'1 THE MEDFQRD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1910. Let The Classified Ads Do Your Work --They Work While You K Sleep 4 CHAMBERLAIN SPONSOR FOR BILL (Introduces Measure In Senate to Pre vent Discrimination Aplnst Men Wearing Undo Sam's Uniforms Result of Theater Managers Action WAHIIINOTON, March If.. Bona tor Chninhurlitln of Oregon Monday Introduced a hill In tho mnato to pro vont discrimination against men wear Iiik army, navy or inurlno uniform -on tho part of manager of t lira torn or other place of public entertain mo nt. Tho hill Im tho roNitlt of tho action of a local thoator manager who re fused to nllow marines to entor tho playhouse because thoy woro their uniforms, 1 Tho men objected and made an Issue of tho case, forcing tho man- agumout to practically oxpol thorn. When tho matter wan called to tho attention of tho manugor of tho tho ntor hu sold that ho took tho action In accordance with his rule to allow nouo to enter hid thoator wearing any iiniiMiial continue Ho ald that If President Taft droMtetl In a sweater and koH trou era, applied for a ticket that ho would bo denied admittance exactly as woro tho marlnco. Tho matter ban attracted consider able attention and ban boon tho nub Jeci of much comment In official clr den, Navy men conildor tho action of tho manager an affront to tho uni form. INDIANAPOLIS. TOO. RISES AGAINST THE LONG HATPIN INDIANAPOLIS, March lfi. 'Doom for tho long hatpin in Indian npolin 'ih spelled in nn ordinance in preparation by Councilman George? H. Ruben. The innjonty of tho coun cilnien favor the nnti-lmtpiii mens uro ami will vote fof its pnHHiigu. ".No, tntH ih not tuo iiloa or n bachelor," said Rtibcnn, "oven though I urn one. I beliovo that every mar rivd man will full in lino ami support till ((ordinance. There is nothing to to gained by wearing long hatpins. My muiiHiiro will require tho short lintpiiiB, allowing half an inch pro joction, or, if a womnn cIiookos to wear a long one, nho must have the point covered with a nhontii." "If thoy'ro going to wonr tliem so 'long thoy ought to bo tnndo to wear corks or boxing glovcR nt tho sharp end," mud Councilman Fred C. Ow cils. DHVKLOP.MICNT AXI) HUIIDIVISION 3C0 acre, 300 acres froo loatn noil, under ditch, 260 acres cleared, 00 acres rod soil. Dost proposition now available $30,000. Torms. Also oth er bargains. A. N. Parsons, Grants Tass. 407 FOR SALE. URAL KSTATE." FO'RTSAtTB 1000 ncres finest alfal fn land In tho wont; Irrigation; flno transportation; will uubdlvldo any amount; $80 por aero, on torms. Oregon Orchards Syndlcato. Sco Mr. Coulter. 312 FOR SALR 70 acros, 1 mllo from Englo Point, uncleared, GO acroa first-class sticky fruit land; prlco $00 por ncro, easy torms; 40 acres, froo soil, half bottom land; 10 acros .clonrod, heavy tlmbor on balanco; good wntor right, two miles from Kaglo Point; prlco $120 por aero. Far further Information, nddross Dor 127, Englo Point, Or. FOR STUK-N'o. 1. lSO-ncYo ranch on tho Applogi.to; about 00 acres undor ditch; nhout CO acros clonrod, most ly In alfalfa nnd.frult; 0-room houso, froo wntor, froo rango, froo fuol; six toIIoo from Orants PnsB; prlco $00 por ncro, tornm. No. 2, 10u-ncro fruit ranch; 00 nproB plnntod; flno land, splondld wntor right; a Hlghtly plnco; Invostl nto this; irlco $16,000, torms. No, 3, 20 acres, rich bottom land, nil In cultivation; hnlf poar land; Iialf applo or nlfalfa lnnd; ono mllo from Grants Poss; prlco $5000. You can't boat It. Tho Bnslor Ronlty Company, room 4, Masonic Tomplo, Grants Pass, Or, 308 FOirSAlJlQ fiavo Just listed cholco fruit lands, Improvod, ol'oso In, In 12, 12, 20, 40, 60 and 100-ncro tracts, at prlcos that will mnko tho purclmsor good monoy, Como and soloot youra now, Tho nnslor Roal ty Company, room 4, Mnsoulo Tom plo, Qrants Pass, Or, 308 KOIl 8AM3 22r..nnro tract, rich rlv or bottom lain), suitable for niiIiiII vIhIoii or dovoloitniont n a whole. This 1m tho richest body oi land In southern Oregon. It Interested In something good, wrlto for prlco. The llaslor Realty Company, room 4, Masonic Tomplo, Grants Pass, Or. 308 KOK 8ALK Throo bargains In stock ii lid grain ronchos, 320, 400 and 400 acros; $14,000, $10,000 and ffiOOO Tliu Busier lUmlty Company, room 4 Masonic Tomlo, Qruuts Pass, Or, 308 KOIt BAI.K-10 acres" In Modford llolghta, adjoining city park on tho north, nenr reservoir, on H Merest road, or will subdivide, Gil Bouth Drape nt. 309 KOIt HA MO 3 acres; 7-room houso good barn aud outbulldlnKs; make 18 big lots; some grapes. Boo Blskl you Land Co., Phlpps bldg., room 200. 309 KOIl BALI-: 10 lots on Jackron st. Oood houso and barn; $0000, termB Blsklyou Realty Co., 22 Jackson Co. Dank. KOK bTTTK Lot 6 Cxi 00, Just west of Olson street ou Second; prlco $300, Blsklyou Realty Company, room 22, Jackson County Rank. I'OflTSALE 1 to fTacros.'undor'Flsh Lake ditch, 1 1-4 miles from post office. Splendid location for home; fine for berries and garden; $360 por ncro. Boo owner, No. 20 8. Peach street, or P. O. Hox 842. 308 KOK SALE One of tho best lots on Bo. Grape; 6 blocks from Main; small house. 611 So. Grapo. 309 KOK HALIC Hlock of five lots on Ivy street, botweon Tenth and Kiev? enth street, east front, a cholco to cation for npartmont houso or fam ily hotel. Inquire nt 240 South Grapo street. 311 Houses. FOll HAliW Now moiluru ftvo-room bungalow, three blocks from Main street; has' built la chiffoniers, built In refrigerator, built In buffet, modern plumbing and electric lights. Some mission furniture, built es pecially for this house, will be sold with It. Owner exports to build on East Side and will dispose of this proporty at a reasonable figure. In- quiro at 240 South Grapo st. 311 FOR SALE 1 1-2 acres In city; 6 wjii lit ii " vi iiiwuvi is a w v w m Jackson County Dank. FOR BALE Two now bungalows, al most tlnlshod, and four lots $1800 Address A2, Tribune 312 FOR SALE On North Klvorsldo Avenue, G room houso, barn and ,ono-half aero of good garden land all for $1600. Addross P. O. box 878. Modford. Or. Houses. FOR 8ALE Modorn bungalow, 6 rooms, bath, pantry, two porchos, wired, partly plumbod, tinted walls, waxed woodwork, corner lot 60x 120 feot, In ono of choicest Enst Modford districts; houso and lot could not now bo duplicated for prlco askod, $2000; $1600 will ban dlo. Address P. O. Uoz 172. 324 FOR SALE $1800 buys a six-room houso, two lots 60x100, gas engine, 2 wolls, 5 poach trees, boarlng, 2 applo treoa, 2 poar troos, 2 plum troos, 26 rhubarb, 300 strawborrlos, 26 grapo stumps, all bearing; city water and eowor; halt cash, balanco 3 years, 6 por cont. Blsklyou Roalty Co., 22 Jackson Co. Dank, 299 Acrcngo. 'OR SALE Flvo acres, closo fit plantod to fruit trees, small fruits and truck gartlon; houso, barn, chicken houso nnd tank houso, with gusoltno onglno and pump; land all plpod for Irrigation; plouty of wa ter; adjoining land platted to lots; will sacrifice for quick salo, 334 Sixth strcot. 311 FOR SALE io acres, 1-4 mllo from Ayr Spur, good houso and barn, $25 por aero, Slscklyou Roalty Co., 22 JnckBon Co, Dank. FOR SALE Two ono-ncro tracts, 1-4 mllo from postotflco; $300 each. Siskiyou Realty Company, room 22 JackBon County Dank. ?QR SALE 5 and 10-noro trnotH just within nnd adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on f nnmrnl pay inonts. Addross Condor Wuter Powor Co. t Farms or Orchard. 'OR RENT Throo ncroa Improvod lnnd; houso, barn, otc; reasonable; ouo-hnlf mllo from Jacksonville, Mrs. O. Rood. 308 FOR SALE 00 acres, finest building slto .ln tho alloy, Inclutlli e 30 acres good fruit land; cheap and torma right. H. O. Maltby, Palm Dl'dg., Main nnd Front. Every adv. In this paper 's vo;th whllo lc based on a iwrlous purposo carries facts, clues and suggestions l nt mean MONEY, OPPORTUNITY to someone. Tho merchant whjse adv. appears In theso columns has something to say to all prospec tive atom patrons wlilch ho considers to bo important and he pays for the opportunity to got his rnensago TO YOU. This paper wants to feel sure that the nicssago IS DELIVERED and, so, urges you to recolvo It, and coaa'dor it. Classified Ads One Cent a Word FOR SALE. FOR BALE About 30 acres of good orchard land 1 1-2 miles east or Phoenix. One-half Is In orchard. Tolophono, Modford, 1199, or ad dress C. T. Payno, Phoenix, Ore. FOR SALE Ninety aens. 30 in one year old applo and poar trees, 100 inchos of water, 2 1-2 miles from railroad station. For terms write "Ownor," caro Mail Tribune. 261 FOR SALE Wolf Creek fruit tract. Tho H. L. Cbapln Realty Co., 203 Corbett bldg., Portion.!, Or., are of. forlng tho best of Roguo River val ley fruit lands In small tracts on easy payment, at wholcoalo prices Southorn Pacific depot on center of tract. Investigate at onco. E. M. An drows, local asont. 310 FOR SALE 76 acres best fruit land in north end of valloy; 4 miles from railroad: 1-2 mllo from school; about 16 acres cloarcd; some fruit In bearing; Irrigating ditch runs through mlddlo of it; plonty of wa tor: with bouso. barn, well and spring and 1000 cords of wood on It; a No. 1 road In all directions; $3600. Duy of ownor. Soo Coleman at clg 1 at fnMA.v 9IR FOR SALE Some good buys. 30 acres Just outsldo Ashland city lim its, soil deep black, good orchard, alfalfa or gardon land; has good Improvements; nicely located to cut In aero tract c; this is a bargain at $14,260. Also 300 acres best soil and best lrrl gated tract In southorn Oregon; can not bodupttcatod as a fruit or alfalfa venture; will pay 20 per cent on In vestmont an' an alfalfa farm. Wo havo other tracts, both largo and small, with prices to suit any purso; also so mo good buys In Ash land city proporty. For particulars call on or address H. L. Whlto & Co, No. 26 North Main street, room 7, Ashland Imp. block. 321 Timber LaudI FOR SALE 40 acres ot good timber flvo mlloa from Modford; all down hill. Mat Calhoun, Phoenix, Ore gon. Ruslness Opportunities. FOR SALE Good rostaurant for salo. Inquire at 10 South Fir street, Modford. Or. 310 Huslneas Property. FOR SALE Choico business prop orty at a bargnin, on Jong time; onsy torms. Address Condor Wa ter Powor Co. FOR SALE $7000 buys a two-story brick building in business center; must bo cash and quick monoy, Sis kiyou Realty Co,, 22 Jackson Co. Dank. 299 Horses. FOR SALE A fine farm horso, 1200 pounds at 1009 W. Main st. FOR SALE A 7-yoar-old horso; good driver or sot'.dlor. Inquire at 333 South Rlvorsldo. 307 FOR SALE Whlto maro, 1000 lbs; flno horso for buggy or onddlo. Will Hacrlflco It sold at onco. Address P. O. llox 147. 307 FOR SALE Ono span ot draft ltorsos, wolgbtng about 3000 pouuds Flvo yoars old, Ono btt; Vorso 7 yonrs old, wolht 1260 pounds, Ad dress 705 North Contra'. Georgo D. Youuif, 307 FOR SALE An 8-yoar-oId driving tnnro, Bound, kind; oxtra drlvor, work In all harness, snto for lady; also opon buggy and noarly now hnrnoBs, Inquire of Sahormorhorn, West Sldo Stables, 308 Miscellaneous. FOlt SALE Early' Snurlso oood po- tatoos. O. Caroy, North Talont. MESSAGE FOR YOU! FOR SALE. FOR SALE 1 large gentle cow, glv Ing 4 gallons milk; one belter calf, 4 inontho old; alio ono sow and olchl pigs. Address H. L. G., care Pearco Placer Mine, Jacksonville, Or. 311 KOR SALE Thoroughbrbed Drown Leghorn eggs for setting, $1.00 for 16. 611 So. Grape street. 300 FOR SALE Tent, nearly new. Apply Mission Cafe. 308 FOR SALE 1000 cedar fence posts, a lot ot fence pickets. F. Oocnbrugge, Studebaker Bros, Co. Warehouse. FOR SALE: Good, rich black top dirt, Just the thing for gardens. So A. Slovor. FOR SALE Early Sunrise soed po tatoes. Addv: Louis Bonnett, Medford. 314 FOR SALE Mimeograpn for dupli cating letters. In good condition, cheap, at office of Condor Water & Power Co. ' 283 FOHSALE-One 2-horsodfsc" Har row, cost $40; price $35, practically now, only having been run over about 40 acres. Inquire Medford Book Store. FOR SALE Eggs for hatchlnj. $1 per setting, from pure laying strain of Barred Rock. Phone Modford Farmer 186. Address Box 196, Cen tral Point. 321 4- t- -t- -t- 4- FOR RENT. Farms. FOR RENT Tracts of land from ono to forty acres; with water for irrigation, suitable for raising po tatoes and gardeu truck, also suit able for chicken and turkey raising. Owner will furnish a reasonable amount of lumber and poultry and other fencing for improvements if lessee perform labor of erecting same. Call at office of Condon Wntor and Power company for par ticulars. Furnished Rooms. FOrTRENT FurhlsTicdr room at 22 Almond street, Enst Medford. FOR RENT Furnished rooms No. 10 North Grape street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms. 325 South Ivy street. 309 FOR RENT Modern furnish d rooms at 60 4 West 10th or 124 King street. TO RENT Largo nicely furnishod room. Addrocs W 2, caro Mall Tri bune. Po R RENT No w and nicely luF nlshod sleeping rooms, charges rea sonable. Mrs. J. F. Hutchason. Di rections: Go west to Oakdale, then north to Fourth streot, then west to Olson stroot, tho first street on north sldo of Fouvth street as you go went. Phono 3207. 297 Office Rooms. FOR RENT Offices ever postofflc on April 1st; will bo steam heated and have hot and cold water by noxt winter. Apply to A. A. Davis. Houses. FOR RENT Houso for rent and fur- nltttro for salo, 127 South Q st. FOR KENT 5-room now bungalow. 720 W. 12.H st. 367 FOR RENT 5-room cottago; good bam; 2 ucros good land; only $12,50 por month. Inqulro cornor Peach stroot and county road. 310 FORTVGNT 5-roonTfurnlsliod houso, slooplng porch, nil modorn Improvo inon'ts, Inqulro 145 North Oakdalo. 309 FOR RENT Fivo-room Iioubq on West Tenth Btroot; olectrlo lighted; garden startod; ront reasonable, In qulro of Hal L. Conrad, 308 ---t-ft--t--t'--'t--f -r FOR RENT. TWO new five-room bungalows on West Side, $10 per month. Benson Investment Co. .308 Miscellaneous. j FOR RENT Only hotel in town- of . 1000 population. Call at Condor Water and Power Co., 209 West Main street. WANTED. - - WANTED A"n Investment. What havo you? I have from $5 to' $15,000 cash. Will consider No. 1 apple and pear dirt, raw J and or set to trees, any age; also Medford property. Ad dress Engineer, Box 863, Medford. Help Wanted Male. WANTED Woman, Chinaman or Jap for genoral housework. Apply at Hotel Moore. 307 WANTED Ten miners and laborers. Annlv Condor Wnfor Pnvar Pvi WANTED Flrst-ciass gardener. Ap ply Condor Witer & Power Co. WANTED Experienced stone cutter and quarry man. Call at Condor Water and Power Co'e. office. WANTED A man experienced In the handling of incubators and turkey raising. Apply at office of Condor Water & Power Co. 283 Help Wanted. WANTED Man and wife to work on ranch. Benson Investment Co. 307 WANTED Agoits to handle terri tory for household article; big mon ey (o right party. Call room 203, Pblpps bldg. 209 WANTED Man and wire, man for gardening and wife for general housework. Apply Condor Water & Power Co . WANTED TO BUY. Miscellaneous. WANTED To buy, all kinds of beds and bedding. Address Watson's care ot Mail Tribune. Vt WANTED Gotd clean cotton rags at Iho Mall Tribune office. WANTED Last year's five pasaen ger touring car. Give make, model and prlco. Address Blank, care of Mall Tribune. Miscellaneous. WANTED Unfurnished room and board In vicinity of North Central avenue. Address X, this office. 309 WANTED Three teams to plow. Or egon Orchards Syndicate. WANTED Hand laundry by a lady with three years' experience; satis faction guaranteed. Call at 504 N. Fir street or phono Main 741. 307 WANTED Party to Join. mo In de veloping townslte and subdividing and marketing 'adjoining fruit lands. Bost natural location in southern Oregon; manufacturing plant with good payroll nil ready undor con tract; oxcellont shipping potnt; $10, 000 to $15,000 required; part cash, balanco as required for Improve ments. Addross O, Tribune. 305 lsHlons. WANTED A position on ranch or orchard by a reliable married man. Roforonce. Address J, caro of this office. 312 WANTED Work, gardening qr houso cleaning a specialty. Inqulro No. 4, South Central avenue. 308 FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE 4 acres of ttrat cl.nsa uncleared orchard land, 3-4 mllo from Eaglo Point to oxchango for two good lots In outskirts ot Medford, C. C. Pierce. 310 TO "EXCHANGE Unlmprvod-land for an automobile. The Basler Roal ty Company, room 4, Masonic Tem plo, Grants Pass, Or. 308 FOR EXCHANGE. f-t'-f-f-f-f'f-f- FOR EXCHANGE Good work horso to exchange for a driving horse, suit able for a lady. Address P. O. Dox 266, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Bootblacks. SHINE Get your shoes sined, oiled or dyed nt tho Palace bootblack stand in Smokehouso. First-class work in our specialty. Shoes called for in any part o city and deliver ed. 212 West Main street. Eddie, the Bootblack. Landscape Gardeners. J. T. BROADLEY, Landscnps gar dener; a long experience in laying ont and care of private gTonnds. P. O. Box 52L Medford. Or. Tin ShOf I. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tia and sheetiron ware on hand and caaae to order. 128 North O street. Attarneys. WITHINQTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm Building. POSTER J. NEFF, WM. P. MEA LEY Attornevs-at-law. No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIQ & REAMES W. M. Col vie. C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fice' Medford National Bank Build ing, eocond floor. B. F. MTJLKEY Attorney-at-Law, Offices Room 30, Jackson County Bank Building, MedforsL Transfer aitd Drayain. H. S. BRDMBLE Dr&yage an transfer. Baggage stored. Office C and Seventh. Real Estate. SEE WM. E. STACEY & CO. for some of the choicest bargains in real estate in this valley. Also Brit ish Columbia and Alberta, B. C, and other parts. Call on him at Bitner's office, Phipps Building, or at tha Medford Auto Company's garage, where we start out our agents for the Aladden Mantle Lamp and hid den window screen. Wo will treat you right. Come and see. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate. Loans and Fire Insurance Office, snite 205-206, over Frnit growers' Bank. Phone 541. REAL ESTATE AGENT and em ployment rustler can be seen at the Medford garage where he starts out his agents for the Aladdin Mantle Lamp. Wm. E. Stacey, P. O. box, 826. AS A MATTER OF BUSBJESS, we would suggest that yon call at our office in search of real estate bar gains. We refuse to list any prop erty for which owner asks more .than we think it is worth. Wa do not care to make sales at extrava gant and unreasonable prices. Yon will not find us tagging yon on the street or annoying yon at the hotel, hence this invitation to call at our office, No. 128 E. Main st. Pierce, Shepherd & Co. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. J. T. O'Brieu. O. D. Nagle. THE MEDFORD BRICK CO. Brick manufacturers and contractor; also lime, cement and plaster in any quantity. Office, Medford National Bank bld. Phone Main 545. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day phone 351. Night Phonos: C. W. Conklin 3601, J. H. Butler 3571. Photographers. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Pose with Mackey and die with joy." Over Al ien & Reagan's storo; entrance on Seventh street. .Hospitals. SOUTHERN OREGON HOSPITAL 344 South C St., Medford, Or. E. W. Hisoy, Matron. Official hospi tal P. ft E. R. R. Bricklayers. BRICKLAYERS K. Kuzin, at Smokehouse first-class brioklayer, stoueworker, cement stepping, stucco and moulding, fireplaces and tile work a speeinUy, European plan; day or contrncL Medicines. CHOW YOUNG'S CHINESE MEDI CINES Will cure rheumatism, asthma, paralysis, sores and pri vate diseases. Theso remedies may be procured at the Sing Lee laun dry, 123 S, Riverside avenue, Med ford, Or., whero they will be sold by tho proprietor. Dr. Chow Young has treated sev eral sovere oases with his remedies since coming to Medford and has for reference some of the boat known and most intelligent citizens in Southern Oregon. Call on him. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. -f 4-4-f 4- f4-44-'' Printers ami PnbHaMrt. MEDFORD PIUN1ING CO. ku Oh) best equipped job ofites to 8ok ern Oregon; Portland p.Wsu 57 Sonth Centra. ave. Pfaiw InstruetlM. MISS JENNE88E KDTLEK FUm iustraotion and musical liiateHcy. Studio, No. 8 S. Or.uijjs St. PsMMHt Main 2401. HARMONY, sigbt readis, form. Mrs. E. E. Gore, MetropoWswi College of Manic. Miss Flera Gray, Studios, 144 Boatk Central Phosa 493. CIvU ftAeers. WILL take by oestract, oa able terms, all toads of work; fctetv irrigatkjr, plants wmi cmhintlmfni etc. Landscape raraw. First class refefeeces. Wd&un Paten, Civil Eflgiaeer, Pfcauo 1801, Stt & Main street, Medford. Or. IM Prefers. VERNE T. CANON BiU PeaUr m4 Distributor, All orders proasytfy filled. Room 28, Jaeksem CsuaSy Bank BaiMiag, Medford. Or. UMkM Partes. S. T. BROWN 3s COr BUtkrd, Ci gars and Soft Drink. Dp sUhsy Young ft HaH bs&iiBg. A b4m place to epead the hot afternoesyt. JOHNS Ss TURNER, Arehttoets Builders, ofCee 7-8, 235 Phone Mak 347L Beaiiemoa sthstM 247L VALLEY .SIGN AND CAMSIAMM WORKS High-class wsrfc tees. wgaa. uirextama m Phone 801. CadectlMS. PERCY L. WOOD, CaHevjter AM bills will receive praaqsi svttoitfaau Home phone 354L FMUftHTt. H. F. WILSON ft CO- deatera ia hk and 8esoad-kaad timkms hardware, Ageats for Hremi (Sty kitchen cabinet 323 E. Seventk at MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and HeHy Mfrftfet. Mission Furniture saade to wrier. Cabinet work of all kinds. A idol order solicited. MORDOFF ft WOLFF Cook Stove and Ranges. New svemL SeoesMt-fiaasl Furniture. Bads' old tUu, 18 W. F st. Soath. Phoae 81, Madfard, Or. QUAKER NURSERIES Oar tree are budded, not grafted. Ou: ateefc. is not irrigated. We ftnratte9 ev erything pat out. We are not hi the trust H. B. Patterson eifke i Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-cra4e flHHmery stock. C. F. Cook, Prep. 8. ft. V depot. P. O. Box 841. Ffceae tfftl, Medford. MUSIC. MRS. E. E. GORE Piatte feefcaetiea Metropolitan College of Music. Him Flora Gray. Pkna 432. 144 Soath Central avenue, Building awl Lm Assfattow. JACKSON COUNTY BUDLDIN8! AND LOAN ASSOCLATfON-O. Boggs, Acting Secretary, lag Main street. Dentists. DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC, Oenltet- Office in rooms 303-2 4, Fa & Fruitgrowers' hank beJiding, of the tracks. Physklaiw and Surteont. R. W. STEARNS, M. D.- Jaokson County basic Night promptly answered. Office anil rad-l dent phono Main 3432. S. A. LOCKWOOD, M. D. MYRTLE S, LOCKWOOD, M. D Offices in Raskins' baildmg. Pa on Main 1001. CONROY ft CLANCY Office Stewart Building; Physicians Surgeons. Offico phone Mam private phone Main 612. DR. F. G. CARLOW. DR. EVJ MAINS CARLOW Osteapat Physicians. Mission Block. Pha 201. Medford. Cigars ami Yltai4t. IRELAND ft ANILE Seaoke Ho dealers in tobacco, cigars vnd ore' supplies. Excluiitve gat Lewis Single Binder, El Merito El Palencia. 212 West Main atr mW gsyPg aW VTW MESSENQKR 8RRVIC gera furnished at &H keen ef and till 9 p. ra. to asy part et i from 10c to 25c. Phone Main II ELLA M. GAUNYAW Paha Stenographic werk dee mefcjjri well