MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MFDFOUP, 01? BOON, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1910. TRUXTON KIN6 yf S'tcry of Bj GEORGE BARK M'GUTGHEON CurjrltKt, 19t9, by Cwr Birr CIIAPTKR VIII. LOOKIKO FOR AX EYE. THE witch was haranguing her huddled audience, cursing the soldiers, laughing gleefully in the faces of her stately, scorn ful guests, greatly to the Irritation of liiron Dangloss, toward whom she howod an especial attention. ThIUs wns holding the prince In his arms. Colonel Qulnnox stood before ihera. keeping the babbling, leering lltlame from thrusting her face close to tint of the terrlfled boy. The Count ess Marians, pale and rigid, her won 4nBs eyes glowing with excitement, stood behind John Tullls. "With incredible swiftness the storm asseL Almost at Its height there came a cessation of the roaring tern- jest, the downpour was checked, the 'Indeed! Is It n good mutch. baron.' The baron Minted. "1 think so. lit tins been a trltlo wild, lint I bcllovo he has settled down. Splendid family, lie Is desperately In love." "I hadn't though, much about It. la ' she In love with him?" "She sees n great deal of him." was the diplomatic answer. "Would you tnltul telling mo Just who she Is, baron?" Daugloss was truly startled. "Do you mean. sir. that you don't know her?" he. asked, almost harshly. "I don't know her name." "And you had the effrontery to My excellent friend, you annuo mol I know that Americans are bold: but, by gad. 8lr, I've always looked uhm theut n gentlemen. You" "Hold on. Baron Danglossl" Inter rupted Truxton, very red In the face. "You'd better hear my side of .the story first. She went to Bchool with my sister. Sho knows me, but refuse to tell me who she Is." "Well, ray boy, If she elects to kin.'), you In the dark concerning her nam It is not for me t- betray her Utdle In her position. I dare say, enjoy these little mys teries." It was dusk when they entered the northern gates. Above the castle i no Kiniiug, lurnuin i,U' v . looking titraigtit at Hint trotn J i. god crack In the door! "I'll get you UiN time!" ho utioutw crossing the room lu two onger I .: The door lu his violent clutch kwui open with a bung. The owner of that mocking, phui. torn eye wan gone! I.Ike a frantic dog, Truxton dmlie about the little kitchen, looking I: every corner, every crack, for sign', o the thing he chased. The old womiv was standing lu the middle of th outer room, grinning at him with gen nine malevolence. "Un, ha!" xhe croaked. "You foo You fool! Search! Smell him out! A" the good It will do you! 11a, ha!" "lly gad, I will get at the bottom tills!" shouted Truxton, stubborn rage posseslmr him, "There's some on here, and I know It. I'm uot such fool as to tK'lleve Say! What's that The coiling! Ity the eternal, that scnt Ing noise expl tins It! There's wh" the secret tnt, door Is lu the cclllitk Within arm's retich. at that! Wnw . me. old woman!" The hag was standing In the fcUohr" door now. ttill grlunlug evilly. Sl watched the eager young man ihiuimi upon the low celllug with, a three ln god stool that he hud seized from th. door. He was pounding vigorously on th roughly boarded celllug when th sharp voice of the old woman, ralsod ONCE MORE Wo can supply you with a good variety, including many kinds of FRESH FLSH OYSTERS, CLAMS, SHRIMPS, ETO. and from now oh we hopo tdhavo at nil times enough to supply our customers. Come and see what we have. Rogue River Fish Co 17 North Fir Street Phone Main 83, MODELS 10 AND 17 King said good by rlu command, caused him to lower the to Tullla and the countess, gravely saluted tho sleepy prince and follow ed Mr. Hobbs ofT to the heart of the city. lie was hot j form. The look of the dying was In with resentmeut . her eyes. She seemed to be crumpling Either she had for- ' before him. gotten to say 'good 1 He reached her in time, his stroug stool and turn upon her with glrnmlnr triumphant eyes. The look he saw in her face was sutUclent tu check hh o terprlse for the niomeut He drop)l the stool and started toward her. hl arms extended to catch her swaying Can you sro woll? It not, con sult Dr. Goblo. RepMra of nil .a kinds. sg vu can uupncniu an; iena uinuu Magic eyeglass cleaners froo. Dr. Goble Optical Parlors No. 18 West Main Street. thunder died nwav and the llchtnlnc I telckled off into faint flashes. The sky '8 r """J? br t0 r Uu 1 arms grasping the frail, bent figure n cleared as if by magic The exblbl- willfully decided t it 6ank to tho floor. As he lifted her Mob, if you please, was over! I Ignore him altogether. At any rate, ; bodily from her feet, intent upon car- "It Is the most amazing thing I've entered the gates to the castle rylng her to the open air, her bony ever Been." Dangloss said over and , grounus witnout so much as an In. j flncers sank Into his arm with the crip different glance In bis direction. 0f death, and could he believe his Truxton "knew In advance that he ears! a low. mocking laugh came from was to have a Meepless. unhappy night her Hps. In his room ut the hotel he found I Down where the pebbly house ynrd the second anonymous letter, uuques- merged Into the mossy banks Mr. Uonnbly from the same source, but nobbs sat tight, still "stnrlng with this time printed in crude, stilted let- : gloomy eyes at tho durk little hut tip tens. It had been stuck under the door the den. A ouarter of an hour had Leave the city at once. You are in passed since King disappeared throuch the doorway. Mr. -nobbs was getting rhat It j nervous. ever again. The Countess Marlanx was trotn klinff violently. Tullls. observing this, 'tried to langb away her nervousness. "Mere coincidence: that's all." he Mild. "Ton can't believe she brought about this storm?" "It Isn't that," she said in a low 1 Toke. "I feel as If a grave personal .tiftager had Just passed me by. Not great danger. Save yourself. ttaager for the rest of you. but for me ThN time he did not laugh Medford Iron Works j E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. ; f unary ana macnintsi j All t'r. of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pump!., Holler. .mil M.v ! chlnery Agents In Southern Oregon for I FAIRBANKS. MOPSE L CO J alone. That Is the sensation I have- ' w from Olga Platanova he had no The shiftless, lanky goose herd came tlae feeling of one who has stepped feack from the brink of an abyss Just Ja time to avoid being pushed over. 1 cma't natcc you understand. See! I :ua trembling." "Nerves, my dear countess shad ows I You'll be orer it as soon as we a estaide." Tea minutes later the cavalcade atasted down the rain swept road to--ward the city, dry blankets having 'feeea placed across the saddles occu pied hj the ladles and the prince. The "wttck stood in her doorway, laughing XteefafJy. inviting them to come often. Oeate again, your hlghnessl" she ffroaked sarcastically. "The next time I come it will be with terca to burn you alive!" shouted teck Dangloss. To Tullls be added: Gad. sir. they did well to bnrn wKches in your tows of Salem. You cleared the country of them the yestar Dowa through the lowering shades TtxJe the prince's party swiftly, even yly by Tlrtue of relaxation from the trais of a weird half hour. No one revealed the slightest sign of appre aeaaloB arising from the mysterious dcroonatratlon In which nature bad lakes a baud. Traxton King, for reasons best Traowa to himself, soon relapsed Into a thoughtful, contemplative silence. .Between us. he was sorely vexed and disappointed. When the gallant start was Bade from the glen of "dead men's feoBes" be found that he was to be cast atterly aside, quite completely ignored y the fair Loralue. She rode off with doubt. Out why she should Interest forth in time" and lazily drove his scat- uerseir so iwrsisteutly in his welfare I tered flock off into the lower glen. "1 TZSV AB IF X (HUVX PEBBONAIj dan a Kit UAH JVBT VJlB&XD MB UY." joang Count Vob Engo without so jnuch as a friendly wave of tho hand to aim. Vos Engo, being un oincer in tho ro al guard, rode ahead by order of Colo ael Qulnnox. Truxton, therefore, hud Bcr back In view at rather u vexing distance, too for mile after mile of the ride to the city. Ue galloped along Toeelde the buron, a prey to gloomy eoaalderatlous. What was the ue? He bad no chanco to win her. That was for Btory books and plays. She beleaged to another world fur above Ms. The baron's dry, Insinuating voice Twoke In upon tho' young man's thoughts. "I think it's pretty well un derstood that she's going to marry Wta." The little old minister had been feeding King's thoughts; he had tho satisfaction of seeing his victim start guiltily. King managed to control airoerif, aBldng with bland interest; was quite twyond him. And what after all. could she mean by "great danger save yourself!" Ue indulged in a long spell of thoughtfulness. "No, by George, I'll not turn tall at the first sign of dan ger. I'll stay here and assist Dangloss In unraveling this matter. And I'll go up to that witch's hole before I'm a day older to have It out with her I'll And out where the smoke cam -from, and I'll know where that eye went to." 1 lie sighed without kuowlng If- "By Jove. I'd like to do something to show her I'm not the blooming duffer she thinks 1 am." lie could uot find Baron Dangloss that night nor early the next day. Uobbs. after belug stigmatized as the only BritlsB coward in the world, changed his mind and made ready to accompany King to the hovel In Can look gap. By uoou the streets lu the vicinity of the plaza were tilled with strange, rough looking men. undeniably laborers. "Who are they?" demanded King. There's u strike on among tho men building the railroad," said nobbs. They'd better look out for these fel lows." said King, very soberly. "1 don't like the uppcarauce of 'cm. They look like cutthroats." fake my word for it. sir, they are. They're the riffraff of all Europe." "I hope Buron Dangloss knows bow to handle them?" In some anxiety. In due time they rode Into the som ber solitudes of Ganlook gap and up to the witch's glen. Hero Mr. Qobbs bullied. lie refused to adventure far ther than the mouth of the stony ra vine. Truxton approached the hovel alone, without the slightest trepida tion. The goose herd grandson was driving a flock of geese across the green bowl below the cabin. The American called out to blm, and a mo mcnt later tho youth, considerably ex cited, drove his geese up to the door While they were vainly haranguing each other the old woman appeared Uttering shrill exclamations, she hur ried down to confront King with blaz ing eyes. Her horrid grin of derision brought a flush to his cheek. "I'll lay you a hundred gavvos that the kettle and smoke experiment Is a fake of the worst sort," ho announced "Have It your own way havo It your own way!" sho cackled. "Tell you what I'll do-lf I can't ex pose that trick In teu minutes I'll mako you a present of a hundred guv vos." Hhe took blm up like a flash, a fact which startled and disconcerted hint not a little. Her very eagerness au gured 111 for his proposition. With a low. mocking bow tho shriv eled hag stood aside und motioned for him to precede her Into tho hovel. "A hundred gavvos is a fortune not easily to be won." said the old dame "How can I be sure that you will pay mo If you lose?" "It Is In my pocket, madam. If I don't pay. you may instruct your ex cellent grandson to crack mo over the head. He looks 'as though he'd do It for u good deal less money, I'll say tliut for hint." "He Is honest as honest as hi grandmother." cried the old woman She bestowed u toothless grin upon him. "Now, what Is it you want to do?" "I want to go through that kitchen. Just to satisfy myself of one or two things." King was looking hard at the crack in the kitchen door. Bud denly he started as If shot. Presently Uobbs caught sight of a thin 8 1 ream of smoke, rather black than blue, arising from the little chim ney at the rear of the cabin. His eyes i BARGAINS for BUYER 10-i acres, cleared, cloeo to station. 20,000. 12 acres, cleared, two aad one-half miles from Mcdfonl, $0000. 20 acres, la tears, half mile from Central Point, $7000. -10 acres, 23 acres in ulfalfa and irrffcnted; beautiful view; $0000. iKt acres, bearing orchard, close In, $2-1,000. HUNTLEY-HREMER Co. 214 FruitGrowers Banh Building A LOW, MOCKING X.ACOII CAME FBOU HER flew Tcry wide open; his heart experi enced a sudden throbless moment; his mind leaped backward to the unex plained smoke mystery of the day be fore. It was on the end of bis tongue to cry out to bis unseen patron, to urge him to leave the witch to her deviltry and come along borne, when tho old woman herself appeared in tho door way alone. She sat down upon tho doorstep, pulling away at a long pipe, her hood ed face almost invisible from tho dis tance which be resolutely held. She was no more than a black. Inanimate heap of rags piled against the door Jamb, Hobbs let out a shout. The old wo man arose and hobbled toward blm. leaning upon a great cane. "Whe-where'a Mr. King?" called out Hobbs. ner arm was raised, a bony finger pointing to the trcetops above her hovel. "He's gone. Didn't you see hlniV He went olf among the ir.vtops. .n won't bee blm ngitln.' Mlie n.iliei! moment und then went on .i iiim' Ingrntlutlug tones: "H'niihl you if.- i conic into my house? I can shuw ;u the road he took. You"- Itut Mr, nohbx. Ill hull- nn i-;u!. hit . dropped the rem of King's hoi.- :i ... wax putting h..uf to hii ovvi) v.! K'hlrllng frantically into the patii Ih.i' led a way from the hated, dimmed bjioi Down the road he crashed, pursued b; witches wliotie pundHtcuie put to KliUme the effort of those famed ludlcs of Tarn o' Shunter in the long ago. if he bad looked over his shoulder be might have discovered that be was followed by a riderless horse, nothing more. But a riderless horse Is a grewtosao thing sometimes, (To Be Continued.) "Taking boarders" ia largely a fig ure of speech until you begin to ad vertise, when yon make a business matter of it Haskins for Health For Sale Stock Ranch $5000 200 acres; 50 acres cleared; 50 head of cattle; five horses; 90 chickens; jilows, drags, mowing machine, etc; house, two barns, sheds, all in good condition. Ten miles from Eagle Point. See owner. 1022 West Tenth Street. NOTICE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S Land Department Representative. Mr., S. J. Adler will be at the Hotel Moore March 17th to April 1st for the pur , pose of seeing those who are interested in the company's famous Alberta wheat lands. Ho will bo prepared to furnish complete information, including maps, lit- erature, prices, etc. Call on Mr. Adler and arrange to take advantage of our low rate semi-monthly excursions during this season and inspect these lands. Ide-McCarthy Land Co. COLONIZATION AGENTS CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 149 Firsts The BUICK closed tho season with the greatest roe ord history of automobile contests by winning M9 hints 5)4 per cent of entries thereby defeating tho liighest-prieod toroign and American cars in road races, lull climbs and endurance contests, and ALL THIS WITH A STOCK CAR JUST LIKE YOU'LL GET A Few of the B. w vsr -y- ig Wins COBE CUP RACE 100 miles at an nvwniro sneed of 00 miles an hour. YORICK CLUB TROPHY First and second, 150 nines ai an avorago spoon oi oi miles an hour. VESPER CLUB TROPHY 212 miles at an aver- ago speed ot oS.u miles per hour. RIVERHEAD, L. I., CLASS 4113 miles at an av erage speed of 70 miles an hour. ATLANTA 200 miles at an average speed of 72.2 miles per Hour. Xa winning tho Los Angelos-Phoo-nix Desert Raco tho BUICK achieved ono of tho goratost victo ries of the yoar. This raco, run ovor hills and through fields of sand such as a car seldom encounters, was entered upon with groat onthu sim by tho manufacturers of high priced cars, because they know that tho "popular-priced" car could not stand tho grind. But it was tho samo old story the BUICK won, defeating its nearest competitor nearly four hours and loworing tho record 12 hours, thereby achieving ono of tho groatost victories for the "popular-priced" car in the history of tho automobile Why Then is the Buick Popular Figure it out for yourself. It won't take you long. You will find more Buick Cars throughout tho west than all other makes combined. It has proven tho Best Car for the Rogue River Valley. Ask Any Owner. There will be a greater shortage of automobiles of all kinds this year than over before. -Last year'? shortage will be nothing in comparison. Perhaps you havo not noticed it yet, but you will when you buy n oar. So order NOW and have it in timo for tho "Clood Roads." Medford Buick Co. (Buicks Exclusively.) HODSON'S GARAGE TOU VELLE, MANAGER Demonstrations by Appointment, j