Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 18, 1910, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
umtkd vnr.m association
Pull Lcnacd Wire Ilcport.
Tonight and Hiilurdny--Ilnln;
TluitiHlivy'H toiiiperutiir)--lllgh
(it, low aft, rniico n:,
The only paper In the world
publlnhod In a cky tho Alio of
Medford baring a leased wire.
No. 310.
Insurgents Are In Full Revolt
Cannon Battling For His Life
Insurncnts Suddenly Precipitate
Flulit on Floor of Houso and Tlmd
and Tlino Aoaln Defeat Cannon
Forces on Questions Arlslnii Try
Inn. to Get Bin Resolution Throuyh,
Mcssancs Sent to All Parts of Coun
try Urulng Ahscnt Members to
Speed Back to Washlnnjon to Aid
In tho FlQht.
WASHINGTON, D. C, March 18.
After 21 hour of debate, rcorim
Inntion and parliamentary delays tint
hoiiHo today voted by a vote of 101
to 161 to tnko n rocotm until -I
o'clock tlilH nftaruoon.
Tlio motion
(Hop. ti. u.) an
poRo'of giving tho regular tiino in
isesslon Lasts All Nlrjht and Is Still
The Contention,
Tlio fight in tho Iioiibo wan
precipitated ti n o x p o o todly
yontordny afternoon. Hopro
sontutlvo Norris introduced a
rcHolution that had laid on
his desk Hincc tho first day
of tho prcHont HOHsioti to ho
used when tho psychological
moment for an attack on
Cannon should arrive. Tlio
rcNolution provides for a new
rules committee to bo elected
by tho mcmhorH nnd on which
tho Hpenker is not eligible for
membership. Tho now rnlcR
committee, tho resolution pro
vides, in to bo made up of 15
member, nine of tho major
ity nnd six of the minority.
The adoption of this rosolti
lion will curb the speaker's
present power.
OnTwo Hundred Warrants Is
sued to Force Members to Attend
Session In Order to Secure ' a
Outcome of Battle Still Doubtful, But
. It Is- Believed That Insurgents
Have Broken Shackles Forged by
Present Speaker.
Russia's Stricken Empress
And Her Husband, Nicholas II.
Insurmountable Obstacle In Shape of
a Breach in Wage Scale Question
Reported to Have Balked the Ef
forts of the Government Officials
Who Would Avert Strike.
Railway Managers Would Concede
Only 22 Per Cent Increase in
Wages Firemen Stand Out for
Raiso of I2J4 Per Cent.
CHICAGO. March 1S. An Insur-
on bin fnco showed the
sergonnt-at-arms nnd his deputies
censo efforts to arrest the absent-'
cch. A roll call was demanded.!
Aj;nin tbo Cannon organization wux .
defeated by n voto of 121 to 03. mountablo obstnclo In the Bbape of j
m . 1. . . n i m i .....
Awcniy-nino ucmocrnis rciusca 10 irrcmodlable breach on tho wage
i. i..:.... i i t. 1 . .. 1 ' -"i.. . . .
louay 10
the gov-
bllHortl V after 1 ernment off tcialswhb are eoklnir to
terrible the roll call that thoy would have a . avert a strike of 25T000 railway fire-
was made by Martin ,0Cc1u,pi?cI c,inir- At fi vote, boinjr paired with absent Kc-' scale question was reported
itul wna for tho nur-,o5,o0V . l"on,,,nK Cannon return- publicans, tho allies. Democrnts nnd 'have balked the efforts of
1 mi in ihn Imuran nlinrnltftf TIia linnu ,.....,. .I... l .1 it.. ... . . 1
...i. I -i. a., r ..
thu NorriH resolution. ' i"lrn5n " hn'' "oon nncler p,nce ,,u' "Jority of seven, even with tho full 1 men.
Speaker Cannon voted in fnvor of ' """Pooled riRit Btnrted. His np- membership of the house present. ! it wa rumored at Congross hotql,
tho motion. Sevornl iusuruents iiImi PonrftnPe wn ho "'K""' for n "cw Politically, Washington ii nn arm wIhto Chairman Knapp of the Intor
Hiipportod the motion for a ruccHs, " ,"r! ft". cd camp today. Since the revolt stato commerco commlgslon and La-
nnd this wiim taken to indicate thut' I),nin,,H. present showcrfd nRninst Speaker Cannon nnd the. nor Commissioner Nclll are holding
thi-y fnvored somo sort of n ooin-'1nn?, "po" him """"f nP niles of tho house, bej;nn yesterday ; tho conference that tho railway man
promiso rather than nn open split Ul,lt ,r ,r"!U,t n1'rn''cn Cnn0" afternoon by Jtepresentutive Norri-1 alters will not concede moro than a
with tho supporter of Cnnnon. "Pnrrefl, unyine ho had sittned war- df Nohrnskn, was broken up nt 2:30 .2 1-2 per cent ralso of waBes. Tho
rnntH for tho momhors. It develop-1 this morninp; by tho bolting of He-! firemen domand a 12 1?2 per cent in-
WASH1NOTON, 1). f'., March IS. hwover, tlml he hnd iHstied war- pwblicnii retrulnrs, lenvinjj ItsH than 'creaso.
Giw,..i,., ,.c .i'..... rants only to Cnsson, tho Rcpubli- n ouonnn in tho houso chamber 'n nnnimrmnf u.inin. mnn nt
thruuijh tho windows nt tho cnpltol cnn;, n,u1 thnt-.Tnsepli Sinnot. Pem, Thero havo boon hurried conferences ; tho proRross of tho ddnWaUons. but
. thIn'moniinK liKhted up tho oye of rn'i,in "B'S,n"' orKonnt-at-nrnift, 0f both fnotions. Tho Republican , tho trend of tho conference may be
Htulibornly njlitli)jc roprosontntivoH " V n'munra num uunioer oi comer-, roiiowed rrom etateraonts of , men ap-
who for 18 hours hnd been locked n Un"e "'n ""sent incmhorK. ences and tho elcKraph wire, Imvejpcartng before tho Eovornment me-
n HtniKKlo caused hy an nttompt to tannon iionsti-u. been kept hot with tnessnKcs to rep- dlatora.
break the. or),anization of the houso Cannon wnR accused in stintrftiK resentativos visiting other cities, or' It was reported here today that the
of .representatives and ennct now remarks from Democratic members peacefully repnirinp; fences in their officials of the brotherhood ore be-
ruloa. At 2:30 o'clock thin morniiiK of "nvlnc ntlcmptcd a personnl fili- own districts, to hurry to WnshinR-' coming very Impatient at tho delay
a number of Republican regulars left "ustor. His tactics in refusing to Ion nnd help have tho day for the' and tho seemingly tittle progress be-
tho Iioiibo chamhor nnd it was n,Iow Sinnott to help bring in the organization. lug mado by tho board of arbitration,
thought tho debate had beon checked "bsonteo representatives was declnr- baking Aim-titee. J( no ngrconiont le roaolie,i k is not
beonuso less than a nuorum whs on nn fc'fort ,0 le(,P nwn bose who Reinforcements .ro boing sought believed that the firemen will go out
hnnd. would .mm tlio insurgent cause. oy me regular, lho unexpected ; before next Wednesday at tho earlloat.
Then tho fight took n now turn. An ""ring tbo hours thnt the session victory oithe insurgents nnd their
effort wns mado to got ovory repre- raged there were hurried confer- Dotnocrntio supporters in the first
aentntivo into the limmn. Wnrrnntn cnccs ill tho clonkrooms, and tho ef- Pt voto when tho question of rovis-
wero isaud for tho 200 membors ah- frt Kl bo regulars nnd those ing tho house rule wns sprung Into
went from tho mission and Sergeant- Democrats who wore the speaker's yesterday, was enough to show the
at-ArmB Cnsson was instructed to friends could not bo relied on. Cnnnon forces thnt they ceded to
sorvo thorn. Ah tho hours pnssed Although Cannon gnvo- Siimnt hurry (heir supporters to Washing-
DomnorntH began to complain of tho wnrrnnts for tho nbent membors, Ion, nnd even while tho fight was
lack of roaultB obtalnod by CnBson, '10 woro in 2,0 deputies nnd sent hottest in tho house tho party whip,
who wns supposed to bo drumming "'em out to hunt up tho absent onen. Roproentntivo Dwight of New York,
ap members. Casson was cnllod in "' o'clock n rll call wn taken was busily sending messages to dis-
nnd oxplnincd that ho wns doing the n"d shsowed n quorum present. tnnt regulars to hurry to the capital,
best hn could. Insurgents Win. The holt of the regular Repuhli-
During tho night
Dnlzoll (Rep. Olmstond, rngulnr, moved that Hi"
Huge Gathering of Socialists Form
In Berlin and March to Cemetery,
Where Ceremonies Arc Conducted
Are Guarded by Police.
IIIOHLIN, March 18. Thousands
of polleo woro on duty tcday at tho
Dorlln comotory to provont posslblbo
riots by 100,000 sorlaltHtn, who gnth
erod thoro to colobrato tho C2d an-
nlvorsary of tho Prussian rebellion.
Tho hugo body of soclallUH formod
In Uorlln and mnrchod to tho como
tory, Tholr progrosB through tho
atroota wna ordorly and tho polleo did
not Intorforo with tho procosolon.
After reaching tho burial grounds,
tho uoclnllst londors bogan Bpooch
making ovor tho grnvoa of 300 In
BiirroctloalBta killed In tho norlln ro-yolt.
Here's Chance to Help.
What cltizon doos not want to boo
our city as up-to-.bto as possIbloT
Bvoryono knows how much Intor
OBt tho lndlog havo talcoit In tho prog
J08B of Modford,, giving tholr tlmd and
onorgy to doing nil thoy could, And
whon thoy havo started to obtain
anything, thoy havo always gotten
t. To raise funds for tho furthor Im
provement of the park and keeping un
the Improvements already1 made, and
Says Even Increasing Prices for
Foodstuffs Is Cause of Groat Un
easiness Throughout Labor World
-Says Combination Is Formed.
(Continued on Pngs 8.)
One of tho railroad managers stat
ed today that ho was still hopeful for
a scttloment. Otherwise, ho declined
to discuss the matter.
WASHINGTON, March 18. -Des
Ignntlng "high prlccB of food" ns
tho latest weapon of capital In an of
fort to crush unionism, Prosldont
Snmuol Qompora today warnod union
labor men of nn alleged combination
to defeat tho labor movomont.
Qompora attributed tho unrest of
tho lnbor world to tho activity of tho
"combination," and declnrod that ov
orythlng posalblo would bo dono by
labor londora to protoct tho working'
men. Ho rofiiBod to dlvulgo what
pinna tho londora had formulated.
In tho courso of his romnrks Gom-
purs Bald thnt whllo wngos had not
boon dooroasod, tho groat ndvanco In
tho cost of living hnd amounted to a
docroaBo In compensation for tho la
boring mon.
for tho n6v bcoka which noodod
In tho library, nn ontortninmont Is to
bo glvon March 20, at ' tho opora
houso. It Is hopod ovoryoco will
Hhow tholr Intorost by tfolng,
Adovrtising will not soil it unless
it's worth your price-rand it will
sell it if it is.
Residence ef Frank Edwards Burns
and Store Narrowly Escapes De
fectlve Rue tho Cause Flames
Could Not Be Checked.
A dofectivo fluo cnused tho do-
Btruotion of the rosidonco of Frank
Edwnrds at Hutton, Cnl., Inst night.
Ilutton is just noross tho line in
California on tho road to the Bluo
Lodgo mine, nnd consists of a post
offico, hotel nnd tho storo of tho
Edwnrds Supply Co. Tho dwelling,
which wns destroyed, was oloso to
tho storo and only strenuous: offorts
provonted that structure from ontoh-
ing fire, in which case tho littlo sot
tlomout would hnvo boon pra'cticallv
wiped out. .
Tho loss will be in the neighbor
hood of $1000.
Old Country Sod Disappears.'
CHICAGO, 111., March 18. A ouiot
investigation by tho Irish Fellowship
club todny to ascertain if possiblo
what hocamo of n small pioco of
nsh turf imported for tho purpose
of enabling President Tnft to dolivor
ila St. Pntriok'8 day spoeohoa from
riali sod.
It is holloyed thnt souvenir hunters
onrrlod away the turf.
. CENTRAL POINT. March 18. - C,
R. Bade, of the Jncobsctn-Dnde com
pany, who have the contract for in
stalling Central Point's water sys
tem, received .advices I mm the ent
.Monday thnt tho p.pc, tower, etc..
had been loaded and started -weM.
Mr. Bade expects tho pipe to Legm
to nrrive in from three to five weeks
from the time it wns shipped, which
wns last Saturday, the 13th inst.
This should bring some of -the pipe
boro by April 15, or thereabouts, and
work will commence immediately
upon receipt of tho pipe. Mr. Bade
oxpects to pnt on n full crew vf men
nnd push tho work through as rapid
ly ns possible.
Steel Wires Highway Comnilsslswi
That Government Will Assist to
Read Building If Pledge Is Given,
for Expenditure of $20,000 Dur
ing This Year.
New Up te People of Oregon ts See
That Road Is ByiH Nethlnf Suc
ceeds Like Success and Cemmfe
slon Is Confident. '
Kmpreas Alcxan4ru PVudorovnn. consort of Emperor Nicholas II. ot Hu
ln, was born Print,-) Alls tf H-., June 7. ISTi:. iitid was married to Xlcti
olns. then M'attil on tin' PuswMr niro-.f only thre weeks, on Nov. 27. ISIH
Her mother un It1ii.- tr lin-.-u Hrit.-tiu nnd In-hind, daughter of
Quevu VWtorta Ut .- . u to thu vtar ut ouirtna only one.
the ymjnt'Ot. U s :' i i - mi Unlet! AltJs. hlr to the Kusalan
'hroiie tiorn Am ' '
f WASHINGTON, March 13.
-f Crater Lake Highway Com-
mission, Mcdford, Or.: Am
having a hard fight here, but
If you can pledge the expea- -f
dltude thlj year of $20,000 -
outside of the reserve I cab -t"
win on every point. Time Is
f precious. Wlro mo as sooh
f as possible.
(Signed) WILL O. STEELE, -f
This Is the Share of Jackson County African Gorilla Had No Difficulty
In the Sale of 85,000,000 feet of
Timber in Crater National Forest
Will Get It in Five Years.
in Puttinn Fireman Out in Un
equal Battle in Los Angeles Yes
terday Afternoon.
The foregoing message was recelv-
ed Friday morning by the Crater L&fce
highway commission, which immedi
ately wired Mr. Steel of the succee.
" they aro meeting with la Bollcltlngr
' funds for the construction or (no
J highway to Crater Lake and Inform
ed him that this amount of money
j would be exponded this year. And la
consequence It Is believed that Mr.
Steel will be successful In his efforts
to enlist the aid of Undo Sam in .thft.
building of the road.
It Is now wholly up to tho people or
Oregon, and the membors of the com
mission are doubling their efforts to
secure additional names to those al
ready signed pledging money to the
TOKYO, Marchc lS.Tho land
ownorshlp bill, permitting foreigners
to own land In Nippon, waB reported
today by tho houso of representatives.
Tho bill allows foreigners to own
Innd, provided they are residents of
Jnpnn, An nttompt was mado to on-
largo the scope of the bill so as to
permit foreigners residing olsowhero
to own Jnpaneso land, but this wns
Anoinor nttompt was mado to
amond tho bill making Its provisions
applicable only to foreigners whoso
govornmonts necorded llko privileges
to Japanese. This also wbb voted
Gold Discovered.
hbd ULUFF, Col., March 18.
Gold la reported to hnvo beon discov
ered In good quantities In a lodgo 1G
mllos south of Lyonsvlllo. . The find
wob mado by H. T. Mccum, who will
Btart work on tho lodgo as soon as
weather conditions pormlt.
More careful buying is an enforced
penalty of the increasing "ooBt of liv-
ng," Au-watchfulncss ie greatly
M. L. Erickson, superintendent of LOS ANGELES. Cnl., March 18.-
tho Crater National forest, returned Nursing a dislocated and battered
Thursday evening from the Pelican lnce bears litUle resemblance to
bay section in Klamath county, a huniaa physiognomy, Fireman Jim
where be has been tor tno past two yyua is recuperating nt Doyle'i
mouths or moro cruising a large body Vernou camb from tho terrific maul
of timber to be Bold by tho govern-, i,lfr j,o received at tho hands of the
ment. African gorilla, Sam Langford, oud-
Ibis cruising stuut was cone an- ,nK in a knockout in tho eighth round
tircly on snowsuoes ana uicimuut xne While admitting (hat ho was boat
making ot contour maps or Uie en, and beaten in tha very first
whole region, showing the ditierent round 0f yesterday's battle, Flynn's
elevtttious, tlio character and quulity j fighting spirit appears to be uncon
of the forest growth aud everything quered, and ho maintain still that he
elo pertaining to tho tuubot, it ue-! j8 Langford's mastor.
cessibmty and value.
Tho township cruised shows 85,
000,000 feet of standing timber. It
has been estimated nt 150,000,000.
The contractor is to remove this
amount of timbor within five years
aud pays the government n certain
amount per 1000 tcot.
Of the remuneration received 1
the government. 25 per cent goes to
the comities in which the reserve is
situated in proportion to the area
of forest lands in the respective
counties. - In this case Jackson
county will receive (10 per cent of the
amount coming and Klamath -10 per
coat, that being about tho proportion
ot timbor lands in tho Crater Na
tional resorvo in each county.
Jackson county's shnro will bo in
tho neighborhood of $38,250, payable
in five years, which will help some
in school and road funds.
BOSTON, Mass.. .March 18. Ti-
dny thoro is n labor union for base
ball playors for tho first timo in tho
history of tho groat American gamo.
I ho United Stntos Bnsoball longuo ih
tho first to become unionized. The
regular charter, authorizing tho ore-
ntion of such a union, wns reooivod
lere yesterday from President Qom
pora of the American Federation of
Labor, by Dr. G. II, Lawson, presi
dent of the leagw.
Flynn's opinion is not supported
by tho thousands o; light fans that
saw the unequnl fight at Vernon.
Tho fireman was hopelessly outclass
ed from tho moment tho men squared
lor tho first round. Langford was
every bit the demon of his reputa
tion, nnd Flynn had nothing but his
gnmeness to excuse his apponring in
the same ring with the cave-man
without au axo in ono hnnd and u
rovolvor in tho other.
After the battlo Flynn's injuries
were the subject of much argument
by the ringsiders. It was nunarent
to those in "blood row" at tho navil-
lou that the Pueblo man's jaw win,
broken or dislocated by Langford's
torntio knockout blow. At Vernon
today Flynn vehemently denied that
his maxillary was cracked, but talk
ing wns difficult for him nnd ho re
fused to ponnit any ono to exnmino
tho bnttored member. His attendants
were tho first to ndmit that tho jaw
was brokon, but they rofused to dis
cuss it.
Langford know tho raomout tho
final blow was struck thnt tho fight
wns ovor. He walked unconcernedly
to tho press row to talk with a friond
while Roforeo Eyoton counted out the
beaten white mnn. Thon. with his
gorilln-liko arms dangling almost to
his knees, he orossod tho rine to
shako hands with his fallen foo.
Flynn doolared today that he
wants another match with Langford,
List Grows Greatly.
The list has grown steadily since It
was started one week ago today un
til at present thoso scorns no doubt oli
the ultimate success of the undertak
ing. Medford alone will give 25,00G
If not more, and other sections are
equally anxious to assist In tho con
struction of tho rond.
Among the other signers since yes
terday was G. Estop, who Is at
present in Los Angoles. His atten
tion was attracted by tho dally ac
counts of the movement published 1st
the Mall Tribune, and ho lost no time
In writing to tho commission pledg
ing bis 1100.
J. A. "Westerlund hns dono good
work during the past two days, bat, -has
not turned in his list.
Sunday morning the Mall Tribune "
will donate a page to the movoraoat
nnd will publish In full tho Roll of
Honor. You should soo that YOUR
name Is thero.
Lnwrcnco A. Gregory, photoeranh-
er, who rocontly added to his eouin-
ment n Contury Cirkut camera, tho
third of its kind to bo owned in Or
egon, hns scoured an exceptionally
splendid pnnornmic view of Medford
from tho roof of St. Mary's Acad
emy, Eleventh and Oakdale.
Tho picture, which is exhibitod nt
tho Medford book store, shows ev
erything from tho Catholic church on
the west nround to tho eametery on
the onst. In the distance can bo
seen part of Jacksonville, tho Snowv
Butte ranch house and Central
Point, ITiltorest, Nob Hill nnd the,
Westerlund orchards. All aro dis
tinct. Tho picture is an exception
ally splendid ono.
Inoked the stamina to withstand th
ripping body blows the negro delivered,
Flynn was a hopelglT beaten nan
in the fight, and Ioeaj fan .Pfr-
tnllv An nnf ka1I 11.-. Vr n
He claims he was overtrained and will rematch the fightem.