Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 18, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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I , r m m t a air. rtr nrt mil C I
I 'l
l'mioh truon fur tutlu al ton ounlii
iMUitH oituh. II. I). I'attorHon, NiimIi ho
tel. ' ,
Wolboiu Hhohou of Tiilwit wiik it
Mdiifonl biiHlmiHM vlnltor Fridny,
0. S. Hutlur of AmIiIuiiiI wiih in
Moill'unl Friday looking ui'toi liuni
mwh nffni.
.Worn- Kidd'H BIiuoh.
Muyor SnndorMon and Jtocordor
Lonvitt of Kliwimth FnlU, who lintu
lioon huro for tho punt novorul diiyn
looking for pointoiH on municipal af
fuirn, loft Friday inoriiltiK for homo.
Mr. SnndorHoii will npuud uuvoral
lnyn in Auhland.
Chinnwuro at Qoodfriond'u
TuuniH Wiintud for hnuliiiK lumber.
lttir Piiien Lumber Co. 310 & 312
Thu Alorrivold Hhop Iium otfiuo
aupplioH, including files, blntilc bookti,
iemorundiiro bookn, poncilfl, penn,
iukn, inkwollH, tnblot, typowritor
supplies, envolopes, pnnto, mucilftgo
ntid fountain pen.
'Coffoos nt Goodfrlond'i.
Colonol Frnnk Hay wan in Medford
.from Gold Rny Thtnndny nftornoon.
II. C. Stoddard nnd Dr. Itny woro
t QrantH Phmh Fridny on n biiBineiw
Men wanted to hnndlo Ititnbor. Iilg
.PlneH Lumber Co. 310 & 312
I. W. liny of Gold Hill wns a Mod
rford vinltor llturtiday nftomoon.
It coHtH no more to irwuro in thu
IbiK companion thnn the mnnll ones.
See It, A. UohnoH, tho inmirnneo man,
room 10. JnokHon Co. bbnnk. 312
D. II. Drowery, local mnnngor of
tho Pacific States Telephone & Telo
graph company, who has been laid
up with an injured knee, is navignt
.ing with crutches now. Tho dnmnged
'limb iff coming out all right nnd I).
.'II. will noon be on deck ORnin.
J. H. Hcoman was in tluH city
'from Gold Hill Thursday, looking nf
.tor Homo InmlncsH matters.
Tens nt Ooodfrlond's,
Buy your paints, glass, wallpaper,
stains, varnish, bruRhos and havo
your picture framod at Motcnlf's, 318
.East Main. 312
fiOo ornngcH nt 3!o nnd -lOo or
anges nt 'J.lo nt Hnrdon'fl Hnkory.
Wear Kidd's Shoes.
Phono 2001, Goodfriend's.
Bnth fixtures nt Goodfriend's.
Look tip tho records of tho com
pnnIos wo represent. It. A. Holmes,
tlio itiHurnnco man, room 10, Jackson
Co. bnnk. 312
Kitchen utensils at Goodfriond's.
Hvery loaf of PooHohs broad is
-wrapped in wax pnjwr as it leaves
'tho oven. All grocers soil it. 310
Car put swoopors nt Goodfriend's.
U. G. Galloway of Atlnnta, On., is
hero looking over tho valloy.
Dr. Jaiuos It. Higg nnd Dr. Jcniiio
C. It ire of Springfiold, III., aro in
Medford. Thov nro looking for n
locntion for the practice of thoir
Fivo-room house nnd lot 100x120,
enst sido, $1G00, torms. Siskiyou
Ifunltv f!,i . tim'm 9! .Tnnlfnnn Pnim.
ty Hank building. 308
Visit tho candy boo'.h of tho Pros
"bytorinn church bnr.nnr nt tho Roguo
River Electric Co. on Thursday, tho
17th. 308
You onn seo tho portrait of Fran
cis Bowman in tho business storo
windows. 310
Itnrdon's frosh baked cukos, pies
and cookies aro the talk of tho
town. 310
Dancing will bogin promptly at 0
o'clock nt Anglo opora Iioiiho Satur
day ovoning. Ilnwlrigg's orchestra
will piny tho now Into wnltzos and
twostcps, nnd now fcatnros will bo
introdiiood. Evorybody invitod.
- Door mats nt Goodfriond's.
For your notnry work soo II. N.
Yookoy, notnry publio for Oregon.
3fai Tribuno offico.
R. B. Sawyer for survoys. Subdi
vision and platting n spoolnlty.
.Boom 12, Kmeriok.
S. A. Paltison of tho Central Point
Hornld was in town Thursday.
Porhnps you neod n typowritor.
You enn socuro nny mnko you wish,
.in a rubuilt typowritor, nt Tho Morri
vold Shop, nt n ronsonablo prico.
Rnrdon'a ryo, Fronch nnd Boston
forown broad aro just what tho doctor
ordered. 310
Tho polloo dopartmont reports that
"Thursday was tho quiotost St. Pnt
wiok's dny on rooord. Tho Irish bo
ftavad thomsolvos oxtrnordlnarily
"well is tho verdict. Not nn nrrost
wns nocossary in ordor to koep jhe
,ipoaco in tho city.
Whitmnn's enndios nro nnoxcollod,
"Tho Morrivold Shop has tho oxolus
ivo ngonoy for Modford.
John II. Carkin, nttonioy nt lnw,
ovor Jnokson County Bank.
Wonr Kidd's Sfioos.
Frank Ennis of Jacksonvillo was
in Modford ,on busiuoss Fridny.
Mr. nnd Mrs. IT. B, Nyo woro in
ths city from thoir fnrm on Rogue
rivor nonr Fools crook Friday.
, Carving sots nt Goodfriond's.
Books Biblos, Prnyor Books, po.
etry, fiction, gift books for children
and ndults, Como In nnd look thoni
!;ovor nt Tho Morrivold Shop,
Your grooor soils Rnrdon,,' bread
once triod, nlwnys used. 310
tt t A t .
I louo umimiin, who caught tor
Modl'ord lust year, is in Mefll'ord on
his way homo to Douglas county.)
Whilo working as a oar inspector .it
Wood during tho winter ho frosted
IiIh fool and is now running with u
flat whool.
I'alnis Tho finest Kontlns Unit
ovor woro shipped to Modford. Call
and sue (hum. 023 K. Main. 313
II. D, Mills of Klamath Falls is
hero on n busiuoss visit.
J. V. Hobbs of Kugeno is in Mod
ford looking nftor business matters.
M. L. Ericksou, forest superinten
dent, hns roturnod from nit official
visit to Klamath county.
Rardmi's Bakery is soiling nil
frosh fruit at wholosalo pricos. 310
F. E. Whitnoy, chlof of tho Port-
laud offico of United States 'tnail
transportation is in Modfordr look
ing after tho lotting of contracts for
stnr routes.
S. C. Itartrum nnd family aro in
Modford on a visit to relatives nnd
friends. Mr. Bartrtiin is superinten
dent of the Cascade forest reserve,
with hcadtitmrtors at Rosuburg.
S. C. Itartrum nnd wife of Roso
burg nro .Modford visitors. Mr. Bnr
trum is supervisor of tho forestry
buronu and for years had charge of
tho Crotor Lake district. Ho is nlno
a member of tho stato board of for
estry. Hcddinc plants of all description.
023 E. Main. Medford Greenhouse.
Cnll or write for prices. Phono 00U.
Wringers nt Goodfriend's.
Sheriff Wilbur Jones has purch
ased tho Buick No. 10 red touring
car shown on tho streets for tho past
few days. The car hns grent power
nnd is tho speediest in tho valley.
You enn purchase of tho W. C. T.
U. nnd L. T. L. one of the pictures
of Francis Bowmnn. 310
Remember, tomorrow is tho day
you can purchase as a souvenir the
beautiful picture of Francis Bow
mnn, tho money from tho sale cotnir
for the benefit of temperance work.
Wcnr Kidd's Shoes.
James Wltliycomho of Oregon Agri
cultural College Is In Ashland to
Conduct Dairy Institute for a Few
'Actors Good and Pleased Audience-
Miss Gerda Nelson Especially
Charming Carefully Equipped.
ASHLAND, March 18. "Fruit
growing is alluring your people to a
remarkable degree," suys Dr. James
Withyeombo, director of tho Oregon
experiment Ntatiou at Corvnllis, who
was in Ashland yesterday to conduct
a dairy institute, accompanied by
two of his assistants ut thu oxpori
mont station, "but duiryiug ought
not to be neglected, for it is one oi
your promising nnd profitable indus
tries in this vicinity and can bo car
ricd on successfully on your bottom
lands that aro not as woll adapted
to fruitgrowing us tho higher ground.
Tho dairy industry brings in money
to tho country and your cows earn a
profit in cold oash every mouth in
tho year.
"You have hero at Ashland one !
tho most complcto and up-to-daU:
croamory plants in Oregon. It drawn
its cream supplies from far and
near. Largo quantities of cream aro
shipped to it from Northern Cali
fornia dairy farms. It is always in
the market for more ut tho highenl
prices nnd tho more cream it gets the
more money it sproads broadcast.
Tho dairy industry adds rapidly to
the wealth of your country nnd
brings a good return to those who
engugo in it, and brings it every
mouth. I hopo to see a growing in
terest shown in tho dniry industry
in the immediato vicinity of Ash
land.'' At tho afternoon meeting nt the
city hall yesterday, Dr. Withyeombo,
who was introduced by Mayor Snell,
told of tho development of the dniry
industry' in Oregon until at tho pres
ent timo it represented $15,000,000
nnuunlly to the state. The present
valuo of tho fruit industry of the
entire atato ho estimates at $5,000,-
,000. Dairying is destined soon lo
'be outstripped by tho fruit industry,
'porhnps, but dnirying is not to be
! overlooked in tho
Central Point and Medford Teams to I varied rosourccs.
Prosperity follows
maintenance of
Meet Magnates Will Discuss the
the cow, Dr.
Withyeombo maintains, nnd he cited
"St. Elmo" was played at tho op
era house last night and it was very
much enjoyed. Tho novel from which
(ho play was dramatized was very
popular with our mothers, and in
point of fuct it really had merit, and
like some worthy old melody of days
gono by, it has been revived by the
present generation, und so it is quito
the thing to read the book and see
the play.
Sterling Gold Quartz Mining & Mill
ing Company Organized for Busi
nessLocal Men Are at the Head
of Company.
Tho Sterling Gold Quartz Mining
& Milling company has incorporated
and is preparing to work the mino on
a large scale..
This property is situated about
eight miles southwest of Medford,
near the famous Sterling placer
mines. The property is' known as
'the Mineral Hill mine and has been
Whilo "St. Elmo" is n melodrama, ua f- on..ri ,. nt ,.
yet it differs from the ordinary sen- Lood profit to te operator8.
It is now owned by the above cor-
siitiounl play as the southern colo
nel differs from the typical wild west poration, which is composed of Io
apure. Ane!cni men
man with chaps and
pieco was beautifully staged. In
fact, we havo not had a play this
winter equipped with so much care
and tasto as was Inst night's produc
tion. Tho actors in the cast were all
very good in- fnct, most of them
have crossed the border line that lies
between tho self-satisfied player and
the artist. Charles L. Gunn, who ap
peared in tho title role, made a
splendid impression upon the audi
ence. Ho is a young man with every
natural qualification essential to a
great artist. Ho has a fine stage
presence nnd a pleasing voice and
intelligent understanding of his part.
In order-to play the part of St. Elmo
correctly one should have a thor
ough knowledge of social conditions
of tho south beforo the war. The
southern gentleman of antebellum
dnys represents a remnant of the
Pat Cogan Shoes
You never knew anyone to imitate a lead
dollar or a paste diamond think it orer.
We arc the exclusive agents in Medford for
these famous lines of children's shoes.
The present board of di
rectors are: W. H. Canon, J, L.
Demmor, W. W. Glasgow, R. L. Hob
let, M. L. Love, H. II. Lorimer and
P. J. Newman. Present officers: W.
IL Canon, president; P. J. Newman,
secretary; J. L. Demmer, vice-president;
George L. Davis, treasurer,
and R. L. Ray, general manager and
consulting engineer. Capital stock
is $1,000,000.
The property has an ideal loca
tion and best of indications for n
big paying property.
Tho intention of the company k
to at onco enter upon the highest de
velopment of tho property. Assays
show splendid pay. The vein shows
large bodies of low-grade ore, as
saying from $5 to $10 per ton, with
large streaks of very high-grade ore
assaying well up in the thousands of
dollars per ton.
Lying as it docs at the head of the
cavalier knight, proud of family, with ; famoa sterling mines, the property
severe codes of honor. Mr. Gunn
seems to have comprehended these
conditions nnd embodied the south
ern characteristic in his impersona
tion. His ideals of art arc high and
wo predict a future for this young
Gerda Nelson played the part of
Edna Earl and did it in a thorough
ly artistic manner. Miss Nelson is n
cultured lady and carries her refine
ment into tho character she portrays.
Tho late Augustin Daly said the
characters most difficult to fill are
thoso of refined ladies, for no lady
I the instnnco of Washington county, lean net tho part of good breeding
winch has been transferred from u nnu refinement nnless she possesses
(I)y Jnmoi D. Fay.)
Sunday afternoon at 2:30 tho first
tnortgofeo - ridden wheat - growini.'
country into one of wealth and inde
pendence, nil accomplished by the
Bnmo of tho baseball season will opon, j dairy cow. And tho land is richer
Medford and Central Point being tho . thnn when the dairy industry w.m
contestants. ;bogun, for dairying adds to it; it
It is not expected that olthcr team: docs not tnko from tho richness if
will play In mM-scason form, but tho
fans will alt bo thoro to soo thoir
tho soil devoted to it
Dr. Withyeombo praised this sec-
favortto Raroo. after a long tlmo with-1 Hon of tho Rogue lliyor vnlloy as tho
"bwitzerlnnil of America," n title
which ho says ho gavo it 20 yoars
ngo. Ho complimented tho town on
its Bplondid growth; ho recited tho
history of tho introduction of the
first Jorsoy hords in Or
egon by tho lato W. C. Myer at his
Ashland stock farm. That hord had
helped to push nlong tho dniry in
dustry in this stnto nnd wns' the
foundation of many of tho best dniry
hords throughout Oregon.
Wo hnvo hero good stock for a
basis for dairying; wo have the cli-
nssurod from Grants Pass, Control j mate with its long growing seasons,
Point, Jacksonvillo and Modford. Ash- the Innds suitnblo for growincr nl-
out It
Colomnn will probably do tho
twirling for Medford, although young
niirgoss may bo glron an opportunity
to see what ho can do with that
"noar" wing of his. It's a good ono,
After tho gamo tho sovornl mas
nates will hold a consultation with
tho Idea of forming at least a four
club valloy lennuo. It may transpire
that there will bo six clubs In the
At prosont teams aro practically
land has not boon heard from yot, but
will likely como In, In tho evont of
tlvo teams entering, It may bo noc
ossary to tnko In soma othor town,
Englo Point might represent, or Gold
Hill, or on a pinch Hilt, Cal might
como In.
soo thu
4- 4 4-
Singor Bowing nmchinos, 244 S.
G stroot. Photia 2054. 314
Pouch trees for nalo cheap. An
entirj curlond at 10 conts each. II.
I). Pntorson, Nnsh hotol.
For your notary work soo II. N.
Yocko1, notnry publio for Oregon.
Mail Tribune offico.
For wood of all kindB,
Squnro Don! Woodvnrd.
2001. Fir stroot, botwoon
nnd Third stroots. Gould & Liudloy,
proprietors. 201
Wear Kidd's Shoos.
If you wnnf satisfaction try a
fiit'k of Mt, Hood Snow-Fall
For sulo nt tho Russ Mill, Romom
lii i- lb - iiiiic Polk & Si.ti.
For snlo Wolf Crook Covo
fruit trnoK The II. L. Clmflin Real
ty Co., 203 Corbott huildimr. Port
land, Or., nve offorinfe tho best of
Rogno 'Rivor vnllov fruit !n-iV
smnll tracts, or nnsv navwenix
wholesnlo prices, Southoin Pncif!'
at onoo. E. Mi Andrew, low o
Pntnts, wnll pnpor, glnss, Mot
calf's. HI 8 E. Main stroot. 31 G
falfn, wo hnvo tho mnrket for the
dairy produots nil thoso combino to
ndd to this section of tho country its
n dniry region.
Following Dr. Withyconjbe, Pro
fessor F. L. Kent tnlked of the tech
nique of tho dniry industry, of the
different dniry breods nnd thoir host
records, of good cows, of poor cows
nnd indifforont ones.
Professor Rrndley followed Pro
fessor Kent. Ho is connected with
tho department of chonustry, nnd
well qualified to speak of soils nnd'
their respectivo values, which ho did.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Victor Plyranle, for
merly of Modford, who hnvo, boon
making thoir homo in Coos county
for tho past sovoraf months, return
ed lioro Fridny. Thoy will visit rol
ntivos nnd friends nnd porhnps re
main horo.
Writing and paying for a want nd.
aro mattors of n fow minutes nnd n
fow dimes. Isn't thoro something
you want which would ho worth got-
these. A cultured" audience knows
tho real article nnd cannot bo fooled
with imitations.
Bellow Baldwin, as Rev. Joan
Hammond, plnyed his part with
smoothness, nt no time over-nctintr.
Nor did ho trv to intrude himself
upon his audience more thnn hi
part would warrant.
Miss Browncll should como in for
a share of tho praiso, for she wns at
all times pleasing. Sho is a good
actress nnd would grnco any cast of
which sho wns a member. In fnct,
tho company wns nil good, and ns
should como up to the most sanguine
hopes of the owners.
Baptist Church.
A welcome is extended to nny and
all who have not a regular place of
worship to come to the Baptist
church, comer of Fifth street and
North Central avenue. Sunday school
10 a. m.; pleaching sen-ices, 11 n,
m. and 7:30 p. m.; young people's
meetinc;, 0:30 p. m. A special effort
is beinjr put forth to furnish the best
of music for tho church services.
Professor H. M. Whctsel of the
Whetsel Music compnny hns chargo
of the singjng. The pastor wnll
preach at the Griffin school house
next Sundns afternoon nt 3 o'clock
A. A. Holmes, pastor.
-will have f or-
A Great Variety of :
Also French, Rye, Graham, Pull
man, Boston Brown and-
Also Large Variety of
50c Oranges, per dozen . 35c
40c Oranges, per dozen..: 25c
Rardon's Bakery
Christian Science.
Services Sunday morning nt 11 J
o'clock. Subject of lesson-sermon, ;
"Matter"; Sunday school nt 10 n.
m.; testimonial meetings Wednesday
nt 7:30 p. m. The public is cordi-.
ally invited to these services. 328
they enmo nnd went upon the stage : North Grano street, north Sherman- i
.they won our thnnks ond gratitude, CJny mnsie house.
Christian Church. i
At tho Christian churoh, corner of.
Sixth nnd Ivy streets, nsnal services
on Sundny. At tho morning sorvice
tho pnstor will nrench on the sub
Frederick Belnsco, in company!
with other managers of Portland nnd
Seattle, intend playing their com-1
panics up and down the const, pro
ducing tho lntest successes. Thoy
wish to become established with a
patronngo upon which thoy can de- ject, "Soldiers of the Cross." In the
pond, 'lhts should bo n very sue- evening tho subject will bo "The
cessful nrrnngemont nnd when Med-; Heavenly Guest." Good sinring nnd
ford hns a larger playhouse the interesting services. W. Theo. Mnt
prioos could bo mnde very moderate 1 lock, pastor.
and still pay tho manager n good , .
profit. Wo will look with plensure
for their return. E. M. A.
ITnskins for nenlth.
Medford Shoe
Shining Parlor
For Indies, gents, children, this is
tho plnco whero you will save
timo and money by gotting your
shoos shinod by nn exporionced
artist. Oiling nnd dyoing is my
spocinlty. Now, don't forgot the
placo, No. South Confrnl nvo
iiio. Open from 7 n. m. to 8 p.
m.; Sundays till 2 p. m. The const
Champion Bootblack.
V. W. HOWARD, Prop.
Animal 1 Insurance
Wo Insure Horses and Cattle Against Death From Accident, DIs-
east or Fire.
i. E. Tull, Aoont, Modford.
Properties in and out of
New 5-room cottage and
lot, $1200.
3-room cottage and lot,
Big lot with improve
ments, $2000.
Two-thirds acre improv
ed, $700.
11 acres near city, per
acre, $630.
Timber lands.
Good trades in Jackson-A-ille,
Central Point and
George F. Dyer
Fine Weather
A full line of Howard, Hamilton,
Illinois, Elgin and Waltham watches
in Solid Gold or Pilled Cases.
Fine Watch Repairing a Specially
115 West Main Mdfor3
Savoy Theatre
(A Loiir Lnugh)
(Historical Drama)
Music by Real Artists.
by paying the bills by dbook on tiio
Fnrraors' ' & Fruitsrovers1 Rank.
Then you'll know whare very JWlar
goes and for what. Jbxl as yo ieot
up tho amounts in Uus stubs vt your
check book you'll not be m apt la
spend more than you intemM. ti,
Haven't an accoawtl Tka frit? mi
start ono at oacef