilliant wnndoror shot ncrois tho Bouthorn skies shortly before 10 o'clock last night nnd disappeared near tho Farralono Islands, 30 miles at tea. According to numbors of witnesses, tho meteor omlttod rod, yellow nnd green light, and was tatlod Hko a. comet. This led to tho Itollnf tlmt Hnlley'o comot hnd taken a short cut bck to earth. t i Centemeri Gloyes Kaiser Gloves EASTER SALE Thompson's ' Corsets Glove Fitting SALE RUNS JUST ONE WEEK CLOSES SATURDAY, MARCH 26 WE QUOTE BELOW ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIAL PRICES TO BE FOUND IN THE STORE. TTTT.q Tfi A PfRNTTTTJT! SAT.P. a mhtjp.v havpp xnr vnn a vTa TO THE STORE THIS WEEK WILL PROVE THAT WE ARE SELLING A LITTLE BETTER GOODS FOR A LTTTTR TRSS MOTJT.v' tttan vhtt n atot -rttv vrAvxiruv-ov (yp.T HTTP ppTmn nw tmtrtj'SI finrrns srDT!rt at. Trannmrrpa o-kt -wrnoT t?wtv ttwu .1. . Table Damasks Easter prices that will please all: 50c grade 43c 75c grade,, 63c $1.00 grade 73c $1.35 grade 99c $1.50 grade $1.29 $2.00 grade $1.49 Towels Complete in every detail is our Towel Department, and we quote the following low prices for your inspec tion: 10c Cotton Huftlitv.v..,. 7c 1 15c Cotton Huck 12y2c 121ACL Huck 10c 25c Cotton Huok 20c BROWN TURKISH TOWELS 15c values 10c 1 25c values 20c STAPLES STAPLES Although the cotton markot is the-highest now that it has been in years, v bought before the raise, and if you will compare our prices with others, we know you will be interested, 10,000 yards 5c House Lining, per yard '. 4c 10,000 yards 8 l-3c House Lining, per yard 7c 5000 yards Hope Bleached Muslin, worth 120 yard, per yard 10c 20 per cent Discount on all Muslinwear and Shirtwaists Easter Offers in Dress Goods 50c values 43c 58c values 48c 98c values 78c $1.25 values 93c One lot of 35 pieces of Dress Goods in fancies only, values to $1.25 a yard. Easter sale price 89c a Yard BLEACHED BATH TOWELS 20c value 15c 25c value 20c 40c value 35c 50c vslue 60c value 39c .49c LADIES HOSIERY 25c grade Burson Hose 20c 25c grade Ribbed Hose ! ;. 20c 35e grade Pine Lisle Hose 29c 50c grade Fine Lisle Hose 39c Blacks, tans, browns, whites, etc., etc. EXTRA SPECIALS Just received, 100 dozen Depondon No, 1 Hose, the best value in Medford at, 25c, dur ing the Easter Sale wo will sell them at 3 PAIRS FOR 25c 50 per cent Discount on Ladies', Misses, Children's Coats NOTIONS Easter bargains: Paper Pins 4o 5c cubo Pins .'. 3c 10c cubo Pins 6c 5o box Hairpins 3c 10c box Hairpins 10c 5c Collar Supporter Sotts 3c John Coats Thread, 8 spools 25c Easter White Goods Sale Every desirable pattern in white goods known. Our stock is complete, and we are safe in saying that you couldn't find a better assortment in Portland. Dimi ties, Jacquards, Likelinen lawns, and Flaxons, in all colors, plain and fancy: 25c grade 20c 45c grade 39c 35c grade ..30c 55c grade 47c HUTCH SON MO MEDFORD - - OREGON Ginghams At Easter Prlcos. 10c values 9c l2'2c values 10c 15c values I212c 25c values 20c 35c values 20c Our stock Is complete and wo havo every desirablo pattern that may ho wanted. Auto Veils Just received, an ontiro now lot in all t!w leading colors and styles, bargains at $1.59, $1.98, $2.49, $2.79 Groceries 8 l-3c Rice, 20 pounds . Best Sugar, 14 pounds .$1.00 .$1.00 Red Mexican Beans, 1G pounds $1.00 Good 25c Coffco, 0 pounds $1.00 Good Hard Wheat Flour, per sack $1.60 -