14 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1910. AflSRS FLOCK TO AID OF WIDOW OESHlIre Gate Receipts of Opening Oty at Ceronario Polo Touurna wml Wttl Go Given to Widow. 1 10 START ALBANY INIERTA1NED MAY 15 TAFT AND EARL GRAY Colored Heavyweight Says He Does j Governor-General ot Canada and Not Intend to Get Into Condition, President Taft Both Guests at! and Then Go to the Bad. j Capital of New York State. SAN DIEGO, Cnl., March 10. H entire irate receipts of the. open "f? t tlio Coronnddo polo field -rill he turned over to the widow of 3nha Dustin Freeman, the iwio $inyr wko lost his life nftcr being iv.nrwl in n practice Rnmo at Coro aae -week iro. This was the nii aewftceiaent made by the officials in wfcsTte of tho meet today. 'Hw opening; same will ho played 13eiwea Coronado and the South west Polo club. Tho turf was in cx jtmRaat eendition and crowds wnrc ttxpeelel to witness tho opening of 4!C big tournament. Tamrrow tho English team meets -She Sfosbers of San Mateo and on 3fiiaiy the BurlinRame champions aneet Berajosillo. On Tuesdny tho utxrimi round in tho championship swedes -will bo played and on Thurs day iko finals for tho Sprccktes Ttmpicy are scheduled.. On Wednesday and Saturday of tnt week tho pony races and pym "Sthtam events will bo played and on litre -fsHo-winf: week the consolation mtp will be contested for by the ties ins "losing their first contests. MIGTON DEAD BURIED IN 8FATTLE CHICAGO, 111., March 1!). "I'm- ALBANY. X. Y March -UKAM not going to spend a half year to pet hany entertained both Presitlent into condition for Jeffries and then 'Taft and Enrl Grey, govcroor-jr.eii- j pet rusty before tho big doinps on j oral of Canada, today. The city was j tho coast July A," said Jack John-'gny with huntinp and British and j son; heavyweight champion, today, 'American flaps wero displayed on outlining his plans for his set-to on , every side. J tho coast with Jeffries. j The Taft party arrived at 2:30! "I have ripped up a gymnasium in . this afternoon and were met bv j my barn on the south side," ho said. , Governor Hughes and Mayor Mo "Roads around hero are just as good Ewnn, Tuft's classmate at Yale, ns on the coast. My training nil Tnft was escorted to the e.xeon Chicago will work off n little of the ; tivo mansion of the governor by extra weight, and then about the Troop E of the nntional guard, middle of May I will leave for Frisco Shortly after 4 o'clock the prcsi nnd take up the hard part of the j dent, tho governor and other nota grind. I am in good shape now. ; hies left tho executive mansion in You know, tugging nt an auto is up I automobiles for llarinanus-Blcccker cinch." - hall to attend the state tuberculosis Johnson will leave Chicako for New York next Monday to stand trial for assaulting Norman Ptnder. Following the trial ho will again take to the footlights. NEW WALL PAPER OUR NEW PAPERS HAVE ARRIVED AT LAST. EV ERY ROLL IN OUR STORE IS 1910 STYLES AND UP-TO-DATE NO OLD STOCK. Our Prices Will Surprise You COME IN AND LET US SHOW THEM TO YOU BE PORE YOU DECIDE. THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE ' 1 PAINT AND WALL PAPER STORE IN MEDFORD. MIT T A "IT Picture Framing a Specialty ML I jTjL i! 318 Rast Mair St.. Med ford .mhm.1, -immaMim- ONE PAYS; THE OTHER PROMISES TO WORK ever, will not prevent him from get- market, and when wo don't, vell,!n eurpriso in flstiann. livery sport ting m on tho profits of tho Nuiiih- then wo retire. Everything lookw ing man hero knew that the men were Barry fight which Blot has arrang- right for us now, and wo have some friends, but no one suspected that ea lor tho evening of March 29. fino prospuuts for matches.," eoneress At 5 o'clock the nartv was u'8"" 1 " ,n 1,1,8 K" "e win start on wim uie nuriis C.Ktf, .ut 0..Jn...?J:";lKe stay," said Blot. "And wo Hurry fieht." said Gleason. "Then nrspnnl ! intend to pull off sonic big goes he- wo intend to go on right up the line.'" Tonipht Taft will address mem-110 u,e urch bcllB toll out 1010 Tho formation of a partnership, i. tt:,.m:,. n n a K11 oesi bi wm noiwoen tuo two proiiioiern came an they Intended to go Into pnrtucrxhipi Don't forgot the want ads. tier. 3faM Unidentified Dead Who Lost Lbm hi Avalanche Burled Today Sfcte by Side in Seattle Cemetery. Police Judge Canon had a couple of cases before him Saturday morn ing, brought about by the imbihim: of that what not only cheers 'out makes foolishness. One Gleasou, who has a penchant for not only dis turbing tho pence before he is ar rested, but afterward, was fined $o. He didn't have the money. William Anderson said he was dmnk and the judge agreed, so Wil liam paid $10 to the city treasury. SEATTLE, Wash., March 19. S5I3e-y sidp, seven of the .nnidenti 35e3 fled who lost their lives in the "WeHwgton avalanche, were buried at 3fbest Pleasant cemetery here to ofay. A memorial sen-ice at the un nferbJdng parlors preceded the bur- Ministers of various denomina iSeas xasstcd in the service. The Great Northern railway pro- New Cases In Circuit Court. May E. Eastlick vs. W. W. East lick, divorce ; W. E Phipps for the plaintiff. Lottie Pelton vs. Medford Nation al Bank, to recover personnl prop erty'; Hannn & Hanua for plaintiff. H. M. Coss vs. Sarah M. Andrews, to recover money; Hanna & Hannn for plaintiff. video" a special plot of ground nt tho cemetery. The railway company will also erect a monument with the inscription "To the Unknown Dead of the Wellington Avalanche." Enrl Grey arrived hero this after- nooiin and dattended a luncheon at tho University club. He was then escorted to the Ten Eyck hotel by 'i corps of the Tenth regiment. GLEASON IS NOW A FRISCO FIGHT FACTOR Joins Forces With Blot and From Now on Will Share Tribulations Falling to Management K K.VYAKT. Presidfln. john num. riue, A PEHRY. Vice Preside.!! H lAt'KSnN. Am'i rnhi THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL SURPLUS Safety boxes (or rent. f50 0W - i . u.COu A aenerai Qnnklno BiiMnrs iraitMictrn We solicit your pntrnnauf SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl:. -March 19. Jack Gleason today became an active factor in the fight game in San Francisco. Last night ho joined with Blot and from now on will bear an equal share of the troubles, trials and tribula tions of the Metropolitan club. Gleason intends to leavo Mondav for Chicniro in connection with the Jeffries-Johnson fight. This, how- RESOLVED The best resolution for you to make is to come to uh for your next suit, if yo,i wniii something out of the ordinary. We do the best work and chnr the lowest priori W. W. EIFERT TUB PBOOBkSSrVD TAXLOfc For a Long Time Men and Women Have Thought of Oxford s For Easter IF YOU AREN'T QUITE READY FOR LOW CUT SHOES, WE CAN SHOW YOU HIGH CUTS IN A VARIETY OF THE NEWEST ANT) BEST jASTS ALL SIZES AND WIDTHS AND LEATHERS THAT WEAR &KD GIVE SATISFACTION. CALL AND ALLOW US TO FIT YOU THIS WEEK. FINE LINE CF MEN'S OXFORDS OUR LINE OF MEN'S OXFORDS IS ABOUT COMPLETE. MAY WE SHOW YOU THE NEW STYLUS? YOU GET A GOOD SELECTION NOW AN D A J .ONG TIME TO WEAR THEM. CALL HERE FOR LOW OUTS FOR WOMEN,"mISSES AND CHILDREN KEEP TRACK OF YOUR EASTER SPENDING by paying tho bills by a chuck on the Fnmiors' & Fruitgrowers' Bank. Thun you'll know whoro ovory dollar goes and for what. And as you foot up tho amounts In tho stubs of your check book you'll not bo so npt tc spend tnorq than you intended to. Haven't an account? Then why not start one at onco? FARMERS' & FRUITGROWERS' Bank. Something to Investigate and Consider f)0 acres of the best soil in tho valley, lo ot od I 1 12 miles from Medford and 1 1-1 utiles from Mhippini; .station. .ri acrt'rJ planted fo Boae pears 5 years old. fJ jiimvm p'n'hs in full bearing. L'2 jhm'J's pears atid apples 1 year old. n :i.ti alfalfa. Ralaiii'o of land ready for planting, wiist" land. No Fine building site: good water; splendid location. Tf this interest you, we will bo glad to give you full information and price. J. W. Dressier Agency West Main Stroot. Boys' Shoes Of course you want the boy to have shoes that will wear. We can supply him and in neat styles. ALL PRICES Babys Shoes We are proud of our Baby Shoes. You should see the fine assortment we are showing. Fix the baby for Easter. PRICES RIGHT. REAL ESTATE Duffield Bros. FINE SHOE REPAIRING East Main St. Medford Anywhere, Any Rind Any Price, Any Time in the Rogue River Valley 1 IMPROVED OR UNIMPROVED ORCHARDS AND CITY PROPERTY. ASK US FOR WHAT YOU WANT. WE'LL FURNISH THE GOODS. McArliiur 6 Alexander Room 3 Over Post Office k r- He Will Enjoy the dainty dishes you' may prepare in an Electrical Chafing Dish The case and convenience with which so many delicious diihes may he prepared in an electrical chafing dish make a strong appeal to tho young wife as well as the seasoned housekeeper. She lias found that a chafing dish affords not only a quick and economical means of preparing impromptu repasts, but also that it enables her to prepare on the dining room table many dishes that supplement and round out the bill of fare previously prepared on the kitchen stove. If you do not possess one of these useful articles, or arc using one of the old style alcohol burners, come in and sec the new General Elcc trjc chafing dish. No fuel is required, consequently there is no flame, smoke or soot to guard against. It can be used in any room where an electric lamp socket is available. It is sanitary, convenient and safe, It is handsomely designed and finished, and makes an ideal gift. Rogue River Electric Co Phone 3681 Medford MIA