6 medford mail tribune, medford, ok-egon, Sunday, lvroh 20, 1910. THIS SERMON IS A REGULAR WEEKLY FEATURE !g (Jfp. p)'J n, 1 1 iqod COO"' - ' Q .lute our text. Joshua iiercelved that ( ' PEOPLE'S! PULPIT... Sermon by CHARLES T. RUSSELL, Pattor Brooklyn Tubcmacle. mQOO O- WtaWnRton, D. a, March Ik-Pastor Xsssoll or the Brooklyn Tubcrna. tltf. New York, breached here twice today to eplemlld nudtettres; One of his discourses was entitled, "The Over throw of Satan's Umpire." We rerort the other one from the text abore quoted. Pastor Uussell salds- X Christians In the Uuht of this wonderful Twentieth Century we stand at the parting of the ways aud must dtslde for right or for wroug, for truth or for falsehood, la respect to our religious convictions. Without questioning the sincerity of our fore fathers, we all object to their theology It Is In vain that ministers and Bible class teachers longer deuy the tacts of the case. Nor will intelligent and honest people agree that it is right that through their creeds they should profess ono thing, and in their lives a ml general conversation they should ignore or absolutely deny the teachings of those creeds. Yet this is the position of practically all the think lag people of Christendom. Their con sciences will not stand tor this ranch longer. If they refrala from telling the Troth and taking their stand for H, they will uot only eear their con "sciences (I Timolhy ir, 2) and corre oaUlBgly separate themselves from God's" favor, but additionally their coarse will sooner or tater bring upon the in the disapproval and contempt of all besest people. For although the Masses are not yet aroused on the sul Ject. they are rabidly getting awake. Do you wish me to Illustrate what X mean? Do you wish me to show lu what respect all denominations are ashamed of their creeds and anxious .to hide the fact that they ever pro fessed them or were anxious to give them some new Interpretation more consistent with the broader thought and saore generous sentiment common to civilised man in this Twentieth Century? I will do it Our Methodist friends are ashamed f that feature of their creed which de clares that the Almighty is now doing everything that Divine Wisdom and Power can accomplish oa behalf of our poor race to bring all to a full knowledge of Christ and to opportu nity of faith and obedience. They real ize that there is a weakness In this argument. And when they protest that God must work through means, and beace that the responsibility lies at the door of Christian believers to carry the Uos'wl to the heathen, they realize that this Is an illogical argu ment too. For why should our Great Creator send to eternal torment mil lions of his creatures, because of an Insufficiency of real on the part of come of their more enlightened fellow-creatures? Acknowledging the Inconsistency of such a theory our good Methodist brethren tell as that .they hope that God bas'some other way of saving the Ignorant of heathen lands 'and, perhaps, of civilized lands. We appreciate the lorlng heart which prompts this answer and we agree that it is true that God has another way for these. But when we attempt to point out what that other way is, some of these dear friends in quire, Is It Methodism? Did John .Wesley preach It? Our answer la. No, Brother Wesley did not preach it and 4Jd not know of it Not because it Is sew, but because it is so very old and was lost sight of during the "dark ages" for fifteen ceuturles before Brother Wesley was born. Qe was feeling after It. yearning for it, bun gerlag and thirsting for it. but the "due time" for it to be made known to God's people bad not yet come in Brother Wesley's day. He preached the eternal torture of all mankind, ex cept the sanctified believers In Jesus the Savior. But In his preaching of the love of God he was used of the Almighty to wondrously prepare the hearts of Christendom for the broader message of 'he Bible now due to be seen and understood. Wesley's Gos pel of the love of God has mellowed the heart of Christendom, which once was frigid under the cold teachings of Foreordlnatlon, Predestination, etc . of the Westminster Confession of Faith once the basis of nearly all Protestant Communions, If we and our Methodist brethren could maintain the same degree of spiritual warmth that Wesley and their forefathers enjoyed wo might do with out further instruction. But we can not do this! None can stand still: Christians today are losing their holi ness, their Kaiictlflcation their zeal for God is giving placo to zeal for a sect. The light of the Millennial morning which for a century has been gradual ly breaking upon the world, stimulat ing thpught in every direction, makes It necessary for our Methodist breth ren, as well as for us all. to awaken to the wonderful privileges of our day for Bible study; to usccrtnln the real teachings of God's Word, which. In the lark past we all seemingly maunder stood and misrepresented. Already the naost intelligent one-fourth of Moth odisra not only rejects Brother Wch ley's theory, hut nliis. repudiates the Hl'hlo also! It nwcpiR Instead of Sal ration that most dangerous form of infidelity known ub Higher Criticism and thnt most unSfrJptunil proposl- Choose Tc This Day 'Between Truth and Error. "Choose You Thu Day Whom YcW&Scrve... li Jehovah Be God, Serve Him" (Joshua xmv, 15). ooO j tlon of butnati Evolution, which denlet . the fall of our race and makes void .Christ's redemptive work and the glorl- ous result thereof uutuan restitution (Acta IU. 10-23). Bury ths Dtad Past. God forbid that we should bury any of the doctrines of Christ and tils twelve apostles! On the contrary let us strive to resurrect these from the rubbish of human traditions whicn eighteen centuries have piled upon them. Let us Instead bury our man made creeds, of which we are all ashamed. Our Presbyterian friends some years ago set a noble example to all Christendom In the burial of tbelr Confcsslon of Faith and their substttu tlon Instead of a much simpler and much more rational statement. But, No, I must correct myself here. This Is what they should have done but did not do. Instead of burying the old creed, not only from sight, but also from odor, they have merely covered the corpse which is admitted to be dead and placed the briefer and better Confession atop the winding-sheet. They assuredly declare that it la not a ruMitute but merely a representative statement. Flence every time we read the re-statement, we must bold our noses to avoid contamination from the odors of the carcass beneath. Not all must do this, for, as the Apos tle suggests. All have not their senses exercised to discern. But all intelli gent Presbyterians are bring rapidly driven not only away from Calvinism, hut, alas, away from the Bible also, because of their erroneous supposition that the teaching of Calvin and the teachings of the Bible are one and tbe same. These bright minds are not merely lost to the Christian forces. Thpy be- cotne active agents in the promulga tion of anti-Biblical teachings. They are engaged In pulling down the Bible and substituting for its teachings Dar win's Evolution theory. These sincere men are to be found in tbe faculties of all of the Colleges, in the highest pul pits throughout tbe land and In the most prominent positions In business and social life. Their loss of faith In the Bible has not made them murder- era or thieves. Their noble inheritance from tbe past preserves to them an up rightness of character which tbe loss of a fear of hell-torment has not under mined, While they are no longer Christians from tbe Bible standpoint no longer believers In Jesus as .a Re deemerthey are stUI believers in Jesus as a great Teacher and a noble Leader of men. They fall to discern tbe fact that if he posed as tbe Sou of God and tbe Redeemer of men, and was not such. Instead of being a noble example, his Ufo and teachings were most stupendous frauds and decep tions. Baptists and Dltclple Awakening. When we say that this awakening is also reaching our Baptist uud our Disciple brethren, let it not be under stood to mean that all of these nave been asleep until now. Perhaps it would have been better for them it some who have gotten awake during the past thirty years bad slumbered longer. Those long awake have prin cipally gone off into Darwinism and Higher Criticism. Baptist and Disci ple schools and Colleges and Theolog ical Seminaries, like those of other de nominations, are manned with the brightest minds of tho denominations, and all with ouc accord teaching High er Criticism, infidelity aud Darwinian Evolution. With one accord all are engaged In overthrowing tho Christian Faith of the rising generation. Tbey are doing this Intelligently, wisely, cunningly, but uot with evil motive. Having gotten awake to tbe Inconsist encies of their creeds these scholarly men, concluding that the creeds truth fully represented the Bible, abandoned faith In tbe Scriptures to tbe same de gree that they have abandoned faith In tho creeds which their intellects have repudiated. Now they are seek ing to gradually help Christian people of all denomtuatiohs to what they con sider the higher plane of Truth. What they have- almost anything In fact Is better than tbe "creeds" tbey have repudiated. Tbey are working bartl and succeeding well in introducing their faith-destroying theory into the minds of the rising generation through the scbool books. From these they not only iiavo eliminated everything sympathetic with Bible faith, but In the stead have introduced the sub versive doctrine of Evolution, As for the rank uuu tile of Baptists and Disciples, probably three-fourths ! of them still bold vaguely and ludetl ! nltely to the Bible and their Coufes jslons of Faith though both of tbese 'denominations In their luuocency of I mind think that they have no creeds Unit they take the Bible only. As these dear friends awaken to tho In ! consistencies of their Confession uud I teachings they are In great danger of i following their leaders Into a repudia tion of everything pertaining to the past Into Higher Criticism-Infidelity and Darwinism, "Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve." Joshua's words to tho Israelites, aft er they bad come Info Canaan, consti tute our text. Joshua perceived that the Israelites were In n trying position and that It was their duty to decide promptly and thoroughly which course they would take. So we may see to day that Christians of all denomina tions are In a trying position and thnt a prompt decision to stand by God niul the Bible Is the tiewsary thing for those who would ho delivered from the darkness of the past and avoid rullliiu luto the Adversary's kiyih deception u the prm-m-lnto which their leader? are guUlltiQ them Unless they heed steedlly, the blind leading the bllin will fall Into tlm ditch of Harwlnlsitt and the niltv of Higher Criticism There are not ninny way tt escape this threatening calamity: There I" only one way the IWtile way Mini: Baptist and Disciple uiluWters are In coming awake to the Inconsistencies w. their positions and drifting wlthoir foreknowledge of where their cout will end. For Instance. I have befor me the words of the Rev Dr Mac Don aid of my own city. Brooklyn, on Feb ruary 27th. This gentletnuu speak ul the Baptist Confession of Faith w "these swaddling clothes of an anctmf doymatUm.'' And respecting the Bap tlst doctrine which recognizes only lin mersed persons as members of the Church of Christ and heirs of salva tlon. be says, "Uencelorth it can be r garded to te a dri at the atle$ o Sodom and Uotnorrah, and as cttrthri buritd." The gentleman rejoiced th-i receutly a Baptist minister bad bi-i ordained to" the Sixth Avenue HaptN. Church of Brooklyn who atllruii'd in advance that he would Invite all t commuulon und Church mcmbershl who loved the Lord Jesus. He urged that -associate members" should ! received luto Baptist communions "without imposing baptism uxn them." This courageous brother falls to set' wherein the course he advocate i Illogical. What he ueeds to see W un real teaching of the Bible ou tbe sin. ject of Baptism that It is baptism Int. Christ's death, and thus Into the re" Church of Chrlst-not tbe Rapt I' Church, nor any other human orgaui..i tlon. but the Church of God-"lh-Church of the firstborns, whose uauie are written In heaven " That roll tun talus tbe names of all the saiiiut faithful, cousecrated believers In th. Redeemer of all denominations ami outside of all denominations. j I Sanctify Them Through Thy Troth, it Is nor sutUclent that we net rid i! tbe errors uud superstitious of the past. We must supplant those with the Truth, that "We may be able tr withstand In this evil day" (Ephcslati vl. 13) It nlone will constitute thJ armor of God Chrlstlnn people boh much precious Truth, but hold It i: so Illogical and confused a mautii that it fall to give them the ueedit. strength. God permitted us to ruin to this very hour aud has permlttt-t the present tests for the purpose of developing the characters of the "Ik raelltes Indeed, in whom Is no guile. and for tbe purpose of gathering mi. from them all the tares, all the ehail and all not at heart copies or bis ilea: Son. Let me now briefly suramnrm the errors of our creeds and briefly in dicate tbe Bible remedy. Nono of our Creed were too strl in defining the salutlluess of tit Church class, luvlted to become tl. Bride of Christ and his Jolnt-belrs h his Kingdom. On the contrary, i. many respects they were too ltnn- they were not nearly up to the stand ard of the Master's word, "If any iiiui. will be my disciple, let him take i, his cross und follow me." "Strait i the gate and narrow the way wlu leadetb unto life; aud few there . that flod It" (Matthew vll. Hi. Jesu- taugbt that hl. followers must'driM of hla can of KUtfrrlrnj and te fctt.fi."' Mo hi death nm not merely Into wr. ter. Our too-low staudards have n ' mltted to membership In all detmmiit tloim millions who are far lielow tl: Master's standards. Our error nnd deception was the sup position that all who ure not saintly all who would not become the Bride u. Christ, all who are not baptized Into hi" death, all who do not drink of bis nip of Ignominy will be eternally torturnt This great mlstnke common to nh Protestunts (and in tbe roucu modi- fled form of Purgatory shared also t, Catholics) must be displaced by tin- Bible teaching that as soon as the elect Church shall be completed uud glorified the autltyplcal Year t .lulu lee will begin; llmi then for (In III"" snud years of the reign of Christ and the Church ns tbe spiritual Semi Abraham, the non-elect, or all the fan. Hies of the earth will be blest by Hi elect (Gulatiaus III, 111. '.II; Acts ill. 10-2.D. Let us. dear brethren, ehoos.- this day to stand by the Word of God to reject all human traditions contnirv to It uud to hold fast the things thai are true. just, loving, good. if occasionally u thmmhtlesH frlmi. asks. Why do you believe In a Miller nlum? answer that It Is one of th oldest doctrines of Christendom and above all, the Blblo doctrine. Answer thut he who does not believe In tlo Millennium and the resurrection tin t of the world of mankind-"All tlitf aro In their Kraves"-must account foi tlte dead In Home other way-mils' claim that tbey hare been experleii Ing pain or pleasure for thouHumls ' years, or must claim that they are e. tlnct as the brute beast and will haw no resurrection or muni believe lu u. I versul salvation regardless of a kuou: edge of Christ or obedience to lilt On next Lord's Duy, wo will dim u the Millennium and show Its almoin' necessity, not only from a Rlble stain' point but also from a scientific stai ' point. "Choose yo this day"-to sun for the Ill'ile aud reason and to op pose the ( ceds of tho dark ages una their unreason! I IT St. Louis Man Says That When Ho Took Wlfo No. 2 He Didn't Know What Was Happening. . ST.' LOUIS, Mo., March 1!. Psychologists are much interested in flirt ennn nf OlmvInJ It. llrimiinnml a member of n wealthy St. Louis fam ily, who asserted under oath that ho had no remembrance of his second nmrriago recontly. Drumtnond toK'ificd in court .hero yestordny thnt his "suh-cotiBcious self" was in control nnd thnt his rcnl 6olf was unnwaro of his faffs when ho married .Miss Charlotte J. Bent, n minis,tor's daughter, on Jan uary 25. At that time- ho had been divorced from his firnt wlfo jn( four woekS Drumiuond'H pcouliar case wan brought out in court yesterday when ho wuh testifying against his first ( wife, whom hu licensed of contmupl , of ootirt in refusing to penult him ' lt visit thoir three children. . Death ot E. C. Dah. K. C. Diihl, nged :t years, died ntj tho tosidoiu'o of An nut Wylund in ( Korlh Mrdford, Saturday, of dnus. Young Dnhl eumo hero several montliK ago fur tlu benofit of his health, but he came too Into. His rciimmn wilt ho iui to St a pies, .Minn., for interment, under in structions from hiti brother, dolin, C. Dnhl, of thnt place. Animal Insurance Wo Insure Horses nntl Cattle Analnst Death From Accident, DIs- oast or Fire. NATIONAL LIVESTOCK INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, i. E. Tull, Anont, Modfortl. Of n lot of your vnlunblo business ncqunitilnncoa you can probably nay "got acquainted with thorn first through answering a want ad." Ilufkins for Health. Work Shoes $2.50, $3.00 AND $3.50 THE KIND THAT WEAR Suitable for any kind of outdoor work. Wq just received a large shipment of these yesterday. AVo 'know you will say they are the best values you ever saw in Medford for the money. At Van Dyke's CpMPLETE LINES OF EASTER FURNISHINGS For men, wonion aiid children. Select your noekwear and fancy goods here. MEN'S GOODS New showing of Neckwear, Soft Shirts in many new patterns, etc. v CORDUROY PANTS SPECIAL "While they last, we are selling the regular $1.00 val ues in men's and boys' tan corduroy (frfj pants at, pair ipZOD COMPLETE LINES OF SHOES AND OXFORDS VAN DYKE'S DRY GOODS FURNISHINGS SHOES Good Buys In Real Estate IT WILL PAYjTHE BUYER TO INVESTIGATE FIRST We hav city property of all kinds. SECOND "We have orchard tracts of all kinds. THIRD We have cultivated land of the best qual ity in Rogue River valley, Roseburg, Eugene and Willamette valley. FOURTH We havd large tracts of unimproved lands in and about Rogue River valley that we will sell in large or small tracts to suit the purchaser Jackson County Realty Co. Street Number 604 West Tenth. Phone 141. Come and see our holdings. We also have modern rooms to rent. Easter Millinery A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY ALL ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO CALL AND INSPECT THE FANCY NOV ELTIES AND LATEST HEADGEAR Reasonable Prices MRS. W. I. BROWN KENTNER CO. BUILDING-SECOND FLOOR 1 - i.i. A CHAFING DISH PARTY . Jm Anothor ploaouro that oomoa to J tho homo llghtod by Elootrlclty Is m thn nan nr nn k nntr n nnniinfT riinn. 'As a moans of amusomont, tho chaf ing dish has moro dollghts storod away for Its possessor than almost any othorartlolo In tho homo. Moro nunr. If la nstnfiil. A dnlntv lunchonn oraf tor tho thoatro party, In fact most of tho In formal affalrsat homoaroonhanood by Its ueo. it oan bo attachod to any olootrlo light sookot ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Investments 10 ACRES Between Hillcrest road and Medford Heights,' close to Siskiyou; good soil aud magnifi cent view of valley. A SURE MONEY MAKER. Price reasonable. STRICTLY MODERN BUNGALOW 8 rooms and fine sleeping porch; fine fireplaco, etc.; all selected material used in coanstruction by expert workmen; large lot, 50x200; grounds well kept; a strictly mod ern home on tho best residence street in the city; $5000, terms. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW Modern conveniences; closo to -Main street in fino locality; extra bargain at $3000; good terms. TWO FINE LOTS Close to Oakdalo; east front; mon-i ey makers at $525 each. FINE LOT 00x100; east front; block from Oakdale; some nice fruit trees; $025. LET US SHOW YOU Wo havo some fino lots in Roso Park. We can suit you; $350; terms to suit you. Wright & AUin 128 EAST MAIN PHONE 2501 V t --- ' --