cuy Hnii Medford Mail Tribune UNIT KB PRESS ASSOCIATION Full Leased Wire Report. FIRST SECTION Tho only paper In tha world puhllahe'd In a cliy tho slzo ot Medford having a leased wire. PAGES 1 TO 8 MKiU'vmn Oregon, sunday, march 20, 1910. No. 311. UNCLE JOE CANNON IS DOWN AND OUT NORMS RESOLUTION CURBING POWER OF THE SPEAKER IS ADOPTED; VOTE: 191 TO 155 V'V -t--f--f-f-f-f The Resolution. WASHINGTON, March M. Tho general scope of tho Noma roHolulion adopted by the houso is us follows: "There shall bo A commit tee on rtiloii, cluotod by tho house, consisting of inoinboin six members from majority party and four from tho minority. "Tho speaker shall not lit! n member of tho oommittcu antt lln committee shall select tho I'liairiiinn from its own mem horship. "Within ton days nftor tho adoption of tho roHolution there fchnll bo nn election of tliiH commit too, nnd upon election of tho now commit tee the present committee of ruloH hhall bo dissolved." Tim resolution wns adopted amid tho wildest of enthusi- nm bv a oti of 101 to 155. It moan tho em' uT f'aMioi f 4-f-f - 4- FROM SOFT MAY TO HARSH WINTER ONE SHORT HOUR La Grande, After Two Weeks of Balmy May Weather, Is Suddenly Dcluiicd by Cloudburst Streets, Lawns, Ccllaro Are Flooded City Offers Bin Bonus to Laborers. LA (JltANDK, Or., March HI.--Two weeks of May ntniNhino ombd abruptly thiu aftonioon wlion n cloud buret in tho nionntnins and cent a great voluino of wntor down tho Deal canyon, went of tho city. Tho flood wntors rushed innto tho city nnd covered a Inrgo Huotiou of tint western nnd central-portions of the roRfdonco diatriotn. Tho heavy rain started horo at noon and tho cloudburst, which wiih of great proportions, ovidently start od tho flood down toward tho city. The business streets nro more or loss under wntor. Collnrs nnd resi dence lawns are under water nnd sower trenehoH nro wnshod out. At 0 o'clook tonight the city is pnyinfc from 50 conts to $1 nn hour for men to provent the Kprond of the flood over various streets, MRS. M'LELLAN COMING FOR BODY OF SON Mrn. U F. McLollnn of Ban Joae, mothtir or II. A. McKollan, who died suddenly Saturday from heart fail ure, has left San Joso, Cal., her homo, for Medford to tako charge of tho romaliiB of her son, Mr. McLollnn wait n grndunt trained nurno nnd first enmo to Mod ford two yonrs ago for tho purposo of establishing n hospital, Ho ap peared before tho Commercial club, outlined his plana nnd sought nsslst nnco, but tho project failed bocnuHo of tho lack o: n sultnblo building. At tho time of hlu (loath Mr. McLollnn wnH ongngou in promoting a hospital projoct togothor with a number of prominent local physicians. Tho otreuniBtnncen Biirrnundlng Mr. McLollnn'8 doath wore tragic. Ills wife liud boon 111 In bed for n fort night, and for boiuo tlmo ho bad boon unable to work. Friday ho complain ed of fooling 111 nnd tho doctors stat ed that ho was Buffering from n mild attack of 'tonullltlfl, Saturday nt 10 UIUUII 11U WUH BUliUll Willi IIUIUl 1IIII- iiro, woro summonod byi phono, but boforo tholr urrlvnl ho wns dying, Ho leaves n Blck wlfo nnd WASHINGTON, March 10. Joseph 0. Cannon, who for tho past Hovcn years has boon as powerful a figuro in tho American commonwealth as tho president himself, 'today say his power broken (' effectively as f bo had boon deprived of tho chair in tho houso of representatives, when tho Norris resolution wns adopted taking tho rules eommitteo from his control. Hereafter Speaker Cannon will hnvo little, if anything, to say regarding Iiouho rulos, nnd his powor 1h shattered. Tho final parliamentary vote clinching tho adoption of tho Norris icholiition was: Ayes, 101. Noos 155, Tho resolution provides for the reappointment of nn onlnrgcd rules committee, of which tho spenker shall not bo a member.! The reign of Cnnnonism is over. Tho iron-clad rtilo of the house czar, which hugnn hovoii years ago, has been broken. Three preliminary, successive roll calls showed increasing strength fur the tnsiirguiitB nnd woaknoss in tho ranks of tho organization forces. Tho final critical vote was in the nature of n landslide for Cannon's opponent. Muny near-insurgents who had heretofore succeeded in dodging the isMio woro compelled to tako a mim tic stand today. Tho pnssago of tho Norris resolu tion also foreshadows radical changes in the nils of the hoimc. This was indicated by E. A. Hayes of California, ono of tho leading in surgents. Hayes uid: "Tho epenker wo have now is not tho product of tho constitution, but of evolution in lawmaking. We lodge too much in the speaker. I believe that nil ltepublicaus should have equal powor in tho houso of representatives." Hayes explained his vote for the insurgents by saying that he was guided by tho principles at issue and not by personal consideration. ' Following tho vote, Cannon said that ho majority should rule and that at any time ho would entertain a motion for tho election of n new spenkor. Tho announcement 0f Cannon thnt ho was rendv to vacate tho chair created the greatest excitement. Tho opponents of tho "fnllon cznr" set up n grcnt cheor, in which tho unl lorios joined. Supporters of Cnnnon hiBHod the outburst of their triumph tint opponents. . For several minutes pnrrdomonium r,oignnod nnd it np)oared ns though tho session would hnvo o ho nd- .lourncd. This upronv was heightened when Hurlosnu of TexnH sprung to his feet and presented n resolution to declare tho ppenkors office vacant nnd to nominate Chump Clark, tho Dcinoeratie minonty leader, to the speakership. Tho Democrats greotod the reso lution with exultant yells. Tho Re publicans woro thrown into confus ion by tho move. Ilowovor, hie mo tion wns dofontod by n vote of 155 ayos to 181 noes. Tlie Fight lly Hound. Tho voto nlso revealed several new recruits in tho ranks of the iusurg- i (Continued on page 5.) baby In duHtltuto elrcuiuBtauces. McLollnn enmo hero from Marah field last autumn as advanco ngont for "McICenzlo's Morrymnkbrs," which stranded nftor n brlof engage ment, For tho pnBt few months ho has had employment ns circulation solicitor and collector on tho Mall Tribune, 1 During his atny In this city Mr. McLollnn niado many friends, who mourn his Iobb, Ho wns gonial and Boclablo nnd llkod by all, Ills widow bus tho sympathy of all and 1b en titled to asslatanco In her boreaVo-meut. 4 4 4 f 4 4 4 4 are in tho mnjority." 4 "NOT FOR MUH!" SAYS PRESIDENT! OF HOUSE ROW Taft Refuses to Mix In Row Con cerning. Decapitation of Uncle Joe Answers All Tclcrjrams From Washinrjton Wlth'Nonb of My Business" Reply. KOCHKSTKIi N. Y "March 10. -President Taft today assumed n "middle of tho road" position re garding the fight in thu house to oust Cnnnon from the seakership and amend tho rule of tho lower body. Taft lind received n number of telegrnTiiB from leaders of the in surgents and the regulars in the He pubHcnn rnnks of io house. He nnewerod tho mtodny briefly deflnr iug thnt the fight' wns none of his business. The president loft for Albany this morning. He arrived thore this -afternoon nnd will confer with Cnnwliun nnd stnto departments on the Can adian tariff tonight The president rentizos tho serious ness of tho tariff issuo between the United States and Canada, Nepvti ntious will ho carrtfd on to decide whether tho mnxinmm provision of the Pnyne tariff shall bo applied to Canada after Mnrcli 31. Tho c'nhiuet recently left tho mut ter in the hnnds of tho president, who. with fjenntor Aldricli nnd the tariff board, will conduct tho United Stntcs end of the negoltntions. Cannon Is Sarcastic. WASHINGTON, D. C, March 10. Sponkcr -Cannon announced at 4 JO o'clock this afternoon that ho was ready to resign. Ho nald: "Actions and not words determine tho conduct of men in the affairs of lifo. This is a govornmont of majority and not of men, and the majority should havo fall power. "Tho country bolievea thnt tho Republican party has a majority of 44 in the houso. At tho presont timo such is not tho Cftso. Up to this time tho Republican pnrty haB had a email majority, but this failed when tho test enmo. Bat tho assault on tho speaker by tho minority, aided by tho so-called insur gents, Bhowed thnt the Re publican party was in tho minority nnd the insurgents MANY NEW AUTOMOBILES ARE ARRIVING EACH DAY; MEDFORD STILL IN THE LEAD In aplto of ModfonVs Incroasod delivered Saturday the first Groat Matt. J. 0, Gore purchased a Pope- growth, tho ratio of automobiles por cnpltn Is mnlntnlned and Modford Jonds tho world In tlto numoor or mo- . . II. l.llx... T ., uir cam uir n jhiihiuuiuu. jpi yonr, with an estimated population of 7G00, thero woro 2R0 cars ln Mod- ford nnd vicinity, or ono for every 30 people Thoro nro now over 300 enrs and tho Benson has JuBt bogun. Tho Medford Dulok company has dollvored nnd ordorod 20 lluloks of various sizes. Rocont purchasers In- oiuuo yvuuur JonoB. j. a. woBier- lund, John D. Olwell. W. F. Rau. II. C, Stoddnrd and O. M. English. Tho Snyder Motor Car company I MEDFOR Following aro tho name of tho?o who have subacrlbcd to tho fund for J. It. Harvey O. A. Hoover D. F. UenBon J. II. Carlton W. H. Meeker H A, K. Iteam.3 Ilobt. O. Smith 0. C. Culy , D. L. McVary - ' ' Horaco Pelton 1L F. Piatt f L. M. Lyon L. E. Hoover D. H. Miller F. Osonbrugco J. R. Wright H. W. Orunsky Fred H. Thompeon Wm. Kennedy B. S. Radcllft John Harrington S. T. Howard, Jr. CboB. D. Hazolrlgg T. J. Williamson H. M. Coso H. C. Stoddard Mrs. C. R. Ray W. M. ColvlL Oeorge L. Davis J. A. Westorlund J. D. Heard. J M. Root" Glen Fabrldlc W. M. Payno E. H. Dayls H. P. HargVave C. L. Rearrfes E. C. GaddU W. I. Vawte E. D. Plckol J. F. Rltter H. Humphrey fW. G. Estop ' Lyman 0. Orton 1 Tronson & Guthrlo John S. Ortli Reginald 41. Parsons Huntley-Kromer Co. . I. L. Hamilton Hotol Nash Co. Western Oregon Orchard L. O. Porter E. N. Campbell R. P. Llttlo Job. Campbell Woods Lumber Co k A. W. Dean T. J. Par tor. W. A. Aiken J, L. Demmer COMING EASILY TO ASSOCIATION Fruit Growers Take Kindly to Asso ciation In Valley Which Will Tend to Brian Them Increased Returns lor Fruit Solicitors Arc Maklna Splendid Headway. Tbe fruitgrowers -of tho Rogue "Riv er valley nro taking kindly to tho t.ctw "Rogue River Fruit and Produce association nnd much )f t .3 capital stock In tho asoclatlon Is being sub scribed for. They all soon, to recog nize tho benefits of such aa associa tion nnd nro assisting tho movemont liy taking up tlie stock. Tho work or soliciting uubscrlp tVons to tho cnpltnl stock Is In tho Trends of Dr. "Roddy, Wnltor McCnl litm and W. A. Sumner. They can 1m found nt tlie Hotel Nnsa. Rifle Ifefrt at Perry. U SACRAMENTO, Cnl., March 10. Notice that the national -rifle meot of the national guard will-lie held at Cnmp Perry, '0 bogmmnp August 13, wns received from the Avnr de partment nt 1 Adjutntrt -General La nek's office -today. A sorios of competitive rifle mnlvhes will be held among -the rogi mcivts of tho sta-te to select n team of lfi competitor. 12 ncfive mem bers nnd throe nltenmtivos heing al lowed. Lnst year California stood 15th nmong 40 competing teams. Plerco Arrow In tno TOiioy, inis is n $0500 car nnd was purchased by . E ,0 Po,nt Nln0 f Engio i-oint. Nino been sold, among the p T. E. Dan els, Shorty Cadillacs havo . nurcnnBorB doiiik '"'""""" a,u"' Miles, J. C. Emerlck, Conro Floro . ami n number tn ABiimnu ana urams hibs. Tho Valley Auto company havo x Chalmers-Dotrolts and four Buio ui a viiiiin.'iD-.-'v....a nuu Hudsons. Among tho purchasers of Chnlmors-DotrottB nro Will Stownrt, Gnrrott, J. W. Mltcholl, O. W. Palm, V. A. Folger, 0. R. Manning, ira J. uoago is tno nisi imrcnaser in tho valley or tho now Hudson tour- Ing car Othor Hudsons havo boon SUBCRIPTIONS ' am purchased by Messrs. Cook oud El- I R F. L. Too Velio C. II. Snyder E. M. Androws 0. W. Palm W. F. Isaacs J. A. Perry C. F. Youn? J. W. Dunlap F. K. Deuel r Tl HIM b. C. J t 1. ' " A. S. Dllton C. W. McDonald R. A. Thomas S. Chlldcrs W. M. Holmes T. E. Daniels 3. P. Mima V. G. Emerlck J. A. Torncy A. Conro FIcio B. L. Dodge T. V. Oigoo'd .. D. Olwell. 0. II. Relchman W. J. Mundy R. II. Hanauer W. M. Hodson V. T. York !T0 BUILD MILE OF COUNTY FREE Oregon Good Roads League Will Send Experts Here to Build Model Mile of Road County to Furnish Labor Colonel Frank Ray to Donate the Crushed Rock Free. The Oregon Good Roads nssocia tion has offered to come to Jnckson county and liuild n modol rond one mile lone free. The rood will serve ns an object lesson to road-builders in this county. The afsocintion nsks only that the count v officials furnish tlie labor necessary for the huilding of the rond. Colonel Frank Roy has of fcred to give the crashed rock neces sary for the "building of tho rond. The association behoves thnt by building n modol road in tho county that its superiority nnd advantages will be oo evident ns to mnko every person ai good ronds advocate. TJ'Brlen Is Praised. TOKYO, March 19. Members of tho American Friend association last night applauded tho sentiment ex pressed hi n letter "by American Anv bassndor "O'Brien, In which ho de clared that a high fluty rosta on tho responslbte people of Japan and tho United States to sflenco speech which nro Intended to creato tll-feellng. President Kanoko of tho nssocla- tloa read OTrlens levtor to the mom hers at tholr regular hanquot. uuruuru wum mu mo Four more Chalmers and a Hudson nro to l)0 silvered. h.o io u .... . Judge E. E, Kelly reports tho sale of five Overland cars a compara- "l "'""-, lively now car to tho valley. Howard Dudley has Just received MODEL ROAD IN a ifiooo racKaru, oo norso power, ono'cd" yot. 'of tho handsomest nutos tn tho val-j But Saturday he went to Wood- loy. Dr. E. B. Plckel Is nlso tho pur- ivji w, . ... . ivi v.,u - j chaser of a now Packard and Is look- lug forwnrdito Us arrival dally. Tho Modford Auto company report tho snlo of a Stoddard Dayton to Dr. rngo. a xieo io jjj. u. anarpe anu ( Stoddard - Dnyton to J, A. Perry. Oth- er cars aro ordorod, but have not boon dollvored. OLL OF tho building of tho Crater Lako highway: G. R. LIndley H. C. Kentner F. W. Hollls A. A. Darls M. J. Rcddy G. M. Bordeaux F. H. Hopkins P. M. Hamlll Claude Miles u. M. Solsby C. A. Malboouf W. C. Murphy J. E. nark In'.: Scott V. Dayls U. S. Dudley F. B. Walte A. D. Helms L. E. Wakcman Homo Telephone Co. H. C. Bonny Dr. H. E. Morrison J. W. Droselcr Lucrctia En7rrt B. F. Mulkey Gus Newbury R. C. F. Astbury Dr. E. R. Seoly S. M. Mcars, Jr. F. E. Merrick H. E. Boyden C. E. Bade Fred M. Cummlngt R. B. Wilson F. J. Newman Wnrrcn Construction Co. J. D. Dawson M. L. Alford 0. C. Boggs W. S. Crowell Dressier & Aatle R. C. Washburn Conroy & Clu'iicy 1. B. Hanley C. M. Speck A. A. McArthvir H. C. GarnetC R. A. Holmes W. H. Stewart Cbt.s. W. Sharp J. G. Goble" S, L. Leonard M. Bellinger I. W. Miles . William Gerlp W. J. Bascom E. C. Ireland Q".een Anne Addition, M. F. Hanley Medford Sash, & Door Co.V. S. Bennett :$63,000 PAID ; FORI 21 LOTS ! ON NOB HILL J. D. Heard and Associates Buy Big Section of Land Recently Owned by James Smith and Have Platted Same Will Be Placed on the Market in the Near Future. J. D. Heard and associates havo purchased 121 lots on Nob Hill, pay ing 363,000 and will place tho same on tho market In the near future. Tho property Is that recently sold by James Smith to C. B. Scott. Tho lots aro all sightly and In what will be a choice residence sec tion of tho city. Tho addition will bo known as tho Medford Heights. It has been platted by Harvey E. Foster. Thompson Hiya. Fred H. Thompson ot Minneapolis has purchased ten acres from James Campbell bo ween King street and Newtown for $12,500. Tho land Is tho north end of the Tuttlo orchard, la planted to Newtown and Spltzen berg apples. He will return to Min neapolis to settle his affairs and will return with his family In six weeks to begin tho construction of a fine residence and mnko Medford their home. Mr. Thompson Joined the Commercial club after being In Med- ford but four hours. He Is an old gethor with boosters who will volun frlond of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Root, teor, will go out personally. whom bo has been visiting. Colvlg Gets In. William M. Colvlg, erstwhile from ! Missouri, longor ago, howovor than many of us have lived, hns at last been "showed." For the past dec ade Bill Colvlg haB been going up nnd down through the land proclaiming hla nativity of the state whero peo- ions condition of Sonntor Daniel to Pie "havo to be showed." and at the dny, nccordinir to his nhvsiohm. It same tlmo his abiding faith In tho t ont nml futuro of , nd t. p Btnt 0regon-or It may bo some lny, sl8klyoubut novor ln nI1 thMa cinv. Rlsklvou but never In nil thesa L.ea,.8 hn8 wmillin ever 0,?ned an orchard tract he hadn't teen "show- vllle, whoro he and E. C. Shnrpe of vii iv, Yuiuru ic aim a, kj. ouuriiu oi tho Homo Telephone company for tho trifling consideration of $13,500 bought from R. A. Plorce B0 acres ot the land on Evans creel;, which tho said William might have t:ad for tho asking when In his younpor days ho traveled around In that neighbor-, hood. "I am from Missouri." do-' HONOR f. W. Keyea J. B. Wood H, L. Montgomery G. A. Morse E. B. Waterman C. H. Glalze C. H. Corey C. D. Miller A. S. Rosenbaara - O. Putnam C. Brown . W. C. Reagan A. C. Allen W. M. Smith A. L. Cusick O. V. Meyers J. E. Watt J. E. Enyart W. W. Glasgow W. H. Brown C. 'M. English D. T. Lawtou . J. H. Butler S. I. Brown Court Hall H. N. Batler E. 47. Boeck H. Prechard J. L. Smith F. Hubbard NEARLY $21 ,00ft IS SUBCRIBED TO BUILD R8AD Crater Lake Highway Commission Makes Great Progress During First Week Inn Soliciting Funds to Build Road Good Work Will Go On Until Enough Is Pledged. $20,800. Such is the record made by the Crnter Lake highway commission in securing funds with which to con struct a highway from Medford to the Lake and open this wonder spot to the world. Steadily for a woek the list of subscribers (at $100 per) has grown until now Mcdfords Roll, of Honor bears 208 names, When word wenth forth that Med ford would build tho Crater road, a laugh wont up from the state. Bat since thoy havo boon finding out: That Medford makes good. Thnt whnt wo start, wo finish. That the'livest bunch in the state lives in Medford. That Medford "hot air" is backed by n spirit which builds cities andi makes them famous. Tho eommitteo next wook will start active work hi other sections of the state first, by corrospondonce, la- ter members of tho eommitteo, to- Thore is every roason to bcliove thnt tho fund will be raised without difficulty Rut evory one should holp. ' , Senator Daniel III. DAYTONA. Fla.. March 10.- There is Httlo chanea In thn nrr- is reported that he is slightly im- however 1 s l torn, "crnSo nn Sen lv nomnl nnd he h ' Lt vii:.i a" ... . POnditJon whIc . " Tn" 'nZ,!fr three days. " clares Mr. CoIvIk. "and I have tn h 'Bhowed.' I havo been showlnir other Bnovfou. i navo been snowing other people for a good many years and It finally permeated through my bead that I might aa woll show myself something while I was at It. Hence tho buy. Good buy? Of course It Is. Evans creek property werth all a man la aoked for It. and tken some."